GAZ-53 GAZ-3307 GAZ-66

Passage of the game Thief (2014). Guide and walkthrough for "Thief: the Dark Project" Infiltrating the House of Flowers

Prologue: Fall

We start the game as a master thief - Garret in a house with a sleeping owner. Having cleaned the fool, we get out through the window. We jump along the beam to another building, open the window with a faithful crowbar and penetrate into the attic. Having found the safe, we proceed to cracking, after a short torment we get the necklace and hear the noise on the roof - you need to check! After getting out, we go to the right and turn around the corner. We find a beam above ourselves, shoot it with an arrow with a rope and climb onto the roof. We find our accomplice - Erin. She offers to race to the goal and despite our efforts wins. Having reached the place of the theft, we sneak after Erin, then we watch how she climbs the wall with the help of a claw, while we ourselves sneak along the walls in the shade. We are in the courtyard. We continue to follow Erin, climb the stairs and watch the cut-scene, after a small skirmish we open the lock. Keeping the shadow, we climb the gate and go up to the roof, we see how Erin kills the second guard and steal her claw. Let's watch the video.

Chapter 1: Blockade

A year has passed since the last events. Having got out of the cart, we hide from the guards in the alley. We pass forward, turn right and climb up, in the distance we see the clock tower where Garrett lives. We go down, cross the street while the guards do not pay attention to us, and climb up with the help of a claw. We open the lock and pass into the courtyard in Stonemarket. We note the shop in the precious mask in the window, climbing into the shop and stealing it, disappointment is a fake! We leave for the basement, having dealt with the owner of the shop (or without touching him), we examine the picture and find a safe, code - 739, inside a real mask. We leave the shop through the door nearby. We continue on our way to clock tower. Having climbed into the tower, we watch a cut-scene. After leaving our lair, we go to Basso in " Lame Burrick". We receive a tip on the ring from the recently deceased Cornelius Graves. Leaving an old friend, we go to the cemetery, where we meet the queen of the beggars. After talking with her, we go for the ring.

Chapter 2: Ashes to Ashes

The main entrance to the plant is closed and heavily guarded. We get down into the drain and go along it carefully looking to the left. We find a short path, but to go through it you need a wrench (you can buy it from a merchant). Having opened several gratings, we get to the alley and on the left we see the door. Having opened the lock, we turn wrong, climb over the fence and now we are in the courtyard. We find ventilation on the outside of the building and use it to penetrate inside. Once in the production shop, we pay attention to the line of hooks with corpses, we find a free hook and cling to it. Once in the next room, watch a short video. Now we know where the ring we need is hidden. After taking the ring from the safe, we watch the cut-scene and start escaping from the factory. After opening the lock and getting out, we move along the right side, climb onto the roofs. Jumping onto the next roof, we fall into the house. Having hidden, we wait until the guards leave, climb onto the roofs and start running along them until the chapter ends. At the end of the mission at the factory, we go to the merchant and buy wire cutters and a razor from him (cutters - to neutralize traps, a razor - to cut pictures). Returning to Basso, we get acquainted with the customer of the ring - Orion. We receive an order to find a book in " house of flowers". However, before we get there, we go to Erin's hideout to find out where the "House" is located. Once in riverside we move to the watermill. In the courtyard we cross the boxes, go down and activate the secret switch. We rise upward, we press the button on the wall - we turn off the traps. We climb the stairs, simultaneously pressing another button. We go down into the hatch, press the third button and jump into the secret room. We catch up with Erin twice. Returning to existence, we press the last button on the portrait and take the medallion from the cache. Let's go to " house of flowers»

Chapter 3: Dirty Secrets

We see how the guards lead the person to the entrance to the " House We follow him on our way. At the entrance to House”, we see how the peasant receives a turn from the gate, along the way we notice a nook to the right of the gate into which you can climb. Having penetrated inside, we pull the levers and go inside " Houses". We quickly run through the room of the hall and, having guessed the moment, we climb the stairs, bypassing the guard. Then we move sedately so as not to frighten away the bird. We move to the office of Xiao-Xiao. Once inside, we carefully examine the picture and open the way to a secret passage. After going down the stairs, turn right, going a little further we find a recess for the medallion from Erin's room. Now we need to look for symbols similar to those depicted on the wall. Having peeped at the courtesans with their clients in three rooms, we find the three missing symbols, return to the podium, set the illuminated symbols on the medallion and insert it. We start moving through the abandoned catacombs. Having overcome the puzzle with several tower bridges, we go to the last tower and pick up the book. We start the way back, trying to avoid the guards, as soon as we leave the "House" we complete the chapter.

Chapter 4: A Friend in Need

Returning to Basso, we do not find the latter and learn from Orion that he was arrested. We hurry to the rescue of a friend, but first you need to get a drawing of the tower where he was put. We go to the town planner's house. Having penetrated inside, we bypass the guards and find ourselves in the urban planner's office, where we find the latter hanged, solving a simple riddle with the tower, we take away the drawings of the tower premises. We go to the rescue of Basso. At the same time as us, some rebels are going to storm the tower, taking advantage of the confusion and smoke, we get to the prison, from where we pull out Basso. Along the way, we learn about the huge safe of the thief hunter. It must be opened! When we get to the safe, enter the first combination 319, watch the cut-scene, avoiding the guards, enter the second part of the combination 018. Climb inside now and take the piece ... Kamenya Primali.

Chapter 5: Outcasts

To start the task, we go to the pier and board the boat to the psychiatric hospital, " Moira's shelter located on the island. Arriving at the place along the path we get to the building of the hospital. We get over the fence to the right of the gate. Once in the building, we rise to the second floor, go into the men's department, find the valve and turn it all the way. Returning to the hall we find the opened grate. Having passed into it, we examine the rooms and in one of them we find the key to the women's department. We are looking for a locked door and find a hole next to it, making our way through it to the other side we get into the treatment room. There is an elevator in the treatment room, but it does not work, in order to start it, it is necessary to bring the generator back to life, for this we pass into the farthest room, where we find the power source. Having launched it, we find that the doors of the wards opened and the patients ran out from there, holding on to the shadows, we pass them and go down the elevator. At the lower levels of the hospital we find strange creatures that we diligently avoid. Having overcome the room filled with them, we find ourselves in another strange zone, where, however, there is no one but us and statues of monsters. After a little wandering and collecting roses, we find Erin, where the chapter ends.

Chapter 6: Loner

In this chapter, we will penetrate the Northcrest mansion. There are three ways to the mansion - through the garden, through the attic and through the basement. We'll go through the attic. To do this, we stick to the left side until we reach a dead end. Having knocked down the rope on which the box hangs, we climb onto it, then we shoot with a rope arrow at the beam, climb the rope and penetrate into the attic through the window. Next, we need to get into a secret passage in the walls, there are paths to it on all floors and it will not be difficult to find it, climbing inside we find an elevator, activate it and go down to the laboratory. Once inside we see a piece Kamenya Primali inside some device, with the help of two levers, we adjust the speed of fusion of the metal ring and its position, set the ring itself at the level of cracks, repeating this operation three times, pick up the stone and watch the video. Now we have to run away through the burning part of the city. We run forward, turn right at the dead end and get out to the pier. Having moved to the opposite side, we pass the burning debris, break the fastening with a baton, return to the other side and go along the boat to a free path. We rise to the roof and immediately after we jump into the burning building, in which we try not to linger. Having got out of the building, we climb the roof again, get to the guard post, jump off, bypass the burning debris, make our way along the roof of the next building, move along the fallen support, jump up and run along the beam. We run into the house and through its window we finally get out of the fiery Hell.

Chapter 7: Secret City

It's time to pick up the third shard Kamenya Primali at Orion. Having penetrated into the territory of the enemy, we wait for the end of the dialogue between the guards and, having guessed the moment, we climb into the building, from where, having launched a rope arrow into the beam, we climb up, reach the opening above the gate and get into the vestibule. We beat the bell while the guards are distracted, get out and move to the right. We find a small elevator on which we will need to go down. Having traced the routes of the guards, we activate the levers when no one sees us and climb into the elevator. However, you can't go far. The elevator stops. We get out of it and go down. We find a cave along which we move until we get out. Now we have to climb and go into another cave, bypassing the eyes of the guards. Once inside, at the crossroads we turn left and bypassing the guard we get into the catacombs. We see monsters walking along the bridge, we need to get behind the bars, near which one of them wanders. After passing the grate, turn the valve and deactivate the trap on the floor. We find ourselves in the lair of the Lightforged. Now we need to get to Orion. Having passed to the other end of the opened location, we climb the wall and penetrate the rotunda, where we see the ritual in action. At the same time, Erin notices us and the world around us freezes. Taking advantage of this, we take away the fragments of the Primal stone and, having connected them, we select the necklace from the hands of Orion, it will not work to get even with the scoundrel himself, the world will suddenly come to life. The fight starts with Catcher of Thieves. Against Catcher there are two options: kill him, or ignore and twist all the valves and pick the lock on the exit door. End of chapter.

