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How can you fry mushrooms. How to fry mushrooms in a pan - recipes. Fried mushrooms in sour cream

From time immemorial, fried mushrooms have been a dish loved by both the boyars and the common people. One can argue about how to fry mushrooms, but there are not so many recipes for this unpretentious dish. And all because it is delicious in itself. However, the field for experiments is open! Therefore, both lovers of the classics and advanced culinary experimenters will be able to find in our article a couple of ways to prepare this wonderful dish.

Fried mushrooms for a festive feast and family dinner

Noble boletus mushrooms, everyone's favorite butterflies, thin-legged mushrooms, crispy oyster mushrooms - any mushrooms are delicious fried. Such a dish can take its rightful place on the festive table and overshadow any other dish. But mushrooms are also prepared for quiet family evenings. By their appearance on the table, they are able to turn a weekday dinner into a festive feast.

How to prepare forest mushrooms for cooking

Unlike store-bought oyster mushrooms and champignons, boletus, volushki, milk mushrooms and their counterparts brought from the forest are subject to pre-treatment. Before frying the mushrooms, they must be thoroughly washed with a brush, peeled and boiled in water for about 30 minutes. You cannot use the broth after cooking. Only then can the mushrooms be fried. You can cut them into pieces both before and after boiling.

Roast mushrooms and oyster mushrooms

Shop mushrooms are not so whimsical. Washed and chopped champignons or oyster mushrooms can be fried immediately. These mushrooms contain a lot of moisture, so the stewing process will also take place in the pan. Before oyster mushrooms, mycelium is simply disassembled by hand into separate parts, and champignons, as a rule, are cut into 2-4 parts.

How to fry dried mushrooms

In those years when the results of "silent hunting" are especially impressive, there is a need to prepare a part of the forest harvest brought for future use. Dried mushrooms are most often sent to soup, but they are also suitable for frying. Before you fry the mushrooms deliciously, they need to be thoroughly soaked in water. To do this, at night they are poured with boiling water and wrapped. In the morning, you can replace the water with fresh water and put the mushrooms to boil. After half an hour of boiling, they are quite suitable for further cooking.

Frozen mushrooms - an autumn delicacy for a winter holiday

Freezing is another popular harvesting method. How to fry mushrooms from the freezer? Depends on how they were frozen. If the mushrooms were frozen raw, they need to be boiled, like fresh ones, for about half an hour. If they are pre-cooked, then they need to be allowed to thaw and fry in a pan with onions.

Classics of Russian cuisine

Even our distant ancestors knew how to fry potatoes with mushrooms. It is best to cook this dish in cast iron cookware. Suitable butter, sunflower, corn or olive oil. Both main ingredients of the dish have a fairly long cooking time, so you can load them together. When the potatoes are fried until half cooked, chopped onions can be added to the pan. Before serving, this dish is usually sprinkled with herbs.

There is another option - shortly before readiness, pour sour cream over potatoes and mushrooms. The dish stewed in sour cream is saturated with a new aroma, becomes softer and more tender.

Mediterranean delicacy - pasta with mushrooms and parmesan

People are accustomed to feast on the gifts of the forest far abroad. Let's try to figure it out, with pasta and cheese.

Homemade noodles are perfect for this dish. But you can also use ready-made. While the mushrooms are boiling, there is time to do the noodles. You need to load it into boiling water, and there should be about a liter of water for every kilogram of pasta. Throw the cooked noodles in a colander, let the water drain and transfer to a saucepan, flavored with butter. Saute the mushrooms with onions and add to the noodles. Before serving, add grated Parmesan cheese to the plates.

Mushrooms in batter and sauces for them

The original recipe is suitable for preparing store-bought mushrooms. For this dish we need:

  • champignons - 1 kg;
  • chicken eggs - 3 pieces;
  • flour - 3-4 tablespoons;
  • frying oil;
  • salt.

It is desirable that the mushrooms are approximately the same, medium-sized. Wash and dry mushrooms long before cooking. From eggs and flour we will prepare a batter. Before that, in a frying pan or in a saucepan, heat the vegetable oil. Sautéed mushrooms can be folded on a paper towel to remove excess fat.

These mushrooms are especially good with sauces. Suitable adjika and homemade ketchup. Mayonnaise-based sauces shade and diversify the taste of mushrooms well. You can also serve them with regular sour cream or heavy homemade cream. A mixture of sour cream and mayonnaise seasoned with garlic and chopped herbs is a wonderful sauce that combines tenderness and spiciness. It also harmonizes very well with such mushrooms.

