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Car data by VIN code. Methods for checking a car for involvement in an accident. Checking a car for an accident: external inspection


Due to the crisis and the decline in sales of new cars, the used car market is thriving. High demand has led to the emergence of a whole army of scammers offering vehicles repaired after an accident. There are companies that buy damaged cars by the carload and assemble almost new cars from several identical models. Therefore, it can be quite difficult to find out whether a car has been in an accident by visual inspection.

Checking for an accident using the VIN code of a vehicle

How to find out, Was the car involved in an accident, how many times and how serious was the damage? These questions are of interest to every potential buyer. The simplest and effective method to find out whether the car you liked was involved in an accident - go to a specialized Internet service or to the website of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate and check the car according to VIN - number. A VIN code request will allow you to obtain not only this information, but all important information about the vehicle and its owner.

For example, if the accident took place since 2015 on the territory of Russia, the buyer who contacts the traffic police website can receive both photographic materials from the scene of the incident and a diagram of the most significant mechanical damage, according to which he can evaluate:

· degree of general damage,

· whether the body parts are badly damaged,

· presence of damage to the power plant,

· damage caused to the vehicle's chassis.

Similar information about Car accident you will also receive a full report from the Autoreport Internet service. In addition, in addition to the vehicle’s participation in accidents, you will know the data of its technical inspections and compulsory motor liability insurance, mileage and traffic police restrictions, and much more useful information from the history of the car and its owners - including information that traffic police reports do not provide (for example, whether car is pledged).

If the technique The repair was carried out at a serious legal car service, the buyer will know from the VIN what parts were replaced and how much the repair cost. But how to find out how many accidents a car has had if the owner did not contact the car service or he is just a fraudster, we will tell you below.

Visual check of the car for participation in an accident

The question is how to find out whether the car was in an accident, ask the seller directly, and make no mistake, we will leave it to psychologists. We ourselves will assume that during a personal inspection of the vehicle, it is possible to identify traces of an accident that were not reported by the traffic police or the insurance company and were not eliminated in a specialized car service center. We use simple, proven techniques:

· To purchase a car, you need to allocate enough time and perform the inspection extremely carefully and scrupulously. If the owner is in a hurry, this may be one of the signs that the car was involved in an accident. Is the seller distracting you, avoiding direct questions? This means that there really is something wrong with the car. If you really like her, arrange a “search with passion”, not paying attention to the owner’s lamentations.

· If you look at the car directly, smooth curves of the surface broken and poorly restored body will be almost invisible. Therefore, when inspecting, you should sit behind the rear fender, and then behind the front fender and look parallel to the body. Numerous dents will indicate that the car has had more than one accident and (or) that the body was often leveled, and not by the best service. In the same way, looking along the surface, we inspect the trunk lid and hood.

· How to find out if a car has been in an accident,How is the spare wheel compartment?This part of the body is the most vulnerable spot, especially for hatchbacks. If there are traces of rust in the compartment, it means that the car was hit in the trunk and was poorly restored, as water gets into it.

· Another easy way find out whether the car has been in an accident - invite the seller to drive to the “pit” and inspect the side members. Even perfectly repaired damage in this part of the car is extremely difficult to hide - small defects remain.

· How to find out about a car accidentby examining the edges of the doors and wheel arches? You just need to run your hand over these elements. If the car was damaged in these places, traces of straightening will certainly remain. Low-grade paint coatings used for painting that differ in color from the general background can also indicate an accident.

These are the simplest and most effective ways , which will help you find out whether the car was in an accident or whether you can trust the car owner. Remember: every detected defect is an excellent reason to significantly reduce the price.

Checking a car for an accident using the VIN code is necessary if you decide to buy a used car from a random seller online or in the car market. It is not uncommon for unscrupulous sellers to “plant” damaged cars on buyers, the repair of which in the future may cost their owners a pretty penny. ? Read the article.

Vehicle check:

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Checking the vehicle's ownership and operation history Russian Federation

A used car must be checked for accidents before purchasing it, since after that it will be too late. You can do this in three ways:

  • In the process of searching;

If you are looking for a car through some online resources, for example, on Avito, then it would be a good idea to pay attention to the date when the application for the sale of the car was posted on the site. If the application is already several months old, then this may indicate either that the car is offered at a price that does not correspond to its true value, or that during a personal inspection the buyer discovers some serious defects in the car (dents, chips or other defects, which are not mentioned in the statement).

