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Return to the shelter. Quotes from the book “Return to the Shelter” by Madeline Roux

The book “Return to the Shelter” by the famous contemporary writer Madeline Roux is a continuation of the first part of the story about Dan and his friends, described in the book “The Shelter”. The second novel provides answers to many questions, tells in more detail about the past, while adding new secrets, questions, and riddles.

When Dan went to a private college some time ago, he found new friends there, with whom he still has strong friendships. The guys learned that their college used to be a psychiatric hospital where especially dangerous criminals were kept. Friends had nightmares, they heard some voices, and began to try to uncover the secret of this place.

A year ago the guys returned home, they thought that this whole story was over. But they still have strange dreams that terrify them. They can't forget what happened last summer. Each of them receives a creepy photo with a scary caption. Dan, Abby and Jordan decide that the only way they can get rid of their fears is there, and they go to college. Now they are again surrounded by gloomy corridors and rooms, a depressing environment, and terrifying memories. But they think they have to face their fear.

Arriving at the place, the friends realize that this will not only not put an end to last year's nightmare, but will also drag them into new strange and wild adventures. The shelter has its own secrets that Dan must solve together with his friends. What is it here that haunts the guy even from a distance?

The narration is accompanied by terrifying photographs that help to feel the atmosphere of a former psychiatric hospital. This book tells more about the past of the hospital itself, about what happened within its walls, how Dan and doctor Crawford are connected. The novel will evoke a lot of emotions and will be remembered for a long time.

The work belongs to the genre of Horror and Mysticism. It was published in 2014 by the Family Leisure Club Book Club. The book is part of the "Shelter" series. On our website you can download the book “Return to the Shelter” in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. The book's rating is 3.77 out of 5. Here, before reading, you can also turn to reviews from readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In our partner’s online store you can buy and read the book in paper version.

Dedicated to my family , which invariably amazes with its unshakable faith in me , as well as support and love .

If there are people on earth better than my loved ones - I haven't met them

Denied reality comes back to haunt man

Girl in the dark

© TomaB/

Vague outline of a girl, side view

© TomaB/


It was a play of light, and sounds, and the smells of rickety, candy-striped tents, and of laughter, the explosions of which, like cannon shots, came from the paths winding between the tents. Miracles awaited at every step. On the dais stood a man breathing fire. The sweet and heavy aroma of fried pies and popcorn hung in the air. Teasing at first, it quickly became nauseating. And in the very last tent sat a man with a long beard. He promised neither riches nor curiosities. He didn't even offer to look into the future. No. This man in the last tent promised the one thing that the little boy wanted more than anything in the world.


Chapter 1

« Guys,you won't believe me, - Dan typed and shook his head, looking at the monitor. - “ Memory Manipulation Specialist? Is it even possible? As it were,just watch the video and let me know,what do you think of it!»

His cursor hovered over the last sentence - the horror in it was too clearly heard. Well, let. Dan was truly beginning to feel truly terrified. The last three letters had gone unanswered, and he wasn't sure if Abby and Jordan were still reading them.

He clicked the "Send" button.

Dan leaned back in his chair and rolled his neck, listening to the quiet crunch of his vertebrae. He then closed the laptop, perhaps a little abruptly, and stood up, stuffing the computer into his briefcase between papers and folders. He barely had time to put everything away and walk out the library door into the lobby when the bell rang.

Students walked in a crowd along a long corridor. Dan noticed several people from his calculus class, and they waved to him as he reached their lockers. Missy, a petite brunette with a scattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose, decorated her locker door with all the stickers and cards from " Doctor Who", whichever I managed to get hold of. A lanky kid named Tariq was retrieving books from the locker next door, and next to him stood the shortest guy in the twelfth grade, Beckett.

“Hi, Dan,” Missy greeted. - We missed you during lunch. Where did you run away to?

“Oh, I was in the library,” Dan responded. - I had to finish some literature work.

You have to prepare so much for these lessons,” Beckett sighed. - I'm glad I limited myself to English.

When you came up, Dan, we were just discussing " Macbeth" Are you going to go?

“Yeah, I heard that the troupe is just excellent,” said Tariq, slamming his locker shut.

I didn’t even know what they were putting on “ Macbeth“Dan was surprised. - Is this some kind of drama club?

Oh, and it features Annie Sy. This is quite enough not to miss the performance.

Beckett grinned meaningfully, looking at the guys, and Dan faintly smiled back, after which the whole group walked down the corridor. Dan didn’t remember what classes the rest of the group had now, but if he wasn’t actually preparing for classes in the library, he was now actually heading to the second floor to the literature room. It wasn't his favorite subject, but Abby had read most of the books on the list and promised to tell him their contents someday, which made the task somewhat easier.

“We should go,” said Tariq. He was wearing a sweater three sizes too big and skinny jeans. This gave him a vague resemblance to a Chinese dummy. - Dan, come with us. I'll try to get free tickets. I know the chief technician.

