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Turbo timer: what is it? What is a turbo timer in alarms Self-installation and configuration of a turbo timer

If you have a car with a turbocharged engine, then you have probably heard about the turbo timer. But what is a turbo timer in a car alarm and why is it needed?

Turbo timer- This electronic device, which can increase the service life of the turbocharger. The principle of operation is simple, in order to cool the turbine parts after the ignition is turned off, the turbo timer keeps the engine running at idling a few more minutes are required to cool and establish a safe turbine temperature at the time the engine is stopped.

Installing a turbo timer

The turbo timer can be designed as a separate device or as a function of a car alarm with auto start. Undoubtedly, it is more convenient and more profitable to buy a car alarm with auto start equipped with a turbo timer function than to purchase two devices separately! Firstly, you save on purchase and installation, and secondly, you increase the car’s theft resistance!

The turbo timer is installed, including in combination with a car alarm, under the instrument panel in the ignition switch circuit. We recommend performing this process in a specialized car service! After installation, it is necessary to configure the operation of the turbo timer based on your driving style and climatic conditions. The more active you drive the car, the longer the turbo timer should be set. The recommended operating time of the turbo timer is 1-3 minutes!

Having completed the trip, the car enthusiast parks his car and turns off the ignition at this moment and the turbo timer starts working. The device is included in the ignition switch circuit and allows the engine to operate at idle speed for another 1-3 minutes, this time is enough to cool the turbine, while the car alarm will prevent any attempts at theft. After the programmed time has elapsed, the device will automatically turn off the engine and confirm full arming.

Car alarm with turbo timer

When choosing a car alarm with a turbo timer, we recommend paying attention to models with an autostart function. Not only will you safely shut down the engine for turbocharger parts, but you'll also be able to start it remotely before your ride! It's convenient! You will sit in a warm or cooled cabin (depending on the settings of the car’s climate system), and the engine will be immediately ready to start your trip!

We continue to analyze the useful “”. And today, an educational article for owners, and maybe for future buyers of turbocharged cars - let's talk about the “turbo timer”, what kind of strange beast is this and why is it not installed on all cars? In general, it’s easy to talk about complex things...

TURBOTIMER is an electronic device that is designed to increase the resource of the engine turbine. It does not allow the engine to immediately stall after the driver has pulled the key out of the keyhole, but “keeps” the engine at low speeds for some time - this is done so that the turbine cools down to an acceptable temperature, which significantly prolongs its life. Moreover, you can pull out the key and lock the car using the remote control, and it will still work for a few minutes and then stall.

What is it and where is it installed?

Usually this is a small block, which in size resembles a matchbox. Essentially, this is a small controller that hides under the front panel of the car. Installed in the gap of the ignition switch system. Sometimes it can be installed together with an alarm unit, that is, the process is further automated - you press the close button on the remote control and the “turbo timer”, receiving commands from the alarm, does not allow the engine to stall for some time, although the doors are already closed. A short installation video.

Technical side of the issue

Whether or not it’s worth installing this device on your car is up to you to decide, of course! However, there are a number of pros and cons to installing a turbo timer. So, technical side question - why is everything worth putting up?

It's all about energy exhaust gases, become very hot during operation. Especially if you drove at high speeds - then the flow and temperature of the gases is very high. In this case, temperature has a negative effect on the impeller bearings - because if you suddenly stop work, they stop lubricating motor oil, and oil residues may burn at the contact points. Which leads to “coking” of the oil outlets from the turbine - and costly repairs are not far off. It is because of this that the oil in turbocharged engine It's worth changing more often.

Installing a turbo timer prevents the engine from stopping abruptly; it runs for another 3–5 minutes before stopping, at low speeds. The temperature drops significantly (or, as many people write, cools) to an acceptable temperature - the oil no longer burns at the points of contact, and the “impellers” are much cooler (so to speak).

That is, to summarize, the turbo timer first of all prolongs the life of the turbine itself, as well as. It’s worth thinking about, in principle, the gadget is necessary.

But on the other hand, if you don’t drive very hard, and don’t turn the engine up to 5 – 7000 rpm, drive at 2000 – 3000, then you may not need such a device.

Also, many manufacturers have now changed the design of the turbine - the exhaust gas chamber does not greatly affect temperature fluctuations in the bearings, as well as in the oil-conducting tubes.

YES, and it’s not very convenient - when you just drove the car into the garage or drove it from one place to another in the parking lot, and it still works for a few minutes. There is also a slight excess fuel consumption here.

That is, it’s as if you don’t need to install it. In any case, it's up to you to decide. I recommend surfing the forums for your brand, and also asking questions at the dealership.

Can I install it myself?

