GAZ-53 GAZ-3307 GAZ-66

Car walk. What you need to know about the chassis of cars. Basic faults and diagnostics of the suspension

The "chassis" consists of a set of components that are designed to move the car vehicle on the way. Its mechanisms allow drivers to move with a certain comfort, since it is the main factor that directly affects safety. You can drive a car with a broken seat or a dented fender, but it is a malfunction of the chassis that can cause accidents on the road.

The chassis of a vehicle includes elements such as the frame or body, wheel suspensions, axle beams, tires and wheels. Each element performs its own functions, allowing drivers and passengers to move in comfortable conditions, without experiencing various mechanical vibrations, and ensuring safety in emergency situations. Chassis mechanisms connect the car body with the wheels, and also regulate the forces acting on the car, vibration and shaking. When a car travels along the chassis at high speed, chassis protects it from slow vibrations.


For many passenger cars, the chassis function is performed by the body rather than the frame, unlike trucks, buses or motorcycles. The body includes attachments and a frame. The chassis of the car is usually mounted on a frame.


Suspensions are a number of devices whose main task is to connect the wheels of a vehicle and its body. It transforms, absorbs and softens impacts that can be transmitted from the road surface to the body. There are two types of pendants. They are divided into independent and dependent. Unlike dependent suspension, which is considered somewhat outdated, independent suspension allows wheels located on a common axis to move in a vertical plane, regardless of each other. This is the type of suspension that is most often used in modern vehicles.

The main requirements for suspensions are: smoothness; full compliance of the steering drive and wheels; strong connection between wheels and body; strength and long service life of parts.

The front suspension consists of: spring, brake disc, steering knuckle, compression buffer, stabilizer bar, wheel hub, shock absorber, upper and lower control arms, and upper and lower ball joints.

The chassis of a vehicle is connected to its body using elements such as shock absorbers and springs. The main function of springs is to soften the shock received from the road. However, at this moment the car may begin to sway, and then shock absorbers come to the rescue, dampening suspension vibrations.
An equally important detail is the stabilizer lateral stability. If the car rolls to the side when turning, it begins to twist and correct the position of the body.

The rear suspension is also divided into independent and dependent. It consists of a spring, shock absorbers, a compression stroke buffer, an additional compression buffer and a pressure regulator drive lever.

Tires and wheels

The next elements of the chassis are tires and wheels. Wheels consist of a disk and a tire. Tires are designed to soften impacts from bumps due to their elasticity and the compressed air they contain. They can be summer, winter or all-season. They are also divided into diagonal and radial. Diagonal tires have greater strength, while radial tires have more elasticity.

Causes of car chassis breakdowns

Regular loads on various elements of the chassis, which do not stop even after the movement has stopped, can lead to various breakdowns.

  • If your vehicle begins to have difficulty cornering at high speeds or requires a lot of effort to keep it on the roadway, there is a good chance that the vehicle's chassis will need repairs.
  • Another indicator is that the body can oscillate and sway when braking and when cornering. The reason may lie in failed shock absorbers, broken springs or suspension elements.
  • Vibration is felt when moving. Vibration may occur due to rear shock absorbers that are worn out; damaged springs; due to the fact that the tire pressure does not meet certain standards; or that the wheel hub bearings are in poor condition.
  • While the car is moving, the suspension begins to knock. The problem may arise due to loose mounting bolts or deformed wheel rims.
  • Knocking and creaking of shock absorbers occurs due to their breakdown; loosening of the reservoir or piston, as well as fluid leakage.
  • Creaking noise when braking on corners. As a rule, such a squeak occurs due to a malfunction of the shock absorbers or anti-roll bar.
  • Fluid begins to leak from the shock absorbers. This is possible due to the destruction of the rod seals or the ingress of foreign mechanical particles onto the sealing edges.

