GAZ-53 GAZ-3307 GAZ-66

Technomagic guide for character leveling ultrasonic scanner. A complete description of the key points of technomagic online. Which way to choose

Technomagic online- browser-based multiplayer online game with puzzle pieces. The game is developed by CyberCrew. The game is fully translated into Russian and is distributed under the free-to-play free-to-play system.

The game setting allows you to visit a world where magic borders on technology. The world of Elenor is a fairyland where two races wage a centuries-old war - humans and dwarves. The war has been going on for so long that even the oldest inhabitants of Elenor do not remember how it started. People in their development went into the study of ancient secrets and mystical teachings, while the dwarves always strived for new discoveries and inventions. The player will have to choose which side of the conflict to take. Following the storyline, the player will have a chance to become the one who was destined to end the long-standing war.

Each of the two races has a number of its own features that play an important role in the gameplay of the game. First of all, these are differences in the ideology of warfare of each race. So people prefer to use various magical tricks to win, do not hesitate to heal and use spells that weaken the enemy, while gnomes respect only science and win battles due to precise calculation in creating mechanisms. However, not all gnomes do not accept magic. Mountain centenarians, who saw the beginning of the birth of technological progress, still remember how to use runic magic.

Techno Magic will meet new players with a series of tutorial tasks that will introduce newcomers to the game interface and the basics of gameplay. A series of quests that will take the player through most of the locations is a set of fascinating mini-stories. The role-playing system of TechnoMagic allows you to pump the main characteristics of the heroes and improve their special abilities. In the course of the development of the hero, more and more powerful skills will be given to him.

The combat system is one of the most interesting aspects of the game. Fights in Technomagic are implemented as a logical puzzle. On the game screen, during the battle with the enemy, in front of the player is a field with multi-colored crystals and skulls. The player needs to collect combinations of various stones in order to activate the desired skills. Tactical gameplay features during battles allow you to set up traps made of black stones with shards or use stones that the enemy needs to use skills.

For those who want to test their combat skills against other players, the game has a PvP arena. For winning the arena, players receive rating points and some material bonuses. The competitive element ensures constant excitement around the battle arenas. On the high levels there is a chance to get rare weapons and armor for a large number of arena points.

Technomagic 4 has a very pleasant appearance. Detailed 2D graphics with many modern effects add dynamics to the gameplay. Musical accompaniment will delight you with a high-quality selection of thematic melodies for each location.

The game has a crafting system that includes 4 professions:
Alchemist - Alchemists, thanks to their knowledge of the properties of various substances, are able to make all kinds of potions.
The Mystery Scribe is a master of arcane runic lore. For a certain amount of resources and a fee, they are ready to create runes endowed with magical properties.
A jeweler is a skilled craftsman who maintains the proportions of magical metals with maximum accuracy, creating not only jewelry, but also powerful artifacts.
Blacksmith - Blacksmithing is one of Elenor's oldest crafts. In constant wars, it is not elixirs and magic that save, but only high-quality armor, for which real heroes are ready to pay a lot of money.

For all types of crafts, large amounts of resources are needed, which are problematic to obtain on your own in the right quantities. To solve this problem, players join large guilds, for which they forge equipment or create various elixirs in exchange for resources. Depending on the choice of profession, the player will occupy one or another position in the guild, and receive appropriate payment for this.

TechnoMagic also has a rather interesting social system that allows you to meet and communicate with other players right during the game. Players can form clans and wage clan wars against clans of the opposing race. Clans also have the opportunity to purchase their own real estate.

The developers from CyberCrew have made a really interesting and unusual project that combines elements of classic RPGs with exciting logic puzzles. TechnoMagic should appeal to all fans of simple story-driven games like Puzzle Quest. In addition, the game can be classified as

From Russian developers, many players please, having gathered a million audience. This project has combined best qualities different genres: turn-based strategies and logic games, so it may be of interest to a wide range of players.

Well, let's take a closer look at why Technomagic has gathered such a large community.

Why should you play Technomagic?

  • Available technical requirements. Technomagic can be played online even on a phone with Flash support.
  • Minimum donation. Even rare and valuable items can be bought with in-game currency.
  • Lots of social opportunities. Here you can not only trade and join clans, but also send packages, write denunciations against enemies, and even get married!
  • A well-detailed world that uses the latest developments in the .
  • A million community - here you will definitely not be lonely!


