GAZ-53 GAZ-3307 GAZ-66

The meaning of the name Irina. Charming and eccentric Irina: secrets of the name Compatibility of Irina with other names

According to Popov

Since ancient times, delicate taste, balance in words and actions have made Irina in Rus' a symbol of peacemaking and common sense emanating from a woman.

Sexy portrait of a name (according to Higir)

Irina is a woman capable of selfless love, bordering on sacrifice. She is well-mannered, knows how to control herself, and has enormous willpower. Love for her most often is a dramatic situation: a unique first love, an unforgettable last love... She likes the romance of love itself as a feeling of something unusual, sublime. She is not so much looking for a way out of her loneliness in love as she is playing out her love drama in life. In love, Irina, like no other woman, is able to give warmth. She asserts herself in the world through love, afraid to admit to herself that she is not sure of the correctness of her sexual behavior. She never gives the appearance that she is familiar with mental anguish and suffering, the feeling of sexual dissatisfaction.

Irina loves light flirting, beautiful courtship, conversations on the verge of what is permitted, but she is rarely captured by deep feelings and strong passions. Even with the most ardent lover, Irina feels lonely. She makes her choice herself; Irina is not one of those women who follow those who are more persistent. In the sexual process, she seeks equality, without imposing her style of behavior on her partner, but also without completely submitting to him. For the “winter” Irina, sex is a way to express herself, her character; for her it is like a continuation of communication with a man. Her life is full of love adventures, often with a touch of adventurism. She gets married very carefully, not wanting to restrict her freedom in any way.

“Autumn” Irina is looking for lasting sexual harmony in marriage, but for her sex is not the main thing in life, she wants to see in her chosen one, first of all, a person worthy of love and respect, and then a skillful and ardent lover, Irina can get married unexpectedly, for a person whom she knows for only a few hours, but more often - for someone with whom she has known for a long time and with whom she is connected not by passion, but by spiritual kinship, common intellectual interests. Irina remembers her first love for a long time and often, after getting married, she cannot forget her old affection. She attracts the attention of men for a long time, because she never loses her attractiveness, even with age.

According to Mendelev

A good, simple, joyful, gentle and feminine name, perceived by many as a typically feminine name.

She is very emotional, excitable and inconsistent, guided by the so-called female logic (although in fact, women’s logic is more formal and prone to straightforward conclusions than men’s). He often has a strong will, a choleric temperament and, which is much less common in women, a developed sense of humor. She is open, even open-minded, sociable, and not prone to scrupulous analysis and “weighing” her own and others’ actions. She makes decisions instantly based on her intuition and emotional assessment of the circumstances and behavior of the people around her, so she may later bitterly regret some of her actions. He eagerly takes on any task, brings his personal attitude and personal approach to it, but does not always bring this matter to the end. The assessments are very subjective. She is forgiving and kind, but she reacts extremely sharply and harshly to insults and insults. He doesn’t really like authorities and has his own point of view on many things.

Irina's intelligence is high, but superficial: her strength is not in analysis. She usually identifies one or two, as she considers, the main qualities of a person or phenomenon and makes her judgment as a whole, discarding minor details.

She enjoys great success among men and is perceived as a source of joy, which is why Irina rarely experiences unhappy love and has almost no problems in the family. Loves holidays and feasts. When choosing a profession, she gravitates towards typically female ones; interest in technology is alien to her. More prone to intense, but short-term efforts than to constant, systematic and consistent activity.

She is just as inconsistent in her relationships with children as in many other things. He rarely becomes the head of the family, relying entirely on his spouse. Irina rarely becomes a good housewife, cook, or homemaker.

A very popular name, in terms of prevalence it is in the top five names, especially in cities. The color of the name is bright blue.

According to Higir

The name is of ancient Greek origin and it means: peace, tranquility.