Don't know. To be honest, I've never been a big fan of " Macbeth" For people with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, like me, this play really touches a nerve,” Dan said calmly, furiously scrubbing a non-existent stain on the sleeve of his jacket.

Missy and Tariq, as if on cue, stared at him in amazement.

Remember? - He smiled faintly. - “Get away, damned stain...”?

Oh, is this from a play? - Tariq clarified.

Well, yes... This is sort of one of the most famous lines.

He frowned. Abby and Jordan would have understood immediately. And he was sure that “ Macbeth"is included in the list of required reading for everyone without exception.

In general, okay. See you later.

Dan separated from the group and began to climb the stairs. Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he sent Jordan and Abby identical messages: “No one here understands my humor. Save!” Twenty minutes later, bored in class, Jordan still hadn't responded and Abby sent an indifferent "Ha ha ha."

What's happened? Where gone away his friends? Not that they're all that busy... Just last week, Jordan was telling him in a Facebook chat how incredibly boring his classes are. He said that after the preparatory program at New Hampshire College, studying did not present any difficulty for him, and therefore no interest. Dan sympathized with him, but, frankly, the classes were the last thing he remembered from the summer spent in New Hampshire. What he could not get out of his mind was the incident in their dormitory, Brooklyn - a former psychiatric clinic run by the crazy head physician Daniel Crawford.

Madeline Roux

Return to the Shelter

Dedicated to my family , which invariably amazes with its unshakable faith in me , as well as support and love .

If there are people on earth better than my loved ones - I haven't met them

Denied reality comes back to haunt man

Philip K. Dick

Girl in the dark

© TomaB/

Vague outline of a girl, side view

© TomaB/


It was a play of light, and sounds, and the smells of rickety, candy-striped tents, and of laughter, the explosions of which, like cannon shots, came from the paths winding between the tents. Miracles awaited at every step. On the dais stood a man breathing fire. The sweet and heavy aroma of fried pies and popcorn hung in the air. Teasing at first, it quickly became nauseating. And in the very last tent sat a man with a long beard. He promised neither riches nor curiosities. He didn't even offer to look into the future. No. This man in the last tent promised the one thing that the little boy wanted more than anything in the world.


Chapter 1

« Guys, you won't believe me, - Dan typed and shook his head, looking at the monitor. - “ Memory Manipulation Specialist? Is it even possible? As it were, just watch the video and let me know, what do you think of it!»

His cursor hovered over the last sentence - the horror in it was too clearly heard. Well, let. Dan was truly beginning to feel truly terrified. The last three letters had gone unanswered, and he wasn't sure if Abby and Jordan were still reading them.

He clicked the "Send" button.

Dan leaned back in his chair and rolled his neck, listening to the quiet crunch of his vertebrae. He then closed the laptop, perhaps a little abruptly, and stood up, stuffing the computer into his briefcase between papers and folders. He barely had time to put everything away and walk out the library door into the lobby when the bell rang.

Students walked in a crowd along a long corridor. Dan noticed several people from his calculus class, and they waved to him as he reached their lockers. Missy, a petite brunette with a scattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose, decorated her locker door with all the stickers and cards from " Doctor Who", whichever I managed to get hold of. A lanky kid named Tariq was retrieving books from the locker next door, and next to him stood the shortest guy in the twelfth grade, Beckett.

“Hi, Dan,” Missy greeted. - We missed you during lunch. Where did you run away to?

“Oh, I was in the library,” Dan responded. - I had to finish some literature work.

You have to prepare so much for these lessons,” Beckett sighed. - I'm glad I limited myself to English.

When you came up, Dan, we were just discussing " Macbeth" Are you going to go?

“Yeah, I heard that the troupe is just excellent,” said Tariq, slamming his locker shut.

I didn’t even know what they were putting on “ Macbeth“Dan was surprised. - Is this some kind of drama club?

Oh, and it features Annie Sy. This is quite enough not to miss the performance.

Beckett grinned meaningfully, looking at the guys, and Dan faintly smiled back, after which the whole group walked down the corridor. Dan didn’t remember what classes the rest of the group had now, but if he wasn’t actually preparing for classes in the library, he was now actually heading to the second floor to the literature room. It wasn't his favorite subject, but Abby had read most of the books on the list and promised to tell him their contents someday, which made the task somewhat easier.

“We should go,” said Tariq. He was wearing a sweater three sizes too big and skinny jeans. This gave him a vague resemblance to a Chinese dummy. - Dan, come with us. I'll try to get free tickets. I know the chief technician.

Don't know. To be honest, I've never been a big fan of " Macbeth" For people with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, like me, this play really touches a nerve,” Dan said calmly, furiously scrubbing a non-existent stain on the sleeve of his jacket.

Missy and Tariq, as if on cue, stared at him in amazement.

Remember? - He smiled faintly. - “Get away, damned stain...”?

Oh, is this from a play? - Tariq clarified.

Well, yes... This is sort of one of the most famous lines.

