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Mitsubishi Lancer 10 where they collect. Where is Mitsubishi Lancer collected? Where are the factories that assemble Mitsubishi cars for Russia

Many car enthusiasts are interested in where the individual is produced. For example, a man has Pajero and he is interested in where his brothers are made. In this article we will see where individual Mitsubishi models are produced.

Where do they collect Mitsubishi I- Miev?

This is the first electric car of the Mitsubishi Motors concern. Not so long ago, the car appeared on the territory of Russia. At the moment, this model is assembled exclusively in its homeland - in Japan, at the Mitsushima plant in the city of Kurashiki.

Where do they collect Mitsubishi Pajero Sport?

The legendary sold in Russia has a multinational history.

  • Since 1998, the car has been produced exclusively in Japan.
  • Since 2004, components have been imported to Russia from the United States, although production in Japan continued.
  • From 2008 to 2012, cars were imported from Thailand.
  • From 2013 to 2015 it was produced at a plant near Kaluga.

Here's an interesting story behind this Japanese SUV.

Where is Mitsubishi Pajero assembled?

Pajero is the dream of millions of car enthusiasts around the world. One of the first SUVs to quickly become popular. In 2015, the model turned 25, which made it one of the oldest models of the concern. During this time, the model has gone through 5 updates. Mitsubishi Pajero collected in Japan and this is good news for true connoisseurs of Japanese technology.

Where do they collect Mitsubishi Outlander?

From 2012 to 2015, the assembly was carried out in Russia, all at the same plant near Kaluga. The result is the following:

  • 2010 - 2012 - Outlander from Japan was assembled in Russia;
  • Assembly after 2012 (until 2015) was carried out in Russia;

The Russian assembly is under strict quality control. At the moment, there were no questions about the quality of the Russian assembly, although some motorists made comments in the direction of the Kaluga plant.

Where do they collect Mitsubishi ASX?

- one of the most popular models in Russia in terms of price / quality ratio. In addition to being manufactured in Japan, at the Nagoya plant in Okazaki, the car is produced in the USA at a plant in Illinois. It is difficult to determine which car is more made in Russia: American or Japanese. Some people think that in American-built models there are less complaints about squeaking in the suspension.

Where do they collect Mitsubishi Lancer?

It's no secret that this model is one of the best-selling in Russia. The main competitor, Toyota Corolla, is a purebred Japanese, which is assembled at the plant in Japan. On the same conveyor, and are assembled. The model is delivered to Russia with a small margin, because the direct competitor of the model is a serious obstacle at this price level.

Below is a table of countries of production of Mitsubishi models.

Model Build country
Netherlands (since 2003), Japan (until 2008)

Section for beginners "Lancers"

How is the word "Lancer" translated?

Question: How the name of our car is translated - "LANCER"

Answer: Lancer, translated from English - Ulan - equestrian warrior, armed with a spear.

Where is Mitsubishi Lancer X assembled?

Question: In which country is the Mitsubishi Lancer X assembled?

Answer: Lancer X is assembled exclusively in Japan.

What is the Mitsubishi Lancer X in maintenance?

Question: How much does the next maintenance cost? How much do consumables and repairs cost?

Answer: On our forum there is a special section dedicated to the maintenance and care of the Lancer X. There you will find maintenance reports, information about spare parts stores, reviews of certain service stations of official Mitsubishi dealers.

Is the Lancer X noisy?

Question: Recently, there has been a trend that middle-class cars have become very noisy in the cabin ... How did Lancer X come out in this regard? Answer: Unfortunately Lancer did not "shine" in terms of sound insulation and in his cabin it is noisy. Of course, someone will say that good sound insulation and in vain we slander the car ... but as a rule these are the former owners of the Russian car industry ... But those who "sat" on a car of this class but a generation earlier will confirm that the car is even noisy. How to deal with this? Saves additional noise insulation of the cabin. How to make noise insulation yourself and what is required for this? Refer to the following sections of our website:

  • Discussion of noise insulation options on our forum

What brand of rubber is installed regularly and what quality is it?

Question: What brand of rubber is installed regularly and what quality is it? Are Lancers equipped with winter tires in winter?

Answer: Lancer X is supplied from the factory with "Dunlop SPORT 2052" tires. According to the majority of Lancerovodov, the quality of rubber leaves much to be desired ... Rubber is very noisy (bass), and also poorly overcomes water obstacles. Before buying a car, it is worth thinking about purchasing rubber of a higher quality, although here opinions differ slightly among the owners and a certain part of motorists are satisfied with this rubber. We recommend that you make a Test Drive before buying a new Lancer X and evaluate the quality of this brand (and a particular model) of rubber yourself. For reviews of this and other rubber brands, visit special forum section dedicated to tires and wheels on Lancer X .

How to protect a car from theft? What kind of alarm should I put on?