Since childhood, Irina has been distinguished by independence and determination. More drawn to his father than to his mother. She is capable of studying well, it does not require much effort from her. She takes a sober approach to assessing the world around her. Likes to read detective novels, science fiction, and attends sports clubs. Not sentimental, on the contrary, somewhat harsh. Seeing Irina cry over the suffering of soap opera characters is a rarity. Sociable, easy to find common language With strangers. In company he behaves relaxed, willingly drinks, sometimes a little more than decency requires. He feels more comfortable and easier in the company of men; he quickly gets bored among women. Direct and harsh in judgments and statements. Jealous.

Compatibility and marriage named Irina

Irina is amorous by nature. However, they always maintain independence. Women with this name almost never dissolve in a loved one, family, and do not subordinate their lives only to home. Acquiring a profession and then professional growth is an important and obligatory moment for her. And these are, as a rule, valuable employees. Irina always knows what she wants. Married Irina easily gains the authority of not only her husband and children, but also her work colleagues and neighbors. She is no less thorough when choosing a husband. The latter may not doubt her devotion, but only on the condition that he constantly makes her feel her significance. Underestimation of Irina by her husband is dangerous - it can push her to cheat, although she is unlikely to decide on a divorce - because of her love for stability and peace.

Irina cooks well, is interested in new systems of raising children, and loves to read special magazines. Most often, Irina tends to be overweight. Mothers-in-law usually do not like Irin for their independence.

A successful marriage will develop with Leonid, Boris, Andrey, Sergey, Stepan, Efim, Ivan. Less luck with Dmitry, Konstantin, Yaroslav, Roman, Valery.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: “Peace, tranquility” (Greek)

Energy and character of the name Irina

The name Irina perfectly balances such qualities as firmness, cheerfulness, mobility and determination. At the same time, there is sufficient independence in him, and therefore all of the above properties are difficult to level out in the process of education. This is for the better, since a balanced combination of such character traits can make Irina’s fate quite favorable.

The energy of the name suggests that Ira analytical warehouse mind, but this does not mean that she will grow up to be such a scientific cracker. Rather, on the contrary, it’s just that she usually clearly knows what she wants from life, and of all emotions she gives preference to a sense of humor. Most likely, from childhood, Ira will not limit her communication to purely girl groups; it is possible that she will be more attracted to the company of boys, where she may even become the ringleader. But it’s still unlikely that boyish games will captivate her too much and interfere with her studies - usually she knows when to stop, not wanting to complicate her life once again.

With age, Irina most often tries to devote enough time to her career, which is primarily due not to ambitious dreams, but to the desire to further strengthen her independence and self-sufficiency. At the same time, she may have well-developed makings of an intelligent leader, since her internal balance, prudence and sense of humor allow her to get along well not only with her superiors, but also with her subordinates. It’s hard to imagine that she will raise her voice at her employees, especially since by treating people purely humanely, much more can be achieved from them. Irina is a good diplomat and psychologist, since she knows how to feel the mood of her interlocutor and often uses this very skillfully.

It is practically impossible that Ira would decide to limit her life only to economic and family concerns, and this should be taken into account by her husband or a candidate for the position of such. Of course, her energy will allow her to maintain the household at the proper level, but she is unlikely to give up her career. Even if her husband is able to provide for Irina and the children beyond any measure, her independence will still find some way out, otherwise Ira will simply wither away. And the husband, having tried to imprison her within four walls, soon runs the risk of coming face-to-face with the independent character of his wife: either Irina will soon arrange an active personal life for herself, or sooner or later she will take her husband to task. Or both will happen. In a word, this name is perfect for a modern emancipated woman, which should always be taken into account by candidates for her hand and heart.

Secrets of communication: Sometimes when communicating with Irina, you may get the impression that she either has no problems at all, or she treats them quite easily. It is unlikely that this is actually the case, she just usually prefers not to show the full depth of her experiences. But if you suddenly notice these experiences, you should not show too intrusive pity. It is much better when compassion is combined with gentle humor.