  • During personal inspection;

You made an appointment with the seller of a used car and decided to thoroughly study your future purchase. If the car has been in an accident, then upon inspection it will be immediately visible. Carefully inspect all elements of the machine. This should be done exclusively in a well-lit area (on the street during the day or in a brightly lit room). The car itself must be cleaned so that the buyer can see if there are any chips, scratches or parts that differ in color on the body. It is the differences in color that most clearly indicate that the car was involved in a traffic accident. And if the driver himself is silent about this, you should refuse to buy such a car.

  • Through the traffic police website;

This verification method is possible if you know the VIN code vehicle.

In the next section we will look in detail at how to check a car for an accident using the VIN code.

Accident check by VIN code

Before we move on to the description of checking a car for an accident using the VIN code, let’s figure out what a VIN code is and how to find it out.

VIN code is an individual vehicle number consisting of seventeen characters, each of which carries specific information about the car (brand, manufacturer, technical specifications). The vehicle is identified by this number.

How to find out what VIN code a car has? Each car may have it in different parts. So, you can try to find it:

  • By opening the hood of the car and finding seventeen signs in the left corner;
  • Looking under the driver's seat;
  • Having examined the door pillar on the driver's side;
  • Having examined the windshield on the driver's side;
  • Having examined the trunk of the car;
  • Looking under the front tires;

The owner himself can find out the VIN code by looking at it in technical passport car. The numbers stamped on one of the vehicle elements must match the numbers indicated in the technical equipment passport.

In addition, the VIN code number can be obtained from the buyer of the used car. If he has nothing to hide, he will give you the VIN number without any problems. However, if the owner of the car refuses to provide the number, it is better to refuse to purchase this vehicle.

Unscrupulous sellers may deliberately name the VIN code of another car so that when checking, for example, through the traffic police website, you will not be able to find out that the car was involved in a traffic accident. Therefore, it is better to write down the VIN code yourself when inspecting the vehicle.

How to check a car by VIN code? Today, car enthusiasts know two methods:

  • Self-check. To eliminate the possibility that the car you are selling was previously stolen, you should personally check the VIN numbers. For the “native” VIN code, the code signs will be clearly printed, of the same size and color. After visually inspecting the signs, ask the seller to show the car's registration certificate. The numbers indicated in it must match those inspected;
  • Check your vehicle for an accident through the official website of the traffic police.

Checking a car for an accident through the traffic police

If you know the VIN code of the car you want to purchase, but you can check the car for an accident by going to the official website of the traffic police.

On the traffic police website you can check:

  • Has the car ever been stolen?
  • Are there registration restrictions imposed on it;
  • Is the vehicle under arrest by the fiscal service;
  • Vehicle registration history;
  • Number of vehicle accidents;

To check a car for an accident on the traffic police website, you need to take the following steps:

  • Follow the link ;
  • In the pop-up list, select the section “Check for participation in road accidents”;
  • In the “VIN/body/chassis” window, enter seventeen characters of the vehicle VIN code that you want to check;
  • Click on the “Request Verification” button
  • If the car was involved in traffic accidents, the test results will show information about this in the form of a list;

The inspection results can only show those accidents in which the vehicle has been involved since the beginning of 2015. Accidents in which the vehicle was involved before 2015 will not be displayed.

Today there are a huge number of scammers who make money in their lives by selling used (high-quality restored) cars.

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Therefore, it is very important to know and be able to use special online services that generate special lists of broken and damaged cars that have been in an accident.

At the same time, it is worth knowing that such information is stored on websites for quite a long time, so even if the accident occurred several years ago, the service will definitely have information about it.

Today, several proven online resources have been developed and offered to the consumer for use, which in a matter of seconds will diagnose the car for participation in accidents, traffic accidents and various violations:

  1. The car drove away from the crime scene.
  2. There was an accident.
  3. The driver hit a man.

These include the traffic police online portal, private inspection websites, as well as a unified insurance base.

1. Through the traffic police

On the official website of the traffic police you can find out all the necessary information about the car:

  1. Machine parameters (year of production, brand, type, technical parameters).
  2. Persons who previously owned a car.
  3. Participation of a vehicle in accidents and traffic accidents.
  4. Loan obligations to financial institutions.
  5. Vehicle technical inspection data.

