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Mafia games. Mafia game (Series of games) The best mafia games


Mafia is a series of two-part Action games with elements of a car simulator. The release date of the first part, Mafia The Lost Heaven - August 28, 2002, the second, Mafia 2 - August 27, 2010. The development was carried out by the Czech studio Illusion Softworks, which is also known for its excellent Vietcong action movies. The Mafia and Mafia 2 games are quite unique in their kind - only the great Grand Theft Auto series is a worthy competitor for the Mafia series. Each of these series has its own trump cards over each other. But in any case, both are undeniably masterpieces. Here, in this review, we will briefly describe the features of the Mafia series.

General Features of the Mafia Series

The first thing worth noting is that, unlike the same GTA, Mafia games describe events that take place in the first half - the middle of the twentieth century. With all the ensuing consequences - vintage cars, now obsolete weapons, it is also worth noting the superbly conveyed atmosphere, which from the first minutes of the game immediately plunges you into the game world with your head - this is not only the style of architecture, music, but also much more.

Now about everything in detail. All events of the games in the series take place in fictional cities designed in the spirit of that time. Both parts boast an almost cinematic storyline that only fuels the player's interest. If you look at it in general terms, then everything is pretty standard. We have seen this in many games, including GTA - you have to go through a difficult path from a novice bandit to the most influential mafia. But here is an important amendment - all screensavers, both before the game itself, before the start of missions and at the end, are thoroughly saturated with the atmosphere of classic gangster films. The player is quickly drawn in and feels in the shoes of the protagonist, which is the highest praise for the developers.

The very gameplay of Mafia and Mafia 2, in fact, is copied from the Grand Theft Auto series - here you can also drive cars, including public transport, shoot, break laws, fight enemy gangs and, thereby, attract the attention of the police. But if Mafia and Mafia 2 stupidly copied their older brother, they would not have attracted so much attention to themselves, they would not have gained such incredible popularity that they have today. There are very significant trump cards in the gameplay over any other games. For example, car control is made more realistic (this applies, first of all, to old competing projects - the first Mafia against GTA 3), as well as the entire physical model in general. In addition, the gameplay itself is more uniform, measured, which may not appeal to fans of hurricane action games, but it will completely satisfy the aesthetes of computer games. Yes, and without shooting it will not do - you definitely won’t be bored!

Another very serious advantage of Mafia and Mafia 2, which affects the realism and the game atmosphere, is the severity of the police. For example, in the same GTA, no one will even pay attention if you drive through a red light. Here it will attract the attention of the cops. Also, speeding has a similar effect, and the more it is, the more serious the consequences for our hero. In GTA, you can at least fly on the ground in a car - it doesn't matter. Since we have already touched on the topic of cars, then Mafia has something that is very much lacking in many, many games - limited fuel in the tank. You will have to pay money for refueling. As well as for the repair of the car itself. And in general, money is needed, as in real life - to buy things (in the case of our games - weapons), restore health, pay fines ... Not to mention the fact that they are useful for saving the game.

The work of the police is also impressive, designed more realistically than in other games. For minor offenses, you will get off with a fine. For more serious ones, such as carrying a firearm or using knives, a serious accident or serious speeding, an arrest is provided. If you attack a police officer, use a firearm, or do a similar illegal act, you will be exposed to fire to kill. There is also an extreme degree of search - anxiety. It rises if you commit a serious crime and try to hide. You will be put on the wanted list, but for this the policeman must run to the telephone booth. The situation in such cases is greatly complicated by the roads blocked by cops and the FBI agents involved in your capture.

But as expected, it is possible to hide from the police and lie low - then everything will calm down, you will be removed from the wanted list. The methods of dealing with enemies are varied - here and melee weapons (from a baseball bat to a crowbar with a knife), and firearms (from primitive revolvers to perfect pistols, machine guns and rifles), and grenades - there is everything to provide the player with fun. Another feature of the games in the Mafia series is that the camera in both parts shows a third-person view. Someone may like it, someone may not, but if you look objectively, then just for this game, that Mafia, that Mafia 2 is really the best choice.

In a word, it is difficult to find serious shortcomings in the gameplay of Mafia and Mafia 2. The maximum one can find fault with is that many people do not like vintage cars, the relatively weak weapons of the Great Depression era and subsequent years, which are already described in the second part. But this is already a matter of taste, and even among fans of everything modern, there are probably many fans of Mafia games - why not an indicator of their genius?


These games are really great. The player will cling to the keyboard with their teeth, but will try to get through as much as possible in one sitting. Everything is extremely exciting and exciting - brilliantly conveyed the atmosphere of the times when the described events took place, all the "charm" of the confrontation between mafia clans, where you start as a simple pawn and end up as a major crime boss ... Everything for you. If for some reason you have not played Mafia and / or Mafia 2 yet, you will definitely try it! A pleasant time is guaranteed.