Famous people named Irina

Irina Khakamada

“You can’t do without housewives in the political kitchen!” - this is the slogan Irina Khakamada chose for herself in the election campaign, and this is the image that is closer to her - the image of an elegant, charming woman, self-confident, at the same time fragile and strong. It is not surprising that the French company Carlos Villalon asked Irina Khakamada to represent the “Gentle Poison” eau de toilette before launching it. Russian market. It so happened that for the creators of the "poison" the female politician, half Japanese, became a symbol of the modern Russian woman.

In general, Irina Khakamada’s biography is replete with all sorts of amazing facts. It is interesting, for example, that her father, Mutsuo Hakamada, is none other than former leader Japanese Communist Party, who emigrated to the USSR after the Second World War. Irina herself, having graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University, became an associate professor by the age of thirty, was successfully engaged in business, headed one of the largest charitable organizations... It is difficult to imagine how this woman manages to do everything at the same time: while being involved in politics, she also finds time for aerobics, reading, social events, visits to nightclubs, where rap is danced with abandon. But also Irina Khakamada - loving wife(albeit her third husband) and a caring mother. In a word, for many she is the ideal of a modern business woman, independent of anyone and steadily following the motto: “I should always feel beautiful – both internally and externally.”

What names are best to be friends with, communicate with, and who exactly should Irina love? The opinion about the compatibility of the vibration of names has become widespread in culture. Especially the compatibility of male and female name arouses the greatest interest. It’s as if names communicate with each other, rather than people exchanging energy and experiencing moments of happiness and anger together. Developing together.

What is a name

A name is a sound, a meaning, an association. That is, information and vibrations. Energy wave and information cell in the collective unconscious.

The entire volume of information with which a person identifies himself and which then puts pressure/impacts on the unconscious/character/aura of a person.

The vibration-information code of a name is like a certain detail in an electrical circuit (unconscious programs and character structure). And if the part is chosen correctly, then the whole circuit becomes more powerful and works faster.

The body no longer conducts 1 kW of energy of a certain quality, but let’s say 5 kW or 10 kW. And if the name is chosen incorrectly, then the power of the entire organism is reduced to 0.5 kW, and the speed of development and achievement of goals slows down accordingly.

With the right approach to the issue, the name gives a person strength and support, and becomes a personal mantra. But the name does not speak about the entire electromagnetic device, about me as a whole.

Name and fate

It is not the name that determines the fate of a person, much less a relationship. The name corrects in “+” or “-” the character given from birth. And either it makes life easier (by improving character) or not. Therefore, the same names do different things for different people.

My name is a tool that influences me. After all, they call me by this name. I identify myself with the name. Etc.

Compare comparables, not liters with volts. Compatibility is the interaction of character structures (date and place of birth, past life experience, crystallization of qualities). The name does not define the character; the name corrects the structure of the character of its owner according to a unique program. Therefore, the question of name and compatibility are questions from different planes.

Determining the number of the name

You can't tell by the house number who lives in it. Different people live there. Also, behind the name number there are dozens of names and millions of different people hidden. On what basis can one draw the line and make a highly accurate generalization? After all, even people born on the same day and hour have different characters and destinies. And this has been proven many times.

And then, even if you have some observations of what qualities the bearers of the same name have, you must always understand that one name paints everyone with its own color. A person is a multidimensional set of qualities, and you cannot say what a person will enhance in you just by knowing his name. A clairvoyant person can identify this influence, but for him the name is simply a starting point for analysis complex design characters and auras, rather than a finite area of ​​analysis.

Irina and compatibility with male names. There are many people, but few names. There is even less truth.

It is very easy to give a general, abstract description that will contain the full potential of problems and relationships. Like the weekly horoscope in the newspapers. It is much more difficult to give a real assessment of the compatibility of people - what type, level, quality of compatibility.

Irina and ANY male name - perhaps, maybe, something will arise, to varying degrees of significance for you and over time, something will change and there will be something else. There is a possibility that this meeting will change your life or will not affect it at all.

