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Signs of faulty silent blocks of the front lever. What is a silent block and how to determine the malfunction of a silent block. What does this lead to in relation to the behavior of the car on the road

In a car, each node is important, and you should not neglect it, as this can lead to various consequences. The suspension system is especially important, which directly affects the handling of the car. There are such important elements as silent blocks of the front levers. They play a special role because they perceive the entire load coming from the roadway through the wheels. Thus, they perform a protective function of suspension units and parts.

What is a silent block?

In fact, this is a rubber-metal hinge, which consists of two metal bushings and a rubber insert. It is the rubber that acts as a shock absorber and absorbs all vibrations that bypass the body. Traditionally, the silent blocks of the front levers are made in a cylindrical shape.

There are companies that use polyurethane in the production of hinges. In this case, operational and specifications are improving. And their service life increases every 5 times, as for the cost.

Silent blocks are installed in different places. It could be:

  • the suspension system itself;
  • place of attachment of levers;
  • place of attachment of the anti-roll bar;
  • engine mount.

And since the silent blocks of the front levers take on huge loads (axial, radial, torsion and others) when the car is moving, they are the first to fail of all suspension parts. However, due to their low cost, their replacement is not expensive.


A sign of a malfunction of the suspension joints can be a characteristic creak from the side of the wheels. It also indicates a deterioration in vehicle handling. The steering wheel can respond with a noticeable delay, which is not good. The passage of any obstacles, whether it be rails or various irregularities, obstacles, you can feel well on yourself.

Uneven tire wear, which can be observed from their inside also indicates that the silent blocks of the front levers are out of order. In some cases, an inexplicable vibration appears.

All these signs clearly indicate that the suspension is not in the best way. You should visit the nearest service center as soon as possible for an inspection or spend it in your garage.

When to Replace Hinges

As a rule, a high-quality rear silent block of the front arm can last quite a long time, up to 100 thousand kilometers. But if we take into account the condition of domestic roads and take into account other difficult operating conditions of the car, experts recommend conducting a technical inspection of the suspension every 50 thousand kilometers.

Hinges should be cleaned prior to inspection for a better visual assessment. The presence of a large backlash, as well as cracks in the rubber, its swelling, breaks indicate a malfunction of the part. Silent blocks cannot be repaired, but only replaced.

Any driver should be aware that the presence of a malfunction of a particular system, unit, or vehicle assembly poses a potential threat to all road users. In this regard, having found faulty silent blocks of the front lower levers or other components, they should be replaced immediately. You can do this at any car service. Although the process itself is not so complicated, and the work can be done independently. True, outside help does not hurt, especially for the first time.

Silent blocks in a car can be found in almost every composite suspension or in the engine mount. Consider the purpose of silent blocks, when they should be changed and what they consist of.

More often they learn about their replacement when they fail, then they ask themselves what it is and what it is intended for. To understand everything, let's take a closer look at the silent block, its components and purpose.

What is a silent block for?

A rubber-to-metal joint or more commonly known as a silent block is designed to reduce vibrations in the suspension, but in some cars they are installed on the engine or other moving suspension mechanisms. The main purpose is to dampen vibrations and connect different parts of the suspension.

Similar silent blocks can be found in a car engine, gearbox, stabilizers, shock absorbers and lever mounts. During operation, silent blocks are subjected to heavy loads, as a result, you need to monitor them and change them to new ones in time. As practice shows, it is worth replacing after every 50 thousand kilometers.

At first glance, this is a small and insignificant detail, but digging deeper, you can understand that silent blocks affect the operation of the entire suspension at least. As a result of the wear of the silent block, the controllability of the car worsens, this is especially felt at high speed. Also a characteristic sign of a breakdown is an unpleasant creak, car roll and play in the steering wheel.

Components and location

The silent block consists of two metal bushings connected to each other by a rubber insert. Although the modern variety of silent blocks in appearance may be different. Depending on the location, it can be outside with a metal sleeve, or completely rubber.

Also, the silent block may differ in the structure of the rubber insert. Depending on the destination, the rubber insert can be solid, ribbed or with vibration damping. The latter, as a rule, are installed in the engine of a foreign car, to dampen the vibration transmitted from the unit to the car body.

Most silent blocks can be found in the front and rear suspension, more precisely in the levers. They are mainly designed to hold movable suspension mechanisms. The front silent blocks are located in the front lever, hence the name. It is they who have the most load, since they are responsible for the rotary and movable mechanisms of the car.

