GAZ-53 GAZ-3307 GAZ-66

Exercise epithets. Methodological features of studying the epithet in elementary school; educational and methodological material on the Russian language (4th grade) on the topic. Who knows, let him continue





Artistic media

expressiveness of speech



assignments for training

by definition of epithets

Dulenchuk Valentina Grigorievna

teacher of Russian language and literature

highest qualification category

1. Now I like something else...

And in the consumptive light of the moon

Through stone and steel

I see the power of my native side.

S. Yesenin

2. Simple colors of northern latitudes:

Ruddy clover, bluish flax,

And the sun shines, a little guilty,

And clouds floating randomly.

O. Fokina

3. ...Only candles were burning in the bedroom

Indifferently - yellow fire.

A. Akhmatova

4. Your merciless ray penetrates the depths of everything

And it stretches from the ground to the gloomy clouds.

V. Bryusov

5. Black shadows of the patterned lattice

They lie clear on the white snow.

Quiet stars are thoughtfully meek,

The month denigrates languor and bliss.

Black windows of the silent cathedral

They look gloomily at the white field...

V. Bryusov

6. There, along the most thorny road,

You would move by touch.

Only the wind is a wet black wind

Among the black grass prowls.

V. Soloukhin

7. From a life of deceit and fame

Your dream attracts you

Into the expanse of the azure sky

Or into the depths of sapphire waters.

V. Bryusov

8. The pale stars trembled,

The poplar foliage trembled...

V. Bryusov

9. He stood on the cliff; the wind is harsh in his face

He threw, mockingly, prickly sprays of foam.

And the shaft rose and fell, white-headed,

And the sea pounded against the granite walls at my feet.

V. Bryusov

10. The wind plays like a shaggy cloud,

An anchor falls on the seabed...

O. Mandelstam

11. But in these days of last desolation

It will arise - I know! - a daredevil among people.

He will disturb the proud sleep of buildings,

Light will break their silent darkness.

V. Bryusov

12. The stream awakened in spring,

Rolled in lace foam,

And illuminated by the moon

The native land glowed quietly.

N. Rubtsov

13. ... And again the plain is deserted

Mute, soundless and pure.

V. Bryusov

14. My fire burned out on the desert shore,

The rustling of flowing glass rustled,

And the bitter soul of yearning wormwood

In the languid darkness it swayed and flowed.

M. Voloshin

15. He left. But gloomy and menacing

The snow was white ahead!

He went ashore on the frosty shore,

Lifeless, terrible river!

N. Rubtsov

16. And everyone takes care of the Christmas trees, -

Dresses up with satin snow!

N. Rubtsov

17. Late hour. From branches covered with darkness,

The evil wind tears off handfuls of leaves...

N. Rubtsov

18. I didn’t hear the bells of those

That swam in the clear azure.

For seven days the copper laughter sounded,

That cry flowed silvery...

A. Akhmatova

19. And in the wilderness of a dozing forest

All the bells are ringing and ringing...

N. Rubtsov

20. And we live solemnly and difficultly

And we honor the rituals of our bitter meetings,

When the wind is reckless

The speech that had just started is interrupted.

A. Akhmatova

21. We are driving into a golden grove,

Into grandma's mushroom wilderness...

N. Rubtsov

Exercise 1.

Find epithets, determine their role in the text.

1) Compressed rye, weeds, spurge, wild hemp - everything, browned from the heat, red and half-dead, now washed with dew and caressed by the sun, came to life to bloom again. (A.P. Chekhov) 2) It was summer, a long day passed, the wind calmed down for the evening among the sleepy, blissful pines. (A.P. Platonov) 3) Majestic swans swam in the red sunset - pinkish-golden in the sun. Their deserted cry echoed in the park. (I. S. Shmelev)

Exercise 2.

Read the phrases suggested below, highlight the epithets in them, explain their semantic and emotional content. Appreciate their traditionality.

Ominous thought; the sails of proud ships; sad star; on a bare branch; fatal fire of battles; sweet hope; crazy excitement; in clear azure; through velvet meadows; fate is cruel; the futile noise of feasts; happy land.

Exercise 3.

Make up phrases from the words in the right and left columns.

Exercise 4.

Choose figurative and lyrical epithets for these words.

Sun ___________________________________________
Fog ____________________________________________
Fire ____________________________________________
Light _____________________________________________
Lilac ___________________________________________
Feeling ___________________________________________
Silence ___________________________________________

Exercise 5.

Read the text. Find epithets in it. Determine their role in the text.

The imperishable beauties of Russia, its fields and forests, foggy pools and majestic sunsets did not appear yesterday. It was the North that nourished the life of generations and even eras in such a way that one is amazed. Together with Veliky Novgorod, together with the white-trunked, stately Russia, the greatness of Pskov and Suzdal, Vladimir and Rostov rose. The stone bulk of St. George's Cathedral on Lake Ilmen, when it rises on the rising spring water, as if in the clouds, is not just antiquity, but a monument to the greatness of man.

All this is an era when a simple person felt a poet in himself and felt that the earth was something more than just a cornfield, just the hum of untouched forests. He, driven to the northern outskirts of his land by ruthless conquerors, realized that there was nowhere else to go, that his native land, these saving heroic distances, was a source of endless spiritual strength. And every blade of grass, tree, lake began to be perceived by him as miraculous wealth. (According to Yu. Kuranov)

Exercise 6.

Find comparisons in the texts. Determine the way to express them.

(A. A. Fet)

2) And the pines bend as if they were alive,
And they make such thoughtful noise...
Suddenly the wind blows
He makes some noise impatiently.
(I. S. Turgenev)

3) The coals are dimming. In the twilight
A transparent light curls.
So it splashes on the crimson poppy
The wing of an azure moth.
(A. A. Fet)

We stood as if in a golden cage.
(A. N. Maikov)

Exercise 7.

Find comparisons. Explain their expressive role in the text.

1) Above me
Between birch and pine
In your endless sadness
Clouds float like thoughts,
The river is rippling below,
(N. M. Rubtsov)

2) Squinting my eyes, I see the sun pouring into the room. A wide golden strip, looking like a brand new board, fits obliquely into the room, and little pieces of gold are scurrying around in it. (I. S. Shmelev)

3) A wavy cloud
Dust rises in the distance;
On horseback or on foot -
Can't be seen in the dust!
(A. A. Fet)

A splinter was tied in a bunch;
No matter how hard your hands are,
You can't break the beam,
(A.P. Sumarokov)

5) Summer morning. There is silence in the air; only a grasshopper creaks on the shore and somewhere a little eagle purrs timidly... Cirrus clouds, like scattered snow, stand motionless in the sky. (A.P. Chekhov)

6) The air there is as pure as a child’s prayer;
(M. Yu. Lermontov)

7) My poems! Living witnesses
For a world of shed tears!
Soul thunderstorms
And beat on people's hearts,
Like waves on a cliff.
(N. A. Nekrasov)

8) Down deep below me
The flow, strengthened by the thunderstorm,
It was noisy, and its noise was dull
Hundreds of angry voices
Got it.
(M. Yu. Lermontov)

Exercise 8.

