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How long is the warranty for winter shoes? The warranty period for winter shoes is required by law. What needs to be replaced

Constantly improving production brings consumers a variety of goods, which will have differences even in a single product line. This fact is especially noticeable when choosing shoes, which can be found for every taste, requirement and even from any material. How to choose from this variety a truly high-quality product that will be worn for more than one season and remain just as comfortable and aesthetically pleasing?

The most important thing to pay attention to is not the cost or, especially, the attractive appearance, but the warranty period. Only for high-quality shoes the manufacturer will establish a truly significant warranty period, during which the owner will be able to return, exchange or simply repair the shoes.

Guarantee period matters because of one important factor - cost. If we talk about winter shoes, which really cost much more than any other, then what really matters is how long they can be worn. And not all buyers can afford to change their shoes several times a season due to poor quality.

In this regard, the question arises: how to choose the right shoes, what does the guarantee provide and what types of products in this segment does it apply to? It will also be important to find out how much the law protects the consumer when buying winter shoes.

What the law says

First of all, winter or any other seasonal shoes are a product that is subject to consumer protection law. Accordingly, like any other product, it can be returned to the seller, filed a complaint, exchanged or repaired. The only problem is the lack of clear deadlines in the legislation regarding the validity of the warranty, during which a complaint can be filed against the seller.

To avoid this problem, you need to know the exact warranty period. The seller, according to the law, does not have the right to reduce the warranty established by the manufacturer itself. However, not all retail outlets always act in accordance with the law. Therefore, to clarify the warranty period, you can study the products on the brand’s website, where other characteristics and properties of each specific product will be indicated.

When does the warranty begin?

As a rule, for any product purchased at a retail outlet, The warranty begins to apply from the date of purchase. With regard to shoes, this factor is not so clear. To begin with, shoes are divided into two types - off-season and seasonal. In the first situation, the guarantee will actually “work” from the moment of purchase, but the second case is not so simple.

Seasonal shoes can be purchased in mid-summer “for the winter,” but this does not mean that the warranty will begin in the summer or autumn. The warranty period will be calculated from the beginning of the winter period, based on the legislation.

Depending on location, climatic conditions and other external factors, the winter period can begin at different times. In addition, based on the specific location and operating conditions, the warranty period may differ, which is influenced by the operating conditions.

Guarantee period

In addition to determining the period from which the service life begins, you should pay attention to its duration. It is this factor that will show how high quality the product is and whether “safety net” is possible if it wears out too quickly or gets damaged.

The length of the warranty will depend on several factors. The first, of course, is the material from which the products are made. No less important will be the operating conditions, which, like the beginning of the warranty, are tied to climate and geographic location. However, under any conditions, the warranty for a product with certain characteristics will have a minimum period. In particular, these characteristics include the sole material:

  • rubber or polyurethane – more than 80 days;
  • skin – more than 50 days;
  • leather-like rubber - more than 70 days.

What does it cover?

To begin with, it should be emphasized that the warranty is an integral part of any type of product. Accordingly, it applies to all types of shoes, including winter ones. In addition, it is necessary to highlight defects that may become a justification for contacting the seller with a claim for replacement or return of goods of inadequate quality. Such defects include:

  • damage to the instep support;
  • rapid wear;
  • heel breakage;
  • geometry change;
  • fabric tears or damaged seams.

If any of these defects are detected, the owner can file a claim with the seller and exchange the product or return the money spent on the purchase. Of course, the main condition for return will be the absence of defects during wear or damage caused by the fault of the consumer.

In addition to the warranty period, there is another option to exchange or return the purchased product to the retail outlet. This opportunity is ensured by the consumer’s right to make a return within two weeks, having received the full amount spent. At the same time, it is important to return the products unchanged, as well as with intact packaging, tags and other safety attributes.


Regarding winter shoes, there is one more factor that will be of no small importance - the occurrence or detection of defects during wear. That is, if with the onset of the season you start wearing shoes, and they “fall apart” or are otherwise damaged through no fault of the consumer, you have the right to a return.

