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Strengths and weaknesses of Opel Zafira B. Where Opel Zafira is assembled Discounts, bonuses and new prices: when is the best time to buy a car

Once upon a time, minivans were a class of cars that were predicted to have a brighter future. And now there are just one or two minivans on our market. There are many reasons. There is pressure from the crossover market, and an increase in the consumer characteristics of hatchbacks, but the fact remains: there are very few full-fledged minivans on the Russian market. And, perhaps, the most popular model for a good ten years has been Opel zafira B, a "nearly full-size" seven-seater minivan. Almost an ideal choice for those for whom the C-class car is cramped, and the size of the parking lot does not allow taking a bigger car.

This is not the first generation of the model. Zafira A appeared back in 1999, immediately gained high popularity in Europe and was in good demand around the world. It's funny that in Japan it was sold as a Subaru Traviq, but otherwise - no exotic, only the native emblems of GM. Vauxhall in England, Holden in Australia, Chevrolet in the US and China. At the same time, the main "generic" features of the model were formed: seven-seater, flexible configuration of the cabin with very small dimensions and excellent, absolutely not "bus" handling. The latter has become almost the main characteristic feature of the model, and there is someone! Specialists from Porsche helped Opel develop the car. The car was so successful that in some regional markets in Asia, the Zafira A was sold until 2012.

The first Zafira was replaced in 2005 by the second. The concept of the car has not changed: the car is still based on the components and assemblies of the model Opel astra, has approximately the same dimensions as its predecessor and the same range of motors. The new generation of the model became the basis for the minivan. From a technical point of view, the models are very close, have many identical components and assemblies, but since the minivan is much heavier than hatchbacks, the range of engines and gearboxes is still different. The popularity of the car remained quite high until the release of the successor, the Zafira Tourer model in 2011: even more powerful, larger, with an even greater number of options, and more expensive. But, oddly enough, the older model was not taken out of production, but continued to be released as the Zafira Family after a slight restyling. So do not be surprised - the past Zafira was released in parallel with the new one, not only here near St. Petersburg, but also in Europe.

In outline

Like the base model, the overall Zafira has proven to be very reliable and user-friendly. The handling of the car is traditionally completely light, while driving you feel like in a normal passenger car. Of course, two places in the trunk are not very suitable for large people, but if we are not talking about long journeys, then the car is quite seven-seater. And, of course, if two extra seats are not needed, then they add up perfectly, and other "heels" will eventually envy the free space.

Breakdowns and problems in operation


The motors here are almost the same as on the Astra H, and if you want more details, I recommend contacting. But since the car is still noticeably heavier, a 2.2 liter engine appeared in the range of motors, already familiar from the family. This is a 155-horsepower engine with direct injection Z22YH, it does not belong to the most beloved engines by opelevovers due to the low reliability of the direct fuel injection system, possible problems with timing and relatively expensive spare parts. Much more popular are the 1.8 Z18XER motors or the similar A18XER on cars of later years of production. This 140-horsepower engine represents the "golden mean": it is powerful enough for this heavy car and allows you to feel confident not only in the city, but also on the highway. And besides, it has a simple and cheap design. Its 1.6-liter counterpart Z16XER is still rather weak, and if the lack of power is not felt very much in city traffic, then every tenth is important on the track. Horse power... More powerful engines come out significantly more expensive to purchase and maintain. Quite successful and powerful engines of the Z20LET, Z20LER, Z20LEH series with a capacity of 170, 200 and 240 hp, respectively, are very rare. These turbo engines are based on the old X20XEV series engines, which provides a relatively low cost of spare parts and high reliability in operation. But cars with these engines are expensive and extremely rare, and unlike 2.2 engines, they are not combined with automatic transmissions. Most likely, the point is also that the powerful turbo engine under the hood of a family car is frankly redundant.

Diesel engines 1.7 and 1.9 liters were not officially sold with us, but there are many cars with these engines on the market. These are cars from Europe, where diesel Zafirs are much more popular than gasoline ones. The main incentive to purchase such a car is an automatic transmission. However, the engines themselves are also very good, with a lively character and high reliability. Just do not forget to change the timing belt at least once every 60 thousand kilometers. Otherwise, the problems are like everyone else's. diesel engines: a jammed EGR valve, a dirty diesel particulate filter on Euro-4 and Euro-5 modifications and the inevitable risk of bad diesel fuel getting into the tank, followed by a bunch of problems with the fuel system and more.