Irina and Alexander (protector of people)
Irina and Alexey (defender)
Irina and Andrey (man and defender)
Irina and Anton (entering the battle)
Irina and Arseny (courageous)
Irina and Artyom (unharmed)
Irina and Bogdan (given by God)
Irina and Victor (winner)
Irina and Vladimir (who owns the world)
Irina and Vladislav (owner of fame)
Irina and Georgy (farmer)
Irina and Gleb (big)
Irina and Daniel (God's court)
Irina and Denis (God of the vital forces of nature)
Irina and Dmitry (God of Fertility)
Irina and Dobrynya (good fellow)
Irina and Egor (farmer)
Irina and Ivan (God's gift)
Irina and Ilya (my God)
Irina and Kirill (Vladyka)
Irina and Konstantin (permanent)
Irina and Lev (lion)
Irina and Leonid (son of a lion)
Irina and Maxim (stately)
Irina and Mark (hammer)
Irina and Matvey (given by God)
Irina and Mikhail (equal to God)
Irina and Nikita (winner)
Irina and Nikolai (conquering nations)
Irina and Pavel (little)
Irina and Roman (strong)
Irina and Semyon (heard by God in prayer)
Irina and Sergey (Very Honorable)
Irina and Stepan (“wreath”)
Irina and Timofey (who worships God)
Irina and Timur (strong as steel)
Irina and Fedor (God's gift)
Irina and Yaroslav (burning glory)

It is very easy to disguise the interpretation of the “compatibility” of any names under a general interpretation - perhaps, perhaps, something will arise, to varying degrees of significance for you and over time, something will change and there will be something else. There is a possibility that this meeting will change your life or will not affect it at all. Also, life can present a surprise and a person will do something that you never expected from him (see research called “The Barnum Effect” about generalization in predictions).

Not a person for a name, but a name for a person. Man talking to man

People feel sympathy not by the sound of a name. And unconsciously, based on how comfortable you are, how interesting it is together. What kind of interchange of energies, qualities, actions occurs between you. What do you enhance in each other?

Look how many different people there are with the same names. There are also similar people with different names.

Name compatibility is a huge misconception that erases the entire inner world of a person, his true nature. And it reduces it to a simple number or one property, without studying the essence of this person. And what effect the name has on a particular person and how the name influences the character.

Where is real compatibility buried?

Compatibility of people must be sought in docking, depreciation, and interpenetration of character structures and auras. And when we come to the surface and want to reduce people’s relationships to the melodic/numerical relationship of names, we don’t even think about what in a person his name reflects. How is the name and character of this person connected?

Name compatibility is a theater of false shadows. Which confuses and leads away from understanding the essence of human interaction into incorrect scenarios of interaction between personal tools of self-regulation (names).

How to check people's compatibility just by their names?

The same goes for the compatibility of marriage partners based on sock sizes. There will be so much common sense in this and even more, because we select socks for ourselves, comfort and convenience. And not because loving and ignorant people called us a name, not knowing the consequences of the influence of this name on fate and character.

To really assess the compatibility of people, you need to move away from the superficial data taken from the “name number” and begin to calculate the interaction based on characters/auras/qualities.

The Secret of Real Compatibility

We need to begin to consider this issue from the perspective of the individual structure of people.

A person has a certain bioenergetic structure, the form and content of which is determined by many factors such as:

Time, date and place of birth- this is the influence of astrology
Accumulated experience is the influence of karma from this and past lives
Crystallization level– development of the chakra channel system

One can imagine that a person is a complex spatial-geometric figure, a kind of puzzle of a unique shape. This figure is irregular in terms of symmetry and geometry - the edges, surface, consistency, density vary within this figure. Accordingly, energy flows through different areas in different ways. Depending on the purity and degree of crystallization of the areas, the current can flow well, be difficult, or stop and become clogged. As a result, in general, such an individual design will conduct energy at a certain speed and of a certain quality.

The task of man from the point of view of evolution is to completely transform his design. With the goal of transmitting divine energy to the figure without any difficulty or resistance. Such a goal is impossible in the presence of serious “roughness and unevenness” of a given figure in comparison with its originally conceived divine unique form.