Crispy delicacy - breaded mushrooms

Japanese breadcrumbs, which are sold in the sushi departments, are ideal for preparing such a dish. But it is quite possible to replace the Japanese delicacy with more familiar breading ingredients: bread crumbs, semolina.

Mushrooms must first be dipped in a light batter. To prepare it, take and mix in a bowl:

  • 1 glass of flour;
  • ½ cup cornstarch;
  • ¾ teaspoon baking powder;
  • ¼ teaspoon salt;
  • 1 glass of water.

Breaded fried mushrooms are best served hot. However, they are also delicious when cold.

What to serve with fried mushrooms?

Garnish for fried mushrooms can be both vegetable and cereal. They are combined with any potato dish, boiled cereal porridge. You can serve mushrooms with vegetable caviar, stew, risotto. Of the pasta with mushrooms, those whose shape is intended for gravy, for example, shells, horns, feathers, are perfectly combined.

Even homemade pickles and pickled vegetables go well with mushrooms. Moreover, this harmony is reflected not only in taste, but also in the general mood of the meal. Especially if you beat the whole entourage by setting the table with a linen tablecloth, napkins in ethnic style, earthenware and wooden utensils.

Forest mushrooms are an insidious product. As tasty as they can be, they can also be dangerous. By no means do I consider myself a seasoned mushroom picker, I always collect what I know well and never experiment with mushroom rolls. It would be more correct to say that I rarely cook them. Here the thing is, you can not add enough vinegar, not enough salt, not sterilize the bottle somewhere - and poisoning is guaranteed. Therefore, the best option for using wild mushrooms for me and my family is to fry and eat.
In this recipe, we will tell and show the recipe for fried forest mushrooms with onions, add sour cream at the end. Any mushrooms are delicious fried, but I especially like chanterelles and chickens. Both those and those others remain strong after cooking, do not boil soft, and besides, they have their own pleasant sweetish taste. However, you should not put them raw in a pan, we will now tell you how to fry forest mushrooms correctly.

Taste Info Second: Mushrooms


  • freshly picked forest mushrooms - how much they collected (I had about 3 liters);
  • onion - 1 large piece;
  • salt - to taste (or seasonings);
  • odorless sunflower oil - about 30 g;
  • sour cream - 2 tablespoons with a slide (optional).

How to cook fried forest mushrooms with onions

When I pick mushrooms myself, I try to clean them right in the forest. It’s more convenient, at home it remains only to review it again and send it to cook or freeze, depending on which ones you took and for what purposes. This time I got forest mushrooms, which are not the cleanest, so I spread out a newspaper, turned part of it on it and started sorting it out. I cut off the lower part of the leg, wiped the hats from needles and sand, cut it in half and put it in a large container. It is worth saying that mushrooms love cleanliness, so if you want the sorting process to be of high quality, put on dry cotton gloves. With their help, you can easily remove debris from the mushrooms, while your hands will remain clean.
Pour the prepared mushrooms with a whole teapot of boiling water. If you had a lot of mushrooms and the capacity is significant in size, then naturally more water will also be needed. Mix and let stand for a bit. You will notice how your mushrooms turned white, turned pink and became clean.

The remaining debris has settled, so in order not to pick it up again, carefully scoop up the mushrooms. I do it with a little colander. Rinse them again under water and transfer to a saucepan. Completely fill with water, throw 3-4 pinches of salt, set to boil.

We keep the mushrooms on the stove after boiling over medium heat for about 1 hour. Do not be too lazy to remove the risen foam. It may contain debris. During the cooking process, be sure to stir the mushrooms and monitor the water level in the pan. If it approaches critical, add more, because you will not get rid of the burnt smell in the mushrooms later.
We discard the finished product on a sieve or colander, let the water drain and proceed to frying.

It is best to use a cast iron skillet. We heat it up, pour oil and throw mushrooms with finely chopped onions.
Note that if you want to cook fried mushrooms with potatoes, then chopped fresh potatoes can be added along with onions.

Stir, fry over high heat until golden brown, both in onions and mushrooms. Add to taste.
Many housewives are interested in how much wild mushrooms are fried in a frying pan in time. Our mushrooms have already been pre-cooked, they are fried for about 15 minutes, if fried with potatoes, then a little more.
At the last stage, for taste and aroma, I add sour cream. This stage is optional, if there is no sour cream, then you can do without it.