Read the text. What does the text say? Highlight comparisons. Determine their figurative and expressive role. What images do they enrich the text with? What thoughts and feelings of the author help to convey more clearly?

The third meeting showed me Blok reading wonderful poems about Russia, and he seemed to me depressed by this love of his whole life, he looked like a knight who loves the Unattainable, and his heart bleeds with love.
The block seemed so dear and close to me, like a nightingale in a spring bush that sings a song to me, but will fly away if I approach it, and like freshly fallen snow that does not need to be touched.
(K. D. Balmont)

Exercise 9.

Tell us about lexical means of comparison by commenting on these examples.

1) A snow-covered bush looks like a frozen fountain. (V. Nabokov) The deserted cape was similar to a loaf of bread. (I. Bunin) 2) In the light of day, the fire in the stove is like pale roses. (V. Khodasevich) 3) And above the earth the round moon will seem like a loaf of wheat. (M. Dudin) 4) The maple leaf reminds us of amber. (N. Zabolotsky) 5) The frosty night was like a fairy tale. (B. Pasternak)

Exercise 10.

Read the lines of poetry. Find creative comparisons in them. Tell us what is compared to what in each case.

1) From flowers in the fields
the smell is all around.
And the dew shines
On the grass in silver
(I. Surikov)

2) Pine trees reach for the sky
Behind the sunshine
And chicks leaves
They run on the ground.
(N. Berendgof)

3) Just yesterday, melting in the sun,
The last leaf trembled
And the winter, turning lushly green,
It lay like a velvet sheet.
(A. Fet)

4) And a leaf from a birch tree
Golden bee
Curls and flies
Above the prickly tree.
(E. Trutneva)

5) In yards and houses
The snow lies like a sheet
And the sun shines
Multi-colored fire.
(I. Nikitin)

Exercise 11.

Correct the sentences to make them more harmonious. Replace the comparative phrase with an instrumental comparison.

1) The hollow water had already receded, and the river flowed like a narrow stream. 2) Like a white column, yes, centuries-old birch trees lined up. 3) I raised my head... in front of me, between two rows of tall poplars, like an arrow, the road stretched into the distance. 4) The sun is shining brightly, like white birds, clouds are floating in the sky. 5) In the thicket of the forest, like a golden star, the dome of the church sparkled.

Exercise 12.

Find comparisons in the texts.

1) The lake fell asleep; the black forest is silent;
A white mermaid swims casually out;
Like a young swan, the moon among the skies
It glides and contemplates its double on the moisture.
(A.A. Fet)

2) And the pines bend as if they were alive,
And they make such thoughtful noise...
And, like a flock of huge birds,
Suddenly the wind blows
And in tangled and dark branches
He makes some noise impatiently.
(I.S. Turgenev)

3) The coals are dimming. In the twilight
A transparent light curls.
So it splashes on the crimson poppy
The wing of an azure moth.
(A.A. Fet)

4) The rain poured through the sun, and under the mossy spruce
We stood as if in a golden cage.
(A.N. Maikov)

Exercise 13.

Find comparisons. Explain their expressive role.

1) Above me
Between birch and pine
In your endless sadness
Clouds float like thoughts,
The river is rippling below,
Like a feeling of carefree joy.
(N.M. Rubtsov)

2) Squinting my eyes, I see the sun pouring into the room. A wide golden strip, similar to a brand new board, fits obliquely into the room, and little pieces of gold flutter around in it. (I.S. Shmelev).

3) A wavy cloud
Dust rises in the distance;
On horseback or on foot -
Can't be seen in the dust!
(A.A. Fet)

4) That the Russians were the reason for the fall -
A splinter was tied in a bunch;
No matter how hard your hands are,
You can't break the beam,
Like Russia, so it crumbled like
And it became convenient to break the entire splinter.
(A.P. Sumarokov)

5) Summer morning. There is silence in the air; only a grasshopper creaks on the shore and somewhere a little eagle purrs timidly... Cirrus clouds, like scattered snow, stand motionless in the sky (A.P. Chekhov).

6) The air there is as pure as a child’s prayer;
And people, like free birds, live carefree.
(M.Yu. Lermontov)

7) My poems! Living witnesses
For a world of shed tears!
You will be born in fateful moments
Soul thunderstorms
And beat on people's hearts,
Like waves on a cliff.
(N.A. Nekrasov)

8) Down deep below me
The flow, strengthened by the thunderstorm,
It was noisy, and its noise was dull
Hundreds of angry voices
Got it.
(M.Yu. Lermontov)

9) Nose, curved like an owl's beak (M. Gorky).

10) The new moon is like a golden sickle (A.V. Koltsov).

11) Where, like necklaces,
Multicolor stones
Rising above the foam of the waves...
(V. Bryusov)

12) And the vault of the sky, deep blue, -
Like the dome that crowned the temple!
(In Bryusov)

13) Hands bare above the elbow,
And the eyes are bluer than ice.
The acrid, stuffy smell of tar,
Like a tan, it suits you.
(A. Akhmatova)

14) And with each letter from my line
Burning annoyance creeps in like nettles...
(K. Spitsina)

15) A reserve of courage is kept in the heart,
How gunpowder used to be stored in the fortress
As a food against dampness and rot,
Like a compass on a sea boat.
(V. Soloukhin)

Exercise 14.

Find in the texts nouns used in a figurative meaning. Explain the meaning of metaphors. On what basis was such a transfer possible?

The last crowd.
At the crescent moon.

2) All the stubble sticks out in the dust
Roadside horsetail.
(Sasha Cherny)

3) It started snowing. The entire space from earth to sky was filled with a quiet rustling sound. The wind circled at first: it pushed me from the back, then from the sides. Then the oncoming one came - head-on. There was a whistle in my ears, and thousands of small cold bullets flew into my face. (V.M.Shukshin)

Exercise 15.

Find metaphors in the following texts. Describe the images they create.

1) I became indifferent to the shacks,
And the hearth fire is not dear to me,
Even apple trees in the autumn blizzard
Because of the poverty of the fields, I stopped loving them.
(S. Yesenin)

2) Russia! In the evil days of Batu
Who, who to the Mongol flood
Built the dam, if not you?

(S.A. Yesenin)

4) The motorcycle taxied out of the village, stuck a sparkling blade of light into the night and rushed along the well-trodden, flat road to the regional center. (V.M.Shukshin)

5) “Gold, gold is falling from the sky!”
Children scream and run after the rain...
- Come on, children, we’ll collect it,
Just collect the golden grain
Barns full of fragrant bread!
(A.N. Maikov)

6) Under the eyebrows in sunny rest
The blue sky is shining quietly.

7) The spruce covered my path with its sleeve. (A.A.Fet)

8) I remember, my heart brightening,
How excited and young I was!
And let the poems have silver strings
They will continue their melancholy chant.
(N. Rubtsov)

9) Under the straw-riza
Planing the rafters,
The wind molds blue
Sprinkled with sunshine.
They hit the windows without missing a beat
Crows wing,
Like a blizzard, bird cherry
He waves his sleeve.
(S. Yesenin)

10) Plain-haired willows
They threw their hands into the streams.
The seagulls shouted: “Whose are you?”
We answered: “Draw!”

