GAZ-53 GAZ-3307 GAZ-66

How to drain gasoline from a foreign car tank. How to drain gasoline from a car tank, some useful tips

Probably, there is not a single driver who did not get into such trouble as the need to drain the car. It is very important to perform this action according to the safety regulations, and also to know which of the existing methods is suitable for your car.

When it becomes necessary to drain the fuel from the tank

Drivers are interested in how to drain gasoline from a tank of a foreign car and a domestic car, as well as when to do it. Draining may be required:

Regardless of the brand of car, each fuel tank is equipped with a filler neck, which is closed with a screw cap. Some modern cars have a lock on this cover.

The mouth is in the back, on the left or right side. Between it and the tank there is a part connecting them - a fuel line. It has the form of a tube of different diameters, which depends on the brand and design of the car. New vehicles are characterized by the presence of pumps designed to supply fuel to power unit. Also in these cars, the gasoline level is controlled by a special sensor, the readings of which can be seen. It is worth noting that the electrical wires in these pumps do not lead to an explosion.

The presence of a special ventilation system allows you to maintain an optimal level of pressure. In addition, the tank is equipped with a gravity valve, the task of which is to prevent the spill of gasoline during the overturning of the car.


Important! It is necessary to work with fuel when draining only in open areas. This is necessary in order not to inhale gasoline vapors, which are toxic, which in turn is very harmful to human health.

Most often, drivers are interested in how to properly drain gasoline through a hose, since this method is the most common. A simplified version of the method involves the use of a hose or tube of the required length. So, one end must be lowered into the gas tank, which is carried out through the filler neck. And the second end is taken into the mouth, tightly clasped with lips, then air is drawn in and immediately this end is lowered into a container for draining. It should be noted that the end of the pipe should not be at the same level with the tank, but below.

When you need to complete the steps, you just need to lift the hose above the level of the tank and remove it from the neck.

Despite the ease of the procedure, it is dangerous, because in the absence of skills, you can swallow fuel. But this can also be avoided by using a special hose with a rubber pear. In this case, for pumping out, you need to compress and decompress the device.

Some experienced drivers claim that a medical pear is also suitable for this. It must be the correct diameter. There is a nuance here. So, in the process of draining, when fuel enters through the hose, it is necessary to remove the bulb from the tip and quickly direct the end of the hose into the container.

When the possibility of using a pear is absent, as well as the desire to taste gasoline, you can make a safe device yourself. For this, a fabric cord is taken, it is possible to use a rope that can easily pass inside the hose. A couple of knots are tied at one end of the cord, they will serve as pistons, they are also moistened with water.

When the cord is in the pipe, it is immersed with a tied end into the tank, and the second is lowered down into the tank. Then the cord is pulled smoothly, without applying sudden movements. Thus, the piston must reach the opposite side, after which the cord is pulled out and lowered into the container.

Such methods are only suitable for older cars, new models are characterized by a thin, winding fuel line. And when there is a grid in the gas tank, it will not work to drain the fuel with a hose. But don't worry, there are other ways. Experts advise to resort to the following methods:

  1. Most modern cars are equipped with a special drain hole at the bottom of the tank. It helps to completely drain the fuel. The task of the driver is only to search for it, after which you should unscrew its plug and substitute a tank where gasoline will merge. This method is considered simple, but sometimes crawling under a vehicle is uncomfortable, and not all cars have such holes.

  1. To drain the fuel, it is enough to take a few outstanding steps:
  • and open the hood;
  • disconnect the fuel hose at the point where it connects to the engine;
  • place the end of the hose in a tank designed for draining;
  • start the ignition, while the engine must not be started. At this time, the fuel pump should turn on for a couple of seconds and start pumping fuel. Such actions (switching on and off) should be repeated several times until the required amount of gasoline is drained.

Using the latter method, drivers should be aware that all fuel cannot be drained by this method. This will prevent the fuel pump from failing as well. They will prompt that the fuel in the tank is over, bubbles in the drained gasoline, which indicate that air is being sucked in by the pump. Then you need to immediately turn off the ignition.