Chapter 8: Morning Light

We make our way through the location as inconspicuously as possible, trying not to collect a big tail behind us, our ultimate goal is to get to Orion in the bow of the ship and take the book from him. We diligently bypass all the monsters. Having reached the strange structure, we go down and move through the hole in the wall. Having turned onto the pipes on the left, we move straight, after which we descend from the pipes and pass two guards. We go in the door, carefully watching the guard nearby. After that, we turn sharply to the right, while a couple of guards are distracted by conversation and climb over the box. Having bypassed the guard on the right hand, we notice a beam into which we launch a rope arrow and penetrate the ship. We get out of the beams from the superstructure and jump down. Bypassing enemy patrols, we get out into the fresh air and launch another rope arrow into action. If the supply of these arrows is depleted, you will have to go past the guards. After a short torment with the castle, we make our way into the bow of the ship and watch the video. We pursue Erin bypassing the monsters. As soon as we touch it, we return back and begin to collect fragments of the Primal stone, hiding from Erin herself and her counterparts. Having collected all the stone together, we approach Erin and watch the final video

Overview Thief 2014 you can read on our website.

“Every new city is built on the bones of the old one.

If these stones could talk, what would they say?

Prologue. The fall

We choose the level of difficulty on which we will play: rogue, thief, master, special. We begin the passage of the game Thief in the apartment. A drunken man is sleeping on the bed, we extinguish the lamp, we are looking for valuable items in the apartment: cups, spoons, pocket watches that shine in the dark. We also inspect cabinets and drawers. After everything is done, we climb out the window and go along the board to the next house, open the closed window with a screwdriver.

We get to the attic of the house. Birds are sitting in the cages, we carefully move between the cages so that the birds do not get scared and make a fuss. We approach the picture and look for a hidden switch on it. During the search, there will be a small circle in the middle of the screen, as soon as it lights up, it will mean that you have found the switch - press it.

Behind the picture there will be a closed safe, we work with master keys to open it. There will be three circles in the middle, move the mouse until the first circle is highlighted. We do it with everyone. We open the safe inside we find a brilliant necklace. We go outside through the window. The box will contain a rope arrow. We pull it and shoot at the anchor beam, which is above us, we climb up the rope.

Follow Erin. Reach your destination

On the roof we meet a girl named Erin, after talking with her, get ready for mating games - run after her on the roofs of houses, jumping over obstacles. In the alley, together with the girl, we carefully make our way, as soon as she climbs up and leaves us, we go around the talking guards on the right side to the stairs. Let's go over it. Elin will jump with a claw through the window, but we walk along the boards and break the winch so that the stairs come down to us.

We climb the stairs, and get to the window into the house, we penetrate into it. Inside the house we open the door, opening the keyhole, we get into the room, we search it. We get out of the window, we reach the next closed window, we raise it, we get inside. We are at our destination.

Walk through the gardens

We move carefully behind Erin, holding on to the shadow and making sure that the stone of light remains dark. We approach the guard who is standing in the passage with his back to us, we are waiting for him to be called and he will leave. We jump over the railing, water will flow in front of us, on the “shift” we pass along it so that the guard on the bridge does not hear us. To the right of this guard in the ledge there will be water arrows, we pick them up and shoot at the torch hanging opposite the guard to create darkness. Along the wall, where the torch was extinguished on the "shift", we pass the water.

We get to Elin, who is eavesdropping on two guards, we wait for her to kill one of them, after which we wait for the second to stand with her back to us, we get close to him and stun him. we drag the body behind the bench to Elin. Then we break open the door next

Meet Erin on the roof

There are bottles on the boxes in front of us, a little further the guard is facing us. We take a bottle and throw it behind his back so that he turns away from us, after which we go around him on the right side, and climb onto the box, and then onto the gate, we pass along the top of the gate. We get to the hanging rope, cling to it and climb higher. We meet with our companion on the roof, and steal her claw.

Chapter 1

The clock tower in Thief will be our thieves' hideout

Go to the clock tower

We move where the direction indicates, our landmark, using Elin's claw. We climb up the stairs and then with a claw even higher, they will show us a tower in the distance. We pass along the beam above the street along which the guards walk. There's a curfew in the city, so you can't see them. After we pass on the right, we jump onto the boards, go along them all the way and jump onto the boxes. We find ourselves in an alley, you can rob a man who is standing over a corpse and stun. To the right of it there is a ladder we cling to with a claw to reach for it.

We rise along the stairs, after which we jump down, break open the lattice door on the left. We go inside, move the beam, we get into the yard of the masons.

Pass the locked gate

We carefully jump down until the guards see us. They walk in a circle, in the center of the courtyard, there is a cart, we get to it, and then immediately to a dead end opposite, we wait again when the guards pass, we approach the jewelry store to the left of the alley, we open the door.

There is a guard inside, we quickly and imperceptibly approach him and stun or hide, do not forget to close the door behind us so that the guards on the street do not hear anything. In the same room, to the right of the door into which we entered under the curtains, we open the box, it contains an inlaid mask. We go up to the second floor, there the guard should sleep on a chair, there is an open window right along the corridor through which you can leave the jewelry store, be careful, the jeweler's wife can walk from room to room. If you search the jeweler's house, then behind the painting you can find closed safe code 7-3-9, the picture is in the basement (), where the jeweler himself works.

Move on to the Clock Tower

Once in a small place, the only window is raised to open it and go through the house further. We go outside again, into a small alley. To the right of us, two guards near the gate will be talking, we jump to the left with a jerk. A guard wanders there, in a bright place in the corner you can hide in a closet and wait for him to pass us. Two more guards will stand next and laugh, we are waiting for the woman to shout at them from the window above and they will go further. We follow them, to the pipe, for which you can catch a claw. We cling and along the boards we reach the Clock Tower.

Meet Basso at the Burrique

We examine our shelter in the clock tower, after which we go to the city market for a mission. Down in the square people are talking, We go around them and get to the tavern “Lame Burrik. We listen to Basso's lamentations, and then we take the task from him to steal the ring.

Meet the beggar queen

We go first to the merchant of black goods standing in the alley, we look at his goods, which suits us, we buy. Then we go to another area of ​​Morningside to the old chapel. Listen to the story of the queen, get the opportunity, improve skills

Chapter 2

Infiltrate the factory

There are two guards in front of the gate to the factory, we go down on a rope, there will be a lattice gate on the right side of the gate, we get to them and break the lock, we go further to the factory wall, climb the pipes to the ventilation in the wall, penetrate inside the building. We crawl through the ventilation, to the guard swarming near the dummy. We jump on it from above and cut it down.

Walk the path of the dead

We go down the stairs we see that the dead are hung by hooks. One guard walks on top and two more below, we sneak up on the fact that one walks and stuns him. We pass further and cling to the hook.

Having hooked on the hook, we go watching the corpse in front of us. We jump down as soon as we see the guard standing on the left before he notices us. We pass under it, broken glass will lie on the floor. We open the door lock, go into another room and search it.

If you have a wrench, then unscrew the screw at the grate in the same room, crawl to the next grate and go further under the corpses and guards. If not, then go through the door and break through the guards. By the way, if you follow the two guards in the hallway with mannequins, they will reach the closed door and talk about how to crack it. To the left of it there will be a hole in the wall through which we can climb into the cache, with a sitting robot at the table and a safe. Code 3-1-4.

We should see this robot in the room with the safe.

In another room, a guard will sleep on a chair. In the box opposite him will be the key to the engine room. We open the box and use the key to open the locked door.

Steal the ring from the general

We go upstairs, the guards are standing by the stove, and in the center are tables with corpses. The oven constantly opens and closes, giving light at intervals. We hide behind the tables with corpses, wait for the stove to close and it becomes dark, at this time we jerk ourselves to the tables with corpses. The door to the general's office is closed and we need to find another way. To the right of the guards standing near the furnace there is a blue grate with which you can climb up and climb into the ventilation.

We get to the general's safe, we need to open it to get the ring. The usual puzzle, we select the figures that we can scroll, and twist them so that they coincide with each other.

This is how the assembled picture looks in the general's safe

Run from the factory

As soon as we take the Cornelius ring, they will notice us, we empty the safe to the end, and open the lock on the door. We go out into the courtyard in which there are two guards, quickly extinguish the torch to our right with water arrows and jump over the railing. If not, we wait for the arrows when they separate and one of them goes straight for us, we break it in, and then the second if it also notices us. We go around the rest of the guards, and climb through the hole in the gate. we find ourselves in a dark room with some carts. We climb through the pipes to the window.

We are in the outer courtyard of the factory, walking further along the roof, it collapses under us and we fall down. We hide in the closet, from the checking guard. We are waiting for him to come out, climb out the window, then jerkily move from cover to cover, hiding from the guards. We go into the house to the left of the closed gate, go up to the second floor, and then go to the roof to the main gate. This completes the chapter.

Go to Black Lane

We get to the new location Black Lane, Basso is already waiting for us there, and takes us to our customer, who gave the order to steal the Cornelius ring. We receive from him a new task to steal a rare book in the House of Flowers.

Go to Erin's hideout

We go to the blockage of boxes and pass between them to another location. We see how many guards are standing around, you can dodge trying to get through them, or you can just stupidly run forward, to the gate and get into the southern quarter of the city.

Further, everything according to the classics of the genre, hiding from the guards and trying to move along the roofs, we reach the entrance to Erin's mill. The entrance can be found by jumping into the water. We find a small closed opening in the wall, next to the wall there is a protruding stone, click on it and the entrance to Erin's shelter will open.

