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How can you use maternity capital to improve your living conditions? Mat capital for improving living conditions. An additional package of documents for disposing of maternity capital to improve housing conditions, depending on the direction of improvement

Can be used for the purchase (construction) of residential premises. Including on:

1. Acquisition of residential premises or an individual object of individual housing construction, in other words, your own home;

2. Construction of an individual housing construction project with the involvement of a construction organization;

3. Construction or reconstruction of an individual housing construction project without the involvement of a contractor, that is, on one’s own;

4. Compensation for the costs of construction or reconstruction of an individual housing construction project;

5. Payment of the down payment when receiving a credit or loan, including a mortgage, for the purchase or construction of housing;

6. Repayment of the principal debt and payment of interest on loans or borrowings, including mortgages, for the purchase or construction of housing ( credit institution, credit consumer cooperative, other organization providing a loan under a loan agreement, the fulfillment of the obligation under which is secured by a mortgage);

7. Payment for participation in shared construction;

8. Payment of the entrance fee as a participant in housing, housing construction, and housing savings cooperatives.

The main condition: the residential premises being purchased (under construction) must be located on the territory of Russia.

How to apply for maternity capital to improve housing conditions for up to 3 years

Theoretically, maternal (family) capital or part of it can be spent only after three years from the date of birth or adoption of the second, third and subsequent children. But when using maternal capital to purchase housing, the state gives relief.

Maternity capital can be used to improve housing conditions earlier than three years. If you need to repay the principal debt and pay interest on loans and borrowings, including mortgages, for the purchase or construction of housing, then you can use maternity capital funds without waiting three years from the date of birth (adoption) of the child. Moreover, this possibility does not depend on the date of conclusion loan agreement.

And now maternity capital can also be used as a down payment on a mortgage. Russian President Vladimir Putin also signed a law that allows the use of maternity capital to pay the down payment on a mortgage loan without waiting for the child to reach the age of three, in connection with whose birth or adoption the right to additional measures of state support has arisen.

Maternal capital to improve living conditions: how to spend money on apartment renovation

It would seem that renovating an apartment is also an improvement in living conditions, but this is not so. The housing area does not increase even during the most expensive European-quality renovation, which means renovation cannot be called a real improvement in living conditions. And accordingly, funds from maternal (family) capital cannot be used to renovate an apartment, purchase furniture and other economic needs, as this is not provided for by law.

How social support appears in 2007. It is allocated to parents if they have a second or subsequent child, or if they adopt two children. In general, the main thing is to have more than one child. At the same time, many people have a question about how to use maternity capital to improve their living conditions.

Despite the name, maternity capital can be issued to several categories of persons:

  1. A female Russian citizen with two or more children, the second of whom must have been born after 2006.
  2. A father who single-handedly adopted two or more children. Maternity capital is allocated to him on the condition that the second child was adopted after 2006.
  3. A minor or full-time student under 23 years of age upon termination of state support for the mother and father.
  4. The father (adoptive parent) of the children, if the mother has stopped paying benefits.

Maternity capital is in many cases used to improve the old or buy a new one. There are several subtleties that must be taken into account in order to use maternal or, as it is often called, family capital, or abbreviated MSC, firstly, within the framework of the law, and secondly, with benefit for you and your loved ones.

For 2018, the MSK is 453,026 rubles - this amount does not cover the purchase or reconstruction of real estate in full, but is a useful help. When using MSC, there are several restrictions established in Government Decree No. 862.

Firstly, it is assumed that the property is located in Russia and not abroad.

Secondly, funds are presented in the form of a certificate and are transferred only in non-cash form. Any attempts to cash them are criminally punishable.

Thirdly, with maternity capital funds you can only pay for the cost of living space. That is, if you buy a plot of land on which a house stands, money for the plot must be paid from other sources.

Fourthly, the use of the certificate becomes possible after the child turns three years old. But the issue with housing is an exception - you can use the funds upon receipt of them.

You can improve your living conditions in the following ways:

  1. Buy a house, apartment, room under a purchase and sale agreement (abbreviated as DCP).
  2. Build a house (by yourself or with the participation of a contractor) or request reimbursement of construction costs if the house was built after 2006.
  3. Reconstruct the house, increasing the living space.
  4. Close your mortgage or construction loan payments.
  5. Make an entrance fee to the housing cooperative.
  6. Pay for the rights to share participation in construction.