Rear silent blocks can be easily seen on the shock mounts, in the rear suspension or on the jet traction. Wherever there is a body load on undercarriage, or docking of moving parts with non-moving mechanisms.

How to check the correctness

As a rule, silent blocks are capable of reaching a distance of up to 100 thousand kilometers, but experts recommend inspecting them after 50 thousand kilometers. It is quite simple to figure out whether the silent block has worn out, usually driving becomes sluggish, and turning the steering wheel is rather sluggish, with a long delay.

After the appearance of such symptoms, it is worth inspecting visually for damage. It is better to do all this in a viewing hole after washing the car. On clean and dry silent blocks, a crack, a breakthrough or a torn part of the rubber will be clearly visible. In order to understand where the malfunction is, you need to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat the new silent block looks like. When examining, it is also worth paying attention to the backlash, which, in fact, should be minimal or absent altogether.

Another reason to check the integrity of the silent blocks is the camber or wheel alignment. Initially, it will be smooth and meet all the necessary standards, but as the rubber-metal hinges fail, it will be noticeable to the eye even in the normal state of the car in the parking lot. In other words, you first need to determine the cause by the quality of management and visually.

We change the silent blocks of the car

As soon as one of the above reasons is discovered, it is worth immediately changing the silent block. It is not so easy to replace it yourself, so for the first time it is better to take an assistant who has experience in replacing such parts.

Replacing the front silent blocks is not so difficult, for this you need to raise the car on a jack and turn the steering wheel to change one by one. If it is possible to completely remove the front lever, then such a replacement procedure will be easier and much simpler. The replacement process itself is not as complicated as it seems at first glance, first consider the replacement on the front arm of the car.

To remove the old silent block, you need to warm up the eye of the lever well with hot air, so that the rubber part becomes soft. The side parts, they are the protrusions of the sleeve, are filed with a hacksaw to facilitate pressing out. Sometimes they lubricate the gap between the silent block and the eye engine oil, to speed up the withdrawal process.

It is best to use a special puller for pressing out. If there is no such silent block puller, then by clamping the eye of the lever with the help of an adapter with a diameter no larger than the silent block, we knock it out in the opposite direction. In this case, it is recommended to lubricate with engine oil to facilitate work. Installation or press fit, the process is simpler. Drivers with experience have their own ways.

Replacing silent blocks in front begins with:

  • cleaning and preparing the eye, remove the resulting rust and burrs that could have formed during the extrusion process;
  • the first method of pressing is directly on the mass of the fasteners of the front lever. We install it on the side to one of the fasteners, then on one side we install a washer of a larger diameter, and on the other side we install the coupling bolt of the silent block. Twisting and guiding the silent block, we tighten and thereby press it into the eye.
  • the second option is to clamp the eyelet in a vise, install the silent block on top and press it in using a washer and bolt. From time to time, tapping on the bolt with a hammer.

In any of the pressing options, you need to be careful and look so that there is no damage to the rubber part of the silent block on the sharp edges of the eye.

If the rear silent blocks are being replaced, then the pressing process will be slightly different depending on the make and model of the car, although in modern machines the process is almost the same.

For example, pressing the silent blocks of the rear levers is carried out after installing the fasteners in place. It is necessary to install the rear suspension beam back on the car, insert the mounting bolts that are attached to the body, while trying on and installing silent blocks. Directing into the grooves, we lower the car and tighten the bolts, thereby, under the weight of the car, the silent blocks are pressed into the eye.

Everyone can say that there are other ways to replace and this is true. There is no specific replacement method, and everyone does as he pleases. It should be understood that pressing occurs under force and pressure. In the case when the new silent block easily went into the place of the old one, this should alert.

It is possible that:

  1. The eye of the lever or other part where the silent block is installed is damaged;
  2. A new silent block may turn out to be a fake or the wrong diameter;
  3. One of the bushings of the new silent block is damaged, then the elasticity of the part is lost, and the rubber part will quickly become unusable.
The silent block of the car lever must be carefully inspected for damage, as this is one of the main components that is responsible for the suspension and steering car. At low vehicle speeds, the problem will not be so noticeable, but at high speed it will be well felt and unpredictable.

Therefore, the replacement of silent blocks of levers should not be postponed until later, and at the first manifestation of symptoms, it is worth repairing.

