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Euro exchange rate forecast for the first quarter. Forecasts of the dollar and euro for the fall. What can serve as a driver for a new round of decline in the near future

Keep in mind that the exchange rates set by the central bank do not change on weekends! In the table below you can see the dollar and euro exchange rates for today, tomorrow and a week ahead. If you are interested in the future fate of currencies, follow the news and track quotes updates.

dollar exchange rateEuro exchange rateRuble's exchange rate
There will be an official course for
03/17/2020 (we will find out through 1 day 16 hours)
? ? ?
Current official exchange rate as of 03/14/2020
best bank rates
-84 kop.
1 rub. 80 kop.
went up a lot
+ 1.62%
Register and trade on Forex without investments - you will receive the starting capital as a gift!
With successful trading, the money earned can be taken away!
From the moment the last official exchange rate was determined on 03/14/2020 dropped significantly
-74 kop.
dropped a lot
-1 rub. 38 kop.
went up a lot

(oil during this time:
+1.51% )

For the last hour did not change without changes without changes

Current exchange rate on the InstaForex exchange

Forecast of the dollar and euro for a month

Forecast of exchange rates for March
dateDay of the weekWellMax.Min.WellMax.Min.
10.03.2020 Tuesday 71.65 72.72 70.58 83.70 84.96 82.44
11.03.2020 Wednesday 73.14 74.24 72.04 86.19 87.48 84.90
12.03.2020 Thursday 73.13 74.23 72.03 85.87 87.16 84.58
13.03.2020 Friday 72.99 74.08 71.90 85.95 87.24 84.66
16.03.2020 Monday 72.56 73.65 71.47 86.32 87.61 85.03
17.03.2020 Tuesday 72.97 74.06 71.88 86.98 88.28 85.68
18.03.2020 Wednesday 73.93 75.04 72.82 89.15 90.49 87.81
19.03.2020 Thursday 74.13 75.24 73.02 89.41 90.75 88.07
20.03.2020 Friday 74.05 75.16 72.94 89.53 90.87 88.19
23.03.2020 Monday 75.58 76.71 74.45 91.37 92.74 90.00
24.03.2020 Tuesday 75.44 76.57 74.31 91.78 93.16 90.40
25.03.2020 Wednesday 76.18 77.32 75.04 92.50 93.89 91.11
26.03.2020 Thursday 75.83 76.97 74.69 92.21 93.59 90.83
27.03.2020 Friday 75.95 77.09 74.81 91.99 93.37 90.61
30.03.2020 Monday 76.19 77.33 75.05 92.33 93.71 90.95
31.03.2020 Tuesday 76.06 77.20 74.92 92.10 93.48 90.72
Forecast of exchange rates for AprilDollar exchange rate forecast for a week and a monthEuro exchange rate forecast for a week and a month
dateDay of the weekWellMax.Min.WellMax.Min.
01.04.2020 Wednesday 76.57 77.72 75.42 92.45 93.84 91.06
02.04.2020 Thursday 76.41 77.56 75.26 91.85 93.23 90.47
03.04.2020 Friday 75.55 76.68 74.42 90.87 92.23 89.51
06.04.2020 Monday 75.47 76.60 74.34 90.50 91.86 89.14
07.04.2020 Tuesday 76.50 77.65 75.35 91.44 92.81 90.07
08.04.2020 Wednesday 77.01 78.17 75.85 91.87 93.25 90.49
09.04.2020 Thursday 76.91 78.06 75.76 91.38 92.75 90.01
10.04.2020 Friday 76.04 77.18 74.90 90.21 91.56 88.86

What determines the dollar exchange rate, factors affecting exchange rates

If you are interested in buying or selling euros or dollars, the exchange rate is an important indicator for you every day. Today, both currencies are showing significant volatility. This is primarily due to political factors.

What affects the exchange rate of the US dollar and the euro:

  • decisions made by diplomats in the framework of international cooperation. Yesterday, Angela Merkel announced her readiness to reach an agreement with Russia - the euro fell slightly against the ruble. Tomorrow Donald Trump will issue a new package of sanctions - the dollar will skyrocket. Therefore, if you want to play on the currency exchange or earn money by buying/selling currencies, you need to follow the political news;
  • economic situation in the country and in the world. Yes, even economic shifts within Russia affect the position of the ruble, respectively, and the exchange rate of foreign currencies against it;
  • decisions of the Central Bank. It is known that at the beginning of the aggravation of relations with Europe and the United States, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation tried to balance the jumps in exchange rates against the ruble using its own resources. Today, the volatility of the dollar and the euro has slightly decreased, and the containment system of the Russian banking network has played a significant role in this.