11) Let the sun crown abundant seedlings on the arable land
With the ancient crown of its rising rays!
(N. Rubtsov)

Exercise 16.

Read the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov “Sail”.

The lonely sail turns white
In the blue sea fog!..
What is he looking for in a distant country?
What did he throw in his native land?..

The waves are playing, the wind is whistling,
And the mast bends and creaks...
Alas, he is not looking for happiness,
And he’s not running out of happiness!

Below him is a stream of lighter azure,
Above him is a golden ray of sun...
And he, the rebellious one, asks for a storm,
As if there is peace in the storms!

1) Find metaphors in the poem and write them down.
2) Select comparative constructions for the following metaphors: iron man, fox character, bear gait, cold look, warm meeting, lead clouds, dead garden.
3) In the four-volume explanatory dictionary of the Russian language the word “ rebellious" has two meanings: 1. Participating in the rebellion, taking part in the rebellion. Rebel army. 2. Anxious, restless, stormy.

In what meaning is the word “rebellious” used in M. Lermontov’s poem “ Sail"? What is the basis for the similarity between the direct and figurative meanings of this word, that is, what is the metaphor based on? mutiny sail»?
4) Write an essay in a scientific style on the topic “The expressive role of metaphor in M.Yu. Lermontov’s poem “Sail”.

Exercise 17.

Find metaphors in the texts and explain their meaning. On what basis did the metaphorical transfer arise?

1) Lagging clouds are flying over us
The last crowd.
Their transparent segment softly melts
At the crescent moon.
(A. A. Fet)

2) All the stubble sticks out in the dust
Roadside horsetail.
(Sasha Cherny)

3) Swamps and swamps, blue plateau of heaven. (S. A. Yesenin)

4) It started snowing. The entire space from earth to sky was filled with a quiet rustling sound. The wind circled at first: it pushed me from the back, then from the sides. Then the oncoming one came - head on. There was a whistle in my ears, and thousands of small cold bullets flew into my face. (V. M. Shukshin)

5) Figuratively speaking, the thread of his life flowed steadily from someone’s divine hands, sliding between his fingers. Without excessive rapidity, without breaks or knots, it, that thread, was in an even and gentle tension and only occasionally sagged a little. (A. G. Bitov)

Exercise 18.

Read the texts. Find metaphors in the text and explain their artistic function.

1) Just as, perhaps, individual dense stars are formed from a colossal, almost limitless nebula, so precise and specific ideas are constantly being formed in the mind of a writer from the boundless ocean of life impressions...
I sometimes see how, during a lively conversation, my fellow writer takes out a notebook and quickly writes down in it the phrase he just uttered, the incident he just told. And then I suddenly come across this episode in the book. From it, like from a seed, an entire chapter of a story or story developed and flourished.
(K. G. Paustovsky)
2) We are standing in a forest ravine. And a white cloud hangs above us.
The fragrant rain of petals splashes slightly, slowly falling on your head, face and ground. Bees are buzzing above us. Live winged helicopters land on a fluffy cloud. It smells of intoxicating nectar and fragrant pollen.
This is a bird cherry blossom.
(S. Larin)

Exercise 19.

Find examples in the texts where inanimate objects are presented as living.

1) The wind sleeps and everything goes numb,
Just to fall asleep;
The clear air itself becomes timid
To breathe in the cold.
(A. A. Fet)

2) Along hidden, deaf paths,
Dusk is coming into the forest thickets.
Covered with dry leaves,
The forests are silent - they are waiting for the autumn night.
(I. A. Bunin)

3) In severe frost, birch firewood crackles merrily, and when it flares up, it begins to hum and sing. (I. S. Shmelev)

Exercise 20.

Find personifications in the texts. Explain their use and expressive role.

1) There are minute thunderstorms on spring days,
The air is clean, the sheets are fresh...
And silently shed tears
Fragrant flowers
. (A. A. Fet)

2) A cloud is reaching home,
Just to cry over her.
(A. A. Fet)

3) Hot and stuffy afternoon. There is not a cloud in the sky... the sun-scorched grass looks sad, hopeless: although it will rain, it will no longer be green... The forest stands silently, motionless, as if peering somewhere with its tops or waiting for something. (A.P. Chekhov)

4) The sun got entangled in grayish-yellow clouds behind the silver river. A transparent fog sleepily swirls above the water.
The quiet city sleeps, nestled in a semi-ring of forest. It's morning, but it's sad. The day promises nothing, and his face is sad.
(M. Gorky)

5) Anger hissed like a snake, wriggled in evil words, alarmed by the light that fell on it. (M. Gorky)

6) Every night melancholy came to Ignatiev... with her head bowed, she sat on the edge of the bed, took him by the hand - a sad nurse of a hopeless patient. They remained silent for hours, hand in hand. (T.N. Tolstaya)

Exercise 21.

Find cases of combining personification with other means of artistic representation: comparison, rhetorical appeal, parallelism.

1) In the distance the mill still flaps its wings, and it still looks like little man waving his arms. (A.P. Chekhov) 2) In the morning he woke up with light, and with him longing, disgust, and hatred woke up.(M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin) 3) Ah, my fields, dear furrows, you are beautiful in your sadness. (S. A. Yesenin) 4) Motherland! Name such a place for me...(N. A. Nekrasov)

Exercise 22.

Find personifications in the given poetic passage.

1) It gets dark in the distance,
The plantain is depressed.
(N. Rubtsov)

3) I dragged myself for a long time.
And for a long time the forest is night
Everyone listened to the copper bell,
Ringing under the arc.
(N. Rubtsov)

4) ...And the third, it seems, is a bus
Running along the line sixth.
(N. Rubtsov)

5) The alder blooms, hopes, calls,
Not yet knowing the terrible catch...
. (V. Soloukhin)

6) And only chilled rowan
Knocks with a brush on the glass,
The clay around her was soaked,
Rowan wants to be warm.
(V. Soloukhin)

7) Black shadows of the patterned lattice
They lie clear on the white snow.
Quiet stars - thoughtfully meek,
The month prophesies languor and bliss.
Black windows of the silent cathedral
They look gloomily at the white field...
(V. Bryusov)

8) The bluebells in the field are sad.
For people they dream of ringing,
But the flowers are singing buds
Unless the bear listens.
(N. Rubtsov)

9) Flocks of birds. Road tape.
A fallen fence.
From the foggy sky
The dim day looks sad.
(K. Balmont)

10) “Who? For what? - the reeds say,
“Why are the lights burning between us?”
But the sad month silently drooped.
Does not know. He bows his face lower and lower.
And, repeating the sigh of the lost soul,
The reeds rustle sadly and silently.
(K. Balmont)

11) The wavy line trembles,
Everything on him and in him breathes something...
And gently sways him,
Humbling, evil emptiness.
No, we are not here, in the valley below,
He and I are flying towards the curtain of clouds!
And the gray ray slides, prickly,
Above the surprised bell tower.
(3. Gippius)

12) Is it really me again
In these birch groves?
The May sun is shining again,
Leaning over a pink field.
Smells like calamus
And weeping coastal willows
(Darling! Darling! The same ones!)
Without moving, they doze over the pond.
(S. Solovyov)

13) The sleepy winter wind sings above me,
Puts you to sleep with a song, doesn’t give you the will,
The path is covered with snow, it runs across the field,
Together with the bell it trembles pitifully...
(I. Bunin)

14) Old house. He barely survives
Pushing back the grass with the porch,
Calls out to people through all the windows,
Only I don’t live in it anymore.
(K. Spitsina)

Exercises on the topic “Means of artistic expression: rhetorical appeal, epithet”

Option 1.

