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The picturesque river Ural flows through the territory of Russia. Ural rivers: description, characteristics, features and interesting facts

River Ural is one of the longest rivers in Eastern Europe. By its length Ural second only to such large rivers as Volga and Danube. River Ural has many tributaries, so it is difficult to determine the exact location of the source, but the northernmost source of the river is at the foot (in 3.5 km southwest of the summit) mountains Round Hill. She is part of a mountain range Uraltau (Alabia) Republic of Bashkortostan. The nearest settlement is a village Voznesenka(population 400 people), located in the southeast in 12 kilometers. Answering the question " Where does the Ural river begin?"You can specify exactly this location.

On site the source of the Ural River beats with the keys of several springs. Territory of access to the surface of groundwater, which give rise to the river Ural, fenced with a gate. At the entrance there is a commemorative plaque with a schematic image of the river applied to it. Ural in the form of a line, and the largest settlements through which it flows, in the form of points. A commemorative plaque at the site of the source of the Urals was installed by members of an expedition that visited here in 1973. In the fenced area where it originates Ural, initially 21st century a small wrought iron bridge was erected across a small stream. On one side of the bridge there is an inscription - " Asia", and on the other - " Europe".

How to get there

You can get to the source of the Urals only in summer, in dry weather. The road to this revenge is forest, unpaved. It is heavily washed out during the rains. The source of the Ural River is one of the attractions visited annually by several hundred tourists and travelers.

The Ural River is a river in Eastern Europe. Previously, it was called Yaik and originates on the steep slopes of the Southern Urals.

The great river Ural flows into the Caspian Sea, flowing through the territories of Kazakhstan and Russia.

The source of the Urals

Where does the Ural River originate? Its source is located 12 km near the village of Voznesenka in southern Russia in the Republic of Bashkortostan. This republic borders on Kazakhstan.

Memorial plaque to the Ural River photo

In appearance, the source of the river is an ordinary spring that springs from the ground. Conventionally, it is believed that the stream, which is the source of the large Ural River, is the natural border between Asia and Europe. On this occasion, a memorial plaque has been erected here.

Characteristics of the Ural River

The length of the river is 2,428 km. The Ural is considered the third longest river in Europe. The first and second places were taken by the Volga and the Danube. The area of ​​the Ural basin is asymmetric and is 231,000 square kilometers.

The right side is half the size of the right side. However, there are more right tributaries. The right tributaries by their nature are mountain rivers, and the left tributaries are flat river rivers.

Ural river regime

70% of the river is fed by snow. Small amount of precipitation. During floods, the channel of the Urals noticeably expands. Usually the highest level of river water falls on April-May. In early November, the river begins to freeze in its upper reaches. In the lower reaches of the Urals freezes at the end of November. The river is freed from ice in March-April. The ice drift passes quickly, in a short period.

Flora and fauna

The Urals is rich in representatives of the fish fauna (more than 40 species). Let's get acquainted with the most common:

  • Anadromous fish: sturgeon; beluga and stellate sturgeon; whitefish.
  • Semi-anadromous fish: vobla; zander; bream; carp.
  • Permanently living fish: roach and silver bream; pike and bream; dace and crucian carp; kutum and blue bream; ide and carp; chub and char; asp and catfish; rudd and burbot; podust and zander; line and bleak; barbel and perch; minnow and goby; ruff and trout.

In the upper reaches of the Urals one can meet grayling and taimen. Along the channel of the Urals, throughout its course, a variety of animals live, for which the Urals has become their home. So, let's get acquainted with the fauna of the Urals:

  • In the north of the Urals there are representatives of the tundra: reindeer.
  • In the south of the river there are representatives of the steppes: lizards, snakes, shrews, marmots.
  • The taiga is rich in predators: lynxes, ermines, sables, foxes, wolverines, wolves and bears. The following representatives of ungulates are also found here: roe deer, deer, elk.
  • Beavers, muskrats and otters can be found in the river valleys.


The following cities are located along the course of the great Ural River: Verkhneuralsk, Magnitogorsk, Orsk, Novotroitsk, Orenburg, Uralsk, Atyrau.


  • Right tributaries of the Ural River: Sakmara; Big Dogwood; Tanalyk; Artazym; Guberl; Irtek and Kindel.
  • Left tributaries of the Ural River: Utva; Gumbaika; Or; Chest; Ilek; Big Kumak; Barbashev.

Tourism on the river

The Ural River attracts tourists. The mountainous sections of the river are quite actively used by tourists for rafting. Various sports bases are located along the course of the river. It offers interesting water excursions along the rapid river flows.

The Ural River is unique in that one of its banks is in Asia, and the other in Europe. Nature on the banks of the river is quite diverse. On the left bank, near the village of Yangelsky, you can enjoy very beautiful landscapes. It's pretty hard to find better picnic, camping and fishing spots than here.

Ural river photo

Near the steep slopes, rocky cliffs were exposed for 200 meters. Tourists find ancient remains of organisms in the rocks. Rare species of plants and lichens listed in the Red Book also grow here.

Near the village of Chesnokovka is Kyzlar-Tau (translated from the Tatar Maiden Mountain). The uniqueness of this area is considered to be the layers of red sandstones washed out by water over the years. Thousands of tourists come here to see them. There is a belief that girls came running to this area to dance, and brave horsemen spied on them.

beauty of the Ural river photo

Its modern name Ural, Yaik received thanks to the decision of the Great Catherine. She signed a decree renaming the Yaik River into the Urals, since the river originates from the Ural Mountains. The outstanding poet Pushkin mentioned the Urals in his notes as the third longest river in the old world.

Since ancient times, the rulers of states actively used what in ancient Rome was called damnatio memoriae - "the curse of memory." In ancient Egypt, the names of the pharaohs were chipped off the stelae, in Rome the statues of the objectionable were smashed, in Europe the names were crossed out from the chronicles. Russia is no exception. Throughout the history of the country, attempts have been made to erase someone or something from the people's memory.

Renaming Yaik to Ural

Yaik river. Fragment of a map from the atlas "Chorographic Book of Siberia" by Semyon Remezov.
1697-1711 years
Houghton Library / Harvard University

Emelyan Pugachev. 19th century je_nny/

Previously, it was erroneously believed that this was the only lifetime portrait of Pugachev, made in the village of Ilek in 1773 over the portrait of Catherine II. Unfortunately, this beautiful story turned out to be a falsification. The painting was successfully exhibited at the State Historical Museum for a long time, but when the exhibit was sent for restoration in 2011, museum workers found out that Pugachev's portrait was a fake of the 19th century. As a result, the picture was hidden in the storerooms of the museum.

Damnatio memoriae was punished not only by historical characters, but also by geographical objects. This happened to the Yaik River The name of the river Yaik is Turkic. In the Bashkir and Kazakh languages, this word means "widely overflowing, expanding", which accurately characterized the river. And even after the renaming to the Urals, the Bashkirs and Kazakhs continue to call the river "Yaik" or "Zhaik"., on which an uprising broke out and spread throughout the country under the leadership of Emelyan Pugachev.

After the suppression of the uprising, the execution of its instigators and participants, the authorities began to eradicate any memories of the rebellion from the people's memory in order to avoid new unrest. In the decree of January 13, 1775, the reason was explicitly noted - for "complete oblivion."

The renaming affected all places associated with the uprising. The house in which the rebel was born was burned, and his native village Zimoveyskaya became Potemkinskaya. The Yaik River was renamed the Ural - after the mountains in which it originates. Accordingly, all the names associated with the river have undergone changes. The Yaik Cossack army became Ural, the Yaitsky town became Ural, and the Verkhne-Yaitskaya pier became Verkhneuralsky. Yes, and the rebellion itself at that time was preferred to be called the most harmless terms - "a well-known popular confusion" or "an unfortunate incident."