Buying an apartment using DCT

Using maternity capital when buying an apartment using DCT

If an apartment is purchased using MSK, changes are made to the standard DCT:

  1. In addition to the seller and buyer, a third party is indicated - the Pension Fund, which transfers money to the seller.
  2. Data that you contributed your own funds before the DCT was concluded.
  3. That the remaining amount will be covered by maternity capital.
  4. The fact that ownership will pass to the buyer after he pays the amount specified in the contract.

The transaction does not go through immediately, but with a delay, since the PF transfers the money within two months. The transaction can take place in two ways. In the first case, MSC funds cover the cost in full, in the second - only part of this cost, and the rest is contributed by the buyer himself.

In the second case, the transaction takes place in two stages:

  1. The amount paid by the buyer is registered in Rosreestr as a deposit.
  2. The pension fund transfers the funds, the pledge and encumbrance are removed, and ownership passes to the buyer.

Mortgage under MSK

MSK can serve as an additional guarantee for the bank if you are trying to apply for housing. But, despite this, at the moment there is a problem with using maternity capital for this purpose: this can be done in a small number of banks, such as Sberbank, VTB or Delta Bank.

When reviewing your application, the bank will look at the following points:

  • Credit history must be good.
  • You must have a stable income and a permanent job.
  • The housing itself must be registered as shared ownership for all family members, including children.
  • You must have a certificate and a certificate from Pension Fund, which will confirm that you have a large balance in your account.

MSK can be used to pay off mortgage debt. This is done in two ways. You can reduce the amount of monthly loan payments, leaving the payment term the same, or vice versa - reduce the term and leave payments at the same level.

The procedure for raising family capital for mortgage payments includes several stages.

  1. First, you need to contact the bank and inform them that you are going to use MSC for mortgage payments.
  2. Submit Required documents with an application to the Pension Fund.
  3. Wait for the Pension Fund to check the documents. If they decide that your application can be accepted, money is transferred to your account.
  4. After this, you must submit an application to the bank for repayment (partial or full) of the loan using MSK. If you pay off the debt partially, you will be given a new payment schedule.

The advantage of a mortgage under the MSK is that with its help, unlike a purchase using a regular monetary policy, you can make a down payment, which is often lower than the amount of maternity capital, cover interest or debt on the mortgage, and also pay off the mortgage that was taken before receiving the certificate or before 2007.

Buying a private house or cottage

Matkapital when buying a private house or cottage

Federal Law No. 256 states that you can purchase a residential building or part of it on MSK, if it is an independent residential premises.

Buying without using a mortgage becomes possible only after the child turns 3 years old. The transaction is concluded under an agreement that is almost in all respects similar to a standard monetary policy:

  1. The buyer alienates ownership rights in favor of the buyer.
  2. The buyer himself may be the owner of the certificate, or the owner of the certificate, his spouse and his children.
  3. For payment, you can use either exclusively family capital or family capital with an additional payment.

When choosing, proceed from the fact that it must meet the following standards:

  1. This must be a residential building or an independent part of it, built and equipped as a residential building.
  2. The house must meet sanitary and technical requirements, that is, it must be supplied with water supply, sewerage, gas, heating and electric lighting. Exceptions are possible if the house is located in an area where there are no centralized utility networks.

Construction and reconstruction of a house

For this purpose, MSCs can be used in several ways. Firstly, to spend it on a house under construction (the conditions differ depending on whether you are building it yourself or with the participation of a contractor), and secondly, to compensate for the costs of an already built house, if it was not in use before 2007.

If the house is being built with the participation of a contractor, you will have to present to the Pension Fund, in addition to documents of ownership, with the contractor, after which the required amount will be transferred to the account of the construction company.

If you are building a house on your own, the funds are transferred in two stages.

Before construction begins, you can receive ½ of the maternity capital. To do this you must provide:

  • Certificate of ownership of land plot or a document that confirms your right to use the site: free use, rent, etc. If we're talking about about reconstruction - you will be required to provide a certificate of ownership.
  • Permission to conduct construction work or reconstruction work.
  • A certificate from the bank confirming that the owner of the certificate has an account.

The next part of the amount will be transferred six months after you confirm the fact that work on the construction or reconstruction of a house is being carried out on the site.

If the house has already been built and you are counting on compensation, provide the Pension Fund with detailed information about the costs of the work.