Transmission became a big problem for Zafir. Manual gearboxes on 1.6 and 1.8 liter engines are five-speed F17, which I am talking about. Unfortunately, their reliability is frankly low - I strongly recommend that you carefully check the gearbox when buying, and then constantly monitor the level and quality of the oil in the crankcase during operation. On a heavy minivan, the chance of transmission failure is noticeably higher than on lighter hatchbacks, so you shouldn't relax. In combination with two-liter turbo engines, a manual transmission of the M32 series is used. This six-speed gearbox also came with a surprise in the form of failing bearings and shafts. The problems are the same as for the F17, but the maintainability is generally higher and there are good options for a simple replacement for the F16-F20 series gearbox, which reduces the severity of the problem. WITH automatic gearboxes on Zafira, too, everything is not very good. Not in the sense that they are unreliable, they just did not install full-fledged automatic transmissions on the most running engines 1.6 and 1.8. Only the "robot" Izitronic, which, in fact, is a conventional F17 box with electric clutch and gearshift drives. Like all "robots" of the first generation, it is not very suitable for heavy city traffic, and even pleases with a not very high, about 60 thousand kilometers, resource of executive devices. A full-fledged automatic transmission on Zafira can be obtained only in tandem with a 2.2l gasoline engine (in fact, this is probably the main reason for buying such a car), or in combination with a diesel engine. This is all the more annoying because on the Zafira A and on the Astra H, the 1.8 engine is perfectly combined with automatic transmission broadcasts, and very successful, albeit not too modern. On the new Zafira, the gasoline engine is equipped with a five-speed automatic transmission Aisin AW55-50SN, aka AF33, and a newer and stronger box Aisin Warner AW TF-80SC, aka AF40, for diesel engines. Automatic transmissions are quite reliable, you can read about the nuances of operation in the material about. With a calm movement and an oil change every 60 thousand kilometers or more, they are quite capable of living a long and happy life.


The suspension of the car is quite simple in design and perfectly withstands a relatively heavy minivan. The main consumables are the same as on the Astra: these are stabilizer struts, rear silent blocks wishbone and thrust bearings. With a mileage of about 100 thousand, it is worth checking the silent blocks of the rear beam, they may already crack, especially with worn springs and frequent movement with full load, etc. In general, the suspension resource deserves respect - without serious investments, it allows you to cover a hundred, or even one and a half hundred thousand kilometers.

Body and interior

The quality of the interior is roughly the same as in the Astra H, adjusted for generally richer configurations. Good quality materials and sound insulation and the absence of frankly poor configurations make the car an extremely attractive option "for every day." But the design is gloomy - unfortunately, this is a generic feature of Opel cars of these years. Not everyone will like the frankly technogenic style of performance, the faceted console and the abundance of gray and silver inserts. The main problems, in general, are the same as those of the Astra: this is the CIM steering column module, fading information displays in inexpensive versions and many small failures of a wide variety of electrics on cars of the first years of production. Specific ones are also added, for example, leaks in the fastening of the roof rails and the rear brake light, the ingress of water into the passenger compartment through the seals during the car wash and vibration of the developed overhead console. In general, with regard to the interior and suspensions, the car belongs to the most practical and convenient devices, perhaps the most economical to operate in its class today.

What will happen in 2019: expensive cars and disputes with the government

Due to the growth of VAT and the unclear future of state support programs for the car market, new cars in 2019 will continue to rise in price. We found out how the auto companies will negotiate with the government and what new items will be brought.

However, this state of affairs only encouraged buyers to make decisions more quickly, and an additional argument was the VAT increase planned for 2019 from 18 to 20%. Leading auto companies told what tests await the industry in 2019.

The numbers: sales are growing for 19 consecutive months

According to the results of new car sales in November 2018, the Russian car market showed an increase of 10% - thus, the market has continued to grow for 19 months in a row. According to the Association of European Businesses (AEB), 167,494 new cars were sold in Russia in November, and in total, from January to November, automakers sold 1,625,351 cars, which is 13.7% more than last year.

According to the AEB, December sales results should be comparable to November. And by the end of the whole year, the market is expected to reach 1.8 million of sold passenger cars and light commercial vehicles, which will mean a 13% plus.

Most noticeably in 2018, according to data from January to November, the sales of Lada (324 797 units, + 16%), Kia (209 503, + 24%), Hyundai (163 194, + 14%), VW (94 877, + 20%), Toyota (96,226, + 15%), Skoda (73,275, + 30%). I began to enter lost positions in Russian Mitsubishi(39 859 units, + 93%). Despite the growth, Subaru (7026 units, + 33%) and Suzuki (5303, + 26%) lagged behind the brand.