Lost Romanov - Ivan VI

Emperor John III. Engraving from 1740 Bildarchiv Austria

Ivan VI Antonovich. 18th century Wikimedia Commons

In all official documents, Ivan VI was referred to as Ivan III, since it was customary to keep the account from the first Russian Tsar, Ivan the Terrible. However, later in historical science there was a tradition to call the baby king the Sixth, counting from Ivan Kalita.

Ivan (John) VI came from a branch of the Romanovs parallel to the heirs of Peter I - Brunswick - and was Peter's brother, Ivan V, a great-grandson. Ivan VI did not stay on the throne for long - a little more than a year, and it was not a reign: he became emperor as soon as he was born, and state affairs were first managed by the regent Biron, and then the sovereign's mother, Anna Leopoldovna.

During the reign of Ivan VI, two coup d'etat took place at once. As a result of the first, Biron was removed from the regency by the guards under the leadership of Minich, and then Elizaveta Petrovna overthrew the baby king himself. So the Russian throne returned to the heirs of Peter I.

It was assumed that the Romanovs of Brunswick, who were removed from power, would be expelled from the country, but Elizabeth Petrovna decided that it would be safer to imprison them, and to consign all the memory of the reign of Ivan VI to oblivion.

On December 31, 1741, by decree of the empress, the population was ordered to hand over all the coins on which the name of the little king was minted. At first, coins were accepted at face value, then the cost of exchange decreased, and in 1745 it became completely illegal to keep such money: it was equated with high treason. All documents bearing the name of Ivan VI should also have been replaced. Portraits of the overthrown tsar were burned, the odes of Lomonosov published in honor of Ivan VI, sermons with the name of the tsar were confiscated. The struggle with the name of Ivan Antonovich Romanov continued throughout the reign of Elizabeth Petrovna, and its echo sounded in the history of Russia for a long time: Ivan VI is not on the Romanov obelisk in the Alexander Garden, nor on the monument in honor of the tercentenary of the Romanov dynasty, nor on the famous Faberge egg "The tercentenary of the house Romanovs".

Forgotten songs about Catherine II

Portrait of Ekaterina Alekseevna. Engraving by Johann Stenglin. 1749 Pushkin Museum im. A. S. Pushkin

Catherine's complaints

Walked alone past the grove,
Alone, young
I was not afraid of anyone in the grove,
I am neither a thief nor a robber,
Not a sulfur wolf - a fierce beast.
I was afraid of my dear friend
Your legal husband.

In a green garden, in a semi-garden,
Not with princes, my friend,
neither with the boyars,
Not with the palace generals,
What walks my heart friend
With your beloved lady-in-waiting
With Lizaveta Vorontsova.
He leads by the right hand,
They think a strong little thought
Close your mind firmly.
What is wrong with their thought,
What do they want to cut down, ruin me,
That they want to marry me.

There were various rumors about Catherine II even before her enthronement. And if the aristocracy preferred to gossip about the queen on the sidelines and in a whisper, then the common people composed songs about the adventures and misadventures of the empress.

Of course, the authors and performers of frankly blasphemous songs were subjected to the most severe punishment, and the texts of these works were banned. But even couplets in which she was pitied could fall into disfavor with the queen. One of these works was the song "Catherine's Complaints", which told about her longing and sadness from the fact that her husband Peter III was walking through the grove with the maid of honor Elizaveta Vorontsova and was considering a plan to "cut down and ruin" Catherine.

Portrait of Catherine II in a traveling suit. Engraving by James Walker after the original by Mikhail Shibanov. 1787 Pushkin Museum im. A. S. Pushkin

At the request of Catherine, Chief Prosecutor Vyazemsky pointed out to Count Saltykov:

“Although this song does not deserve much respect ... but it would be pleasing to her imperial majesty that this ... was consigned to oblivion, so that, however, it would be kept in an inconspicuous way, so that no one would feel that this prohibition comes from a higher power” .

Despite this, the text of the song, contrary to the wishes of the queen, has been preserved and has come down to our days. What can not be said about more caustic and frankly blasphemous works.

Fight against monuments

Head of the monument to Alexander III, demolished in Moscow in 1918 Magazine "Moscow Proletarian". No. 29, 1927

Pyotr Stolypin. 1910 Wikimedia Commons

In 1917, after the February Revolution, the victors began to crack down on the legacy of the old regime, including monuments to prominent "tsarists" and defenders of the autocracy.

One of the most significant was the demolition of the monument to Stolypin in Kyiv. The dismantling of the monument, according to the tradition of that time, could not have passed routinely: a large rally gathered, which inflicted a “people's trial” on Stolypin, as a result of which it was decided to “hang” the monument - it was dismantled using a device similar to a gallows. The monument did not last long - from 1913 to 1917.

After the Bolsheviks came to power, the struggle against monuments continued, but not spontaneously. According to Lenin's plan for monumental propaganda, a special commission was created whose main task was to determine which monuments should be dismantled and which should be left. The monument to Alexander III was dismantled symbolically: first, the mantle was removed from the sovereign, then the head with the crown and hands with the scepter and orb. The entire dismantling process was documented on film, and then shown throughout the country.

The monuments were also removed on the initiative from below. So, the workers of the Moscow plant Goujon, renamed the Hammer and Sickle, expressed a desire to demolish the monument to General Skobelev. The new government supported the initiative.

Scissors - a tool of the proletariat

On the construction of the Moscow-Volga canal. 1937-1938 In the photo on the left: Voroshilov, Molotov, Stalin and Yezhov, in the photo on the right: the same, but without Yezhov. Wikimedia Commons

If earlier, in order to consign to oblivion, it was enough to destroy statues and erase the name of an objectionable character from the annals, then in the 20th century, with the advent of photography and cinema, it became somewhat more difficult to delete a person from history.

Pictures of that time were often retouched. Thus, the Menshevik Vladimir Bazarov and Yakov Sverdlov's older brother, Zinovy ​​Peshkov, were removed from photographs of the chess duel between Lenin and Bogdanov, which took place at Maxim Gorky's in Capri. The first turned into part of the column, and the second completely disappeared into the air.

Lenin plays chess with Alexander Bogdanov. Italy, island of Capri, 1908 In the photo on the left: Ivan Ladyzhnikov, Alexander Bogdanov, Vladimir Lenin are sitting; stand Vladimir Bazarov (Rudnev), Maxim Gorky, Zinovy ​​Peshkov, Natalya Malinovskaya.; TASS

The fight against undesirable historical figures also affected the cinema. Director Mikhail Romm recut the film "Lenin in October", cutting out a number of scenes with Stalin. In 1963, he was completely removed from the film, reshooting some scenes as follows: the camera filmed a screen on which frames from the film were broadcast, and in the right place Stalin was covered by an actor or a table lamp.

The photograph of the meeting of the Council of People's Commissars in 1918 was treated even more rudely. There are thirty-three people's commissars in the original picture, but in one of the publications dedicated to the centenary of the birth of Lenin, only three of them remained next to Ilyich.

After the death of Lenin and the completion of the internal party struggle, Trotsky, Bukharin, Zinoviev and other enemies of Stalin began to disappear from photographs. What is worth only one famous photograph of Voroshilov, Molotov, Stalin and Yezhov on the banks of the Moscow-Volga Canal, taken in 1937. In 1938 Yezhov disappeared from the photograph, slightly disturbing its composition.

However, retouching was not always done gracefully and imperceptibly to an uninformed viewer. Sometimes they got by with a simple smearing of faces with ink.

And in 1954, a letter was sent to all owners of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia who received it by mail, in which it was recommended to cut out the portrait and pages that tell about Beria in it, “with scissors or a razor blade.” Instead, they should have pasted other articles that were attached to the letter.

Ural (Bashk. Yayy ҡ , Kaz. Zhaiyk) - a river in Eastern Europe, flows through the territory of Russia and Kazakhstan, flows into the Caspian Sea.

