GAZ-53 GAZ-3307 GAZ-66

For which I love the profession of a driver. Description of the profession of the driver, the choice of the profession of the driver. Pros and cons

Driver is generally a vehicle handling specialist. The latter can be passenger, cargo or even special equipment. He also has the knowledge and skills in car maintenance, repairs it in a timely manner when a malfunction occurs (or delivers the car to the service center in a timely manner), strictly observes safety measures and traffic rules. The driver can also perform additional duties (for example, loading and unloading). The profession belongs to the category of "technician". The profession is suitable for those who have no interest in school subjects (see choosing a profession by interest in school subjects).

Short description: who is a driver?

A driver is a very common and always in demand profession. There are many varieties of it. So, a driver can be a freight forwarder, courier, taxi driver, security guard, he can be engaged in international transportation of goods, and so on. Accordingly, for employment for a driver's vacancy, the rights of the corresponding category, driving experience and the availability of skills corresponding to the specifics of the proposed position are required. The driver is responsible for the health of passengers and / or the safety of cargo, so he must be able to make the right decisions in emergency situations.

Features of the profession

The duties of the driver, as already noted, are reduced not only to the delivery of passengers or cargo from point "A" to point "B". Such a specialist is also responsible for the serviceability of the vehicle, for compliance with all transportation rules, and even for filling out the reporting documentation. The main scope of work on the shoulders of drivers is as follows:

  • Checking the presence of fuel and oil, the serviceability of the machine mechanisms and the electrical system before leaving.
  • Carrying out regular maintenance of the vehicle (in addition to the inspection before departure, this includes refueling, oil change, washing, timely troubleshooting).
  • Direct implementation of freight or passenger transportation.
  • Registration of documents regulating the transportation process.
  • Effective resolution of any difficult driving situations.
  • Providing first aid to victims of road traffic accidents.
  • Planning and organizing vehicle maintenance work.
  • Quality control of car repair work.

Generally accepted ideas about who a driver is sometimes at odds with the real state of affairs in specific positions. So, for example, some specialists are also involved in planning the work of the logistics department, organize the work of personnel during transportation, use modern IT products to manage transportation processes, and so on.

Pros and cons of being a driver


  1. The ability to travel to different cities and countries.
  2. No need for years of training.
  3. Applicability of professional skills in everyday life.
  4. A large number of vacancies in the labor market.


  1. Responsibility for passengers and cargo.
  2. Irregular working hours.
  3. Quite often - not the most comfortable working conditions (for example, in the cold season).
  4. Not always high wages.

Important personal qualities

It is worth starting training as a driver if you are confident in your responsibility, resistance to stress, hard work, and the ability to maintain concentration for a long time. The ability to understand technology, good spatial imagination, the ability to quickly switch attention and make informed decisions in emergency situations, excellent ability to orientate on the ground will not hurt. Emotional stability and sociability are also important for the driver, since he inevitably has to interact with a large number of people.

Driver training

There are many options for where to get the profession of a driver. In fact, these can be any driving schools, as well as organizations that provide training and internships for future employees. Education as such for this specialty is not needed (with the exception of the basic one, of course).

At the same time, colleges and universities for drivers still exist. So, in the context of secondary specialized education, one can note the profile "Organization of transportation and transport management" (code 23.02.01), in the context of higher education - the specialty "Ground transport and technological means by profile: Cars and tractors" (code 23.05.01). But they are more suitable for those who want to be not just a driver, but also, for example, participate in the organization of transportation, personnel management, renovation work... Otherwise, there is enough license and experience, and there is no need to find out where to study as a driver additionally.


Driving schools

We will not give examples of specific driving schools, since their number in any city is quite large. The main thing is to choose the one that teaches driving to pass the exam for the category you need.

The best colleges for drivers

  1. MADK them. A.A. Nikolaeva
  2. FRAME No. 26
  4. KSUMRF them. Admiral S.O. Makarova

Place of work

Drivers are needed in almost any organization that, in one way or another, transports any cargo or has a need for passenger transportation. In other words, we are talking about almost any modern company. Also, drivers can work as taxi drivers or provide their services to one specific client.