All games and add-ons of the Mafia series

City of Lost Paradise - the first part of the Mafia series
The history of the game begins in 1930. The scene is the fictional American city of Lost Haven. The game tells about the life of Thomas Angelo, a former taxi driver who, unexpectedly for everyone, and above all for himself, began his career in organized crime, joining one of the two largest mafia groups that rule the city. After a while, he becomes a member of the Family, and now he has to become a witness and participant in various crimes.

Release Date: August 28, 2002

The new part of the famous gangster saga Mafia
Mafia 2 is set in 1943-1951 in the fictional American city of Empire Bay. The city is dominated by three main mafia families: Vinci, Clemente and Falcone. The main character is Vito Scaletta, who moved with his family from Sicily to the United States as a child. As a boy, he imagined that in America all his dreams would become a reality, but in reality everything turned out to be completely different.

Release Date: August 24, 2010

The third part of the gangster saga Mafia
The game is set in New Orleans in 1968. The city is mired in the lawlessness of crime. It is completely ruled by the Italian mafia, and corrupt politicians and policemen care only about their own enrichment. The protagonist of the game - a black veteran of the Vietnam War Lincoln Clay, returns to America, where no one is waiting for him, like many others, to find his place in life. He only remains how to join a small gang that will replace his family.

Gangster theme is one of the most interesting themes for movies and games. A series of games Mafia - the standard of this genre! You can download the Mafia anthology here! I think many of you have come across this topic: someone watched movies, and someone played games. Although there are few games in this genre, there are developers Illusion Softworks. Wizards from this game studio not only laid the foundation for a new game series, but created the perfect game with a gangster theme. Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven has taken the gaming space by storm.

Founding of the Illusion Softworks studio. Come out Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven

In 1997 Piotr Wohozka founded the Illusion Softworks studio. The first developments of the studio remained in oblivion. But the Czech studio was not going to stop! On October 22, 2001, GTA 3 was released, which became the best game of the year. The game had a large, well-developed open world, with freedom of action and movement, with a variety of missions, with many weapons. It was extremely difficult to repeat such success for other studios. But the Czech studio Illusion Softworks did it. The first Mafia comes out on August 28, 2002.

The game turns out to be not just a bomb, it becomes a revelation for many. A small and unknown at that time studio created a mafia-themed idol. Many gamers of that time replayed the game several times in order not to miss important details of the plot and once again merge into all this mafia theme.

Features of Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven

Unlike GTA, the open world in the Mafia was given a second role. The main character of the game was the plot. He's just great. And if in GTA you just wanted to run amok in a large open world, scoring on the storyline, then in Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven everything was the other way around. It was the story that made me forget about everything.

Anger, fear, love, laughter - these are just some of the feelings that the player received during the passage of the story campaign.

The story campaign of the game is presented to the player in the form of chapters, a prologue and an epilogue. The beginning of each chapter is accompanied by a beautiful cut-scene. Video inserts are imbued with the spirit of famous films about mafiosi. You have to join the Salieri mafia family and experience many events penetrating to the depths of the soul! The game is full of shootouts, racing, incredible plot twists and shocking moments.

The game will plunge you into the era of America in the 30s, you will feel the spirit of that time, ride retro cars and feel like a real member of the mafia family. And the music of the game is made so cool that the soundtrack will play in your head for weeks after the passage.

Meet Mafia 2 - continuation of the famous series

If the first part evoked only positive emotions from critics and gamers, then Mafia 2 was not so monotonous in its reviews. After the resounding success of Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven, gamers have no idea that the continuation of this series will be released, which can be downloaded by torrent on the website. After all, in addition to the positive ratings of game critics, the game was supported by buyers with their ruble. But for the publisher - this is one of the key moments of the release of the sequel.

Even before the release of Mafia 2, Illusion Softworks was bought out by major publisher 2K Games. This created a lot of conflicts within the development team. And two fundamental members of the team left the studio. Among them was the screenwriter of the first part. The founder of the studio also left the campaign.

The game changed many engines during the development process, as the process went on for quite a long time, and it is impossible to release a game with outdated graphics and physics. And finally, on August 24, 2010, 8 years after the release of the first Mafia, Mafia II comes out. The game took an honorable first place in the top sales, and the players quickly ran to study the story campaign, which promised to be very interesting.

Events unfold around Vito Scalleti, a simple guy who wants a better life. You are also waiting for an interesting plot, but the players did not like the terrible ending, which leaves a lot of innuendo.

The gameplay as a whole is similar to the original. The game has a third-person view. Remained in their place and travel by car. It seems like there is an open game world, but still a big binding to the plot killed the freedom of movement. All because of the special sequence of chapters.

In order to gain freedom of movement, you must complete the story mission. After that, we have access to the study of the city, but the city after each task was tied to the surroundings of this task. That is, if it was snowing in the task, then the city was covered with snow. It killed freedom of choice. The surrounding game world did not live its own life, the weather and time of day did not change themselves.

The city was larger than in the first part, the number of cars increased by an order of magnitude, all models are carefully designed. The very physics of car control has been simplified compared to the first part. That realism was gone. The cops didn't start carping so much about traffic violations. In Mafia 2, you can easily drive through the streets of the city, which could not be done without consequences in the first.