Precautionary measures

When draining, be aware of safety precautions. So, you need to do actions away from open flames, do not smoke nearby, since one spark is enough for something irreparable to happen. This is due to the flammable feature of the product.

If you used the old-fashioned method - pumping out with a hose and swallowed fuel, you need to quickly rinse your mouth with plain water. The hose must not be pulled sharply; for its easy removal, slightly press the valve with a wooden block. After the procedure, the tank must be tightly screwed with a lid.

As for the choice of tank. Experts advise giving preference to a metal container. The fact is that plastic tanks can provoke sparks due to the static stress of this material. It was this reason that created the rule for the supply of fuel from gas stations only in a metal tank.

When it becomes necessary to drain the fuel from the tank

The need to drain the fuel from the tank occurs if the tank is full (excess fuel is sent to canisters). Draining fuel may be necessary during repair work or to help someone out on the road (if this someone is in a difficult situation).

Note! It is best to drain gasoline on the street, and not in the garage, for example. Fuel fumes are toxic, and if you dump fuel indoors, you can breathe in the fumes and burn yourself.

When repairing

All fuel must be drained from the tank if:

1. It's time to change the fuel filter.

2. The fuel pump needs to be replaced.

3. The tank must be flushed (if low-quality fuel has been there for a long time or the tank has become clogged).

4. The fuel tank must be replaced with a new one (broken, damaged by rust, etc.).

The Mutual Assistance Law is as old as light.

1. On the road, someone stalled due to “out of fuel” and asks for help.

2. Fuel is required to heat the cabin of another driver (if, for example, a strong snowstorm caught you on the road, and you have to wait for the Ministry of Emergencies for some time, and there is not enough space in your car for everyone).

3. Requires fuel to refuel the generator when accumulator battery villages.


Situations on the road are different, and it can take us to hard-to-reach places where there are no benefits of civilization nearby. It is important not to get confused, but to remember all, even the most primitive, ways to drain the fuel from the tank.

The old-fashioned way of draining fuel is known to everyone: we take a canister, a hose, lower the hose into the tank and pull air from the other end of the hose with our mouth until the fuel flows. Many could take a fair amount of liquid into their mouths at this point. It was possible to pour everything around or spill fuel on the ground, as they did not have time to lower the hose into the canister in time. The method is primitive, of course, but just in case, you need to know it.

The method from the "homemade": you will need any tube and rope or laces from clothes. At one end of the rope, tie a knot so that it fits snugly against the tube inside (this is your piston, which will then pull the fuel out). Wet this knot with water. Now we lower the end with the knot into the tank, and hold the other end in our hands (do not lower it into the canister to collect fuel). Slowly pull the rope through the tube. When the knot reaches the end of the tube, lower the tube into the canister and pull the rope out completely. Fuel should pour into the canister.

Via fuel pump or return line

Draining fuel with a hand pump for pumping out flammable liquids(when buying, be sure that it is this pump that can pump fuel). Hand pumps come in a variety of sizes and configurations. More expensive pumps have different adapters and hoses, cheap ones don’t have all this, and then you will frantically look for at least some kind of hose in the garage or in the trunk in the middle of the road.

We connect the necessary hoses, lower one end of the hose into the tank, the other into the container and start pumping fuel (into a canister or bucket). It is necessary to pump the pump until the sound of flowing fluid appears. If the tank is full, then one container will not save you, prepare several empty containers before pumping.

You can drain the fuel through the return line. With the engine off, disconnect the fuel hose (located behind the fuel pump). Dip the hose into the canister. Now we turn on the ignition, the engine will not work, and the fuel pump will pump fluid as usual. Pumped up as much as necessary, turn off the ignition and attach the fuel pipe in place.

Some cars turn on the fuel pump only for a short time (until it starts to turn) to build up pressure in the fuel system. This time will not be enough to drain the fuel from the tank. You will have to turn the starter several times, but not more than 10 - 15 seconds with breaks for cooling.

Remember! If you drain all the fuel through the fuel pump, then the fuel pump itself may burn out.