Reconstruction means an increase in living space due to alterations non-residential premises into residential ones, due to extensions or superstructures. For reconstruction, what is important is not the moment the property arises, but the moment it is carried out repair work– it must be after 2006.

If we are talking about construction, then you must have ownership rights starting from 2007 and not earlier.

How to apply

How to make a purchase using matkapital

You need to either personally or with the help of a legal representative contact the Pension Fund with the necessary package and write an application for an order from MSC to improve your living conditions. Moreover, it is possible to use both the full amount and part of it.

The procedure for reviewing your application is as follows. After submitting the application, the Pension Fund considers it within one month. If the application is approved, the money will be transferred to your credit account no later than 2 months after submitting the application.

The application can be withdrawn at your request within these two months if the money has not arrived in your account by this time. In order to revoke it, you need to write another application to cancel the first one.

When submitting an application, you must provide a notarized commitment to allocate shares to all children in the new home. The obligation is formalized in accordance with Federal Law No. 256. Registration and certification of the obligation costs from 1,500 to 2,000 rubles, but this amount will have to be paid - otherwise, your application will not be approved by the Pension Fund.

Both spouses must be present during certification. Shares for children must be allocated immediately at the time of the transaction. If you have not done this, you will need to allocate shares within a six-month period after registering ownership of the property.

What documents are required

The package of documents is divided into general, necessary regardless of how you intend to improve your living conditions, as well as special, for different ways. The overall package includes:

  • statement by the certificate holder to dispose of either part of the money or all of the money;
  • certificate or its duplicate;
  • passport and registration;
  • compulsory medical insurance certificate;
  • Marriage certificate.

If you are purchasing residential premises using a regular contract, the following documents are required:

  1. Photocopy of the DCP.
  2. A photocopy of the state registration certificate of ownership of residential premises acquired with the help of family capital. If the contract provides for payment by installments, you must submit a certificate indicating the amount of the unpaid amount.

During the construction or reconstruction of housing.

To receive the first part of the family capital, you need a copy of a document confirming that the certificate holder or his spouse has ownership rights to the land. Documents confirming the right of perpetual use, inheritance, lease or gratuitous fixed-term use can also be used.

A package of documents for improving living conditions using maternal capital

Other documents: a copy of the building permit, confirmation of the owner’s bank account and details. If we are talking about reconstruction, then you must provide a certificate of state registration of ownership rights to the reconstructed housing.

When receiving the second part of the amount, you must provide, firstly, confirmation that construction or reconstruction work is being carried out, and secondly, duplicate bank account information.

To receive compensation for housing construction costs, the same package of documents is submitted, except for a building permit.

To pay a down payment on a mortgage:

  • a copy of the loan agreement for the purchase or construction of housing;
  • a copy of the mortgage agreement.

The use of maternity capital to improve housing conditions is limited by a number of factors: the amount of capital, the scope and methods of its use. However, it is useful. Keep a few things in mind. Firstly, do not try to cash out MSC - this is fraught with criminal liability. Secondly, MSC is provided only once - either for the second or for one of the following children. Thirdly, in many areas, the use of MSCs is possible only after the child is 3 years old. Improving living conditions is an exception: for this purpose you can use MSC immediately. There are several ways to use it: to buy an apartment, to pay off a mortgage loan, to build or reconstruct a private house.

Instructions for using maternity capital when buying a home in our next video:

Feb 17, 2018 Content manager

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Hello! In this article we will talk about improving housing conditions using maternity capital.

Today you will learn:

  1. What benefits can be acquired thanks to MSC.
  2. How to spend capital to improve living conditions.
  3. What documents need to be prepared?
  4. History, news and trends of MSK in Russia.

There are a huge number of families in Russia who have been affected by the maternity capital program. Undoubtedly, its implementation and development is a huge step forward in terms of social protection of citizens.

About the Maternity Capital program (MSC)

Currently, our country has an all-Russian program to support families. If you have a second child, you have legal right for 453,000 rubles from the state (2017). This amount does not go to you directly, but indirectly - it is presented in the form of a certificate for strictly specified purposes.

For everyone who followed the demographic situation in the country, it has long been obvious that in the near future Russia will face a sharp decline in population growth. This is explained by the fact that in the nineties the birth rate sharply decreased, and now people born at that time have reached, scientifically speaking, their fertile age - that is, they will have to become mothers and fathers. To achieve a jump in population growth, it was decided to resort to some global measures.

