GAZ-53 GAZ-3307 GAZ-66

Determination of car numbers hikvision - hikvision ural. IP cameras for license plate recognition: YES or NO? Expert Opinions Ip Camera for License Plate Registration

Modern video surveillance allows you to collect information about the flow of cars and pedestrians, and also provides various video analytics capabilities.

The functions of determining the number of visitors, identifying persons, have become in demand among private organizations and entrepreneurs.

Let us consider in more detail the important function of determining license plates. Video surveillance systems can be combined with an access control system. The video camera determines the number, and the analytics system looks for a match in the list of database numbers and, if available, gives permission to the access control system to enter vehicle.

When planning the installation of a video surveillance system, you need to separate the task of identifying numbers from the function of monitoring vehicles and pedestrians. License plate recognition cameras have limited installation locations and require special setup. The camera should only focus on the area where the vehicles are passing. Therefore, it is better to install cameras that have a fixed lens. They have the added advantage of light sensitivity characteristics.

Camera Resolution

The high resolution of the camera does not yet mean the high-quality performance of the task of recognizing numbers. The calculated optimal resolution can give even best result. The higher the resolution, the worse the light sensitivity, and this worsens the identification of numbers in poor lighting.

When calculating the required clearance, the following formula is used: (w/n)*p, where w is the inspection width of the fixed license plate; n - license plate size; p is the suggested width of the displayed number, measured in pixels.

Consider the calculation on the following example: the average sign size is 0.52 m, the width of the controlled zone is 3 m, and the recommended size is usually taken as 200 pixels. We get the following response:

(w/n)*p = (3/0.52)*200 = 1154 pixels.

From the calculation, it can be seen that a camera with a standard HD shooting format (1280 * 720 pixels) would be a suitable option. But this is true if the distance from the camera to the room is 3-5 meters. If the distance is greater, then the camera resolution must be higher. If this distance exceeds 20m, a camera with a varifocal lens is required. It will allow you to narrow the viewing angle, thereby increasing the fixed object on the monitor screen.

Characteristics of video cameras for number recognition

It is necessary to take into account the size of the matrix itself. A large matrix has a greater photosensitivity. To recognize numbers, the matrix must be at least 1/3 inch. But for a qualitative determination of numbers, a matrix of 1/2 inch or more is required. For example, an IP camera with a Sony IMX 185 matrix 1 / 1.8 in size.

No less important is the characteristic of aperture ratio. This indicator determines the lens of the video camera and is designated as the number F. It is characterized by the ratio of the focal length to the aperture value. The signal-to-noise performance will be better with a larger aperture, as more light enters the matrix. With an increase in aperture ratio, the amount of digital noise also decreases. The definition of numbers requires an aperture value of F / 1.4 and higher.

Even the best cameras are unable to determine the number of a car in total darkness. Therefore, you need to immediately take care of normal lighting. Most modern cameras have IR, but this feature forces you to switch to black and white mode. With IR illumination, additional heating of the camera occurs, which can cause overheating in the hot season, and this will create unnecessary interference.

The number of frames per second also matters. Cameras with a frequency of 25 fps are recommended. In areas with low speed traffic movement of the camera is switched to 12 fps or lower. This allows you to reduce the load on the device in order to better process the incoming volumes of information.

Video camera location

To obtain the expected result, the equipment must be placed with strict observance of all conditions.

  • In the image, the slope of the vehicle number must not exceed 5° along the x-axis.
  • The camera direction angle must be up to 30° both horizontally and vertically.
  • To capture 2 lanes, you can mount the camera centered between them.
  • The height of the camera should be within 2-6 meters.
  • When installing the device near the barrier, it must be taken into account that it creates a certain exclusion area.
  • Having installed the camera, it is necessary to check the acceptability of the quality of shooting at night. Aperture mode is set to "auto" with a level of 50.
  • To extinguish the headlights during the dark period, a camera with a shutter speed of 1/1000 or more is required.
  • In the absence of normal road lighting, set the day / night function to "auto". Otherwise, the intelligent backlight is set to the “on” position.
  • BLC and WDR backlight should be off.

To automatically fix the numbers in the database, you need a special program for the camera or PC that recognizes license plates. Now there are cameras on sale that themselves recognize the numbers of cars.