Diagnostics of the vehicle chassis and its repair

As soon as the slightest suspicion arises that the chassis is malfunctioning, it is necessary to deliver the vehicle to a service center, where specialists will diagnose it using equipment specially designed for this. The more often a vehicle is used, the more closely it is necessary to monitor it. chassis, the diagnosis of which should preferably be done every 30 thousand kilometers.
It should be remembered that the repair of the chassis must be approached responsibly. Of course, you can simply replace all the parts, but in this case, the cost of repairs will be quite high. The best option would be to conduct diagnostics and identify a list of unsuitable elements.

Diagnostics of the vehicle chassis includes:

  • inspection of shock absorbers, levers, springs, support cups;
  • checking steering tips, ball joints;
  • state of nodes;
  • checking wheel bearings;
  • leak test brake system and hydraulic systems of the machine;
  • determining the degree of wear of discs, hoses, brake pads and drums.

Regular diagnostics allows you to identify problems with the vehicle's chassis at an early stage, when there are no clearly defined signs of a malfunction of any elements. After checking all the faults, the technicians will help identify problems that the car may have in the future and prevent their occurrence. Based on the diagnostics, specialists draw up a list of necessary repairs and begin to carry them out.

Car owners often do not carefully select a service center for repairs or routine inspection of the car. But in vain. After all, a master is a kind of doctor for a vehicle. One wrong step or an incorrectly established “diagnosis” - and the car will go into a long “coma”. And this will lead to even greater costs and inconvenience. You should be especially whimsical when treating craftsmen when making repairs. running car. Without this unit the car would not be able to move, since power plant together with the transmission and drive it would not be possible to transmit torque.

Still looking for a reliable service station? Then we recommend that you pay attention to the car repair service in Moscow “Autoclinica” - There are first-class craftsmen here the highest level will take care of your car. No overpayments or incorrect “diagnoses”. You will be informed about the details of the problem and suggested a method to solve the problem. All breakdowns are repaired quickly and efficiently.

The chassis is a connecting chain that goes from the wheels to the body itself. This unit of the car takes on all the road bumps along the way. If the chassis is properly adjusted, the driver of the car may not feel any discomfort while driving, even when driving off-road. Therefore, to fully operate the car, you should know the basic characteristics of the unit and at least its basic structure. In this article we will tell you what you should pay special attention to.

What does the chassis of the car consist of?

The design includes the following elements:

  • wheels;
  • fixation bridge;
  • frame or body;
  • suspension system (or suspension).

In general, the chassis can be supplemented with other components. But the elements presented above are considered the main ones. They are responsible for comfort and ease of control. Any of these components performs its function, but in tandem they provide:

  • reduction of vibration when driving;
  • regulation of vibrations in the cabin;
  • reduction of car shaking when moving.

Every detail must be lined up correctly. This is the only way to achieve ideal results. And repair of the car chassis, as in the link -, will occur much less frequently.

Characteristics of the dependent suspension of the machine

This type of design, on the one hand, is considered obsolete, but is still used quite widely. This is especially true for trucks, full-size SUVs, as well as ordinary passenger cars. In car design dependent suspension has become widespread due to its simplicity and reliability.

This design is divided into 2 types: spring and spring. In the first type, the main element is a spring, which consists of a complex package of sheets of special spring steel. They are slightly bent into an arc. The lugs are attached to the frame of the machine, and the center is connected to the axle. Vehicles use two springs, which are installed closer to the wheels. They have a springy structure and absorb all imperfections in the road surface.

The operation of the spring suspension is based on the use of coil springs. The design is more convenient, as it has significantly reduced dimensions. This includes a system of traction and levers, which, thanks to the hinges, act as a connecting link between the body and the axle of the car.

Independent car suspension

This type is characterized mainly by the fact that all wheels have a personal fastening and a system for damping various vibrations. IN in this case there is no transmission of motion between the four wheels. In fact, independent suspension eliminates the axle.

The most widely used design is the McPherson type. This type of pendant is very simple. The work is based on the fact that the hub is connected to the body using hinges thanks to levers. The types of such levers and location may vary. There are A-shaped structures, single, connected from two parts, lower and upper. Most simple pendant The car consists of 1 lower control arm.