Driver's salary

The income level of such a specialist depends on the place of his employment. If desired, the driver will always be able to secure himself a decent salary, especially when working on international routes.

Salary as of 09/01/2020

Moscow 60000—200000 ₽

Career growth

Career development also depends on where the driver works. He can seek to obtain leadership positions, or open his own organization (logistics, transport, providing personal driver services, and so on).

Professional knowledge

  1. Safety regulations road traffic.
  2. Maintenance and vehicle repair.
  3. Electronics and electrical engineering.
  4. The device of vehicles.
  5. Team management.
  6. Safety precautions when organizing the process of transporting goods.

Notable drivers

  1. Michael Schumacher, Formula 1 legend. He still holds the record for the number of victories in the world famous grand prix, and his name has become a household name.
  2. Lewis Hamilton, five-time Formula 1 world champion and record holder.

A driver is a worker who is entrusted with driving motor vehicles and other vehicles in accordance with the open category of his driver's license.

The main purpose of the driver's work is to drive vehicles.

There are as many drivers as there are vehicles. Passengers are transported by drivers of buses, trolley buses and trams and cars. The need for the transportation of goods has caused the need for truck drivers and the management of special equipment.

  • Bus driver is engaged in the transportation of people, their luggage, all kinds of cargo and mail delivery. He must strictly follow a certain schedule and route and not deviate from it. The bus driver can perform intercity and international transportation.
  • Tram driver exactly follows the specified route when transporting people. Its goal is to ensure the safe delivery of passengers. He must sell tickets to people along the way and convey the necessary information to them. The tram driver must be able to carry out minor repairs of the vehicle and check it for serviceability before starting work.
  • Taxi driver- this is, first of all, a psychologist. People are different: someone does not want to pay for services, someone needs to pour out their hearts, and sometimes you have to deal with people associated with crime. Working in a taxi is considered dangerous.
  • Personal driver... His duties include transporting family members of the employer or himself. The car must always be in proper condition, and the driver is strictly obliged to comply with the customer's requirements.

People in this profession can work as truckers, drive an ambulance or a trolleybus.

Driver profession

The history of this profession began with the advent of wheeled vehicles. The first controlled steam trailers appeared in Europe. They moved at a speed of only 7 km / h. The names of the Frenchman Nicolas Cugno (the development of the steam carriage in 1970) and the German engineer Karl Benz went down in history, even though they lived in different centuries. Benz invented the first car with gasoline engine in 1885. The car was going a little faster than the man was.

In 1895, road transport appeared in Russia. Only experienced drivers - chauffeurs could drive it. The first drivers were athletes, then there was a need for taxi drivers.

Today we can no longer imagine our life without road transport and the specialists who manage it.

Drivers celebrate their professional holiday on October 28 - the Day of Road Transport Workers.

Pros and cons


  • you can visit different places during one working day;
  • the need for experienced drivers;
  • no special education required.


  • you have to work in excess of the norm;
  • no career growth;
  • the driver moves a little;
  • constant nervous tension.

Requirements for the profession

The driver must be endowed with:

  • good eyesight and be mentally healthy;
  • have driving experience;
  • be able to react quickly in dangerous situations in order to prevent serious consequences.

The driver is forced to:

  • have a good memory to navigate road signs;
  • perfectly master the rules of the road;
  • monitor changes in legislation;
  • periodically confirm qualifications.

The main requirement for the driver- the presence of a driver's license and the absence of medical contraindications.

Job responsibilities

The list of driver tasks depends on the scope of the organization.

  • Basically, it is the transportation of people, products and goods.
  • The driver must also contain a vehicle in good condition. If a malfunction is found, the specialist is obliged to fix the malfunction as soon as possible.
  • At the enterprise, the driver is asked to fulfill various assignments: to hand over the documents, to take the team to the place of work, to pick up the material.
  • The personal driver is obliged to meet and deliver the company management to the indicated place.
  • The bus driver must not deviate from the established route; his duties also include the transportation of luggage.
  • In the event of simple malfunctions, the rail transport driver is forced to eliminate them on his own.