Task No. 1

    You are my fallen maple,

The maple is frozen!

Why are you standing bent over?

Under a white snowstorm? (S. Yesenin)

    Oh, summer is red!

I would love you... (A. Pushkin)

    Dasha told about berries and swimming. Grandfather clouds and clouds, she calms him down: “Grandfather, everything ended well.” There was even a boat. (V. Bakhrevsky)

    How good you are, O night sea, -

It’s radiant here, bluish-dark there... (F. Tyutchev)

    The neighbor also came to Matryona in the evening and said:

Tomorrow, Matryona, you will come to help me. We'll dig up the potatoes. (A. Solzhenitsyn)

    What silks has generous mother nature embroidered you with, Altai! (Permitin E.)

    “Let me shake myself off, dad,” said Arkady, somewhat hoarse from the road, but with a ringing youthful voice, “I’ll get you all dirty... (Turgenev I.)

Task No. 2

A pure soul, a narrow path, a long fence, a linden alley, a ruddy dawn, a big house, a gloomy house, Spring rain, cold haze, cheerful baby, glass puddles, green bench.

Task No. 3. In the passage, find and identify the means of artistic expression known to you.

The last cloud of the scattered storm!

Alone you rush across the clear azure,

You alone cast a dull shadow,

You alone sadden the jubilant day.

(A.S. Pushkin. Cloud)

Option 2.

Task No. 1 Write down the numbers of the sentences in which the rhetorical appeal is used.

    Silent sea, azure sea,

I stand enchanted over your abyss... (V. Zhukovsky)

    Sad star, evening star!

Your ray silvered the withered plains... (A. Pushkin)

    We will set up dachas, and our grandchildren and great-grandchildren will see a new life here... Music, play! (A. Chekhov)

    And suddenly the music stopped.

Oska, why are you twisting? And so it was heard!

I wanted to fix... (E. Nosov)

    Hello, guest Winter!

We ask for mercy to us... (V. Surikov)

    So now I tried to start a conversation about him: -Aunt Lina, are you big house do you live in Vyazma? (Yu. Sotnik)

    -Are you saying goodbye to me forever, Evgeniy? - Arkady said sadly. -And you have no other words for me? (Turgenev I.)

Task No. 2 . From these phrases, write down phrases with epithets.

Evening star, sad star, sharp wind, wet snow, crystal night, golden autumn, yellow leaves, ruby ​​rowan berries, gentle sky, rain puddles, stone house, hot tea.

Task No. 3 . In the passage, find and identify the means of artistic expression known to you.

Heavenly clouds, eternal wanderers!

The azure steppe, the pearl chain

You rush as if like me, exiles

From the sweet north, towards the south.

(M.Yu. Lermontov. Clouds)

Sections: Russian language

Lesson objectives:

  • Repeat, expand and generalize knowledge on the topic;
  • Develop skills in visual and expressive means;
  • Teach to decide test tasks on the topic with the least amount of time.


  • Folders with reference tables, text;
  • Computer, presentation.

During the classes

I. Good afternoon. The topic of our lesson is “Working on visual means of expression in preparation for the Unified State Exam.” Slide No. 1.

The task of today's lesson is to prepare for a special task related to the analysis of the expressiveness of Russian speech. This task aims to test linguistic competence. In order to perform such an analysis, you need to master a whole range of knowledge and skills.

II. Repetition and deepening of previously studied material.

Slide No. 2 (work according to the scheme).

Means of artistic expression

Trails Figures of speech
Trope (from the Greek word meaning turn, turn, image) is the use of words and phrases in a figurative sense. Figure (from the Latin word figure of speech, appearance, outline). Such syntactic structures are used for expressiveness of the text.
Comparison. Antithesis.
Metaphor. Inversion.
Personification. Gradation.
Hyperbola. Anaphora.
Litotes. Epiphora.
Paraphrase. Oxymoron.
Metonymy. Syntactic parallelism.
Synecdoche. Parcellation.
Irony. Lexical repetition.
Asyndeton. Multi-union.
Rhetorical figures:

1. Work according to the scheme:

  • What means of artistic expression do you know?
  • What are trails? Name them.
  • What stylistic figures, or figures of speech, are you familiar with? Name them.

(In ancient times, figures of speech were called “patterns of eloquence.” There are more than a dozen figures of speech, but they are all similar in that they represent a deviation from the ordinary form, a sophisticated combination of words).

2. Work according to instructions.

Paths, figures of speech. (Memos are distributed to each student).

Mutual survey. (For 3 minutes, students ask questions to identify figures of speech and tropes. What is metaphor, simile, personification, anaphora, syntactic parallelism, antithesis, oxymoron?)

III. Training exercises for consolidation.

Slide number 3.

1. What trope is used in the text?

The golden grove dissuaded
Birch cheerful language.

(S. Yesenin)

  1. Irony;
  2. Litotes;
  3. Metaphor;
  4. Metonymy.

Slide number 4.

2. What trope is used in the text?

I love the lush decay of nature...

(A. Pushkin)

  1. Metaphor;
  2. Personification;
  3. Epithet;
  4. Oxymoron.

Slide number 5.

3. Indicate which means of expression is used in the passage: “But most of all, love for my native land tormented, tormented and burned me.” (S. Yesenin)

  1. Hyperbola;
  2. Gradation;
  3. Rhetorical exclamation;
  4. Comparison.

Slide number 6.

4. Indicate which means of expressiveness is used in the passage: “I will carry you into the forests, into the silent deserts, full of you, your rocks, your bays, and shine, and shadow, and the talk of waves.” (A. Pushkin)

  1. Antithesis;
  2. Multi-Union;
  3. Paraphrase;
  4. Metaphor.

Slide number 7.

5. Indicate which means of expressiveness are used in the passage: “A real folk song does not pursue external beauty or form, but is able to speak from the heart in the simplest and therefore most beautiful words.” (M. Gorky)

  1. Metaphor;
  2. Personification;
  3. Comparison;
  4. Gradation.

Answers to the task: 1)3; 2)2; 3)2; 4)2; 5)2.

IV. Find a match.

Slide number 8.

1. Determine what means of expression is used in each example.

Slide number 9.

Answers: 1-B, 2-C, 3-D, 4-D.

Slide number 10.

2. Determine which means of expression is used in each example:

Slide number 11.

Answers: 1-B, 2-A, 3-D, 4-G.

