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Find the owner by car number. How to find out the owner by car number for free. How to find out the owner of a car by the number in the traffic police

In 2020, there is no legal way to find the owner of a vehicle based on the data of his car. Legal acts clearly establish a prohibition on the disclosure of personal data of citizens. But this does not mean that it is really impossible to do this. Below you will find out 2 working ways with which you can find the owner by his car number, including for free, as well as how to do it, knowing only the VIN code or other data.

Why can't you punch through it legally?

Why is it impossible ?! Can. But not online and not for free - you will conditionally donate your property. But, if we intrigued you, then we will discuss this issue a little below, and start with the simplest and most legal ways to find out the owner of the car.

There is a special law that prohibits disclosing information about car owners using other data. This is the Federal Law "On Personal Data". And he prescribes 2 important things:

  • any data of the owner of the car is confidential and storage operators have no right to disclose it,
  • data can be entered into open sources of disclosed information only with the consent of their owner.

Thus, you will not find out the full name and other data of the owner of the car by the license plate, either on the official websites of the traffic police and the Ministry of Internal Affairs online, or by personally contacting the authorities with a corresponding statement.

Although, there is an exception, and more on that below. As well as information about who owns the car, it will not be available either for a fee or free of charge on State Services and other official or legislative sources.

There is a real way!

It is paid, but very inexpensive - it costs only 100 rubles as of January 12, 2020.

So, the owner of the car by the car number can be punched through the AVinfo service. He has a number of disadvantages:

  • this is not a free service, but you can find out the owner by the car number for only 100 rubles,
  • as of today, AVinfo is represented only by the Telegram bot, so you will have to install the corresponding application if you do not have it,
  • not for all cars, the service allows you to determine the name of the owner, but there are most of such cars.

But if you have selfish goals to get the data of the owner of the car according to the license plate, then we have good news - phone numbers appear in reports quite often if there is information about the owners with their personal data. But, even if there was no such data, knowing the last name, first name and patronymic, you can find a person on social networks. In addition, we will show you another way to do this.


1. So, first of all, you need to install the Telegram application on your mobile smartphone. You can find it:

Below we will show screenshots from the web version of Telegrams - it is installed only if there is a registration via a smartphone.

Please note that this bot has fake clones, so be careful! Check if the username of the real bot is @AvinfoBot.

3. Now, in the field for entering a message, enter the desired number of the car whose owner you want to find:

As a result, you will be given standard information available free of charge. But it is still impossible to recognize the owner of the car by it.

4. But in order to break through the owner of the vehicle, you will need to purchase a full report online, paying 100 rubles for it. To do this, click on the " Full AVinfo report".

And in the new menu that opens, select that you only need 1 report for this car number:

5. When you click on the link to buy the report, you will be taken to the AVinfo website, where you can pay for it online. After payment in the telegram chat with the bot, the menu will appear again, like this:

Now all that remains is to click on the "Full report" button again (from point 4 of the instructions, or once again enter the license plate number of the desired car and press this button again).

It usually takes less than 1-2 minutes to generate a report, although the bot's warning indicates a different time - 5-30 minutes.

6. As a result, you will receive a PDF file with a report. We open it in any convenient way. And, bingo, we see information about the owner of the car by number, which can be found in one of 2 blocks of information:

  • either in the history of registration actions (by the date of the last operation it will be seen who is the owner of the car with the specified number for today),
  • or in the information about the owners.

A couple of such reports are cited as an example by the creators of the service themselves. For example, here's the first and here's the second. In the second example, you may find that there is no information about the owner of the car in the report.

Similar information can be found in AVinfo by the VIN code. The instructions above are identical for this, except that instead of the registration plate of the car, you will need to drive in the wine number.

Free way to find out the owner of the car number

Yes, you can also do this for free. But it is already difficult and not online. Not only will you have to leave the house, you will also have to ... get into an accident! And it's not a joke.

And we are talking about the legislation in force for 2020, which allows you to find out the data of the person involved in the case of an administrative offense.