Through the filler neck

It will be possible to drain the fuel through the filler neck if there is no grid on it.

Fuel is pumped out through the filler neck using a hose or a hand pump (see description above).

Through the lid at the bottom of the tank

On older models of cars, there is a plug at the bottom of the tank (modern cars no longer have such a plug) through which fuel can be drained. The principle of operation is simple: we look for this plug at the bottom of the tank, substitute the fuel container and unscrew the plug. Everything flows by itself.

Precautionary measures

When draining fuel, do not forget about safety precautions:

1. It is forbidden to smoke near the drain tank or pump fuel near an open fire (for example, by a fire in the forest). One random spark - and you can make trouble. Remember! Fuel is a flammable product!

2. Using the "grandfather method" of sucking air through your mouth, remember that you can accidentally sip gasoline or diesel fuel. If this happens, rinse your mouth well with water.

3. Be careful not to get any fuel on your clothing (clothes may ignite if accidentally sparked).

4. The hose from the fuel neck does not need to be pulled sharply so as not to break. The hose gets into the tank easily, but the fuel valve holds it back. To pull it out without effort and nerves, lightly press the valve with a wooden block (but not metal, so as not to provoke a spark: fuel vapor + metal, and as a result, fire) inside the fuel neck - the hose can be freely pulled out.

5. Do not forget to close the tank with a lid (fuel must not splash out while driving).

In the life of a motorist, there are situations when it is necessary to drain a certain amount of gasoline from the gas tank of his own car for use for household purposes (in a walk-behind tractor, lawn mower, leaf blower) or when trying to help another driver who is left on the road without gasoline. This article is intended to help in such situations. The use of this information in illegal integers is not allowed!

There are several ways drain gasoline from the tank car : pump out with a hose through the filler neck, drain from the fuel line or through the drain plug. Each of them has advantages and limitations associated with the design of a particular car. So, for example, for Daewoo Lanos, Chevrolet Niva and Vazovskoy "Classics" will fit the same tricks that are not applicable to the Ford Mondeo. Some methods can only be implemented in a workshop, others can easily help out on the road. To choose the best option, you need to consider how much gasoline you need to drain, which section of the fuel line is easier to access, and what devices are at hand.

Necessary tools and fixtures

In order to accurately extract gasoline from a car tank, you will need:

  • Container for liquid.
  • Tube for transfusion.
  • Screwdriver for removing clamps, keys (optional).
  • Manual or electric pump (optional).

Important! It is impossible to store gasoline in an open container. In air, the fuel actively evaporates, which can cause a fire or poisoning if the vapors are inhaled for a long time. If a canister cut, PET bottles, or other improvised means were used to drain the fuel, you need to pour it into a sealed container as soon as possible. Smoking or eating while working with gasoline is prohibited by safety regulations!

How to transfer fuel

To drain the fuel, you need a transparent hose with a diameter of 6 to 12 mm; two to three meters long. Suitable PVC tubes with a wall thickness of 1-2 mm, sold in the "everything for repair" department (used to drain condensate from domestic air conditioners), segments of the "hydraulic level", in extreme cases - a medical dropper.

Transparent walls are an optional requirement (you can use a rubber “oxygen” hose, car pump tube, etc.); however, among rubber products, one often comes across not petrol-resistant, softening from contact with fuel, but PVC, PET and similar materials are inert to it. Passing gasoline through a transparent sleeve, it is convenient to control its quality - notice dirt, rust, or air bubbles in time when the liquid is about to run out.

How to pump out gasoline

Tools to make your job easier:

  • Pharmacy syringe. It can create an initial vacuum in the hose.
  • Pump "pear", aka "membrane". Helps to "start" the pumping of gasoline.
  • Household pumps. Low-power devices on batteries from the "shop on the couch."
  • Windshield washer pump from VAZ 2101 (07, 08, 21), GAZ 2410 (3302) Daewoo Lanos, Sens (or any other with similar parameters), mounted on a hose and powered by a 12V battery.

The last option shows the highest efficiency (device performance 10 ml per second).

Where can I drain gas in a car?