He frowned. Abby and Jordan would have understood immediately. And he was sure that “ Macbeth"is included in the list of required reading for everyone without exception.

In general, okay. See you later.

Dan separated from the group and began to climb the stairs. Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he sent Jordan and Abby identical messages: “No one here understands my humor. Save!” Twenty minutes later, bored in class, Jordan still hadn't responded and Abby sent an indifferent "Ha ha ha."

What's happened? Where gone away his friends? Not that they're all that busy... Just last week, Jordan was telling him in a Facebook chat how incredibly boring his classes are. He said that after the preparatory program at New Hampshire College, studying did not present any difficulty for him, and therefore no interest. Dan sympathized with him, but, frankly, the classes were the last thing he remembered from the summer spent in New Hampshire. What he could not get out of his mind was the incident in their dormitory, Brooklyn - a former psychiatric clinic run by the crazy head physician Daniel Crawford.

If he didn't think about this small episode, he thought about Jordan and Abby. When they separated, at first the guys constantly sent him text messages and emails. But now they hardly communicated. He thought Missy, Tariq, and Beckett were good guys, but Jordan and Abby were different. Jordan knew him weak spots and knew how to put pressure on them, but he always did it completely without malice and only amused the whole trio. If Jordan went too far, Abby always rushed to put him in his place and restore his balance. She truly was the life and soul of their little group and the inspiration behind a relationship that Dan felt was worth nurturing.

So why are his friends ignoring him now?

Dan almost groaned as he looked at his watch. Two more hours until the end of classes. It won't be until two hours before he can run home and go online to see if his friends want to chat.

He sighed and slid lower in his chair, reluctantly tucking his phone into his pocket.

It was hard to believe what it was dangerous place, like Brooklyn, brought them closer, but ordinary life only distances them from each other.


Next to the laptop was a plate of half-eaten peanut butter sandwich. At his feet lay a history textbook, which had already begun to be covered with leaves. Usually the crisp autumn air would help him concentrate, but instead of doing his homework, he immersed himself in studying his file on Brooklyn. At the end of the preparatory course, Dan made sure to organize the notes he had taken, the research he had done, and the photographs he had collected into one neat file.

He realized that he was returning to these materials much more often than he should. Even taking into account authentic documents, the commandant's history was replete with gaps. Having learned that this terrible man could be a relative of his biological parents, and therefore his relative, great-uncle and even namesake, Dan felt that this was a hole in his personal history, a mystery that needed to be solved.

However, at the moment, this file was just a way to pass the time until Jordan and Abby appeared online. What does dad like to say? Hurry up wait

How pathetic I am! - Dan muttered, running the fingers of both hands through his dark, tousled hair.

I think you're a completely normal guy, my dear.

Clear. In the future, it is better to refrain from uttering such gloomy statements out loud.

Dan looked up and saw his mother standing on the porch. Sandy smiled, holding a steaming cup of cocoa that Dan hoped was meant for him.

Madeline Roux

Return to the Shelter

Dedicated to my family, which invariably amazes with their unshakable faith in me, as well as their support and love.

If there are people on earth better than my loved ones, I have not met them

Denied reality comes back to haunt man

Philip K. Dick

© HarperCollins Publishers, 2014

© HarperCollins Publishers, cover, 2014

© Hemiro Ltd, Russian edition, 2015

© Book Club “Family Leisure Club”, translation and artwork, 2015

No part of this publication may be copied or reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher.

Translated from the publication: Roux M. Sanctum: A Novel / Madeleine Roux. – New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 2014. – 352 rub.

It was a play of light, and sounds, and the smells of rickety, candy-striped tents, and of laughter, the explosions of which, like cannon shots, came from the paths winding between the tents. Miracles awaited at every step. On the dais stood a man breathing fire. The sweet and heavy aroma of fried pies and popcorn hung in the air. Teasing at first, it quickly became nauseating. And in the very last tent sat a man with a long beard. He promised neither riches nor curiosities. He didn't even offer to look into the future. No. This man in the last tent promised the one thing that the little boy wanted more than anything in the world.


"Guys, you won't believe me.,” Dan typed and shook his head, looking at the monitor. – “ Memory Manipulation Specialist? Is it even possible? Anyway, just watch the video and let me know what you think!»

His cursor hovered over the last sentence - the horror in it was too clearly heard. Well, let. Dan was truly beginning to feel truly terrified. The last three letters had gone unanswered, and he wasn't sure if Abby and Jordan were still reading them.

He clicked the "Send" button.

Dan leaned back in his chair and rolled his neck, listening to the quiet crunch of his vertebrae. He then closed the laptop, perhaps a little abruptly, and stood up, stuffing the computer into his briefcase between papers and folders. He barely had time to put everything away and walk out the library door into the lobby when the bell rang.

Students walked in a crowd along a long corridor. Dan noticed several people from his calculus class, and they waved to him as he reached their lockers. Missy, a petite brunette with a scattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose, decorated her locker door with all the stickers and cards from " Doctor Who", whichever I managed to get hold of. A lanky kid named Tariq was retrieving books from the locker next door, and next to him stood the shortest guy in the twelfth grade, Beckett.

