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How to make donuts at home. Recipe: Yeast donuts - Quick. Lenten delicacy without eggs

Now there are many recipes for donuts fried in a pan, on water, which are full of an abundance of ingredients, originality, richness of aroma and taste.

However, sometimes you want to change something in them and make, for example, kefir donuts fried in a pan, while we notice that it turns out that there are no main ingredients for the dough and, accordingly, we begin to think of something to replace it with. Do not invent, because in this article you will find different variations of cooking donuts fried in a pan with yeast, kefir, water, and so on.


  • Flour - 500 g
  • Filtered water - 300 ml.
  • Sugar - 70 g
  • Salt - 10 g
  • Butter - 100 g
  • Dry yeast - 20 g
  • Vegetable oil - for frying

Cooking method

Dissolve salt and sugar in warm water. We insist the resulting mixture on yeast in a warm place for 15 minutes. During this time, the mass will begin to foam, as the yeast will ferment. Pour the sifted flour (1 cup), mix it well and only after that add the slightly melted butter. If you want the donuts to become more fluffy, then make a soda dough or just add yogurt. Pour the remaining flour in small portions and knead a simple dough. Knead it for 10 minutes, then cover with a towel and put in a warm place.

After a while, the dough will begin to increase in volume, so you can start forming donuts - tear off a small amount of puff pastry and roll it out with a rolling pin. We fry our unleavened donuts over moderate heat on both sides with vegetable oil. Fried rosy donuts are ready, but before serving them, let them cool slightly. In their consistency, they resemble these ordinary donuts - bread, so you can eat them even with first courses.


  • Butter - 55 ml.
  • Baking powder - 5 g
  • Flour - 500 g
  • Kefir - 200 ml.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 150 g

For glaze:

  • Powdered sugar - 100 g
  • Chocolate chips - ? glasses
  • Milk - 60 ml.
  • Butter - 55 g

Cooking method

Pour the melted butter into the eggs, then add kefir and sugar. If there is no kefir, then you can fry donuts on whey. We beat these ingredients until a white foam forms. Add vanillin, chocolate, rum and so on to the beaten eggs if desired. Next, quickly combine the baking powder with flour and pour them into the liquid mass. We knead the dough. If you do not want to whip up donuts, then put the dough in the refrigerator for several hours and only then start frying.

Cut the dough into pieces and roll out, you can fry the donuts in a dry frying pan, but it is better with the addition of vegetable oil. Then transfer them to a wire rack to drain off excess oil.

Melt milk with butter and chocolate chips. Mix the resulting mixture with powdered sugar and mix everything. Dip the donuts one by one into the glaze and let it dry. Sweet donuts on kefir are ready, serve them with warm milk or tea.


  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Curd - 250 g
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Flour - 8 tbsp. l.
  • Soda - 1 tsp
  • Vegetable oil - for frying

Cooking method

To prepare donuts, it is necessary to grind cottage cheese, flour, slaked soda and eggs to a homogeneous mass. Then knead the dough and put it in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. Sprinkle flour on the table, spread the dough and roll the sausage out of it. We cut it into pieces. We make a cake with a hand or a rolling pin. Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the donuts on it. We spread the already prepared cottage cheese donuts on a paper napkin, after which we sprinkle them liberally with powdered sugar.


  • Grated cheese - 1 cup
  • Kefir - 1 cup
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Sugar - ? tsp
  • Flour - 2 cups
  • soda - ? tsp

Cooking method

Consider how to bake delicious donuts in a skillet. Mix kefir with cheese, then add soda and sugar, also a pinch of salt. By the way, kefir can be replaced and dough can be made, for example, on sour cream. Add flour and mix everything well. Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and start spreading the dough with a tablespoon. On medium heat, fry the crumpets on one side for several minutes, this time is enough for the crumpets to grow in height. We spread the fried donuts on a paper towel, thereby ridding them of excessive oil. Serve donuts hot with ham, greens or your other favorite foods.

By the way, many housewives make such a dish in brine, which also comes out very tasty.

Donuts is an old recipe, according to which balls of yeast dough are fried in vegetable oil. In many countries there are similar recipes, so it is impossible to reliably say which nation the dish belongs to.

In Russia, donuts on kefir began to cook with the advent of sunflower oil. The dish was eaten not only by peasants and ordinary people, but also by Ivan the Terrible himself.

The popularity of the dish is due to the ease of preparation. The dough is kneaded quickly, from available products, and donuts are prepared in a pan. Airy delicious donuts can be baked without yeast, with filling, sweet or salty.

This is the easiest recipe for donuts. It is convenient to take donuts with you for lunch at work, cook unexpected guests for tea or for breakfast and a snack with your family. Donuts on kefir are served hot, with tea or coffee.

Cooking time - 30 minutes.