Added: 2018-02-28 15:24:21

Modern video surveillance systems are not only the collection of a video stream, but also the wide possibilities of video analytics.

Functions such as visitor counting, face recognition, recognition and fixation license plates confidently went beyond the interests and jurisdiction of the special services to solve daily business problems.

Let's take a closer look at one of the popular video analysis functions - license plate recognition. Sometimes the video surveillance system is integrated with the access control system: the camera reads the car number, the analytics system compares the received image with the list of numbers from the database and, if a match is found, sends an ACS confirmation to let the car pass.

Separately, we note that when designing a video surveillance system, it is necessary to separate the tasks of license plate recognition and the review function (movements of vehicles and pedestrians, location of cameras depending on the conditions of the monitored area, etc.). There are placement restrictions for a license plate recognition camera. In addition, special settings are required. The focus of the camera should be directed strictly to the area intended for the passage of cars (in most cases it is 3-4 meters). Therefore, it is recommended to use cameras with a fixed lens. In addition, they usually have best performance sensitivity compared to motorized lenses.

What is the best resolution for a camera?

When solving the designated problem of license plate recognition, the high resolution of the video camera can give a worse result compared to the calculated one. This is due to the fact that with increasing resolution, the photosensitivity of cameras deteriorates, which negatively affects the recognition of license plates at night.

For the calculation, the formula (w / n) * p is used:

where w is the viewing width in the license plate fixing area (m),

n – license plate size (m),

If we accept the width of the viewed area as 3 m, the average width of the license plate is 0.52 m, and optimal size image (in practice) 200 pixels, we get the following calculation:

(w/n)*p = (3/0.52)*200 = 1154 pixels.

The calculation shows that a camera with HD resolution (1280 x 720 pixels) is suitable for us.

Cameras for the recognition system must have certain characteristics

The physical size of the matrix should be taken into account. The larger the matrix, the more photosensitive it is. Minimum allowable size matrices, for recognition of numbers 1/3 inch. Matrices 1/2 inch and above perform best.

Figure 1. Comparison of images obtained in the dark and daylight hours from cameras with different sensor sizes

When choosing a camera, you should also take into account the aperture parameter. It is determined by the choice of lens for the camera and is indicated in the form of F - a number that is determined by the ratio of the focal length and aperture value. The larger the aperture, the more light will fall on the camera matrix and the signal / noise ratio correspondingly higher. There will be less digital noise on the image itself. License plate recognition requires a lens with an aperture of at least F / 1.4. A lens with f / 1.3 will be more aperture.

Note that whatever specifications did not have a camera, in the absence of lighting, you will not get a result in the form of a recognized license plate. In this regard, the possibility of additional lighting should initially be considered. The vast majority of cameras now have IR illumination, however, the use of built-in IR illumination means that the camera must be switched to black and white mode. In addition, the additional heat generated by the IR glow may become redundant in the summer, leading to overheating, creating additional interference.

We also pay attention to such a characteristic of the camera as the number of frames per second. As a manufacturer, we recommend a camera with a frame rate of 25 fps. However, in practice, at those sites where cars move at low speed, the cameras are switched to 12 fps and lower, thereby removing the load from the equipment necessary for processing the array of information.

As we have already mentioned above, there are rather rigid boundaries for placing a video camera, and going beyond them leads to a significant deterioration in the result.

The angle of inclination of the license plate must not exceed 5° relative to the x-axis in the 2D version of the image.

To capture two lanes of traffic, you can place the camera as follows:

The camera should be located at a height of 2 to 6 meters. When placed on objects that have a barrier, it must be taken into account that the barrier itself forms a certain exclusion zone.

Anastasia Shutkina
In connection with the increasing penetration of network video surveillance into security systems, a discussion arose in the professional community about which cameras are better suited for recognizing license plates - analog or IP. Judging by the posts in the forums, including those on, there are a sufficient number of experts who believe that the use of IP cameras for this is not effective. We tried to understand the situation in more detail - for which we studied various publications in the media and conducted interviews with experts.

Low sensitivity: the "eternal" problem of IP cameras?