Previous Price Forecasts

We all remember the times when the dollar exchange rate did not exceed 35 rubles, and the euro was at the level of 39-45 rubles. Unfortunately or fortunately, these rates have not appeared on the scoreboards in banks and exchange offices for several years. Below is our forecast of exchange rates for a few days before the rapid fall of the ruble. This information is presented just like that, for memory ...

Dear visitors of the site "Currency Rate Forecast for Tomorrow", we draw your attention to the fact that the forecast of the dollar and euro exchange rates is given for informational purposes only and cannot be regarded as a guide to action! We are not responsible for the accuracy of these forecasts, as exchange rates depend on a huge number of factors and even the most experienced trader, broker, financier (yes, in general, anyone) will not be able to predict the exchange rate for tomorrow, a week or a month with 100% accuracy!

Changing the dynamics of currency ratios is an urgent issue that worries not only economists throughout the country, but also ordinary people. In the context of the developing crisis, the ruble exchange rate is not able to demonstrate stability. The indicator on the stock exchanges is constantly jumping, people involved in business and trade are forced to constantly monitor the latest changes online, analyze the chart, and make assumptions.

Permanent uncertainty cannot but affect the mood of society. Worries and constant doubts do not allow you to be confident in the near future and make solid plans. One of the available options is to turn to the opinions of experts who are able at a professional level to give an objective assessment of the situation in the economy and predict the further movement of the exchange rate.

The current situation in the financial market reflects one of the worst scenarios. Half of the year has passed, marking its end with a solid fall in the positions of the domestic currency. The collapse of the ruble did not come as a surprise to analysts, since something similar was expected by the fall of this year. However, events began to develop rapidly, turning into premature significant changes in the stock exchanges. Such a turn does not at all mean the impossibility of making plans for currency fluctuations for the rest of the year. The position of the currency of the Old World in relation to the ruble has similar trends with the position of the American counterpart, but does not demonstrate transparency and obviousness.

The current exchange rate for today varies around 74 rubles per euro. The ratio of the latter to the dollar is 1.11. But parity is not expected. Some fall of the euro (by 1%) was caused by the statement of the head of the European Central Bank about negative expectations regarding economic growth in the EU countries.

What are the influencing factors?

The ruble continues to lose its positions and sets new record levels, the latter cannot in any way cause positive emotions. Factors that affect the currency ratio in Russia are as follows:

  • the cost of gas and oil (at the beginning of the year, the profit from the sale of energy products in the Chinese market was able to somehow bring stability to the economy);
  • investment policy (at the beginning of the year it was supposed to receive benefits from investments in the development of the Crimean region and Asian regions);
  • the Ukrainian crisis (the inability to peacefully resolve the conflict between neighboring countries leads to the impossibility of strengthening the national course);
  • the policy of sanctions (the organization of exports to Asian countries, the reduction of import supplies and the development of our own production in the face of restrictions from the West, experts consider the natural way out);
  • the situation in Europe (events in Greece, the direction of Germany's economic influence).

Perspective analysis.

Expert forecasts, including for the fall, indicate that the eurozone currency will continue to strengthen its position, this will lead to an increase in the indicator from 76 to 88 rubles in October, then to the transition to 90 (in December). This phenomenon is connected not so much with the strengthening of the European currency, but with the weakening of the national one, which will continue in the near future. The following factors contribute to this:

  • the collapse of the Chinese stock exchange;
  • bilateral expansion of sanctions (initiation of measures from both the European and Russian sides);
  • fulfillment of external obligations in the financial sector, announced by the chief economist for the CIS and Russia Oleg Kuzmin, the amount exceeds $ 14 billion (scheduled for September);
  • the impossibility of stabilizing the situation in Ukraine;
  • exemption from Iran's sanctions restrictions (the probable export of oil from this country, which falls in November, is able to bring down the market once again).

The Greek crisis has overcome its climax, therefore, today, tomorrow, and further, the amplitude between the euro and the dollar will remain. This opinion is all the more true, given that in the coming days the United States plans to raise the key rate of the financial reserve. This will greatly strengthen the position of US banks, but will lead to a wave of devaluation against other currencies.