Search Erin's hideout

We turn on the concentration and look where the girl set her traps. We do not step on the red squares, we press the switches to turn off the trap. Having climbed the stairs and eliminated all obstacles, we press another switch, a passage will open in the floor, we jump down.

We catch glitches, we find ourselves in a closed room. The woman asks us to find the key ourselves, and she will tell you when we are close. We examine the room, when we find what we need, she will say "Follow me, to the truth." We go further to her silhouette, she will say "You are close." We approach the drawings, interact with them.

After that, the glitches will pass, we approach Garrett's drawing and click on the eye, a secret department will open nearby, take Erin's medallion and leave the shelter through the window.

Find the House of Flowers

We are heading to the house of flowers where the arrow points or we are guided by the map. In front of the entrance there will be a raised wooden bridge, to lower it on the right we press the lever. We go to the entrance to another location of the city

Chapter 3

Find the entrance to the brothel

To the right of us, two guards are rubbing, we throw the bottle to the side. to divert their attention, while we ourselves slip further down the corridor. We reach two people. The guard is digging with the lock and cannot open it. We are waiting for him to open the door and they will go further, follow them, or if there is a wrench, we find a sewer grate nearby and move along it. We jump through a few more guards who will meet along the way.

Infiltrate the House of Flowers

When we get to the main entrance of the house of flowers, we will see two guards. We need to bypass them. On the right side of the entrance we cling with a claw and climb up, go along the corridor to the iron gate. Pull the lever to raise them. We pass further pull another lever to open the door inside.

Search the brothel

We are inside the brothel, we search the premises for precious things. Behind one, behind the curtains, is a room in which a girl boils opium in a tank. If you already have wire cutters, then we pass to the closed door to some kind of utility room. Inside it is a hole in the floor, we jump down and crawl to the tank, use the wire cutters, and turn the flaps. Everyone in the house is asleep.

If you don't have cutters with you. We need to go up to the second floor, if we look out from behind the curtains in one of the rooms, we will see how a guard is standing with his back against the wall, on his right shoulder is the ladder we need. We go around it around to the right behind the wall, having time to extinguish the candles. The guard at some point will go hiding in the shadows. As soon as he passes, we go up the stairs. There is another guard there. We are waiting for him to turn his back on us, then we stun him or slip past.

We go into the room with the bust on the table. From it we open the door to the chambers of Xiao-Xiao. There will be a diary on the table. Looking at the chambers the code from the Xiao-Xiao safe is 5-7-3.()

Find and activate the mysterious catwalk

We search the picture on the wall, and find a secret passage in the house. We go along the secret corridor peeping at the clients through the cracks in the walls. We find a protruding stick into which you need to insert a medallion. But before that, you need to find 4 characters. Turn on concentration. One symbol will be visible on the scratched wall in the corridor itself, the rest you will find on the walls, spying on customers.

After you find all the symbols, we take the medallion, the symbols that we found will be highlighted on it, arrange them vertically and insert them into the podium. Opposite the door will open

We make up symbols in Erin's medallion to insert it into the podium

Explore ancient ruins

We make our way through the rubble, along the way we will meet ancient traps, use concentration to find switches. We go down lower and lower into the old ruins. When we pass a mill powered by water, we will get into an abandoned library.

Find a book in an abandoned library.

We search the library, if you look at one of the shelves with books, you can find a secret passage to the room, we will see a sign of a little man on the wall, for this we will get a skill point. We search another rack with books, we find a passage further.

Enter the central tower

We reach the valves that turn the stairs, then a small puzzle begins, how to put the stairs correctly in order to go further.

    • We scroll the first valve, putting the ladder in position, a Roman numeral will be visible under the feet I We go down it to the next valve. Forget about this ladder in general.
    • Climbing up III stairs without touching the valve and without turning it.
    • Jump down to II stairs, scroll it away from us. We go back to III stairs.
    • We scroll it towards us, climb it to the tower and jump down to II
    • We climb up and jump through the opening into the tower.
Take the book of rituals

Inside the tower, we set up the symbols on the medallion, and insert it into the podium. The book will open, take it.

Escape from the ancient ruins

We climb the rope, above us, we pass along the boards to the next tower, we cling to another rope and go down along it. We run straight, and then we rise a little higher to the left to go to the boards above the two guards. We make our way along the boards directly above them. Then we move along the target designator along the spiral staircase around the tower, hiding from the guards.

We get to the guard standing with a torch in the center of the columns. We go around him, climb onto the boxes behind him and jump clinging to the ropes above him. We pull up. Next, we go along the planks, run up and jump onto the ledges, on the wall. We move along these ledges, crawl out under the bed, in the room in which the general is having fun.

Go to Lame Burrick «

After we find the wounded carrier pigeon, we go to the tavern to Basso. We learn from Odin that our friend was taken by the Baron's people. He offers to find a certain Jacob who can help rescue Basso. Let's go to Greystone.

Chapter 4

Find Jacob in Greystone

Break into the house

We get to the city house of engineer Eastwick. We jump down. guards walk everywhere, there are gaps between houses on both sides, but there are dogs in cages, so we try to walk quietly. so the dogs don't notice us and make a fuss. On the right side, you can go into the house and pull the lever, then it will turn on, the fountain and the guards will be distracted by it, freeing the central passage into which we can slip unnoticed.

Another option on the left side if you look up is where to shoot a rope arrow. We climb the rope and behind the back of the guard on the balcony we penetrate inside the house. And two more options to knock down the stairs with a blunt arrow. Find a secret entrance in the greenhouse.

Climb up to the architect's office

To get into the architect's office, you need to go through the greenhouse near the main entrance or get inside the building, go to the kitchen and go down to the small basement to find the passage to the secret passage. We reach the elevator, call it and go upstairs. We press one more button, the passage opens and we see the hanged Eastwick.

Find the plan of the fortress in the office and run

We go up the stairs, search the picture, a large layout of the city will rise from under the floor, with a fortress in the middle. We need to solve the Diorama puzzle. We approach the fortress and turn the details, repeating the exact copy that is visible through the window opposite us. As soon as we manage, a plan will appear on the wall. We are ready to run all the time.

Go and infiltrate the fortress

We get to the fortress crawling through the passage, at the exit we see how the fortress is blazing, we go through the broken gate, then we go through the pipeline to the fortress. Passers-by through the pipe of visas which fire periodically breaks out, waiting for the right moment. As soon as we pass through it, it will collapse behind us. Ahead of us will be waiting for a narrow passage and some kind of moving press, we skip it.

Find and free Basso

We see how a worker runs into a fire in the wall and burns out, we need to pass by, there is a valve in the back, we scroll it to turn off the fire. Next, we quickly run through the smoky room, scroll it to the valve to slightly open the passage in the wall. We climb there, jump down and open the lock in the door. We go inside, one dead guard has a trophy "In memory of a soldier." We call the elevator, we go upstairs to the prison. We get to Basso's cell and free him.

Find and open a large safe

We rise on the elevator even higher. We climb into the hatch at the top of the elevator shaft, climb through the ventilation to the lever in the room, press it to lower the large safe. To activate the safe, press the buttons on the right and left sides for the allotted time, enter the first cipher code of the safe is 3-1-9. The general will appear and will not let us enter the second code to the safe, he will send guards to us.

When we find ourselves at the top, we hide in the shadows from the guards looking for us, jump up and press the button on the panel to turn off the light in the room. If you go back from the panel in a small gap, you can find the trophy "Bracelet: Slate Serpent". Now the room is dark, we hide from the guards and get to the safe enter the second cipher 0-1-8.

Steal a shard of the Primal Stone

We go along the luminous flowers to the door, we go into some room with beds. We listen to Garrett's dialogue with Elin. Further we go along the corridor, we take a fragment from the hands of the statue. This chapter ends.

Prologue. The fall

We choose the level of difficulty on which we will play: rogue, thief, master, special. We begin the passage of the game Thief in the apartment. A drunken man is sleeping on the bed, we extinguish the lamp, we are looking for valuable items in the apartment: cups, spoons, pocket watches that shine in the dark. We also inspect cabinets and drawers. After everything is done, we climb out the window and go along the board to the next house, open the closed window with a screwdriver.

We get to the attic of the house. Birds are sitting in the cages, we carefully move between the cages so that the birds do not get scared and make a fuss. We approach the picture and look for a hidden switch on it. During the search, there will be a small circle in the middle of the screen, as soon as it lights up, it will mean that you have found the switch - press it.

Behind the picture there will be a closed safe, we work with master keys to open it. There will be three circles in the middle, move the mouse until the first circle is highlighted. We do it with everyone. We open the safe inside we find a brilliant necklace. We go outside through the window. The box will contain a rope arrow. We pull it and shoot at the anchor beam, which is above us, we climb up the rope.

Follow Erin. Reach your destination

On the roof we meet a girl named Erin, after talking with her, get ready for mating games - run after her on the roofs of houses, jumping over obstacles. In the alley, together with the girl, we carefully make our way, as soon as she climbs up and leaves us, we go around the talking guards on the right side to the stairs. Let's go over it. Elin will jump with a claw through the window, but we walk along the boards and break the winch so that the stairs come down to us.
We climb the stairs, and get to the window into the house, we penetrate into it. Inside the house we open the door, opening the keyhole, we get into the room, we search it. We get out of the window, we reach the next closed window, we raise it, we get inside. We are at our destination.