A specially created state database covers all areas and regions, it is quite convenient and reliable. A special traffic police database is maintained and filled with information by authorized employees and is constantly updated, immediately after an incident or incident.

The advantage of using this service is the fact that the list includes all persons who have an officially registered vehicle.

2. Through the Insurance Company

Not so long ago, when a car was involved in an accident, its insurance value was reduced, and the owner of the car immediately entered into an agreement with another insurance company. But to avoid such deception, Insurance companies have united in favor of a common database for checking vehicle history.

So, upon receipt of insurance, each vehicle owner falls into a single insurance base, which displays all the necessary information about the owner, the car and its technical characteristics.

However, such a database can only be used by employees of insurance companies and agencies.

3. By state number

Car registration is assigned not only to the vehicle’s VIN code, but is also tied to the license plate.

Therefore, if the numbers are saved or transferred to another car, the data system will immediately provide information about this. This happens infrequently, but nevertheless, the driver should be extremely careful when buying a car!

Checking a car for an accident through online services

The most in a simple way checking the car and also the most convenient is the application online services, thanks to which you can get all the necessary information about the car without leaving home.


The VINCAR Internet portal is a collection of data from insurance companies and the traffic police service, in which the system determines information on VIN number at the vehicle.

The database is maintained and constantly updated by specialists who have access to information from insurance companies. Data appears in the system within 15 days after an accident or accident, theft, or the vehicle is on the wanted list.


Online verification using the CARFAX service has a number of significant advantages compared to analogue offers:

  1. A simple and convenient interface, thanks to which it is not difficult to figure it out yourself. You just need to enter the car number or VIN code in the column and check the vehicle.
  2. Rapid data processing, automated system for sorting entered materials.
  3. Convenient, well-written report upon request, accessible form, full of information.
  4. Possibility to generate an electronic version of the report (copy).


The online site Autocode is a specialized service created on the basis of state program checking cars by VIN number or state registration plates.

Currently, the database includes more than 35 million vehicle reports, including photographs of road accidents, accidents and other incidents.

The verification procedure does not take much time; you need to enter the minimum data about the car into the search bar and click the check button. If the data exists, the visitor will be offered a minimum cost to purchase the reporting information.

Each report includes data from a variety of online resources, ensuring maximum completeness of information:

  1. Characteristics of the vehicle's configuration (color, year of manufacture and registration, engine size, power). Data on the vehicle's mileage.
  2. Report on incidents, participation in road accidents, indication of damage and photographs.
  3. Was the product used as a taxi (at official registration).
  4. Information about searching for a car.
  5. Secured loan obligations.
  6. Customs data.
  7. Repair work (if the data went through insurance companies).
  8. Other additional information.

The Autocode resource is a unique website that displays not only information about an accident, but also complete information on the car of interest, from the moment of its registration.

Thus, Autocode is a link between public service Traffic police and private insurance companies, the scope of which extends to all regions and areas.

4. Vin online

Registration of vehicles upon purchase is carried out using a specially assigned VIN number. The presence of such data will allow you to verify the integrity of the car seller and that there is no damage to the vehicle.

Information can be obtained from various online resources or by contacting the traffic police in person.

If, when checking the car via the Internet, you cannot find any data using the VIN code, you can try entering the chassis number or body registration data.

If there are violations, information about them will immediately appear on the monitor screen.

Using the same instructions, you can determine the number of fines, series and license number of the former owner to make sure that the car is not stolen.

5. Through State Services

The State Services service allows the user to find out all the prohibitions and restrictions imposed on a vehicle in connection with a search, an accident or an accident. The advantage of the service is its efficiency and simplicity - the response to a request is processed in no more than 2 minutes.

The service will help determine:

  1. Availability of fines.
  2. Owner information.
  3. Information about damage.

You can also check your car for unpaid fines on the website; for this you will need to have state number registration.

In order to find out the identity and driving data of the previous owner, you need to know the serial number of his license, and you will also need the date of registration of the driver's license.

The State Services website offers maximum information at a fairly reasonable price. The information offered on the source is constantly updated, and it is also planned to expand the capabilities of the resource throughout the country. So, when using the government services website, you will need not only the VIN number, but also a vehicle registration certificate.

If such data is not available, you can use information about the state registration plates of the car.