GAZ-53 GAZ-3307 GAZ-66

Headlights fogged up from the inside: what to do and what are the reasons. Headlight fogging: why it happens and how to deal with condensation Headlights fog up from the inside

Headlights fogging is a problem that you just need to get rid of. it not only disrupts the aesthetic appearance of the car, but also threatens danger while driving in the dark.

How does condensation form inside the headlight?

When you use the car in cool weather, after turning off the headlights begin to cool down, the pressure inside decreases and humid air begins to penetrate through the valves. With a decrease in air temperature, moisture condenses on inside headlamp glass, most often this occurs in the area of ​​the radiator grill, in the high beam area. This type of fogging of the headlights is not a problem, as the moisture usually disappears rather quickly. However, there are other cases where condensation does not evaporate, forming drops and even smudges on the inside of the headlight - this problem must be solved as soon as possible.

Why is condensation forming?

There can be several reasons for the formation of condensation inside the headlights. We will list those that are most common:

With time valve caps slip off and get lost (this often happens with cars Toyota brands manufactured since 2001), as a result of which moisture can penetrate into the headlight;

Problem headlamp designs- initially the headlights come from the factory completely sealed, that is, with a closed air space inside. If the design of the headlamp is made with an error, then during operation it will capture the external air inside, moisture from which will condense on the inner walls;

- damaged headlamp surface- this can happen during an accident or careless use of the headlamp; the reason for the appearance of condensation can be not only a "fistula" on the surface of the headlight, but also a barely noticeable microcrack;

- clogged ventilation ducts can also cause fogging of headlights;

- poor fit of the bulb can cause a gap through which moisture enters the interior of the auto-optics structure;

Incorrect work or failure of the hydrocorrector- quite rarely, but it happens that in the process of malfunctioning of the hydrocorrector, liquid enters the headlight and condenses in it.

How to deal with condensation inside the headlight?

Be sure to dry the headlamp with hot air, if this is not done, the moisture remaining inside the structure will continue to provoke evaporation;

Seal all glass and case joints with a sealant, so you can easily get rid of all microcracks;

Check the fit of the bulbs to the body, as well as the presence of a rubber or plastic gasket (the absence of a gasket may cause fogging);

We check the presence of "fistulas" and microcracks on the surface of the headlamp - lower the headlamp into the water and observe the appearance of bubbles - the place where they appeared must be sealed. If there is a small crack on the surface of the headlight, you can use a transparent tint film, its adhesive base will cover all the holes through which air can enter the headlight

In the event that there is a rather large crack on the surface of the headlight, you will need complete replacement details.

Which headlights should you buy?

When buying a new headlight, the main thing is not to make a mistake with the choice. Ixora Auto specialists recommend purchasing only parts from trusted brands, such as parts from Hella. Headlight manufacturing is the backbone of Hella's 20-year history and Hella car headlights are now setting the standard for high quality and long lasting performance in automotive optics. You can buy Hella car headlights, as well as get professional advice from specialists in the Ixora Auto online store, as well as by calling the free hotline number.

Manufacturer Detail number Part name
HELLA 1A6002395071 Main headlamp Hella
HELLA 1BL008193007 Low beam module Hella
HELLA 1FA008283811 High beam headlamp set Hella FF50
HELLA 1K0008191001 High beam module Hella
HELLA 1N0008582007 Fog light module Hella D90
HELLA 1NL008090821 Fog light set Hella Micro DE
HELLA 1FA008284811

Spring and autumn bring a lot of moisture on the streets of our cities, sometimes puddles look like rivers. In such weather, everything and everyone fogs up, and especially the glass inside the car. But headlights often sweat too! That is, you turn on the light, and you can see fogging from the inside. I want to say right away this phenomenon is wrong, it needs to be eliminated ...

It can manifest itself both on completely new cars and on restored ones after an accident, for example. There are times that everything was fine, and then "bam" and began to sweat. Why? What to do? Let's figure it out, but first I propose to talk - why is it so dangerous.

Why should you fix it?