This material is intended for the legitimate owner of the car, and not idle lovers to profit from someone else's gasoline, so only the principle of humane intervention in the engine power system will be described here. To find out what a particular unit looks like and where it is, the driver just needs to look at the machine’s instruction manual (which it is advisable to always carry with you).

Scheme of the fuel system of a gasoline car engine

Technically, there are several "access points" to the fuel in the car:

  • filler hole of the gas tank;
  • fuel line at the outlet of the fuel pump;
  • fitting "return";
  • drain plug in the bottom of the tank;
  • rail pressure regulator line.

The gas tank of the car is located under the rear seat or under the floor of the luggage compartment. On most modern machines with distributed fuel injection, the fuel pump is installed directly in the tank. It supplies pressure to the line leading to the fuel rail and injectors through the pressure regulator. The second branch leads excess gasoline from the ramp back to the tank.

Pumping out gasoline with a standard fuel pump

Using standard equipment, it is possible to extract gasoline from a car with minimal time and effort. For example, the performance of a fuel pump Ford Focus 2 (1.8) - about 85 liters per hour. With a gas tank volume of 55 liters, even with a full gas station, the operation will take 30–40 minutes.

Carefully! Before carrying out work on the depressurization of the fuel line in the engine compartment, it is imperative to wait for the engine to cool down in order to avoid gasoline getting on the hot exhaust manifold and igniting!

If the car owner of the "injector" car does not need to "drain" the fuel tank, but just needs to get a certain amount of gasoline to degrease the parts, you can use the diagnostic fitting of the fuel pressure regulator. It is not difficult to find the regulator - it is located on top of the fuel rail or at its end. At the opposite end is a diagnostic connector.

Sequence of work:

  1. Disconnect the rail pressure regulator.
  2. Put a tube on the fitting and take it into an empty container.
  3. Turn on the ignition without starting the engine.
  4. If necessary, repeat.

In a few seconds, the pump will have time to expel about a hundred milliliters of gasoline into the substituted bottle.

If you install a jumper between the contacts of the fuel pump relay (located in the common fuse box, designated fuel pump), you can "bypass" the automatic shutdown of the fuel pump after 2-3 seconds. after starting with the engine off. It is recommended to drain the fuel not completely at a time, but in portions of several liters and constantly monitor the liquid level, preventing the pump from running dry.

Attention! The device will work as soon as the contacts are closed, even with the ignition off! First of all, you need to prepare a sufficient container and securely fix the tube in it.

How to drain gasoline from the tank through the "return"

In order not to risk the fuel pump, you can use the backflow line, which dumps excess fuel into the tank. This method is suitable for most foreign cars with a plastic tank. Minus - to get to it, you have to disassemble the rear of the cabin.

Sequence of work:

  1. Remove rear seat.
  2. Unscrew the fasteners, remove the gas tank hatch cover.
  3. Remove the "return" tube (which is closer to the connector) by pressing the plastic clamp or prying the latch.
  4. Place a container under it.
  5. Start the engine. Control the filling of the container.

The method is suitable for Skoda Rapid, Renault Logan, Mitsubishi Lancer.

How to remove all gasoline from the tank

Machines produced before the early 2000s were mainly equipped with stamped metal fuel tank. To empty it, you need to unscrew the drain plug (the nut in the center of the bottom of the tank). It is possible to drain one of the tanks (or both) on a UAZ Patriot car without a “pit” or a lift - this allows the clearance. For tank repair of Chevrolet Niva, VAZ 2121, VAZ 2110; Moskvich 412-2141 and other cars, it is better to use the viewing hole.

It should be remembered! As soon as the drain plug is loosened, fuel will immediately flow from it! No need to try to look into the drain hole, so as not to get injured!

It will not be possible to drain gasoline from a tank of a more modern foreign car through a similar plug: automakers have switched to one-piece plastic components that have only two holes - a filler and a filter (fuel pump) installation.