The Code of Administrative Offenses says that the person in respect of whom the administrative case is being conducted, and the person in the status of a victim, has the right to get acquainted with all the materials of such a case. What does it mean? To determine the owner of a car, knowing the license plate of the latter, you just need to both be involved in the same case.

The simplest and most obvious is an accident. But it doesn't have to be provoked. You can only declare the event itself, call the traffic police and indicate that the second participant has fled. This is illegal, and if the traffic police suspect deception, then I can bring a fine of up to 1,500 rubles under Article 19.13 of the Administrative Code.

But in case of a successful "operation", an administrative investigation will be initiated, and you can come to the traffic police department, where the case materials are stored and familiarize yourself with them. They may contain the data of the owner of the car, which you have declared, indicating that you have seen the license plate numbers of the car.

They will also not be able to attract the owner of the car, since he does not confess to what he had done, and to attract only your words will not be enough, there will be no evidence that he was driving, and if he does not appear at the traffic police upon the call of the inspectors, he will have nothing for this it will not be, and the case will be closed after the maximum investigation period has elapsed (up to 2 months in case of an accident without injuries).

How is it impossible to determine in 2020?

Now let's refute what you find on many internet sites as working ways to find out the owner of a car by car number.

Official website of the traffic police

We do not know what those who write about the possibility of finding the full name of the owner of the car license plate through the website of the State Traffic Inspectorate think. This, as we already mentioned at the beginning of the article, is an object of personal data, and no body can simply disclose them to everyone in a row.

Second, you cannot find anything on the official website by the car number - only by the VIN number. But according to it, you will be given a vehicle registration history with start and end dates, as well as physical persons or legal entities. That's it, disclosure of the data of the owners of the car will not and cannot be!

Asking the traffic police on the road

Quite a common myth, when resources give advice just as a human being to ask the traffic police inspectors on the road to punch a person by the number of his car. Supposedly, employees always have access to the traffic police database with such data, and they can easily find out all this.

No! Firstly, employees gain access to such a database only for certain operations and in certain positions (for example, employees of registration units, and they do not patrol on the road). Secondly, the law on personal data applies here, and in this case, they are also prohibited from disseminating personal data. What if you are from the CSS and check the inspector ?!

Therefore, the likelihood that on a straight road you can ask an employee to find the owner of the car, calling the license plate of the car, and get a productive answer tends to zero.

But this, of course, is not excluded if you have an acquaintance of an employee of the authorities who is ready to violate such a prohibition.

Car database and new traffic police law?

Most recently, the Russian government has prepared a draft law on the introduction of a unified register of vehicles in our country, which will store all information about cars registered with the traffic police. The project is posted on the official website of the authorities and is scheduled to enter into force on August 4, 2020.

This means that personal data will also be available. And citizens will be able to request extracts with this data at any time and for free. Does this mean that in this way it will be possible to break through all the information about the owner of the car? No, it doesn't. The draft clearly states that ordinary citizens will have access to car numbers, engine parameters and registration history. But personal data can only be obtained by employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and similar security agencies.

It is recommended to approach the purchase of a car carefully so as not to waste a large sum. This is especially true for used cars. Quite a few people have already learned on their own how fraudsters find new ways to hide reliable information, and naive buyers, in an attempt to save money, forget about precautions.

Therefore, it is so important to determine in advance the "pitfalls" both about the car and about the owner himself. This is usually done by state number or wine code. In the first case, the check may turn out to be inaccurate, since it is easy to change the license plates, and sometimes even to put fake ones. The second option is more suitable, since this code is individual, and remains unchanged throughout the entire time and it is not possible to forge it. Therefore, the easiest way to find out the owner of the car is by the vin code, and the result will correspond to reality.

Search criteria

It is sad for buyers that only owners are allowed to check a car in the traffic police. This means that they will find out if the car is being stolen, on credit or on bail, after the conclusion of the sales contract and registration in their own name.

Often, new owners get a car from the "black list" without conducting a proper check, and further legal proceedings can last for years, since then it will be difficult to find a fraudster who will not see his fault.