If earlier devaluation proved to be an effective measure to support the national economy, then in the present conditions it has ceased to be relevant. This is directly related to the fact that almost all developed economies are heavily dependent on big business, which includes the real estate market, trade relations and production. All that devaluation leads to today is progressive inflation, an outflow of funds, a decrease in consumer opportunity and a decrease in investment. Economic recession is the most likely future news.

Sberbank experts predict an increase in the foreign exchange rate due to another weakening of the ruble, provoked by a decrease in interest rates, as ordered by the Central Bank. Dmitry Medvedev in the current situation with regard to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation indicated the unacceptability of hasty decisions and the lack of need for them.

The position of the euro in the global ratio.

Analysts of RBC channel experts are inclined to note the prospect of a decrease in the position of the euro against the US currency. This is explained by the fact that investors are trying to avoid making deposits in euros due to the unstable state of the banking system and the general slow development of the economic sectors in Europe. Against this background, the dollar seems to be the most attractive investment option, especially if the project is long-term.

The dependence of Europe on the economies of developing countries also negatively affects the economy of the Old World. The Europeans themselves tend to blame the United States for this, not wanting to bear objective responsibility for what is happening. Prospects for a further weakening of the euro on world stock exchanges and in banks are confirmed by the aggravation of the crisis in the countries that are members of the European Union, as well as the presence of economic conflicts in the central and eastern parts of Europe.

At the same time, not a single expert takes the liberty of making a fresh and accurate forecast, however, the strengthening of the euro against the background of the weakening of the ruble is predicted by the absolute majority. Attempts to create plans and strategies for the next year are considered completely irrational, since the world is experiencing instability in all respects: both in terms of geopolitics and in relation to numerous economic factors that affect currency correlations.

Elena Pazina

Updated: 2019.06.13

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The exchange rate is determined by market factors and depends on the ratio of demand for the currency and its supply. We studied the opinions of experts on the dynamics of the value of the euro, considered the forecast for the euro for 2019, presented by Russian and foreign financial analysts.

Factors that influence the fluctuation of the exchange rate are divided into predictable and unpredictable.

Unpredictable - those events and circumstances that occurred suddenly, and their occurrence was impossible to predict: wars, disasters, the imposition of sanctions.

Predictable ones are those whose behavior can be planned or taken into account in the forecast: oil and gasoline prices, the economic situation in the country. For example, the higher the price of oil, the stronger the position of the Russian ruble is strengthened, and its exchange rate is growing.

The ratio of the EUR/RUB currency pair also depends on the dollar exchange rate. When the dollar rises, the euro rises, and when it falls, it falls.

Due to the sanctions uncertainty and external political instability, experts predict fluctuations in the positions of the ruble against the euro. The increase will alternate with the decrease. And it is difficult to give an accurate forecast of how much the euro will cost by the end of the year.

Euro exchange rate dynamics

Euro rates for 2010-2019 are shown in the chart.

Let's take a closer look at how the euro exchange rate changed over the last year and three months of 2019.

dateEuro exchange rate against the Russian ruble
01.01.2018 68,8668
01.02.2018 69,9322
01.03.2018 68,9062
01.04.2018 70,5618
01.05.2018 75,2056
01.06.2018 72,5806
01.07.2018 72,9921
01.08.2018 73,0738
01.09.2018 79,4966
01.10.2018 76,2294
01.11.2018 74,4189
01.12.2018 75,7484
01.01.2019 79,4605
01.02.2019 75,2006
01.03.2019 74,9691

In 2018, the exchange rate fluctuated. In general, as of 01/01/2019, there was an increase in the exchange rate compared to the data as of 01/01/2018. However, during the year the exchange rate was unstable. Growth turned into decline. In September, the highest rate was observed - 79.4966, and then its fall began again.

Opinion of financial analysts

Financial analysts express different points of view as to what lies ahead for the euro. However, all experts agree that the euro will rise in price by the end of 2019.

Euro exchange rate forecast from the Central Bank

Financial specialists of the Central Bank predict the instability of the EUR/RUB pair. This is due to the instability in the global political situation. If relations between Russia and the European Union worsen, the price of the euro may exceed 90 rubles.

In part, we are seeing this in the first quarter of 2019. The ruble then strengthens in the auction, then falls. The depreciation of the ruble and the appreciation of the euro at the end of the 1st quarter of 2019 are associated with the end of the tax period, as well as with an increase in the unstable external background.