Slide number 12.

3. Determine what means of expression is used in each example?

Slide number 13.

Answers: 1-B, 2-A, 3-B, 4-D.

V. Working with text.

(The text with the assignments is distributed to students.)

1. Reading the text.

(1) A person does not choose life for himself, it is determined by fate, and it is up to him only to manage it to some extent, and not to swim wherever he takes it. (2) If I were given the opportunity to repeat my life, I would choose the same one, very eventful, joys, victories, defeats, delights and sorrows of losses, which, by the way, help me see the world more sharply and feel kindness more deeply. (3) And I would ask only one thing from my fate - to leave my mother with me. (4) I have missed her all my life, and I miss her especially acutely now, when age seems to compare me with all older people, and there is no longer tossing in my soul, that tired calm comes that mothers patiently wait for, hoping at least in old age lean against the child and pacify yourself and his boundless kind heart, always ready for consolation, compassion and affection.

(5) Take care of your mothers, people! (6) Take care! They happen only once and never return, and no one can replace them - this is told to you by a person who has the right to trust - he has outlived his mother by more than forty years.

(V. Astafiev).

2. Completing tasks for the text.

  • Which sentence(s) of the text most fully reflects the main idea of ​​the text. Formulate it. (5-6) Take care of mothers! They only exist once and never return, and no one can replace them.
  • What type(s) of speech is presented in the text.

Reasoning and description;
- Reasoning and storytelling;
- Reasoning;
- Narration.

  • Indicate the method of forming the word consolation (sentence 4)
  • Write out the particles from sentence 3.
  • From sentence 3, write down subordinating phrases with the connection agreement.
  • Read a fragment of a review based on the text you analyzed. This fragment examines the linguistic features of the text. Insert the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list in place of the gaps.

The text by V. Astafiev is addressed to young people. The author suggests thinking about the opinion of an experienced person who has thought about a lot. The author expresses the main idea of ​​the text using ______ (Take care of your mothers, people! Take care!). _______ (“a person chooses life,” “age, as it were, compares me with all older people”) helps the author express his own position. The author was able to describe his own life, as well as the mother’s attitude towards her child, thanks to the use of _____ (sentences 2,4). The text is made more understandable due to the use of ______ (“ask for fate”, “kind heart”).

List of terms:

  1. Metaphors;
  2. Comparison;
  3. Epithet;
  4. Rows of homogeneous members;
  5. Rhetorical exclamations;
  6. Default;
  7. Gradation;
  8. Set expressions;
  9. Syntactic parallelism;
  10. Anaphora.
  1. Carefully read the text and fragment of the review.
  2. Have a solid theoretical and practical basis. (Not only memorize definition words, but also remember their essence, specific construction and role in speech, learn to differentiate them).
  3. Carefully study the proposed list of terms.
  4. Choosing a term from a number of proposed ones requires the ability to classify concepts. (Syntactic, phonetic, lexical, etc.)
  5. This grouping will help you more meaningfully relate the text of the review and not make a mistake in your choice.
  6. Remember the time, this task will take you 7-8 minutes.

VI. Computer presentation. “Take care of mothers!”

VII. Homework.

  • Learn the definitions of stylistic figures and tropes;
  • Select examples of stylistic figures and tropes (5 examples);
  • Solving test tasks from the KIM book (option 1-3), task B8.
Exercises on the topic “Expressive means of vocabulary. Epithet. Comparison. Metaphor. Personification"

Exercise 1.

Find epithets, determine their role in the text.

1) Compressed rye, weeds, spurge, wild hemp - everything, browned from the heat, red and half-dead, now washed with dew and caressed by the sun, came to life to bloom again. (A.P. Chekhov) 2) It was summer, a long day passed, the wind calmed down for the evening among the sleepy, blissful pines. (A.P. Platonov) 3) Majestic swans swam in the red sunset - pinkish-golden in the sun. Their deserted cry echoed in the park. (I. S. Shmelev)

Exercise 2.

Read the phrases suggested below, highlight the epithets in them, explain their semantic and emotional content. Appreciate their traditionality.

Ominous thought; the sails of proud ships; sad star; on a bare branch; fatal fire of battles; sweet hope; crazy excitement; in clear azure; through velvet meadows; fate is cruel; the futile noise of feasts; happy land.

Exercise 3.

Make up phrases from the words in the right and left columns.


Exercise 4.

Choose figurative and lyrical epithets for these words.

Sun ___________________________________________
Fog ____________________________________________
Fire ____________________________________________
Light _____________________________________________
Lilac ___________________________________________
Feeling ___________________________________________
Silence ___________________________________________

Exercise 5.

Read the text. Find epithets in it. Determine their role in the text.

The imperishable beauties of Russia, its fields and forests, foggy pools and majestic sunsets did not appear yesterday. It was the North that nourished the life of generations and even eras in such a way that one is amazed. Together with Veliky Novgorod, together with the white-trunked, stately Russia, the greatness of Pskov and Suzdal, Vladimir and Rostov rose. The stone bulk of St. George's Cathedral on Lake Ilmen, when it rises on the rising spring water, as if in the clouds, is not just antiquity, but a monument to the greatness of man.

All this is an era when a simple person felt a poet in himself and felt that the earth was something more than just a cornfield, just the hum of untouched forests. He, driven to the northern outskirts of his land by ruthless conquerors, realized that there was nowhere else to go, that his native land, these saving heroic distances, was a source of endless spiritual strength. And every blade of grass, tree, lake began to be perceived by him as miraculous wealth. (According to Yu. Kuranov)

Exercise 6.

Find comparisons in the texts. Determine the way to express them.

(A. A. Fet)

2) And the pines bend as if they were alive,
And they make such thoughtful noise...
Suddenly the wind blows
And in tangled and dark branches
He makes some noise impatiently.
(I. S. Turgenev)

3) The coals are dimming. In the twilight
A transparent light curls.
So it splashes on the crimson poppy
The wing of an azure moth.
(A. A. Fet)

We stood as if in a golden cage.
(A. N. Maikov)

Exercise 7.

Find comparisons. Explain their expressive role in the text.

1) Above me
Between birch and pine
In your endless sadness
Clouds float like thoughts,
The river is rippling below,
(N. M. Rubtsov)

2) Squinting my eyes, I see the sun pouring into the room. A wide golden strip, looking like a brand new board, fits obliquely into the room, and little pieces of gold are scurrying around in it. (I. S. Shmelev)

3) A wavy cloud
Dust rises in the distance;
On horseback or on foot -
Can't be seen in the dust!
(A. A. Fet)

A splinter was tied in a bunch;
No matter how much you languish your hands,
You can't break the beam,
(A.P. Sumarokov)

5) Summer morning. There is silence in the air; only a grasshopper creaks on the shore and somewhere a little eagle purrs timidly... Cirrus clouds, like scattered snow, stand motionless in the sky. (A.P. Chekhov)

6) The air there is as pure as a child’s prayer; (M. Yu. Lermontov)

7) My poems! Living witnesses
For a world of shed tears!
You will be born in fateful moments
Soul thunderstorms
And beat on people's hearts,
Like waves on a cliff.
(N. A. Nekrasov)

8) Down deep below me
The flow, strengthened by the thunderstorm,
It was noisy, and its noise was dull
Hundreds of angry voices
Got it.
(M. Yu. Lermontov)

Exercise 8.