The cost of silent blocks of the lever

First of all, the price will depend on the material from which the silent block is made. Two types are recognized - these are rubber with metal bushings and polyurethane. Many drivers will say that polyurethane is much better, but also cost five times more than rubber. The reason for this difference is quite simple, polyurethane silent blocks are easier to change, pressing is easy and does not require much effort. In terms of service life on a car, they serve 5 times more than rubber ones.

According to the pricing policy, a lot depends on the make and model of the car, as well as on the year of manufacture. As an example, the silent block of the Mazda 626 engine mount will cost from 1200 rubles. On the Chevrolet Epica 2.0, for the rear upper arm it will cost about 1150 rubles per 1 piece. The price is indicated for rubber, polyurethane will be many times more expensive.

There is only one conclusion, if the car model is not expensive and you don’t operate it often, then it’s not worth installing expensive ones, but if it’s the other way around, and you will change it often (given the quality of our roads), then it’s better not to save on the quality of the material and install once, but high-quality . Thus, it will be possible to save money and time on the replacement process.

As soon as the first symptoms of failure of the silent blocks of the car appear or it is clear that the camber / toe-in is incorrect, do not rush to go to the service station to correct it. First, inspect the silent blocks for damage, and remember when the last time they were replaced.

Video of replacing the silent blocks of the front levers of the car:

The silent block of the rear beam is a rubber-metal hinge. The part serves as an elastic insert between the nodes of the car. It consists of two bushings, between which there is a seal made of rubber or other elastic material. Recently, polyurethane has become widespread. A gasket made of an elastic material allows you to dampen vibrations between nodes and not transmit vibrations to the car body.

The silent block of the rear beam is used not only to connect the suspension units to each other. The element is also attached to the stabilizer roll stability, in the places of attachment of the gearbox and engine of the machine. But the suspension has the most severe operating conditions due to dust, dirt, moisture and the active movement of parts, so replacement is done regularly.

Rubber bushings are not items that will last forever. Usually they are enough for 100 thousand kilometers, but due to harsh operating conditions, the replacement period may come earlier. After half of this period, it is necessary to check the suspension. This is the only way to understand the degree of wear of the node and determine whether it needs to be changed.

Visual inspection procedure:

  • drive the car into a pit or raise it with a jack;
  • clean the suspension attachment points from dirt;
  • conduct an inspection.

The rubber insert must not have cracks or breaks. Signs of this kind indicate that it is time to replace the silent blocks of the rear beam. A worn part will subsequently affect handling, and this, in turn, will affect the safety of the car owner and others.

Sometimes the part wears out earlier, especially when driving off-road. The degree of wear can be assessed by the behavior of the car.

Signs of wear of silent blocks:

  • while driving in a straight line or when braking, the car pulls to the side;
  • increased tire wear on the sides;
  • increased vibration while driving;
  • creaking or knocking in the suspension area;
  • the suspension began to work harder.

The presence of one or more signs means that it is time to service the suspension. Delay can be costly. Untimely replacement will lead to loss of control in a critical situation, as well as to accelerated tire wear. The hinge seats will also suffer and then the lever will have to be changed - this will increase the cost of repairs.

The metal parts of the part break extremely rarely. The rubber gasket usually wears out.

Reasons for premature replacement:

  1. Long-term operation, which leads to drying of the rubber seal and loss of properties.
  2. Interaction chemicals. Oil and gasoline destroy rubber.
  3. Incorrect installation.

Premature wear indicates that the cause needs to be found and eliminated. Otherwise, the replacement procedure will soon have to be repeated. Oil leaks will be clearly visible, and installation should be carried out strictly according to the instructions and check the connections.

Right choice

The choice is made after diagnosing a malfunction or during a scheduled replacement. It is necessary to understand what role the part plays in the suspension. Its task is to dampen vibrations that inevitably arise due to bumps in the road.

Vibrations during movement are transmitted to the suspension springs, where they are partially damped by shock absorbers. Further, the vibration is distributed to the frame through the connecting nodes. Partially it is extinguished by silent blocks due to the presence of a soft base between the bushings. Therefore, the quality of the base must be of a high level. The factory version of the suspension is equipped with rubber-based silent blocks. This is a proven material, but there are better ones - for example, polyurethane.

Advantages of polyurethane:

  1. The service life is increased by 5 times. This allows you to make replacements at long mileage intervals and load the suspension more aggressively.
  2. Increased thermal stability. Polyurethane tolerates temperature changes well. In the cold, the material works just as well as at high temperatures.
  3. Due to the dense structure of the material, vehicle handling is improved.