We increased sales in BMW (32,512 units, + 19%), Mazda (28,043, + 23%), Volvo (6854, + 16%). "Shot" premium sub-brand from Hyundai - Genesis (1626 units, 76%). Stable in terms of performance in Renault (128 965, + 6%), Nissan (67 501, + 8%) Ford (47 488, + 6%), Mercedes-Benz (34 426, + 2%), Lexus (21 831, + 4%) and Land Rover (8 801, + 9%).

Despite the positive numbers, total volumes Russian market remain low. According to the agency "Autostat", historically the market showed its maximum value in 2012 - then 2.8 million cars were sold, in 2013 sales decreased to 2.6 million. In 2014, the crisis came only towards the end of the year, so there was no dramatic drop in the market - Russians managed to buy 2.3 million cars at "old" prices. But in 2015, sales fell to 1.5 million units. The negative dynamics continued in 2016, when sales dipped to a record low of 1.3 million vehicles. Demand revived only in 2017, when Russians bought 1.51 million new cars. Thus, the initial figures for the Russian automotive industry are still far away, as well as the status of the first-selling market in Europe, which was predicted for Russia in the pre-crisis years.

Representatives of auto companies interviewed by believe that sales in 2019 will be comparable to the results of 2018: according to their estimates, Russians will buy the same amount of cars or slightly less. Most expect January and February to fail, after which sales will rise again. However, the auto brands refuse official forecasts until the beginning of the new year.

“In 2019, the cars purchased in the pre-crisis 2014 will already be five years old - for Russians this is a kind of psychological mark on which they are ready to think about replacing a car,” said Kia Marketing Director Valery Tarakanov in an interview with

Prices: cars went up all year

After the crisis in 2014, new cars in Russia rose by an average of 66% by November 2018, according to Avtostat. For 11 months of 2018, cars on average became more expensive by 12%. The agency's experts came to the conclusion that auto companies have now practically won back the fall of the ruble against world currencies. But it is stipulated that this does not mean a freeze in prices.

Inflation and an increase in the VAT rate from the beginning of 2019, from 18% to 20%, will contribute to a further rise in the price of cars. Representatives of auto companies in conversations with the correspondent also do not hide that the increase in VAT will directly affect the cost of cars, and from the very beginning of 2019 - this, for example, was confirmed by Renault, AvtoVAZ and Kia.

Discounts, bonuses and new prices: when is the best time to buy a car

“On the threshold of the last quarter of the year, the Russian automotive market continued to demonstrate strong growth. However, this pleasant fact did not come as a surprise given the tailwind in the sails of the entire retail sector, counting down the time before the VAT change. There is growing concern among market participants about the sustainability of retail demand starting from January 2019, ”explained Jörg Schreiber, Chairman of the AEB Automobile Manufacturers Committee.

At the same time, carmakers hope that the ruble exchange rate will not change much in relation to foreign currency, which will avoid price surges.

State support programs: gave half the amount

In 2018, two times less money was allocated for the programs of state support for the car market that are popular among Russians in comparison with 2017 - 34.4 billion rubles. instead of the previous 62.3 billion rubles. At the same time, only 7.5 billion rubles were spent on targeted programs designed specifically for motorists. We are talking about such programs as "The First Car" and "Family Car", which apply to cars worth up to 1.5 million rubles.

The rest of the money went to more specific programs like Svoe Delo and Russian Tractor. 1.295 billion was spent on measures for the development and production of vehicles with remote and autonomous control, 1.5 billion on stimulating the acquisition of ground electric transport, on measures to stimulate production in the Far East (we are talking about compensation of transport costs for auto companies) - 0.5 billion rubles, for the purchase of NGV equipment - 2.5 billion rubles.

Thus, the government, as promised, continues to systematically reduce the volume of state support for the industry. For comparison: in 2014, only 10 billion rubles. went to recycling and trade-in programs. In 2015, 43 billion rubles were allocated to support the automotive industry, of which 30% was also spent on utilization and trade-in. In 2016, the cost of state support for the auto industry reached 50 billion rubles, of which half was also spent on similar targeted programs.