Main types of breakdowns

Based on the type of design, certain types of faults are distinguished. In dependent suspensions, the shock absorber often suffers due to oil leakage or mechanical damage. Rubber elements also wear out and springs or springs are destroyed. With independent suspension, the breakdowns are almost the same. With regular use of vehicles with intense loads, the rate of chassis failure increases. Therefore, find a reliable service station in advance.

Chassis- an important set of car components. It is thanks to it that any car can drive on various road surfaces safely and comfortably. However, not every car enthusiast, and especially a new one, knows what basic elements the car’s chassis includes, and what functions it generally performs. will now tell you about all this.


The chassis is a special complex of vehicle components, the main purpose of which is to ensure comfortable movement of the vehicle on the road. It is a set of different mechanisms that interact with each other.

The chassis is the connecting element between the body and the wheels. Comfort and safety when driving depends on the serviceability of the chassis.


The chassis of the car consists of:

Each of the listed elements performs its own function. But the result of their interaction is the same: a reduction in vibration, mechanical vibrations and shaking from the road.

Body and frame

The frame or body of many cars is directly involved in the formation of the chassis. Frames are more related to trucks and heavy-duty vehicles, and bodies are more related to passenger cars. The latter has several hinged units and a frame to which all the main elements of the chassis are attached.


Suspension – main element in a car, which dampens and softens vibrations when driving on a bad or uneven road surface. It eliminates the rigid connection of the wheels with the body, which has a positive effect on driving comfort and safety. In addition, the suspension is a fairly durable mechanism that can withstand all shocks and vibrations from the road.

It is worth knowing that today’s suspensions come in two types: dependent and independent.

In the first type, both rear wheels are connected to each other by a special rigid beam. In an independent wheel, both wheels (mostly the front ones) are not connected to each other.


An axle in a car is a special unit that connects the wheels on one axis. Bridges can also serve as support for the car frame. Due to the suspension, the axle is attached either to the frame or to the body.


Well, here, for sure, everything is extremely clear. The main purpose of the wheels is known to everyone, so we - - will not consider them in detail, but simply note that they are the most important element of the chassis.

Basic functions

The chassis of the car performs several main functions:

Connects wheels or axles to the body.

Provides transmission forces that arise when the wheels interact with the road surface.

Provides the necessary movement of the wheels in relation to the body (load-bearing part) of the machine.

Reduces vibrations and vibrations when moving.

Provides comfort and safety.

That's all that wanted to tell you about car chassis. Do not forget to regularly diagnose the suspension and other components. A fault found in time can protect you not only from large financial costs, but in some cases, save your life. After all, the chassis of a car is the main element responsible for traffic safety.

The chassis of the VAZ 2109 is somewhat different from the suspension design of earlier models of the Volga Automobile Plant. Let's look at its design - the front and rear axles separately.

Front axle

The front axle has an independent telescopic suspension, which uses both hydraulic shock absorbers and coil springs. wishbone- lower one with stretch marks. The chassis is equipped with a stabilizer bar. The suspension device of the VAZ 2109 is almost identical to that of the VAZ models 2108, 21099.

Components and parts of the front axle chassis

The front axle of the VAZ 2109 is perhaps the most complex element of the chassis, this is due to the fact that the car’s transmission is front-wheel drive, but the number of main components in its structure is not so large. This:

  1. Steering knuckle;
  2. Cross arm;
  3. Stretch marks;
  4. Mounting units for the chassis to the body and transmission;

Description of the front suspension design

The chassis of the front axle of the VAZ 2109 contains quite a lot of elements, but everything is typical for cars of this class and its design has something in common with many cars of the same type. The main part is a telescopic stand with a hydraulic shock absorber. A coil spring with a stroke buffer is installed on top of the hydraulic cylinder. The upper support is also made of polyurethane and ensures the rack swings and vibration damping. The device for fastening the rack to the body (with three bolts) allows you to dampen vibrations. There is also a ball bearing inside the support, which ensures that the stand rotates together with the wheel. At the bottom of the steering knuckle there is a ball joint for connection with the lower suspension arm.