One of the main arguments of skeptics is that IP cameras require much more illumination of the scene to recognize license plates than analog ones. In conjunction with the need to use a "short" electronic shutter (no more than 1/500 second), they believe, this will lead to the fact that at dusk and at night lighting, license plate recognition will not be possible at all. Another typical complaint about IP cameras is the need to provide transmission traffic over the network, i.e. finding a compromise between the degree of compression and the accuracy of the transmission of image details.

Yu.L. Zarubin, General Director of Recognition Technologies comments on this: “I think that most IP cameras are not suitable for plate recognition, because they harvest information without regard for the need to preserve fine details. There is one more disadvantage of IP cameras - this is that a fairly large amount of transmitted information is obtained, because recognition requires almost full resolution. To date, all IP cameras that I have come across are very poorly suited for license plate recognition. They actually work only during the daytime and in very limited conditions.”

However, if you look closely, the situation here is somewhat different. First, it is necessary to separate two different situations: license plate recognition in parking lots (where traffic is not high, and the lighting level is usually sufficient for IP cameras to work) and on highways (where traffic is high, there is often a dense flow of cars, and lighting is not too great). It would seem that it is in the latter situation that the use of IP cameras raises the most questions.

Let's give the floor Yu.V. Bukhtiyarov, Director of the Ukrainian company "Video Internet Technologies": “Until recently, the most significant obstacle to the use of megapixel cameras, which is typical not only for license plate recognition, but also for traffic monitoring in general, is the high speed of vehicles. In order to prevent license plates and images of the cars themselves from being blurred when driving at high speed, a high electronic shutter speed must be set. Consequently, the sensitivity is reduced by about an order of magnitude when compared with the standard value of the accumulation time, which for megapixel cameras is usually in the range of 1/50-1/60 s. However, recently, with the advent of more sensitive matrices with a better signal-to-noise ratio, the developers of megapixel cameras have made a noticeable step forward, moreover, they have models with a movable IR filter in their lines, after which these cameras have become suitable for use in 24-hour systems. observations using IR illumination.

In fact, the idea that without additional lighting at night, analog cameras can confidently cope with recognition is also not entirely true. At least, most manufacturers of license plate recognition modules highly recommend the use of additional illumination - narrow-beam pulsed IR illuminators. The angle of incidence of light in such floodlights, as a rule, makes it possible to illuminate the area of ​​the video surveillance object per camera. Thus, the scheme for building a recognition system is as follows: 1 traffic lane = 1 camera + 1 IR projector However, with such a competent approach, IP cameras will work perfectly. And the sensitivity of network cameras (especially with CCD matrices, not CMOS) is only slightly inferior to analog ones. So correctly selected IP cameras are no worse than analog ones from this point of view.

M.V. Rutskov, CEO of Megapixel, notes: Let us first make a remark about terms. The concept of an IP camera is quite broad. If we talk about our industry, then these are mostly cameras based on color CMOS sensors, with compression on board and output to FastEthernet. Then, if we talk specifically about their use, the answer is negative, such cameras cannot be used to recognize license plates. IP cameras based on CMOS sensors have low sensitivity and do not actually work in the dark. Analog cameras are more sensitive, but lose in resolution. Such cameras, for example, have an effective capture width of no more than 2 meters, which is not enough for solving traffic police problems. Thus, if we talk about "narrow" races - scales, parking lots, checkpoints, then analog cameras have an advantage. If, however, we keep in mind the tasks of the traffic police - "wide" driveways, then only megapixel black-and-white cameras from machine vision will save the situation - there is no compression and high sensitivity due to the use of CCD sensors.

Benefits of using IP cameras.

So, let's talk now about the benefits of using IP cameras. First of all, they work without being tied to hardware, while analog cameras require a recorder or, at least, a video server nearby. It is not difficult to understand how problematic this can be on a long route.

Let's give the floor YES. Gorbanev, Technical Director of ITV:

“Now more and more people are starting to use IP cameras for license plate recognition, because it is very convenient that they allow you to get an image with a high megapixel resolution, with which you can block several traffic lanes at once. The absolute advantages of IP cameras include ease of installation - the network is easier to connect than, for example, the same coaxial cable. no need"

An important property of IP cameras is the ease of system expansion - they are simply designed to easily build scalable distributed video surveillance systems. Their wide range of remote settings allows you to get the best image quality in changing environments, and the absence of double signal conversion (common to the situation with analog cameras) increases the speed of operation.