It's simple, and there are several reasons for this:

  • Lighting efficiency drops several times, if you want it can be compared to a dirty headlight. Which is in itself dangerous, because you simply may not see the crossing pedestrian.

  • Misting is often accompanied by the accumulation of water inside the headlamp, and this is already corrosion and destruction of all metal parts of the headlamp. Although now many manufacturers are made of plastic, the lamp itself is made of glass and metal.
  • If moisture gets on a heated lamp, it can simply burst.
  • Water is a good conductor, it can short-circuit the lamp contacts. At least it will burn out, as much as the fuses will blow out, and if this happens on the road, you risk being left without road lighting.
  • Lamps will burn out more often, again due to moisture getting on the contacts.

In general, problems are assured, so something needs to be done. The reasons are often trivial.

Causes of fogging headlights

To be honest, our company car had such a problem. The headlight constantly fogged up, moisture collected inside, and after that the bulbs were on. It happened from a small pebble hitting the headlight, let's take a closer look:

  • Incorrect design. Initially, the headlamp must be sealed, that is, a closed airspace is formed inside. If the headlamp is made incorrectly, then it will "capture" the outside air (or moisture) from the street, and if it is wet weather, here is the fogging for you. The outside air will simply be humid, and it will condense on the headlamp glass from the inside. The first Chinese cars suffered from this, the build quality left much to be desired, the headlight was simply "blown out" - hence the fogging. Now, of course, the problem has been eliminated, but the first cars suffered from such shortcomings.
  • Headlamp damage. This happens in an accident, for example, you did not break it, but pressed it a little. Plastic or glass can move away from the body, a "fistula" will appear, into which outside air and water will also be drawn.
  • Microcrack on the glass. Again, from this story, the glass cracks, the tightness is broken - "hello" fogging.

  • Failure of the hydrocorrector. A specific reason, but quite possible. The thing is that inside some of the headlights, there are hydraulic correctors. That is, you turn the knob to dashboard, the pressure rises and the light level rises, or falls as you need. But often, especially on our VAZs, they break, the liquid flows into the headlight and after fogging. It happens - rarely, but it happens.

These are the main reasons, for example, at our working VAZ there was a problem in a microcrack, which was not even visible, but humid air was drawn in through it and fogging appeared.

What to do?

You know, many people save money, and in case of accidents, they put non-original spare parts on their car. Lighting devices are no exception here, because often the price of the original just goes off scale. If it starts to sweat, but there is no externally damage. This means a poor-quality "Chinese" craft, either look for a place to draw in moisture and air, or change it to a new original one (well, or with a higher quality).

What to do when it looks normal, there are no chips or cracks, but moisture appears from the inside?

    • It is necessary to dry the headlight - this is a must, otherwise the moisture, which inside will provoke evaporation. If you do not remove it from the body, then you can try to dry it with, say, a hairdryer, the air is hot, it will evaporate moisture.
    • After drying, it is worth sealing all the joints of the glass and the case - this is done with a sealant, preferably colorless. Thus, all small cracks can be removed.
    • We look at the fit of the light bulb to the body. She must have a gasket, sometimes rubber, sometimes plastic. If it is not there, it is through this place that moist air can be drawn in.
    • For an accurate determination, it is advisable to remove the headlight. There is a 100% method for determining "fistula". We pour water into the bathroom - then we simply lower the headlight into the water - we observe. If there are bubbles, then this is our place of air leakage. We mark it, then we seal it. Again, apply a sealant. After it has dried, you need to repeat the procedure.

    • If the glass is cracked. Here it is more problematic - ideally, you need to replace the glass, but it is not always sold separately, and buying a headlamp entirely is also not an option. What to do then? With a small crack, you can stick a tint film on top - just take not a dark one, but a transparent one. It has an adhesive base that will seal all "holes", and the glass will not creep further.
    • If the crack is large, then a replacement is desirable. By the way, many are looking for originals on parsing, this is a way out, just take something that is not too worn out, otherwise it will be necessary. You can, of course, glue it, just remember it must be airtight. A small video to help.

The problem of fogging headlights is a fairly common occurrence in the life of any motorist. Drivers of various vehicles face this problem everywhere and, as a rule, postpone the solution of this problem until later.