The seller can dispute a return claim if they believe the fault lies with the consumer.

The emergence of controversial issues requires resolution of the situation with the involvement of third-party independent expert services. During the warranty period, such an examination is paid for and ordered by the seller, who must prove the unfoundedness of the claims. If the consumer does not agree with the result provided, he can challenge it during the trial.

Upon receipt of confirmation that the culprit of the malfunction is the consumer, he pays all costs, including carrying out an examination.

How to return

To return any product, it is necessary to maintain its presentation and also comply with certain rules. First of all, it is important Take all labels, packaging and sales receipt with you. You will also need to write a return request (if an amicable agreement cannot be reached). If the store does not accept the application, it must be sent by registered mail to the address of the retail outlet.

If defects are detected, the consumer has the right to demand from the seller:

  • replace with an identical model;
  • reduce the cost and pay the difference commensurate with the defect;
  • replace the product with another model with recalculation of the cost and money spent;
  • compensate for losses incurred by the consumer during product repair;
  • return the funds spent on the purchase;
  • eliminate deficiencies free of charge.

Repair warranty

The law does not provide for a specific warranty period for shoes after repairs have been completed. Accordingly, this period should be clarified even before the moment when the shoes are accepted and paid for restoration. However, even in the absence of a specific warranty period, the consumer, having identified deficiencies, may demand compensation for damage or free restoration.

The situation when a consumer is not satisfied with the quality of purchased shoes is by no means rare.

During the use of shoes, soon after purchasing them, the sole may burst, the heel or arch support may break, the heel may sag, the zipper will come apart, the leather will crack, the paint will crumble, etc.

It also happens: when a person comes home with a purchase, he realizes that the shoes do not suit him in size, style, or color. What to do in these cases? To do this, you need to have information about what the warranty period for shoes is, namely, how and when to return a product that you are not satisfied with for some reason.

The interests of buyers are regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation of 02/07/1992 No. 2300-1 “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”. It contains general provisions, according to which the consumer can, if the quality of the purchased product turns out to be unsatisfactory.

As a rule, this can be done until the warranty period has expired. In the case of shoes, there are two types of warranty periods: those determined by the seller and those determined by the manufacturer.

The seller is free to set the warranty period at his discretion (in practice it is usually 14-30 days), but it cannot be less than that determined by the manufacturer.

If the buyer has suspicions that the store is underestimating the warranty period, he can contact the manufacturer and clarify information on the warranty period. The manufacturer, in turn, is guided by the existing rules of interstate standards.

Depending on the type of footwear, the legislation provides for the following warranty periods:

  1. For casual shoes made from synthetic materials and artificial leather – 30-80 days (GOST 26167:2009).
  2. For dress shoes – 60-90 days (GOST 19116).
  3. For sports shoes – 60 days (GOST 2063-92).
  4. For indoor and travel shoes – 30-35 days (GOST 1135-88).
  5. For children's shoes - 30 days (GOST 26165: 2009).

When purchasing off-season shoes (house shoes, sports shoes), the warranty period starts from the date of purchase. In other cases shoe guarantee by law starts from the beginning of the season for which the shoes were created (Article 19 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”).

If you wear shoes in the wrong season, then it will be impossible to satisfy any quality claims that arise. Shoes purchased during a seasonal sale also have a warranty period, and it begins in the same way - with the onset of the season intended for the shoes.

In Moscow and the Moscow region there are currently no seasonality dates (Order of the Moscow Government dated June 28, 2011 No. 493-RP). Deadlines for other regions of the country can be clarified through the local administration.

In most cases, along with the purchased shoes, the consumer receives a corresponding instruction, which states the warranty period. Sometimes stores post information regarding the warranty period on their information boards in consumer corners.

Individual subjects of the Russian Federation have their own rules for trading certain types of goods, which stipulate warranty periods and seasons accepted for these areas.

What is included in the shoe warranty?

The main part of the shoe is the material from which it is made, the rest: heels, fasteners, various decorations and buckles belong to the so-called. accessories. The seller may tell the buyer that the warranty period does not apply to the components. But this is not true.