Walk through the gardens

We move carefully behind Erin, holding on to the shadow and making sure that the stone of light remains dark. We approach the guard who is standing in the passage with his back to us, we are waiting for him to be called and he will leave. We jump over the railing, water will flow in front of us, on the “shift” we pass along it so that the guard on the bridge does not hear us. To the right of this guard in the ledge there will be water arrows, we pick them up and shoot at the torch hanging opposite the guard to create darkness. Along the wall, where the torch was extinguished on the "shift", we pass the water.

We get to Elin, who is eavesdropping on two guards, we wait for her to kill one of them, after which we wait for the second to stand with her back to us, we get close to him and stun him. we drag the body behind the bench to Elin. Then break open the door nearby

Meet Erin on the roof

There are bottles on the boxes in front of us, a little further the guard is facing us. We take a bottle and throw it behind his back so that he turns away from us, after which we go around him on the right side, and climb onto the box, and then onto the gate, we pass along the top of the gate. We get to the hanging rope, cling to it and climb higher. We meet with our companion on the roof, and steal her claw.

Chapter 1

Go to the clock tower

We move where the direction indicates, our landmark, using Elin's claw. We climb up the stairs and then with a claw even higher, they will show us a tower in the distance. We pass along the beam above the street along which the guards walk. There's a curfew in the city, so you can't see them. After we pass on the right, we jump onto the boards, go along them all the way and jump onto the boxes. We find ourselves in an alley, you can rob a man who is standing over a corpse and stun. To the right of it there is a ladder we cling to with a claw to reach for it.

We rise along the stairs, after which we jump down, break open the lattice door on the left. We go inside, move the beam, we get into the yard of the masons.

Pass the locked gate

We carefully jump down until the guards see us. They walk in a circle, in the center of the courtyard, there is a cart, we get to it, and then immediately to a dead end opposite, we wait again when the guards pass, we approach the jewelry store to the left of the alley, we open the door.

There is a guard inside, we quickly and imperceptibly approach him and stun or hide, do not forget to close the door behind us so that the guards on the street do not hear anything. In the same room, to the right of the door into which we entered under the curtains, we open the box, it contains an inlaid mask. We go up to the second floor, there the guard should sleep on a chair, there is an open window right along the corridor through which you can leave the jewelry store, be careful, the jeweler's wife can walk from room to room. If you search the jeweler's house, then behind the painting you can find a closed safe code 7-3-9, the painting is located in the basement where the jeweler himself works.

Once in a small place, the only window is raised to open it and go through the house further. We go outside again, into a small alley. To the right of us, two guards near the gate will be talking, we jump to the left with a jerk. A guard wanders there, in a bright place in the corner you can hide in a closet and wait for him to pass us. Two more guards will stand next and laugh, we are waiting for the woman to shout at them from the window above and they will go further. We follow them, to the pipe, for which you can catch a claw. We cling and along the boards we reach the Clock Tower.

Meet Basso at the Burrique

We examine our shelter in the clock tower, after which we go to the city market for a mission. Down in the square people are talking, We go around them and get to the tavern “Lame Burrik. We listen to Basso's lamentations, and then we take the task from him to steal the ring.

Meet the beggar queen

We go first to the merchant of black goods standing in the alley, we look at his goods, which suits us, we buy. Then we go to another area of ​​Morningside to the old chapel. Listen to the story of the queen, get the opportunity, improve skills

Chapter 2

Infiltrate the factory

There are two guards in front of the gate to the factory, we go down on a rope, there will be a lattice gate on the right side of the gate, we get to them and break the lock, we go further to the factory wall, climb the pipes to the ventilation in the wall, penetrate inside the building. We crawl through the ventilation, to the guard swarming near the dummy. We jump on it from above and cut it down.

Walk the path of the dead

We go down the stairs we see that the dead are hung by hooks. One guard walks on top and two more below, we sneak up on the fact that one walks and stuns him. We pass further and cling to the hook.

Having hooked on the hook, we go watching the corpse in front of us. We jump down as soon as we see the guard standing on the left before he notices us. We pass under it, broken glass will lie on the floor. We open the door lock, go into another room and search it.

If you have a wrench, then unscrew the screw at the grate in the same room, crawl to the next grate and go further under the corpses and guards. If not, then go through the door and break through the guards. By the way, if you follow the two guards in the hallway with mannequins, they will reach the closed door and talk about how to crack it. To the left of it there will be a hole in the wall through which we can climb into the cache, with a sitting robot at the table and a safe. Code 3-1-4

In another room, a guard will sleep on a chair. In the box opposite him will be the key to the engine room. We open the box and use the key to open the locked door.

Steal the ring from the general

We go upstairs, the guards are standing by the stove, and in the center are tables with corpses. The oven constantly opens and closes, giving light at intervals. We hide behind the tables with corpses, wait for the stove to close and it becomes dark, at this time we jerk ourselves to the tables with corpses. The door to the general's office is closed and we need to find another way. To the right of the guards standing near the furnace there is a blue grate with which you can climb up and climb into the ventilation.

We get to the general's safe, we need to open it to get the ring. The usual puzzle, we select the figures that we can scroll, and twist them so that they coincide with each other.

Run from the factory

As soon as we take the Cornelius ring, they will notice us, we empty the safe to the end, and open the lock on the door. We go out into the courtyard in which there are two guards, quickly extinguish the torch to our right with water arrows and jump over the railing. If not, we wait for the arrows when they separate and one of them goes straight for us, we break it in, and then the second if it also notices us. We go around the rest of the guards, and climb through the hole in the gate. we find ourselves in a dark room with some carts. We climb through the pipes to the window.

We are in the outer courtyard of the factory, walking further along the roof, it collapses under us and we fall down. We hide in the closet, from the checking guard. We are waiting for him to come out, climb out the window, then jerkily move from cover to cover, hiding from the guards. We go into the house to the left of the closed gate, go up to the second floor, and then go to the roof to the main gate. This completes the chapter.

Go to Black Lane

We get to the new location Black Lane, Basso is already waiting for us there, and takes us to our customer, who gave the order to steal the Cornelius ring. We receive from him a new task to steal a rare book in the House of Flowers.

Go to Erin's hideout

We go to the blockage of boxes and pass between them to another location. We see how many guards are standing around, you can dodge trying to get through them, or you can just stupidly run forward, to the gate and get into the southern quarter of the city.

Further, everything according to the classics of the genre, hiding from the guards and trying to move along the roofs, we reach the entrance to Erin's mill. The entrance can be found by jumping into the water. We find a small closed opening in the wall, next to the wall there is a protruding stone, click on it and the entrance to Erin's shelter will open.

Search Erin's hideout

We turn on the concentration and look where the girl set her traps. We do not step on the red squares, we press the switches to turn off the trap. Having climbed the stairs and eliminated all obstacles, we press another switch, a passage will open in the floor, we jump down.

We catch glitches, we find ourselves in a closed room. The woman asks us to find the key ourselves, and she will tell you when we are close. We examine the room, when we find what we need, she will say "Follow me, to the truth." We go further to her silhouette, she will say "You are close." We approach the drawings, interact with them.

After that, the glitches will pass, we approach Garrett's drawing and click on the eye, a secret department will open nearby, take Erin's medallion and leave the shelter through the window.

Find the House of Flowers

We are heading to the house of flowers where the arrow points or we are guided by the map. In front of the entrance there will be a raised wooden bridge, to lower it on the right we press the lever. We go to the entrance to another location of the city

Chapter 3

Find the entrance to the brothel

To the right of us, two guards are rubbing, we throw the bottle to the side. to divert their attention, while we ourselves slip further down the corridor. We reach two people. The guard is digging with the lock and cannot open it. We are waiting for him to open the door and they will go further, follow them, or if there is a wrench, we find a sewer grate nearby and move along it. We jump through a few more guards who will meet along the way.

Infiltrate the House of Flowers

When we get to the main entrance of the house of flowers, we will see two guards. We need to bypass them. On the right side of the entrance we cling with a claw and climb up, go along the corridor to the iron gate. Pull the lever to raise them. We pass further pull another lever to open the door inside.

Search the brothel

We are inside the brothel, we search the premises for precious things. Behind one, behind the curtains, is a room in which a girl boils opium in a tank. If you already have wire cutters, then we pass to the closed door to some kind of utility room. Inside it is a hole in the floor, we jump down and crawl to the tank, use the wire cutters, and turn the flaps. Everyone in the house is asleep.

If you don't have cutters with you. We need to go up to the second floor, if we look out from behind the curtains in one of the rooms, we will see how a guard is standing with his back against the wall, on his right shoulder is the ladder we need. We go around it around to the right behind the wall, having time to extinguish the candles. The guard at some point will go hiding in the shadows. As soon as he passes, we go up the stairs. There is another guard there. We are waiting for him to turn his back on us, then we stun him or slip past.

We go into the room with the bust on the table. From it we open the door to the chambers of Xiao-Xiao. There will be a diary on the table. We examine the chambers, the code from the Xiao-Xiao safe is 5-7-3.