As for 2019, the situation with state support remains. So, in the middle of the year, the Ministry of Industry and Trade announced that the programs "First Car" and "Family Car" were extended until 2020 inclusive. They should allow buying new cars with a 10-25% discount. However, the automakers claim that they have not yet received any confirmation of the extension of the programs - the Ministry of Industry and Trade has not been able to clarify the situation and answer the request of for a month.

Meanwhile, at a recent meeting with car manufacturers, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak said that the volume of state support for the domestic automotive industry is five times higher than the budget revenues from this industry.

“Now it is 9 rubles per 1 ruble of income to the budget system from the auto industry. This is with a utilization fee, and without a utilization fee - 5 rubles of state support, ”he said.

Kozak explained that these figures should make one think about the conditions under which state support measures should be provided to the auto industry, adding that the overwhelming majority of business sectors do not receive any support from the state at all.

Disputes with the government: car companies are unhappy

In 2018, disputes between auto companies and the government over the terms of further work in the market escalated. The reason was the expiring agreement on industrial assembly, which gives auto companies that have invested in the localization of production a tangible set of benefits, including tax ones. This situation primarily means that manufacturers in the face of uncertainty can postpone the launch of new models, which, by the way, threatened in Renault. In addition, it is more difficult for companies to predict their pricing policy. At the moment, the government, represented by the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Economic Development, has not yet been able to develop a unified strategy.

Departments, until recently, offered different tools to replace the finalizing decree on industrial assembly No. 166. Thus, the Ministry of Industry and Trade actively lobbied for the signing of individual special investment contracts (SPICs) between the government and auto companies. The document presupposes a certain set of benefits, which is determined separately with each signatory, depending on the size of investments, including in R&D and export development. This tool has been repeatedly criticized by car company executives for lack of transparency and too strict requirements in terms of further investments.

In the Ministry of Economics, in turn, they opposed for a long time and insisted that only those who produce high-tech products, which cars do not belong to, could work under SPICs. The FAS also joined the negotiations with the position that companies should not form alliances and consortia, that is, they should not unite to sign SPICs. At the same time, it was precisely this idea of ​​combining brands to obtain a synergistic effect that the Ministry of Industry and Trade began to promote many years ago.

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak had to intervene in the conflict situation, who created a special working group, invited representatives of all auto companies to it and also expressed a number of his own ideas. But this did not defuse the situation either - auto brands complained about newcomers, including Chinese companies, which could count on state support from scratch, about their unwillingness to invest too much in R&D and export organization.

Currently, according to sources participating in the negotiations, the overweight is on the side of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, and a number of auto companies are already preparing to sign SPICs in the new year. And this means new investments, projects and models, the appearance of which can revive the Russian car market.

New models: there will be many premieres in 2019

Despite accurate forecasts from automakers, most of them are preparing a lot of new products for Russia. For example, Volvo told that they would bring new Volvo S60 and Volvo V60 Cross Country... Suzuki will launch the updated Vitara SUV and the new Jimny compact SUV.

Skoda will bring the updated Superb and the Karoq crossover to Russia next year, Volkswagen in 2019 will begin Russian sales of the Arteon liftback, as well as new modifications of the Polo and Tiguan. AvtoVAZ will roll out Lada Vesta Sport, Granta Cross and promises several more new products.

The very first German car of the Opel Zafira model was presented back in 1999. Two years later, the Germans introduced a sportier version of the car. And in 2005, the manufacturer demonstrated a radically different Zafira, which was not at all like its predecessors. The highlight of the new car was the possibility of transforming the interior. The current generation of "German" has taken root in the domestic market and is in good demand. Many Russians are interested in information where they collect Opel Zafira for our market. The first generation of the model was produced by the carmaker General Motors under the name Opel Zafira A.

The car was designed for seven passengers and had three rows of seats. This car is very similar with model Astra G, and has a lot in common with it, since both machines are built on the same platform - GMT. Recently, the "German" has been assembled here in Russia at the Kaliningrad enterprise "Avtotor". Before the opening of the domestic plant, the compact van was assembled for the Russian market in Poland (the city of Gliwica) at the General Motors plant. This means that Russian buyers can purchase a car of Polish or domestic assembly. Opel Mokka cars of the first generation were equipped with two types of power units. It was a 1.9-liter turbodiesel engine, as well as a 1.6-liter engine producing 240 horsepower and running on natural gas.

Generation presentation

In 2004, the German concern presented to the world the next generation of the Opel Zafira model with the "B" index. This car replaced the serial relative a year later. In 2011 at the motor show in Geneva, the automotive society saw the "German" of the third generation. Its manufacturer presented it under the name - Opel Zafira Tourer. At the end of the year, the serial version of this model began to be sold on the Russian and European markets.

