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The car is wanted for an accident what to do. Wanted car: what should a car owner do? A novel, a deceived buyer

A law-abiding car owner usually does not think about the question of what to do if his car is on the wanted list. And in vain - such situations are not as rare as one might think. Stolen cars or those that fled from the scene of an accident are on the wanted list.

What to do if the traffic police inspector informs about the search?

The forums are full of stories about how drivers are called by people posing as traffic police inspectors to inform them that their car is on the wanted list. As a rule, the reason for this is an accident, from the place of which the car disappeared.

It is not a fact that the described situation is true - perhaps you are simply "bred".

In this case, the alleged inspector convinces the victim that the car hit another car in the parking lot and then disappeared. The attacker offers to meet, sign the protocol and compensate the victim.

Of course, it may turn out that the traffic police inspector who tells you that the car is on the wanted list is the real one. Do not rush to fulfill all his requirements!

Remember that there is such a thing as the presumption of innocence. Even if the described situation really took place, then all issues are resolved in court, where the traffic police inspector and the plaintiff must jointly and reasonably prove your guilt. Refer to Art. 14. Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation.

The signature on the protocol is tantamount to an admission of guilt. Do not harm yourself in this way, even if the traffic police inspector is a real one.

It is better not to contact the police in this case. Imagine a situation - an accident happened (and in the dark). Nothing is known about the culprit, and your car was put on the wanted list. And then you appear with a bunch of excuses or even a willingness to sign the protocol. Of course, all the blame will happily hang on you!

Only the COURT can recognize you as guilty of the incident!

And according to clause 2 of article 12.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation:

Leaving by the driver in violation of the Rules road traffic the scene of a road traffic accident, of which he was a participant, - entails deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of one to one and a half years or an administrative arrest for a period of up to fifteen days.

You don't have to prove your innocence. But just in case, make sure that you have a reliable alibi at the time of the accident.

If you really were a participant in an accident and fled the scene in a state of stress or because you did not notice a collision, for example, in a parking lot, the algorithm of actions is different.

First of all, you need to determine whether the car is really wanted. This can be found out:

At the bailiffs. When executing court decisions, they have full access to information related to the arrest or search of various property, including vehicles. In accordance with Federal Law No. 229-FZ "On Enforcement Proceedings," the bailiffs, in response to a request, must provide information on whether restrictions are imposed on the vehicle and, if so, which ones. By the way, it is advisable to contact the bailiffs even if you intend to buy a car. Such verification will help to avoid many problems in the future;

At the traffic police. You should contact them only if you have all the evidence of innocence;

On a special online service of the traffic police. This service is located on the website of the State Traffic Inspectorate. Access to the data will be available after entering the VIN-code. Look for the information you are interested in under the heading “Checking Wanted”. The report will be provided after the introduction of the captcha.

If it turns out that the car is indeed on the wanted list, you should be prepared for the fact that at any moment the car may be stopped and you will have to follow the police to find out the circumstances.

To avoid this, you can simply park your car. The limitation period for the article related to leaving the scene of the accident is only three months. This is indicated in the comments to Article 24.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. If the accident was minor, then after three months you can return to normal vehicle operation. But if, on the fact of an accident, criminal proceedings were opened (for example, under Article 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), the car will be on the wanted list for years and it will be much more difficult to avoid communication with the police.

How to avoid problems associated with the appearance of a car in the wanted database?

  • Observe the traffic rules. Is always. Even in the little things.
  • When buying a car that has been in use, be sure to punch it through the specified database. Make sure of the cleanliness of the previous owner.
  • If you do find that your car is on the wanted list, do not lose your temper and look for information about why it got there.

Bringing an innocent person to justice is not easy, especially if he turned to a professional lawyer for help. Do not hesitate to seek legal support from specialists!

Any monetary gains from entering into a car purchase agreement could be diminished if the potential acquisition turns out to be the wanted vehicle. Obviously, no one wants to give their honestly earned money to a car, which not only has many unpaid fines, but also participated in the robbery. As practice has shown, not every buyer knows how to find out at the pre-sale stage whether a new acquisition promises a risk and, in particular, whether the competent authorities are looking for a car, and how check the car for search.

The simplest solution to the problem is offered by a service that is a modern portal for searching data about cars and organizing them by government services (traffic police, DSPP). All you need to do to get an instant summary report is to enter the state. or VIN number object of purchase. According to this information, the system will instantly give you a brief summary of the characteristics of the car, which will allow you to verify the authenticity of the information received from its actual owner. From the brief report, you will find out the year of manufacture of the selected car, its make and modification, color, body type and more. In addition, you will be offered a listing of information that can be obtained when ordering a full report.