To implement this task, it is necessary to “complete”, compact the required part of the figure, or remove and clean it. This can be solved in various ways self-development: practices, meditation, prayers, ascetics, reading and understanding the necessary literature, lithotherapy, medicine, neuro-linguistic programming, introspection, self-discipline, working with a master, the use of weak currents and other technical means, the use of compatibility, etc. In this context, the use of compatibility will be considered.

In the context of our metaphor, describing the design of a person, compatibility manifests itself when two people are in the same space, whose designs are maximally suitable and fit together, as if multidimensional puzzles fit together. That is, one or several faces of one structure maximally or ideally complement a certain part of another structure, compensating with their convexities other people’s failures or smoothing out other people’s convexities with their failures.

Compatibility levels. Mutual benefit and variety of compatibility

Compatibility can be at different levels:

On a sensory level- joy, confidence, inspiration arises.
On the physical level– for example, expressed in sex
On a mental level– an intelligent channel opens

There are different levels of compatibility, varying in quality and benefits.

Compatibility can be two-way or unidirectional, it can be mutually beneficial to an equal, greater or lesser extent, or it can be harmful. It all depends on individual designs.

Complementarity– ideal compatibility subject to equal benefits. In general, people feel more harmonious together than they do individually. A kind of “plugging” of each other’s holes.

Generating one or more qualities, states (automatic) – when 2 people are in each other’s field, a certain quality or state is automatically generated.

Anticombination– damage to both structures up to and including destruction. The interaction of structures destroys and stifles development. The solution in this situation is to separate, move away from each other physically and remove the attunement. It happens, at the behest of love feelings or due to the duty of family, as well as work, the question arises about the need for communication between incompatible people. In this case, you need to contact good specialists in the selection of amulets, exercises (in Castaneda’s terms - magical passes, in yogic terms - assan, kriya), mandalas, stones and other external additional objects that smooth out incompatibilities. But it’s still better to limit interaction, no matter how difficult it may seem.

One-way compatibility– only one person benefits from interaction. There are:
with harm to one of the couple, the interaction is harmful to the other.
no harm to anyone - no benefit to another person, a waste of time in terms of energy growth.
In the first (and ideally, in both cases) the solution and way out is to break off and no longer maintain contact.

Group compatibility- Compatibility for 3 or more people.

Karmic compatibility- A connection for repaying debt, which gives birth to and brings “joy” and leads to a lighter state.

Channel opening– If one person has a certain channel open, then when another compatible person interacts with him, energy also begins to flow through the latter, as if he himself had this channel open. One pumps up the other without harm to himself.

Elaboration of qualities– If one has worked out and developed some quality, then he can put pressure on another with this quality, and the latter begins to undergo processes of working out the same aspect that was not previously developed.

And names have nothing to do with it.

Find out your compatibility with the person. How you influence - what you receive and give each other consciously and unconsciously

Calculate the future and potential of your relationship

What name should I give my child?

In doubt, thinking, searching? Find out the right name for your baby right now! The name is synchronous with the child, family, purpose.

1. You can't pick a name, although already at 3-4 months or even just gave birth?
2. Do you want name and character and good sound?
3. Think how help in name in life?
4. Look for a name that will help with communication and learning?
5. Everything is in doubt and searching a name you'll like you and family?

Irina and Igor create a harmonious couple. A romantic woman wins the heart of this man at first sight. He deifies her and strives in every possible way to conquer her. Intuition tells a woman that this man is destined for her. She is not embarrassed by the complexity, mystery and waywardness of her gentleman. She reciprocates his feelings and does not torment him with expectations or doubts for a long time. Most often, a man offers her his hand and heart during the first year of a relationship, after which they immediately think about children.

The family life of these people is calm and happy. For them, children and the atmosphere in the house come first. Strengthening relationships is facilitated by jointly solving everyday problems.