Allegedly, the owner who puts the car up for sale may not have anything to do with it at all. Therefore, we check not only the true owner, but the total number of owners. The more owners, the worse, most likely, the condition of the car will be. If you punch by the vin code, you can find out more information:

  • real license plate (if they tried to forge it);
  • information on the number of accidents;
  • last maintenance passes;
  • the presence of unpaid fines, as well as arrests and bans.

Such checks will avoid so much deception. Trying to find the owner of the car by state number, the information will still not be enough, although it is also necessary to check it. Perhaps the technical condition of the car will be normal, but who knows what the owners have in mind. Several more cars can be "hanging" on them, and this is already suspicious.

There is an option to check by phone number, but here you can also get to an unscrupulous seller: the SIM card may not be his. Moreover, mobile phone shops do not provide such information, since it is confidential. Scammers usually change their phone number every couple of weeks.

Therefore, it is worth using a fault check on the appropriate service, and for free. For a person new to this area, we note that the required code consists of 17 numbers and Latin letters. If the owner has nothing to hide, he himself will show it at the car. Depending on the brand and model, the codes are arranged differently. Perhaps he already pushed through information about the previous owners. Find out and check the owner's numbers too.

Thanks to this, you will learn real information about the vehicle, and verified information about the vehicle and its owner will help other people as well.

Increasingly, handheld vehicles are being sold and purchased. Of course, this allows for significant savings in comparison with purchases in the salon. But, on the other hand, the buyer faces certain dangers. The purchased car may be stolen or arrested by the court. And after a person goes to register their vehicle, police officers can take it away. In this case, you need to use one of the traffic police services: car check. It is important to consider that this will allow you to secure your finances and you will no longer need to worry about the legality of the purchase.

Basic types of checks

Offers the site of the State Traffic Inspectorate as "traffic police check auto". At the moment, we can say with confidence that more and more citizens have begun to actively use the Internet service in order to use government services. It is much easier than personally coming to a certain authority, collecting a huge amount of documents, and also waiting in long queues.

Online service on the traffic police website

You don't have to do that anymore. It is enough just to visit the main site of the traffic police and get acquainted with all the popular services that make life much easier and allow you to quickly determine all the necessary information regarding a particular vehicle.

You can use checks for the following search queries:

You can also check the car for being pledged using the FNP service.

Information about the vehicle being pledged

After the check of the car is completed on the traffic police website, it will be possible to get acquainted with its results. For each item there will be separate information. It is important to remember that if, according to the results of the check, it turns out that the vehicle is on the wanted list, then it is necessary to report this to the police. This can be done both by phone call and by a personal visit to the department.


In order to use a special traffic police service: checking a car, you must have certain data regarding this vehicle. It is best to use the VIN code.

VIN input

This is a unique seventeen-digit number that is billed by each manufacturer. Thanks to these numbers, you can find out who created the vehicle and what serial number it has in production.

Each car has its own code. When a vehicle crosses the border with the Russian Federation, it must be registered. Then this number is entered into a single register. In certain situations, the number set may not be available. In this case, to carry out a car check on the traffic police portal, you must use the following numbers, which are located on the chassis and body of the vehicle.

These figures for checking a car at the traffic police are also different. Each user only needs to enter numbers in the specially designated lines on the official website of the traffic police in order to obtain comprehensive information about the car. In order for the request to be processed by the system, you need to wait a little time. Processing the information received does not take more than one minute.

VIN check

Vehicle check thanks to identification number

Thanks to the vehicle identification number, you can easily get all the necessary information on it. This means that you no longer need to spend a huge amount of time visiting various authorities, checking documents, standing in queues. From now on, on the traffic police website, you can check the car completely free of charge and in the shortest possible time.

If the car was on the wanted list or registration restrictions were imposed on it, then the verification system will definitely determine this. As a result, each person has the opportunity to significantly save their time and money so as not to end up in the hands of an experienced fraudster. Since at the moment, hundreds of thousands of cars are stolen annually, which are sent to other countries and sold there to gullible buyers. And if you check the VIN code every time, you can deprive yourself of many problems.