In the world of Elinor for several centuries there has been a war between the races of people and dwarves. It lasts so long that none of the parties remembers its cause, but at the same time everyone is sure that it will not end for a long time. People decided to follow the path of the goddess Equil, who gave them magic. However, the problem is that they do not have a long lifespan, so they only studied three areas: destruction, healing and protection. In these types of magic, they have reached the highest knowledge. But human manipulation of magic damages nature.

Gnomes, in turn, are deprived of magical abilities. They are an incredibly prudent and hardworking race, so they rely on engineering knowledge and machines that they build and improve every year. But even with magic, not everything is hopeless with them, the gnomes have learned to enclose it in crystals, which they use to make their machines work.

A different approach to nature has caused an incredibly large-scale struggle that spills rivers of blood over the years. The player will have to choose the side for which he is ready to fight without a shadow of a doubt.


Ease of control directly affects the quality of the game, so the developers gave a lot of their time and resources to make it convenient to play Technomagic. All control is done with the mouse.

Locations are divided into certain hexagons (hexes), people who are familiar with the Heroes of Might and Magic series of games will be very comfortable, and a new player will figure out what and how in a few seconds. The camera follows the character, so new locations open only after the character has come to the edge of the screen. However, due to the presence of the card, this does not bring any inconvenience. All the main icons are located at the top of the screen and do not take up much space.

The control interface is intuitive


First you need to choose a side of the conflict. Keep in mind that at equal levels, the parameters of the gnomes are slightly stronger than human ones, which will be a nice bonus for a gnome beginner. Technomagic will spend the first 5-10 minutes on a tutorial that will show the main points of the game, such as leveling abilities, equipment, rules of combat. The initial story quests will allow you to get the necessary resources, experience and money in a simple mode. I am very pleased with the presence of a variety of quests, which are incredibly numerous and at the same time they do not bother. This is probably the main advantage of this MMORPG, since it does not turn into a permanent routine and, as the level increases, it still develops dynamically.

Battle between characters

Character leveling

When leveling up, there is a certain automation and manual selection. Stats such as defense, attack, vitality automatically improve with increasing levels. However, we have a choice of abilities.

In total there are two ways of development: a warrior or a magician. A warrior relies on a quick attack and inflicting maximum damage, in turn, magic skills are more like support, as they increase defense, heal, impose negative effects on the enemy, including forbidding him to walk. In addition, each selected skill can be increased in mastery. "Technomagic" is incredibly well thought out in combat tactics, each ability can turn the tide of the game even in the case when one could not hope to win.

"Technomagic" has nice graphics


You don't need to download anything to run "Technomagic" - it's available right in your browser. However, the graphics and gameplay look quite decent.

In general, "Technomagic" is an online game that can please:

  • a variety of professions that allow you to craft your own equipment, potions and other necessary materials;
  • well thought out quests;
  • excellent graphics and varied gameplay;
  • the presence of dungeons with ordinary and epic bosses;
  • a responsive community that will always help a newbie.

The developers keep in touch with the players, and with each update they try to make the gameplay more interesting.

Fire up Technomagic and set out on an adventure along the roads of Eleanor!

I'll tell you straight away computer games for me, they were previously divided into permanent ones (CS, Q3, NFS and GTA) and non-permanent ones (usually RPGs and other puzzles) that were completed quickly and forgotten almost immediately.

But everything changed in 2008, under New Year. In early December, I began to notice in the evenings how my son (he was then 7 years old) periodically called his mother (my wife) to the computer to help move some pebbles on the playing field. Further - more, evening after evening, the son and wife were sitting at the computer more and more and almost did not talk to me. A week later, I became curious why my family devotes all their free time to some kind of browser game. I decided to register a Persian and see for myself what's wrong with this gameplay?

Since I was not going to play for so long (and this is my first experience in such Internet projects), the first levels flew by quickly, without swinging and not paying attention to the proposed quests. Having reached the 5th level, I began to understand that combat in the game has an even more interesting meaning, you can move stones not just by collecting combinations, but you can also cast magic (which become available with new levels), from that moment I began to be sucked into this game :)

I fought with mobs in safe areas and didn’t know what I was doing wrong. Between battles, I started to get interested in simple quests... Another 3 levels flew by, I learned how to look at the character's info :) and bitterly found out that I didn't have any of the offered medals open.

How I gave 30 months to Technomagic

How I gave 30 months to Technomagic

I found out how and what, I started to get nerdy, everyone advised me to quit this Persian and register a new one, but I'm stubborn. At level 9, I went to the Colosseum and in the first PvP battle I dropped Ax of the Destroyer(at that time it was one of the most powerful weapons in the project). Shouting in the game chat about my drop, they started flooding me with congratulations with offers to sell this device for game currency. With the state cost of the ax at 40 gold, they offered me 65 gold, but they asked me to wait a day until real money was thrown into the project and exchanged for in-game currency, so I found out that there are people who are ready to give 65 thousand rubles for a drawn ax !!