The warranty applies to all shoes. In other cases, the fittings may have their own warranty period. If this is not the case, all components are covered by the specified warranty period for these shoes.

How are shoes returned under warranty?

If the buyer is dissatisfied with the quality of the purchased shoes, then according to Art. 19 of the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, he has the right to count on replacing a low-quality pair of shoes with a similar one, but without manufacturing defects, or with shoes of a different model when recalculating the cost. A refund is also possible (if you have a passport).

If the seller does not agree to these requirements, it is drawn up in writing, which indicates: shoe model, date of purchase, price, article.

The complaint describes the identified defect and formulates the necessary requirement to the seller. It is advisable to attach a copy of the purchase receipt to the claim, although the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” (clause 5, article 18, clause 1, article 25) allows you to do without it if the buyer has a witness to the fact of the purchase he made.

When and after this the seller refuses to satisfy the buyer’s demands, an independent examination is carried out. She must prove the fact that shoes were manufactured in violation of GOST and technical conditions, non-compliance with production technology, etc.

If experts determine that the buyer’s claims to the quality of the shoes were justified, i.e. its defects are not associated with improper wear, he must send a repeated claim to the seller with a copy of the examination performed. This claim should include a demand for the return of funds spent on the examination.

According to Art. 25 of the above-mentioned law, you can return to the store those shoes that simply do not fit the buyer in size or fit appearance. This is called the warranty return procedure. It can only be done within two weeks from the date of purchase and only if the shoes have not been worn and are in salable condition.

Its packaging and labels must be preserved. To receive a refund, you will need a passport. Check in in this case is also not required, but in practice sellers insistently require it.

Can I make a claim after the warranty period has expired?

This possibility exists. Moreover, both for the main part of the shoes and for the accessories. If the consumer finds defects in the purchased product within a reasonable time (namely, no later than two years from the date of purchase, in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 19 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”), he also has the right to make a claim to the seller.

Here it will be necessary to prove that the shoes had these very shortcomings even before purchase. Such cases include, for example, a manufacturing defect, which can only reveal itself in rainy weather.

Separately, it is necessary to say about winter shoes, because... It is this that most often raises questions regarding the warranty period. Typically, winter shoes have a warranty period of 30 days. And it begins with the date of onset of the winter season accepted in the area.

If the consumer purchased shoes 20 days before the end of the winter season, then next year at the beginning of the new winter season he will have another 10 days of warranty at his disposal.

In practice, buyers complain, for example, that the shoes are slippery, and therefore walking in them is extremely uncomfortable and even dangerous. This case may seem controversial, but even here it is possible to present your claim to the seller.

How to do this correctly is indicated above. If the seller refuses to satisfy the claim, it will be necessary to conduct an examination and, possibly, go to court in the future.

It is important to consider that sometimes purchased shoes can only be worn under certain weather conditions and temperatures, due to the properties of the material used in their manufacture. It is the seller’s responsibility to report this, according to Art. 10 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”.

If the shoes were damaged due to the fact that the seller did not warn about such a nuance, the consumer also has every right to file a claim.

As practice shows, very few are willing to go to court if their demands for replacement of low-quality shoes or refund of funds under warranty are not satisfied. But don’t be afraid to go to court and defend your rights.

You do not have to bear the costs of state fees in cases of consumer rights protection. And the funds spent on the examination will be recovered from the seller if it is confirmed that the fault for the poor quality of the purchased shoes does not lie with the buyer.

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--> On the same topic

The guarantee for shoes is provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, namely the Federal Law of February 7, 1992 No. 2300-1 - protection of consumer rights, which stipulates a guarantee for shoes by law, as well as for any other consumer products. According to this legislation, which is valid at the moment, that is, in 2017, if any defects are discovered in the purchased product, the client-consumer has every right to file a claim with the store and the seller.

In what cases does the client have the right to make claims regarding low-quality products and how to correctly calculate this claim depending on the type of product.

The law establishes a rule according to which the consumer has the right to file a claim with a store employee. This claim concerns defects in the purchased product under warranty.

