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Car evacuation for incorrect parking. How to pick up a car from an impounded parking lot - everything you need to know Who has the right to pick up a car from an impound parking lot

At the moment, it is difficult to imagine movement in space without a car. As a result, there are more and more cars, and less and less space. There are more and more incidents of vehicle seizures, after which the question arises: "How to pick up a car from a parking lot without insurance?" Indeed, today more and more parking spaces are fenced off. Or it is done by private traders who buy the site and drive road sign covering all possible vehicle maneuvers. Or the state does it, explaining it as an allegedly useful act for society.


Of course, the drivers must control the whole situation, because it seems that they did not notice any sign by accident, but walked away for 10 minutes on business, as soon as you come, but there is no vehicle at all. Here the commotion immediately begins. Then the question arises: "How to find out to which impoundment site the car was taken?" We will consider this in more detail below. This can happen to anyone, and everyone should be prepared for it.


To begin with, it is worth knowing for what reasons your vehicle may be evacuated.

  • If the driver does not have the necessary documents, such as a driver's license that allows driving a car, a compulsory insurance policy, registration of a vehicle. This category of violation is quite serious and entails significant problems.
  • Driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. In the Russian Federation, the permissible share of ethyl alcohol in the blood is 0.16 ppm. After a traffic police officer detects an alcohol content above the norm, a medical examination takes place, a protocol is drawn up, a driver's license is revoked and, at the end, the vehicle is confiscated. After that, upon the expiration of the term, the fine is paid, as well as the payment of the parking lot.
  • When stopping or parking the car in prohibited places: in tunnels, at railway crossings and tram tracks, at pedestrian crossings, under prohibitory signs, in places for people with disabilities, unless, of course, you are one.
  • Transportation of goods that do not meet the standards or in the absence of a permit for transportation.

Vehicle search

You are now familiar with an extensive list of reasons why your vehicle might be evacuated. Now it is worth drawing up a further action plan. First of all, people ask the question: "How to find out to which impoundment parking lot the car was taken?" The answer is not too difficult.

You should just call the police. They will require you to indicate the model and make of the car, its serial numbers and the intended place of evacuation of your vehicle. After communicating all the necessary information, the operator looks at the database. In conclusion, he notifies you of the location of your car (if it is suspected that your car is stolen, then I will tell you about it and accept a statement), information about possible reason evacuation of the car to the parking lot. With the operator, you can also clarify a plan of action for extracting your "brainchild" from imprisonment. But the bitterness is that usually all information is processed only for a few hours and the database has not been updated yet. For residents of large cities, there is a dispatch service that will gladly inform you of all the details. The line works around the clock and as quickly as possible updates information about the detained and evacuated vehicles at the Moscow car parking lots. There is also an option to use the Moscow Parking mobile application.

So, the panic has subsided a bit, and you already know the location of your vehicle. To the first part of the question: "We took the car to the impound and what to do?" - you have already answered. But we should go further, because more than half of the actions have not yet been completed.


All legal actions in our state are carried out in the presence of certain documents. As a result, it is better to know in advance what documents are needed and how to pick up the car from the parking lot, and at the same time save a lot of time in such a difficult process.

The car owner must have with him:

  • Passport or other legal document that confirms your identity.
  • Car documents confirming that you are the owner of the vehicle.
  • Driver's license.
  • Vehicle registration certificate.
  • Compulsory insurance policy.

The most interesting thing begins when the question arises: "How to pick up a car from a parking lot without insurance?" Indeed, many motorists consider it unnecessary to issue OSAGO and even more CASCO. They don't really care about fines for driving without this document. For them, the decisive factor is the amount of money transferred to insurance companies each year. But, unfortunately, in the list above there is a compulsory insurance policy, so the process of returning a vehicle is impossible without this document. To avoid further problems, it should be done as quickly as possible.

Now you know how to pick up a car from an impound parking lot, it is impossible without insurance.