Opinion of the Ministry of Economic Development

The opinion of the experts of the Ministry of Economic Development is somewhat different from the opinion of the Central Bank. When considering whether the euro will rise in price, the ministry also predicts an appreciation of the currency, but more gradual. This will be facilitated by improved relations between the US and Russia and a relatively stable situation in Europe.

Monthly euro exchange rate forecast from Sberbank experts

Sberbank specialists provide a monthly exchange rate forecast.

Here is the latest forecast.

According to Sberbank experts, the euro exchange rate will fluctuate during 2019. In the summer, an increase in the exchange rate is predicted, in August-September - its slight fall, and by the end of the year - an increase again. However, sharp jumps are not expected. At the end of the year, the projected euro exchange rate will slightly exceed 73 rubles per 1 euro.

Forecasts of foreign experts

To the question whether the euro will rise, foreign experts answer unequivocally: the euro will grow. However, a sharper jump in the exchange rate is predicted by the end of the year.

Foreign experts from Walletinvestor made their forecast using a technical analysis of currency pairs in Forex.

MonthRate at the beginning of the monthRate at the end of the monthMinimum possible courseMaximum possible exchange rateThe change
May 201972,8059 72,6006 72,2725 72,8059 -0.28%▼
June 201972,6607 73,4619 72,6607 73,5369 1.09% ▲
July 201973,4897 74,5695 73,4777 74,5695 1.45% ▲
August 201974,6224 76,305 74,6224 76,3108 2.21% ▲
September 201976,2926 76,1886 76,1886 76,4712 -0.14%▼
October 201976,1687 75,9504 75,5052 76,1687 -0.29%▼
November 201975,9935 76,9702 75,9935 76,9702 1.27% ▲
December 201977,0502 78,5606 77,0502 78,5641 1.92% ▲

In order not to lose savings and not fall into a debt hole, experts advise:

  • do not issue a foreign currency mortgage. Although the rates on these loans are lower than on loans in rubles, the projected growth in the exchange rate may significantly affect the family budget;
  • it is better to invest money in precious metals or real estate;
  • if you keep funds in foreign currency, then form a currency basket: keep funds in several types of foreign currencies.

Exchange rate stabilization measures

The government, together with the Central Bank, is developing a set of measures to regulate the exchange rate of the national currency.

The main goal of the Bank of Russia is the development and implementation of a set of measures to ensure the stability of the ruble.

Measures that are used to strengthen the course:

  • maintaining price stability in the country and reducing inflation;
  • an increase in gold and foreign exchange reserves through the use of excess profits from the sale of oil;
  • import substitution of goods and services;
  • planning the state budget and reducing its expenditure side;
  • experts also advise not to buy currency on weekends and holidays. This is due to the fact that, in anticipation of new trades, banks increase rates in order to reduce risks in the event of sharp currency fluctuations.

Thus, it is quite difficult to predict the behavior of the EUR/RUB currency pair. It is necessary to take into account both known factors and the likelihood of unexpected components. The opinions of experts on the behavior of the euro exchange rate differ, but for the most part they agree that its exchange rate will increase by the end of 2019.

Today I decided to tell you the latest euro forecast for 2017. Currently, the economy of the Russian Federation is going through hard times, the financial situation of the state is very unstable.

The country's solvency largely depends on market conditions, or rather on the price of black gold. And as we all know, the price of oil has been at a low point lately. It is for this reason that the Russian economy is not in the most advantageous position. European sanctions also had a negative impact on the state's economy.

The economic state of the state can improve only if the internal / external situation normalizes, the price of oil rises, which will accordingly lead to an appreciation of the Russian ruble. And if the sanctions are lifted, then it will still significantly improve the economy of the state.

Over the past two years, there has been a sharp depreciation of the ruble, which, in turn, has caused unrest among domestic citizens. Today, almost all domestic citizens are interested in the exchange rate, including the euro exchange rate forecast for 2017.

Euro exchange rate forecast for 2017 from the Central Bank

The leadership of the Central Bank said that in the near future we can expect a slight depreciation of the national currency, respectively, the euro will grow against the ruble. But after Brexit, a steadily downward trend was born on the euro/dollar pair, that is, the euro has been depreciating against the dollar for half a year.


Let me remind you that many experts predicted the depreciation of the euro, regardless of the decision of the referendum, which actually happened.