I mixed and held the mushrooms over medium heat for about 5 minutes. The dish is ready. You can serve fried forest mushrooms with something meaty, or you can simply with boiled young potatoes. Enjoy your meal!

What happiness - to go to the cellar in winter and bring a jar of rolled fried mushrooms! Throw this wealth into a frying pan and make the whole house close your eyes with pleasure: an indescribable magical smell will bring you back to summer, when you just came from the forest with full baskets...

And in order to give your family such unforgettable moments, you need not to miss that not very long and quickly passing period, when you can still go to the nearest forest for a mushroom harvest.

When harvesting fried mushrooms for the winter, fat is used as a preservative - butter or ghee, lard (rendered lard) and vegetable oil. Most often, housewives prefer a mixture of fats, not without reason considering such blanks to be the most delicious.

Boil mushrooms before frying or not?

Before the novice hostess, this question will definitely arise. And many decide that it is better to play it safe than worry about the safety of their blanks. To feel confident, of course, it is better to know for sure which mushrooms need additional heat treatment and which do not. Let's take a closer look at the rules.

Does not require pre-boiling

Edible and conditionally edible mushrooms are prepared differently. edible mushrooms can be fried immediately. These include:
  • flywheels;
  • mushrooms;
  • umbrellas;
  • hedgehogs;

Naturally, additional heat treatment of edible mushrooms will not harm the human body. But their nutritional value decreases, the specific mushroom aroma weakens and the taste worsens. And some mushrooms become slippery even after a short boil.

Must be boiled

But conditionally edible mushrooms must be boiled before frying. This helps to reduce toxicity to a safe level and eliminate the pungent taste: when heated, the poisonous substances of such a fungus dissolve in water, we pour it out, and the mushrooms themselves become edible. Be sure to boil:
  • ordinary lines;
  • pink;
  • brittle and burning russula;
  • black and yellow.
Because of the bitter taste, soak and boil all those mushrooms that have burning milky juice:
  • lactic camphor, alder and sweetish;
  • bitters;
  • violinists;
  • serushki;
  • white podgruzdki;
  • some types of russula, pigs and talkers;
  • moths;
  • some other mushrooms.
When cooked, bitterness turns into water, and the taste of mushrooms improves significantly. Many summer residents explain the need for pre-boiling also by the fact that this will additionally cleanse the mushrooms from environmental pollution.

Be that as it may, it is necessary to rely both on theoretical data on the group affiliation of mushrooms, and on local conditions and traditions. It is good if knowledge about mushrooms is passed down from generation to generation. In such families, "mushroom" troubles almost never happen.

Fried mushrooms with pre-boiling

Since many housewives still boil all mushrooms without exception before frying, we will pay special attention to this method. Let's consider the process step by step.

Step one: cleaning

Mushrooms brought from the forest should be poured with cold salt water for 1.5-2 hours, then rinsed and cleaned.

Advice: the legs of boletus and mushrooms turn out to be harsh when frying, so it is better to cut them off and let them dry - in the winter, when ground, they are perfect for making mushroom sauces and soups.

Step two: first boil

Pour the mushrooms with cold water, bring to a boil and boil over low heat for 15 minutes, removing the foam that formed during boiling. After a quarter of an hour, put the mushrooms in a colander and rinse with water.

Advice: when boiling porcini mushrooms, you can add a small amount of citric acid to the water (about 3 g per 1 liter of water) so that they do not darken.

Boiling mushrooms

Step three: second boil

Pour the mushrooms again with clean water, bring to a boil and boil again over low heat for 10-15 minutes. After cooking, drain the water and rinse the mushrooms again.

Step Four: Roast the Mushrooms

When the water drains from the mushrooms after washing, they need to be cut into pieces of the intended size, then put in a dry frying pan (without adding oil!) And keep on low heat, stirring until the liquid evaporates. That's when it's time to add vegetable oil, animal fat or butter (preferably ghee). Fry the mushrooms in oil for 25-30 minutes, not forgetting to mix. A few minutes before the end of frying, add salt to taste.

Step Five: Packing the Fried Mushrooms into Jars

Transfer the mushrooms directly from the pan into dry hot sterilized jars. In each of them, 1-1.5 cm of free space for oil (fat) should remain above the mushrooms. It is best to pour the one in which the mushrooms were fried, but if this oil is not enough, you need to add a new one to the pan, ignite it and add it to the jars while boiling.