Read the text. What does the text say? Highlight comparisons. Determine their figurative and expressive role. What images do they enrich the text with? What thoughts and feelings of the author help to convey more clearly?

The third meeting showed me Blok reading wonderful poems about Russia, and he seemed to me depressed by this love of his whole life, he looked like a knight who loves the Unattainable, and his heart bleeds with love.
The block seemed so dear and close to me, like a nightingale in a spring bush that sings a song to me, but will fly away if I approach it, and like freshly fallen snow that does not need to be touched.
(K. D. Balmont)

Exercise 9.

Tell us about lexical means of comparison by commenting on these examples.

1) A snow-covered bush looks like a frozen fountain. (V. Nabokov) The deserted cape was similar to a loaf of bread. (I. Bunin) 2) In the light of day, the fire in the stove is like pale roses. (V. Khodasevich) 3) And above the earth the round moon will seem like a loaf of wheat. (M. Dudin) 4) The maple leaf reminds us of amber. (N. Zabolotsky) 5) The frosty night was like a fairy tale. (B. Pasternak)

Exercise 10.

Read the lines of poetry. Find creative comparisons in them. Tell us what is compared to what in each case.

1) From flowers in the fields
the smell is all around.
And the dew shines
On the grass in silver
(I. Surikov)

2) Pine trees reach for the sky
Behind the sunshine
And chicks leaves
They run on the ground.
(N. Berendgof)

3) Just yesterday, melting in the sun,
The last leaf trembled
And the winter, turning lushly green,
It lay like a velvet sheet.
(A. Fet)

4) And a leaf from a birch tree
Golden bee
Curls and flies
Above the prickly tree.
(E. Trutneva)

5) In yards and houses
The snow lies like a sheet
And the sun shines
Multi-colored fire.
(I. Nikitin)

Exercise 11.

Correct the sentences to make them more harmonious. Replace the comparative phrase with an instrumental comparison.

1) The hollow water had already receded, and the river flowed like a narrow stream. 2) Like a white column, yes, centuries-old birch trees lined up. 3) I raised my head... in front of me, between two rows of tall poplars, like an arrow, the road stretched into the distance. 4) The sun is shining brightly, like white birds, clouds are floating in the sky. 5) In the thicket of the forest, like a golden star, the dome of the church sparkled.

Exercise 12.

Find comparisons in the texts.

1) The lake fell asleep; the black forest is silent;
A white mermaid swims casually out;
Like a young swan, the moon among the skies
It glides and contemplates its double on the moisture.
(A.A. Fet)

2) And the pines bend as if they were alive,
And they make such thoughtful noise...
And, like a flock of huge birds,
Suddenly the wind blows
And in tangled and dark branches
He makes some noise impatiently.
(I.S. Turgenev)

3) The coals are dimming. In the twilight
A transparent light curls.
So it splashes on the crimson poppy
The wing of an azure moth.
(A.A. Fet)

4) The rain poured through the sun, and under the mossy spruce
We stood as if in a golden cage.
(A.N. Maikov)

Exercise 13.

Find comparisons. Explain their expressive role.

1) Above me
Between birch and pine
In your endless sadness
Clouds float like thoughts,
The river is rippling below,
Like a feeling of carefree joy.
(N.M. Rubtsov)

2) Squinting my eyes, I see the sun pouring into the room. A wide golden strip, similar to a brand new board, fits obliquely into the room, and little pieces of gold flutter around in it. (I.S. Shmelev).

3) A wavy cloud
Dust rises in the distance;
On horseback or on foot -
Can't be seen in the dust!
(A.A. Fet)

4) That the Russians were the reason for the fall -
A splinter was tied in a bunch;
No matter how much you languish your hands,
You can't break the beam,
Like Russia, so it crumbled like
And it became convenient to break the entire splinter.
(A.P. Sumarokov)

5) Summer morning. There is silence in the air; only a grasshopper creaks on the shore and somewhere a little eagle purrs timidly... Cirrus clouds, like scattered snow, stand motionless in the sky (A.P. Chekhov).

6) The air there is as pure as a child’s prayer;
And people, like free birds, live carefree.
(M.Yu. Lermontov)

7) My poems! Living witnesses
For a world of shed tears!
You will be born in fateful moments
Soul thunderstorms
And beat on people's hearts,
Like waves on a cliff.
(N.A. Nekrasov)

8) Down deep below me
The flow, strengthened by the thunderstorm,
It was noisy, and its noise was dull
Hundreds of angry voices
Got it.
(M.Yu. Lermontov)

9) Nose, curved like an owl's beak (M. Gorky).

10) The new moon is like a golden sickle (A.V. Koltsov).

11) Where, like necklaces,
Multicolor stones
Rising above the foam of the waves...
(V. Bryusov)

12) And the vault of the sky, deep blue, -
Like the dome that crowned the temple!
(In Bryusov)

13) Hands bare above the elbow,
And the eyes are bluer than ice.
The acrid, stuffy smell of tar,
Like a tan, it suits you.
(A. Akhmatova)

14) And with each letter from my line
Burning annoyance creeps in like nettles...
(K. Spitsina)

15) A reserve of courage is kept in the heart,
How gunpowder used to be stored in the fortress
As a food against dampness and rot,
Like a compass on a sea boat.
(V. Soloukhin)

Exercise 14.

Find in the texts nouns used in a figurative meaning. Explain the meaning of metaphors. On what basis was such a transfer possible?

The last crowd.

At the crescent moon.

2) All the stubble sticks out in the dust
Roadside horsetail.
(Sasha Cherny)

3) It started snowing. The entire space from earth to sky was filled with a quiet rustling sound. The wind circled at first: it pushed me from the back, then from the sides. Then the oncoming one came - head-on. There was a whistle in my ears, and thousands of small cold bullets flew into my face. (V.M.Shukshin)

Exercise 15.

Find metaphors in the following texts. Describe the images they create.

1) I became indifferent to the shacks,
And the hearth fire is not dear to me,
Even apple trees in the autumn blizzard
Because of the poverty of the fields, I stopped loving them.
(S. Yesenin)

2) Russia! In the evil days of Batu
Who, who to the Mongol flood
Built the dam, if not you?

(S.A. Yesenin)

4) The motorcycle taxied out of the village, stuck a sparkling blade of light into the night and rushed along the well-trodden, flat road to the regional center. (V.M.Shukshin)

5) “Gold, gold is falling from the sky!”
Children scream and run after the rain...
- Come on, children, we’ll collect it,
Just collect the golden grain
Barns full of fragrant bread!
(A.N. Maikov)

6) Under the eyebrows in sunny rest
The blue sky is shining quietly.