Find and activate the mysterious catwalk

We search the picture on the wall, and find a secret passage in the house. We go along the secret corridor peeping at the clients through the cracks in the walls. We find a protruding stick into which you need to insert a medallion. But before that, you need to find 4 characters. Turn on concentration. One symbol will be visible on the scratched wall in the corridor itself, the rest you will find on the walls, spying on customers.

After you find all the symbols, we take the medallion, the symbols that we found will be highlighted on it, arrange them vertically and insert them into the podium. Opposite the door will open

Explore ancient ruins

We make our way through the rubble, along the way we will meet ancient traps, use concentration to find switches. We go down lower and lower into the old ruins. When we pass a mill powered by water, we will get into an abandoned library.

Find a book in an abandoned library.

We search the library, if you look at one of the shelves with books, you can find a secret passage to the room, we will see a sign of a little man on the wall, for this we will get a skill point. We search another rack with books, we find a passage further.

Enter the central tower

We reach the valves that turn the stairs, then a small puzzle begins, how to put the stairs correctly in order to go further.

We scroll the first valve, putting the ladder in position, the Roman numeral I will be visible under our feet, we go down it to the next valve. Forget about this ladder in general.
We rise along the III stairs, without touching the valve and without turning it.
We jump down to the II stairs, we scroll it from us. We return back to the III stairs.
We scroll it towards us, climb it to the tower and jump down to II
We climb up and jump through the opening into the tower.

Take the book of rituals

Inside the tower, we set up the symbols on the medallion, and insert it into the podium. The book will open, take it.

Escape from the ancient ruins

We climb the rope, above us, we pass along the boards to the next tower, we cling to another rope and go down along it. We run straight, and then we rise a little higher to the left to go to the boards above the two guards. We make our way along the boards directly above them. Then we move along the target designator along the spiral staircase around the tower, hiding from the guards.

We get to the guard standing with a torch in the center of the columns. We go around him, climb onto the boxes behind him and jump clinging to the ropes above him. We pull up. Next, we go along the planks, run up and jump onto the ledges, on the wall. We move along these ledges, crawl out under the bed, in the room in which the general is having fun.

Go to Lame Burrick

After we find the wounded carrier pigeon, we go to the tavern to Basso. We learn from Odin that our friend was taken by the Baron's people. He offers to find a certain Jacob who can help rescue Basso. Let's go to Greystone.

Chapter 4

Find Jacob in Greystone

Break into the house

We get to the city house of engineer Eastwick. We jump down. guards walk everywhere, there are gaps between houses on both sides, but there are dogs in cages, so we try to walk quietly. so the dogs don't notice us and make a fuss. On the right side, you can go into the house and pull the lever, then it will turn on, the fountain and the guards will be distracted by it, freeing the central passage into which we can slip unnoticed.

Another option on the left side if you look up is where to shoot a rope arrow. We climb the rope and behind the back of the guard on the balcony we penetrate inside the house. And two more options to knock down the stairs with a blunt arrow. Find a secret entrance in the greenhouse.

Climb up to the architect's office

To get into the architect's office, you need to go through the greenhouse near the main entrance or get inside the building, go to the kitchen and go down to the small basement to find the passage to the secret passage. We reach the elevator, call it and go upstairs. We press one more button, the passage opens and we see the hanged Eastwick.

Find the plan of the fortress in the office and run

We go up the stairs, search the picture, a large layout of the city will rise from under the floor, with a fortress in the middle. We need to solve the Diorama puzzle. We approach the fortress and turn the details, repeating the exact copy that is visible through the window opposite us. As soon as we manage, a plan will appear on the wall. We are ready to run all the time.

Go and infiltrate the fortress

We get to the fortress crawling through the passage, at the exit we see how the fortress is blazing, we go through the broken gate, then we go through the pipeline to the fortress. Passers-by through the pipe of visas which fire periodically breaks out, waiting for the right moment. As soon as we pass through it, it will collapse behind us. Ahead of us will be waiting for a narrow passage and some kind of moving press, we skip it.

Find and free Basso

We see how a worker runs into a fire in the wall and burns out, we need to pass by, there is a valve in the back, we scroll it to turn off the fire. Next, we quickly run through the smoky room, scroll it to the valve to slightly open the passage in the wall. We climb there, jump down and open the lock in the door. We go inside, one dead guard has a trophy "In memory of a soldier." We call the elevator, we go upstairs to the prison. We get to Basso's cell and free him.

Find and open a large safe

We rise on the elevator even higher. We climb into the hatch at the top of the elevator shaft, climb through the ventilation to the lever in the room, press it to lower the large safe. To activate the safe, press the buttons on the right and left sides for the allotted time, enter the first code of the safe cipher 3-1-9. The general will appear and will not let us enter the second code to the safe, he will send guards to us.

When we find ourselves at the top, we hide in the shadows from the guards looking for us, jump up and press the button on the panel to turn off the light in the room. If you go back from the panel in a small gap, you can find the trophy "Bracelet: Slate Serpent". Now the room is dark, we hide from the guards and get to the safe, enter the second code 0-1-8.

Steal a shard of the Primal Stone

We go along the luminous flowers to the door, we go into some room with beds. We listen to Garrett's dialogue with Elin. Further we go along the corridor, we take a fragment from the hands of the statue. This chapter ends.


We leave for the new district of the City and get to the mill. Having made our way inside, we jump over the boxes, go down and activate the secret switch on the wall a little to the right of the boarded up passage.

We climb up and press the wall button at the corner on the left side. After disarming the traps, we climb the ladder and continue climbing the monolithic ladder, simultaneously activating the secret button on the wall. Open the hatch by pressing the button on the support, and jump down. Once in a strange place, we get to the glow emanating from Erin. Having overtaken the girl twice, we tear off posters with her image from the walls and the last one will be a poster with our portrait. Returning to reality, we activate the button on a similar portrait and take the medallion from the cache.

We acquire wire cutters, if we have not done this before. We get to the indicated point, go down and go all the way to the right. We pull the lever on the support and make our way to the House of Flowers along the lowered bridge.

Chapter 3: Dirty Secrets

The guard leads the rich man to the House of Flowers. It is not necessary to follow them, so we go forward to the wall and climb the pipe on the left side. We use wire cutters to cut the shield rope and thereby unlock the door below us. After going there, turn right and climb up the box. We select the valuable trophy "Dragonfly" (1/5) from the floor and continue to move forward. We jump down and down and get out to the stairs. If necessary, before the last cliff, we release a rope arrow into the upper beam and safely descend the rope. Let's proceed to the lower floor and, based on the experience of the client, we will make sure that you can enter the House of Flowers only by invitation. We do not need it: with the help of a hook we climb over the wall on the right side.

We open the doors, pulling the levers on the left side, and freely penetrate into the brothel. We move in a squat position so as not to wake the sleeping guard. When the girl goes to the right, we pass into the hall through the closed curtains in front and we see that there is a guard on the left against the wall. We make a dash to the right side in order to slip through the illuminated area unnoticed. In a circle, through the center of the hall and the right room, another guard is constantly moving. Having guessed the right moment, we move to the stairs on the other side. We do without jerks, otherwise we will scare the bird. If you do not want to wait until the guard makes a circle, then you can try to go through the room on the right side. However, it should be borne in mind that there is a guard there, also moving in a circle. We rise to the span between the floors and, using the hook, climb the wall. We select a valuable trophy "Ring with emeralds" (2/5), lying among the ropes and go back.

To the attic with a valuable trophy.

Quickly and without a jerk, we pass into the first room on the left side on the top floor, when the guard approaches the fence. From the chest of drawers in the corner we select the document “Coil Combination” (1/4). We leave the room and again wait for the guard to approach the fence. We pass to the office of Xiao-Xiao and, after the guard returns to his previous position, we take the document “List of constellations” (2/4) from the table in the corner. We go to the waiting room, select the document “Finding a combination” (3/4) from the table and break open the cabinet door. After going inside, turn right and pick up the document “Diary of Madame Xiao-Xiao” (4/4) from the table. We grope and activate the switches under the picture frame on the opposite corner and get access to the secret passage.

Having descended the stairs, we turn right and pay attention to the gap in the wall, which allows us to observe the joys between clients and courtesans. We go down even lower and find a podium with a niche for a medallion. After the appearance of a new task, we look at the symbol on the wall and automatically remember it. We return back to the wall with a gap and look through it. The symbol is on the top left. We pass further than the podium and climb the stairs. We look into two more rooms: in the first, the symbol is on the top right, in the second - on the top left. We go to the podium, select the rings and rotate them to arrange the symbols vertically in the center in the upper half of the medallion. Then it remains only to put the medallion on the podium.

We jump down, go around the wreckage and make our way through them. Further, we go to the left and, having crouched, we pass forward. The trap has been activated - we neutralize it by pressing the button on the wall. We go down the stairs and get to the door in the far left corner. We break it open and go down. We slowly move towards the podium, simultaneously looking around and remembering the symbols depicted on the walls. We place them in their positions, put the medallion on the podium and take the valuable trophy "Ancient figurine" (3/5). Climb back up and activate the wall button. We get to the tower and jump out of the broken window. We go down in any available way and find ourselves in the scriptorium. We interact with the bookshelf on the right side, grope for the book-switch and get into the secret room. From the dishes of the statue we take away the valuable trophy "In memory of the stonemason" (4/5).