Rubber and polyurethane are equally popular. Drivers themselves choose what to focus on. With rubber spacers available increased comfort when driving, and improved handling can only be done with polyurethane. But in the latter case, comfort is reduced, especially passengers feel it.

When purchasing a part, it is better to consult with a specialist in the store. The fact is that vibration isolators are outwardly difficult to distinguish from each other - they are practically similar. But their outer diameter is sometimes slightly different, which will cause difficulties during installation.

Dismantling and installation process

Installation begins after purchasing the parts. You will need a tool - keys for removing the beam and suspension arms, a hammer or a sledgehammer.


  1. The car is driven into a pit or overpass. You can raise the wheel on a jack, but it's so inconvenient to work with the suspension - you have to work while lying down. The jack leg must not be in the same plane as the beam bracket.
  2. Dismantle the suspension beam. Be sure to remove the handbrake cable.
  3. The brackets have special brackets that hold the hoses. brake system. Staples are removed.
  4. Dismantle the old silent block of the beam. Garage conditions involve the use of a hammer or sledgehammer. You should work carefully so as not to damage the seat, otherwise there will be problems with the installation of a new part.
  5. The seat is cleaned of dirt, graphite grease is put there.
  6. Install a new part. The replacement of the silent block of the rear beam is done so that there are no gaps and holes. Pressing is done with gentle hammer blows.
  7. Collect the beam in reverse order.

The replacement is over and you can drive the car right away. During assembly, you should check the installation of each part and only then proceed to assemble the next one. The silent block of the front beam is changed in the same way.

The dismantling of the old gum is done in 3 - 4 strong blows with a sledgehammer. The beat should be strictly in the center of the part, without deviating to the side of the vertical axis. The edge of the clip is bent with a chisel to facilitate dismantling.

Experienced craftsmen use a piece of tube to press out the silent block of the rear beam. It is important that its diameter is somewhat smaller than the same seat parameter. The tube is attached to the part and hit with a hammer. In a few strokes, the part will be removed without unnecessary operations.

After removing the silent block of the rear beam, check the seat. It should not have chips or cracks. If so, then the part should be replaced. Otherwise, the new silent block will not fit as it should.

Do-it-yourself puller

Dismantling and pressing a new part are difficult stages of work, especially the last one. Therefore, the installation of silent blocks of the rear beam should be carried out using a special device - a puller. You can make it yourself or ask a friend. With it, you do not need to hit the details with a hammer, so damage cannot be done.

In any modern vehicle, there are many parts and assemblies, each of which is an important part of the car. And if the state of large nodes, as a rule, is periodically monitored by the owner of the machine, then small elements, such as silent blocks, are often left without due attention, and their failure can lead to various negative consequences. From this article you will learn how to replace the silent blocks of the rear beam without the involvement of specialists.

Signs of wear on the silent blocks of the rear beam

New ones with a careful driving style can last a long time. Manufacturers usually produce vibration isolators with a large margin of safety, which guarantees their stable operation for a long time (up to 90-100 thousand kilometers). However, an aggressive driving style, combined with poor road surface quality, significantly reduces the service life of parts.

The wear of the silent blocks of the rear beam is often indicated by uneven rubber abrasion and poor stability. vehicle while making turns. The appearance of creaks in the rear of the car and blows to it while driving on poor-quality road surfaces also signal that the silent blocks of the rear beam need to be replaced immediately. It should be remembered that the appearance of the symptoms described above may be inherent in the presence of any other defects, therefore, it is imperative to carry out thorough diagnostic work the entire rear of the body.

Buying new silent blocks

When choosing a silent block, you need to remember why this part is needed, what role it plays in the operation of the car. Since this suspension element is designed to dampen vibration, its components must also be of high quality, especially for the filling component - rubber. While metal parts wear out very rarely, rubber can fail more often. Therefore, its quality must be at the highest level, or an analogue is used - polyurethane. This material has long been used for silent blocks, but out of old habit, drivers still choose rubber.

Why is this analogue better? Consider Benefits polyurethane:

Life time. This is one of the basic requirements for any element and detail. The service life of a silent block with a layer of polyurethane increases five times. High resistance to temperature loads. Polyurethane tolerates sudden changes in temperature well. Resistant to heat and frost. With such abilities, the operation of the silent block does not change at all, regardless of the weather.

solid structure which improves vehicle handling. But, by and large, both of these materials are equally in demand. The fact is that car manufacturers equip cars with both rubber and polyurethane fillers. And then the driver chooses for himself: ride comfort with rubber fillers, or improved handling, but less comfort (especially for passengers) with polyurethane.