R.V. Streltsov General Director of Navicom notes:

“IP cameras are currently very successful in solving the problem of license plate recognition. Their main advantages are the ease of installation and the high quality of the resulting image, and the main disadvantage is the relatively low light sensitivity.

In addition, IP cameras allow the use of progressive scanning, as well as easy control over signal compression, which saves space on digital media. And of course, it is very important that they, as noted above M.V. Rutskov, allow to solve the problem of "overlapping" lanes. In this connection Yu.V. Bukhtiyarov notes:

“The use of megapixel cameras for license plate recognition allows us to solve one important problem. technical problem, which is as follows. The resolution of analog cameras, which are used in license plate recognition systems, is hardly enough to capture license plates on the width of one lane. traffic. Therefore, if a car passes through two lanes at once, its license plate will be "cut" in the images received from two cameras aimed at these lanes. To avoid this situation, installers install analog cameras in such a way that the edges of their field of view overlap the fields of view of neighboring cameras. Obviously, this leads to an increase in the cost of the project. Megapixel cameras make it easy to solve this problem with a single device.”

Thus, the use of IP cameras for license plate recognition systems is not only legitimate, but also allows you to get many additional benefits that are difficult to achieve for their analog "brothers".

Number plate recognition: which cameras are the future?

YES. Gorbanev:“It seems to me that network cameras will dominate analog cameras - this is an evolution that cannot be avoided. At the moment, of course, there are analog cameras that surpass network cameras by an order of magnitude in certain characteristics, for example, in sensitivity, so as far as I know from personal experience, IR illumination is usually used so that at dusk the number plate is more visible and easier to recognize. However, technology does not stand still, but develops, and I think that in the end, IP cameras will definitely lead the way. Until something comes and they in return in turn ... ".

R.V. Streltsov:“In any case, the future is clearly with IP cameras, as technology does not stand still. The main thing when using network cameras is to ensure correct installation, angle of view and operation of the electronic shutter with the lens, as well as backlight compensation.

Yu.L. Zarubin:"I think the time will come when network cameras will face the problem of working at night."

A.V. Pimenov, Head of the PR department of the company "ELVIS":“Sooner or later, everything will switch to IP. Of course, security is an industry in which changes are quite difficult. There are all sorts of lists and regulations for the use of this or that equipment. Therefore, the near future is still behind the analog, and in the future, of course, IP cameras will completely replace analog ones.”

A.V. Korobkov, Development Director of the MACROSCOP development company:

“We initially relied on IP cameras. Actually, our products are only focused on them. Our experience has shown that with the correct selection of system components, installation and configuration, they can reliably recognize license plates at speeds up to 150 km/h. At the same time, building and upgrading systems on IP cameras is much faster and easier than on analog ones, so we are sure that the future belongs to IP cameras, of course.”

The use of IP cameras for license plate recognition: an example of implementation.

As we saw above, although almost all experts agree that IP cameras are the future, many at the same time believe that today they are hardly preferable to analog ones. However, despite this, developers from Perm have recently added a license plate recognition module to their MACROSCOP software- the only one that does not work with analog cameras at all. We contacted them and received material on how this module works.

The module provides the following functionality:

  • Recognition registration numbers moving cars with saving information about the time, date, car number, as well as a link to the corresponding video frame in the archive.
  • Interception by the number of vehicles entered in the card file in real time.
  • Work with the built-in card file of car numbers, which allows you to add and edit numbers, enter additional information about vehicles, generate interception lists and / or information lists.
  • Search for a vehicle in the archive by time, date, car number and additional information from the file cabinet.

The module allows:

  • Process video stream at 6 and 25 frames per second.
  • Recognize license plates at a vertical angle of inclination of the video camera up to 40° and a horizontal angle of deviation up to 30°, as well as at an angle of roll of the state registration plate relative to the plane up to 10°.
  • Recognize standard types of numbers corresponding to the standards of Russia, Ukraine, USSR, Belarus and Italy, as well as inverse, diplomatic and police numbers.
  • Use a motion detector to reduce computational costs when identifying a number.
  • Specify separate search areas to reduce computational costs when identifying a number.
  • Recognize license plates at vehicle speeds up to 150 km/h.
  • Recognize up to 10 different numbers simultaneously.