In addition, the employee is obliged:

  • follow the rules of the road;
  • control the fastening of transported goods;
  • stop at the request of a traffic police officer.

Driver's responsibility

  • The driver is responsible for the lives of passengers, pedestrians and the safety of transported goods.
  • An employee is prohibited from coming to work while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs.
  • The driver's responsibility is determined by his category. Driving a bus with passengers is much more difficult than transporting goods.

Important: Before going to the facility, inspect the vehicle for any malfunctions, guided by the readings of the instruments.


When meeting with an employee of the State Automobile Inspectorate, the driver has the right to:

  • require the patrol officer to explain the reason for the stop;
  • not pay a fine, pay it on the spot or challenge a loan;
  • demand the return of the driver's license.

The driver has the right to refuse to carry passengers or carry cargo if his vehicle is out of order.

Features of the profession

Qualified professionals in the person of the driver are needed in every field of activity where there is a need for the transportation of goods and passengers.

  • Category A- gives the right to drive a motorcycle or motorcycle with a sidecar with a total weight of up to 400 kg;
  • Category B- allows you to manage by car weighing up to 3500 kg and carrying up to 8 people. A driver of this category has the right to work and drive a car with a trailer up to 750 kg.
  • Category C- provides the ability to control trucks weighing more than 3.5 tons (including with a small cargo trailer).
  • Category D- allows the driver to drive vehicles with a lightweight trailer,

Professional skills and abilities

A qualified driver must know a lot and understand a lot.

  • There is no escape here: if you want to work as a driver, learn the rules of the road by heart.
  • You will need to study the device of the car and understand the specifics of the operation of devices and mechanisms.
  • First aid skills are required.
  • It is required to know the procedure and timing of vehicle maintenance.

A professional driver must:

  • feel confident on the road and develop driving skills to automatism;
  • be able to predict how the situation on the road will develop;
  • not to lose composure even in the most dangerous situations;
  • be able to make the right decision, depending on the situation on the road;
  • be able to measure speed and distance using an accurate eye and spatial reasoning.

A good driver is able to understand in time that the car is faulty.

Driver's personal qualities

A person who decides to become a driver should be distinguished by:

  • punctuality, accuracy, attentiveness;
  • quick reaction, the ability to choose a good and convenient path;
  • love for technology, respect for mechanical work;
  • precise coordination, vigilance;
  • physical endurance, composure.

This profession is chosen by those people who adore speed and a sense of movement.


In fact, as such, driving up the career ladder will not bring driving activity.

Graduated from a higher educational institution at the Faculty of Transport Technologies will give you the opportunity to work in production as a mechanic of a transport section or as a driver, supervising the work of drivers.

You can expect a career advancement only if you work at a large enterprise where there is a position of a mechanic for the production of vehicles or a mechanic for its repair, etc. Usually, in order to get a promotion of this kind, you need to work as a driver for many years. There is a second way: your candidacy should be proposed by a person whose opinion matters.

Dear Guys! Try to solve this riddle:

Skillfully he drives the car -

After all, it's not the first year behind the wheel!

Tight tires rustle slightly

He takes us around the city.

That's right, this is the driver!

What is this profession - a driver?

The driver of a passenger car transports people, and a truck driver transports various goods. But both must know perfectly well the structure of the car, skillfully manage it, especially on the streets. big city where there are many cars and pedestrians.

The driver must know the rules of the road by heart and never break them!

The driver, who works as a taxi driver, drives people around the city. He knows all the city streets and alleys well.

A truck is much larger and more powerful than a car. Driving such a large car is not easy! Therefore, truck drivers are highly qualified.

Hear a poem about the job of a truck driver.

My truck

Here is a huge truck!

I'm used to driving it

I carry loads on it,

If they are building a new house.

He is a machine to all cars -

A real colossus!

Carries bricks, sand,

He could have moved a mountain!

All day we are alone,

I'm in the cockpit behind the wheel.

He is obedient, as if alive,

As if he is my friend.

I'll turn on the music quietly

And I'll spin the steering wheel

Is it raining, is it snowing

We're going, we're going forward!