But do not forget that safety depends on the good performance of head optics. road traffic... When the headlights sweat, a potentially hazardous road situation is created. The light emanating from them should be distributed in a certain way along the roadway, creating the most illuminated space for the driver. If this does not happen, the likelihood of accidents is high.

The root cause of the problem.

This situation is especially relevant during the off-season. In addition to the fact that the owner of the car, due to insufficient lighting, cannot fully control the situation on the road, in the end he will be faced with the need to repair a part or replace it. Moisture entering the product, whether it seeps onto the lamp base, switch connector or fuse, will cause it to wear out quickly. Dampness will either lead to corrosion, which is fraught with rapid deterioration of the product. Or to an annoying short circuit, as a result of which the ability to illuminate your path disappears and there is a risk of failure in the operation of the main systems.

When the headlights sweat from the inside, the light will be refracted under the influence of moisture and, accordingly, reduce the light transmission of the part. The main "causative agent" of this process is condensate. The steam formed as a result of the interaction of water particles and heated air takes root on the inside of the car's lampshades and triggers the destruction mechanism.

The main question that every self-respecting driver should be puzzled with is: how does he penetrate into the core of a seemingly so tight part? Consider the main factors that violate its impermeability:

  1. Check valve. Unfortunately, the inside of the headlamp is not completely airtight. This is due to the fact that any light generator heats up during operation. For this reason, almost all modern cars are equipped with a check valve that allows hot air to escape.
  2. Depressurization of the seams at the points of joining the shades to the body. It is impossible to completely seal these two parts to each other.
  3. Manufacturing defects.
  4. Ineffective device of the spare part: poor quality or shortage of gaskets.
  5. Damage: defects that could arise from an accident, cracks, crevices or the consequences of unsuccessful parking.
  6. Hole or gap. Sometimes such breakdowns are characterized by such a tiny scale that it is practically impossible to identify them without the use of special equipment.

How to fix the problem.

In a situation where you become the owner of a similar problem, it is always important to know what to do. Check out the time-honored and years of experience tips that will tell you how to fix these kinds of problems.

  1. Dry warming up of headlights. This method is not intended to be operated on a permanent basis. We are allowed to use it once, a maximum of several times, but no more. The scheme of actions when working with it is as follows: first, you must disconnect the cover, then allow the tension of the fasteners to loosen and slightly move them out of the recesses. Next, go on to turn on the low beam and let the bulbs work for a while, then turn off the light and replace the cap. Practice shows that if you take the listed actions at night, the next morning the moisture in the headlight housing should disappear.
  2. Inspection of seams for tightness. You should carefully examine all connecting areas and docking areas for air tightness. If cracks or minor damage are found, a special moisture-resistant sealant must be used. For this purpose, a silicone-based composition is the best option. The term of its "life" is more durable than alternative means, moreover, it has high density and water resistance and a transparent structure. A similar substance these days is easy to find in every specialty store selling car parts. The modern market is rich in variations of sealants designed to fill areas formed due to mechanical damage. They neutralize these voids, prevent further penetration of moisture, dry at an incredible speed and do not interfere with the refraction of light! However, there are spots in the sun too. Among the negative aspects of such mixtures: the adhesion of dirt, which significantly reduces the productivity of the optics. In addition, the sealing compound is characterized by a fairly short life cycle. There are situations when moisture enters the headlight housing from the inside. In this position, to eliminate condensation, which has become the culprit for fogging, an impressive sequence of measures for internal sealing should be carried out. It involves disassembling the luminaire unit and then disconnecting it from the electrical circuit. Then it is necessary to seal all holes with special gaskets and sealing compounds. They effectively cope with their task, but over time they lose their elasticity: a liquid enters the headlight housing, which can fill even cracks or scratches that are invisible to the eye.

  1. Apply to the service station. Qualified specialists will identify themselves problem areas and will advise you on the most effective solution to the problem. There are often situations when microcracks form on fasteners or seams that cannot be seen with the naked eye. It is impossible to detect such malfunctions without the use of special optical, electronic or laser equipment. The craftsmen will repair the old part or advise you to replace it with another component.
  2. New headlight. Sometimes, purchasing it turns out to be the best alternative to all of the above methods. Most the best way Is to give preference to the original spare part. Thus, you exclude the possibility of buying a defective or illiterately designed product.