After leaving the secret room, we go to the far right corner. We interact with the bookshelf, run our hand along the row and look for the switch book. Let's go down to the tower, get out of it on the left side and soon find the first valve. We rotate it to failure clockwise. We go down to one tower and from it we rise to another. We jump down, go outside and rotate the valve to failure counterclockwise. We go back inside, climb up and return to the previous tower. We pass along the bridge on the right side, rotate the next valve to failure clockwise and climb the stairs. We run all the way to the left, jump down the stairs and climb to the very top. We accelerate and jump to the window of the tower. Interact with the podium, arrange the symbols in their places and place the medallion in the niche. We pick up the valuable trophy "Ritual Book" (5/5).

We climb up the rope, move to the next tower and go down the rope too. We penetrate into the scriptorium, go to the right and get to the tower. We avoid a collision with the guard by waiting inside the tower. Climbing the stairs, we will notice another guard on the left and hide behind him. We wait for the departure of the enemies, climb the stairs and get to the last guard. We go around it, climb onto the boxes and, grabbing the rope, climb up. Following the control points, we get out of the catacombs. While quietly watching the brawl, we accidentally become drawn into it. We again manage to outsmart the General and leave him with his nose.

Baron Northcrest.


With the last of her strength, Jeniver flies into the clock tower and dies in our arms. My first thoughts are that Basso is in trouble. Unrest is growing in the city. The Lightforged are preparing to riot. We go to the tavern and see how Orion is trying to find a book of rituals. The Thief Catcher dragged Basso and several Lightforged into the fortress, among which was Jacob, who was preparing an assassination attempt on the Baron and had carefully studied the Fortress before that. Having received valuable information, we give the book of rituals to Orion and set off to rescue the allies.

Chapter 4: A Friend in Need

Apparently, Jacob will not tell anything, for the rebellion has reached its apotheosis, and the Lightforged have begun to free their people from the Fortress. There is another person who knows the Fort like the back of his hand - Eastwick. He is the creator of the monumental structure. Following the signs, we get to the wall, which you need to climb with the help of a claw. On the left is a beam for a cable boom. We release an arrow, go down and go to the lamppost on the left side. We take away from under the bench a valuable trophy "Ring with lapis lazuli" (1/6). We go back and get to the architect's mansion. There are many ways to get into the house, but we will choose the simplest and most effective. We jump down, go to the left and jerkily go around the building so that the dog does not have time to notice us. At the top there is a beam - we shoot at it with a rope arrow and climb up. We jump to the mansion, wait for the crossbowman to leave and enter the house through the door on the balcony.

Turn right and go up to the third floor. We carefully pass behind the guard and use a razor to cut out the valuable trophy "Excess of the Void" (2/6). The crossbowman will also enter the house and go to the main staircase - let's follow him. We go down the stairs about halfway and jump over the railing to the right side. It is also worth considering that on the ground floor a guard moves around the stairs. We go into the office and be sure to close the door behind us. We pick up the document “Letter Madeleine” (1/6) from the table. In the corner of the adjacent table on the left side there is a secret button - activate it. We break open the wall safe and pick up the valuable trophy "Morendram Medal" (3/6). We go to the library on the second floor. We climb onto the table, then onto the bookcase and move to the other side. We will observe the guard and study the route of his movement. We jump down, slowly go through the area with glass and interact with the bookshelf. Before this, we make sure that the maid and the guard do not look in our direction. We quickly find the switch, activate it and find ourselves in a secret room.

We use the elevator and go up to Eastwick's office. The architect is hanging from a noose - this explains his unwillingness to cooperate with the guards. We pick up the document "Fortress in miniature" (2/6) from the bottom shelf of one of the cabinets. Climb the stairs, go to the middle and interact with the painting. We pass our hand under the frame and alternately activate the detected switches. We jump down and interact with a miniature fortress. It must be located exactly like the original. We start from the lowest compartment and expose the side with three windows. Further, from bottom to top: three windows - eight windows - six windows - two windows. We pick up the documents "Plan of the Fortress" (3/6) and "Cipher of the Big Safe" (4/6) that appeared on the left side. The Shieldman broke down the door, which means it's time for us to get the hell out. Accelerated rush only forward and break away from the chase.

We stock up on everything you need from the merchant, climb onto the boxes on the right side and climb the rope. We jump into the attic and crouching, moving along the narrow passage. We get to the fortress, go inside and, turning right, jump down. We move along the pipeline, overcoming simple obstacles. Having successfully made our way into the engine room, we pass through the ventilation system and find ourselves in a smoky room. You have to act quickly so as not to suffocate. Crouching, we pass under fire and turn right. Before the next fiery barricade, turn left and jump up. It remains only to reach the door and unscrew the valve. Having reached the boiler room, we go all the way forward, along the way taking the valuable trophy "In memory of a soldier" from the guard's hand (4/6). We unscrew the valuable trophy "Fortress" from the wall (5/6). On the elevator we go up to the prison.

From the table we pick up the document "List of prisoners" (5/6). When 13-14 meters remain until the next checkpoint, the document “Letter to the Illuminated” (6/6) will lie on the floor next to the body - we select it. We pull the lever to the right of the gate, free Basso and go to the most secure storage in the world.

When the elevator is in place, we get out into the mine through the opened upper hatch. We jump over to the next cabin, pull ourselves up to the ledge and through the ventilation shaft we get to the room with the safe. We pull the lever, as quickly as possible, alternately press the two buttons at the corners of the safe and set the first combination (319), which consists of the first digits of two-digit numbers in the “Large Safe Cipher” document. After we try to set the second combination, the General will appear and shoot us in the hand. Hiding from the guards on the upper level, turn around and go back. After jumping up, we turn around again and climb the stairs on the right side after the guard leaves. Then we pass to the right and from the last box we select the valuable trophy "Bracelet: slate snake" (6/6). We go down from the other side and jerkily get to the safe. The guards are alarmed, so they move quickly and are in a state of special vigilance. We enter the second combination (018) and pick up a fragment of the Primal Stone.

We collect flowers, open the door and follow Erin. She will give a tip to Moira's shelter, located on the island and keeping a lot of secrets and secrets.


Stonemarket has been taken over by the Lightforged, but that doesn't mean we're free to roam the area. Avoiding collisions with local residents, we get to the southern Baron Avenue and immediately bypass the guards on the left side with jerks. We pass to Riverside and go to the Siren's Rest tavern. Basso will agree to take us on his boat to Moira's orphanage. Having bought everything we need, we go outside and set sail to the place that Erin mentioned in our vision.

Chapter 5: Outcasts

After reaching the main gate, climb the wall on the right side and head towards the building. Having passed around on the left side, we unscrew the valuable trophy "Moira's Shelter" (1/6) from the wall. Entering the building, look through the hole in the door. We move to the reception table and select the document "Journal of Visits" (1/42) lying to the left of it. We go up to the second floor, break open the closet and pick up the document "New Patient" (2/42). We go on the right side and go to the men's department.

Map with useful finds.

3 - the document "Report on the hood in the shower" (3/42) inside the drawer.
4 - the document "Absence" (4/42) inside the drawer. In the same room, rotate the valve to failure clockwise.

Returning to the corridor, we go down the stairs as long as possible and select the document "History, 2" (5/42). Returning back, we pass through the doors, access to which was obtained after the opening of the lattice.

6 - we take the document “Headaches” (6/42) from the cart.
7 - from the cart we select the document “Archivarius (7/42).
8 - we take the document “Chamber numbers” (8/42) from the table.
9 - from a small table in the corner we select the document "Progress Report" (9/42).
10 - the document "Night watchman on duty" (10/42) hangs on the wall.

You can get to room "A" through the passage in the next room. Near the bed frame lies the key to the women's department - we pick it up. In the corner on the chair is the document "Cache" (11/42) - we select it.

12 - we select the document "History, 4" (12/42).

From room "B" we look through the hole on the wall and see a picture on the wall of the corridor. We leave the room and with the help of a razor we cut out the valuable trophy "Aversion to pleasantries" (2/6) from the frame.

We move to the reception room, avoiding a collision with an invisible night guard. You can recognize it by the distortion of the air and, of course, by the loud clatter. The document "Results" (13/42) appeared on the table - we pick it up and go to the women's department.

Let's look into the elevator shaft and shoot a rope arrow at the beam above. We go down the rope and crouching we jump even lower. We select from the floor the document "History, 2" (14/42). We climb the cabinet on the left side and find a valuable trophy "Brooch: Rose" (3/6) on the pipe. We rise to the next floor by the stairs. We use the key and enter the room. In the absence of a key, we go around the room on the right side and go through the gap in the grate. From the wall we take away the document "Writing materials" (15/42). We also search the drawers of the table. One of them contains the document "Voices" (16/42). We return to the top floor.