Before leaving, the driver carefully checks the serviceability of his car. At the slightest malfunction, the car should not go out on the track, a specialist mechanic should take care of it.

Many drivers work for public transport- trams, buses, trolleybuses. Before entering the tracks, these vehicles are checked by mechanics, and a doctor examines the driver. The driver must be healthy! After all, he is responsible for the lives of many people.

At stops, the driver presses a special button and opens the doors. Some passengers get off the bus, tram or trolleybus, while others enter.

To the question of what they want to become when they grow up, many guys answer: a driver!

Indeed, this profession is interesting! The car is in motion all the time, the landscape is constantly changing outside the window, the people in the car are changing too.

But the profession of a driver places high demands on a person: quick reaction, excellent memory, endurance, strength, the ability to instantly make the right decision in a difficult situation, good health, excellent eyesight.

The driver must accurately distinguish all light signals and have excellent hearing.

The profession of a driver attracts living people who love variety and frequent change of impressions.

Tell us about the driver's job.

What types of transport do the drivers use?

Why is the work of a driver considered very responsible?

What should a driver know?

What qualities should a driver have?

Would you like to become a driver?

Software content:

To create in children a holistic view of the work of a chauffeur, of the help that cars provide to people.

Concretize children's ideas that there are different cars: cars and trucks

To consolidate the knowledge of children about the main parts of a truck and a car

To continue teaching children to respond with simple sentences, to consolidate the ability to draw round and square objects, as well as the ability of children to count within four.

To cultivate respect for the people of this profession, the desire to imitate.

Individual work with Maxim, Lisa and Dima - to work out

perseverance, desire to listen, answer the questions posed.

Vocabulary work: wrench, pump, gas station, etc.

Prior work: observation of cars and trucks, the work of the driver unloading food in the kindergarten. Examining illustrations, reading fiction.

Material: a stand with a picture of cars (cars, trucks), pencils and sheets of paper with drawn templates of trucks. For the game "Find an extra object" subject pictures: wrench, screwdriver, hammer, pump, needle, scissors, saw, awl. For the game "Cars": steering wheels, for each child with a numerical expression from 1 to 4, designations of garages, as well v numerical expression from 1 to 4. Toys: fire-fighting vehicles, cars, trucks, type-setting cloth.

Equipment arrangement: children sit behind tables arranged in two rows.

Course of the lesson:

I invite children to listen to the riddle

Rubber running

I will go around all the roads

I will be useful at a construction site

I'm not afraid of work

All paths are open to me

I can transport people

Guys, what do you think this is?

I am reading Galieva's poem "Chauffeurs".

Rustling on the roads

Funny tires

Hurry along the roads

Machines, machines

And in the back are important

Urgent shipments

Cement and iron

Raisins and watermelons.

Chauffeur work

Difficult and challenging

But how is she to people

Needed everywhere.

What is this poem about? (about cars)

Cars are helpers of people, they transport goods and people, food to stores, medicines to pharmacies and hospitals. People could not do without cars.

I draw the attention of people to the stand with the images of cars, we are examining it.

Check out these trucks and cars. Why is it called a truck? (because she carries goods).

Powerful transport - truck

I'm used to carrying gravity

What is the car body for?

To carry goods in it?

What goods are transported by truck? (bricks, sand, logs, planks) What does a truck have? (The truck has: cab, body, windows, wheels, headlights). Now look at a passenger car, why is it called that? (It is smaller) Who is being transported in a passenger car? (people) How else can you say? (passengers) What does a passenger car have? (body, windows, headlights, wheels).

I summarize the children's answers. Trucks are large and powerful, they have a body, they carry heavy loads in the body. And in passenger cars there is a salon, people drive in them.

Who drives the machines? (chauffeur) What else can you call a chauffeur? (driver). I invite the children to listen to an excerpt from Eddie Ognitvet's poem "Who starts the day?"

The chauffeur does not like to sleep at home,

A little light the chauffeur gets up.

He hurries to his car

To start the engine ...

Why do you think a chauffeur needs to get up early? (Prepare for a trip, work, refuel it, start the engine).