When buying new silent blocks, it is best to get qualified advice from specialists representing a particular car shop. This is explained by the fact that vibration isolators designed for various car models practically do not differ from each other visually, however, they have a different outer diameter. Note! Before proceeding with the independent replacement of the silent blocks of the rear beam, you need to take care of buying a special puller. If for some reason you cannot purchase this tool, you can make it yourself.

How to make a silent block puller?

Before you start working on your own production of a silent block puller, you should consider the drawing and look at the finished store version. In the markets, such devices have a similar appearance to home ones, since their design is very simple - a few metal parts and bolts of the appropriate size. Hydraulic silent block puller - universal. With it, you can perform both the removal of devices and the pressing. It is not difficult to make such a mechanism - just a few parts and a couple of hours of time are enough, but you can use it every time you repair suspension parts. So, the tools that will be needed for the production of a puller are:

- a set of motorists with many keys and screwdrivers;

A small piece of strong metal pipe with a diameter that is slightly larger than a specific silent block;

Several large steel washers;

Long bolt with high quality thread;

Special clothing and construction gloves.

The workflow should be as follows:

1. We study the entire structure of the car and, in particular, its suspension. We examine the new and old part, analyze their structure and try to understand how best to use the puller.

2. On one side of the prepared pipe, we insert a silent block, which should be replaced according to the plan, and on the other side of the pipe we insert a new mechanism. The scheme of work is to new part squeeze out the old one (so neither one nor the second will be damaged).

3. We direct the new silent block exactly to the seat, take the prepared bolt and twist it to the center. At first, twisting can be a little difficult, in which case it is worth tapping the parts with a hammer a little and continue the process. Starting from the middle, this bolt will go in so easily that it can be turned with two fingers. But perform this process only with gloves, so as not to damage your hands.

4. If you want to keep the old part, then such a puller does not provide for this process, and the worn part can simply fall into the sand. Therefore, you can additionally build a small stand that will perform this function. It can be a simple cup with metal handles in the form of a wire or some other device.

There are other ways and improvised means that can serve as a removable mechanism. When creating such a device with your own hands, consider what is in your garage and which of these is the least necessary. These are the details you can use. Use your creative imagination.

It should be understood that depending on which beam of the car is being repaired, there may be a different silent block, but the instructions for creating a puller described above will be suitable for different types devices and can be used for both the back and front. When creating a device, it is worth remembering that a certain car model has its own parameters and its parts, which can be different in structure and size. It is important to take into account all the features of the car so that the created puller is suitable and can work with this device.

It is not so difficult to make a puller for silent blocks with your own hands, so try to make it from improvised materials - this way you will save a lot of money.

Step by step replacement process

1. It is necessary to replace silent blocks after the car is installed on a special lift, overpass or viewing hole. The wheels of the vehicle must be securely fixed with wheel chocks. To ensure good access to the part to be replaced, the rear wheel must be removed.

3. Using a wrench with a 19 mm opening, the nut of the fastening bolt connecting the rear beam and the bracket is unscrewed.

5. At the next stage, between the beam and car body a wooden beam is installed, after which it is possible to dismantle the silent block in need of replacement using a special puller.

6. Before installing a new silent block, the seat is thoroughly cleaned of dust, dirt and corrosion, lubricated with a solution of water and soap, after which the new silent block is pressed in with a puller. When all the steps described above are completed, you need to start assembling the car in reverse order. After the work carried out, the wheel alignment angles of the vehicle are restored.

Actually, the work itself does not seem to be difficult if there is a puller. And if it is not there, then what to do? Therefore, we write for those who repair a car with their own hands. No need to complicate the task if you do not have a special puller. Listen to the advice of car mechanics: do not fool your head and knock out - hammer silent blocks on the beams with a hammer. At the end of the article, I would like to note that a serviceable silent block helps the car drive smoothly, without unnecessary hesitation. It can quite well remove the vibrations that come from one part of the machine to another, thereby making the movement more comfortable. A caring driver always monitors the condition of the car, therefore, adjacent details are very important for him.

Replacement and diagnostics of silent blocks on a car is included in the list of services provided by the AutoPride service station. When is the time to replace silent blocks, and how to do it yourself?