Starting a new Persian now certainly did not shine. With the proceeds, I bought a full Gadzoga, having pumped a bit of click medals, I went down to the dungeon and started the game even more recklessly against older mobs and opponents, who, by the way, still more often endured me than I did them (well, that's understandable, even though I'm in a beautiful magic gear, but still remained a noob).

All these actions happened to me in 2 and a half months. Now my family only sat at their computers in the evenings and talked exclusively through the game chat.

The next step in the game was to create your own clan. As an adult, I understood that since I missed leveling at the first stage of the game, then the further the more difficult it would be for me to catch up, and creating and leading a clan would really help me feel more comfortable in the game. Having farmed 50 gold in 2-3 weeks (this is how much it costs to register a clan), creating a clan website - I submitted an application to the Administration and registered the Norta clan.

Management skills and experience in marketing came in handy in the game. I acted cunningly, knowing that for the fact that the clan is included in the TOP10, the administration rewards the clan with buns (eliks, scrolls, etc.), I poked around on the game forum and found out rating calculation formula, the matter remained small, it was necessary that the clan had the maximum number of people (it was then allowed no more than 30) and all Persians must be of a high level and with a good rank. All clans at that time took game gold for joining and a monthly tax from each (moreover, these were normal amounts and not everyone could just give them away from their backpack). I coined the term Norta clan tour. Wandering through the most crowded locales, I looked for highs without a clan and offered them the very excursion to my clan for a week - for free! If you like it with us - then pay for the entrance and stay, if you don't like it - you lose nothing and leave the clan. It worked! I started recruiting "guests" to the clan 5 days before the end of the month, because the rating was calculated on the last day of the month (all the achievements of each player for the month were taken into account, it does not matter whether he was in this clan all month or not), that is highs entered for free and thus gave my clan rating points - and it’s not expensive for them, and it’s good for me. It was difficult to staff the first half of the clan, but for that the second half, seeing in the clan not a bad number of highs, went with pleasure. It should be noted that after the calculation of the rating and the distribution of free eliks, only a few left us. So my clan from the first month of its existence immediately entered the TOP10 and did not go out there even once in 2.5 years :) This practice of excursions helped us out almost every month.

After playing for 6 months, my clan passed the clan quest and got a flying clan island (this is a very serious result and few people would like to leave such a clan, and a huge number of players aspired to get into such a clan). Next, we opened three trading shops on it, in which many elixirs, recipes, ammunition and other things useful for the game are sold for game currency.

And the Administration constantly introduces new quests, locations, battlegrounds, medals and achievements, for which they have special respect!

So, and many still believe that it is impossible to be in a strong clan and play comfortably without constantly pouring in real.

TechnoMagic Server - it's a mixture of industrial and magical mods. Sometimes it's boring to play on a magical or industrial server and you want something more. Our server will allow you to become a magician who is also not far behind in industrialization, capable of using magic to create something more out of ordinary quantum armor and power tools. It will take a really long time to develop, but it will be very interesting. Such a variety of mods just will not let you get bored.

general information

  • Last wipe date- February 28, 2020.
  • Building world size- 10000 x 10000.
  • Digging world size- 6000x6000.
  • Hell size is 3000 x 3000.
  • Edge - 1000 x 1000.
  • Pvp on the server included!
  • Minecraft version - 1.7.10

Useful Warps

  • /warp world - teleport to the building world
  • /warp mining - teleportation to the digging world
  • /warp nether - teleportation to hell
  • /warp end - teleport to the end world
  • /warp shop - shop