If it is necessary to remove the tank, but there is nothing to pump out gasoline - the gas pump has failed - it remains to completely remove it, along with the filter mesh, and then - through the hole in the lid, pump out the contents with a hose. Yes, on Ford Mondeo(1.6) in order to dismantle the gas tank, you will have to remove the filler pipe from it and drain the fuel through the free inlet.

When working with fuels and lubricants, it is imperative to use containers and properly dispose of waste oil products, preventing them from entering the environment.

Draining fuel with a simple hose: an old-fashioned way

The old method that saved the owners of the majority Soviet cars, left on the track with a “dry” tank, is convenient in that it can be used anywhere: enough rubber “gut”, a container for gasoline and patience. This option will be able to use the owners of cars that are not equipped with partitions in the tank neck. It is possible to get gasoline from the tank of Lada Priora (early generation) in this way, but with Kalina and Grant this method most likely will not work - the tank is very low, and its neck is strongly curved.

To facilitate the pumping process, there are several devices:

  • upgraded tube;
  • mechanical pump "pear";
  • serial electric household pump;
  • homemade device based on a windshield washer pump.

The modernization of the tube consists in fixing a metal nut or fitting at one end of it, which will be easier to lower into the tank under its own weight, despite the complex shape of the filling channel. The second end is tightly threaded through the cork from a plastic bottle (3.0–10 l), the joint is sealed (with hot glue, sealant, chewing gum, etc.). Nearby, in the same way, a segment of the same tube 15–20 cm long is mounted. Now, if you put a cork on the bottle and suck in air from the tube segment with your mouth, the vacuum in the container will cause fuel to flow into it, and not into the body.

The easiest way

If there is nothing but a hose at hand:

  • Lower one end of the tube through the filler neck just below the fuel level, fixing its position with your hand.
  • Substitute a container for draining gasoline, placing it as low as possible.
  • Pull the air from the tube with your mouth (like a drink through a straw) until the characteristic feeling of “feedback”, then sharply lower its edge into the container.
  • If the initial impact was not enough, repeat until a steady flow is formed.

You need to complete the selection of fuel by pulling the “upper” end of the tube out of the tank, and then let the gasoline drain completely - then it will be possible to avoid splashes, stains on clothes and the body.

Attention! When trying to create an initial vacuum in the hose with your mouth, a certain amount of gasoline or its vapors will definitely enter the body! In case of accidental swallowing of fuels and lubricants, it is recommended to rinse the stomach as soon as possible. To avoid the consequences of poisoning, you need to take a sorbent or fermented milk products. It is strongly not recommended to “wash off” the taste of gasoline with alcoholic products, “interrupt” with garlic or other strongly smelling products - this will only aggravate the situation.

Read more about how to protect yourself from draining gasoline

When refueling with low-quality fuel or if you urgently need gasoline for some purpose, you can drain the gasoline from the car tank. But how to do this if the filler neck is above its level? Folk methods, special devices or little tricks can come to the rescue. We'll talk about this.

When do such cases occur? Not to say that so often, but it happens. If, after refueling with low-quality fuel, the car begins to stall or the engine is unstable, then it is better to drain such gasoline. It happens that you are far away and simply need gasoline, for example, in order to refuel another car or light a fire in winter or process something. It doesn’t matter why you need gasoline, the main thing is that you need it and you need to drain it, so let’s look at different ways.

Methods - how to drain gasoline from a tank

1. Carburetor engine

If you need a small amount of gasoline, such as half a liter or a liter, and you have a carbureted engine, you can do the following. Start the engine, let it run for a while. Open the hood and find the carburetor. It is usually located approximately in the middle of the engine compartment and is fixed to the intake manifold.

Find the fuel supply hose, it should go visually from under the bottom of the car and is fixed along the body, then put on the carburetor fuel supply fitting. We will need him. Do not confuse with other hoses because one of the other hoses is a selection crankcase gases engine. Watch where they go so you don't make a mistake.