Where do cars sleep? (in the garage) Do you think the chauffeur's work is difficult or easy? Why? (the driver's work is difficult, because he gets up early, he must be careful on the road so as not to run over pedestrians ...) What are gas stations for? What tools does a chauffeur need on the road for repairs? (screwdriver, wrench, hammer ...). I invite all of you to become chauffeurs and play the game "Pick tools for a chauffeur" (we will select tools that are not needed for a chauffeur to work).

Well done, now you know how the driver fixes the car, coped with the task. On you tables there are cars that also need repair. I invite the children to turn over the album leaves, think about what parts are missing and finish drawing them with a pencil (wheels, windows).

Well done, you have completed the task, and now I suggest you get up and play the game "Cars" ( we play 2-3 times).

Children return to their seats. The phonogram sounds.

Can you hear our cars talking? Do you want to listen to a fairy tale?

Once on the road three cars met, these are the following (I show the cars standing on the table) fire, cargo, passenger. All of them were in a great hurry and could not make way for each other.

Please let me in, ”the truck shouted,“ I'm in a hurry to the construction site, carrying bricks.

At first I’m not there, ”the fire engine shouted,“ because I am in a hurry to put out the fire.

No, no, let me go, - she said passenger car, -I'm taking people, we are late for the railway station.

Guys, let's help them. Which car do you think will go first on the road? (fire department) And the second one? (passenger) and the last one? (cargo)

And why?

Conclusion: today we met with the work of a chauffeur. We learned a lot of interesting things. The work of a chauffeur is difficult, but very important and necessary for people, and we also learned that there are cars and trucks. They carry different types of goods and people. People cannot live without cars. They are their main assistants.

All the guys were active in the lesson, they performed the tasks correctly. This concludes the lesson.

Municipal budgetary institution

additional education

"Center for Continuing Education for Children"

Nizhnekamsk municipal district

Republic of Tatarstan

Lesson - lesson

"About the profession of a driver»


Davletshina Natalia Viktorovna


Target: to acquaint children with the profession of a driver, to give some knowledge about what qualities and knowledge a person must have in order to become a good specialist - a driver.


Training: to acquaint with the concept of "driver" and drawing up syncwine, fixing road signs and drawing up puzzles;

Development: development of attention, visual memory, speed of reaction, the ability to analyze, substantiate, cognize;

Upbringing: fostering independence, respectful attitude to the profession of "driver", the ability to bring the job started to the end, collectivism.

Lesson type: combined

Lesson type: integrated

Teaching methods: conversation, work with a work of art, survey, work with handouts.


1. Organizational moment.

2. Creation of a positive emotional mood.

What is your mood now? Draw on a piece of paper that everyone has on the table, a circle of the color that the soul asks for, what mood you are in now. (Children draw.)

3. Calling associations.

Guess the riddle:

Skillfully he drives the car -
It's not the first year behind the wheel!
Tight tires rustle slightly
He is taking us around the city. ( Driver)

That's right, driver! Write on a piece of paper the word "driver" and the words that come to your mind when you hear this word, ie associations. (Children write on a piece of paper.)

What are the association words that you wrote down? (The teacher's words are written on the board.)

To the words that you wrote down, add a tag word, an adjective to make a phrase. (Children write on a piece of paper.)

Read the phrases. (Children read; teacher adds tag words on the board.)

4. Work in groups.

The profession we are talking about today is very well known to everyone, since you meet with it almost daily.

In the group, write a story about the profession of a driver. (Children make up story, then one person from each group talks about the profession of a driver.)

5. An excerpt from the work of N. Nosov "How Dunno rode in a carbonated car" (scene).

Dunno: Let me ride the car. I also want to learn how to manage.

Toropyzhka: You won't be able to. It's a car. Here you need to understand.

Dunno: What else is there to understand! I saw how you rule. Pull the handles and turn the steering wheel. It's simple.

Toropyzhka: It only seems that it is simple, but in fact it is difficult. You will kill yourself and crash the car.

Dunno: ( offended) Okay, Hurry! If you ask me for something, I won't give it to you either.

Shorty: ( shout) What are you doing? You will kill yourself!

Dunno: I won't kill myself ...