7) The spruce covered my path with its sleeve. (A.A.Fet)

8) I remember, my heart brightening,
How excited and young I was!
And let the poems have silver strings
They will continue their melancholy chant.
(N. Rubtsov)

9) Under the straw-riza
Planing the rafters,
The wind molds blue
Sprinkled with sunshine.
They hit the windows without missing a beat
Crows wing,
Like a blizzard, bird cherry
He waves his sleeve.
(S. Yesenin)

10) Plain-haired willows
They threw their hands into the streams.
The seagulls shouted: “Whose are you?”
We answered: “Draw!”

11) Let the sun crown abundant seedlings on the arable land
With the ancient crown of its rising rays!
(N. Rubtsov)

Exercise 16.

Read the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov “Sail”.

The lonely sail turns white
In the blue sea fog!..
What is he looking for in a distant land?
What did he throw in his native land?..

The waves are playing, the wind is whistling,
And the mast bends and creaks...
Alas, he is not looking for happiness,
And he’s not running out of happiness!

Below him is a stream of lighter azure,
Above him is a golden ray of sun...
And he, rebellious, asks for a storm,
As if there is peace in the storms!

1) Find metaphors in the poem and write them down.
2) Select comparative constructions for the following metaphors:iron man, fox character, bear gait, cold look, warm meeting, lead clouds, dead garden .
3) In the four-volume explanatory dictionary of the Russian language the word “
rebellious " has two meanings: 1. Participating in the rebellion, taking part in the rebellion.Rebel army . 2. Anxious, restless, stormy.

In what meaning is the word “rebellious” used in M. Lermontov’s poem “Sail "? What is the basis for the similarity between the direct and figurative meanings of this word, that is, what is the metaphor based on?mutiny sail »?
4) Write an essay in a scientific style on the topic “The expressive role of metaphor in M.Yu. Lermontov’s poem “Sail”.

Exercise 17.

Find metaphors in the texts and explain their meaning. On what basis did the metaphorical transfer arise?

1) Lagging clouds are flying over us
The last crowd.
Their transparent segment softly melts
At the crescent moon.
(A. A. Fet)

2) All the stubble sticks out in the dust
Roadside horsetail.
(Sasha Cherny)

3) Swamps and swamps, blue plateau of heaven. (S. A. Yesenin)

4) It started snowing. The entire space from earth to sky was filled with a quiet rustling sound. The wind circled at first: it pushed me from the back, then from the sides. Then the oncoming one came - head on. There was a whistle in my ears, and thousands of small cold bullets flew into my face. (V. M. Shukshin)

5) Figuratively speaking, the thread of his life flowed steadily from someone’s divine hands, sliding between his fingers. Without excessive rapidity, without breaks or knots, it, that thread, was in an even and gentle tension and only occasionally sagged a little. (A. G. Bitov)

Exercise 18.

Read the texts. Find metaphors in the text and explain their artistic function.

1) Just as, perhaps, individual dense stars are formed from a colossal, almost limitless nebula, so precise and specific ideas are constantly being formed in the mind of a writer from the boundless ocean of life impressions...
I sometimes see how, during a lively conversation, my fellow writer takes out a notebook and quickly writes down in it the phrase he just uttered, the incident he just told. And then I suddenly come across this episode in the book. From it, like from a seed, an entire chapter of a story or story developed and flourished.
(K. G. Paustovsky)
2) We are standing in a forest ravine. And a white cloud hangs above us.
The fragrant rain of petals splashes slightly, slowly falling on your head, face and ground. Bees are buzzing above us. Live winged helicopters land on a fluffy cloud. It smells of intoxicating nectar and fragrant pollen.
This is a bird cherry blossom.
(S. Larin)

Exercise 19.

Find examples in the texts where inanimate objects are presented as living.

1) The wind sleeps and everything goes numb,
Just to fall asleep;
The clear air itself becomes timid
To breathe in the cold.
(A. A. Fet)

2) Along hidden, deaf paths,
Dusk is coming into the forest thickets.
Covered with dry leaves,
The forests are silent - they are waiting for the autumn night.
(I. A. Bunin)

3) In severe frost, birch firewood crackles merrily, and when it flares up, it begins to hum and sing. (I. S. Shmelev)

Exercise 20.

Find personifications in the texts. Explain their use and expressive role.

1) There are minute thunderstorms on spring days,
The air is clean, the sheets are fresh...
And silently shed tears
Fragrant flowers
. (A. A. Fet)

2) A cloud is reaching home,
Just to cry over her.
(A. A. Fet)

3) Hot and stuffy afternoon. There is not a cloud in the sky... the sun-scorched grass looks sad, hopeless: although it will rain, it will no longer be green... The forest stands silently, motionless, as if peering somewhere with its tops or waiting for something. (A.P. Chekhov)

4) The sun got entangled in grayish-yellow clouds behind the silver river. A transparent fog sleepily swirls above the water.
The quiet city sleeps, nestled in a semi-ring of forest. It's morning, but it's sad. The day promises nothing, and his face is sad.
(M. Gorky)

5) Anger hissed like a snake, wriggled in evil words, alarmed by the light that fell on it. (M. Gorky)

6) Every night melancholy came to Ignatiev... with her head bowed, she sat on the edge of the bed, took him by the hand - a sad nurse of a hopeless patient. They remained silent for hours, hand in hand. (T.N. Tolstaya)

Exercise 21.

Find cases of combining personification with other means of artistic representation: comparison, rhetorical appeal, parallelism.

1) In the distance the windmill still flaps its wings, and it still looks like a little man waving his arms. (A.P. Chekhov) 2)In the morning he woke up with light, and with him longing, disgust, and hatred woke up. (M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin) 3)Ah, my fields, dear furrows, you are beautiful in your sadness . (S. A. Yesenin) 4)Motherland! Name such a place for me... (N. A. Nekrasov)

Exercise 22.

Find personifications in the given poetic passage.

1) It gets dark in the distance,
The plantain is depressed.
(N. Rubtsov)

3) I dragged myself for a long time.
And for a long time the forest is night
Everyone listened to the copper bell,
Ringing under the arc.
(N. Rubtsov)

4) ...And the third, it seems, is a bus
Running along the line sixth.
(N. Rubtsov)

5) The alder blooms, hopes, calls,
Not yet knowing the terrible catch...
. (V. Soloukhin)

6) And only chilled rowan
Knocks with a brush on the glass,
The clay around her was soaked,
Rowan wants to be warm.
(V. Soloukhin)

7) Black shadows of the patterned lattice
They lie clear on the white snow.
Quiet stars - thoughtfully meek,
The month prophesies languor and bliss.
Black windows of the silent cathedral
They look gloomily at the white field...
(V. Bryusov)

8) The bluebells in the field are sad.
For people they dream of ringing,
But the flowers are singing buds
Unless the bear listens.
(N. Rubtsov)

9) Flocks of birds. Road tape.
A fallen fence.
From the foggy sky
The dim day looks sad.
(K. Balmont)

10) “Who? For what? - the reeds say,
“Why are the lights burning between us?”
But the sad month silently drooped.
Does not know. He bows his face lower and lower.
And, repeating the sigh of the lost soul,
The reeds rustle sadly and silently.
(K. Balmont)