Typically, the hose is put on and taken off with a simple movement without effort. But it may turn out that it is reinforced with a collar. In this case, loosen the clamp with a screwdriver. Substitute the container and enjoy the process:

Having prepared a container for gasoline (for example, a plastic bottle), without turning off the engine, disconnect this hose from the carburetor. Gasoline should pour out of it. Substitute the container and enjoy the process. Connect the hose back to the carburetor periodically to fill it with a supply of gasoline and the engine does not stall. Repeat these procedures until the required amount of gasoline is collected in the container.

Gasoline, which is in the chambers of the carburetor will not allow the engine to stall, so the engine will work for some time on idling. The gas pump, if it is located in the tank, will also work, so gasoline will flow out of the hose in a small stream, which is what we need.

Be careful not to allow leaking gasoline to get on hot parts of the engine and exhaust manifold, otherwise it may result in a fire. It is most convenient to do this together - one sits in the driver's seat with open door, the second drains gasoline and, in which case, gives the command to turn off or start the engine.

After this procedure, put the hose back in place and tighten the clamp (if it was there). When starting the engine, you will most likely have to turn the starter a little longer so that the gasoline has time to fill all the channels of the carburetor and get into the ignition system. Also, do not be surprised if the engine runs unstable at first and even stalls - this will pass. He just needs to work out until the level of gasoline in the system is restored.

This method is good for domestic carburetor cars. On most foreign cars, it can be unsuccessful if, for example, the electronics detect a depressurization and block the fuel supply, or if the necessary pressure in the fuel system for gasoline to run out is not created. Personally, I poured gasoline from the Honda Integra in this way in order to make a fire in the winter 🙂

2. Through the tank neck with a hose

Everyone knows the way. All you need is a hose, the desired length is about a meter. One end of the hose is lowered into the tank so that it is immersed in gasoline. You can determine how deep it needs to be lowered into the tank by following the traces of gasoline. Lowering it deeper and deeper each time, we take it out and see if the end is wet. When we see that the end of the hose is soaked in gasoline, we lower it to the same depth + 20-30 cm.

We substitute the container for gasoline and blow air into ourselves from the second end of the hose. In order for gasoline to flow, you need to create a vacuum in the hose. Be careful not to get gasoline in your mouth. To do this, when inhaling, make the distance between the lips minimal, and also perform in several passes until the gasoline flows.

It is very important that the end of the hose is lower than the filler neck of the tank. Otherwise, nothing will work out based on the laws of physics. As soon as the necessary vacuum is created in the hose, gasoline will begin to flow into the area of ​​\u200b\u200blower pressure.

Having reached the filler neck vertically along the hose, it will pass through it and flow down to the other end of the hose where you hold the container. With some skill, you can manage to remove your mouth from the hose so that gasoline does not get on your skin. By the way, it is better to use a transparent hose, through it you will see where the gasoline is and remove your face in time.

Car shops sell special hoses for pumping liquids. In order not to have to suck in air by mouth, these hoses have a special extension in the middle, in which there are valves. In this case, you can create the pressure necessary for pumping by pressing the “pear” with your hands. Convenient and practical.

3. Full drain of gasoline from the tank

If you need to remove low-quality gasoline or foreign liquid from the tank, only a complete drain will help. Features of this procedure depend on the model of your car.

Having driven into a viewing hole or overpass, inspect the lower part of the tank, if it is located in the luggage compartment. If you're lucky, you'll find a drain plug that can be unscrewed with a wrench. When you unscrew it, be prepared for the fact that gasoline will run out of there in large quantities. It is better to think at this moment not about the cork, but about how to quickly substitute the container.

The cork can then be removed from the container with gasoline, if it falls there, using a magnet. Make sure that the volume of the container is sufficient to completely drain all the gasoline from the tank. If necessary, prepare several containers so that they can be substituted if one is full.

If there is no drain plug on the bottom, then you probably have a different location of the gas tank or its design does not include a drain. Maybe the tank is at the wing. In any case, it’s better to first look at the car’s operating instructions, where this procedure will be described specifically for your model.

Draining with the removal of the fuel pump:

It is also possible that in your car model, you need to remove the fuel pump to drain the tank. On some models, it is located behind the rear seats. That is, you will first need to remove the backs of the rear seats and get to the pump, then unscrew it. I do not advise you to do this without the necessary experience, because in this case gasoline can get into the cabin, this is unpleasant and can damage sensitive seat materials or upholstery.