The ancient name (until 1775) is Yaik. The hydronym ascends through the Turkic mediation to the ancient Iranian name: under the name *Daiks, the river is shown on the map of Ptolemy of the 2nd century AD. Currently, the ancient name of the river is official in Kazakhstan, as well as in the Bashkir language.

It is the third longest river in Europe, inferior in this indicator only to the Volga and Danube (even more than the Dnieper!).

On old European maps, the Urals is called Rhymnus fluvius. The first mention in Russian chronicles in 1140.


It originates on the slopes of the Kruglyaya Sopka peak (Uraltau ridge) in the Uchalinsky district of Bashkortostan. It flows into the Caspian Sea.

Peter Rychkov in his book "Orenburg Topography" wrote:

Yaik has a peak behind the Ural Mountains on the Siberian Road, in the Kupakan volost, from a mountain called Kalgan Tau, which means: Extreme or Remaining Mountain in the Urals

This river separates Bashkirtsov from Kirgis Kaisaks


At the beginning, the Ural flows from north to south, meeting the elevated plateau of the Kazakh steppe, it turns sharply to the northwest, after Orenburg it changes direction to the southwest, near the city of Uralsk the river makes a new sharp bend to the south and in this main direction, meandering sometimes to the west, sometimes to the east, flows into the Caspian Sea. The mouth of the Urals is divided into several branches and gradually becomes shallower.

In 1769, Pallas counted nineteen branches, some of which were distinguished by the Urals 66,000 meters above its confluence with the sea; in 1821 there were only nine, in 1846 there were only three: Yaitskoye, Zolotinskoye and Peretaknoye. By the end of the 50s and the beginning of the 60s of the 19th century, almost no branches with a constant flow separated from the Urals until the city of Guryev itself. The first branch, separated from the main channel on the left, was Peretask, which was divided into channels Peretasknaya and Aleksashkin.

Even lower, the channel of the Urals was divided into 2 branches - Zolotinsky and Yaitsky, and both the first and second were divided into two mouths: Big and Small Yaitsky, Big and Old Zolotinsky. From the Zolotinsky branch to the east, another branch departed, Bukharka, which flows into the sea between Peretask and Zolotoy.


The Ural basin is the sixth largest among the rivers of Russia and is equal to 237,000 km². The length of the river itself is estimated at 2428 km.

The water horizon is at an absolute height of 635 m.

The fall of the waters of the Urals is not particularly great; from the upper reaches of Orsk, it has about 0.9 meters per 1 kilometer, from Orsk to Uralsk no more than 30 centimeters per 1 kilometer, and even less below.


The width of the channel is generally insignificant, but varied. The bottom of the Urals, in the upper reaches is rocky, in most of its course it is clay and sandy, and within the Ural region there are stone ridges. Under the Urals, the bottom of the river is lined with small pebbles, which occur several times. large sizes at the "White Hills"; special pebbles made of dense clay, in addition, come across in some places in the lower reaches of the Urals (in the “Burned Onion”). The course of the Urals is quite tortuous and forms a large number of loops. The Urals, with a small fall in water, very often changes the main channel throughout, breaks new passages for itself, leaving deep reservoirs, or "oxbow lakes" in all directions.

Thanks to the changeable course of the Urals, many Cossack villages that used to be near the river later turned out to be on oxbow lakes, the inhabitants of other villages were forced to move to new places only because their old ashes were gradually undermined and demolished by the river. In general, the Ural valley is cut on both sides by oxbow lakes, narrow channels, widened channels, lakes, small lakes; during the spring flood, which occurs from the melting of snow in the Ural Mountains, all of them are filled with water, which is kept in others until the next year.

In spring, rivers and rivers carry a lot of melt water to the Urals, the river overflows, overflows its banks, in the same places where the banks are sloping, the river overflows by 3-7 meters. The Urals are not very navigable. Sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, carp, catfish, pike perch, bream, catfish, and chubak are found here. Also from the river is a water supply to the oil fields.



Most of the tributaries flow into it from the right side, facing the Common Syrt; of them are known: Artazym, Bolshoy Kizil, Tanalyk, Guberlya, Sakmara, Zazhivnaya, lost in the floodplain, not reaching the Urals, in the meadows between the villages of Studenovsky and Kindelinsky, Kindel and Irtek within the Orenburg region; in the West Kazakhstan region below the Irtek, several shallow rivers flow, including the Rubezhka, at the mouth of which there were the first villages of the Yaik Cossacks, the most water tributary on the right is the river. Chagan, flowing from the General Syrt.

From the left, the rivers flow: Gumbeika, Suunduk, Bolshoy Kumak, Or, Ilek, Utva, Barbasheva (Barbastau) and Solyanka, which is noticeable only in spring and dries up in summer.

Border between Asia and Europe

Memorial sign "Europe - Asia" on the banks of the Urals in Verkhneuralsk

Contrary to popular belief, the Ural River is a natural water border between Asia and Europe only in its upper reaches in Russia. The border passes in Verkhneuralsk and Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk region. In Kazakhstan, the geographical border between Europe and Asia runs south from Orsk along the Mugodzhary ridge. Thus, the Ural River is an internal European river, only the Russian upper reaches of the river east of the Ural Range belong to Asia.

Preliminary results of the expedition of the Russian Geographical Society in Kazakhstan conducted in April-May 2010 showed that drawing the border between Europe and Asia along the Ural River, as well as along the Emba, does not have sufficient scientific grounds. The fact is that south of Zlatoust, the Ural Range, having lost its axis, breaks up into several parts, then the mountains gradually disappear altogether, that is, the main landmark when drawing the border disappears. The Ural and Emba rivers do not share anything, since the terrain they cross is identical.



The largest river in the Orenburg region is the Ural (in ancient times, Yaik), the main part of its flow is formed in the Orenburg region.

Two other large rivers - Sakmara and Ilek - originate in Bashkiria and Kazakhstan, respectively, but flow into the Urals within the Orenburg region. The Ural is the third river in Europe in its length; in length it is second only to the Volga and the Danube. Even the Dnieper is shorter than the Urals by 249 kilometers.

The Ural is the main water artery of the Orenburg region. The Ural River crosses the Orenburg region from east to west, flowing through 10 districts of the region for 1164 km. Main Feature river is uneven flow. In the spring flood, the Urals turns into a huge watercourse, filling the entire floodplain 6-8 km wide.

The Ural is the third river in Europe in its length; in length it is second only to the Volga and the Danube. Even the Dnieper is shorter than the Urals by 249 kilometers.

The two first large Orenburg tributaries of the Urals, Tanalyk and Suunduk, currently flow into the Iriklinskoye reservoir, forming bays of the same name. The Tanalyk River, 225 km long, originates in the spurs of the Uralau, then crosses the Irendyk. The average water flow in Tanalyk does not exceed 1.0 m3/s.

In the area of ​​the city of Orsk, two more significant tributaries Bolshoy Kumak and Or flow into the Urals on the left.

Throughout the entire length from the Iriklinsky reservoir to the mouth of the Sakmara, the Ural receives only one significant tributary on the right - Guberlya.

The largest left-bank tributaries of the Urals from the city of Orsk to the mouth of the Ilek - Kiyalyburtya, Urtaburtya, Burtya, Berdyanka, Donguz, Chernaya - are typical steppe rivers with short but violent spring floods. The last two of them - Donguz and Chernaya - practically dry up in the middle of summer due to the construction of large reservoirs on them.

The Ilek River is the largest left-bank tributary of the Urals. Below the Ilek, the Ural receives three more significant tributaries on the right: the Kindel, the Irtek, and the Chagan. The last of them flows into the Urals already outside the Orenburg region.

Near the city of Orsk, the Or river flows into the Urals. In the "Gorge" the river almost straight cuts through the Ural Range, even lower begins a 40-kilometer section of the Khabarninsky Gorge. On this segment, the Ural receives the waters of the mountain rivers Guberli with Chebakla and Kinderli on the right, and on the left - Ebita, Aituarka and Alimbet.