“Hi, Dan,” Missy greeted. “We missed you during lunch.” Where did you run away to?

“Oh, I was in the library,” Dan responded. “I had to finish some literature work.”

“You have to prepare so much for these lessons,” Beckett sighed. – I’m glad I limited myself to English.

– When you came up, Dan, we were just discussing “ Macbeth" Are you going to go?

“Uh-huh, I heard that the troupe is simply excellent,” said Tariq, slamming his locker shut.

“I didn’t even know what they were putting on here.” Macbeth“Dan was surprised. – Is this some kind of drama club?

– Yes, and Annie Sy is in it. This is quite enough not to miss the performance.

Beckett grinned meaningfully, looking at the guys, and Dan faintly smiled back, after which the whole group walked down the corridor. Dan didn’t remember what classes the rest of the group had now, but if he wasn’t actually preparing for classes in the library, he was now actually heading to the second floor to the literature room. It wasn't his favorite subject, but Abby had read most of the books on the list and promised to tell him their contents someday, which made the task somewhat easier.

“We should go,” Tariq said. He was wearing a sweater three sizes too big and skinny jeans. This gave him a vague resemblance to a Chinese dummy. - Dan, come with us. I'll try to get free tickets. I know the chief technician.

- Don't know. To be honest, I've never been a big fan of " Macbeth" For people with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, like me, this play touches a nerve too much,” Dan said calmly, furiously scrubbing a non-existent stain on the sleeve of his jacket.

Missy and Tariq, as if on cue, stared at him in amazement.

– Remember? – He smiled faintly. - “Get away, damned stain...”?

- Oh, is this from a play? – Tariq clarified.

- Well, yes... This seems to be one of the most famous lines.

He frowned. Abby and Jordan would have understood immediately. And he was sure that “ Macbeth"is included in the list of required reading for everyone without exception.

- In general, okay. See you later.

Dan separated from the group and began to climb the stairs. Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he sent Jordan and Abby identical messages: “No one here understands my humor. Save!” Twenty minutes later, bored in class, Jordan still hadn't responded and Abby sent an indifferent "Ha ha ha."

What's happened? Where gone away his friends? Not that they're all that busy... Just last week, Jordan was telling him in a Facebook chat how incredibly boring his classes are. He said that after the preparatory program at New Hampshire College, studying did not present any difficulty for him, and therefore no interest. Dan sympathized with him, but, frankly, the classes were the last thing he remembered from the summer spent in New Hampshire. What he couldn't get out of his mind was the incident at their dorm, Brooklyn - a former psychiatric clinic run by the crazy head physician Daniel Crawford.

If he didn't think about this small episode, he thought about Jordan and Abby. When they separated, at first the guys constantly sent him text messages and emails. But now they hardly communicated. He thought Missy, Tariq, and Beckett were good guys, but Jordan and Abby were different. Jordan knew his weak points and knew how to put pressure on them, but he always did it completely without malice and only amused the whole trio. If Jordan went too far, Abby always rushed to put him in his place and restore his balance. She truly was the life and soul of their little group and the inspiration behind a relationship that Dan felt was worth nurturing.

So why are his friends ignoring him now?

Dan almost groaned as he looked at his watch. Two more hours until the end of classes. It won't be until two hours before he can run home and go online to see if his friends want to chat.

He sighed and slid lower in his chair, reluctantly tucking his phone into his pocket.

It was hard to believe that such a dangerous place as Brooklyn had brought them together, while ordinary life only kept them apart.

* * *

Next to the laptop was a plate of half-eaten peanut butter sandwich. At his feet lay a history textbook, which had already begun to be covered with leaves. Usually the crisp autumn air would help him concentrate, but instead of doing his homework, he immersed himself in studying his file on Brooklyn. At the end of the preparatory course, Dan made sure to organize the notes he had taken, the research he had done, and the photographs he had collected into one neat file.

He realized that he was returning to these materials much more often than he should. Even taking into account authentic documents, the commandant's history was replete with gaps. Having learned that this terrible man could be a relative of his biological parents, and therefore his relative, great-uncle and even namesake, Dan felt that this was a hole in his personal history, a mystery that needed to be solved.

However, at the moment, this file was just a way to pass the time until Jordan and Abby appeared online. What does dad like to say? Hurry up wait

- How pathetic I am! – Dan muttered, running the fingers of both hands through his dark, tousled hair.

“I think you’re a completely normal guy, my dear.”

Clear. In the future, it is better to refrain from uttering such gloomy statements out loud.

Dan looked up and saw his mother standing on the porch. Sandy smiled, holding a steaming cup of cocoa that Dan hoped was meant for him.

- All in your studies? – she asked, nodding at the forgotten textbook on the ground at his feet.