On the official website, the site, when placing an application for a detailed report on vehicle, you will receive not only accurate data on whether the car is on the wanted list, but also learn about its past, whether it was used as a taxi or belonging to the collateral. Thus, punched according to the wine code or state. number "legal history" of the car will be a key factor in a positive or negative decision to buy the selected car.

It is strongly discouraged to neglect the preliminary check of the vehicle, especially if you have at least a share of doubt about the dishonesty of its owner and desire check the car for search... It would be much wiser to invest a little money and find out the whole story about the purchased car, rather than losing both after the seizure of the wanted object by customs officers or bailiffs.

Note that you will never find the necessary information in publicly available sources, and what you can find out will have dubious authenticity. Another thing is ordering a check through a specialized portal. We will help you to reliably establish the presence or absence of orders on the search for the car of interest with the sent by you state number or wine code.

It is worth noting that the vehicle may be included in the wanted list during different situations... Among the main reasons:

  • after violations of customs clearance documentation;
  • when the car was "spotted" in robberies, robberies, etc .;
  • in the presence of open fines issued due to violations of traffic rules on the road;
  • the presence of unpaid utility bills or alimony;
  • debt on loan payments to a separate banking institution, when the car acts as collateral.
In addition to all of the above advantages of cooperation with the portal, we also note the opportunity we offered to view the reports of cars that have already passed the check, in order to get acquainted with the specifics of this process.

Cases when a car is accidentally put on the wanted list are not uncommon. But most often this happens after leaving the scene of an accident. How to behave if a car is wanted?

Leaving the scene of an accident

Imagine a situation: you were driving away from a hypermarket at night and accidentally hit a car parked nearby in the parking lot. After a quick visual inspection, you did not notice any damage either to your car or to the one parked nearby.

What do people do in most of these cases? Of course, they leave the place of a "minor" accident and forget about it as soon as possible. But then, driving past the next traffic police post, an employee stops you and, after checking the documents, reports that your car is wanted. How can this be? Everything is extremely simple. Even the slightest collision or rubbing leaves a mark on the paintwork of the car and, if you did not see it at night, in a state of stress, when you decided to leave the accident site or not, then the vigilant driver of a parked car may have sharper vision and see damage, after which he will have every right to contact the police. Thus, after the “injured party” writes a statement to the police, you will become an unidentified person who fled the scene of the accident. After the statement about the accident came to the disposal of the operational staff, they identify the culprit of the incident. The legal action of the traffic police inspectors in this situation is to declare the car on the wanted list.

And now, we return to the moment when the inspection officer stopped you and reported the unpleasant news. The further procedure may consist in arresting the car and sending it to a special parking lot until the restrictions are lifted and you are sanctioned. Alternatively, an employee may ask you to drive to the nearest traffic police department and draw up a vehicle inspection report. The second option, for you, of course, is more promising, but you must be prepared for anything.

According to clause 2 of article 12.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation:
“Leaving by the driver, in violation of the Traffic Regulations, the scene of a road traffic accident, of which he was a participant, entails deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of one to one and a half years or an administrative arrest for a period of up to fifteen days.

What to do in such a situation?

After you have made even a small collision, it is best to wait for the owner of the damaged car, or at least leave your phone by the car. We also recommend photographing the site of possible damage and the collision itself before leaving the scene of the accident. Further, depending on the "adequacy" of the other side, you will either peacefully resolve the conflict and sleep peacefully, or together contact the traffic police department to draw up a protocol.

If you nevertheless left the scene of the accident and parked your car without risking driving it, you can check whether the vehicle is on the wanted list on the traffic police website, or by sending an official request to the bailiffs or to the traffic inspectorate itself.

What if you did not commit illegal actions, but your car is still wanted?

In such a situation, there may be one reason. If an accident occurs and your car matches the description of the one that really left the scene, the traffic police can put it on the wanted list for "reinsurance".

That is, if your car looks like the one that left the scene of the accident, it may be wanted. This is especially true of rare cars, of which there are only a few pieces in a particular region. Do not panic in this situation. You need to find out using the hotline which traffic police department has seized your vehicle and contact there if they are in no hurry to notify you about it. Most likely, the employees will inspect your car and, not finding any damage, will draw up an inspection report and take the vehicle out of the wanted list.

Cases are also described on the Internet when an inspector calls the owner of a car and reports that his car was wanted. In no case should you come to the traffic police after the inspector's call, this can be regarded as a confession.

If the traffic police ask you to bring the car for inspection in order to remove suspicions from you and take the car out of the wanted list, you should visit this institution only if you have irrefutable evidence that you did not commit illegal actions. It is better to send another person to the traffic police on your car. You can ask a friend, brother or any other relative to carry out this procedure for you and refer to the fact that you cannot do this for one reason or another (vacation, illness, etc.). Your authorized representative does not risk losing his rights or falling under administrative arrest, unlike you.