The fact is that when you receive a new car, you can immediately check it without unnecessary paperwork or a personal statement to the traffic police. It is enough just to use the functionality of the main portal.

Documents for determining the legality of car registration

Not everyone uses the traffic police website to check a car. Additionally, be sure to check the documentation for the vehicle. At that moment, when the appearance of the car suits the driver, you can proceed to the direct check of securities. In order to have complete confidence in the legal purity of this car, you need to check the following certificates:

  • PTS, as the main document about the characteristics of the car;
  • registration certificate;
  • power of attorney to conclude a sale transaction.

The last point is necessary if the seller is the official representative of the owner of this property. It is imperative to ensure that all documents are certified by a notary.

When buying a new vehicle, quite often they are faced with a fake PTS. If such a purchase is made, then a person may simply lose their money. It is very important to carefully examine the documents for signs of forgery. It should be borne in mind that all traffic police documents have certain degrees of protection, which makes it easier to check the car.

The form on which the title deed is drawn up must be done at the enterprises of Goznak. In this case, it is necessary to have several degrees of protection. The simplest method of verification is to be able to look at the documents through a skylight. Special inclusions, which are on banknotes, should immediately appear.

If you touch the text "Vehicle passport", then such an inscription must be embossed. There are also certain requirements for a hologram on a document. She definitely needs to be bright and iridescent. In appearance, this detail shimmers like a mug or a strip. Obviously, all the details on the form should be an indispensable part of it, and it is imperative that each element of the traffic police document when checking a car should not be glued with glue or tape.

There is a special drawing on the upper left corner of the back of the document. According to its parameters, it is very voluminous, and also has the shape of a rose. The color of the existing image, if you change the angle of inclination, will definitely change. At the same time, the colors shimmer from green to gray.

When a potential buyer does not find the presence of a fake in the appearance of the TCP, then it is required to start familiarizing himself with the content of the securities. It is imperative to carefully review all available documentation. For example, you need to know that the two numbers that are the first in the series define the region in the Russian Federation that issued this document.

An important feature is that if a vehicle was created in our country, then its region code must necessarily correspond to the one that is located on the special seal of the manufacturing plant. It is located in the lower left corner. There is also the signature of the person who issued this security. Thanks to this information about the traffic police documents, checking the car will be much faster and easier.

Article 7 of Federal Law No. 152 "On Protection of Rights" prohibits anyone from publishing information about the private life of citizens. In accordance with this, it is impossible to simply obtain information about the owner of a car based only on license plates and VIN-code. But still, the legislation provides for certain cases when a third party can obtain information about the owner of the vehicle. How to do this, where to go or what services to use, we will tell you in this article.

How to find out the name of the vehicle owner?

A vehicle is always registered with only one natural or legal person, regardless of how many actual co-owners the vehicle has. In the MREO of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, the owner of the vehicle is given state registration plates, and information about the registration of the car is entered into the database. Thus, there is always fresh and up-to-date information about all vehicle owners in the regularly updated traffic police database. But citizens who do not have a compelling reason cannot receive information through this database. Article 7 of Federal Law No. 152 prohibits persons with access to personal information of citizens to disclose and publish it. At the same time, there are 2 alternative ways to find out the owner of the vehicle: buy a disk with the traffic police database or use the online service for checking numbers.

Obtaining information through the traffic police

Traffic police officers are not entitled to provide information on vehicle registration to third parties. At the same time, Articles 25.1 and 25.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation determined that in the event of an accident, both the guilty party and the victim have the right to familiarize themselves with all the materials of the case on administrative proceedings. This means that at the request of the participant in the accident, the traffic police are obliged to provide him with information about all other persons involved in the same accident. You can also count on receiving information about the vehicle owner in the following cases:

  • When the owner of the car has left his vehicle on the roadway (parking lot) and at the same time it blocks the exit of other road users;
  • When the driver became the culprit of a road accident, but he himself fled from the scene of the accident.

Traffic police officers can help with finding the owner of the car, even if the citizen remembered his number only partially. But for this it will be necessary to indicate as much information as possible about the car itself: its make, model, body color. In order to obtain the necessary information, the traffic police should apply with a statement drawn up in free form and containing a list of reasons according to which a citizen claims to receive information.