On the map, the Ural basin resembles a tree bent to one side with a thickened trunk in the middle and very short branches. Only the right tributary - the Sakmara River, which flows for a long distance parallel to the Urals, has a relatively dense branched network of tributaries.

The Ural River is not navigable, its width is 50-170 m, the depth is 3-5 m, the flow speed is 0.3 m/s, the bottom is sandy, there are no fords. The banks are mostly steep, the height of the cliffs is 5-9 m. The floodplain of the Urals is wide - 10-12 km., meadow, with significant forests, a large number of pegs, rare shrubs, indented by numerous rivers, oxbow lakes and channels, many lakes.

In ancient sources, the name of the Ural River is found - Likos, Daiks, Daih, Dzhaikh, as well as Ruza, Yaik, Yagak, Yagat, Ulusu, Zapolnaya River. The name of the river Yaik and consonant with it Daiks, Daih, Yagak and so on. have been dating for about two thousand years. Now it is difficult to say what the word "Daiks" meant in the time of Ptolemy, when the Iranian-speaking tribes of the Sarmatians were still roaming in the Ural basin. The Russian form "Yaik" is first found in the Russian chronicle of 1229.

It is considered a derivative of the common Turkic stem "Zhaik" with the meaning "wide riverbed" or "widely overflowing".



Sakmara riveris the largest tributary of the Urals. The length of Sakmara within the Orenburg region is about 380 km.

In the upper reaches of the Sakmara, it is a typical mountain river with steep banks and narrow terraces; in the middle and lower reaches, its valley is wide, asymmetric, with well-defined two terraces and a populated floodplain.

Ilek river- the largest left-bank tributary of the Urals (623 km). Its origins are in the Mutojar mountains. In terms of catchment area (41 thousand km 2), the Ilek is one third larger than the Sakmaru, but carries 2.5 times less water than the most abundant tributary of the Urals (the annual flow rate is 1569 m 3).

The Ilek River has a wide, well developed valley with two floodplain terraces. The size of the Ilek valley is sometimes not inferior to the Ural one. The Ilek floodplain abounds with numerous channels and oxbow lakes.



alabaster mountain

The next mountain on the left bank of the Urals is Alabastrovaya, located 75 km by land and 147 km by water above Uralsk. The mountain is half eaten up by a quarry - alabaster has been mined here for a long time. To the east of the former quarry stretches a high slope with marl screes. Its middle part is overgrown with thick oaks for these places, as well as birch, aspen, poplars with bird cherry, viburnum, goat willow in the undergrowth.

Three kilometers below the Alabaster Mountain, the Ural is washed by the not so high Dolinsky Yar, composed of sandstones, flagstones, and conglomerates. Numerous oaks and birches climb along its slopes.

We sail along the Urals for another 30 km and on the left bank near Aula-Aksai we again notice chalk outcrops. But the chalk and marl slopes reach their greatest height somewhat lower, on the Kitayshinsky Yar.

Below the mouth of the Rubezhka River and the village of Rubezhinsky, where the navigable section of the Urals begins, another hill appears on the left bank. The river washes it twice. For the first time, immediately after the impetuous reach of Uporny Yar, where the Urals, hitting a high sheer marl scree, makes a turn of almost 180 °. Here the river reaches the fastest rift below Orenburg, Saurkin, and splits into two channels. After 5 km, on the way of the Urals, there is a second high marl cliff - Polousov Yar. Both Yar-cliffs - Saurkin and Polousov rise above the river by more than 50 m. Their slopes are complicated by giant landslides. In a kind of amphitheater between them lies the natural phenomenon of the Ural valley - the Krasnoshkolny relic forest. One of the slopes of this huge amphitheater is overgrown with a magnificent oak forest, under the cover of which hazel, or hazel, and a forest apple tree are sheltered. The herbage of the oak forest consists of bracken fern, May celandine lily of the valley.

treasure coast

This seemingly inconspicuous tract on the banks of the Urals deserves the most careful attitude. It is not for nothing that folk wisdom called it the Treasure Coast - this is one of the most remarkable places on the entire right-bank slope of the Ural valley from Orenburg to Ilek.

If before the mouth of the Ilek the steep bank near the Urals is right, then below the Ilek the left bank is much more often steep, which belongs entirely to the Ural region. In the Ilek-Uralsk section, the river washes away at least six hills with salt domes in their core, and chalk, marl, white clay, ferruginous sandstones and flagstones on the surface. These. the uplands form a single chain of small mountains stretched along the junction of the Common Syrt and the Caspian lowland. The Urals manage to break through this chain and rush to the south only to the south of Uralsk, leaving the dome seventh in a row from Ilek - Chalk Hills on the right.

The first on the way of the Urals is the Utvinsky Cretaceous Island. It is located slightly above the mouth of the Utva River, 6-10 km northeast of the village of Burlin, Ural Region. During the spring flood, Utvinsky Island is surrounded on all sides by water, from the north by the Urals, from the west and southwest by Utva, from the south and east by Lake Bumakol and chalk channels connecting it with the Urals. Only by mid-June is the overland road to this unusual island usually established.

At the foot of the ancient ravines

The steep shores in the Urals are called ravines, and the high san of them with outcrops of bedrock are known among the locals under the names such and such a mountain, such and such a forehead, coast. These are usually remarkable in landscape geological terms steep slopes of the river valley, which have the value of unique natural monuments.

One of them is located on the right bank of the Urals between the villages of Pervaya and Vtoraya Zubochistka, Perevolotsky District, Orenburg Region. The steep and high coast of the Urals here is complicated by several cirque-like landslides, which were formed as a result of downslope displacements of blocks of sandy-argillaceous deposits associated with the activity of groundwater.

But there is something else interesting here. On this segment, the Ural lobe crosses a subsided section of the earth's crust with a width of about 1 km. On both sides, this is a lowering of the boundary by layers of Permian red-colored and variegated rocks inclined in different directions. In mountainous countries, such phenomena are called grabens; as a result of them, rocks of different ages and compositions appear on the same horizon. This kind of graben was formed not in the mountains, but on the plains - in a depression, the sides of which are composed of dense Permian and Triassic rocks that formed more than 200 million years ago. Here, gray and white clays, marge, sandstones of the Cretaceous and Paleogene periods have been preserved from erosion. Their age is from 50 130 million years. The geological structure of the Ural coast is complicated in this area by landslide processes. As a result, the coastal slopes of each other are replaced by variegated sandy clays of various shades, marls, calcareous tuffs, ocher scree. It seems that all the colorful ranges of yellow, gray-green, brown, red colors were collected by nature in this kind of collection of sedimentary rocks.

Lakes of the Ural floodplain

There are many wonderful landscape features near the lakes of the Ural floodplain. For example, the habitat of the most ancient and amazing relic that has survived to this day, the chilim, has been preserved here. Its continuous thickets, covering the water surface with rosettes of leaves, have been preserved on the lakes of the Ural floodplain below Orenburg: Bespelyukhin, Orekhovy, Bolshoi Orlovo. Old Ural, Linden, Nuts, Jilimny, Forpostno and many others. Several names have been assigned to this plant: chilim, rogulnik, and among the people it is also known as water or devil's walnut, horned walnut, live anchor, water chestnut.

Fossilized remains of chilim fruits have been found in deposits of the Cretaceous period. This means that it has been inhabiting the fresh water bodies of the Earth for more than 70 million years. But at present, chilim thickets have been preserved in few places. It is noteworthy that, forming continuous thickets on one of the lakes, it no longer settles on neighboring lakes, and sometimes even for tens or hundreds of kilometers around. The foregoing testifies to the relic nature of the chilim preserved only under certain environmental conditions. last years chilim lakes in Mordovia, Bashkiria, the Altai Mountains, the Far East and many other regions of our country have been taken under protection. Chilim is listed in the Red Book.