At the moment there are 2 types of warranty periods:

  1. Manufacturer installed.
  2. Installed personally by the selling company.

The first warranty period for shoes is mandatory by law, and the second can be established at the request of the selling company. In most cases, the seller sets a warranty period of up to 30 days.

On what basis are mandatory warranty periods established?

Mandatory warranty periods for footwear, established by current legislation, are calculated in accordance with some GOSTs:

  1. GOST No. 26167:2009. This GOST applies to everyday types of footwear, both artificial and synthetic leather. According to this GOST, the warranty period for shoes varies from 30-80 days.
  2. GOST No. 2063-92. This GOST applies to sports shoes, and a 60-day warranty service.
  3. GOST No. 19116. This GOST applies to model products, warranty period which varies in the period of 60-90 days.
  4. GOST No. 26165:2009. This GOST applies to children's shoes, which have a warranty service of 30 days.
  5. And finally, GOST No. 1135-88 - “Road and home”. Here the warranty period varies from 30 to 35 days.

Warranty Features: What the Shoe Warranty Covers

There are several important features regarding the shoe warranty:

  1. If the product was purchased as part of a seasonal sale, it is still subject to a mandatory warranty period. It should be noted that the warranty period is calculated from the moment when the season of wearing the shoes begins, and not at the time of purchase.
  2. The timing and dates of each season are determined by local climate conditions.

How many seasons are there to wear?

If we take average values ​​that are not tied to climate characteristics, then the seasons for wearing are distributed as follows:

  1. Winter begins on November 1 and ends on March 1.
  2. Spring begins in March and ends on May 1st.
  3. Summer lasts as standard, that is, from the beginning of June to the end of August.
  4. Autumn begins on September 1st and ends on November 15th.

This means that if a person purchased winter shoes in the summer, the warranty period for the shoes begins in the winter, but not in the summer. On the other hand, if a person wears winter shoes, the right to start a warranty by season will disappear for him. This should be remembered, especially if we're talking about about such wardrobe models as ecco shoes.

In most cases, the box, along with the product, should contain a specialized instruction. This paper indicates the period and seasons of wear as part of the guarantee in case you have to return torn or damaged shoes. Sometimes all the useful information about deadlines can be found both from the seller and seen directly on the store window.

If the shoes were ordered in an online store, then the warranty period for wearing them begins from the moment of official and documented delivery of the shoes (the receiving party, that is, the buyer, signs documents on receipt of the parcel). In such cases, the most important point is how to return shoes to the store under warranty if the store operates on the Internet.

What exactly does the warranty cover?

It is known that shoes are not a single object, but assembled from several. Shoes consist of accessories and the main part. Accessories include buckles, heels, various decorations, and fasteners. However, many sellers firmly believe and convince buyers that the fittings are a separate part that is not covered by the warranty. Is this really true? Not really.

In fact, the warranty covers both the main part of the shoe and its components and accessories. According to general rule, if there is no separate warranty period for the fittings, it is equated to a warranty.

However, each buyer has a legally justified opportunity to make claims not only during the warranty period, but also after its expiration. According to the rules of legislators, the consumer has the right to report defects in the product he purchased, but he can do this within two years from the date of purchasing a pair of shoes.

In other words, if a person manages to prove that the pair of shoes he purchased had defects before purchasing it (for example, a manufacturing defect that showed itself during rain or cold), then the seller has no legal right to refuse the consumer's claim.

But most often, in order to confirm the defect and return money under the guarantee for shoes under the law on the protection of consumer rights, it is necessary to conduct an appropriate independent examination. However, it is best to first write a well-founded and legally supported complaint addressed to the seller or store. To begin with, you can try to resolve the issue voluntarily, out of court. And only after this, if no one has satisfied the application, it is necessary to contact the expert examination and judicial authorities. It is advisable to contact the authorities on the same day or as early as possible.

What to do when returning shoes under warranty

If the shoes are returned to the seller within the warranty period, the buyer must contact the store with a corresponding claim in writing.