The euro exchange rate forecast for 2017 suggests that euro quotes will fall in the future. So, next year the euro/dollar pair will be dominated by a downtrend.

So, the euro will become cheaper in the future, but in order to determine the future ratio of the euro to the ruble, it is worth knowing what will happen to the ruble in 2017. Unfortunately, a sharp improvement in the situation is not expected in the Russian Federation in the near future. Many analysts suggest that next year the national currency will continue its downward trend.

What is the best way to store currency in 2017

Due to the fact that next year the domestic currency is getting a little cheaper, many citizens of the Russian Federation are wondering where to keep their savings in 2017. If you cannot choose what is better to buy: dollars or euros, then experienced financiers advise buying dollars.

I want to note that the quotes of the euro against the ruble are influenced by the quotes of the euro/dollar pair. Bank Credit Suisse, which is located in Switzerland, assures that in 2017 the value of the dollar and the euro will equalize. Even if they are not quoted 1:1, the price of the dollar will significantly approach the value of the euro.

The opinion of the employees of the Morgan Stanley organization is somewhat different from the one presented above, they suggest that in 2017 the value of the EU currency will be 90 rubles. You should not blindly trust their forecasts, as they often make mistakes and change their forecasts.

Employees of the Ministry of Economic Development assure that the increase in oil prices can lead to the stabilization of the Russian economy. And if oil stays at $40, then the government will have to cut budget spending.

Some experts suggest that the government will not be able to cut spending, which will soon lead to a sharp collapse of the ruble. China is actively trading with Russia. If in the future the PRC does not improve its position, then this will contribute to a further reduction in the cost of black gold, which will accordingly lead to a depreciation of the ruble.

In order to improve the situation in the Reserve Fund, you can take the following measures:

  1. Reduce costs.
  2. Use funds from the Welfare Fund.
  3. Activate issuance financing.

Experienced specialists consider the use of the second paragraph inappropriate, as this will increase the debt. The best option is to reduce costs. So the leadership of the Russian Federation plans to cut costs by 3 trillion rubles in 2017. It is not yet clear what measures will be taken to achieve this.

The most accurate forecast of the euro exchange rate for 2017

You can see the euro forecast for 2017 in Russia below.

January 2017

At the beginning of the new year, the euro will cost 73.4. The maximum value of the exchange rate in January 2017 is 73.4, and the minimum is 70.5. The average value for the month is 72.2.

February 2017

In the first days of February, the value of the European currency will be 71.6. The maximum value of the exchange rate in February 2017 will be 74.4, and the minimum 71.5. The average for the entire month is 72.74.

At the beginning of March 2017, the price of the European currency will be 73.3. The maximum exchange rate will be 73.3 and the minimum 70.4. The average value in the month of March is 72.1.

April 2017

At the beginning of April 2017, the euro will cost 71.5. The rate limit will be 71.6 and the minimum 69.5. The average value will be in the region of 70.6.

At the beginning of May 2017, the euro will cost 70.6. The maximum price will be 70.7 and the minimum price will be 68.6. The average price of the EU currency will be 69.9.

In June 2017, the euro will cost 69.6. The maximum price in June 2017 will be 69.6, and the minimum will be 66.9. The average value of quotations in June is 68.5.

In July, the European currency will cost 67.9. The maximum exchange rate in July 2017 will be 68.99, and the minimum 66.95. The average value of the quotes of the European currency will be located in the region of 67.97.

August 2017

In August, the European currency will cost 67.97. The maximum rate in August 2017 will be 70.7, and the minimum 67.9. The average value of the price will be around 69.05.

September 2017

This month the European currency will cost 69.7. The maximum rate in September 2017 will be 72.5, and the minimum 69.7. The average cost in September will be 70.8.

October 2017

This month the price is 71.4 euros. The limit quotes will be 72.08, and the minimum 69.95. The average cost in October will be 71.5.

November 2017

At the beginning of November 2017, the euro will cost 71. The maximum exchange rate in November 2017 will be 71, and the minimum 67.2. The average cost in November will be 68.9.

December 2017

At the beginning of December 2017, the euro will cost 69.3. Limit quotes will be around 71.7, and minimum 69.3. The average value of the cost in the month of December will be 70.2.

The parity of the euro and the dollar is real and can be achieved in the next six months.