Jasper Mountain Colonel

We find a description of this mountain by P. S. Pallas, who visited here in 1769. He wrote: “Beyond the Or river, a mountain range begins, in which the best rocks of jasper stone are visible. The layers in this mountain, as well as in the jasper mountains lying near Yaik, for the most part descend into the depth from the western to the eastern side. The local flask has a lot of different colors. The best jasper, especially in a large collapse, is sometimes coffee-colored, sometimes white with red and yellowish stripes. There are also pieces on which herbs and trees are depicted. There are Kyrgyz graves on every hill. Nowhere can you find the best pieces of local jasper as on these graves, and it seems that the action of the sun produced a color much better outside than inside the stone. In the vicinity of Orsk already at that time there were several quarries.

Academician A.E. Fersman, describing the minerals of the Soviet Union in the book “Journey for the Stone”, placed six pieces of stone on the title of the book, namely Or jasper, to which the scientist devoted many enthusiastic lines: “It is difficult to give an exhaustive description of this jasper - its pattern is so diverse and coloring, we know over two hundred varieties of jaspers in this area, and the best drawings and colors refer specifically to the jaspers of this deposit ... It seems to me that we have ended up in a wonderful art gallery. Not every artist will be able to convey such combinations of tones and colors that nature itself scattered here with a generous hand. It’s like a stormy sea: its greenish waves cast a reddish reflection of dawn, here is a white edge of foam, and here are rocky shores ... ”and further:“ ... Or jaspers are undoubtedly the national wealth of the country.

In addition to Mount Colonel, along the Urals there are a number of other places where jasper is born. Many of them are still not widely known; they contain the future glory of the Trans-Ural jasper belt.


Fish spawning in the Urals

In 1981-1983 The conditions and efficiency of sturgeon spawning upstream of the city of Uralsk were studied by the Orenburg Laboratory of Landscape Reclamation and Nature Protection. The author happened to lead the work of this expedition.

Observations have shown that practically all non-silty areas of the river bottom with solid ground serve as spawning grounds for sturgeons in spring. It was found that spawning is most effective in large fields of channel and beach Mechnik, gravel and cemented shell rock, where the flow velocity in high water reaches 2 m/s, preventing silting of the soil and laid eggs.

On the 315-kilometer section of the river from Uralsk to Ilek, the expedition studied several types of spawning grounds. The most common of them were riverbed beaches. As is well known, they are formed along convex coasts, where thick strata of coarse-grained material accumulate. The excess of beaches above the low water level of the river reaches 4 m, the width is 40-120 m. The length of the Ural beaches, depending on the radius of the bend, ranges from 200-300 m to 2 km. The longest beaches in the Ilek-Uralsk section are Kambavsky Sands (below the village of Yanvartseva) and Trekinsky Sands (above the city of Uralsk). The most valuable in terms of quality are Verkhnekirsanovskiy and Aksuatskiy beaches with a dense pebble coating, located respectively at the 179th and 36th kilometers above Uralsk.


White salmon in the Urals

The whitefish is a representative of salmon fish, very close to the whitefish. It reaches 120 cm in length and 20 kg of weight. In its appearance, it somewhat resembles the well-known asp. The white salmon is a predator, but in the Urals it hardly eats. The whitefish enters the river for spawning no more than twice in a lifetime. She lives up to 11 years.

The closest relative of the white salmon, the nelma, lives in the basin of the Arctic Ocean. It was from there, according to scientists, that at the end of the Ice Age, along the chains of lakes, she moved through the Kama and the Volga to the Caspian Sea and, having changed somewhat, became a whitefish.

White salmon is the most valuable commercial fish, but now its catch is prohibited everywhere. Through the efforts of scientists and fish farmers, it was possible to maintain its numbers artificially. At the foot of the dam of the Volgograd hydroelectric power station on the Volga, gravel spawning grounds are poured for the white salmon. The only natural spawning grounds for this fish are in the Urals.

One of the little-known inhabitants of the Urals and its tributaries is the lamprey. It belongs to the oldest class of cyclostomes. She has a snake-like body about 0.5 m long, weighing up to 260 g. Lamprey has a number of features that are not characteristic of other fish species. Her mouth is a deep funnel-sucker, at the bottom of which is a tongue, which, like a piston, either extends or retracts. The tongue serves as a drill that pierces the skin of the fish. The lamprey has a third eye, the parietal, located near the nasal opening. There is no lens in it; with its help lampreys perceive only light. They inherited this organ from their ancestors, widespread in the Silurian and Devonian periods, that is, more than 400 million years ago. Thus, the lamprey can be considered a kind of "living fossil".


Stellate sturgeon in the Urals

The most numerous sturgeon in the Urals is the stellate sturgeon. The Ural-Caspian fisheries produce up to 70% of the world's stellate sturgeon catches. The main spawning grounds for stellate sturgeon are located in the lower reaches of the river. A small amount of stellate sturgeon rises above Uralsk, reaching Ilek and even Rassypnaya. The stellate sturgeon is represented mainly by the spring form. It spawns later than other sturgeons at water temperatures above 12-14°C. The average length of the Ural sturgeon is about 120-140 cm, weight is about 10-15 kg.

The only living sturgeon species in Uralsk is the sterlet. It is found throughout the lower and middle reaches of the river - everywhere very rarely. The usual dimensions of the Ural sterlet are: length about 60 cm, weight 2.5 kg.

In addition to sturgeon, other species of anadromous fish are found in the Urals. The most interesting of them are white salmon and lamprey.

White salmon is an endemic of the Caspian basin; it is not found anywhere in the world, except for the Caspian and its tributaries. More recently, the whitefish was threatened with complete extinction. After the construction of a cascade of Volga hydroelectric power stations, it almost completely lost its natural spawning grounds located in the Ufa River. In the 1950s and 1960s, a small herd of Caspian white fish was supported by spawning grounds in the Urals.

The spawning grounds of these fish in the Urals have not been precisely established. The white salmon enters the river from the Caspian Sea from October to March. Its spawning takes place in October - November on gravel and pebble soils. In the early 80s, individual specimens of the whitefish were caught in the Urals near Orenburg, in Sakmar, Bolshoi Ik. One of the spawning grounds for the whitefish is probably located under the Mayachnaya mountain in the Belyaevsky district, 200 km above Orenburg. The number of white fish spawning in the Urals is apparently estimated at several hundred specimens, since scientists now count about 20 thousand individuals of this species in the entire Caspian herd.


Anadromous fish in the Urals

It takes a lot of time to restore strength and develop a new portion of reproductive products for re-entering the river for spawning: females - 5-6 years, males - 3-4 years. Therefore, despite the long life span (up to 30 years or more), each producer can enter the river only a few times in his life.

Every year, huge hordes of migratory fish rush to the Urals. Their forward detachments reach Ilek, Orenburg and even Orsk. Ichthyological observations 1981 - 1983. it was established that the largest specimens of sturgeons rise to the middle of the river reach. This means that the middle course of the Urals is of decisive importance for the conservation of large-sized sturgeon specimens.

The largest fish in the Caspian basin is the beluga. In the 20s of our century, fish weighing up to 12 centners were caught in the Urals. In former times, larger specimens were also caught. The usual weight of beluga spawning above Uralsk is 150-300 kg for females and 50-90 kg for males. Belugas weighing 600 kg or more are still found to this day.

Sturgeons in the Urals

Sturgeons are freshwater fish, many of them have adapted to live in brackish and even marine waters. But not a single species of sturgeon can breed outside freshwater reservoirs. Sturgeons have reached the greatest abundance in the Caspian Sea basin, where 5 out of 23 species of sturgeon fish of the world are represented - these are beluga, sturgeon, spike and stellate sturgeon, which have mastered the food resources of the sea, where they spend most of their lives, Sterlet, which is a non-water species, that is, never does not leave the river.