To compensate for the forces, there are stretchers with rubber-metal hinges. To install the wheel hub in steering knuckle a double-row thrust bearing is mounted. The hub is secured with one bolt. The suspension device also includes a stabilizer; it is connected to the lower suspension arms through struts with rubber hinges.

Rear axle

The design of the rear axle chassis of the VAZ 2109 is much simpler, this is explained by the fact that, unlike a classic rear-wheel drive car, it does not have transmission-related parts. And the load taken by the chassis is much less than that of a truck.

Rear axle chassis parts

Due to the softer operating mode (compared to rear wheel drive previous models), the designers had the opportunity to simplify the diagram and structure of this unit of the VAZ 2109. Thus, in the rear suspension of the chassis there are no braces and parts for transmitting rotating force to the wheels, stabilizers (since their role is played by the beam), this slightly worsened the dynamic parameters of the car, but it significantly increased reliability. The diagram of this chassis unit includes:

  • Trailing arms;
  • Central beam;
  • Brackets for fastening the vehicle axle to the side member;
  • Hydraulic shock absorbers;
  • Springs (pair);
  • Flanges for mounting wheels.

Rear axle design

The main element of the rear axle of the chassis of the VAZ 2109 car is the beam, which in turn consists of three parts - two trailing arms and a connector. These three units are connected by welding with reinforcing linings. Brackets for installing car shock absorbers and flanges for installing wheel axles are welded onto the arms.

In the front part, hinges are installed with a lever; bolts pass through them to secure the chassis to the hinges mounted on the body side members. The shock absorbers of the rear axle of the VAZ 2109 are hydraulic with added coil springs. In their upper part, through rubber-metal bushings, they are fixed in the parts of the car body.

How to check the health of a car's suspension

Perhaps the most critical component after the steering and braking system that influences safe operation is the vehicle's chassis. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly monitor its condition. Of course passenger car The wear of this unit is not as severe as that of a truck, but most often (and VAZ cars are no exception) designers plan for the stability and durability of the suspension scheme taking into account the soft mode.

For a qualified conclusion that the suspension is in good or faulty condition, it is better to contact a service station, where they will be able to fully diagnose the condition of your car on special stands, and the specialists, for whom the suspension diagram has no secrets, will be able to accurately identify a breakdown or minor malfunction. But still, even without knowing the device thoroughly, you need to know the most important symptoms that something is wrong with the machine. It is advisable to pay close attention to the slightest changes in the behavior of the car on the road, which may be symptoms of faulty bridges.

Signs of wear or damage to the undercarriage

We have not yet mentioned the uneven wear of tires - if your wheels are adjusted for wheel alignment and balanced, and the CV joints (since the VAZ 2109 is assembled according to the scheme front wheel drive) are working correctly, which means the reason is the chassis, somewhere there is a breakdown, excessive play or wear.

In conclusion, it should be noted that although the chassis of the VAZ 2109 is not subject to such overloads as a similar unit of a freight transport, its design is still quite complex and requires constant attention, fortunately, the suspension design allows maintenance and repairs without large material costs.


Every car has a chassis. Almost every driver knows about this and knows how it works, but there are also car enthusiasts who are not aware of this topic. In fact, the chassis of a car consists of several elements and assemblies. All these elements are needed in order to soften the unevenness of the road surface, which is transmitted to the body while driving. In order for the car suspension to work properly, it needs to be properly and promptly maintained. Before changing anything in this system, you need to study the suspension design in detail.


Thanks to this system, the driver may not even feel them when driving through minor road irregularities. So, in order to change or repair anything in this system, you need to know its main components. The vehicle chassis includes:

  • Wheels. They are needed so that the car can move.
  • Front and rear axles. Their purpose is to hold the wheels and attach them to the body using shock-absorbing elements.
  • Suspension system. This includes many shock-absorbing elements, of several types.
  • Body. Designed to ensure that the driver and passengers can move comfortably.