  • vegetable oil;
  • flour - 350 gr;
  • kefir - 300 ml;
  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • soda - 0.5 tsp


  1. Heat kefir in a saucepan to 40 degrees.
  2. Pour soda into hot kefir and mix.
  3. After the appearance of bubbles on the surface of kefir, add sugar and salt to taste. Mix the ingredients.
  4. Gently add flour in batches. Knead the dough after each serving of flour.
  5. Knead the dough with your hands, making sure that the dough does not clog. The mass should stick to your hands a little.
  6. Roll out the dough into a layer 3-3.5 cm thick.
  7. Use a cup or glass to cut circles out of the dough.
  8. Make a small incision in the center of each donut blank.
  9. Heat up the pan.
  10. Pour oil into a frying pan and fry donuts on both sides until appetizing, ruddy color.
  11. Transfer the fried donuts to a paper towel or paper towel to remove excess oil.

A popular option for making donuts on kefir with sour cream. The cake is soft and airy. Delicious homemade dumplings are fried in a pan, so you can cook them not only at home, but also in the country.


  • sour cream - 200 gr;
  • kefir - 500 ml;
  • flour - 1 kg;
  • egg - 2 pcs;
  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • soda - 1 tsp


  1. Mix all ingredients in a deep bowl.
  2. Mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass without lumps.
  3. Put the dough in a warm place for 3 hours to brew.
  4. Roll out the dough into a 2-3 cm thick plate.
  5. Cut out the mugs with a glass, cup or a special shape.
  6. Make slits in the middle of the donuts.
  7. Heat up the pan. Pour in vegetable oil.
  8. Fry on both sides of the donuts until golden, ruddy.
  9. Pat the donuts dry with a tissue.

Donuts with filling

This is the original version of stuffed donuts. Can be prepared as a savory snack. It is convenient to take with you to nature, for a snack or to the country.

Donuts with filling are cooked for 35-40 minutes.


  • flour - 3 cups;
  • kefir - 1 glass;
  • vegetable oil;
  • egg - 3 pcs;
  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • feta cheese - 50 gr;
  • green onion.


  1. Hard boil 2 eggs.
  2. Chop the onion.
  3. Mix onion with egg and feta cheese.
  4. Mix kefir, egg, sugar, salt and soda. Enter the flour and mix thoroughly.
  5. Leave the dough in a warm place for 30 minutes.
  6. Divide the dough into 6-7 equal parts. Knead with your hand or roll the dough into cakes with a rolling pin.
  7. Put the filling on each cake and collect the free edges of the dough at the top in a bag.
  8. Lightly press each piece with the palm of your hand.
  9. Heat up a frying pan and pour vegetable oil.
  10. Fry the donuts on both sides until golden brown.

Donuts in the oven

A simple recipe for making donuts like grandma's in the oven. The dish is baked in the oven. Donuts are obtained as flat cakes, they can be served instead of bread on the table, eaten with jam, powdered sugar or jam, or served with unsweetened sauce.

Donuts on the water, fried in a pan

I made cakes without yeast, since there was no bread in the house for dinner, and there were no people who wanted to dress and go to the store. I love this water tortilla recipe because the tortillas are layered, soft and delicious, quick to cook and lean.

3 cups flour
2 glasses of water
3 tablespoons of vegetable oil (in the dough)
floor. a teaspoon of soda
1 teaspoon salt
oil for frying cakes

1. Pour salt and soda into the flour, mix, pour in 3 tablespoons of oil and gradually pour in 2 cups of water (water must be added in parts so that it does not turn out to be too much).

2. Knead the dough that does not stick to your hands and wrap it in a film (I wrapped the dough in a silicone mat).

3. After the dough has rested for twenty minutes, roll it into a sausage and cut into 10 pieces.

4. Roll each piece into a cake with a diameter of 10 cm.

5. Fry the cakes in a pan in oil on both sides. It is better to take a frying pan of a smaller diameter.

It’s too lazy to run to the store for bread after a hard day’s work, especially if the weather is completely useless. In such cases, I think of soda donuts, which are made very quickly and turn out to be incredibly tasty. They can be cooked in a pan and in the oven, but the first option is preferable for me, since I spend no more than 10-15 minutes on it.

Fried donuts on soda are great for tea, as well as first courses, if the recipe does not include sugar. The dough turns out to be airy, soft and instantly “flies away” with sour cream, jam and even condensed milk.

Surely your mothers and grandmothers prepared this version of rich, unleavened or puff pastry products and they are very familiar to you. In case you forgot the recipe, I suggest you familiarize yourself with my favorite ways to make such a dish.

Donuts on water and soda

If you're looking for something homey and simple, without any extra frills, then soda pops on the water will be the perfect choice for cooking. For the dough, you will need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • wheat flour - 0.5 kg;
  • purified water - 500 ml;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • sugar - 2 tsp;
  • sodium bicarbonate - 0.5 tsp;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

Donuts on kefir and soda

Another cooking recipe that allows you to get more fluffy and soft cakes. I cook products on water when there is no kefir or milk at hand. If these products are available, then it is better to use them. Donuts on kefir and soda are prepared according to the following recipe:

  • flour - 3 cups;
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. (sweet version);
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • sodium bicarbonate - 0.5 tsp;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • kefir (you can take curdled milk, milk, etc.) - 200 ml.