And one more way - if there is a special valve or cap for draining in the fuel system, you can put a hose on it leading to the tank, then force the fuel pump to turn on. You can force it to turn on by supplying battery power to it. Usually a jumper installed correctly in place of the fuel pump and ignition relays is sufficient.

So, if possible, it is better to just go to the gas station and fill the canister with the right amount of gasoline. If this is not possible, then you can try the steps indicated in this article. Just keep in mind that for modern cars recent years, in which everything is monitored by electronics, intervention in the system can cause errors, which can only be reset at a service center.

Therefore, if you have a new foreign car with an electronic intellectual “stuffing”, then it is better to immediately go to a car service, specialists will drain the gasoline there. Just remember to take a can of fresh gasoline with you so you don't have to look for it later.

At the end I will give a diagram fuel system power supply of a carbureted engine, so that you have a better understanding of its work in a car:

1 - filler neck of the tank with a lid
2 - gas tank
3 - float fuel level sensor
4 - fuel intake with filter
5 - fuel lines
6 - filter fine cleaning fuel
7 - fuel pump
8 – float chamber float carburetor
9 – air filter
10 - mixing chamber of the carburetor
11 - inlet valve
12 - inlet pipeline
13 - combustion chamber

Many car owners prefer to drain gasoline before selling a car. Despite the fact that the answer to the question of how to drain gasoline with a hose is quite obvious to most - by creating negative pressure in the hose, one end of which is lowered into the gas tank. As a rule, for this, the air from the hose is “pumped out” by the mouth, which cannot be called correct, since gasoline vapors are quite toxic, and the possibility of accidentally swallowing it is not ruled out, which will entail not the most pleasant consequences.

We drain fuel from cars of the VAZ family

Despite the fact that some car owners never encounter the need to drain gasoline, it is highly desirable to have the simplest and most inexpensive device for draining fuel in the trunk - a rubber hose with a pear pump. With it, you can quickly and safely get rid of the contents of the gas tank for your own health. This method, despite its simplicity, can be used on any vehicle that does not have a protective mesh in the gas tank neck.

If the need to drain gasoline from the grant catches the driver on the road (for example, to help out a friend who has run out of it), and there were no special devices at hand, except for the small diameter of the tube, you can use the following method: the principle of the method is identical to creating negative pressure using mouth, but absolutely safe for health. A rope of smaller diameter must be passed through the tube, the end of which should be tied with a knot, the size of which will be approximately the same as the diameter of the tube.

The resulting “piston” is wetted with any liquid, even saliva, and the tube is lowered into the gas tank. Having prepared a container for draining gasoline in advance, you need to start pulling the rope out of the tube, lowering its outer end into the container. In this case, you should not rush, and you need to pull out the “piston” quite smoothly. After it is completely removed, gasoline will flow on its own. To stop this process, it is enough to raise the outer end of the tube above the level of the tank. The disadvantage of the above methods can be considered the impossibility of completely freeing the fuel system from gasoline, especially on vehicles that left the assembly line after the 90s - these are distinguished by a thin and winding fuel line.

Most domestic cars there is a special plug at the bottom of the gas tank designed to drain fuel. Before draining gasoline from the tank with this plug, it is advisable to jack up the car, substitute a container of adequate capacity, and then unscrew the plug. It is best to do this slowly, with slow rotational movements. Before this procedure, it is advisable to open the tank neck, which will allow you to drain all the gasoline without residue. Despite the complexity of this method, it is quite effective.

If the car is fuel injected

It is absolutely impossible to completely release the fuel system of an injection car with a hose. Therefore, in order to drain gasoline from the injection VAZ 2110, you will need to go the other way. First you need to open the gas tank itself (neck), after which the algorithm of actions will be approximately as follows:

  • find a tube located on the bottom of the engine that supplies fuel to the ramp;
  • removing the clamp from it, disconnect from the pipe;
  • turn the ignition key;
  • in the relay block, determine the one that is responsible for the fuel pump;
  • after removing it, it is necessary to bridge it, for which it is convenient to use a standard paper clip;
  • turn on the car ignition;
  • drain the escaping fuel into a previously prepared container, then return the hoses and relay to their places.