The aim of the assistance is to support families, but in a way that is guaranteed to bring benefits. For this purpose, the following are prescribed by law:

  • Child training
  • Retirement account for mother
  • Products and services for disabled children
  • Improving living conditions

It is quite possible that this list will be replenished in the near future. In the meantime, we'll talk about the last item on this list.

Basic rules of the MSK program



The recipient of state assistance must be a citizen of the Russian Federation

The program is being implemented to support population growth of Russian citizens only. If a person is a foreign national and lives on our territory for a limited period, he will not receive a certificate
You can only receive a certificate for a child who was born (adopted) after 01/01/2007

This date is the official start of the program. If the second child was born before this date, it is impossible to get help for him. The only way to get maternity capital is to have a third child

The right to MSC appears only once

If a third child is born in the family, assistance is no longer provided for him, provided that it was implemented upon the appearance of the second

The amount is determined by the current rate at the time of sale of the certificate

The family will receive the amount that will be relevant for the year the certificate is used, and not for the year it was received

There is no time limit for applying to the Pension Fund for a certificate.

The only condition is that on the date of birth of the “certified” child, the MSK program must still be in effect in our country (as of today, this date is set until December 2018 inclusive, but an extension is very likely)

Disposal of capital – no earlier than the child’s third birthday

This rule has exceptions: if a family needs to repay debts on loans, including mortgages, they will not have to wait three years

Maternity capital is not subject to personal income tax

From the amount of MSK you will not have to pay income tax to the treasury in the amount of 13%. The same rule applies to maternity payments.

Maternity capital is provided per family

An important caveat in the characteristics of the MSK: the certificate is given not to a specific child, but to the whole family. For example, they can pay for the education of the first child

What does improving living conditions mean?

If you believe the statistics, about 8 million families have already received a certificate for maternal capital, and more than half of them have already decided where to send the funds.

Moreover, 4.5 million, that is, the vast majority, chose the target direction “improving living conditions.” Thus, we can confidently state that this particular intended use of maternal capital is the most popular among our compatriots.

Housing must have one simple but important characteristic: namely be on the territory of our country . For example, if you are citizens of the Russian Federation, but do not live in Russia, you will not be able to purchase housing using capital in your country of residence.

This target area includes several possibilities. The main idea is for the family to have a roof over their head, so that the government’s efforts do not go “nowhere.” Our politicians have repeatedly expressed this concern during the discussion of the issue.

Payment of full or partial price of housing

The transaction must be concluded under a purchase and sale agreement. It is important that the transaction can be carried out not only in relation to new buildings (secondary housing is available). Partial purchase is also permitted by law, but only when, after this operation, the housing is fully owned by the family

Down payment when applying for a loan or loan

It is important that the loan is targeted, otherwise its compensation may be called into question

Repayment of principal or interest

Even when the debt obligation appeared before the birth of the “certified” child. It is important that, as with the previous point, you don’t have to wait until the child turns three years old. This is a pleasant exception that concerns credit obligations. Such a relaxation in legislative norms is justified, since the loan, one way or another, is targeted and its use is easier to control.

It is necessary to find out in advance whether the bank through which the mortgage or loan will be issued works with maternity capital

Do-it-yourself construction

The land on which the house is being built must belong to the owner of the certificate.

All permits for construction must be in order.

The site must have an individual housing construction purpose. For example, the law does not recognize horticultural lands for MSCs, although many areas are built on them.

In addition, of course, the future outbreak must be located on the territory of our state.

The law also stipulates that such a house must be suitable for permanent residence. That is, it will not be possible to build a temporary hut or a dacha using maternity capital.

If you first want to purchase land for construction at MSC, you will almost certainly be denied such use of funds. One can understand this approach of the state - the use of land may be limited to hilling beds instead of putting a roof over one’s head.

After approval of the intended use, the money will be transferred in two parts to the account of the certificate holder

Construction with the involvement of a contractor

If the services of a contractor are used, the entire amount of MSC can be transferred at a time to the account of the service provider

House reconstruction

Not to be confused with repair. Repair is a set of measures to restore a serviceable condition. Reconstruction in this context is a remodeling after which the housing area will increase by the dimensions specified by law

For any property, shares must be allocated to all family members.