We will show how all these possibilities are implemented in practice. A special window is used to configure the module operation (Fig. 1).

Fig 1. Configuring the license plate recognition module

First you need to select one of the two modes of operation: "Parking" (6 frames / sec) is used for low traffic speeds, and "Road" (25 frames / sec) for fast movement (for example, a street or a highway).

To enable search and recognition at an angle of roll of the state license plate relative to the plane of the roadway up to 10°, it is enough to activate the option "Search for non-horizontal numbers". To search for inverse numbers (for example, police or military numbers), use the special option "Search for inverse numbers".

The adjustable parameter "Reliability threshold" allows you to change the quality of license plate recognition in percent. Numbers whose quality is below the specified threshold value will be automatically discarded. Another parameter "Number of unrecognized characters" allows you to automatically discard numbers in which the number of unrecognized characters is greater than the specified one.

Parameters "Minimum number size" and "Maximum number size" - set the minimum and maximum number size as a percentage of the frame. They can also be set interactively on the image from the camera - by stretching a rectangular area so that the car number is inside this area (Fig. 2).

Fig 2. Setting the minimum number size

Insofar as minimization of computing resources with a high quality of the result, is the "corporate style" of MACROSCOP and everything has been done in the license plate recognition module to optimize the system.

First of all, this is the ability to set separate search zones (Fig. 3) - there can always be a part of the frame in which the appearance of license plates is not possible (for example, a roadside, sidewalk, etc.). If the search zones are not set, then the full frame will be analyzed, as is typical in many other systems.

Fig 3. Setting search zones

The "Use autoscale" setting reduces computational costs in the case when the horizontal size of the number is more than 120 pixels. (this situation occurs when a camera with a resolution of more than 1Mpix is ​​used to monitor one lane, and as a result, the size of the numbers is too large).

For the same purpose, the “Use motion detector” setting is also used, when enabled, only those frames and areas where there is movement will be analyzed.

It is important to note that the system database can operate in two modes:

  • "Local" - if the file cabinet is used by one server in the system and it must be located on the same server where the license plates are recognized.
  • "Remote" - if the card index is used by several servers, and it is located on a specific server in the network. You must specify the server address on the network and the port on which it is located, the user name and user password.

Fig 4. Window "Number plate recognition"

For real-time monitoring and viewing the archive in the client, use the "Number plate recognition" window (Fig. 4), which includes three tabs: "Surveillance", "Archive" and "Card file".

The “Monitoring” tab (it is shown in the figure above) is designed to view license plate detection events in real time. In the lower right part of the tab there is a list of license plate detection events.

The frame corresponding to the selected event is displayed in the upper left part of the tab. At the top of the frame, the channel name, time and date corresponding to this frame are displayed. The orange line on the image highlights the car whose license plate has been recognized. An enlarged image of the recognized license plate is displayed in the lower left corner of the frame. In the lower left part of the window there is additional information, to the right of the additional information there are buttons "Go to card index" and "Add to card index".

Above the list in the upper right part is the filtering panel. It can be used to filter the data displayed in the list of plate detection events. The Filtering panel allows you to set the following filtering options:

  • Vehicle number;
  • Last name of the owner;
  • The group to which the vehicle number belongs;
  • The channel on which the number was found;
  • Additional Information;
  • Speed;
  • car color;

The "Archive" tab is intended for viewing and searching the archive of license plate detection events. The functionality of this tab is similar to the "Observation" tab. The difference is that the events in the list of numbers are the result of a request from the main archive.

Bookmark "Card file" (Fig. 5) for working with a card file of license plates, allows you to manage groups and interception lists, add, edit, delete numbers and related information.

Fig.5 Bookmark "Card file"

Fig.6 "Manage groups" window

To add a group to the interception, just check the box "Intercept vehicles from this group". You can also turn on the mode for displaying numbers directly on the image of the desired channel - it is shown in Fig. 7

Fig.7 Mode for displaying numbers directly on the image

If you select the option "Show all numbers" - all detected numbers (in green) and numbers added to the intercept (in red) will be displayed, and "Display numbers added to the intercept" - only numbers added to the interception will be displayed.

According to the developers of the described module, their practical experience has shown that IP cameras do an excellent job of recognizing numbers, however, IR illumination for night time is still desirable.