Such simple recipes should be “in stock” for every housewife, because very often there are situations when you need to serve something to the table very quickly. Delicious, soft and satisfying donuts will be an excellent dish that melts on the tongue.

In the video, a unique recipe for donuts from our reader.

Read on for more information on what can be done.

When we open a book or website with recipes, we see many options for making pastries and desserts. All of them are very tasty and refined. When we were kids, we didn't have that choice. Probably everyone remembers how our mothers and grandmothers prepared simple sweets from available products: kefir cakes, milk cakes, donuts on water and on soda. Such cakes are prepared very quickly and do not require special expenses for products. The composition includes those ingredients that are in the kitchen of any housewife. Let us consider in more detail the process of preparing such shortbreads.

Sometimes you really want simple homemade donuts that our grandmothers and mothers fried. They are perfect with sour cream, jam, honey or just tea or milk.

Quick donuts in the old Russian way

Quick fried shortbreads were prepared by our ancestors. For a classic recipe, only a minimum set of products is used:

  • flour;
  • water;
  • sunflower oil;
  • salt;
  • baking soda.

They can be cooked in the oven, on a gas stove or stovetop. Even in the field, you can put a frying pan on a fire and cook this dish. In some regions, people replaced bread with such pastries.

Let's move on to the cooking process. Take one teaspoon each of salt and baking soda, pour about a glass of water into a container. Mix, add flour, knead soft dough.

The dough needs to stand for five minutes so that it has time to ripen. After that, you can start cooking. We put a frying pan on the fire and pour a good portion of sunflower oil into it. We take small portions, roll balls out of them and form flat circles no more than one centimeter high. They can be rolled out with a rolling pin, or simply pressed by hand. Fry on the first side until they puff up. On the other side, you can choose the degree of roasting at your discretion.

Using the same set of products, you can make another type of donuts - puff.

The difference lies in the way they are prepared. Puff donuts are rolled out exclusively with a rolling pin, if you don’t have one at home, an ordinary glass bottle is quite suitable. Roll out the dough as thinly as possible. The surface is lubricated with sunflower oil. Next, fold it in half or bend the edges to the middle, again go through it with a rolling pin. It is considered optimal to fold the product four times. Cut the dough into the necessary pieces and fry in a pan.

Thus, without spending a lot of time and effort, you get a hearty, fragrant dish. When maintaining the proportions, the taste of sodium bicarbonate will not be felt.

How to cook sweet cakes

When you want to eat sweets, as from childhood, you can use the recipes presented. They are quite simple and within the power of any, even just a beginner, hostess.

Fry in a heated frying pan with vegetable oil on both sides over moderate heat

Prepare yourself the necessary ingredients:

  • half a kilogram of sifted flour;
  • half a liter of boiled water;
  • one teaspoon of salt;
  • twenty-five grams of granulated sugar;
  • half a teaspoon of baking soda (you do not need to extinguish it with vinegar).

Pour water into a deep bowl, pour salt and soda into it. Stir everything with a spoon until the crystals of the ingredients are completely dissolved. Continue stirring and gradually add the flour to the bowl. Top with a little baking soda. Thanks to this procedure, the finished pancakes will be more airy.

Knead the dough, which should be soft, but not stick to your hands. After we form shortcakes, approximately up to a centimeter wide. We decorate their surface with several parallel cuts.

Such cakes need to be fried on low heat. They can only be put in a frying pan in hot oil so that they do not stick.

A similar dish can be prepared in a different way. To do this, take warm water (not hot), dissolve seventy grams of granulated sugar in it. Put a pinch of salt in it and about fifteen to twenty grams of dry yeast. We put the mixture to brew in a warm place for fifteen minutes. You need to wait until a white foam appears.

Pour a glass of flour into a bowl with dough, pour one hundred grams of butter, which should first be melted in a steam bath. After pouring the rest of the flour, knead, leave the dough to "rest" in a warm place. We continue to work when our dough has doubled in size.

We put a frying pan greased with a small amount of vegetable oil on the fire. We form and fry donuts in a hot pan until golden brown.

Cooking fresh donuts

When the house runs out of bread, and there is no desire to go to the store, we recommend preparing unleavened donuts. If sugar is not added to them, such a dish completely replaces the usual bread.

To begin with, sift four hundred grams of flour into a deep bowl. We rub with our hands fifty grams of butter together with flour. Mix a quarter liter of kefir with a teaspoon of soda. The resulting mixture is left for a few minutes until the formation of foam. Break an egg into a bowl with flour and butter, pour kefir and pour a spoonful of sugar. After that, knead and form shortcakes. Lubricate their surface with milk.

This dish is baked in the oven at a temperature of one hundred and eighty degrees until golden brown for about twenty minutes.

The cakes are always very tasty - they are covered with a crispy crust on top, and soft and airy from the inside. It is recommended to serve this dish warm, offering sour cream, honey, jam, or syrups to taste.