It’s possible and it’s not that difficult, several of my friends installed it themselves. Usually comes with such a block detailed instructions, it is installed in the gap of one of the wires of the ignition switch, here is an approximate diagram.

By the way, there are options that have an LCD display, and you can set various settings in them - as they say “online”. For example, operating time or engine temperature, these are the most flexible and convenient types.


If you look at the cost, it ranges from approximately 3,000 to 10,000 rubles. It all depends on the capabilities and functionality. The simplest ones are configured once through special equipment and hide under the panel or steering wheel, do not have displays and are generally very simple.

Expensive options, as I wrote above, have “hot settings”, LCD displays, and often special remote controls for remote programming. But they cost much more, sometimes three times, than regular blocks.

Whether you should install it and which one to take is up to you, but in some cases a turbo timer is a really useful thing.

Now let's watch a short video clip.

System Pandora has a built-in “smart” turbo timer mode. This mode is necessary to cool the supercharger turbine on vehicles using high pressure during intake manifold engine, and is used to protect the turbine from premature destruction due to overheating in the absence of air heat exchange.

System, with turbo timer mode enabled, with time maximum work, set in paragraph II-8.1-8.3 of the programming menu, will leave the engine turned on at idle speed after removing the ignition key from the lock for the time necessary for the turbine to cool down while the engine is idling. In this case, the maximum operating time of the engine is set in programming, and the system automatically calculates the value of this time by reading information in the CAN bus about the operating mode of the engine. That is, if the car was used in moderate mode, then the engine idling time to cool the turbine will be significantly less than that set in programming. If the engine was used in "hard mode", the time will be equal to the set maximum value. If the engine was idling for a long time before removing the key, or the engine was running for a short time at a low temperature, it will be stopped immediately. If the tachometer signal for engine control is not used, then the “turbo timer” time will always be maximum. If necessary, the owner can forcefully stop the engine from the “turbo timer” mode by pressing the brake pedal or turning off the handbrake.

If the state of the handbrake/parking is monitored via the CAN bus, then to organize a turbo timer you need to connect the ignition “Parallel”. For vehicles with a “Start/Stop” button, step II-17.1 must be enabled; the “Start/Stop” button is controlled by the channel assigned as Ignition 1, step II-7.1…7.12.
To activate the turbo timer, it is necessary for the engine to run for at least 1 minute, after which it is necessary to change the state of the handbrake/parking (raise the handbrake/move the automatic transmission selector to the “parking” position), then remove the key from the ignition switch and arm the system.

If the state of the handbrake/parking is NOT controlled via the CAN bus, then to organize a turbo timer it is necessary to connect the ignition “Into the break” (i.e., ignition control, connect the yellow wire “before the break”; with the channel assigned as Ignition 1, p. II-7.1…7.12, support the ignition “after the break”), disable ignition control via CAN bus (item IV-2.8), set the NC type of handbrake/neutral limit switch (item I-5.10).
To activate the turbo timer, the engine must be running for at least 1 minute, then remove the key from the ignition and arm the system.

Every driver wants his car to last as long as possible. It is for these purposes that a diesel turbo timer is needed. It allows you to significantly extend the life of the engine. At the same time, its cost is several times lower overhaul.

Purpose of the turbo timer

To understand why a turbo timer is needed for a diesel engine, it is necessary to talk a little about its operating principle. So, almost every diesel engine is equipped with a turbine. It is she who is responsible for pumping air into the combustion chamber.

To keep the turbocharger in working order by manufacturers diesel engines a number of recommendations are issued that must be followed. One of the most important is the one that prohibits turning off the engine immediately after stopping.

The fact is that the turbine parts become very hot when moving. Stopping suddenly can cause heat stroke. As a result of this phenomenon, the geometric parameters of the turbine change, which, in turn, leads to engine failure.

You should remember from your school physics course that sudden heating and cooling of a metal leads to a deterioration in its performance. As a result, the service life is reduced several times.

Most drivers mistakenly believe that this recommendation can always be followed. However, in practice this happens extremely rarely. The fact is that the modern pace of life requires maximum output from a person. It's no surprise that every free minute is worth its weight in gold. Besides, you can simply forget about it. A diesel turbo timer allows you to forever gain confidence that everything will be fine with the engine.

Most often, during a sudden stop, the following system parts are at increased risk:

  • bearings,
  • collector,
  • blades.

Moreover, a sharp temperature change leads to coking of oil pipes. In order to avoid all these defects, after the car stops, you need to idle for several minutes or buy a turbo timer for diesel.

Attention! The turbo timer for a diesel engine does not turn off the engine in forced mode. This allows the turbine to cool down.