Beluga, sturgeon, thorn and stellate sturgeon of the Caspian are anadromous fish. They regularly migrate from the Caspian Sea to the rivers for breeding. In anadromous fish, winter and spring races are distinguished. Winter crops enter the river in summer and autumn, and after overwintering, they spawn. Spring birds enter the river in winter and spring and spawn in the same year.

Anadromous fish in the river usually do not feed or feed very little. Overcoming the river current during spawning migrations, prolonged stay in the river and the spawning process itself lead to severe exhaustion of producers. It has been established that stellate sturgeon and sturgeon lose up to 30% during spawning migration, and beluga - up to 50% of their weight. And, as a rule, the more energy reserves a particular individual has, the larger it is, the higher up the river it can and tends to rise.


This time we decided to go to Krasnaya Luka with the whole family. She attracted my father by the fact that he, a lover of catching podust in wiring, always left here with good prey. Unmarked place - not far from the city, rarely visited by anglers. It is also convenient because in the afternoon there was a shadow under the ravine, saving from the exhausting heat. Above, a hollow, overgrown with green ants, approached the very shore. There was also a group of silvery poplars.

The sun was still high when we arrived. A man was climbing heavily towards us, bending under the weight of a backpack from which carp tails protruded. We looked at each other silently. He looked unkindly and contemptuously at us and our gear. I naively asked, running my finger over the quivering sazan tail:

- Did you fish here? For fishing rods?

- Here, but not about your honor, - he answered and, grumbling: - Fishermen to me too, - turned onto the path. We could hope that the parking lot where the carp was fattening was open; for a good catch - hardly: where are we, really, with our fishing rods. And there was no experience.

In the morning, when the pebbles of the shore scorched my feet with cold, I took my short donkeys and went upstream, where the ravine went steeply into the water. Looked around. There were cigarette butts all around. Broken shells gleamed like mother-of-pearl. On a trampled small area, holes from fishing rods. There was no doubt: that unfriendly uncle was fishing here yesterday. The rapids, hitting the sheer wall of the ravine, retreated at a slight angle to the fairway, forming a small backwater. In it, the water flowed evenly, calmly, which spoke of great depth. Unwinding my unsightly fishing rods, designed for a trifle, I shuddered: fifteen meters away, where the shadow of the yar ended, a carp jumped out. Then more. And further. Gold ingots of fish marked the surface of the water with diverging circles. The breeze carried the whitish wisps of mist into the willow matted with dew. I threw ... And then the end of the rod trembled, bent down, frozen in this position for a few seconds. Then he straightened up and nodded slowly, widely ...

I don't remember how I pulled the fish out. Everything happened as if in a daze. But it was him, my first carp. I ran along the shore, slipping and stumbling, clutching the fish tightly to my chest with both hands, and shouting triumphantly:

- Got it! Caught!

Now, many years later, I ironically, but with satisfaction, laugh at myself: no, perhaps I didn’t catch the carp, but he caught me and so that I can’t escape all my life!

In the Urals, there are two types of carp: the anadromous - the one that rises upstream from the sea, and the local one. The guest is silvery-pale in color, long, running. His own - the color of pure gold with an orange tail fin, humpbacked, high in the back, shorter. This is a handsome man. He is much stronger, more careful and ... fatter than the passerby.

There used to be a lot of carp. They caught him easily and without exciting sporting interest: just think, he broke loose, another one will grab it! Twenty years ago, the fishing collective farms of the Guryev region were not well equipped technically, and there were not enough people in the fisheries.

Now the picture is quite different. At the mouth of the Urals, day and night, from both banks, dozens of seines scoop up fish that go to spawn. If earlier carp reached Orenburg, now it does not reach Uralsk every year. Much less of it was in the river. And the more honorable is the trophy when you catch not a thin, hungry alien, but a violent one, much more for any tricks of the “owner”.

The common attachment for carp in May and June is forest worms, which are very numerous in the local coastal forests, which are flooded during high water. Later, if it rarely rains and there are few worms, shells of different colors serve as a nozzle: white, yellow, pink, gray with black, reddish. However, a combined nozzle is considered the best: a shell or a piece of fish fillet and an earthworm. At the end of August and in September it is good to fish for bread, mainly in the backwaters, where the current is not strong.

The second "rank" fish in the Urals is asp. Who has not seen his robbery raids on a trifle fattening on the shallows? Who hasn't admired his powerful bursts in the suvod, under the yar? But it is not so easy to catch this cautious fish. However, I don’t know how it is in other water bodies, but in the Urals, catching asp is not so difficult.

I find that asp is not picky about the bait. In my practice, there was no case that he refused a live fish, a frog, a grasshopper, a tassel of worms, an oscillating lure.

I remember such a case. Somehow at the end of October, after unsuccessful fishing in a quarry (deep hole), I was returning through the Perevalochnaya grove. A gusty cold wind blew, with occasional drizzling rain. The river was surging with steep waves. I do not remember how I got to the coastal sand. Somewhere in my mind flashed: “My hopes for biting blue bream and bream in the quarry did not come true. Maybe a zander will take here? In this place, a two-meter depth, a smooth moderate current. Without thinking for a long time, I baited the donkey with a piece of fish and abandoned it. Soon the fishing line was stretched, the tip smoothly bent down to the water. The subsection is empty.

He threw it again, and again a bite immediately followed. This time I felt that a large fish was resisting in the depths. Who? Sudak doesn't behave like that. This is a large-mouthed asp with a golden rim around the eyes. Following him, he pulled out another one and that was it: there were no more bites. Accident? A month ago, even two weeks ago, asp was caught on a lure, which was thrown under a ravine, where insects fell, and bleaks scurried in the upper layers of the water. Now the small fry have gone to quiet water, hid in snags, the grasshoppers have disappeared, and the predator has nothing to do here. It is just as useless to look for him on the rifts: he does not chase the fry, does not beat, does not make himself felt. And yet, as it turned out, there are asps in small places, although my trophies at that time could not be considered conclusive evidence.

If on a quiet day we look at the river from a hill, we can distinguish yellow and dark spots. These are underwater shallows, alternating with pits. Sometimes the shallows are in the form of an arc, parallel to the shore and abruptly dropping into the water. In such places shallow holes are formed. The crest of the shoal (grivka), descending gently towards the middle of the river, is clearly visible. Behind the manes are the favorite places of the asp. Here he hunts minnows.

And so I came here again. Now with spinning. It was a quiet day, and the bottom relief was clearly visible. I made several casts: no chase, no exits. The spinner lay about a meter further than the crest. I had to increase the casting from 20 m to 40-50. And as soon as the metal bait touched the water, a sharp jerk immediately followed - breakers appeared on calm water. So in three hours I caught a few asps.

And again doubt: the reason for luck, perhaps in favorable weather - it is quiet, sunny, and the asp went to the shallows. A few days later I was fishing again in these places. This time a strong western wind was blowing, steep waves were moving along the Urals, heavy clouds hung low above the ground, ready to burst into rain or snow. It had rained all night the night before, and the sands, previously golden, had turned gray and gloomy. Cold, damp. But the asp still grabbed the lure. And large - up to 2-3 kg. Then I made another discovery for myself: in autumn, predators do not walk around, as in summer, but stand in one place. And as soon as the lure appears near their parking lot, one of them rushes at her.

I even mentally drew a circle for myself on the water: hit it - there is an asp, missed it - throw it again. The most catchy spinner is of medium size, of the Baikal type, painted with inside minium. But when fishing with spinning on the sands, you need some skill. Do not forget that you are fishing on the rocks. Immediately after casting, you need to take a few steps back in order to quickly select the fishing line sagging due to the wind, while winding it onto the reel. At the same time, the rod is raised almost vertically, so that the reel is not at chest level.