Advice: if you prefer animal fat for blanks, its layer on top of the jar will need to be salted directly while hot.

Step Six: Sterilization

Roll up filled jars and sterilize (completely submerged in salt water) for 60 minutes. Then turn over on the lids, carefully wrap and leave to cool for 2 days.

Advice: if the mushrooms are stored in the refrigerator, they can not be sterilized and stored under nylon lids.

Experienced mushroom pickers, knowing well the properties of the mushrooms that they “caught” in their baskets, believe: to boil unconditionally edible mushrooms - porcini, chanterelles, champignons, mossiness mushrooms or butter mushrooms - only spoil their taste. Therefore, immediately throw them into the pan.

Let's now consider this, in fact, a rather short time procurement process:

  • clean the mushrooms brought from the forest, rinse and put in a colander so that the water is glass;
  • cut all the mushrooms into slices;
  • pour vegetable oil (or a mixture of fats) into a deep frying pan, heat well and put mushrooms in hot oil;
  • with the lid closed, fry them over low heat for about an hour, watching and stirring. During this time, they will stew in their own juice;
  • then the lid must be removed and the pan kept on fire until all the mushroom juice evaporates and the oil becomes transparent;
  • put the mushrooms straight from the pan into dry hot jars , leaving 10-12 mm on top for oil;
  • top up with boiling oil from the pan;

  • then, if it is supposed to store the workpieces in the refrigerator, close with plastic or nylon thermal caps, hold until cool and place in the refrigerator;
  • if there is no place in the refrigerator, then sterilize the jars in salt water for 1 hour, roll up with metal lids, turn over, wrap well and keep under a blanket for 2 days.

Delicious recipes

Of course, who can resist not to immediately sit down at the table and, without waiting for winter or a holiday, part of the fried mushrooms will be happy to “mind” with fresh herbs and fragrant black bread!
  • fresh chanterelles - 1 kg;
  • bay leaf - 3-4 pieces;
  • salt - to taste.
1. Rinse and cut the chanterelles, if you decide so. For frying, you can take either vegetable oil, butter, lard, or a mixture of fats - as you like. Fry the chanterelles on low heat for 40 minutes. under the lid.
2. Remove the lid, salt the mushrooms, add bay leaf (you can add onion, black pepper or cloves for taste) and fry over low heat until the juice has completely evaporated and the chanterelles acquire a beautiful golden color.
3. Transfer them to the prepared heated jars and add oil from the pan to the top so that the oil layer above the mushrooms is 1-1.5 cm.

4. Sterilize jars in salt water for 35-50 minutes, roll up, turn over on lids and wrap well until cool. After two days, transfer the jars to a cold dark place.

For cooking you will need:

  • mushrooms - 1 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 0.5-0.8 cups;
  • table vinegar 9% - 3-4 tbsp. spoons;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
  • 2-3 tbsp. spoons of chopped greens;
  • salt - to taste.
1. This is how unconditionally edible mushrooms are harvested. All of them need to be cleaned, thoroughly washed, chopped and quickly fried in oil over medium-high heat (do not simmer under the lid!).

2. Transfer the mushrooms to dry, heated jars, adding cloves of peeled garlic and finely chopped herbs.
3. In the oil remaining after frying, add salt and vinegar, bring to a boil. Pour the mushrooms with this oil so that its layer above the mushrooms is at least 3 cm. Sterilize in salt water for 45-50 minutes. Store these mushrooms in the refrigerator.

Fried champignons

You can learn how to fry champignons with onions by watching the following video:

If you brought champignons from the forest prepared according to this recipe, they will be wonderfully stored in a plastic bag in the freezer. And after going to the store for mushrooms, where even in the most severe frosts they “grow” daily, you can fry them at any time of the year using all the knowledge gained and our advice.

Storing fried mushrooms

Fried mushrooms are stored in refrigerators, cellars or cellars. Under plastic lids, they remain suitable for 4-6 months, and rolled up with metal lids can be stored for longer.

Fried mushrooms can also be stored in the freezer. To do this, fried cooled mushrooms are packed in plastic containers or in plastic bags, excess air is squeezed out of the bags and placed in the freezer. When frozen, such mushrooms will be stored longer, and there will be no risk of contracting botulism.