For each buyer, it is important where the Opel Zafira is produced, because the quality and service life of the car depends on this fact. After some time, General Motors again presented an updated version of this vehicle. This car was equipped with gas equipment. Power point This model car could run on both gasoline and natural gas. One gas refueling is enough to overcome the distance of 530 kilometers. In addition, the Opel Zafira had:

  • traffic sign recognition function
  • lane control system
  • sound warning when hitting road markings.

Also, the interior of this car can be transformed, and the place of a five-seater can be transformed into a seven-seater comfortable compact van. There is one drawback here, it will not be very convenient for passengers to climb into the third row of seats. But, having folded the last row, the owner will receive a fairly spacious luggage compartment.

Features of the "German"

This car model has an average cost. The car looks solid and has a wheelbase increased by 57 millimeters compared to its predecessor. On the Russian market, a buyer can purchase a Zafira with a 140-horsepower engine with a volume of 1796 cm3. The maximum speed of the "German" is average - 197 kilometers per hour. Where the Opel Zafira is produced for the Russian Federation, the operating conditions were taken into account. Therefore, the car is perfect for our roads. To disperse the "German" to the first hundred, it will take 12.9 seconds. The power unit is paired with a 5-speed automatic gearbox. The car "eats" a little fuel. For operation on the highway for a hundred kilometers, only 5.8 liters of gasoline will be needed.

In the combined cycle, the car uses 7.2 liters, and in the city - 9.7 liters. You can transform the salon in two minutes without much effort. This vehicle has pros and cons. Good to begin with, the five-speed transmission will provide the driver with a soft and smooth ride. The anti-rollback system is present only on the third generation car, before that, it was not installed on this model, but in vain. Now, about the disadvantages. Since it is possible to install gas equipment on a car, and there is only one place for installation - a niche where the spare wheel is located. After you install the cylinder, you will carry the spare wheel in the trunk. The owners are not happy with the washer nozzles.

Sprayers have only two jets, and therefore the cleaning liquid does not spread well. You will have to buy fan nozzles, the price of which is 500 rubles. The cost of Zafira varies depending on the configuration - from 440,000 to 610,000 rubles. These disadvantages will be on cars, both Russian and Polish, regardless of where the Opel Zafira was produced. Otherwise, this car model behaves excellently. Over a long operating period, no particular serious breakdowns or malfunctions were observed. With respect, this car, like any other, will serve its owner for many years. In addition, everyone knows that German vehicles renowned for their unsurpassed quality and reliability.

»Of the second generation, had a seven-seater saloon with ample transformation possibilities - the rest of the European compact single-volume cars could boast of only a five-seater saloon.

Gasoline engines with a volume of 1.6, 1.8 and 2.2 liters with a capacity of 101 to 147 forces were installed on the car, as well as 2.0 and 2.2 turbodiesels, developing 82-125 liters. with. Transmissions - mechanical or automatic.

In 2001, the "charged" Opel Zafira OPC was presented with a two-liter gasoline turbo engine with a capacity of 192 liters. with. (later - 200 liters. from.) Then in lineup a version with an engine capable of running both gasoline and gas appeared.

The deliveries of the model to the Russian market started in 2002. The slightly updated "Zafira" debuted in 2003, and in 2005 the production of cars in Germany was completed in connection with the appearance of the second generation of the model. In Brazil, the minivan was produced under the name until 2012, and the car was also known under the names in Australia, in the British market and in Japan.

Power, hp with.
VersionEngine modelengine's typeVolume, cm3Note
X16XEL / Z16XER4, gasoline1598 101 1999-2005
X18XER4, gasoline1796 115 1999-2000
Z18XER4, gasoline1796 125 2000-2005
Z20LETR4, petrol, turbo1998 192 / 200 2001-2004
Z22SER4, gasoline2198 147 2000-2005
Opel Zafira 2.0 DIX20DTLR4, diesel, turbo1995 82 1999-2000
Opel Zafira 2.0 DTIY20DTHR4, diesel, turbo1995 101 2000-2005
Opel Zafira 2.2 DTIY22DTRR4, diesel, turbo2172 125 2001-2005
Opel Zafira 1.6 EcoFlexZ16YNGR4, petrol / gas1598 97 2001-2005

2nd generation (B), 2005–2014

The second generation of the minivan entered the assembly line in 2005, the Zafira was again designed on the Astra platform, but already of the next generation. In the UK, the model was known as, and in Chile and Mexico as.