Fuck fuck! The booth fell to pieces. It's good that Bulka had time to jump out, or even he would have crushed.

Know: ( shouts) You see what you've done! Stop now!

Author: Dunno got scared, wanted to stop the car and pulled some lever. But the car, instead of stopping, went even faster. Fuck-bangers! The gazebo fell to pieces. Dunno was thrown from head to toe with chips. One board hit him on the back, the other cracked him on the back of the head. Dunno grabbed the steering wheel and let's turn. The car rushes around the yard, and Dunno screams at the top of his lungs:

Dunno: Brothers, open the gate as soon as possible, otherwise I'll break everything in the yard!

Hearing the noise, the little ones ran out from all the yards.

Is it easy to be a driver? Why?

What do you think a driver should know and be able to do?

6. Summarizing oral responses in the form of a short description.

So, this profession is associated with the transportation of goods and passengers, which involves the ability to drive and maintain a car (refuel, lubricate parts, wash, find and fix faults.)

7. Conversation.

What subjects does a future driver need to know?

Why does he need mathematics, Russian and foreign languages, history and geography?

What abilities should a driver have? (Children give answers first)

8. Task for attention.

It is very important for the driver on the road to be extremely attentive.

You will now check this ability at your place.

Exercise 1.

Several cars are mixed in the picture. It is necessary to determine their number in 5 seconds and show a card with a number. (The numbers are on the table for each team)

Task 2. Slide 9

In the picture, you need to find the shadow of the depicted car in 5 seconds and show a card with the serial number of the car. (The numbers are on the table for each team)

9. Task "Restore the plan".

Why does the driver quickly find the destination, that is, the place to go? (Knows how to navigate on a map, has a good visual memory.)

With the help of the next task, you will test these abilities in yourself.

(Each team has a sheet with a plan and assignment on the table)

Assignment 3.

Insert the missing fragments into the plan so that you can drive along the road along the river. ( Examination)

10. The game “Types of transport”.

The driver must be able to react quickly in unforeseen situations, to think quickly. This ability can be tested using the game.

One of you, throwing a ball to someone, should say, for example, “ Air Transport”(Options - land, sea).

The one who catches the ball names a vehicle related to the air (land, sea) mode of transport, and gives the task to the next student.

The one who cannot give an answer, throws the ball and his question to another student, and he leaves the game.

(At the end of the game, the remaining players are counted and marked as having a good reaction.)

11. Working with subject material.

A driver fixes his car as well as a locksmith. A good driver is a jack of all trades!


Take out, without looking, the very first tool that comes into your hands from the box, tell me what it is called and how the driver can use it.

(Each team only takes one tool out of the box.)

(Chisel. I put a chisel on the metal with a sharp end, hit the other end with a hammer - I chopped off a piece of metal!

File. Helps to make the surface of the metal completely smooth.

Screwdriver. Tightens the screws.

Wrench. Helps to unscrew or tighten bolts and nuts.

Hammer. They are hammered into something or used with a chisel to chop off a piece of metal.)

12. Exercises “Who is Longer? Who is bigger?".

For you, I think it is no secret that the driver must accurately distinguish all light signals and have excellent hearing. The driver must be sturdy and strong, and have good health. After all, he is responsible for the lives of many people.


(3 representatives are invited from each team)

The first representatives from each team do push-ups from the floor. Who is bigger?

The second representatives jump on one leg. Who is longer?

The third representatives squat on one leg, keeping the other leg straight forward. Who did more squats?

13. Tasks for knowledge of the rules of the road.

The driver must know the rules of the road by heart and never break them! Let's check how you know the traffic rules.

Exercise 1.

One person from the team takes a card from riddle... The team reads it, guesses it.

    Roma has a stomach ache -

Do not get him home.
In a situation like this
Need a sign to find what? ("Paragraph first aid ")

    Red circle, rectangle

Every student is obliged to know!
This is a very strict sign:
And wherever you are in a hurry
With dad in the car -
You will not get through in any way! (Sign "No entry")

    Boy Fedya is riding

By bike ...
Guess why
Discontent among passers-by.
Give me the sign
That he does not see in any way. (Sign "Bicycles are prohibited")

    Exclamation point -

A wonderful sign.
So you can play here,
Sing, make noise, play naughty?
We wouldn't have gotten into trouble -
This is a very strict sign! (Sign "Other hazards")

    Stripes in black and white
    The pedestrian walks boldly.
    How many of you guys know
    What does the sign warn about? (Sign "Crosswalk")

Task 2.