1.1 Cameras

DS-2CD4A25FWD-IZ(H)(S) Lightfighter bullet and

DS-2CD4A26FWD-IZ(H)(S) Darkfighter bullet

Outdoor IR Bullet Camera

  1. Works in very low light
  2. excellent work of headlight compensation,
  3. cylindrical, all-weather, rugged housing,
  4. license plate recognition license,
  5. b/w filter list,
  6. alarm output
  1. Darkfighter Ultra-low light technology High definition 1920x1080
  2. Up to 60fps at Full HD1080p 120dB WDR
  3. 2.8~12mm motorized VF lens with intelligent auto focus
  4. Smart codec H.264+ compact compression IR illuminator 50m.
  5. IP67 protection
  6. Power supply +-12V DC and PoE
  7. Built-in storage, support up to 128GB
  8. Support ANPR, B/W List Filtering


Integrated heater (-H)

Audio/Alarm Inputs/Outputs (-S)

Cameras suitable for license plate recognition are initially supplied with firmware for counting passers-by,

therefore, at the request of the customer, they are reflashed for this function.

Flashing does not completely remove the counting function and allows you to return to it if desired by selecting the SMART Event, as shown in the figure below.

1.2 Solution

Solutions Hikvision license plate recognition provided by the camera itself can be divided into:

one). Classic number plate recognition and output of a list of recognized ones directly from the camera

  1. Actions when the number matches the list recorded in the camera (admission to the territory, turning on the siren, sending a message)

When a number appears from the list, the dry contact of the camera is closed, which is a signal for the barrier control unit.

2. Camera requirement and installation location

2.1. The license plate must be legible and well lit.

2.2. The license plate must be at least 150 pixels wide.

2.3. Permissible tilt - no more than 5 ° (clockwise and counterclockwise).

2.4. Vertical angle - no more than 30 °.

The original formula is �=ℎ∗√3.

2.5. Horizontal angle - no more than 30 °.

2.6. If it is necessary to recognize license plates from two lanes, as a rule, it is recommended to place the camera on the crossbar.

2.7. It is necessary to choose the correct distance from the camera to the place of recognition

2.8. When recognizing license plates at night, IR illumination is required.

2.9. The shutter speed should be fast enough to reduce headlight glare at night. As a rule, we are talking about 1⁄1000.

2.10. Depth of focus is a very important parameter. If you are using a camera with a CS mount lens, use a fixed lens. Fixed lenses are better for recognition due to the greater depth of focus.

2.11. When choosing a mounting location, remember that direct sunlight can distort the picture.

2.12. When installing the camera on the side of the road, check how the support reacts to the passage of heavy vehicles or convoys of vehicles. If the support has tangible fluctuations, this will affect the efficiency of the system.

2.14. In rare cases, a situation of false detections may occur.
To minimize this, you need the following:

  1. select the recognition zone correctly.
  2. try changing the angle of view or the location of the camera.
  3. adjust the settings for the minimum and maximum license plate size in the settings.

3. Vehicle detection

Intelligent IP camera detects the car by identifying and recognizing the license plate, giving the following data to the registrar, iVMS-5200 or other consumer:

  1. Travel time (hours and minutes)
  2. Direction of travel ("entry" and "exit" when choosing a travel zone)
  3. License plate (letters and numbers)
  4. Country of registration (name)
  5. Screenshot with number (small picture)
  6. Full screen screenshot
  7. Video of the moment of determination (+/- 1-5s)
  8. Auto-recognition of black / white lists (issuance of the corresponding alarm)
  9. Activation of the alarm output relay (on the camera itself, in the registrar it is configured separately)

The information received from the camera is managed by the respective consumers:

You can set up the transfer of information and the actual recognition of license plates on the camera on the following consumers:

a) Recognition setting on localNVR

If the NVR is connected to the iVMS-4200, then the recorder and camera can be configured from it:

b) Recognition viVMS-4200

And even in the iVMS-4200, you can perform all the management of the recognition process, but independently without the NVR, it is just a shell that can only use the normal video surveillance functions from these cameras.

c) Recognition setting on theiVMS-5200 P

iVMS-5200 Pro has advanced analytics that uses number recognition in various activities of society and business.

Recognition setting on camera

On the camera itself, via the web-inteface, you can configure for any consumer, adjusting it already on it, but to connect the actuator, the configuration is done only on the camera.