Remember that there is always a possibility that your car will be wanted, even if you did not commit anything illegal and did not leave the accident scene. But now you know what to do if such a situation arises. If your problem is beyond the scope of the described article, we recommend that you contact professional auto lawyers for help in solving it.

Of the 100 wanted cars in the country, the police find only 7-10 - the rest are resold by scammers. To check a car for the wanted list before buying, use the Autocode online service!

What does checking a car give for a wanted list?

With Autocode, you will receive first brief description auto, and then a detailed report on the car by vin or state number. It will contain the following:

  • Wanted car or not
  • Theft data
  • Mileage information
  • Restrictions and arrest data
  • Is the car pledged, etc.

The state number of a car is added to the database of traffic police violators in the event of theft of a vehicle, damage to other people, hiding from the scene of an accident, non-payment of fines, debts, etc. Depending on the situation, police officers can collect the car from the new owner.

Why is it important to check a wanted car before buying

Denis Lukin, auto expert, "Remontista" company

“The purchase of the wanted car threatens to be taken away by the traffic police upon registration, and while the investigation is underway, and this may drag on for a long time, the car will be parked on the penalty site. It’s even worse if the new owner is also attracted in some way. You have to prove that you bought it recently and that you have nothing to do with the dark past of this car. Therefore, when concluding a deal, I recommend that you immediately check the car for the wanted list and find out its ins and outs. "

What will happen if you do not check the car for the wanted list

A novel, a deceived buyer

“I bought a car under a sales contract from a private person. On TCP, I became the fourth owner of the vehicle. Two weeks later, they stopped me at the checkpoint and said that the car was on the wanted list. I decided to break through the database online. It turned out that the first owner gave the car to the salon for sale. He, in turn, took the transport, but did not return the money for the sale of the car to the owner, after which it ceased to exist. The former owner filed a statement with the police and the car was put on the wanted list.

At the moment I am working with a lawyer, I went to court. They say there is every chance that the car will remain with me. The former owner agreed to a round sum to have the case closed. While the problem is being solved, I have already spent all my nerves. "

How to find out if a car is wanted

To punch a car on the wanted list, follow the steps:

  • Enter state number or vin in the search box
  • Check the brief description of your vehicle
  • Use the "Buy" button to pay for the full service
  • Open a report with expanded information

A copy of the full report will be sent by email to your email address. Verification will take a few minutes!

Why is it better to punch the car through Autocode

Autocode performs a search online quickly and efficiently. The service sends more than 500 detailed reports every day and continuously works with customers by phone support.

Why choose Autocode:

  • The information is up-to-date and verified against the traffic police database
  • Possibility to check the car for wanted list by state number
  • It takes 5 minutes to check!
  • Autocode app available

By using the service, you get a clear history of the car. You don't need to look for vin and other data for verification. The site allows you to find out if a car is on the wanted list at any time of the day. The Autocode app is available for all models and works from anywhere in the country. Keeping yourself safe from unwanted cars is easy and convenient!

If your car is on the wanted list for an accident, there may be several reasons. Therefore, first of all, you should find out on what basis the traffic police are so interested in the car. When the owner of the vehicle has indeed committed an offense, then most likely it will be necessary to incur punishment. But if the owner of the wanted car is absolutely clean, it is necessary not only to find out what the matter is, but also to protect their own interests. In such cases, it is important not to be afraid to visit the appropriate inspection, because ignoring the problem can provoke serious difficulties in the future.

Why a car may be wanted

The fact that the vehicle is on the wanted list is usually found out at the time of checking the documents at the traffic police post or at a standard stop of the car by the inspector. If the driver really committed any offense, then he shouldn't have any questions.

A vehicle can be declared wanted for the following reasons:

  • concealment from the scene of the emergency;
  • car theft;
  • damage to property of third parties;
  • death of a person as a result of an accident and other situations.

Most often, it is the first point that acts as the basis for a large-scale search for a vehicle. If the accident was indeed recorded, and the culprit simply left the scene, he will not only be entered into the database, but also held accountable for such actions.

Paragraph 12.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation regulates the types of sanctions imposed on drivers who do not perform their duties at the scene of a traffic accident. So, for leaving the accident zone, the following punishment options are provided:

  • arrest for up to 15 days;
  • deprivation of the rights to drive vehicles from 1 to 1.5 years.

At the same time, there are many cases when the car owner did not make any mistakes, however, completely different information was recorded in the database. The so-called divorce cannot be ruled out, when a person receives a phone call allegedly from the traffic police with a message that his car is wanted for some kind of offense. Often, such calls are part of a special fraudulent scheme aimed at receiving funds from gullible citizens.