Question: What are the most reliable security systems? Where are they installed? What is the price? ... Answer:"Security systems" on our forum.

Vehicle warranty questions

Question: Under what conditions can I be removed from the warranty? How long is the warranty valid?

Answer: The manufacturer's warranty is given for a period of 3 years or 100,000 km. Your car can be removed from the warranty only if it is proved that the failed car assembly failed through no fault of the manufacturer. For example, if you yourself violated the integrity of the car's electrical wiring. When you install additional equipment (for example ...) not from an authorized dealer, this does not mean at all that you can be removed from the warranty for this. If this service is licensed to carry out certain works, then you can safely use AGO services. The most common "third-party" services are services for the installation of car audio and security systems. Just to make sure that specialists are working on your machine, ask for a professional license. If you have disrupted the operation of any node, again, this does not mean that you have completely lost the right to a warranty. You can only deny your warranty for this site.

You can read which parts of the car are covered by the warranty in the brochure of your car's service book. Everything is described there in great detail.

THEN in another city ...

Question: Can I undergo Maintenance (MOT) of my Lancer X in a city other than the one I bought?

Answer: You can undergo MOT at any Mitsubishi Official Service Center anywhere in the world, while retaining the rights to warranty service.

The on-board computer display shows "Service required"

Question: The display of the on-board computer showed the inscription "Service required". What does this mean?

Answer: This means that the time has come for the next MOT (auto maintenance). For the Russian Federation, the frequency of maintenance is set every 15,000 km or after a year has passed since the last maintenance. After carrying out the maintenance, the master resets the reminder of the maintenance on the on-board computer, transferring it to the next period. If you forgot to switch the reminder about the passage of MOT, then use

What kind of gasoline can be poured into Lancer X?

Question: What is the octane rating of the fuel? Where is the best place to refuel? etc.

Answer: Opinions about this are quite different between the owners. These issues are actively discussed on our forum in the section "Fuel and auto liquids"

What is the best gearbox to buy a Lancer with?

Question: Which is better: automatic or mechanic?

Answer: There are a million opinions on this issue, and everyone is different. We invite you to discuss this issue on the forum in the topic "Automatic or mechanic?"

What is the fuel consumption of Lancer X?

Question: How much gasoline does Lancer X consume? Why does BC show consumption figures that are not even close to those declared by the manufacturer? ... and other questions related to fuel consumption.

Answer: You will find answers to these questions in the section "Fuel and auto liquids" on our forum.

Options: Invite, Invite +, Intense, Intense +

Question: What are the differences between the trim levels?

Can't they slip a "not new" car in the cabin

Question: Can't they slip a "not new" car in the cabin? What to look for, how to check a car when you pick it up from the car?

Answer: Unfortunately, in our country there is a similar practice ... often when transporting a car from the factory to the passenger compartment, cars are "injured", but in order not to discount the car, they are restored and passed off as new ... Do not panic, just be careful when inspecting the car, when you pick it up from the salon with a new one.

  • Topic: "What needs to be checked and how to recognize a car in the past?"

Lost ignition keys

Question: Lost the ignition key. I heard that you just can't do with a sharpened "blank" and you need some kind of CHIP ...

Answer: If you lose the key, contact the Mitsubishi Official Service Center, where you can purchase a new key and there it will be "registered" for you in the standard car immobilizer, after which it will only have to be sharpened like a duplicate key. If you lose both keys, use the tag with a number that is given to each of them when buying a car - you can use it to order duplicate keys from an authorized dealer.

LancerH safety

Mitsubishi Lancer X Insurance

Question: Which insurance company should you choose? How much is insurance?

Answer: You will find answers to all these questions in the section "Insurance" on our forum.

Lancer X club insignia

Question: How and from whom can you buy club frames, stickers, sweatshirts, flags and more ...?

Answer: We read carefully the section "Club symbols"

Club meetings

Question: Where and when do club meetings take place? How to get to?

Answer: There is a section of the forum dedicated to club meetings: "Club meetings"

Sport and Lancer X Club

Question: Does the club participate in any sporting events? How do you know when and where these events are taking place?

Answer: The administration of the club informs about the events held by means of announcements in the section "Sport" and creeping line at the top of the forum pages

Legal Issues

Question: All questions on defending the rights of motorists ...

Answer: There is a special section on our forum "Legal issues" where you can discuss your questions.

Unpleasant incidents

Question: My car was stolen, I want to ask my teammates for help ... suddenly someone spots my car on the roads ...

Answer: On our forum there is a special section dedicated to unpleasant events among the club, where we discuss and try to provide all kinds of support to teammates with whom troubles have happened. Go to the section "Extraordinary incidents and troubles"

Club privileges

Question: What poles does a club card give to its owner?