  • when frying mushrooms for the winter, there should be enough fat in the pan so that the mushrooms float in it;
  • no matter which mushrooms are fried, they need to be salted at the very end of cooking;
  • if the mushrooms were in water (boiled, soaked or simply washed), they must be dried before frying. To do this, you can use napkins, cloth or paper towels;
  • if you have collected a lot of mushrooms of several types, it is better to sort them into varieties and fry each type separately. So the taste will be more specific, and the look more attractive;
  • Mushroom dishes are a favorite in every family.

    And there is also a good folk sign: the mushrooms are over if the anthill is already closed for the winter. And the ants are still “working”, so you and I still have time for winter preparations!

The first mushrooms appear in the forest already at the beginning of summer, but their most plentiful harvest begins, as a rule, closer to autumn. Having returned from the forest with collected fragrant mouth-watering mushrooms, first of all, we think about how and with what to fry them, because fried mushrooms are very, very tasty. In this article we will talk about the intricacies, features and all the nuances of frying mushrooms.

The peak of the mushroom season in terms of the number and variety of mushrooms is at the end of August, this is the favorite time of avid mushroom pickers. Porcini mushrooms, milk mushrooms, volnushki, boletus, boletus, honey mushrooms, chanterelles, boletus, russula, morels - these are the most common mushrooms that mushroom pickers bring from the forest, it is them that we most often eat. All these mushrooms can be fried, but each variety (mushrooms belong to several categories) has its own cooking characteristics, for example, lamellar mushrooms (waves, milk mushrooms, russula, mushrooms) should be soaked and boiled before frying.

It is also common to divide mushrooms according to nutritional value into 4 categories, which has remained since the times of the USSR. Category 1 includes porcini mushrooms, milk mushrooms and mushrooms, the second - boletus, boletus, boletus, duboviki, volnushki, white mushrooms, champignons and aspen mushrooms, the third - green mushrooms, valui, russula, autumn mushrooms, black mushrooms, morels and ordinary chanterelles, to the fourth - motley flywheels, meadow mushrooms, fiddlers, umbrella mushrooms, mokruhi, oyster mushrooms, raincoats, row-dwellers.
Mushrooms are very nutritious, they are called "vegetable, forest meat", it is they who replace meat for vegetarians due to the large amount of protein. Any mushrooms contain a lot of minerals, vitamins A, B, C, D and PP - they are very useful, however, due to the high content of chitin, they are poorly absorbed, so they are not recommended to be eaten often by anyone who has problems in the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas and liver, you can not eat mushrooms and children under 8 years old.


Before frying, it is very important to properly prepare the mushrooms. Some chefs fry mushrooms right away, others soak and boil them before frying, you can do this and that, but it depends on their variety. As noted above, all lamellar forest mushrooms (among them volnushki, milk mushrooms, russula, chanterelles, mushrooms) must be soaked and boiled before frying, otherwise there is a risk of poisoning, and mushroom poisoning is very dangerous. Of course, store-bought mushrooms can be fried immediately, porcini mushrooms are also considered less dangerous, but russula, for example, can be fried only after boiling it in 2-3 waters. We will not touch upon the issue of preparing mushrooms for frying in detail, because. this is a separate topic that deserves close attention and comprehensive study, but we will focus on culinary issues - on what and how best to fry mushrooms.

We earnestly ask: if you are going to fry mushrooms, study the issue of their proper preparation for frying additionally, wild mushroom poisoning is, unfortunately, a common and dangerous phenomenon!
Only when frying can you mix different types of mushrooms. For frying, mushrooms can be breaded in flour, use double breading (flour, then a beaten egg and crackers), or you can fry mushrooms without breading. Fried mushrooms in sour cream are very tasty, in general, there are many options, so it is better to consider frying with specific examples.


You will need: mushrooms (saffron mushrooms, porcini or champignons) 500g, 3-4 tbsp. flour, 2 tbsp. vegetable oil, parsley or dill, salt.

How to fry mushrooms in oil. Peel, wash and pour over the mushrooms with boiling water, put on a towel and dry, cut into large strips, salt, put in a pan with hot oil, fry until the liquid evaporates, then sprinkle the mushrooms with flour, fry further until cooked for a total of about 45-50 minutes. Serve hot, sprinkled with herbs.


You will need: 6 mushrooms, 3 garlic cloves, 1 onion, 1 tbsp. butter, ½ tsp lemon juice.

How to fry mushrooms in lemon juice. Peel, wash, pour over the mushrooms with boiling water, dry, cut into large strips. Finely chop the onion with garlic, fry in butter, put the mushrooms, pour over them with lemon juice, fry over high heat until tender, salting, a total of about 40-50 minutes, serve hot, sprinkled with herbs.