Documents left in the car, action plan

A situation that is no less difficult for many motorists when everything Required documents stayed in the car. From a legal point of view, only the owner or a person who has the right to drive a car (that is, entered in the insurance policy) has the right to return the “waste paper” from the detained vehicle. Based on this, it is worth considering whether the car will be returned from the car park without insurance. Draw your own conclusions. Therefore, you must first go to the place where your car was evacuated and pick up all the proper documents from it (the vehicle is printed before your eyes, and then the opposite action is taken). After that, send them to the traffic police department, whose employees were present at the place where the car was detained and drew up protocols on this case.

Work of a traffic police officer

It is a little worth deviating in the legal direction, because often law enforcement officers make mistakes in the registration process. Here is an example of a correct action plan for people to execute. Indications such as:

  • identification of technical problems in the car;
  • the reason for the fine and further evacuation to the car parking lot;
  • technical features;
  • a service that transports the car to the place where the owner will pick it up.

If the protocol is drawn up incorrectly, it loses its legal force.

Getting permission

The next step in deciding what to do if you took your car to the parking lot will be to obtain permission to return your vehicle. To do this, you should apply with all documents: proving your identity, for a car and the right to drive - to the traffic police department, present at the confiscation of the vehicle and carrying out paperwork. Here you will be given a copy of the protocol made by the police officer when the car was detained.

To the question: "How to pick up a car from an impound parking lot without insurance?" - the department will answer you clearly and clearly, namely: “Go, my friend, take out insurance. Yes, and for her absence, here's an additional fine for you. "


The next step is to pay the fine at the bank. To do this, you must know the necessary details for the transfer of funds. Then you return to the traffic police department with the receipt, present the document, and you will be given permission to receive the vehicle.

After visiting this place, you are heading to the parking lot of the city of Moscow (in the given case). Already on the spot, you present a copy of the protocol and the necessary documents (all of the above). Then the payment for the evacuation takes place, as well as the payment of the parking lot, if the car was on it for more than a day.


We took the car to the parking lot, what should I do? Don't panic right away. You need to understand that the whole process will take a whole day at best. You can easily forget about your plans, because the main goal is to pick up the car. The article contains a template algorithm of the necessary actions, slightly brightened up for ease of reading. It does not mention the problems of finding the right places on another car throughout the city (you will be lucky if the house, the traffic police department, and the impound parking lot are nearby). Also, do not forget about material costs. Yes, the stay of the vehicle for a day is free, and you only have to pay for transportation (if you do not take into account the fine itself), but is it possible to collect all the documents, go several times both to the traffic police and to the impoundment parking lot in one day? Probably not. Especially if the events take place with the parking lots in Moscow.

So it is better to look a hundred times in different directions and make sure that there are no prohibition signs and plates and only then park the car. And the final word will be to dispel the myth about the polis. You will not be given a car from an impound parking lot without insurance.

Many drivers faced evacuation Vehicle due to violation of various traffic rules. In such cases, there is no need to waste time, because the parking lot to which the car was taken is paid. The procedure for buying a car is fraught with a number of problems, especially if it was evacuated along with the documents.

How to find a car in the parking lot

A very unpleasant situation for the owner is the detention of the car and its evacuation to a paid parking lot. Similar measures are applied to motorists for various reasons. But it is especially unpleasant when the vehicle is taken away in the absence of the owner. As a rule, this happens when the driver left the car where it is impossible to pack, as a result, did not find it on the spot when he returned.

If you took your car to a car parking lot in your absence, then you need to call the evacuation service in your city to find out in which parking lot the car. Further actions depend on where the documents for the vehicle are. If the driver has the papers with him, then you should go to the traffic police department, which evacuated the car. After paying the fine, you need to get a receipt from the inspector and permission to pick up the car.

However, more often documents remain in the car, which significantly complicates the process of finding and returning a vehicle. In this case, the first thing to do is to go to the impound. In the presence of the owner of the car, the employee will have to fill out the autopsy report, after which it will be possible to obtain the necessary documents. With the papers, you need to go to the traffic police department, where the fine is paid and permission to pick up the car is issued.