The program is constantly striving for improvement, and over the past decade the following fundamental changes have occurred in the area under consideration:

Step-by-step instructions on how to use maternity capital to improve living conditions

Step 1: Determine if you qualify for assistance.

To do this, you must be a woman – a citizen of the Russian Federation. A man - a father or sole adoptive parent in the absence of a mother. Or a minor who is forced to receive help on his own, because for legal and objective reasons his parents cannot do this.

Step 2. Collect a complete package of documents, which includes the following items:

  • Statement;
  • Your passport as a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • Original birth certificates for all children;
  • Your SNILS;
  • If we are talking about adoption, you need an official court decision that has entered into force.

Step 3. Contact government agency to issue a certificate.

It is best to contact your local Pension Fund with your package of documents. You can do this anytime. It is also possible to contact the Multifunctional Center or even act via the Internet, but it is better to trust the Pension Fund of Russia in such an important matter.

This is due to the fact that the Pension Fund is the authorized body on this issue, and not an intermediary. He oversees this issue in our country.

After submitting your application, you will be given a certificate stating when you completed this application. Until recently, a decision on it had to wait at least a month. Now officials promise to meet the deadline within ten days.

Step 4. Obtain a state certificate.

The Pension Fund of Russia will contact you using the contact details you left and invite you to pick up a document, which many families perceive as a personalized gift card. It cannot be cashed out, but it can be used in areas approved by law.

The certificate itself is not of particular value; it only indicates the existence of the right to MSC. It is quite possible that over time, in order to save money, the country will completely switch to an electronic format.

Step 5. Decide how to manage your maternity capital.

If your case is not repaying a mortgage or loan, you will have to wait until your second child’s third birthday. In any case, you will have to submit an application for disposal of maternal capital. It is submitted according to the sample to the Pension Fund.

The documents for this procedure are as follows:

For mortgages, purchases

For construction

Passports, marriage certificate, certificate, SNILS

Copies of purchase agreements, mortgages, shared participation in construction (if the apartment is in share ownership)

Construction permit

Confirmation of the debt obligation from the bank (if a mortgage) or from the developer (if “top-up”)

Details of your own account for transferring money

Extract from the Unified State Register, if available

Contract with the contractor

Obligation to allocate shares (notarization)

An act confirming the reconstruction (if we are talking about it)

The use of maternity capital to improve living conditions is the most popular and significant investment of received budget funds. In 2019, the amounts guaranteed by the state amount to 453,026 rubles. Indexing or resizing mat. capital in 2019 – 2020 are not planned.

Each family independently decides how to manage subsidized funds. The allocation of budget funds to improve living conditions in families who hold the certificate is regulated by Art. 10. Various options for investing the received capital are offered, for example:

  • purchasing separate housing without using credit loans;
  • early repayment of part of the mortgage debt or making the first mortgage payment;
  • payment of funds for individual shared construction;
  • compensation payment for previously carried out reconstruction or restoration of housing.

Obtaining capital to improve housing conditions

To exercise the right to a subsidy, you must submit to the authorized body - the Pension Fund of Russia, an application for payment of maternity capital (), filled out according to the standard template, and copies of the following documents:

  • applicant's passport;
  • birth certificate of the second child (issued in the registry office), as well as documents confirming the birth of other children in the applicant’s family;
  • a document confirming the baby’s Russian citizenship (registration is carried out at the local FMS office);
  • SNILS of the applicant.

Consideration of the application and verification of submitted documents to the Pension Fund is carried out within a calendar month. A positive decision by the Pension Fund guarantees the issuance of a state-issued certificate and allows the use of guaranteed maternity capital assets to improve the family’s living conditions.

Established new deadlines for material support according to the mat. capital, amounting to no more than ten working days. The allocated budget resources can be transferred to the settlement accounts of a construction company, a seller of secondary housing, or a specific applicant if the costs of repairing old or building new housing are confirmed. A family that is planning to change their living conditions with the provision of funds from maternity capital should know that all payments are made only by non-cash method and payment of cash is unacceptable.

Investment options for changing living conditions

Compensation for previously invested funds. Purchasing separate housing. Concluding an agreement for participation in shared construction.

State assistance to families with two or more children involves a compensation payment if material resources were previously invested in. However, there are a number of points limiting payments involving maternity capital payments.