Such an application must be executed in two copies:

  1. One copy is given personally to the seller.
  2. The second one will be with the buyer (it is important that the buyer signs the second application and indicates his last name).

Important point! If a store employee refuses to accept the application for any reason, you must send the claim by mail with mandatory receipt of receipt. This will make it possible to confirm in the future that the application was received.

What should be reflected in the document

The document must indicate one of the requirements:

  1. Free conduct repair work within a few days.
  2. Exchange.
  3. Possibility to return shoes that do not meet the quality for a refund.
  4. Exchange with additional payment of funds.
  5. Compensation, that is, a reduction in the cost of goods due to identified defects.

The final choice rests with the consumer, and if the seller refuses to fulfill the requirements described in the documentation, the buyer retains the right to file a complaint with higher authorities, namely Rospotrebnadzor. Especially in cases where the buyer’s shoes are torn immediately after purchase.

Important point! The consumer must have physical evidence of the purchase of the goods and that the shoes are under warranty, namely: original packaging, receipts, as well as testimony of witnesses and a claim signed by the other party (in some cases it can be replaced by a receipt notification of receipt).

Do I need to present an identification document?

Most often, there may be situations in which an employee does not mind accepting a defective product or exchanging it for another, but asks to fill out a special application and present an identification document. In most cases we are talking about a passport. Do store employees have the right to ask a customer for identification, and what reason motivates them to do so?

The return of shoes under warranty and the return of funds for purchased defective goods is carried out in accordance with the rules of the approved tax form cash order. This order requires identification details to be provided in order to receive money, so the request to show a passport is quite reasonable and legal.


It is important to protect consumer rights. If the seller for any reason refuses to voluntarily satisfy the request, it is necessary to submit claims to the judicial authorities. And if during the trial an examination is carried out that confirms the non-compliance of the shoes, the costs of its implementation will fall on the store.

Many buyers, faced with unscrupulous sellers, do not know how to return unsuitable or defective shoes to the store.

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In order to feel confident in such cases, you need to know what rights the buyer can exercise during the warranty period and after its end.

Warranty period for shoes by law

Shoes must comply with specific GOST standards, which stipulate mandatory warranty periods. This rule applies to all types of shoes.

For different types shoes these terms are different, but for any type of footwear they cannot be shorter than 30 days.

The manufacturer cannot establish a warranty period shorter than the period prescribed by GOST.

The seller can set his own warranty periods, but by law the seller’s warranty cannot be less than the manufacturer’s warranty.

If the seller sets a warranty period shorter than the manufacturer's warranty period and, for example, offers you after this period, send your claims to the shoe manufacturer, know that what he is doing is illegal.

From what date is the warranty valid for winter and other seasonal shoes?

If you bought shoes during the operating season, then the warranty period begins from the date of purchase.

If you bought seasonal shoes in advance, before the onset of the season, then the warranty period is counted from the start date of the season of the corresponding shoe.

When does the winter season for shoes start? This date is different for each locality. The easiest way to find out is by calling your local Rospotrebnadzor.

In Moscow for shoes summer season starts from May 1, autumn – from September 1, winter – from November 1 and spring – from March 1.

Return within 14 days from the date of purchase

It may happen that the purchased For some reason the shoes didn't fit you, for example, you are simply not satisfied with the size or color, you can exchange it within 14 days.

If this doesn't help, contact the consumer protection society. There they will advise you, provide legal support and help you develop a plan for further action.

Do not be afraid file a claim in court.

If the warranty period has not expired, then the examination of the shoes is always carried out at the expense of the seller and you will not have to pay for it.

When will boots not be accepted into the store?

There are, which includes, by the way, shoes. Therefore, according to the law, there are only a few situations in which you will not be able to return the shoes:

  1. If the shoes are not defective, but as a result of wear lost its presentation;
  2. If shoes have mechanical damage caused by the buyer (cuts, burns, etc.);
  3. If customer repaired shoes before returning it to the seller;
  4. If the shoes have defects resulting from improper use.

In all other cases, the law is on your side. Stand up for your rights and seek a refund.