The secrets of car craftsmanship and all the installation steps are in our article.

How to check silent blocks for wear and defects - diagnostics

Regular maintenance of your vehicle is a necessary condition (as all drivers know) for safety on the road.

To a large extent, this applies to the chassis and suspension of the car, its components and individual parts.

One of the elements (seemingly insignificant, but extremely important) is silent block, which is 2 metal bushings with a rubber insert in the center.

This element connects the suspension parts - and, thanks to the elastic (polyurethane or rubber) insert - dampens vibrations transmitted from one node to another. It is on it that the most powerful loads are used: the silent block is designed to “keep the blow” received by the suspension of the vehicle.

Where is the silent block located?

Mostly this element is installed in the front and rear suspensions of the vehicle.

In addition, the item is used as a fixing element for gearbox, for shock absorbers and engine.

Naturally, each such shock absorber requires regular monitoring.

Replacing silent blocks: how to determine that the moment has come?

As a rule, the service life of the silent block is about 100,000 km. But given the state of the Russian "off-road", it is recommended to inspect the elements every 50,000 km.

The reason for contacting the service station in this case are the following "symptoms" ...

  • Poor vehicle handling.
  • “Locked” steering response to a turn.
  • Cracks and breaks on the rubber part of the element during visual inspection on the "pit".
  • Curve collapse / convergence (suddenly discovered).
  • Excessive amount of play in the element.
  • Uneven tire wear (which speaks eloquently of the problems of wheel alignment and, accordingly, the suspension).

Repair or wait?

Strong wear of silent blocks threatens that the car will suddenly “drive” at speed. Even in the summer, this can cause an accident, not to mention the winter. Therefore, the replacement of elements is required.

It is also worth noting that in the event of the destruction of the mounting seats of the hinges themselves, it will be necessary replacement front/suspension arm assembly. This is why early diagnosis is so important.

Diagnosis - how to identify a problem or make sure that it does not exist?

  1. We drive into the "pit" or raise the vehicle with a jack.
  2. Remove ball joints.
  3. We check the details, the work of which is connected with the silent block. We swing the suspension arm to the sides: you need to make sure that it does not “fall”. The lever should spring back to its natural position (if it is working).
  4. Checking the bushing. It should not be observed to rotate relative to the eyes.
  5. We check the silent block directly: for knocking inside the element, as well as for visible mechanical damage and cracks (approx. - on rubber and metal).
  6. We check if there is any backlash. Its presence is a signal for an urgent replacement of the element.

Replacing silent blocks on a car - step by step instructions

To replace the silent blocks should be prepared.

You can’t do without a jack or pit, a kit for replacing parts and a tool needed to press out the silent block.

  1. The vehicle is installed on a "pit" (viewing) and the crankcase protection is dismantled, if any.
  2. We unscrew the nuts that serve to fix the front levers. We unscrew the nut with the key No. 17, with which the stabilizer is attached to the lever, and take out the bolt with a hammer (it is very difficult to remove manually).
  3. We tear off the bolts for fastening the front / wheel and raise the side of the vehicle we need with a jack, after which we remove the wheel.
  4. Next comes the unscrewing of the following nuts - on braces. Here you can not do without a key with a shoulder. Note: before unscrewing, the nuts should be treated with VD-40 (a known substance to all motorists).
  5. After - the ball joint, which is moved away from the rotary / cam, and a couple more bolts, after unscrewing which the lever is dismantled.
  6. Now, with the help of a special tool, the silent blocks are dismantled, and the eyes are cleaned of dirt.
  7. Next - pressing in new elements. In the absence of a special / set, a hammer, a chisel and Russian ingenuity are used to replace them. But there is a risk of damage to the element or part of it.
  8. Further, the pressed silent block is lubricated with soapy water and installed in its rightful place. We return everything to its place, but in the reverse order (except for the old silent blocks, of course).


After replacing the silent blocks, the collapse / convergence procedure is carried out without fail in case something was violated during dismantling.

Of course, if you have talents and minimal knowledge of the car device, you can independently replace the above elements.

But at the slightest doubt, entrust this time-consuming procedure to specialists ( self-replacement silent blocks more than once cost a pretty penny to craftsmen). And do not delay a visit to the service station– safety is more expensive!

With the replacement of silent blocks, they will help you in where professionals with many years of experience, high-quality modern equipment and affordable prices are waiting for you.

Video instructions for replacing silent blocks on a car