The document defining the ownership of the constructed building must be dated no later than December 31, 2006, but if the housing was reconstructed after January 1, 2007, then the date of registration of ownership rights is no longer taken into account.

The number of compensation payments from a family certificate for funds previously invested to improve living conditions is small.

The most popular options for families are investing maternity capital in purchasing their own, separate housing. Such transactions are subject to a number of requirements aimed at protecting the quality of life and interests of children:

  1. The purchased housing must be located on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  2. Purchased apartment on secondary market must be suitable for living and comply with established sanitary standards.
  3. If you purchase your own home, you must immediately draw up a notarized agreement for the allocation of equal shares with the participation of all family members, including minor children.
  4. In case of purchasing a new building, the readiness of the housing under construction must be at least 70%.
  5. Considering that transactions for the purchase of housing are controlled and verified by the Pension Fund, the seller must have a clause in the charter that allows budgetary replenishments.

Subsidies for maternity capital can also be used to register a participant in shared construction. The only difference from a regular share participation agreement is that the participant in shared construction does not contribute his own funds, but manages the state subsidy.

It should be noted that lawyers consider agreements on shared participation risky due to the dishonesty of developers, as well as fraudulent schemes when agreements bear signs of other transactions. The Pension Fund, as a regulator of payments of budget funds for state program may refuse to allocate funds for an equity participation agreement.

How to purchase a home with a mortgage using a maternity capital certificate

The greatest demand for transactions of family certificate assets in 2019 was recorded in the field of mortgage lending. The participation of partner banks guarantees fast execution of transactions.

Engage the starting mat. capital under the mortgage lending program can be:

  • to make an initial mortgage payment;
  • for early closure of part or all of the remaining debt taken out previously on a mortgage.

When applying for subsidized capital for an initial mortgage payment, the bank issues one loan, which includes two parts. One part of the loan is no more than 450,000 rubles, that is, equal to the amount of mat. capital, the second part is the remaining amount of the total cost of the purchased home. Within a period of up to two calendar months, the Pension Fund will transfer the established amount to the current account of the partner bank. Interest to the bank until repayment is paid by the borrower independently and is not included in the cost of the first mortgage payment. The remaining portion of the loan will be calculated based on the program proposed by the bank.

Banks that operate under the mortgage lending program secured by maternity capital:

  • Sberbank;
  • Bank of Moscow;
  • VTB 24;
  • DeltaCredit;
  • Rosselkhozbank.

It should be noted that making a down payment on a mortgage is not always profitable. If the bank changes the interest rate, the increased interest payments may offset the expected benefit.

A more optimal option is if funds from maternity capital are used to repay the principal portion of the debt on a previously issued mortgage.

List of documents submitted to formalize an additional agreement to repay part or all of the remaining debt mortgage loan identical to the standard list:

  • passports of spouses;
  • marriage certificate;
  • SNILS;
  • state certificate;
  • an agreement with a bank for mortgage lending for the purchase of housing;
  • bank statement about the value of the remaining debt on the loan indicating the bank account;
  • purchase and sale agreement for purchased housing;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate (the document has been provided since 2017);
  • a notarized obligation of the certificate owner to allocate equal shares to children in the purchased apartment.

Improving living conditions using maternity capital is a common concern of modern large families. We will tell you in the article how you can improve your living conditions using maternity capital funds.

Ways to spend maternity capital on housing

There are several ways to improve the level of living conditions through financial assistance from the state in the form of maternity capital. Article 10 of the Federal Law “On additional measures of state support for families with children” dated December 29, 2006 No. 256-FZ offers citizens such types of increasing living space for maternity capital (improving housing conditions).

  1. Buying a finished apartment or house.
  2. Purchasing housing with the help of a bank.
  3. Acquisition of an apartment as a result of participation in shared construction of a house.
  4. Construction (reconstruction) of a home independently or with the help of construction companies.

You can also buy a room using government assistance, but only if it is the room that is being sold. That is, in such a transaction, according to the documents, one room should appear, and not part of a house or apartment. It must be borne in mind that purchasing part of the home with the help of family capital is possible only in one case: if in the end the entire home becomes the property of the family.

Features of using maternity capital for the purchase of housing

No matter how a family achieves improved housing conditions using maternity capital, it is almost always possible to talk about subsequent reimbursement of funds. This means that always (the only exception is the construction of a home on our own) First, a transaction for the purchase of housing is drawn up, the agreement is registered in the manner prescribed by law, and then the family applies to the Pension Fund to manage state assistance funds.