The experience of car owners.

Optics fogging is a problem inherent in budget models of the middle price segment. It is much more common to hear complaints about a fogged headlight in a Solaris than a murmur about such a problem in a Bentley. Quality control, the use of materials of excellent quality and the latest technologies in production - all these factors reduce the risk of part fogging in expensive models.

Valentine, "Audi":

“First of all, it is necessary to inspect the presence of special caps for the optics shade check valve. Additionally, you can check the operation of the valve itself. "

Nikolay, Toyota:

“You can try pouring brake fluid into the interior of the light unit. It will help you troubleshoot for a while, but it won't work in the long run. Do not forget that the liquid attracts not only moisture into its structure, but also dirt, which gets into cracks and forms an unnecessary film. "

Alexey, "Mazda":

“Silicone gel packaging does a good job of handling this problem. But this method also has disadvantages, because silica gel tends to expand in volume as a result of moisture ingress. "

Igor, Skoda Octavia:

"To reveal" weakness"You should lower the headlamp into a container with water and trace from where the air bubbles rise"

Alexander, Renault:

“Sometimes drying the part helps. You can remove all the liquid with a regular hair dryer. "

Ilya, Chevrolet:

“Repairing headlamp cracks is effective with a polishing method. A grinder with a special soft nozzle will make the damaged area more airtight. Unfortunately, this method does not guarantee the absence of new cracks resulting from vibration generated by this tool during operation. "

Hopefully, our tips will help you diagnose and troubleshoot problems related to moisture ingress into the body of a part at home. And don't forget, taking good care of your vehicle will help prevent many unnecessary problems!


In the evening and at night, it is important for a motorist to have stable and high-quality light sources. In many cases, road safety depends on them. Indeed, in the dark, the car must be visible to other road users, and optical devices must illuminate the path at a maximum distance.

However, there are some problems with the light elements. vehicle, for example, the lamp dims and the headlight sweats, what to do in such a situation, we will analyze it step by step. Most of these problems can be fixed on their own in a garage.

Do not neglect the problem of fogged headlights, as this leads to serious consequences:

  • the moisture that appears inside the closed cavity is capable of disabling this electrical appliance due to the oxidation of the contacts;
  • an incorrect degree of illumination can significantly increase the accident rate on the road;
  • the accumulated liquid, due to its high electrical conductivity, can cause a short circuit in the wiring, and then the main electrical appliances and components will be damaged.

A common reason car headlights fog up is when condensation forms on the inside of the headlight.

Particles of water vapor in the air, when they come into contact with warm currents, combine into drops, settling on transparent plastic. Thus, a liquid is formed from the gas, which negatively affects the performance of the automotive unit.

Paths of water ingress into the lighting fixture

In some cases, the ingress of liquid occurs in other ways, for example, due to a violation of the tightness of the structure. During the operation of any type of lamp, heat is necessarily generated, to a greater extent for incandescent lamps, to a lesser extent from halogen or xenon elements.

When the air is heated in an enclosed space, the gas expands; for this, a check valve is provided in the cavity of a modern headlight. It allows you to remove excess volume to the outside. For drivers who do not know what to do if the headlights fog up from the inside, we recommend carefully checking the valve on the headlight.

Another reason for fogged optics is the depressurization of the seams along which the ceiling lamp is attached to the car body. This is due to the fact that it is technologically impossible to achieve perfect fixation of the block to the case. Automobile companies use special substances - sealants to ensure this parameter.

During the period of operation, these plastic materials lose their properties and are destroyed in some areas. Due to cracks and chips that have appeared, water penetrates into the lighting cavity. Unfortunately, the domestic and inexpensive Chinese auto industry is susceptible to such "diseases".

To quickly get rid of depressurization of optics on cars of the Volzhsky Automobile Plant, a can of sealant is suitable. It must contain silicone in its composition. Having processed the problem area, the driver needs to wait a while for the substance to solidify. After that, you can enjoy good light.