You will need: 600g mushrooms (boletus, boletus, butter, white), 200g sour cream, 1 head of garlic, ½ tbsp. flour 3 tbsp vegetable oil, ground pepper.

How to cook tobacco mushrooms. Use only hats without legs. Peel them, rinse, rub with salt on both sides, stuff with garlic, pepper and powder with flour. Put the mushrooms in a frying pan with hot oil, cover with a lid, press down with a load, fry until golden brown on both sides. When serving, pour over the mushrooms with sour cream or some suitable sauce.


You will need: 500 g of porcini mushrooms, 100 g of cheese, 50 ml of semi-dry white wine, 1 cup of sour cream, 2 tbsp. butter, ¼ tsp ground black and red pepper, salt.

How to fry porcini mushrooms in sour cream. Finely chop, put the mushrooms in a pan with melted butter, fry for 5 minutes, pour in the wine, hold for 2 minutes over high heat, then reduce the heat, add salt, pepper, mix, pour in the sour cream, put the grated cheese, heat the mushrooms until the liquid thickens.

Mushrooms make excellent roasts.

Roast mushroom recipe

You will need: 800 g of white or other mushrooms, 250 g of tomato paste, 2 cups of water, 1 onion and a clove of garlic, 3 tbsp. olive oil, 2 tbsp. chopped parsley and dry red wine, 1 tbsp. cornmeal, salt.

How to cook roast mushrooms. Finely chop the onion and garlic, cut the mushrooms into small pieces. Fry onions with garlic for 2 minutes, add mushrooms, fry for another 2 minutes, pour in wine and water, tomato paste, salt, simmer for 5-7 minutes. Dilute the flour in a small amount of water, pour it into the mushrooms, add the parsley at the end of the stew.

You can fry mushrooms with carrots, onions, cauliflower, zucchini and, of course, potatoes. Fried potatoes and mushrooms are considered one of the most delicious food combinations, and the question of how to fry mushrooms with potatoes is always relevant, especially for novice cooks. We will please you: there are no special difficulties in preparing such a dish: just fry the mushrooms in oil and when they are almost ready, put the potatoes, fry until they are cooked and enjoy a delicious dish!

Fried mushrooms can be served as a cold appetizer or main hot dish, as well as a side dish with garlic, sour cream sauce, tomato-ginger sauce is also great.


It is believed that saffron mushrooms, mushrooms, butter mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, porcini mushrooms and champignons are best suited for frying.
It is better to fry only hats, and legs are better to use for sauces, broths and soups.
It is better to fry the mushrooms in melted pork fat or vegetable oil, and it is better to do it like this: first stew the mushrooms without fat for 15-20 minutes, then pour in the oil and fry the mushrooms until browned. Never put mushrooms in the pan at the same time as butter!
If you oversalted the mushrooms when frying, you can fix this by adding sour cream, a little water, or citric acid. In general, salting mushrooms is better at the end of frying. Sour cream should be added only when the mushrooms are well fried, otherwise they will turn out boiled.

Fried mushrooms are one of the most popular dishes of European cuisine, an excellent addition to both the festive and everyday menus. Mushrooms, porcini mushrooms, mushrooms, mushrooms, boletus, oyster mushrooms go well in frying. It is usually recommended to pre-cook the mushrooms until half cooked in salted water, and then put them in a colander; you need to fry until a crust forms. Fried mushrooms are cooked with vegetable ingredients (onions, carrots, zucchini, cauliflower, potatoes), with cracklings, baked in omelettes or on toast, fried in batter and breadcrumbs. Traditionally, sour cream sauce is made with fried mushrooms, often with garlic, as well as tomato sauce with ginger. Fried mushrooms are served as a cold appetizer, or as a main hot dish or side dish. Minced mushroom cutlets or stuffed mushrooms will serve as a culinary delight.

In the section "Fried mushrooms" 102 recipes

Fried stitches with potatoes

In the spring, the first mushrooms appear - morels and lines. The caps of these mushrooms are similar, but if you cut the morel, then there will be a cavity inside. At the line, the hat is filled with sinuous pulp. Morel hats are raised above the ground on a white stem, but the lines are...

Stitches fried in sour cream

Stitches and morels are the very first forest mushrooms that can be deliciously cooked. These mushrooms are conditionally edible, so before frying, they must be washed well and boiled. In some recipes for making stitches and morels, mushrooms ...