List of mods

  • Advanced Solar Panels
  • AE2 Stuff- Addition to the Applied Energistics 2 mod, which will add new ones, carvers, chambers for crystal growth and much more.
  • AFSU- Addition to the IndustrialCraft 2 mod, which will add an energy storage for 1,000,000,000 Eu
  • Applied Energistics 2- A mod that contains a lot of new content, mostly centered around the concept of using and converting energy in a unique way. Most of the functions are associated with the ME network or are part of it.
  • Botany- Addon to Forestry, adding a huge amount of decor and plants.
  • Build Craft- A mod that makes it easier to harvest, transport and store some liquids from their natural locations, and also allows you to transport and store large amounts of liquids from other mods.
  • CaseReload- Self-written mod that adds cases to the game, with items, game currency and even premium accounts.
  • Compact Solar Arrays- An add-on to Industrial Craft 2 that adds several new types of solar panels, which are noticeably better than ordinary ones (Energy output and crafting are configured so that there are 8 levels of panels in the game from 1 Eu / t to 16 384 Eu / t).
  • Computronics- An addon for Open Computers that adds several new items and an API to work with them.
  • CustomNPC- A modification that adds mobs to the game, which are initially programmed by the server administrator. Makes the Minecraft world more lively and atmospheric.
  • Dragon Evolution- A mod that adds powerful new tools, armor, vehicles and various elements that use Redstone Flux to work.
  • Dragons Radio Mod- A mod that adds Radio to the game. With it, you can listen to radio streams via URL.
  • DwCity- TechnoMagic server's own mod, adding many new items, as well as an additional "Matter" tab in the Taumonomicon, which links magic and technology even more closely.
  • Electro Magic Tools- Addon for Thaumcraft and Industrial Craft 2, linking them together, forcing them to use the same energy.
  • Extra Bees- An addon for Forestry that adds various hives to the world generation, new improvements for large hives and a frame.
  • Extra Trees- Addon to Forestry, adding the ability to display new types of different trees. Would you like a small cherry tree for decoration? Or a giant sequoia? Yes please! Also, the addon includes quite a lot of decor blocks.
  • forestry- Minecraft mod specially designed for use with BuildCraft and IndustrialCraft.
  • genetics- Addon to Forestry, which everyone loves so much! With it, you can breed a huge number of new bees, instill any genes in them, and in general ... Simplifies the life of beekeepers.
  • GlebiusVC- A mod that adds the ability to communicate with other players through a microphone.
  • Gravity Suite- An add-on to the IndustrialCraft 2 mod that adds several new types of armor and tools to the game.
  • Grimoire Of Gaia 3- A mod that adds new mobs, custom items, as well as rings that give eternal buffs
  • Hats- A mod that adds various headwear that will allow you to stand out from other players.
  • IC2 Backpack HUD- A modification that displays the charge of your armor next to your lives.
  • Industrial Craft 2- A modification that adds industrial production to the world (metallurgy, electrical engineering, agro-industry), thanks to the appearance various kinds energy, new devices and tools.
  • IronChest- A mod that adds new chests to the game, in which you can store up to 108 different items.
  • JourneyMap- The mod will add a map and radar, which you can easily navigate in this square world.
  • Magic Bees- Addon to Forestry and Thaumcraft, adding new types of bees.
  • Mouse Tweaker- The mod will allow you to easily and quickly manage your inventory.
  • NEI- The mod displays all the items that are in the game, you can also see the crafting of any item with the R key and find out what can be crafted from this item with the U key.
  • Nodal Mechanics- An addon for Thaumcraft that allows you to create your own aura nodes.
  • Nuclear Control 2- An add-on to the IndustrialCraft 2 mod that allows you to create a control and monitoring system for your nuclear reactors.
  • openblocks- A modification that adds various useful and funny blocks to the Minecraft world.
  • OpenPeripheralAddon- Addon to OpenComputers, which will add even more new mechanisms.
  • open security- An addon for OpenComputers that adds new mechanisms to keep you and your data safe.
  • OptiFine- Mod, will allow you to more flexibly configure graphics settings, as well as increase FPS on weak computers.
  • PowerUtils- A mod that allows you to convert EU energy to RF and vice versa.
  • Status Effect HUD- A modification that displays the current effects on the player.
  • Thaumcraft- A modification that adds sorcery to the world, allowing you to turn any object into a form of energy called "Vis". With the help of this energy, you can activate magical symbols, bend space and matter, enchant things, create powerful tools, and much more.
  • Thaumic Energy- An add-on for Thaumcraft and Applied Energistics 2, created to integrate these mods.
  • Thaumic Tinkerer- An add-on for Thaumcraft that adds many useful things, such as the Osmotic Enchanting Table, ichor tools, armor, new types of knobs and much more.
  • thermal expansion- Modification that adds new mechanics of resource processing and organization of automatic production to the game, new resources, their processors, as well as energy and devices for its production and storage.
  • TcInventoryScan- An addon for Thaumcraft that allows you to study items with a Thaumometer directly in your inventory and in chests.
  • Waila- When hovering over a block, it shows detailed information about it.
  • witchery- A modification that adds witches' magic, with which you can call different creatures, brew potions, hang curses on those you don't like.
  • Ztones- Modification that adds new types of custom blocks.