The most unpleasant situations, when the headlight sweats in the car, occur when the plastic cover is damaged. In many cases, the slits have microscopic parameters that cannot be detected with the naked eye. However, they are quite enough for moisture from outside.

The trouble is eliminated in two ways:

  • surface restoration with special sealants and polishing;
  • complete replacement of the light block.

In both cases, the work can be done independently, and you will have to spend a lot on materials.

When fogging of the headlights occurs during operation of the vehicle, which is on warranty service then the car owner is entitled to a free defect refund. To restore functionality, you need to contact authorized dealers.

It should be noted that the problem is more common in budget car models, even among world famous auto brands.

Lack of tightness occurs after accidents. Even minor damage to the geometry of the body can lead to these consequences. It is necessary to check the fit of the plafond to the body after collisions.

Elimination of causes by warming up

Dry heat is a popular solution. The motorist manages to get rid of the vapor film on the inner surface of the headlight. However, the method turns out to be effective in case of one-time occurrence of condensation.

Heating the headlight with a hair dryer

In this case, we perform the following algorithm:

  • dismantle the optical device;
  • slightly weaken the fixation of the lamps and partially remove them from the socket;
  • turn on the dipped beam for such a period that the cavity warms up, drying out the remaining moisture;
  • turn off the light and return the cap to its place.

Drying usually takes several hours. Some drivers start the engine several times during the operation in order not to completely discharge the battery.

Use of sealants and polishes

The driver should inspect the problem area to identify damaged areas behind the headlamp. Sufficient quality after restoration is formed by sealants with silicone. They must be moisture and heat resistant.

Headlight sealant application

For example, a colorless drug Runway performs its functions in the temperature range from -60 to +204 C. The cost of the product for 85 g is a little more than 100 rubles. The drug is grabbed in an hour, and the complete solidification of the substance is carried out in a day. Excess is easily removed with a sharp knife.

To detect microcracks in the sealing zones, use special equipment, which is based on an optical, electronic or laser working element. Such devices are quite expensive and can only be found at service stations. As a preventive measure, you can use a sealant over the entire visible joint surface.

The outer surface of the headlamp is capable of deterioration under the influence of external factors. In this case, invisible or visible cracks appear on the plafond. In some cases, they can only be detected with special equipment.

To reanimate an expensive electrical appliance, it is not always used to replace it with a new one. In some non-critical situations, the headlight can be restored with your own hands. The most popular are two ways:

  • Application of polishing. A soft nozzle is installed on the grinder. During processing, the settings must be set to maximum speed... It is believed that the edges lightly engage with each other, restoring the tightness for a short time. However, when driving on bumpy roads, this method loses its effectiveness due to shaking.
  • Use of transparent sealants. There is a wide selection of materials on the market that are both waterproof and high optical properties. Such a substance is applied to the problem area and allowed to dry. The disadvantage of this method is the adhesion of dust and dirt to the material. This reduces the efficiency of the headlights. Also, the effective period of use of such substances is rather short.

A more effective method is to seal the cavity from the inside. You will need to dismantle the optical unit from the seat. It is also disconnected from the electrical network and all technological fixtures.

It is advisable to entrust such a restoration to experienced specialists who have dealt with more than one car model. Indeed, in addition to electrical components, there are also design features associated with different manufacturers.

You can see the recommendation to add a small amount to the cavity brake fluid... This method is based on the fact that it has a high degree of hygroscopicity, moisture absorption. The negative side the method is that dust and dirt are attracted simultaneously with moisture. Such consequences have a negative effect on the transparency of the device. The film formed inside the headlamp will interfere with high-quality outdoor lighting in the future.

Another way out of the situation is to apply a tint film. To ensure a seal, a material with maximum transparency is suitable. This method will not only prevent the current problem, but also prevent the propagation of possible future cracks and microcracks. We recommend using headlamp chip protection on both optical devices. This will give them the same appearance and will not be very conspicuous.