13 - the document "Key to the doors of the department" (17/42) hangs on the wall. We insert the key into the socket and unlock the door. In the room, rotate the valve to failure clockwise and go through the door on the right side. We go down the stairs on the other side and find ourselves in the dining room. The document "Entertainment" (18/42) is attached to the column. We go backstage, pick up the mirror and, turning around, pick up the document "Unrest in the dining room" (19/42). We rotate the valve to failure counterclockwise and leave the dining room.
14 - we take the document "Lessons" from the wall (20/42).
15 - in the room is the document "Heat and Cold Therapy" (21/42).
16 - near the bed frame is the document "Notes of a Spy" (22/42).
17 - under the frame is the document "Huntfield's disease" (23/42).
18 - document "Report: Patient #18" (24/42).

To open the door of the central room, you need to cut the shield rope in the corner marked on the map as "C" with wire cutters. Collecting the documents "Another Outbreak of Aggression" (25/42), "Patient Records" (26/42) and "Patient Transfer" (27/42). We get to the previously blocked passage, we pass by the carriages and we select the document "History, 3" (28/42) lying in front of the rack. We squeeze through the rubble, pick up the document "Confidentiality" (29/42) from the wall and go down the stairs to the elevator shaft. We jump over to the other side, turn left and go down. We go to the treatment center.

We move past the cameras and, having reached the corner, we go into the control room. From the table we take away the document "Note of the Fugitive" (30/42). From the drawer we get the document "Lock on the elevator" (31/42). We climb onto the cabinet, neutralize the trap and from the cabinet itself we take away the document of the Baron "The Curbing of Primal" (1/13). We leave the room, go a little to the right and from the wall next to the door we find the document "Sensory deprivation" (32/42). We get to the generator room, pull the lever and thereby restore the power supply. We return to the control room, press the button and initiate the opening of all cameras. We leave the room and go into the only available chamber. From it through the ventilation we go to the next chamber. Attached to the wall is the "Adjustment" document (33/42). From the drawer on the right side we get the document "Request for transfer" (34/42). We select a syringe from the chair and, on behalf of Erin, we observe how they are trying to pump Primal out of her.

Queen of the poor.

One of the patients is moving along the corridor. Taking advantage of the moment, we move to the next room. The document “Sterilization” (35/42) is attached to the end of the cabinet - we pick it up. There is a safe on the wall perpendicular to the door. The combination for him is 731. Each number is the number of short blows coming through the pipe. If we do not have time to open the safe and take everything that is in it, then we do it in two approaches. Do not leave the safe open, as this will arouse suspicion in the patient. Also, from the drawer a little to the left we take the document “Knocking in pipes” (36/42). Inside is a valuable trophy "Ivory Ring" (4/6). Through the ventilation we pass into the next room. We pick up the document "Lobotomy Room" (37/42), which is attached to the device. One more document - "Hydrotherapy" (38/42) and "Shock Therapy" (39/42) - can be found in the next two rooms. To pick up these documents, you have to distract the patients. The first by shooting a hunting or blunt arrow at the switch, the second by putting out the fire with a water arrow.

We return to the penultimate room with the patient. We jump down when the elevator is at the top. Under it there is a grate - open it with a wrench. We move forward, jump down and unscrew the bolt at the nearest grate. We select the document "Treasure" (40/42) and get out of the ventilation. We pass to the stairs and go down, skipping the geek forward. We pull the lever, go to the right and pick up the document “Prison Rules” (41/42) from the aisle. Next, from the table we select the last document “Report: Aggression” (42/42). We pass to the balcony and jump over the railing. We climb to the left side. We have a rope in front of us, but we need another one, so we release a rope arrow into a free beam. We jump from one rope to another and find ourselves in the top position. We turn right and take the valuable trophy "Mechanical Eye" (5/6) from the suspended cage. There are many enemies here and they each move along their own route. We use concentration to a minimum and try not to make noise. We jump down, go right and go down. We go forward to the end, carefully push the vase and pick up the valuable trophy “In memory of the child” (6/6) located under it. If you can’t act carefully, then we break the vase after making sure that there are no geeks nearby.

No less caution must be exercised when leaving the correctional department. As slowly as possible, we sneak past two geeks. Then we squeeze through the debris and open the bars, pulling the levers. The geeks will try to stop us, but after a moment they will disappear. We go forward and slide down. We continue to move forward, go upstairs and, turning around, get to the room. After another memory, we leave the room, jump over the railing and go to the next room. We climb up the bed frames, turn around and jump to a stable surface. We open the lock leaking through the poster, open the door and, finally, in the last room we find Erin. We interact with her, and this is where our adventures in the shelter come to an end.

The article describes the storyline of the game Thief 4 in stealth mode, indicating the most unpleasant and key places, opens some codes for locks and gives a description of tactics for the main characters and leaders.

The game itself can be played in many different ways using different tactics. This passage is based on the active use of stealth and minimal use of brute force. Even during the game, I practically did not use the combat arsenal in the form of grits or arrows, so I'm almost a pacifist. The description contains a complete walkthrough of the story in phantom mode and difficulty - thief.

Walkthrough Thief 4 (2014)

The first episode is a simple training in the methods and techniques of "correct" theft. It will be necessary to search the room, then forward along the beam to the window. We go next to the cells and approach the picture, feel it, look for the button, the indicator at the bottom of the screen helps in this. We break the lock, pick up the trinket and leave the room through the window. On the right, you will need to pick up an item, then select it.

We shoot at the upper beam from the bow and climb the rope to the very top. We talk with the girl, then an easy run, do not disturb the guards and skip past. We rise to the stairs, then we move according to the index, we find the handle and we break it. We examine the room through the keyhole and only then you can clean it.

We go after the girl, stop next to the guard and rob him, take his purse and carefully make our way through the water. We select water arrows, shoot at the torch and again we go through the water. The next enemy will need to be stunned, then we silently make our way past the guard, throw the bottle at his back and rush through the archway on the right, and leave, climbing up the ledges.

Chapter 1 Blockade

We use the hook and climb up, bypass the guards, for which we need to jump away, onto the boxes. Then you need to take the arrows from the person, how, decide for yourself, you can stun or cheat, in general, the main thing is to achieve the goal. Then we go to the wall, from it you can inspect the area. We go down and bypass the street by lanes, quietly pass the guards and climb up the grate. Here it will be necessary to jump off, stun the witnesses, pick the lock and leave this place with a trophy in the form of a mask through the window above.

We jump, through the window we get out. Now you have to go down the street without alarming the guards, who, however, are not very vigilant, idlers, in a word. The main thing is not to fall into the field of view of the patrol. When we manage to pass the laughing soldiers, we carefully jump onto the pipe and leave the level.

We study the lair, improve, acquire new skills, select the necessary ammunition, then go upstairs, the next task awaits us. We go straight until there is a window on the way, we jump down to the ledge, we go further along it, we need to get into the tavern. We talk with the hatter, leave the room and already on the street we buy the necessary equipment and go further. The marker will lead us to the queen of thieves. Then again follow the pointer and so on until the task is completed.

Chapter 2 Ashes to Ashes

For the descent, we use the rope, we pass under the bridge, we find the stairs and go upstairs along it. We move along the left side so as not to disturb the sleeping guard, our goal is the door. Be careful: there is a dog on the right, you should not go there. Behind the bars, you will have to climb up, then go to the flower, and then acrobatic ascent along the ledges.

We penetrate the ventilation, beat the guard (we turn off or quietly go around), we go down. We get out, we need to go along the right ledge and quickly, the guards are still calm, and there is time to open the lock. Then we climb onto the hook and roll to the first guard, here you need to jump off. We examine the surroundings, carefully with glass under our feet.

After a successful opening of the lock, you need to proceed further and quieter. It is better to remove the light so that it is easy to bypass the guards. When the extreme guard is distracted, quickly go to the door and go inside. We quickly go down, we will see a guard on the left, there is a button next to him, you need to shoot a blunt arrow at it, after which you can safely move on. At the top right, you need to get the key, it will be possible to steal it when the person stops at the table. Everything is in our hands, we move on, quietly pass the guard, let him sleep, open the metal door and enter.

Inside we climb onto the platform, search the box, then climb onto the hook. We land next to the sentry and go forward, there will be a video. After watching, we climb up, pass the guards in jerks, we do them when the furnace is closed. We follow the baron through the glass, then into the ventilation and dive under the stairs, there is an entrance.

Below you will need to solve the puzzle in the castle, after which we take the ring and leave the room. On the right side of the street we go around the guards and dive into the lattice door. We are waiting for the start of the bypass of the guard, when one goes, we must manage to bypass both and climb into the hole, then along the ledges to the window.

After the fall, we hide in the closet and sit until the guards leave. You can still make some noise and, when they appear, jump out the window and already on the street go along the right side of the boxes. There will be an archer behind, you should not catch his eye. We enter the door and continue to the second floor.

We covertly pass to the carts, then on the right side and bypass the guards. To the right, near the chests, weapons are hidden.

In the next location, we head to the alley on the right and go to two guards who take money from the townspeople. They will need to go around the ledge and get through the window, but be careful, the guards can see the Thief, so you have to wait until they disperse.

We pick up what we need inside and go outside, there is also something to take here. Then down and follow the sign to the point. We go down again, go to the marked place, look around. To the left of the hatch we find a button. Be careful inside, there are many traps. We start by bypassing the plates, then we climb onto the box and use the button on the left wall, the trap works. When we consider the hatch, it will need to be opened with the button located at the back.