Compatibility in friendship 92%

Irina and Igor become strong friends who complement each other. A man under the influence of a girlfriend becomes more open and trusting in relation to the outside world. It strengthens the social element in him, which makes him more confident in communication. A woman becomes more consistent in the company of a friend. She begins to avoid rash decisions and analyze her actions more carefully.

Work compatibility 95%

Irina and Igor are suitable for each other for a long and productive business relationship. Both are aimed at achieving financial independence, thanks to which their tandem is always financially successful. A woman never contradicts the interests of her partner. She happily promotes them to the masses. An intelligent man gives a woman practical help in her work with his advice. The partnership of these people promises the greatest benefits in politics and art.

Peace (Greek). Almost always a selflessly loving, caring mother, a faithful wife. Patient to the point of sacrifice. The thirst for peace given to her from above cannot be satisfied in any way. In everyday life - something like Figaro. Never, even with age, loses its attractiveness.

GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS. Since childhood, Irina has been distinguished by independence and determination. More drawn to his father than to his mother. She is capable of studying well, it does not require much effort from her. She takes a sober approach to assessing the world around her. Likes to read detective novels, science fiction, and attends sports clubs. Not sentimental, on the contrary, somewhat harsh. Seeing Irina cry over the suffering of soap opera characters is a rarity. She is sociable and easily finds common language with strangers. In company he behaves relaxed, willingly drinks, sometimes a little more than decency requires. He feels more comfortable and easier in the company of men; he quickly gets bored among women. Direct and harsh in judgments and statements, jealous. Irina is amorous by nature. However, they always maintain independence. Women with this name almost never dissolve in a loved one, family, and do not subordinate their lives only to home. Acquiring a profession and then professional growth is an important and obligatory moment for her. And these are, as a rule, valuable employees. Irina always knows what she wants. Married Irina easily gains the authority of not only her husband and children, but also her work colleagues and neighbors. She is no less thorough when choosing a husband. The latter may not doubt her devotion, but only on the condition that he constantly makes her feel her importance. Underestimation of Irina by her husband is dangerous - it can push her to betrayal, although she is unlikely to lose a divorce because of her love for stability and peace. Irina cooks well, is interested in new systems of raising children, and loves to read special magazines. Most often, Irina tends to be overweight. Mothers-in-law usually do not like Irin for their independence. A successful marriage will develop with Leonid, Boris, Andrey, Sergey, Stepan, Efim, Ivan. You will be least lucky with Dmitry, Konstantin, Yaroslav, Roman, Valery.

SEXUALITY. Irina is a woman capable of selfless love, bordering on sacrifice. She is well-mannered, knows how to control herself, and has enormous willpower. Love for her most often is a dramatic situation: a unique first love, an unforgettable last love... She likes the romance of love itself as a feeling of something unusual, sublime. She is not so much looking for a way out of her loneliness in love as she is playing out her love drama in life. In love, Irina, like no other woman, is able to give warmth. She asserts herself in the world through love, afraid to admit to herself that she is not sure of the correctness of her sexual behavior. She never gives the appearance that she is familiar with mental anguish and suffering, the feeling of sexual dissatisfaction. Irina loves light flirting, beautiful courtship, conversations on the verge of what is permitted, but she is rarely captured by deep feelings, strong passions. Even with the most ardent lover, Irina feels lonely. She makes her choice herself, Irina is not one of those women who follow those who are more persistent. In the sexual process, she seeks equality, without imposing her style of behavior on her partner; but also without completely obeying him. For “winter” Irina, sex is a way to express herself, her character; for her it is like a continuation of communication with a man. Her life is full of love adventures, often with a touch of adventurism. She gets married very carefully, not wanting to restrict her freedom in any way. “Autumn” Irina is looking for lasting sexual harmony in marriage, but for her sex is not the main thing in life; she wants to see in her chosen one, first of all, a person worthy of love and respect, and then a skillful and ardent lover. Irina can marry unexpectedly, to a person whom she knows for only a few hours, but more often - to someone whom she has known for a long time and with whom they are connected not by passion, but by spiritual kinship and common intellectual interests. Irina remembers her first love for a long time and often, after getting married, she cannot forget her old affection. She attracts the attention of men for a long time, because she never loses her attractiveness, even with age. Ideal partners for Irina could be Eduard, Sergey, Nikolay, Boris, Stepan, Leonid, Andrey, Alexander.