“I’m almost done,” Dan shrugged and took the cup from her, pulling the sleeves of his sweater over his palms and fingers. – Can I rest at least occasionally?

- Of course you can. “Sandy smiled slightly and said apologetically: “It’s just... a few months ago you were so dreaming of getting into Penn early, but it’s already October and the application deadline is about to expire...”

“There’s still plenty of time,” Dan answered unconvincingly.

“Perhaps it’s enough to write an essay.” But it may seem strange to the admissions committee that during your senior year you suddenly stopped all your extracurricular and social activities. Could you do some practice? Even if you devoted only one day a week to her, a day off, that would already be a lot. It may be worth considering other options. Early admission isn't for everyone, you know.

– As long as I have good grades, I can do without social activities. Additionally, the crowning glory of my application will be New Hampshire College.

Sandy frowned and turned away, hugging herself with both arms and shaking her head. She looked at the trees growing around the terrace, and the cool wind ruffled the strands of her hair. She always reacted like this to every mention of this college. Jordan and Abby managed to smooth out the truth about Brooklyn, but Dan's parents were largely privy to the whole story as it happened. They were present when the police questioned Dan. They listened to the story of how he was attacked and pinned to the ground... Mentioning this place in their presence was equivalent to a dirty curse.

“Don’t worry,” Dan said, blowing on the hot cocoa, “I can find some practice for myself, it’s not a problem!”

Sandy's face brightened and she relaxed her arms.

- Is it true? That would be amazing, baby.

Dan nodded and even opened a new browser window, indicating that he was going to Google something. “Zookeeper,” he typed in and turned the computer slightly away from her.

- My pleasure. “She ruffled his hair, and Dan sighed with relief. – You hardly go anywhere lately. Is Missy's birthday coming up soon? I remember you went to see her just before Halloween last year.

“Perhaps,” he shrugged.

– And your... your other friends? – She stumbled on a word Friends. - Abby, I think? And that boy?

When she asked about Abby, she always did it as if she didn't remember exactly what her name was. She seemed unable to believe or accept that he actually had a girlfriend. To be honest, sometimes Dan had a hard time believing it himself.

“Uh-huh,” he muttered evasively. “But they're busy, Mom... school, work and all that.”

Amazing job, Dan! « Oscar» they will send it to you by mail.

- Job? Yes, that means them there is work?

“I got the hint...” he muttered.

- I have no doubt, my dear. Oh yes, I almost forgot: the mail arrived. There's something there for you...

It was something strange. He never received anything by regular mail. Sandy flipped through the envelopes that were in her jacket pocket before dropping one of them into his lap. The letter looked as if it had been washed in washing machine, and then rolled in the mud. Dan glanced at the return address and felt a cold twitch inside him.

Sandy hesitated.

She took the hint and smiled with only her lips before turning away and heading towards the house. Dan barely had time to wait for the door to close behind Sandy before he grabbed the letter.

Lydia and Newton Sheridan

Sheridans? I mean, Felix Sheridan? His former roommate, the one who tried to kill him over the summer, either because he was crazy or because he was... possessed? Closing his eyes, Dan could still see Felix's maniacal grin. Whether it was obsession or not, Felix firmly believed that he was the reincarnation of the Sculptor.

With trembling hands, Dan opened the envelope. “Perhaps this is just an apology,” he thought. It is likely that Felix’s parents wanted to contact him to ask for forgiveness for all the troubles that befell him because of their son.

Dan took a deep breath and looked around again to make sure he was alone. Through the slightly open window he could hear his mother washing dishes in the kitchen.

Dear Daniel,

You're probably surprised that I'm writing to you. I hoped that I would be able to avoid this, but it became clear that there was simply no other way out.

I don't really have the right to make this request to you, but please call me as soon as you receive this letter. If you don't contact meWell, I'll understand you.


Please call.


Lydia Sheridan

Dan couldn't decide whether he should throw the letter in the trash or immediately dial the number on it. From the house he could still hear the quiet clink of dishes being washed and dried by his mother. He re-read the letter and thought, tapping the paper with his knuckles, weighing the pros and cons.

On the one hand, he would be happy to forget about Felix and never think about him again. On the other side…

On the other hand, he would be lying if he said that he was not interested in the fate of his former neighbor. Everything was left in complete limbo. The cold that cramped his insides refused to leave them.

Perhaps Felix needs your help. You needed help too. Is it fair to consider anyone hopelessly lost?

He looked again at the window to his right. Now his mother was humming something, and the melody flowed smoothly from the window, reaching his ears. From a maple tree hanging over the terrace, several leaves flew, swaying. No matter how many times Paul cut its branches, it continued to reach home. But dad didn’t even think about giving up.

Without giving himself time to come up with reasons why he shouldn't do this, Dan took out mobile phone and dialed Lydia Sheridan's number.

He called and called. And for a moment I felt confident that she would not answer. He almost hoped she wouldn't answer.

- Hello... Lydia? I wanted to say Mrs. Sheridan.

- It’s me... Who is it? I don't recognize this number.