Access to the database without contacting the traffic police

It is impossible to download the traffic police database just like that, but there are cases of selling discs with such information. The sale of these discs is illegal, because it contradicts the provisions of Federal Law No. 152. This means that the traffic police database can only be purchased on the “black market”. But in this case, the buyer is at great risk. Firstly, instead of a real database, he may be sold a disk with other, unnecessary information. Secondly, the database on electronic media is not updated, while in Russia thousands of new vehicles are registered every week.

Even the most recent database may soon lose its relevance. Moreover, the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 1001 of November 24, 2008 "On the procedure for registering vehicles" determined that the old registration plates remain with the car when it is sold. This means that instead of real information about the owner of the vehicle, a citizen can receive information about the previous owner of the car.

Internet service for receiving data

There are several services in the network, like "Autonumber", which allow citizens to receive information about the owners of the vehicle by entering only the number of registration plates. But this service is not connected to the traffic police database. Enthusiasts collect data on vehicle numbers and owners, which means that the service does not display information about most of the vehicles registered in the territory of the Russian Federation. In addition, as in the case of a non-updatable database of this traffic police, the information on the service quickly becomes outdated.

How to find out the car owner by VIN-code?

VIN-code is a unique combination of characters that is assigned to each vehicle by the manufacturer. It is knocked out on the body and / or on the car frame. With its help, you can find out in which country and at which plant the vehicle was produced. The VIN code is indicated in the vehicle passport and in the registration certificate. Therefore, you can get information about the owner of the car by VIN-code through the same traffic police database. In addition, on the official website of the traffic police, the vehicle can be checked by VIN-code, without specifying the name of the owner. To carry out the check, you must:

  • Go to the official website of the traffic police.
  • Select the "Services" tab, and in the same place in the drop-down menu "Vehicle check".
  • Enter the VIN-code in the allotted field and request verification.

As a result of the check, the vehicle registration history will be displayed on the site without specifying specific information about the owner (only this individual or legal entity will be indicated); the history of the car's involvement in an accident, if any; information about whether the car is on the wanted list; information about the presence of restrictions imposed on the vehicle. There are also several third-party services on the network that check cars by VIN:

  • The website of the Federal Notary Chamber - checks the car for its use as collateral;
  • The website of the Federal Customs Service - checks whether the car has really passed the customs clearance procedure at the border.

Both on one and on the second site it makes sense to check the car when buying it. So the buyer will protect himself from the acquisition of a pledged vehicle, and from the acquisition of constructors and cuts, which are transported to the territory of Russia under the guise of spare parts and are not properly cleared at customs. But the received data will not contain information about the owner of the vehicle.


The current legislation prohibits posting data concerning the personal life of citizens in the public domain. Therefore, it is possible to obtain up-to-date information about the owner of the vehicle (his name, address) by license plates or VIN-code only through the traffic police, with good reason. But at the same time, there are enough services in the network that help to check the "cleanliness" of the vehicle by VIN-code.

Anyone can get into a situation when it is required to find out who owns a car, knowing only its license plate. For example, when a dishonest driver fled the scene of an accident or simply blocked the passage in the right direction.

Is it possible to determine the car owner by the license plate of the car

Officially, there are no ways to find out the personal information of a citizen, since they are protected by law. Information about the owners of cars is contained in a unified traffic police database and cannot be disclosed to third parties. State traffic inspectorate employees have the right to make a request for the owner of a car only within the limits of their official powers. Dissemination of information at the request of citizens is not carried out.

That is, the desired information is not available:

  • when trying to punch the owner through an online request on the official web portal of the traffic police for any reason;
  • by asking the traffic police inspector on the road when giving him the number, VIN or other information about the car;
  • on any web resource. The user can find out information about the car itself, get its photo, but it will not be possible to find the name of the owner.
  • using any other legal method.

How to find out the owner of a car by state. number, described below.

How to check the traffic police database

There is only one legal option to search for the owner of a car by its number - a check on the base of the traffic police, which is available only to traffic police officers.