All payment nuances associated with engaging the services of the Pension Fund are discussed by the parties in documents, primarily in the contract. If payment under the contract is not received, the document may be terminated in accordance with applicable laws.

Don't know your rights?

Housing purchased (constructed) with the expectation of maternal capital must be registered in the ownership (ownership) of all family members. If it is impossible to immediately allocate shares to parents and children, then one of the parents gives an obligation to complete such actions within six months. The obligation is a separate document, which is drawn up by a notary and submitted to the Pension Fund.

The housing on which the capital will be spent must be geographically located in Russia. The home must be suitable for living. By purchasing a dilapidated, dilapidated or simply unfurnished building, a family risks being rejected by the Pension Fund and not receiving payment.

Buy housing for maternal capital. Pay the mortgage with maternity capital

The easiest way to improve your living conditions using maternity capital is to buy real estate. Since money from the certificate is not issued in cash, and the use of maternity capital funds occurs through a non-cash transfer from the Pension Fund account to the current account of the apartment seller, the main task of the family is to find a person who agrees to wait 2 months for payment under the contract.

If the seller does not agree to wait for the buyer to pay, you can take out a loan to buy an apartment or house, which you can then repay with maternity capital. The bank has no obligation to issue such a loan, and the decision to issue a loan is made on a general basis, based on the citizen’s solvency.

Important: since the spring of 2015, loans taken from microfinance organizations are not repaid with maternity capital funds. Therefore, if you need a loan to improve your living conditions using maternity capital, you need to contact the bank. You can also pay with capital for a loan taken earlier, even before the adoption of the law on maternity capital. The main thing is that the loan is targeted, that is, taken specifically for the purchase of a home. The pension fund will not pay a simple consumer loan.

After registering the purchase agreement with Rosreestr, in order to dispose of maternal capital accumulations, you need to contact the Pension Fund at your place of residence. You need to take the following documents with you:

  1. Parents' passports, marriage (or divorce) certificate, certificate of maternity capital, SNILS of the applicant.
  2. Copies of the purchase agreement, mortgage agreements, loan agreement with the bank (if the loan is being repaid), agreement on shared participation in construction (if the apartment is in share ownership).
  3. A document about the amount of debt from the bank (if a mortgage) or from the developer (if “addition”).
  4. Certificate of home ownership (if issued).
  5. An obligation to allocate shares, executed by a notary.

Build with maternity capital funds

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Improve living conditions using maternity capital you can not only buy real estate, but also build new house or by reconstructing the old one. The costs of both construction and reconstruction can be covered by maternity capital funds. Please note that, in the understanding of the law, reconstruction is a refurbishment of a home, as a result of which the living area will increase by no less than one accounting standard established by the regional authorities. You cannot spend capital on repairs, even major ones.

You can use maternity capital money both for the construction (reconstruction) of housing on your own, and with the involvement of specialized companies. If the family is being built independently, then state aid is transferred to a bank account in 2 stages. First 50% of the capital amount and after 6 months - the balance. To receive money, you need to provide the Pension Fund with documents according to the list.

  1. To receive your first payment:
  • document confirming the right to the land on which construction is taking place;
  • for construction;
  • bank account details for transferring money;
  • if the house is to be rebuilt, then a document confirming the title to the house;
  • a notarial obligation to allocate shares in housing to all family members after construction;
  • parents' passports, marriage document, capital certificate.
  • To receive the remaining funds:
    • an inspection report that will prove that construction or reconstruction work was carried out;
    • bank account number for transferring money.

    If a family is being built with the help of special organizations, or wishes to reimburse expenses already incurred for construction or reconstruction, Pension Fund employees must provide:

    1. A document confirming the right to the land where housing is built.
    2. Construction permit.
    3. A construction contract between one of the parents and a specialized organization.
    4. In the case of reconstruction - a document on the right to the building that was rebuilt. Ownership must be registered from 01/01/2007 and later. If by 01/01/2007 the house had already been reconstructed, then ownership can be registered earlier.
    5. Bank account details (details) for transferring money.
    6. An inspection report that will confirm the increase in the living space of the house due to reconstruction by at least the accounting norm established by law.
    7. The obligation to allocate property to all family members.
    8. Parents' passports and marriage (divorce) certificate.