One way or another, it should be understood that accusations of such a plan should not be ignored. It will take a number of actions to find out for what reasons the information about the car was entered into the search database, and then to restore justice and prove that the owner of the car does not have any criminal acts. Or, you can bear the punishment you deserve and answer for your own wrongful acts.

Since the most frequent option, for which a car is added to the database of traffic offenders, is considered to be leaving the scene of an accident, you should consider in more detail what to do in such a situation.

If the driver was notified that his car is on the wanted list for hiding from the scene of an accident , First of all, it is worth carefully considering whether there has been any recent precedent that could be interpreted as a road accident. For example, a person could drive out of a parking lot or a courtyard full of cars, accidentally hit a nearby car and not even notice the touch or consider it insignificant, while its owner regarded what was happening as a collision and called the traffic police inspection to draw up a protocol. This is especially possible if the vehicle has any defects and damage, albeit subtle.

Of course, in such a situation, the driver who has left will be entered into the database of the offenders as having left the scene of the accident, and when checking the documents at the next post, he will be immediately informed about this. If the fact of the road accident really happened and there is evidence of this, the culprit, at least, will need to pay a fine, but the maximum measure will be deprivation of rights.

But what if there was no accident and situations in which the fact of even a small touch was recorded. No car owner wants to lose the opportunity to drive his own car for a year or even a year and a half, especially when there is no reason for this.

Unfortunately, situations are different and numerous stories of drivers only confirm this fact. The car may appear in the database by mistake, due to the applicant's carelessness, due to fraudulent activities. In a word, if a car is wanted, but its owner understands that he is not guilty for any violations, it is important to understand the problem, but you will need to act carefully and competently.

If information is received that a vehicle is on the wanted list for an accident, in no case should you hide from representatives of law enforcement agencies, such behavior can be considered as withholding valuable information. However, it is also not worth going straight to the traffic police. This is usually regarded as an admission of guilt and can only harm the car owner of the wanted car.

You can pay a visit to the department after the citizen is summoned to the traffic police. This can be a phone call or written notice. And this is where it is important to be careful. In no case should you sign any papers and protocols, let alone confess to anything, especially if there is no fault.

Often a person is summoned to the department, he panics, gets confused and agrees to everything, if only the case was closed. And here it is important to understand that only the court can admit the fact of guilt. In a word, you should be attentive and focused, and not sign anything.

However, it will be necessary to clarify the details of the incident:

  • where the accident occurred and when;
  • victim's data - full name, contacts, information about the car, insurance number;
  • what is the evidence base.

These moments are being clarified for the purpose of a general idea of ​​what happened. Probably, the driver will remember that the precedent took place and will try to settle the issue with the victim in a peaceful manner. Or, conversely, it turns out that at the time of the accident, the accused has an alibi that can be confirmed.

It is worth clarifying the fact that if there is no damage on the wanted vehicle, it will be extremely difficult to prove the fact of involvement in the accident. It follows from this that it is very important to record the car from all sides in a video or photo, while the date must be indicated on the film.

The presence of an alibi, absence of damage and all other points proving innocence should be reported to the inspector. But at the same time, you do not need to beat yourself in the chest and diligently explain that there is no involvement in the accident. It is important to find out all the nuances as calmly as possible, tell your version, if necessary, go to the car and study its condition. Capture everything in the photo. If necessary, it is recommended to enlist the support of a lawyer.

In any case, if there is an accusation of guilt and violation of traffic rules, this fact will still need to be proved. What should the judicial authorities do on the initiative of the traffic police and the victim, if he really is.

There is one more thing to keep in mind. The limitation period for the search for a car is 3 months, if there is no question of criminal liability. Accordingly, in order to protect yourself, you can simply park the car for this period.

To avoid unpleasant surprises associated with entering a car into the traffic police search database, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • precisely follow the traffic rules and carefully make maneuvers, albeit the most elementary ones, in order to avoid even the slightest touch of other cars;
  • before buying a vehicle, check the car for a wanted list on the traffic police database, because scammers often resell stolen cars, which the new owner has to deal with.

You can check the vehicle around the base directly on the traffic police website. To do this, you need to know the VIN-code of the car.

If you find that the car is on the wanted list, you should not panic, but calmly figure out on the basis of which the vehicle was added to the database. It is likely that there are no real grounds for such actions. It is especially possible to prove an error if the car owner has an alibi and there is no damage to the car. If the fact of an accident really took place, it is worth contacting the victim. Perhaps the issue can be resolved amicably and the case closed without involving the court authorities.