The range of power units consisted of gasoline engines 1.6, 1.8 and 2.2, developing from 105 to 150 liters. sec., as well as a two-liter turbo engine with a capacity of 200 forces. Turbodiesels had a volume of 1.7 and 1.9 liters. From the very beginning in the lineup there was a "charged" version of the Zafira OPC with a two-liter petrol turbo engine, boosted to 240 hp. with. Transmissions - mechanical, robotic or automatic.

In 2007, a small restyling of the model was carried out, and in 2009 the assembly of cars for the Russian market began at the Avtotor plant in Kaliningrad.

In 2011, the generation of the model changed, and the production of cars in Germany ended, but in Poland and Russia, the minivan continued to be made until 2014 under the name Opel Zafira Family.

Opel Zafira car engine table

Power, hp with.
VersionEngine modelengine's typeVolume, cm3Note
Z16XEP / Z16XE1R4, gasoline1598 105 2005-2007
Z16XER / A16XERR4, gasoline1598 115 2008-2011
A18XELR4, gasoline1796 120 2013-2014
Z18XER / A18XERR4, gasoline1796 140 2005-2014
Opel Zafira 2.0 TurboZ20LERR4, petrol, turbo1998 200 2005-2010
Z20LEHR4, petrol, turbo1998 240 2005-2010
Z22YHR4, gasoline2198 150 2005-2010
Opel Zafira 1.7 CDTIZ17DTJ / A17DTJR4, diesel, turbo1686 110 2007-2011
Opel Zafira 1.7 CDTIA17DTRR4, diesel, turbo1686 125 2007-2011
Opel Zafira 1.9 CDTIZ19DTLR4, diesel, turbo1910 100 2005-2007
Opel Zafira 1.9 CDTIZ19DTR4, diesel, turbo1910 120 2005-2010
Opel Zafira 1.9 CDTIZ19DTHR4, diesel, turbo1910 150 2005-2010
Opel Zafira 1.6 CNGZ16YNG / Z16XNTR4, petrol, gas1598 94 / 97 / 150 2006-2011

The German manufacturer, although already owned by the French concern, is returning to the domestic market. Its lineup includes the Opel Zafira with the Life prefix. The novelty has nothing to do with the car of the same name, produced in the days of General Motors. In fact, it is a redesigned version of the French minivan sold under the names Peugeot Traveler, Citroen SpaceTourer and even Toyota Proace. Strictly speaking, the Vauxhall brand division uses the name Vivaro. All the differences lie in the nameplates, logos and design of the front. The "German" has a slightly enlarged radiator grille with a thin horizontal chrome trim. The headlights have a simpler shape, without the bumper creeping on them. A more significant difference lies in the equipment list. So, the starting equipment of Innovation is more expensive than that of its French counterpart, but it has a richer technical filling. The list of equipment includes: two sliding doors on the sides, front and side airbags, stamped steel wheels 16 inches, stabilization system, cruise control, air conditioning and a separate air conditioning system for rear row passengers, independent Webasto pre-heater, front parking sensors and a rearview camera, a seven-inch screen entertainment system, and an engine start button. The assembly was set up at the facilities of the Kaluga PCMA plant.


Opel Zafira is a passenger minivan that can take on board from six to nine people. In the basic version, it is 4600 mm long, 1920 mm wide, 1905 mm high and 3275 mm between the wheelsets. For an additional fee, you can order a version extended by 350 mm. The wheelbase is retained. The longest version is available outside the domestic market. From bumper to bumper, it measures 5.3 meters. It is worth noting that a van will appear in Russia next year, but it will bear the name Vivaro, like the model of the sub-brand.


There is only one available for the Opel Zafira power unit... This is a two-liter in-line turbocharged diesel four with a power system. Common rail... It develops 150 horsepower at 4000 rpm and 3700 Nm of torque starting from 2000 rpm. As a transmission, an exclusively classic hydromechanical automatic with six operating ranges is offered. At the start of sales, the drive will only be to the front wheels. Later it will be possible to order a plug-in system with a multi-plate clutch. As a result, the car is able to accelerate from zero to one hundred kilometers per hour in 12.3 seconds. The high-speed ceiling is located at around 183 kilometers per hour. Fuel consumption is 7 liters of diesel at a city driving pace, 5.6 liters on the highway and 6.2 liters in a combined cycle.