But if you completely start lawlessness, then the police will take up arms against you and you won’t be able to calmly move around the city.

Skirmishes in the game have become simpler. Now you can not be afraid of a large number of opponents, because you can shoot them with one shot to the head. A variety of weapons made it possible to pick up suitable guns for each mission, from which it was possible to kill enemies in batches.

In general, the gameplay continued to bend the line begun in the first Mafia. Somewhere the mechanics were taken to a new level, and somewhere it was simplified. But the overall impression of Mafia 2 remained positive.

The long awaited Mafia 3

The impressions of the players from Mafia 3 are mixed. The open world in the game is peculiar. As part of the story missions, you will need to anger the bosses in their territory of influence. The city is divided into these territories. You have to damage the infrastructure, eliminate people and engage in lawlessness in the boss's area.

The advantage is freedom of action. You can do everything in the style of stealth, or you can organize a mass mayhem in the style of some big-budget blockbuster. Download the Mafia anthology to your computer and experience the gangster life for yourself. How to press or blow up someone is up to you! And this is very pleasing. The non-linearity in the execution of missions is a big plus for the game.

Mafia 3 is a decent game, but it lags behind the fifth GTA, both in terms of the quality of the study of the game world and the mechanics of the game. The physics are very arcade. Cars explode at the slightest collision - this is a big step back according to player critics.

All in all, Mafia 3 isn't perfect. And probably couldn't be. Still, the history of the project is too complicated.

In this category, we have collected the best games in which you can try yourself as a person who is on the other side of the law. Here you can download online projects that allow you to get into the shoes of a street gangster, as well as get acquainted with the list of the best mafia games on PC.

The best mafia games

1. Mafia series

The sequels that followed in 2010 and 2016 could not surpass the original in terms of performance, but nevertheless, all games in the franchise provide the deepest possible immersion in the wilds of the gangster world.

2. Grand Theft Auto series

The heroes of the games in the GTA series can hardly be called real mafiosi - they are rather ordinary, for which there are no rules, laws and concepts. But still, these projects show the life of criminals in the most realistic way, exposing its positive and negative sides (with the inevitable preponderance of the latter).

3. Yakuza 0

Action-adventure, the debut of the Yakuza series on PC, showing the life of members of the Yakuza organization. is not only a guide to the exotic world of crime, but also a guide to the late 1980s: here at any moment you can escape from fights and gunfights and relax at a disco, karaoke or arcade machines.

4. Sleeping Dogs

If the previous game from the top introduced gamers to the Japanese mafia, then this one shows the life of Hong Kong gangsters: the protagonist, an undercover cop, infiltrates a criminal organization to destroy it from the inside, but does not notice how he himself becomes part of it. The developers have released a high-quality third-person action game, which, in accordance with stereotypes, focuses on hand-to-hand combat using martial arts techniques.

5. Dilogy True Crime

The games True Crime: Streets of LA and True Crime: New York also talk about undercover work, but here, instead of oriental flavor, there is a demonstration of the life of American street gangs: hip-hop, wide pants, gunfights and other essential attributes. An interesting fact: Sleeping Dogs was supposed to be the third part, but during the development process it changed the developer and publisher, and eventually took shape in an independent project.

Games in the series have been withdrawn from official digital services

6. Dilogy The Godfather

8. Guns, Gore & Cannoli

From gloomy games to frivolous ones: the Guns, Gore & Cannoli dilogy is a hurricane run-n-gun in which the main character (with a partner in cooperative mode), of course, a mafia, shreds, shoots, blows up numerous opponents, including includes not only representatives of warring families, but also Nazis, Nazi zombies and other monsters.

9. The Darkness

A series of first-person shooters based on the comic book of the same name. The protagonist of The Darkness is a mafia member who unexpectedly received the power of Darkness, which gave him supernatural powers. With them, ordinary criminal showdowns turn into a bloody meat grinder with limbs flying in all directions. In addition to dynamic gameplay, the games in the series boast a very good plot, in which there is a place for ancient rituals, betrayals and love drama.

10 Mafia City H5

All parts of the mafia game: let's start of course with. Thomas Angelo did not want to become a mafia. But, being involuntarily drawn into the confrontation between "families", he gradually became involved in criminal life. Works for the Salieri clan, the goal is to behead the Morello family. Subsequently, he was killed in the second part as a traitor to the clan.

Mafia 2

The main character, Vito Scaletta, lived like his peers in a criminal area. Then, arrested for an attempted robbery, he chose the front as an alternative to prison, but after returning from the war, he joined the mafia. Starting with petty theft and fraud, he rose almost to the heights of the shadow world. - take control of city business, forcing out competing clans.

Mafia 3

All parts of the game mafia: that's got to! The leitmotif of the storyline is the revenge of the main character (Lincoln Clay) for the murder of friends. The organizer of the crime was Marcano, one of the godfathers of the mafia. In the game world of Mafia 3, there are many different clans, either helping or interfering with each other. And closer to the end, the user will have to choose one of the three options for the final.