Situations when you can’t do without a turbo timer on the engine

It is recommended that the turbo timer be installed in almost forced mode on minibuses and SUVs running on diesel. If you often drive off-road at high speeds, but at low speeds, you cannot do without such a part. The same applies to overtaking enthusiasts.

What role does the alarm play when installing a turbo timer?

Every driver should have heard about car alarms. Actually, in such a system a turbo timer for diesel is already provided in advance. At least in the vast majority of alarms.

Brands such as Star line, Tomahawk and Sherkhan include turbo timers in their systems by default. The advantages of the products of these brands include the considerable range of the key fob. On average, about two kilometers. In addition, the alarm systems of these companies are equipped with the latest encryption systems to avoid signal interception by intruders.

The main advantage of an alarm system with auto-start, equipped with a turbo timer for a diesel engine, is that after you turn off the ignition and pull out the key, the engine will continue to work for the specified period until the internal temperature stabilizes.

Attention! The turbo timer in the alarm works even after you get out of the car and close the door.

By default, manufacturers set the turbo timer operating time for diesel engines to 3-4 minutes. This is quite enough to maintain engine performance. Some alarm models include programming capabilities. With it, you can set the range that you see fit.

It is better to install a turbo timer together with the alarm or separately

In reality, it is not so easy to give a definite answer to this question. Let's start with the technical specifications. As soon as you remove the key from the ignition, the alarm continues to work, giving the corresponding command to the turbo timer installed on the diesel engine. But from a purely technical point of view, some difficulties may arise here.

To operate the turbo timer in a complex anti-theft system, a separate channel is required. Simply put, if you already have old alarm system converting it will be extremely problematic. Much easier to buy new system or install a turbo timer separately.

We make a turbo timer for the engine with our own hands

Very often, in order to save money, drivers make and install a turbo timer on a diesel engine with their own hands. The design is based on a relay. It can be removed from any available device. Best devices this type is installed in washing machines. Microwave parts will also work.

Attention! If you don’t have anything suitable in your house, you can always go to a store like Small Things for All Occasions. There you will definitely find a couple of temporary relays.

When choosing a relay, the first thing you should pay attention to is the ability to set the time you need. As stated earlier 3-4 minutes is more than enough. You will also need another temporary clamp. It will need to be installed parallel to the ignition switch. It is he who will be responsible for continuing the operation of the motor.

Attention! The first relay will receive power through the second.

The essence of this scheme is extremely simple. As soon as you remove the key from the ignition, electricity will flow to the engine along a bypass path as long as you install a turbo timer for a diesel engine.

An additional advantage of a separate turbo timer for diesel is that it does not allow you to start the car without a key. Simply put, attackers will not be able to bypass the ignition system.

Setting the automatic activation mode

However, if you want the temporary relay to start working automatically, you will need to perform some additional manipulations. For this you will need Schottky diodes. Ordinary silicon ones will not work, because when using them there is a voltage drop of 0.6-0.7 V. This is unacceptable when using a diesel engine.

Schottky diodes allow reduce the voltage when installing on a diesel engine to 0.2-0.4 V. Additionally, you will need to install a battery. Its capacity must be at least 150 mAh. Of course, you can’t do without a relay.

When you install this system on a diesel engine, the battery will be charged through a resistor. As soon as the key takes position 0, the battery will begin to supply voltage to the relay.


A turbo timer for a diesel engine is a necessary part. It helps to significantly increase the life of the motor. In addition, the device comes complete with many car alarms that are equipped with auto start.

A diesel turbo timer allows you to forget about sitting in the car until the internal temperature of the system returns to normal. With an alarm system installed with this device, you will be able to remove the key from the ignition, and the engine will still work for its intended duration.

Not all owners of cars with pipe compressors know that the manufacturers of such cars in the instructions for the vehicle draw attention to the fact that after high loads on the engine, it cannot be turned off immediately. You need to wait a few minutes to normalize the temperature in the system. If you do not do this, then, according to experts, you may encounter serious malfunctions and end up spending a lot of money on repairs.

But it so happens that no one likes to strictly follow the recommendations, so car owners began to install turbo timers in their cars. Are they really like that? additional modules are they so necessary and should they be installed on all cars with turbine engines?

How the turbo timer works

Engine turbines are responsible for forcing air into the system, fuel burns faster, and the power of the engine itself power unit increases to 30%. At the same time, engines of this type are praised for their excellent traction characteristics and lower gasoline consumption. However, due to increased loads, bearings are forced to cope with enormous temperatures (in the engine itself, temperatures can reach up to 800 degrees). Cooling is carried out by circulating oil. As soon as the motor turns off, it stops moving. If this happens after a long period of operation at high speeds, the turbocharger will not have time to cool. There is a great risk that they will soon fail.