HISTORY AND MEANING OF THE NAME IRINA- The name Irina (folk Arina, simple Orina) comes from Greek words meaning peace and quiet. A good, simple, joyful, gentle and feminine name, perceived by many as a typically feminine name. An elastic and strong wave coming from within causes a surge of energy and directs its movement. A very popular name. In terms of prevalence, it is in the top five names, especially in cities.


Irina of Aquileia, martyr, Irina and her sisters Agapia and Chionia, pious Christians in the 4th century. died as martyrs for the faith of Christ, April 29 (16). Irene of Egypt, martyr, October 1 (September 18). Irina of Constantinople, May 26 (13). Irina of Corinth, martyr, April 29 (16). Irene of Macedonia, Great Martyr, May 18 (5). She was of noble birth. Baptized by the Apostle Timothy. Through preaching and miracles she converted parents and thousands of people to Christ. She endured great torment for this, but remained unharmed. She died in a cave in the 2nd century.



COLOR OF THE NAME IRINA- Pale blue, bright blue, yellow, deep blue.


IRINA'S VIBRATION- 90,000 fps.


IRINA'S PLANT- Chestnut, lily of the valley.

IRINA'S ANIMAL- Termite, wood-boring beetle, owl.

MAIN CHARACTER TRAITS OF IRINA- Activity, receptivity, intelligence.

IRINA'S TYPE- She knows how to control herself, which allows her to get out of difficult situations. In certain circumstances it becomes aggressive. It is very difficult to raise such girls, as they are not easy to lead.

CHARACTER OF THE NAME IRINA- Irina is independent and decisive, and has a sober approach to assessing the world around her. Not sentimental, even somewhat harsh. She gets along with people easily, is relaxed in unfamiliar company, especially in male ones. Direct and harsh in judgments and statements. A good, or rather, inventive housewife. All her life, Irina has been busy working to create the image of a cold, independent, business woman, hiding a jealous and vulnerable soul, a loving heart, a wild imagination and a thirst for solitude and peace. This is a character directed from the depths into the distance and having its own opinion and faith. Delicate taste, balance in words and actions have long made Irina in Rus' a symbol of peacemaking and common sense.

IRINA'S FATE- In everyday life, Irina is something like Figaro. She understands the souls of people and things... In her childhood, Irochka was independent and determined. Strives for his father's company. She has good abilities; her studies do not require much effort from her. Really assesses reality. She attracts the attention of men for a long time, because even with age she does not lose her attractiveness.

IRINA'S PSYCHE- Extrovert. Easily adapts to any conditions. Simultaneously objective and subjective. Feels a great need to devote himself entirely to some cause, be it caring for the welfare of relatives, social activities or religion. Patient to the point of sacrifice. He has a flexible will that organizes the internal flow of energy and always strives to follow his line. Guided by the so-called feminine logic. Developed sense of humor. Knows how to control himself. She will never pretend that she too is familiar with mental anguish and suffering.

IRINA'S INTUITION- Easily understands the deeply hidden secrets of others. It is impossible to carry out - whether it concerns other people's thoughts or hearts. Based on intuition, he can make an instant decision, which he will sometimes bitterly regret.

IRINA'S THINKING- Developed. A subtle diplomat, Irina uses this quality in all situations. She has an excellent memory and a great interest in life.

IRINA'S MORALITY- With his too impeccable behavior, he often irritates others. Selfless, very loyal to friendship. She is forgiving and kind, but she reacts extremely sharply and harshly to insults and insults. Establishes itself in the world through love.

IRINA'S HEALTH- Tenacious, like a salamander, but there is a weak organ - the stomach.