11) The wavy line trembles,
Everything on him and in him breathes something...
And gently sways him,
Humbling, evil emptiness.
No, we are not here, in the valley below,
He and I are flying towards the curtain of clouds!
And the gray ray slides, prickly,
Above the surprised bell tower.
(3. Gippius)

12) Is it really me again
In these birch groves?
The May sun is shining again,
Leaning over a pink field.
Smells like calamus
And weeping coastal willows
(Darling! Darling! The same ones!)
Without moving, they doze over the pond.
(S. Soloviev)

13) The sleepy winter wind sings above me,
Puts you to sleep with a song, doesn’t give you the will,
The path is covered with snow, it runs across the field,
Together with the bell it trembles pitifully...
(I. Bunin)

14) Old house. He barely survives
Pushing aside the grass with the porch,
Calls out to people through all the windows,
Only I don’t live in it anymore.
(K. Spitsina)

Test on the topic “Expressive means of vocabulary. Epithet. Comparison. Metaphor. Personification"

1. Indicate a sentence in which the means of expressive speech is metaphor .

1) Willows froze in silver fluff by the road.
2) The black grouse slowly pecked at the buds on the birches and walked importantly along the branches.
3) They walked on the loose snow at random, every now and then falling into potholes.
4) We passed the railway track and hurried across a field along a narrow path to a still sleepy forest, blue in the distance.

2. Indicate a sentence in which the means of expressive speech is personification .

1) For example, describe a climbing bush of these red flowers that stretch across the fence, want to look into the room, look through the glass door, what are we doing here...
2) Otherwise, your talent will inevitably become scarce and dry up, like a well from which no water is drawn for a long time.
3) Listen to your feelings, observe the world around you and write.
4) And then the inexhaustible world of true poetry will open before you.

3. Which of the following means of expression is not in the sentence:

The deep and quiet water glistened lacqueredly, as if oil had been poured into the river, and in this black mirror looked from the cliff thoughtful spruce trees, thin birch trees touched with yellowness.

1) comparative turnover
2) epithets
3) metaphor
4) alliteration

4. Indicate a sentence in which the means of expressive speech is metaphor .

1) Poetry is the heart of literature, the highest concentration of all the best that exists in the world and in man.
2) I chose different things - either the well-known “The lonely sail is white”, or the incomprehensible but memorable “... and the air is blue, like a bundle of laundry from someone who has been discharged from the hospital.”
3) The conversation then was about Pushkin, about whom Viktor Yulievich spoke in such a way that a suspicion arose whether they studied in the same class.
4) Sanya smiled indulgently: some were the same ones that grandmother read.

5. Indicate a sentence in which the means of expressive speech is comparison.

1) She appeared before Alexei’s gaze one evening, at the hour of his frantic attack of pain, and did not pass by, she lingered.
2) And the illiterate old woman wandered between the beds in the evenings, fluffing pillows, putting compresses on her hot, puffy foreheads and saying, saying some words, either lulling them to sleep, or telling some magical fairy tale.
3) When her duty ended, Aunt Grunya would now sit down on a stool near Alexey, moisten his dried, caked lips with a corner of the towel, and wipe his face, and bring him some water, and all the time she stroked his cold, lifeless hand and sentenced, sentenced, not sparing words, soft, like a good bandage.
4) How could she, a mother and wife, not go to the wards after duty, how could she not say her kind words, how could she not help Alexei?

6. In which answer option is the means of expressive speech? epithet ?

1) But somehow local boys tracked down Belogrudka, went down the slope after her, and hid.
2) Once upon a time, perhaps one of the most secretive animals, the white-breasted marten, settled in the thicket of the slope.
3) The next day Belogrudka crept into the hayloft and stayed there until dawn, and in the afternoon she saw her babies.
4) One of them brought out an old hat, looked into it...

7. In which answer option is the means of expressive speech? comparison ?

1) Someone’s shadow appeared nearby and rushed forward.
2) Next to Tyomka’s house there was a dry poplar tree. It was already burning with all its might, like a torch.
3) But the firefighters ran slower because they were delayed by a heavy hose, and Tolik and his father overtook them.
4) The burnt branches fell like red worms onto the roof, and the roof burst into flames before Tolik’s eyes and began to light up in an instant.

8. Indicate a sentence in which the means of expressive speech is metaphor .

1) Laughter reigned below, joy was seething, and there, on the steps, resentment was trembling.
2) But the result was not long in coming.
3) We finished the first grade with the following result: five children were adopted.
4) It’s quiet on the street, only the janitor shuffles with his broom.

9. Indicate a sentence in which the means of expressive speech is metaphor .

1) Deciding to immediately go save his pet, Tyoma tiptoes to the glass door and quietly, so as not to make noise, goes out onto the terrace.
2) Running to the hole of the well, he calls in a low voice:
- Bug, Bug!
3) Without wasting time, Tyoma ties the reins around the dog, then quickly climbs up.
4) The boy listens with horror to the nanny’s words, and thoughts swarm in his head.

10. Indicate which means of speech expression is used in the sentence: “When, half an hour later, the impatient calls came - too long and too short, I rushed into the corridor and grabbed the phone.”

1) personification
2) epithet
3) synonyms
4) comparative turnover

11. Indicate which means of speech expression is used in the sentence: “This winter is like a gift: snowfalls, blizzards, light frost.”

1) metaphor
2) personification
3) comparative turnover
4) epithet

12. Indicate which means of speech expression is used in the sentence: “I passed, but there was a scratch on my conscience: I had to stop and give them something.”

1) hyperbole
2) metaphor
3) personification
4) comparative turnover

13. Indicate which means of speech expression is used in the sentence: “Contemplation, healing the soul.”

1) personification
2) metaphor
3) hyperbole
4) epithet

14. Indicate which means of speech expression is used in the sentence: “They left a ragged sore in the ground.”

1) personification
2) metaphor
3) epithets
4) hyperbole

15. Indicate which means of speech expression is used in the expression: “The birch trees were shaking from the cold” ?

1) personification
2) hyperbole
3) comparison
4) epithet

16. Indicate which means of speech expression is used in the expression: "the plant world is awakening" ?

1) personification
2) allegory
3) hyperbole
4) epithet

17. Indicate which means of speech expression is used in the expression: "amazing youthful impressionability" ?

1) personification
2) allegory
3) hyperbole
4) epithet

18. Indicate which means of speech expression is used in the sentence: “In a damp lowland they found several lily of the valley leaves with an ovary as red as a button.” .

1) metaphor
2) epithets
3) comparative turnover
4) hyperbole

1. 2),3)
2. 1), 4)
3. 1), 3)
4. 2), 4)
5. 1), 2)
6. 2), 3)
7. 2)
8. 1)
9. 3)
10. 1)B, 2)D, 3)D, 4)A,5)C
11. 1)G, 2)A, 3)D, 4)B, 5)C
12. 1)B, 2)C, 3)D, 4)A, 5)D
13. 1)G, 2)C, 3)B, 4)D, 5)A
14. 2)
15. 4)
16. 2)
17. 1)
18. 3)