The ECB trade-weighted euro index fell to its lowest levels since March this year, mainly due to the depreciation of the single currency against the dollar by 4% after the US elections. Investors tuned in to the fiscal support and economic stimulus promised by Trump and bought the dollar across the spectrum of the market. But now Europe can also contribute to the weakening of the euro, while some analysts believe that the euro / dollar can reach in the near future.

How big are the European political and financial risks for the euro exchange rate? Is the euro-dollar parity forecast realistic in the near future, or will it remain only on paper? Alexander Kuptsikevich, an analyst at FxPro, commented on a question from Phototrader magazine.

Parity is quite possible

- The parity of the euro and the dollar is real and can be achieved in the next six months. However, talk about parity is not new, back in 2015 the EURUSD pair was twice at the same levels as now, but bounced to the area above 1.14.

The rebound in the pair was helped by the revision by the Federal Reserve of its initially very hawkish plans for four rate hikes in 2016. These expectations were even stronger than the expansion and extension of the ECB's QE program, without causing a weakening of the single currency. On the contrary, it was a turbulent time for the world economy, and markets used the euro as a safe-haven currency, buying bonds from the region's strong economies. A similar movement was in the USDJPY pair, so the euro in this case should not be considered as some kind of special safe haven.

Euro parity against the dollar will follow immediately after 1.05

But now the probability of further decline under 1.05 has noticeably increased., after which the next significant goal will be parity due to several factors.

First, the markets clearly felt powerful resistance, observed in the pair on the way to 1.15. The collapse of EURUSD during the 2014/15 dollar rally went from levels at 1.3950 and fizzled out just below 1.0500 simply because there was no one to sell euros for dollars. It took a period for the consolidation and rooting of the idea of ​​the couple's transition to another psychological stage from "clearly more expensive" to "slightly more expensive" than the dollar.

Euro fluctuations all this time of correction fit in quite well with a correction near 76.4% of the initial movement and strong (but temporary support) at 100% of the first impulse. Further Fibonacci follow suggests the possibility of a collapse of the pair to 0.83. This is a very distant goal, and only seems achievable in the face of very serious suffering in the euro area compared to the prosperity of the United States.

What can serve as a driver for a new round of decline in the near future?

First of all, of course, the change in political moods in Europe. Technocrats are losing ground to populists from country to country. And the latter are now inclined to blame free trade and common institutions for the lack of prosperity in their countries.

Single currency plunging below parity could be a long-term great buying moment for euros against dollars

Next year there will be elections in France, Germany, probably in Italy. These are the largest countries in the eurozone, and the example of Britain has been inspiring for the centrifugal forces in these countries. The fears of changing the political agenda alone will be enough to provoke losses of 7-12% in the single currency.

The most obvious and predictable driver of the euro's decline is monetary policy divergence. The ECB is still stepping on the monetary easing pedal. The eurozone economy showed resilience to external shocks in 2016, but is very far from the indicators that would force the ECB to scale back stimulus.

Inflation has taken the path of growth, but it is unlikely that even in 2017 it will reach its goal. At the same time, unemployment remains high at 9.6%, while retail sales are growing almost imperceptibly. One of the few points of growth in the region is foreign trade. The balance sheet surplus has risen markedly in recent years thanks to the weakening of the euro. Of the developed countries, only the eurozone manages to use the weakness of the currency to their advantage, and Britain and the United States have not been able to fundamentally turn the deficit into a surplus - they simply no longer had production capacity. So the weakness of the euro is good for economic activity in the region, although it does not cause a noticeable surge in inflation. This allows the ECB to take advantage of these "side effects" of loose monetary policy.

Conclusions in favor of the fall of the euro

My arguments in favor of lowering the euro are unequivocal - the single currency will remain under pressure in the near future. Now I will say a few words about a more distant future.

The eurozone is still on the path of growth (unemployment is falling, inflation is rising), so already in 2017, the ECB, in my opinion, will announce the end of QE, and when inflation reaches 2%, there will be talk of an increase. This could happen by early 2018.

The single currency also receives demand due to the growth of the economies of the EU countries and the growing foreign trade surplus. Do not forget also that the ECB has historically pursued a tighter monetary policy than the Fed, due to the genetic fear of inflation by the “German bloc”. So I think a single currency dip below parity could be a long-term great buying moment for euros against dollars. True, political risks may cause EURUSD to plunge straight to 0.83, as they did not spare the British pound earlier in 2016. However, the euro will be higher in three years, probably even in seven years than it is now.