I love fishing with a fishing rod, spinning, but still fly fishing, in my opinion, is the most exciting, exciting and interesting form of fishing. At the same time, it is important that there is no need to carry a bunch of rods with you, main and spare sinkers for donks, bags with worms, shells ...

Of course, you have seen more than once in quiet water, in the shade of trees hanging over the water, leisurely strolling ides and chubs. It was worth waving your hand, and the fish seemed to melt in the depths. Was:. — and no. I can’t even believe that just not far from evil:: there were red-haired handsome men. Catching them with a simple bait in August is very difficult. The most delicious nozzles are useless. And then fly fishing comes to the rescue.

In the evening, before sunset, you rush into a hollow, densely overgrown with grass: dew appears earlier in the lowland. And the grasshoppers, whose wings become damp, are helpless. Now it is no longer difficult to quickly fill the jar with them. Over the shoulder - a bag for fish, in the hand - a light three-meter rod. That's all the equipment. Convenient, easy.

While it is light, you choose a site (so that there are no bushes on the shore) with shallow depths, with sand, pebbles and wait. You watch how, squeaking, flying from hillock to hillock, the wagtails settle down for the night. Behind them, silent crows appear in the evening. Next - magpies. The dawn is quite good. Silence envelops like cotton wool. Somewhere a fox is yapping, an owl is hooting, a large fish is beating. A light wind either brings a wave of tart meadow infusion, or dry heat from the steppe. But in the west, a scarlet strip is already barely noticeable. It's time. You go down to the water. You unwind the line and pull it out meter by meter so that there are no rings or kinks. Meadow grasshoppers are small, and therefore you put several pieces on the hook. Then smoothly tilt the rod back, wait a second or two for the line to fly out to its full length. Swing forward—and nine meters away from you, a nozzle falls into the water. Letting the current pull the fishing line, you pull towards yourself, slightly taking it to the side.

The moon rises, and a golden path lies on the river. Nightingales are flooding in the coastal forest. And the hand over and over again sends a fishing line with a nozzle from behind the back downstream, where a trifle is busy near the shore. Another throw, another ... And suddenly a blow! Shy away to the sides. small fry. Something alive and heavy is pulling the line. Finally, it comes to the realization that there is a fish on the hook. Which one is not difficult to guess: the chub is immediately thrown out of the water; the asp goes into the depths; in its own way, briefly twitching, the ide resists.

The summer night passes unnoticed. Behind about three kilometers of the way through the rubble and steeps ... After all, when fishing with fly fishing, it’s like this: you caught one or two ide - and move on. In the meantime, the sun shows its sleepy eye over the forest, a pink mist rises over the river. Sleepyhead. Silence. And fatigue... There are several ides and chub in the bag. Time to go home. The last obligatory procedure is bathing. Reluctantly, you throw off your clothes and, after a pause, rush into the water. It seems that there was no sleepless night, severe fatigue. Refreshed, vigorous, as if the river poured into you part of its inexhaustible energy, you walk along the road. The way back seems shorter, easier.

The Urals is rich in fish. There is a lot of it in lakes, oxbow lakes, steppe rivers. You can get to any designated place by bus or car, which now go to all districts of the region.


There are many old women in the river valley. The coasts are mostly steep.

The winding course of the river often changes, as a result, it often turned out that the villages that stood on the river eventually ended up on the oxbow lake or even far from the water.

There are several reservoirs on the river, the largest and most beautiful among them is Iriklinskoe.

In the past, the Ural was a large river, it was navigable. In particular, there was water transport from Orenburg to Uralsk. However, every year in the summer the river becomes shallower, it can be forded, and navigation is a thing of the past. The causes of shallowing are mainly rooted in the plowing of the steppes and the destruction of forest belts.

Scientists and public figures sounded the alarm. Plans began to be developed to save the river, restore its ecosystem and fill it with water, ecological expeditions are organized every summer. Hopefully the river will be saved.

And although the Ural River has lost its navigable value, it is quite suitable for tourist rafting. Of course, it is not comparable in beauty with such rivers as the Chusovaya or the Ai, but even here you can have an interesting time and have a good rest.

In some places along the banks of the Urals you can find rocks. The Ural River is especially beautiful after Orsk. Here the river flows into the gorge along the Guberlinsky mountains, the length of this section is about 45 kilometers.

In the Urals, you can see such beautiful geological and landscape natural monuments as the Iriklinskoye Gorge, the Orsky Gates, the Poperechnaya and Mayachnaya mountains, the Nikolsky open pit and others. There is good fishing on the river. In the past, the Ural River was famous for sturgeons. In the late 1970s, the share of the Ural River in the world sturgeon production was 33 percent, and in the production of black caviar - 40 percent! .. Unfortunately, now the sturgeon population has decreased by more than 30 times.

The government of the Orenburg region is pinning its hopes on the development of water tourism on the Ural River. In particular, a water route for kayaks with a total length of 876 kilometers has been developed (523 km from Iriklinsky to Orenburg, 352 km from Orenburg to Ranniy). Rafting on this route is designed for 28 days.

However, it is not necessary to raft, you can just come on the weekend to the banks of the Ural River, relax after a hard day and go fishing.



Wikipedia site.

Ural is a river in the Caspian Sea basin. It flows through the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Chelyabinsk, Orenburg regions and Kazakhstan.Until 1775, the Ural was called Yaik.

The source of the Ural River is located onslopes of Kruglyaya Sopka peakridge Uraltau Southern Urals11 kilometers west of the village of Aznashevo, Uchalinsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Near the source of the Urals passes the watershed of its basin and basin. Here, on the Uraltau ridge, there is the source of the Ai River, whose waters flow through the Ufa River and into the Volga.

The mouth of the Ural River is located in Kazakhstan in the southwest of the city of Atyrau, through which it flows. The Ural flows into the Caspian Sea.

The length of the Ural River is 2428 kilometers, in terms of length it ranks third in Europe after the Volga and the Danube. The area of ​​the drainage basin, which is located on the territory of the Ural-Emba district - 231,000 km 2 . Tortuosity coefficient 2.38.

The total fall of the Ural River from the source to the mouth is 788 meters, the slope is 0.32 m / km. In the section from the source to Orsk, the drop is 0.9 m / km, from Orsk to Uralsk - no more than 0.3 m / km and becomes even less below Uralsk.

First, the Ural flows from north to south. In the upper course, the Ural is a typical mountain river. Then it flows into the Yaik swamp. Flowing out of the Yaitsky swamp, the Ural has a valley, in some places expanding up to 5 kilometers, then narrowing again.

Below the city of Verkhneuralsk, the Ural becomes a flat river. After the city of Magnitogorsk, it flows in rocky shores. Flowing through the city of Orsk, the Ural sharply turns to the west. Then it crosses the Guberlinskie mountains in a gorge 45 kilometers long. After the exit of their gorge, the river valley gradually expands. Encountering on its way the elevated plateau of the Kazakh steppe, the Urals change its direction to the northwest. After Orenburg it turns to the southwest.

Near the city of Uralsk, the valley of the Ural River reaches several tens of kilometers. Below Uralsk, the river makes a new sharp bend and flows from north to south in a wide valley with many oxbow lakes, channels and lakes. In the pre-estuary section, the Ural River is divided into 2 branches: Yaitsky and Golden (navigable).


Many cities, towns and villages of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Chelyabinsk, Orenburg regions and Kazakhstan were built along the Ural River. The cities of Verkhneuralsk, Magnitogorsk, Orsk, Novotroitsk, Orenburg, Uralsk, Atyrau (until 1991 Guryev) stand on the Ural River.

For a detailed list of settlements located on the Ural River, see


There are many access roads to the Ural River from source to mouth. The river flows through the cities of Magnitogorsk, Orsk, Atyrau. Roads not only cross the channel, but in most sections they run along the river and very often along both banks.

main tributaries.