Just here we will consider the function of detecting a car to open a barrier.

4. Camera setup

4.1. To process the license plate recognition event, such as, for example, the opening of a barrier, first of all, you need to configure the "Alarm output", by closing the dry contact of which the mechanism will work.

Without this, there will be no electrical reaction to the recognition that can be adjusted further.

However, if you do not plan to use mechanization, then this is not necessary.

4.2. As a rule, it is not supposed to open the barrier to all visitors, but only to “their own”, or, in extreme cases, not to let in only certain ones. Therefore, it is necessary to enter ahead of time the "white" and "black" list of numbers, for which you need to get its form from the camera itself by pressing the "export" button.

I want to pay attention to the name of the font used in the document, which, of course, is not in your system, but it is necessary for the camera to correctly perceive your presets:

After filling out the file with the list of numbers, you need to select the filled cells of the title bar, making sure that the font is named in Chinese, and then use the Excel button to copy the format according to the sample

Then you need to apply this format to all the cells you entered, highlighting them so that they are all written in a font with a Chinese name.

4.3. After importing the prepared Excel file, the data of the "white" and "black" lists will be filled in the camera:

Note: Unfortunately, with lists bye somewhat sad:

And now, only after everything previously done, you can start setting up license plate recognition and enabling the trigger reaction to numbers from the "white" list

4.4. Set the number of recognition strips and set up the zone, and then select the region.

Supported countries in the "EU and CIS" option:

Czech Republic, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine, Russia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, Great Britain, Greece, Croatia, Hungary, Israel, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Latvia, Estonia, Austria, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Ireland, Republic of Iceland, Vatican City, Republic of Malta, Sweden, Switzerland, Cyprus, Turkey, Slovenia.

4.5. Select the Entry/Exit mode.

4.6. Check and resave the schedule.

4.7. Turn off "All" by selecting "White List" and turn on the alarm output.

4.8. Enable recognition and save settings.

5. Number recognition

  1. The recognition process can be seen in a special settings tab.

  1. However, the results of detection and recognition can only be seen in the registrar's archive.
  2. The camera will be able to write to its own memory card only constantly and on events:

License plate identification screenshots can also be sent to an FTP server by checking the Communication Method section of the Configuration Search tab of the Traffic menu.

6. Conclusion

Dont be upset! NVR, iVMS-4200 & 5200 do not have all the above problems! There everything works correctly and has great functionality!

Let's take a closer look at the capabilities of an IP camera for reading numbers.

It can be used for:

  • automated opening of the barrier at the entrance to the controlled territory;
  • automated issuance of fines in case of violation of the rules by the driver in the camera coverage area with license plate recognition.
  • to automatically calculate the cost of parking based on vehicle data.
  • immediate notification of discovery desired machine, by comparing its number with the database.

All these analytical processes are performed by internal software in automatic mode, or with settings and specified functions from the user, through the software installed on the server. When starting to work with an IP camera for license plate recognition, it is recommended to read the instructions for installing, configuring and operating the device. A number plate recognition network camera can have a different form factor and type of installation. You should choose based on current requirements and conditions.

We offer to buy IP cameras for license plate recognition at a price of 3000 rubles in our online store. All the necessary information about the device is available on the site.

Characteristics of the IP camera for license plate recognition

Before you buy an IP camera with a number recognition function, check out its technical specifications.

List of specifications:

  • Power options.
  • Software type, easy to manage.
  • IP camera protection class.
  • Viewing angle.
  • Permission.
  • Method of installation and connection.
  • The speed of information processing, matching.
  • Recording speed.
  • The temperature regime of the chamber.
  • Maximum permissible air humidity
  • Rating of the manufacturer's brand in the market of control and video surveillance systems, user reviews.
  • Dimensions, weight of the device.
  • Complete set, availability of fasteners necessary for installation, operating instructions.

The cameras presented in this section have been tested by our experts for compatibility with the Eocortex License Plate Recognition software. In combination with this software, our cameras will provide you with constant monitoring of the protected area, help you find the right car, and automate a number of processes.

Having chosen a device that meets all the requirements, you can quickly place an order on the site. We will deliver a video camera with license plate recognition to the desired object in Moscow as soon as possible.