And now - blitz poll... Here it is required to answer the questions faster than anyone else, but the answers must be correct.

1. What traffic signal prohibits traffic? (Red.)

2. The intersection of the roads. (Crossroads.)

3. Man walking. (A pedestrian.)

4. Part of the street intended for transport. (Carriageway.)

5. Which side of the sidewalk should pedestrians walk on? (On the right.)

6. How many turns are there in total? (Two: left and right.)

7. What should you do if someone calls you at the time when you cross the street? (Continue on the way.)

8. Traffic light signal allowing movement. (Green.)

9. Most dangerous place on the streets of the city. (Crossroads.)

10. The person who rides on the bus, tram. (Passenger.)

11. Part of the street intended for pedestrians. (Sidewalk.)

12. On which side of the road should a pedestrian walk if there is no sidewalk? (On the left, towards the traffic.)

13. What kind of crossing should be at the intersection with heavy traffic? (Underground.)

14. What should the people accompanying the group hold in their hands? (Checkboxes.)

15. At what age is it allowed to ride a bike on the road? (From the age of 14.)

Task 3.

Each team receives a sheet with 5 road signs. You need to correctly sign the name of each road sign and determine which group of signs they belong to.

1st group - “Railway crossing without a barrier” ( warning)

"No entry" ( forbidding)

"Move to the right" ( prescriptive)

"Underground pedestrian crossing" ( informational)

"Resting-place" (service)

2nd group - “Traffic light regulation” ( warning)

"Movement Prohibition" ( forbidding)

"Bicycle lane" ( prescriptive)

"Elevated pedestrian crossing" ( informational)

"Car wash" ( service)

Group 3 - "Rough road" ( warning)

“Cycling is prohibited” ( forbidding)

"Footpath" ( prescriptive)

"Gas station" ( service)

"Parking place" ( informational)

4 group- "Crosswalk" ( warning)

"No Pedestrians" ( forbidding)

"Tram stop" ( special order mark)

"Dead end" ( informational)

"Food point" ( service)

5 group - "Road works" ( warning)

“Beep disabled” ( forbidding)

"Living sector" ( special order mark)

"Car maintenance" ( service)

"Children" ( warning))


14. Conversation.

What have people driven before?

What do they drive now?

What will they drive in the future?

15. Assignment in groups.

Try to draw the car of the future. Describe it. How will he move? Will he need fuel? If so, which one? What speed can he develop? How far will it be possible to travel on it?

(Creation of projects of transport of the future and protection of projects of groups. Projects are posted in the classroom.)

What is the most successful car project of the future in your opinion? Why?

16. Discussion of the results.

- What are the names of the abilities that were tested in this lesson?

- What tasks aroused your interest?

- What tasks were easy to complete?

- What tasks were difficult and why?

17. Reflection.

Let's compose a syncwine about our lesson. The rules for composing syncwine are on your table. (Compose and read in a chain)

And now I would like to know what mood you are at the end of our lesson. Draw on a piece of paper a circle of the color that your soul asks for, what is your mood now. (Children draw.)

By the end of the lesson, who improved their mood? Why do you think?

Our lesson is over.


    Newspaper “September First”, Primary school, special issue “Profile education” No. 2, January, 2007.

    Davydova M.A., Original holidays in primary grades, Creative Center Sphere, M., 2005.

    A set of newspapers "Pedsovet" and "Shik", November, 2006.

    Nosov N.N., Stories about Dunno, How Dunno rode in a carbonated car, publishing house "Raduga", M., 1983.

    Potapova T.V., Conversations with preschoolers about professions, Creative Center Sphere, M., 2005.

    Traffic rules of the Russian Federation (with illustrations), M., “Third Rome”, 2006.

Internet resources