She had the same soft intonation as Felix, although her voice was a more relaxed and feminine version of the voice he still remembered so clearly.

- This is Dan Crawford. You sent me a letter asking to contact you. So... Well, here I am getting in touch.

Silence reigned in the receiver, which lasted for what seemed like an eternity. Finally, he heard shuddering gasps from the opposite end of the line.

“Thank you,” the woman said in a tone as if she was barely holding back tears. “We just... We don’t know what to do anymore.” He seemed to be getting better. The doctors treating him were confident that he was recovering. But now he seemed to have reached some kind of dead end. All he does all day is call you: Daniel Crawford, Daniel Crawford.

“I’m very sorry, but I don’t quite understand what you want me to do about this,” Dan replied. It may have sounded cold, but what else was left to say? He's not a doctor, after all. - I think it will pass. He just needs to give it time.

- What about you? – Lydia asked.

The icy tone in which this was said made Dan flinch.

- Has it passed? – she continued and, after a pause, sighed. - Sorry. I... I don't sleep at night. I'm so worried about him. It is very unpleasant for me to make this request to you...

- But? – Dan suggested.

There was no need for this. He knew in advance what question she was going to ask him.

“Couldn’t you just go to Morthwaite?” To visit him. Look... I don't know. I’m just begging you, do you understand? I beg you. I just want him to get better. I want this to end. “Tears began to ring in her voice again. “Dan, it’s not over for him.” And for you?

He wanted to laugh. What does he think about this? That nothing is even close to being over. He continued to have dreams, just as frightening as before, in which the head physician himself often appeared. This Not ended, and even though he felt it was very bad, Dan was somewhat relieved to know that he was not the only one who was still affected by it.

“This may not help,” he said slowly. - He might get worse. You understand this, right? I don't want to take responsibility. I can't take on this responsibility.

He already felt guilty for dragging Abby and Jordan into this story in Brooklyn. At least as far as Felix was concerned, he had the right to consider himself innocent of the fact that... this two-faced Professor Reyes practically admitted that she lured Felix to the basement where his mind... In general, it sounded like this: in which remained his mind.

– Where exactly should I go? – Dan asked, still feeling a huge knot of icy fear in his stomach. – And how to get there?

The following Saturday, Dan was sitting in the passenger seat of Lydia Sheridan's dark gray Prius. A tall and lithe woman hunched over the steering wheel, clutching it with both hands. Curly brown strands kept slipping out of the crab clip that tried to hold her hair at the back of her head. Thin-framed glasses stubbornly slid down the steep bridge of her nose.

“Are you sure your parents don’t object to this trip?” Mrs. Sheridan asked as Dan walked up to her car waiting for him in the McDonald's parking lot.

“Yes, of course,” he replied, waiting for her to unlock the passenger door. - We're just undergoing renovations right now. My parents are remodeling their house and there are trucks everywhere. There's not even anywhere to park. But they were happy when they found out that I was going to visit Felix.

After this awkward exchange, Dan got into the car and now they drove in silence.

Not that he didn't care what he was getting into again. In fact, he was burning with impatience, but could not muster the courage to ask a question.

Instead, he took out his phone and began reading Abby and Jordan's replies to the message he'd sent them that morning, saying he was going to see Felix. This proved that, at any rate, they were still reading his messages. But now Dan already regretted that they did not answer him earlier, before that how he managed to fall into the trap by getting into the car.

Jordan Lipcott

To me, Evaldes

I read your message and thought, “Did you think well?” And that was before mom brought the mail. Dan, someone sent me a photo. Abby got it too. This seems like some kind of twisted joke. Circuses, fair performances and other nonsense. I am sending you this photo, but there was no return address on it. What the hell is going on?

P.S. Let's see what you say when you see the other side... Phew!

(Application 2/2 loaded)

Abby's answer surprised him even more...

Abby Valdez

To me, jlipkottu

Dan, I tried to forget about everything, but I also received a photo in the mail. I really, really don't want to remember the past, but... I don't know. Did you receive the photo? I find it very strange that only Jordan and I got the pictures. Dan, this scares me. It feels like someone is watching us. Be careful, okay? Let us know how the meeting with Felix goes so I don't worry too much. Why can’t we forget about everything and move on like all normal people?

(Application 2/2 loaded)

It’s good to tell them “to forget about everything,” but for him it was a completely meaningless, meaningless phrase. How can anyone forget the fact that he was strapped to a hospital gurney and almost killed? Forget that after he managed to escape, himself almost committed murder? How can you pretend that nothing like this happened? As simple as possible take and forget? Take and stop having nightmares? As if it were as easy as opening a shopping bag and putting milk and juice in the refrigerator.

He squinted and began fiddling with the phone, looking at the pictures. It seemed that they could have been made on the same day and in the same place. They were even torn as if they had been torn from the same photograph. Having carefully examined the back of the photographs, he realized what had frightened Jordan so much.