Answer: The cardholder has the opportunity to receive club discounts from

One of the first associations that arise when we mention Japan, along with the words "the land of the rising sun", Fujiyama, sakura, is the name of the company - "Mitsubishi".

This car manufacturer from Japan, even before the collapse of the union, excited the minds of domestic motorists. Therefore, when the concern appeared in Russia with its products, the interest in it from local drivers was already very high. Now, of course, the enthusiasm has faded a little, but there are still enough fans of this brand. And they, of course, are interested in - where is Mitsubishi assembled and what is the difference between this or that assembly.

Mitsubishi in the Russian automotive market

In the English-language transcription, this name is written as Mitsubishi, in Russian-language texts, in addition to Mitsubishi, there are spelling variants of Mitsubishi, Mitsubishi. However, all these are different ways of writing, which are used by not too knowledgeable citizens to find out where Mitsubishi is assembled for Russia and whose production it is better to trust.

This industrial giant emerged almost a century and a half ago, in 1870, as a shipbuilding company that also repaired ships and organized their insurance.

After the First World War, the concern was engaged in aircraft construction and continued to produce military aircraft until the defeat of Japan in World War II and the forced reorganization with the transition to a peaceful track.

Today the holding produces a wide variety of products from radio telescopes to electronic products. But the most famous in the modern world, and in Russia in particular, the Mitsubishi trademark is provided by the family of cars of the same name.

The automobile manufacturing part of the Mitsubishi holding called Mitsubishi Motors. It is a global auto concern headquartered in Tokyo, confidently one of the twenty largest companies in the world ranking in terms of production volume.

The manufacturer's machines are very popular in our country. Russian car enthusiasts highly appreciate the Mitsubishi Lancer and Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution, the Mitsubishi Outlander and Mitsubishi Pajero SUVs, as well as the less popular products of the Japanese auto giant. True, the economic downturn experienced over the past year has led to a reduction in sales and even the withdrawal of some models from the Russian market.

The first Mitsubishi cars were imported into our country by the inhabitants of the Far East directly from the car markets of Japan. Naturally, these were right-hand drive cars, usually already with considerable mileage.

But the attractive price / quality ratio led to a rapid growth in the volume and organization of sales of cars with this brand in Russia and even the creation of its own assembly plant.

The Rolf company has been the official importer of Mitsubishi products for Russia for a long time. This largest dealer network in our country, founded in 1991 by Sergei Petrov, has now been transformed into a group of companies of the same name, which is part of the MMS Rus holding company.

One of the main activities of the holding is the import and distribution of both new cars and those with non-zero mileage.

Send a request for a test drive

Where are Mitsubishi cars sold in Russia assembled?

Naturally, potential buyers of cars of the Mitsubishi family are interested not only in the organization of their import and sale. Perhaps, mainly, customers are concerned about the place of their production, that is, the question of where Mitsubishi is assembled for the Russian market.

Let's consider this issue in more detail.

1. The most significant part of the total number of cars of the Mitsubishi family sold in Russia is produced directly in Japan at the two largest car factories of this corporation:

    Nagoya Plant in Okazaki

    Mizushima Plant in Kurashiki

2. Some of the cars imported into Russia are assembled at a plant in the city of Normal, Illinois, USA. The plant is a joint venture between Mitsubishi and Chrysler, focused on supplying their products worldwide. Since 1991, the plant has been 100 percent owned by a Japanese owner.

This is where the popular ASX crossovers come to our market. And as users say, these machines are not only not inferior to their counterparts assembled in Japan, but also significantly superior in quality.

3. A certain share of Mitsubishi Pajero cars from 2008 to 2012 were assembled in Thailand. Moreover, according to a number of reviews, the quality of these machines was even higher than that of those assembled in Japan. However, the facility was closed after a devastating flood hit Thailand in 2012.

4. In 2010 in Russia, in the city of Kaluga, a joint venture between Mitsubishi (30% of shares) and French firms Peugeot and Citroen (70%), named Peugeot Citroën Mitsubishi Automotive Rus (PSMA Rus), was put into operation.

Several models developed by Mitsubishi are assembled here, in particular the Outlander and Pajero SUVs. Moreover, after 2012, these models began to come to Russian dealers only of local assembly. Even the Pajero Sport version with reinforced engines and a completely different suspension has been produced for Russia only in Kaluga since 2013.

According to experts and buyers, these products are not inferior in quality to Japanese cars of the same name due to strict adherence to technological discipline at the plant and measures to control the quality of assembly. The conveyor is SKD and the vast majority of components come from Japan. Parts of domestic origin are used only in double-glazed windows and an exhaust system.

Thus, all cars of the Japanese concern for the Russian market, except for the Mitsubishi Outlander and Mitsubishi Pajero models produced after 2012, are manufactured in Japan, Thailand or the USA with a guarantee.