If necessary, experts can provide the necessary information, but only if there is a compelling reason to do so.

Important: Persons who have access to personal information should not disclose it without the consent of the subject of personal information, unless otherwise provided by federal law.

Find the owner of a car by car number for free, as well as other details, referring to the articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the legislation, a citizen has the right to receive the personal data of the owner of a car if both of them are participants in an administrative offense case. If a person appears as an accused, he can get access to all the materials of the case.

According to Art. 25.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, a citizen against whom a case of an administrative violation has been initiated has the right to familiarize himself with all the details, provide explanations, evidence, apply, use the help of a lawyer, etc. The victim has the same rights in accordance with Art. 25.2 Administrative Code.


To make an official request to the database, you will need to write a statement. It should include:

  • Name of the applicant;
  • passport data;
  • number of the wanted car (or part of it);
  • other parameters (if any): brand, color, existing damage;
  • the reasons for which the citizen requests the required information are mandatory.

The application must be submitted to the traffic police. After it has been considered, and the service specialist considers that the request is fully justified, the data will be issued within a few hours. In this case, the police have the right to provide:

  1. Full name of the car owner.
  2. His phone number.
  3. Data on the date of registration of the car in the traffic police.

No other confidential information will be provided.

Reference: But in the case of a request that is related to the departure of the guilty person from responsibility after an accident, the traffic police officers must find the offender. Therefore, the more evidence of guilt the applicant provides, the faster the police will find the required car.

Online ways

Regarding how to punch the owner by the car number online, it is impossible to guarantee the reliability of the data obtained. On official Internet resources, such services are not provided due to the inconsistency with the law.

But there are several unofficial methods that will allow you to get the information you are looking for with a high degree of probability. These include:

  • purchase of a disk with a traffic police database (it is quite possible that it will contain outdated information that will be irrelevant at the current time). This method has its own characteristics. Since the necessary information is not freely available, you first need to find a person who is associated with government agencies. If you search through the Internet, then you can easily come across scammers who will be ready to issue a disk with a database for a decent payment. But in fact it may turn out to be a carrier with completely different information;
  • use the services of one of the web services where such requests can be made. On the Internet, there are many sites through which you can punch the car number and find out the owner's number. But such services are provided on a paid basis, and it is not possible to verify the accuracy of the information received. It may also happen that the user will not receive any response to the entered request, having paid a considerable amount.

AVinfo - what is it?

This service operates from the website - the Telegram bot and browser extensions. It provides an opportunity to obtain some information on the license plate of a car.

It is impossible to find out the owner's contact information (address, phone number), but the resource will give enough information in the "Registration History" report, where the owner's full name will be displayed, which will greatly simplify the search procedure. For example, through social networks. Photos of the car will also be presented. On them you can inspect the area around, determine the approximate location. But few cars in the AVinfo report are lined with photos, and this complicates the process.

Important to know: The Vehicle Inspection Portal operates on a paid basis. Execution of one request is carried out for 100 rubles. There is also an option to order packages of unlimited access.

Step-by-step instruction

To use the services of the AVinfo web resource, you must follow certain instructions. It is presented below:

  1. Download and install the Telegram mobile application on your smartphone. The program is available for all operating systems.
  2. Then in the search box, enter the text "@AvinfoBot" and add a bot.
  3. Send the Autobot a message "/ reg" and go through the registration procedure - the user must enter an SMS message to confirm the phone number.
  4. Then you should write a message with the license plate of the car, the owner of which needs to be recognized in the form "Х000ХХ000", where the first six characters mean the car number with letters, and the last three - the designation of the subject of the Russian Federation.
  5. Based on the results of the request, the system will display the necessary data with photographs (if any), as well as a list of available reports. The user should select the "Full AVinfo report" section.
  6. The user needs to make a payment (using the link "Pay for one report"). To complete this procedure, the system will redirect him to the website.
  7. After that, the user will receive a full report with the history of vehicle registrations.

Thus, the main ways of how to find out the owner of a car by the car number are considered. There is only one official option - through the traffic police.