Permission to issue a car from a parking lot

Before picking up his car, the driver needs to collect everything required documents... Before picking up a car from a car parking lot, you need to clarify the question of what certificates are required and pay the fine. The driver should have the following on his hands:

  • permission to issue a car from the traffic police;
  • OSAGO insurance, in which the data of the driver and owner are entered;
  • power of attorney notarized from the owner (if the car is someone else's);
  • receipt of payment of the fine.

Who can pick up a car from the impound

If you've evacuated a car that you don't own, then don't worry. The owner does not have to buy the car, because any citizen who is allowed to drive this vehicle has the right to pick it up by law. If your data is contained in the OSAGO policy, then after paying the fine, if you have the documents, on the basis of the traffic police permission, you can return the car on the same day.

How to pick up a car from a parking lot

Citizens who have gone through the evacuation of a vehicle are familiar with the procedure for picking up a car from a parking lot. If this happened to you for the first time, then first of all, it is worth noting that the first day the vehicle is guarded free of charge, after which payments are charged for each hour. It is in the driver's best interest to buy it back as soon as possible and never leave it in the wrong places.

The procedure for buying a car is as follows:

  1. Elimination of the reason for the detention. For example, if your OSAGO policy has expired, you need to renew it. When the vehicle was taken away due to the lack of a driver's license with him, then you must definitely go home to pick them up.
  2. Obtaining a protocol of detention. To take this document together with the permit to buy the vehicle from the parking lot, you need to find the inspector who drew up the protocol. If the evacuation took place without a driver, then you need to call the police number or contact the duty officer of the nearest traffic police department to clarify the circumstances.
  3. Obtaining written permission to buy out the vehicle from the parking lot. The paper is issued by a traffic police inspector after paying a fine for illegal parking or other traffic violations.
  4. Redemption of the car from the parking lot. Having received a sample of written permission from the inspector, you can go for the vehicle to the impound.

The cost of parking and evacuating the car

Before picking up the car from the parking lot, the owner will have to pay not only a fine for breaking the rules road traffic, but also tow truck services with parking. How much it costs to find a vehicle under protection depends on the region, as well as its technical characteristics... For example, Moscow motorists will have to pay in 2016 at the following prices:

  • 3,000 rubles with an engine volume of no more than 80 liters;
  • 5,000 rubles for an engine with a volume of 80-250 liters;
  • 7,000 rubles for a vehicle with an engine capacity of more than 250 liters;
  • 27,000 rubles for a truck.

It is important to remember that it is better to pick up the vehicle immediately after evacuation, or you will have to pay 500 - 3000 rubles for every day of downtime. At the same time, the metropolitan legislation contains an article stating that only full days are paid. You should be more careful when checking the legality of the detention and the accrual of fines. In addition, do not forget to take receipts, which may be useful for clarifying the circumstances of the evacuation.

Video: how to return a car from a parking lot

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Article 27.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for a fairly wide range of violations in which a vehicle is seized and placed in a specialized parking lot. There can be many reasons, but one of the most unpleasant is when the driver is intoxicated. Let's figure out how to pick up a car from a car impoundment after drinking in 2020.

Is the car always evacuated if the driver is drunk

Everyone understands perfectly well that driving while intoxicated is unacceptable. This is dangerous for both the driver and his passengers, other road users and pedestrians. However, drunk people usually overestimate their condition and get behind the wheel. Despite this, Russian legislation does not provide for the confiscation of a car for drunk driving. Such proposals are regularly submitted to the State Duma, but at present the driver is removed from control, and the car is placed in an impoundment parking lot in order to ensure its safety. That is, formally, this is not a punishment.

The car is sent to a specialized parking lot until the reasons for the decision to evacuate it are eliminated.