82 main tributaries flow into the Ural River, of which 38 are left, and 44 are right.

The largest right tributaries of the Urals: Small Kizil 113 kilometers; Big Kizil 172 kilometers; Tanalyk 225 kilometers; Guberl 111 kilometers; Sakmara 798 kilometers; Irtek 134 kilometers; Chagan (Shagan, Big Chagan) 264 kilometers.

The largest left tributaries of the Urals: Gumbeika 202 kilometers; Zingeyka 102 kilometers; Bolshaya Karaganka (Karaganka) 111 kilometers; Sununduk (Suyndyk) 174 kilometers; Big Kumak (Kumak, Kuma) 212 kilometers; Or 332 kilometers; Urta-Burtya 115 kilometers; Ilek 623 kilometers.

For a complete list of the main tributaries of the first order of the Ural River, see

The largest lakes and reservoirs of the Ural River basin, see

hydrological regime.

AT upper reaches the Ural riverit usually freezes in early November. In the middle and lower reaches, freezing begins at the end of November. The Urals is opened from ice in the upper reaches at the beginning of April, in the lower reaches - at the end of March. Ice drift in the Urals is short. During the ice drift, traffic jams are common.

The Ural River and its tributaries are fed mainly by snow. H and snow cover accounts for more than 80 percent of the annual runoff of the Ural River. Feeding occurs almost exclusively during the snowmelt period in spring. Rain feeding has a small share. Relatively high air temperatures and a significant deficit of humidity cause significant losses of moisture through evaporation.

In the lower reaches, spring floods are observed from late March to early April, in the upper reaches from late April to June. In the upper reaches of the Urals in summer and autumn there may be small floods, in the rest of the year - a steady low water.

During high water in the middle reaches, the Urals spill over more than 10 kilometers, and in the delta up to several tens of kilometers. The highest water levels in the upper reaches were recorded at the end of April, and in the lower reaches at the beginning of May. The amplitude of fluctuations in water levels in the upper reaches of the Urals is 3-4 meters, in the middle and lower reaches 9-10 meters, in the delta 3 meters.

One of the main features of the river is a significant uneven flow. 80 percent of the runoff of the Ural River passes in the spring. The average water consumption recorded near Orenburg is 104 m 3 / s, near the village of Kushum - 400 m 3 / s (the maximum values ​​are respectively 12,100 m 3 / s and 14,000 m 3 / s, the minimum 1.62 m 3 / s and 13, 3 m 3 / sec).

The course of the Ural River is strongly winding and forms a large number of loops. The Ural very often changes its main channel along its entire length. With a small fall in water, the river cuts new sections for itself. At the same time, deep reservoirs and oxbow lakes remain on both banks.

Due to such variability of the current, many Cossack settlements that used to stand on the banks of the Urals later turned out to be on oxbow lakes. And the inhabitants of other villages were forced to move to new places because their houses were gradually flooded and were demolished by the waters of the Urals.

The Ural valley on both banks is heavily indented by oxbow lakes, narrow and widened channels, large and small lakes. During the floods that occur in the spring from the melting of snow in the Ural Mountains, all these reservoirs are filled with water, which can sometimes hold until next year.

The width of the channel of the Ural River increases from several meters in the upper reaches to two hundred or more meters in the lower reaches.

In the upper reaches, the bottom of the Urals is rocky. Further, in the main part of the channel, the bottom soil is predominantly clayey and sandy. Within the Ural region, the presence of stone ridges is characteristic. Below Uralsk, the bottom of the river is lined with small pebbles.

Water quality.

The average turbidity of water near Orenburg is 280 g/m 3 , near Kushum village 290 g/m 3 . In the city of Orenburg on the coast of the Urals, a complex of treatment facilities was built. Here waste and sewer waters of the city of Orenburg are cleaned, after which they are poured into the Ural River.

The presence of many settlements and cities on the banks of the Urals does not make the waters of this river cleaner.


There are many species of fish in the Ural River and its basin. The ichthyofauna of the Urals is represented by such fish as pike, bleak, carp, carp, silver bream, bream, crucian carp, roach, asp, silver and gold carp, Volga podust, minnow, ide, dace, rudd, tench, river perch, common pike perch, firebrand (rotan), common minnow, common bitterling, common roach, common loach, common loach, burbot, small southern stickleback, common ruff, forefoot..

Fish are of commercial importance: sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, herring, pike perch, catfish, bream, carp.

Economic value.

In the upper reaches of the Ural River, water is used to supply cities and many industrial enterprises, such as the Magnitogorsk and Orsk-Khalilovsk metallurgical plants. In the lower reaches, water is taken for irrigation of fields.

2 reservoirs were created near the city of Magnitogorsk, near the village of Iriklinsky, the Iriklinskaya hydroelectric power station was built with the reservoir of the same name, below Uralsk - the Kushumsky canal and a reservoir. The Urals are not very navigable, only in the Uralsk-Atyrau section. Also from the river is a water supply to the oil fields.

The most significant in terms of volume and economic importance in the Ural basin is the Iriklinskoe reservoir.

From this, water is supplied to the reservoirs by the Orsk-Khalilovsky industrial complex, the cities of Gai, Novotroitsk and the territory adjacent to the Ural River to the city of Orenburg. The Iriklinskoe reservoir has a useful capacity of 2160 million m 3 , which is almost twice the average long-term inflow volume (1220 million m 3 ). The reservoir is able to carry out long-term flow regulation with a guaranteed return of 477.4 million m 3 water, which corresponds 15.1 m 3 / s. The Iriklinskoye reservoir has a complex purpose. It is used for energy, water supply, flood protection of the cities of Orsk and Novotroitsk, irrigation, water quality regulation, as well as to meet the requirements of the fish industry.

In the late 1970s, the share of the Ural River in the world production of sturgeon was 33 percent, and 40 percent in the production of black caviar.

Tourism and rest.

Border between Asia and Europe

In the upper reaches, the Ural River is a natural water boundary between Asia and Europe. The border passes through the cities of Verkhneuralsk and Magnitogorsk in the Chelyabinsk Region. In Kazakhstan, the border between Europe and Asia runs south from Orsk along the Mugodzhary ridge. The Ural River is predominantly an inland European river, only the upper reaches of the river east of the Ural Range belong to Asia.

In Verkhneuralsk, on the bank of the Urals, a memorial sign "Europe - Asia" was installed.

The source of the Urals is also marked with a special sign and fenced.

Along the Ural River, you can look at various geological and landscape natural monuments, such as the Iriklinskoye Gorge, the Orsky Gates, the Mayachnaya, Poperechnaya, Nikolsky section and others.

The Ural River is interesting for tourist rafting. In some areas on the banks of the Urals, rocks rise. The most beautiful and interesting Ural after the city of Orsk. After it, the river flows through the Guberlinskie mountains into a gorge about 45 kilometers long.

In the Orenburg region, a water route for kayaking with a total length of 876 kilometers has been developed. From the Iriklinskoye reservoir to Orenburg - 523 kilometers, from Orenburg to Early - 352 kilometers. On this route, the duration of the rafting is calculated for 28 days.

The abundance and diversity of fish in the Ural River makes it attractive for amateur fishing.

Map of the Ural River with the designation of the source and mouth

Reference Information.


Length: 2428 km

Basin area: 231,000 km²

Pool: Caspian Sea

Water consumption: 400 m³/sec. (in km from the mouth)

Slope: 0.32‰

Tortuosity factor: 2.38

Source:Uraltau Ridge, Southern Urals,Aznashevo village, Uchalinsky district, Republic of Bashkortostan

Altitude above sea level: 760 m


Latitude: 54°42′10″N

Longitude: 59°25′05″E

Mouth:Caspian Sea, Atyrau city, Kazakhstan.

Altitude above sea level: -28 m


Latitude: 46°53′02″N

Longitude: 51°37′01″E