Behind the hatch, running around the maze awaits us, then a girl, and it will be necessary to collect three posters. Then you need to go to the image of your beloved and take the medallion outside the door. Ready. We head to the brothel, finding the way there is not difficult, use the box to climb onto the roof, and go along it. On the descent, you need to outwit the guards, and then activate the raised bridge with the lever located on the right on the beam.

Chapter 3 Dirty Secrets

We follow the baron, we try not to disturb the guards. The first post is weak in the knees, but it will not be easy to pass the second one. Carefully! On the left in the cage there will be a loud-mouthed bird, you should not disturb her. Bypassing the bird at the very end, it will be possible to get to the baron. We follow him to the door, then follow the sign up and, opening the doors along the way, we go to the brothel.

In the brothel, you will have to squat past the sleeping people to the stairs leading up. We don’t go up to the end, we need to find the ring in the ventilation and pick it up, then we go down to the guy at the end of the stairs. It is necessary to slip through before he pays attention and looks down somewhere. You need to move smoothly, a bird in a cage can ruin everything.

There will be a room ahead, it should be searched, then look behind the picture, there is a secret entrance. We get down, go to the column located on the floor, near the candles. The next thing to do is to find three symbols on the stone door. Here you will need to run around the level and center the camera on the symbols. Then we select a combination and use the key.

We go deeper, there at the door there will be traps that can be turned off by a button on the wall. At the bottom near the door we pick up the treasure, just as before. Symbols can be found in wall openings. Then we move back to the tunnel, not forgetting to press the button to disable traps on the wall on the right.

In the library we activate another vision, we find a false shelf, this is just the entrance we need. Nearby there is a similar entrance. We go down and come to the moving bridges, use the levers and move forward. If everything goes right, a demonstration of some comrade will be activated. When bridge No. 2 is installed, you need to go back and turn bridge No. 3, go down and, having passed along the nearby bridge, use bridge No. 3 again, then you will be able to climb higher and jump to bridge No. 2.

After jumping through the window, we get back into the room with a riddle, the solution method is the same as before. We get the book and together with it we crawl up the rope. On the way back, guards will come across, but the darkness will help to accurately pass everyone. You will have to wait until the last guard turns to the passage, and then you can jump on the boxes and then climb up the ropes. At home, we collect everything we need and again to the task. Let's go to the tavern, and then we'll have to wander around the city.

Chapter 4 A Friend in Need

Follow the signs to the mansion. One of the options for penetration is to scare the dogs, everyone will go to the center, and then you can go to the door. Inside, we go forward, throw the bottle, which distracts the guard and slips into the right room. There will be a housekeeper and a security guard, who will eventually look at the shelves, and you can go to the illuminated shelves and press the button in the center.

Inside, on the second floor, there will be drawings, then you need to rotate the tower below (the sample is outside the window). Then we grab the drawing and quickly run away, then along the rope and further into the ventilation.

We go through the ruins of the city, then we go down. Now up the stairs to get around the fire and press. There is no escape from the next fire, you just need to quickly pass this place. Next, you have to squat, then get higher, open the valve and you can go out. On the elevator we rise upward, we find the opponent.

We lower the safe with the lever and approach it. We press two buttons on the sides and the mechanism opens. Lock code 3.1.9, now watch the video and enjoy. And run again, now you just need to run back. We climb onto the grate and move to the panel on the left. We remove the light and quietly go to the safe, enter 0.1.8.

We select a prize, collect flowers and go into the light (something reminded me of this ...). We re-equip ourselves at home and continue on business, along the familiar route.

Chapter 5 Outcasts

We head to the shelter, climb over to the right at the gate. To open the central door, you need to hit the road to the basement door, on the right. Inside, you need to go up to the second floor, find the men's department there, turn the valve there and proceed further along the marker. Once in the room through the entrance to the ward, we take the key and go to the women's department. You just can’t enter, you should find a hole in one of the neighboring chambers, through which you will have to climb up.

Having searched inside, we go to the treatment room. And again the door does not give in, you need to apply energy. You can find it by the index, and, of course, turn it on. We return and press the button in the security room, the door to another room opens, which will have to be cleared. Here we take the item from the chair and activate the script. We leave the room through another door, and, bypassing the mentally ill, we go to the elevator.

At the bottom we go forward, if possible not colliding with monsters, since it is useless to fight with them, it’s easier not to rustle. We go to the pointer, jump over the fence and head to the ghouls at the entrance. Exceptionally carefully we pass them and go straight, enjoy the video, collect flowers, a fairy tale, in a word.

From the house we follow the sign.

Chapter 6

We head to the main entrance, go around the guards, following on the right side. To enter, you will need to distract the two blockheads guarding it. Then there will be three more comrades guarding the passage to the basement. We distract them with a bottle and jump over the railing.

You shouldn't rush inside the building, there are traps. The easiest way to get to the baron is to bypass the guards and get to the second or third floors. Having passed the corridor with traps, we get to the littered entrance, and on top there will be the baron's office, which, however, is locked. Further you will have to climb along the ventilation, the entrance to it is to the right of the door. In the place where there is a broken staircase and a dead elevator, we climb onto the illuminated gratings and further to the right, and then to the very top.

We leave the elevator, now to the left and past the guards, jumping along the ledges on the columns. Then we follow to the barricades and, having outwitted the enemy, we jump over the box. We move along the wall to the button at the very end, the exit is found.

To break the generator, it will be necessary to lower the lever, and then center the rotating parts on the crack and wait for the vibration. It will be necessary to increase the speed several times with the help of a valve, and so on, until it falls apart. Now we take a fragment and get out along the hanging grate.

We move along the sewers, beat off the rope holding the boat, and further to the other side. We rise and go through the burning city. We study the surroundings for ledges and blue bars so as not to suffocate.

We rearm in the lair and hit the road again. It's just impossible to go to the point, there are a lot of people. Here, either rush like a saiga, or carefully sneak behind your back.

Chapter 7 Secret City

We follow to the closed gates, they will have to be broken and get inside, past the vigilant guards.

On the right, you will need to squeeze past the sleeping guard, and the next one will need to be distracted with a bottle and climb over the gate. The bell must be struck to open the gate. Then it is better to hide around the corner on the right, otherwise the hero will be discovered.

Inside, you will have to go along the right side to the lever. We activate the lever, call the elevator, but be careful here: you need to wait until everyone moves away from the elevator. At the bottom we jump onto the wall with a grate and go along it to the right to the rope, along which we go down, the main thing is to bypass the trap in the tunnel. You will have to go down very carefully, the enemies are attentive, and they look through all the levels. Squeezing through the gap, you will again have to face the ghouls.

We go around the three on the left along the bridge or with the help of fashionable arrows with ropes. Then we raise the door and go in. To disarm the trap, it will be necessary to fasten the valve until the fire subsides. Then past two guards and dive into the gap. We move forward and eventually go to the castle, then to the right and up. We move along the ledge until the railing on our side ends.

We go down, go left and squeeze next to the bird quietly, otherwise it will squeal. Then it is worth stunning the guards, but the box will still fall. The place is difficult, if you manage to pass quietly, then you are lucky, and it is still possible. Further way up, use the places marked with highlights.

The fight will be difficult, you can, of course, refuse and stupidly go into the gate, but the bastard must be punished! It is best to kill the enemy with arrows and it is best to hit the head. The method is simple, first we extinguish the light with water arrows, then attack. During the fight, it is best to move around in a circle in one direction, it is best to be behind your back, then victory is in your pocket.

Chapter 8 Morning Dawn

Carefully we go through the catacombs, meetings with ghouls are possible. Near an incomprehensible type of construction, we jump down and dive into a hole in the wall. Then we overcome the cliff along the pipes located on the left. We jump down, here it will be necessary to bypass two guards, and we continue to go further. We go around the guard and enter. Inside we do not yawn, while the guys are talking, we will have to dive to the right. At the bottom, you will have to bargain with the character, and then climb over the box located on the right.

We pass the guard, moving along the right side, at the top, using an arrow with a rope, we climb onto the ship. Further down the rope and along the ledges we leave the tower. Then past the door. We go down, below it will be necessary to print a large group of enemies, this is not very easy, since sentries are everywhere. So we pull out one with noise, the routes of the other two will have to be remembered, and so we act.

Once at the bottom, we follow the street to the right or to the left, it all depends on whether you have an arrow with a rope for jumping on the right. On the left, you can pass two thugs and jump down to the ledge. We jump to the beam and silently fall behind the backs of two guards. The lock will have to be cracked precisely and in one run, without errors, otherwise everything will have to be redone from afar.

There will be a video inside, then we rush after the lady, which in the end will have to be bypassed from the back, for which we dive into the underground and go there. Then we go around the monsters, everything is simple here, they are blind and cannot see beyond a couple of meters.

After the cutscene, we go to the left, grab a fragment, then follow the top to the second fragment, and finally, we get the last one at the bottom, after which the girl discovers the character and strikes. And yet, after picking up the first fragment, phantoms will appear, they don’t need to be seen, since there’s no point in fighting them, it’s easier to be quiet and not rush. When the stone is collected, we carry it to the girl.

Here are the Happy End games Thief 4 (2014).