In the case of a drunk driver, it is not difficult to eliminate the cause - you need to get a sober person behind the wheel of the car. If you are removed from driving due to intoxication, you need to try to prevent the car from being sent to the impound. Of course, while drunk, you should not negotiate this with the traffic police in a raised voice. Behave yourself, ask to wait a bit.

Call one of your friends on the phone. You can order the "Sober Driver" service, which is now offered in many cities. In general, the main thing is to ensure the arrival of a sober driver to the car as soon as possible. The police can demand from him to show CTP, but now many motorists have policies that insure the driver's liability, regardless of what kind of car he drives. Finally, you can call a tow truck yourself. Of course, you will have to pay for the service, but as a result, the car will be where you need it, and not in a specialized parking lot.

It is important to understand that by agreeing to refuse to evacuate the car, you will not be relieved of the responsibility for drunk driving. Just save time, hassle and money. Next, we will consider what to do if the agreement failed and the car was taken from the drunk to the impound.

How to find out where the evacuated vehicle is

Of course, you should find out from the traffic police or the driver of the tow truck exactly where your car will be taken. If you have not done this or cannot remember the answer given to you, you will have to find out where the car is. The easiest way is to call the traffic police. The telephone number of the police station on duty is 102. The emergency department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in some way performs the functions of uniting all emergency services, so you can contact there by phone 112. In any case, you should be informed of the address of the impound parking lot where your car is located.

The search for an evacuated vehicle has many nuances.

Take a sociological survey!

Having received the required address, it will not be possible to pick up the car from the impound parking lot right away. First, you will have to collect all the required papers and visit the traffic police.

What documents are needed

In order for the parking staff to allow you to pick up the car, you must present the following documents:

  • Traffic police permission to receive a car.
  • Technical certificate.
  • Power of attorney to operate the machine if you do not own it.
  • The current policy of compulsory civil liability insurance of motorists (OSAGO).
  • Driver's license to drive a vehicle of the corresponding category.

You can also issue a power of attorney for a third party or come to the impoundment with him.

Obtaining permission from the traffic police

The only case when you first need to go to the penalty area, and only then to the traffic police, is if the documents for the car remained in the passenger compartment. Then you will have to go to the parking lot, presenting your passport, take the papers from the car and go with them to the traffic police. Without a registration certificate, you will not be given a permit-certificate.

Arriving at the traffic police, you need to submit the above documents and get the missing one. Usually, the traffic police first demand to pay a fine for the violation, as a result of which the car was seized. A number of lawyers consider this condition illegal. We will not discuss this now, just note: if you want to return the car quickly, this requirement is worth fulfilling.

Penalty for evacuating the car

The amount of the penalty for the forced evacuation of vehicles is determined at the level of the constituent entities of the Federation, therefore it differs in the regions of the country. Do not forget that it is advisable to pick up the car on the first day after its evacuation, since then you will have to pay for every day of downtime.

In Moscow in 2020, the following sizes of fines are relevant:

Depending on the region of Russia and the specific parking lot, the payment per day of downtime will be from 500 to 5 thousand rubles.

Who will be given the car from the impound

If you have all the necessary papers, the owner or his representative will be able to pick up the car from the parking lot with an official power of attorney. If the power of attorney for the car is not certified by a notary, problems may arise. In this case, the owner must submit a correctly executed document.

If your insurance has expired, it means that you do not have it.

It is prohibited to drive a car without a CTP policy.

In this case, the car will not be returned to you. Therefore, take care of purchasing a new OSAGO policy in advance.

What will happen if you do not pick up the car for a long time

The cost of the impound parking lot is extremely high, and your debt will increase every day. A lengthy machine downtime can result in a huge amount. Ultimately, the car will be sold through the courts, and the money will be used to pay off parking fees.


It is strictly forbidden to drive after drinking alcohol. However, if this happened and you were stopped by the traffic police, behave with restraint. Try to negotiate a solution to the problem without sending the vehicle to a parking lot. If you fail, try to pick up the car before the expiration of the first day of its detention, as then the cost of storage will increase.

How to pick up an evacuated car from the impoundment: video