On the back of each photograph were two words scrawled in black ink. “You” was the caption on Jordan's photo, “...done” was the caption on Abby's photo.

I'm done with you.

Dan raised his eyes and looked out the window. Then - to Felix's mother. She was so focused on the road that she didn’t notice Dan’s eyes squinting at her. Why did they get the photos and I didn’t? If this is some kind of warning, why wasn't it sent to me?

« Dan, this is more good than bad., he chuckled to himself. – Who wants to receive a note that says: “I'm done with you”?»

Although the dense forests on both sides of the road were no longer green but orange-red, the scenery jogged his memory. He could practically smell the air freshener that filled the cab that took him to New Hampshire College.

- Is it still far? – Dan asked, looking up from the phone.

“Another half hour,” answered Mrs. Sheridan. - Well, maybe forty minutes.

Dan twitched his leg nervously. They had been driving for an hour already. Apparently, the only road to the Mortvey clinic led through endless forests, far from the main highway network.

He received a message from his mother:

Hope you have a good time with Missy and Tariq. Please refrain from drinking alcohol, but be sure to call if you would like us to pick you up after the party! I love you.

Finally the trees parted, and Dan leaned against the window, watching the steep climb, just beyond which lay the vast fenced area of ​​the clinic. Dan was hoping to see a cheerful, modern clinic, but Mortway looked like he could easily pass for Brooklyn's twin. At least it was cleaner here, although no one cared that the stone façade was almost completely covered in ivy. The tall gray building stood on the hill like a tired sentinel, and even from this distance Dan could see the bars on the windows.

Mrs. Sheridan stopped the Prius at the gate and the guard asked both of them for identification. The pimply, overweight security guard squinted at Dan's license, skeptically looking from the photo to his face and back. Finally he called the main building to make sure they were expected.

- Looks like everything is fine. Here’s your pass,” the guard said, almost throwing Dan’s license and plastic pass card back out the car window. - Have a good day.

Dan hid his license and clipped the pass to his jacket. The car drove slowly along the gravel driveway and soon stopped under the stone awning at the entrance to the clinic. Dan wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans and looked at Mrs. Sheridan.

“So we’ve arrived,” he muttered.

- If you need time...

“No,” Dan shook his head, “there’s no point in delaying this.”

He climbed out of the car, gravel crunching under his soles. Dan looked at the clinic and shuddered, filled with the same gloomy foreboding that he felt when he first found himself in Brooklyn. He couldn’t believe that this was a real psychiatric clinic where people were placed for treatment, and in some cases for long-term stays. Perhaps this summer he was just one faint away from a similar fate. He reached into his jeans pocket and closed his fingers around the familiar bottle of pills. It seemed to him like an anchor, a kind of protection. He visited a psychoanalyst and took medications, which meant he could lead a completely normal life and there was nothing for him to do in the clinic.

Why couldn't Felix do the same?

That's it. Normal. Because when a person has nightmares every night and is obsessed with thoughts of his deceased great-uncle, this is absolutely normal. And that is not all! Yours best friends send strange and alarming messages.

Approaching the main entrance, Dan looked at the windows on the first floor. A white face peered out of one window, and for a moment he thought it was Chief Crawford with his self-confident grin. But, taking another step forward, Dan realized that he was just a meek old man.

A nurse in neat blue scrubs and a loose knitted sweater greeted them as they entered the lobby. Then they saw several more smaller metal doors, and the nurse asked Dan to empty everything from his pockets and go through the metal detector. He gave her his wallet, keys and water bottle. Then he quickly handed her the bottle of pills, hoping that she wouldn’t ask him about them. The nurse simply put his things in a plastic bag and put a label on top with his name.

“You can take all this when you leave,” she explained.

“Dan,” he involuntarily corrected her, “but... well, yes.” Is it true? It is amazing. What is he saying about me?

The nurse was shorter and had to raise her head to look him in the eye. Leaning against the door frame, she grinned.

Dedicated to my family, which invariably amazes with their unshakable faith in me, as well as their support and love.

If there are people on earth better than my loved ones, I have not met them

Denied reality comes back to haunt man

Philip K. Dick

© HarperCollins Publishers, 2014

© HarperCollins Publishers, cover, 2014

© Hemiro Ltd, Russian edition, 2015

© Book Club “Family Leisure Club”, translation and artwork, 2015

No part of this publication may be copied or reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher.

Translated from the publication: Roux M. Sanctum: A Novel / Madeleine Roux. – New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 2014. – 352 rub.

It was a play of light, and sounds, and the smells of rickety, candy-striped tents, and of laughter, the explosions of which, like cannon shots, came from the paths winding between the tents. Miracles awaited at every step. On the dais stood a man breathing fire. The sweet and heavy aroma of fried pies and popcorn hung in the air. Teasing at first, it quickly became nauseating. And in the very last tent sat a man with a long beard. He promised neither riches nor curiosities. He didn't even offer to look into the future. No. This man in the last tent promised the one thing that the little boy wanted more than anything in the world.