This is where a compact electronic device (no bigger than a matchbox) called a turbo timer comes to the rescue. This device prevents full stop engine, after the car owner has pulled out the ignition key, so the “engine” runs at low speeds for a few more minutes, allowing the systems to “come to their senses.” The turbine cools down and its service life is extended. At the same time, the car owner does not have to sit in the car; it is enough to lock it and go about business. The engine will stall on its own.

Healthy! Turbo timers are often included in alarm units.

But, since this is such a useful controller, which, moreover, is not so expensive (from 1,000-3,000 rubles), then why don’t manufacturers install such a useful thing on all cars? Everything is extremely simple. No one can predict exactly how a particular car owner prefers to drive. If we're talking about If you are a fan of high speeds, then he certainly needs this miniature device. For those who drive quietly, there is absolutely no need to install such a unit, since its presence will make the engine neither hot nor cold.

Who needs a turbo timer?

Perhaps the only category of car owners who require such an addition are those drivers who are used to driving at high speeds (from 5,000 per minute) or if the car is constantly used in off-road conditions. However, even they do not have to install a turbo timer. Just leave the car idling for a few minutes and the problem will be solved. Therefore, it would be more accurate to say that such a device is more needed by those who do not have the opportunity to stay in the car for some time after finishing the ride.

Healthy! If the car owner drives at 2000-3000 rpm, then a turbo timer is completely unnecessary, because the system does not heat up so much as to fail.

But even in such a situation, an additional adapter may turn out to be completely useless:

  • Today more modern turbines are produced. During their operation, the bearings do not heat up to extreme temperatures, even at high speeds.
  • Premium class cars are usually equipped with turbocharged cooling systems that are responsible for proper oil circulation.

Owners of such cars do not need to rack their brains; manufacturers have already thought of everything. But even if in standard The electrical wiring of the vehicle provides an additional socket for the turbo timer, this does not mean that it must be installed. Moreover, such a module can create more problems than to decide.

Disadvantages of using a turbo timer

If you have an irresistible desire to install such a controller, then you should first prepare for several possible problems, and one follows from the other. If you install a turbo timer, it turns out that after the car owner leaves the car and goes about his business, the engine controlled by the sensor will remain active for some time. If an attacker notices this feature of the vehicle, he can take advantage of these few minutes and get into the car without any problems.

This leads to the next problem - you need to configure the device so that it interacts harmoniously with the car alarm. If we are talking about the simplest security system, then it is assumed that as soon as the car goes into security mode, the engine should stall. Therefore, you will have to either completely replace the alarm module (and everyone knows that this is not an easy matter) or purchase additional devices in order to “make friends” of the turbo timer with the system.

And here the third problem appears - warranty service. If the car owner independently decides to “redesign” the security system, then he thereby violates all the conditions for using the equipment. Therefore, if he connects something incorrectly and disables the entire unit, then he can easily be denied free repair or service. The same applies to owners of cars under warranty, which provide the ability to connect a turbo timer. In this case, the device should be installed only in a service center that has been certified by the car manufacturer itself. Otherwise you will have to blame yourself.

If everything warranty periods have expired a long time ago, and there is an urgent need to install such a module, then you can try to install it yourself.

Which turbo timer should you choose?

There are two types of such blocks: individual (they are just a “box” that needs to be correctly connected to the wiring) and hardware-software (this is a whole block security system, equipped with a turbo timer).

In the first case, by paying about 1,000 rubles and having minimal knowledge of electrical engineering, you can become the owner of an improved system. However, a car alarm with a turbo timer will guarantee to protect your car from the actions of intruders. But, in this case, many additional problems arise. First of all, you will have to shell out a fairly tidy sum (up to 40,000 rubles) for correct installation"handed" masters.

If the choice nevertheless fell on a more expensive pleasure, then you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  • The simplest options do not have much functionality. This means that the timer will only be responsible for a short delay in turning off the engine after the key is removed from the ignition. You won't be able to set the intervals yourself.
  • It is better to give preference to proven and proven manufacturers. The best alarm systems with a turbo timer are produced by domestic companies Scher-Khan, StarLine and Pandora.

  • Better systems allow you not only to customize the shutdown interval of the systems to suit you, but also control the parking mode, the position of the brake lever, the presence open doors or trunk lids and much more.
  • Some modern systems provide the ability to warm up the engine without the presence of the driver in the car. This is especially true in winter time when an extra minute in a cold vehicle interior becomes torture.

In conclusion

Turbo timers actually perform their intended function. However, upon closer examination, it becomes obvious that devices of this type are rarely needed. Therefore, whether to install such a system or not, everyone needs to decide for themselves.