If none of the proposed restoration options is suitable, then a cheaper way is to search for the necessary spare part at car dismantling. In many cases, optics last a long time, so there is a high probability that you can buy a quality part inexpensively.

Probably, every car enthusiast has more than once faced the problem of fogged up headlights. And if such a nuisance passed him by, then he heard about her from friends.

The car leaves the car wash with the headlights cloudy from condensation, and the whitish taillight is visible from afar - a familiar picture, right? Mikhail Menshikov, service manager of the KIA FAVORIT Tomilino auto center, spoke about the causes of fogging and its treatment.

Why can the headlights fog up?

To understand the reason for the fogged up headlights, it is enough to recall the school physics course. Here's a hint: in a closed volume, along with an increase in temperature, pressure also increases. Car headlights are such sealed chambers, and lamps provide heat.

And it doesn't matter what kind of optics the car has: ordinary halogen, xenon or modern LED - they all heat up. If the headlights are completely sealed, then at a certain moment the pressure accumulated from the operation of the lamps will rupture the body. The sealant connecting the plastic block with the transparent fairing will be the first to surrender, then the seals will not withstand in place of the wiring. It is not for nothing that these are the most problematic places when we talk about the causes of "chronic" fogging, but more on that later.

To equalize the pressure difference in the headlight housings, special holes, the so-called "breathers", are provided. They relieve the increasing pressure, preventing the passage of dirt from the outside.

In the off-season or after washing, moist air is sucked into the cooling headlight, turning into condensation. The headlight of the car fogs up, as a rule, in the area closest to the radiator grill. Usually, wet plaque disappears over time. Automakers themselves consider this process natural and allow for short-term fogging. But if moisture stagnates in the case for a long time, and the condensate drips down, collecting in puddles, this is a problem that requires immediate attention!

Headlight fogs up - reasons

  • The ventilation of the inner space of the headlamp is impaired. In its body there are special openings for constant exchange of air with the external environment. Sometimes they get clogged with dirt. Often "chronic" fogging is associated with a design miscalculation, when the breathers (hole-valve) do not cope with their task.
  • The plastic housing of the headlight is leaking. It is easy to break the casing even in a minor accident, while the damage can be hidden. Sometimes it is a marriage of a batch of a particular model.
  • Fairing crack.
  • The silicone sealant that tightly connects the glass or plastic of the fairing to the body has collapsed and moisture enters the headlamp. This is often the result of poor-quality repairs or factory defects.
  • Leaky connection at the wiring site due to moisture-permeable gasket.

Why is fogging headlights dangerous?

  • Most importantly, constant moisture in the headlamp will significantly shorten the life of the bulbs. Many car owners do not pay attention to the problems with condensation, while they are forced to regularly change the light elements.
  • Water on the hot surface of the reflector can damage it.
  • Misting leads to corrosion of metal parts. It also oxidizes the contacts and at one moment the light can simply go out. Such a surprise will be especially unpleasant for the owners of cars in which the headlight is non-separable and changes entirely.
  • Liquid in headlights often causes blind spots: light refracts in droplets of condensation, greatly impairing visibility.

3 helpful ways to stop fogging headlights

There are some great tips to help prevent, or rather remove, wet plaque.

  • Make it a rule to turn off the lighting devices in advance before washing, so as not to provoke condensation due to a strong temperature difference. If possible, do not roll the car out of the wet box immediately into the coolness of the street, let the headlights cool down. It is not recommended to remove wiring seals or breather plugs, even if it is technically easy to do: you will save time on drying, but you can drive dirt into the headlights.
  • Check the condition of the ventilation valves yourself. Remove accumulated dirt in time. Pay attention to the place where the wiring enters the headlamp housing - the seal should sit firmly in its place.
  • Some manufacturers already at the factory place an absorbent substance in the headlight housing - silica gel granules. It absorbs moisture, preventing it from settling on the fairing. As a rule, it is a small bag of absorbent, the life of which is limited only by the life of the headlight itself. It is not difficult to make such a device yourself by placing or fixing granules of the substance in the headlight housing in some kind of "breathing" container.

If foggy headlights regularly remind of themselves, then it's time to think