"Guys, you won't believe me.,” Dan typed and shook his head, looking at the monitor. – “ Memory Manipulation Specialist? Is it even possible? Anyway, just watch the video and let me know what you think!»

His cursor hovered over the last sentence - the horror in it was too clearly heard. Well, let. Dan was truly beginning to feel truly terrified. The last three letters had gone unanswered, and he wasn't sure if Abby and Jordan were still reading them.

He clicked the "Send" button.

Dan leaned back in his chair and rolled his neck, listening to the quiet crunch of his vertebrae. He then closed the laptop, perhaps a little abruptly, and stood up, stuffing the computer into his briefcase between papers and folders. He barely had time to put everything away and walk out the library door into the lobby when the bell rang.

Students walked in a crowd along a long corridor. Dan noticed several people from his calculus class, and they waved to him as he reached their lockers. Missy, a petite brunette with a scattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose, decorated her locker door with all the stickers and cards from " Doctor Who", whichever I managed to get hold of. A lanky kid named Tariq was retrieving books from the locker next door, and next to him stood the shortest guy in the twelfth grade, Beckett.

“Hi, Dan,” Missy greeted. “We missed you during lunch.” Where did you run away to?

“Oh, I was in the library,” Dan responded. “I had to finish some literature work.”

“You have to prepare so much for these lessons,” Beckett sighed. – I’m glad I limited myself to English.

– When you came up, Dan, we were just discussing “ Macbeth" Are you going to go?

“Uh-huh, I heard that the troupe is simply excellent,” said Tariq, slamming his locker shut.

“I didn’t even know what they were putting on here.” Macbeth“Dan was surprised. – Is this some kind of drama club?

– Yes, and Annie Sy is in it. This is quite enough not to miss the performance.

Beckett grinned meaningfully, looking at the guys, and Dan faintly smiled back, after which the whole group walked down the corridor. Dan didn’t remember what classes the rest of the group had now, but if he wasn’t actually preparing for classes in the library, he was now actually heading to the second floor to the literature room. It wasn't his favorite subject, but Abby had read most of the books on the list and promised to tell him their contents someday, which made the task somewhat easier.

“We should go,” Tariq said. He was wearing a sweater three sizes too big and skinny jeans. This gave him a vague resemblance to a Chinese dummy. - Dan, come with us. I'll try to get free tickets. I know the chief technician.

- Don't know. To be honest, I've never been a big fan of " Macbeth" For people with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, like me, this play touches a nerve too much,” Dan said calmly, furiously scrubbing a non-existent stain on the sleeve of his jacket.

Missy and Tariq, as if on cue, stared at him in amazement.

– Remember? – He smiled faintly. - “Get away, damned stain...”?

- Oh, is this from a play? – Tariq clarified.

- Well, yes... This seems to be one of the most famous lines.

He frowned. Abby and Jordan would have understood immediately. And he was sure that “ Macbeth"is included in the list of required reading for everyone without exception.

- In general, okay. See you later.

Dan separated from the group and began to climb the stairs. Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he sent Jordan and Abby identical messages: “No one here understands my humor. Save!” Twenty minutes later, bored in class, Jordan still hadn't responded and Abby sent an indifferent "Ha ha ha."

What's happened? Where gone away his friends? Not that they're all that busy... Just last week, Jordan was telling him in a Facebook chat how incredibly boring his classes are. He said that after the preparatory program at New Hampshire College, studying did not present any difficulty for him, and therefore no interest. Dan sympathized with him, but, frankly, the classes were the last thing he remembered from the summer spent in New Hampshire. What he couldn't get out of his mind was the incident at their dorm, Brooklyn - a former psychiatric clinic run by the crazy head physician Daniel Crawford.

If he didn't think about this small episode, he thought about Jordan and Abby. When they separated, at first the guys constantly sent him text messages and emails. But now they hardly communicated. He thought Missy, Tariq, and Beckett were good guys, but Jordan and Abby were different. Jordan knew his weak points and knew how to put pressure on them, but he always did it completely without malice and only amused the whole trio. If Jordan went too far, Abby always rushed to put him in his place and restore his balance. She truly was the life and soul of their little group and the inspiration behind a relationship that Dan felt was worth nurturing.

So why are his friends ignoring him now?

Dan almost groaned as he looked at his watch. Two more hours until the end of classes. It won't be until two hours before he can run home and go online to see if his friends want to chat.

He sighed and slid lower in his chair, reluctantly tucking his phone into his pocket.

It was hard to believe that such a dangerous place as Brooklyn had brought them together, while ordinary life only kept them apart.

Next to the laptop was a plate of half-eaten peanut butter sandwich. At his feet lay a history textbook, which had already begun to be covered with leaves. Usually the crisp autumn air would help him concentrate, but instead of doing his homework, he immersed himself in studying his file on Brooklyn. At the end of the preparatory course, Dan made sure to organize the notes he had taken, the research he had done, and the photographs he had collected into one neat file.