Important! Using this method of releasing the fuel system, you should carefully monitor the outflowing gasoline - as soon as it "bubbles", the ignition should immediately be turned off to avoid damage to the pump.

The process of "draining" fuel from an injection car is clearly demonstrated on the video:

We drain fuel from a foreign car correctly

If everything is more or less clear with domestic cars, and the question of whether it is possible to drain gasoline from viburnum can be considered rhetorical, foreign-made vehicles are more complex, and you will have to work hard to drain gasoline from a foreign car tank. Before draining gasoline from a Toyota Camry using a traditional hose with a pear, you will have to dismantle the protective mesh from the gas tank neck, which performs an important protective function, preventing foreign objects from entering the tank. This procedure is not easy, therefore it is best to drain gasoline on a foreign car not from the tank, but through the pipeline directly to the fuel system.

To do this, the pipeline must first be found. For inexperienced drivers, for this it is better to use the vehicle's operating instructions or enlist the support of more experienced comrades. Before draining the gasoline, it is necessary to prepare a clean container, the volume of which is guaranteed to be enough for all the spilled fuel. In this case, you can go two ways. If you disconnect the tube located in front of the pump, the fuel will pour out for quite a long time - the small diameter and tortuosity of the pipeline will affect. If you disconnect the pipes after the pump and start the engine, all gasoline can be drained as quickly as possible. If, for some reason, you need to drain gasoline from the tank of a foreign car, there will be nothing left but to remove the protective net.

Is it possible to protect yourself from draining gasoline from your own car

Quite often, from motorists leaving their vehicles in unguarded areas and in the yards of high-rise buildings, one can hear complaints that gasoline was drained from the VAZ 2107 at night. According to statistics, gasoline is more often drained precisely on the classics, and what to do in such a situation, many simply know. The urgency of such a problem is growing almost simultaneously with the price of the fuel itself, but regardless of this, no one wants to find themselves with an empty tank when they are in a hurry to work in the morning.

If foreign-made cars with a more complex tank design are sufficiently protected from draining, domestic cars have practically no protection, and the task of saving fuel falls entirely on the shoulders of the car owner. If gasoline is drained, you can contact the police - gasoline, of course, is unlikely to be returned, but if local punks are engaged in thefts, a visit to the scene of people in uniform can have a “preventive” effect.

If the owner, for example, has a VAZ 2106 drained of gasoline, to his question - what to do, the most obvious answer will be installation of a special cover on the gas tank. It has a key lock (or code option) and is easy to install in place of the stock cover. The method is simple and quite effective, especially if teenagers are stealing gasoline. Only one thing can be attributed to the disadvantages - by applying a sufficient amount of physical effort, such a cover can still be pulled out.

Since most cars now have an alarm, it makes sense to connect the gas tank hatch to it. You can do it yourself if you have the appropriate skills. But in the event that such knowledge is absent or insufficient, it is better to go to specialists, since the neighborhood of electrical wires and gasoline cannot be called successful.

If gasoline is regularly drained from the VAZ 2107, the answer to the question “what to do” may be the installation of a special metal cup. Such devices are inexpensive, and additionally have a lid that can be locked with a key. Installing such a glass is a matter of several minutes, and in addition to the fact that an attacker will no longer be able to drain the fuel with a hose, the tank will be insured against various large debris entering it, which has an extremely negative impact on the operation of the entire fuel system.

In their quest to protect their car from draining fuel, many take the step of sealing the filler cap and moving it to the trunk. Despite sufficient efficiency, the method is very controversial - each gas station will require the driver to leave the passenger compartment, since the gas station will not “serve” such a car. If the car is not equipped with any means of protection, but there is a forced need to leave the car in someone else's yard, you can put it close to another car / tree / building wall on the side where the tank hatch is located.