Having figured out what the chassis of the car includes, you need to figure out how it should all work. Most often, many suspension elements become unusable here. The fact is that these elements and units work constantly and due to the fact that the roads are rarely perfectly smooth, the car’s suspension quickly wears out. An experienced driver will always be able to determine for himself what is broken in his car, but there are completely inexperienced drivers, and for them it is often difficult to determine the malfunction. Such inexperienced car owners, experienced drivers are often called dummies. For such teapots, we tried to describe the operating principle and structure of the suspension.

All car chassis includes many more elements that are not mentioned in this list of buildings. This was done because the list contains the main components, and these are additional ones that appear over time. These devices have one purpose and, most often, one operating principle and structure.

The main task of these devices is to minimize the vibration that is transmitted to the body when the car is driving.

When on car If such devices and mechanisms are installed, a detailed operating diagram is always included in the instruction manual, which describes the principle of operation and how to change something if required. If your car does not have this diagram, but there is a device, then the diagram can be found on the Internet and you can find out what all these devices are for, the principle of operation and the parameters of all units.

Vehicle axles

As already mentioned, the chassis of the car includes front and rear axles. Their purpose is to connect the wheels on one axle and attach them to the car body. When the axle is driven, it transmits movement to the wheels.

A bridge is a complex assembly that includes many parts or elements. There are several types of bridges. The type of bridge installed directly depends on the drive of the machine. So, there are four types of bridges.

  • The first is the leading one; the drawing of such a bridge shows many different parts and mechanisms that are part of it. Most often, in the same diagram it is written what all these units are needed for, how they work, their parameters.
  • The second type is controlled, most often installed in the front part, as the name implies, its main purpose is to turn the wheel.
  • The third type is controlled driving, here the device performs two roles: it drives the machine and controls it at the same time.
  • The fourth type is a supporting axle; this axle simply connects the wheels on one axle and attaches them to the body. This device takes on all kinds of loads, so its body must be made of strong metal. For the same reason, the bridge cannot be tightly connected to the body; this is why the suspension was invented.


As a rule, the chassis of a car consists of another very important system called the car suspension. Its purpose is to soften impacts on the road. This system includes shock-absorbing devices, most often springs or springs, damping devices, guide elements and fasteners. On the diagram you can find all these elements, find out where they are on your machine, what they are needed for and what parameters they are designed for. Today there are two types of suspension that are considered basic.

  • The first type is a dependent suspension, in which case both wheels are linked.
  • The second type is, here the wheels are not depreciated together.

The first type of suspension is installed on budget options machines or for individual configurations. The second type is installed on more expensive cars. The fact is that the operating principle independent suspension is based on the fact that one wheel does not depend on the other in any way, which is why the design of the machine is not disturbed when driving over complex irregularities.

The concept of a long service life does not apply to shock absorbers; they often become unusable. The service life of the suspension is most often very long, but the manufacturer provides a guarantee only for the conditions for which the device is designed. Therefore, if the machine is not operated according to the regulations, then the warranty will not be provided. It should be noted that the reliability of the suspension depends on the manufacturer of spare parts, and the service life depends on the driver.


The last element that includes the chassis of the car is the body, since the chassis is mounted directly on. The body structure should be made only of durable metals, since the chassis does not soften all the shocks and loads from the road that the structure experiences while driving, not small ones. The reliability of the body directly depends on the design.

Most often, the body frame is a solid metal device onto which external body parts are attached, such as fenders, doors, headlights and others. Engine service life directly depends on external environment. Most often, the service life is shorter in regions with high humidity, because the metal is very sensitive to moisture. The car frame has a longer service life than the external elements. The fact is that the frame body is protected by these external body parts.


Every driver knows that the chassis of a car is one of the main systems in the entire mechanism. In order for it to be comfortable to move around in a car, all mechanisms must work correctly and be in good working order. If something on your car becomes unusable, it must be replaced immediately. Before replacing a broken part, you need to study it in detail and only then proceed with repair work. Diagrams for all cars are available on the Internet or in the owner's manual.