In Japan, the plant in the city of Kuroshaki also produces the first electric vehicle developed by the company since 2012, called the Mitsubishi I-Miev.

The tenth generation Mitsubishi Lancer sedan has been produced without significant changes since 2007. According to the latest data, the Japanese have already begun to develop a new generation model, but it will appear not earlier than in 1.5 - 2 years, and at this stage Lancer received a "minor" update of its appearance, and so far only for the American market.

Up front, the facelifted Lancer has a new bumper with LED daytime running lights and a redesigned radiator grille. In addition, new 18-inch alloy wheels have been added and two new colors have been added to the palette: Diamond White Pearl and Alloy Silver. Inside, the center console has changed and new seat upholstery materials have been added.

In the more expensive SEL version, heated front seats, a rearview camera, rain and light sensors, and a dimming interior mirror were added to the list of equipment. In addition to this, the "sporting" modification of the GT received a new generation variator, as well as a modified steering wheel with paddle shifters.

In the American market, the tenth generation Mitsubishi Lancer is offered with two atmospheric engines: the above two-liter, which is paired with a five-speed "mechanics" or CVT, and a 2.4-liter 168-horsepower engine with a continuously variable transmission. In addition, there is a modification with a 2.0-liter turbo engine producing 237 hp. The cost of the updated sedan in the basic configuration starts at $ 17,595.

Concern Mitsubishi Motors is one of the world's largest auto manufacturers, headquartered in the heart of Japan. But, Mitsubishi Motors is only a small part of the large holding Mitsubishi Corporation, whose activities are not limited to the production of cars. Japanese cars of this brand are sold in Russia very well. The most popular model is Mitsubishi Lancer.

This unit is ideal for use on Russian roads, and not a single owner of this vehicle has already been convinced of this. Many Russian fans of the brand are interested in where the Mitsubishi Lancer is assembled for Russia, and from where the car is exported to our country. The purebred "Japanese" is supplied to the Russian market from Japan, where the car is assembled in the city of Kurashiki at the Mizushima Plant.

In addition to this car, other Lancers are also produced here, including the dream of every young guy - Lancer Evolution. For a long time, Mitsubishi cars were supplied to the Russian market by the Rolf company, today the MMC Rus company is engaged in the import of cars to the Russian Federation. Although the car is delivered directly from the Land of the Rising Sun, its cost is quite low compared to its competitor - Toyota Corolla. And the purebred "Japanese" is superior in quality to many other cars in this market segment.

Where are other Mitsubishi models for the Russian Federation assembled?

In Russia, other models from the Japanese concern are also accepted with great pleasure. Along with Mitsubishi Lancer, the most popular model is:

  • Mitsubishi ASX
  • Mitsubishi outlander
  • Mitsubishi Pajero Sport
  • Mitsubishi colt
  • Mitsubishi Grandis Intense, etc.

We have already said that the factories of the Japanese corporation are located throughout Japan and other countries. Where Mitsubishi Lancer is produced, you already know, now about other enterprises of the concern. Also, cars for domestic consumers are assembled at the following enterprises:

  • "Nagoya Plant" (Japan, Okazaki)
  • "Mizushima Plant" (Japan, Kurashiki)
  • Mitsubishi Motors North America Inc. (USA, Illinois, Normal)
  • "Peugeot Citroen Mitsubishi Automotive Rus" (Russia, Kaluga)

At the last, Russian enterprise, only a few models of "Japanese" are assembled. The first car rolled off the assembly line here in 2010.

Mitsubishi Lancer Specifications

The Mitsubishi Lancer car is not by hearsay considered a new generation sports sedan. Previously, not everyone could afford a car with a pronounced racing character and design, but today it is real. Thanks to the brainchild of the Japanese brand Mitsubishi. Sporty aggressiveness, excellent driving performance and reliability are not all the advantages of the Mitsubishi Lancer model.

This vehicle meets all the necessary operating requirements. According to the NCAP rating, the car was given five stars for safety. Mitsubishi Lancer of the tenth generation in 2010 was recognized in Russia as the best vehicle in its class. Just by one appearance, fans will recognize this "Japanese". Engineers have equipped the car with a powerful front bumper, and the aggressive profile of the front end of the body resembles the appearance of a shark. Nevertheless, the fact where the Mitsubishi Lancer is produced plays a big role. The advantages of this car can be talked about endlessly. The Japanese sports car has excellent handling and good aerodynamics.

This car model is one of the economical vehicles. For a hundred kilometers, the "Japanese" uses from eight to eleven liters of fuel, regardless of the version of the model. The engine range includes power plants with volumes from 1.5 to 2.0 liters. Buyers are offered a choice of a sports car, both with a five-speed "automatic" and a five-speed "mechanics". In some trim levels, a variator is installed, which gives true sporting power to the Lancer.