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The hydraulic lifter knocks, what can happen? The hydraulic lifters knock on a cold one: we establish the reasons The hydraulic lifters knock after acceleration

Knock of hydraulic compensators (hydraulic jacks, hydraulic valves): what is the value?

You can go to the turbocharged car student for a while in the motor. Often dzherelo tsyogo knock dvigun (on cold chi on hot) - hydrocompensator(still seem to be: guides, guides).

Knock (creak) under the hood of the build-up step by step. There is a lot of noise to make a noise during a cold start dvigun. As soon as it prodovzhuvati yo іgnoruvati, then knocking will і todі, if dvigun already rozіgrіvya.

If you saw a similar noise, this would indicate an incorrect operation of the hydraulic compensators and timing valves.

What kind of a knock and what can be inherited?

  • Padinnya running characteristics
  • Blue (sivy) dim from a swirling pipe. A handful with skidded wraps of a dvigun, and todi permanently.
  • Changing the term of service to the timing drive, the wear of the head to the block of cylinders has been adjusted.
  • In the most vipadku: Having jammed the hydraulic valve => The valve is broken => Having fallen into the cylinder. Far is painful ...

How can you put down the knock of hydraulic compensators?

Hydrocompensators first "give the nobility" about those, yak dvigun spriymaє will fill olive

The main reason for the knock in the hydraulic staff is Olivie's lack of grip in a plunger pair. At all times, the hydraulic compensator does not come up again; When turning the stop start, give a hydraulic compensator according to the crises, so that you can make a “scratching” sound until you knock.

What are the "yazane" chains?

By the hour tse buvaє as a result of a strong dvigun, rotten oil pump robots, brute olive canals in the flow of the hydraulic compensator.

The most common reason is olive(vicariousness of inappropriate, detailed and unsuitable for your dvigun Olivi). The first thing that needs to be done is to pour the olive, to clean the dvigun, and to use additives to resist the knock of the hydraulics and to go to your transport (dry samples).

All olivy pid hours of operation May building "Vigorati"(scientifically - aeration). Seals in the eyes of soot and those unacceptable are deposited on the parts of the engine, including all the middle of the hydraulic compensators, on the plunger pair and the bag valve.

Such an application must be made before the driver stops working correctly, it can come I will not raise a cry. At this time valve does not close tightly, which can lead to a breakdown of the engine.

To prevent the knocking of hydraulic compensators in the most beautiful version, it will be necessary for your car to be cleaned, with the presence of powerful and anti-airing additives.

The very same є canadian olive Petro-Canada. Its uniqueness in the patented technology of olive production HT Purity Process. There are many principles of insight from the traditional method of "cleaning by selective razchinniki" (which vikoristovuyutsya more virgin olives). The main reason is the visibility of aromatic molecules, which reduce the exploitation of power.

Thus, instead of aromatic, the content of aromatic z "adnan" in olives:

(chim less - tim more beautiful)

  • Zvychaynykh (otrimanih by the method of selective cleaning = 10-35%
  • Petro-Canada (HT Purity Process) = less than 0.1%.


  • Petro-Canada is great at the middle of the road
  • More beautiful details from corrosion and oxidation
  • Roshid Olivie the lesser ;-)

І scho is especially important- use a stable medium for additives
(middle grating modifier based on 3-nuclear molybdenum)!

Olivia's warehouse including additive package, which allows you to put down a knock and cross the front end of the line of hydraulic compensators.

Vikoristovuchi Olivi Petro-canada, you can get on with it, your dvigun will serve you for more rock, and the guides will stop knocking.

For the confirmation of the foregoing, it is suggestive VIDGUKI shoppers about results victoriannya olives Petro-Canada in the official online store

After reading the positive reviews about the oil, I decided to try the RS supreme 5w30 in Kia cerate, while I like it, the knock of the hydraulic lifters went off on a cold one, I thought it was already impossible to defeat them)))

PC Supreme 5w-30

I have been filling this oil for the 3rd year already, the Hyundai Accent MC 1.4 car gasoline, I change it 2 times a year before the fall and spring, the average mileage from replacement to replacement is 6-9k km, what can I say I really like the oil, the engine runs quietly, the oil does not eats, gas mileage during quiet driving 6.8-7.5 l / 100km. When draining, it has a characteristic dark color - it does its job of caring for the engine 100%. Thank you for a good product, I would like to buy it a little cheaper;) PC Supreme Synthetic 5w-30

I have been using the W8 FSI engine for many years. Everything is fine, the oil washes well and does not burn like castrol recommended by WAG PC Synthetic 5w-40

Already several times I fill in semi-synthetics PC Supreme (5W-30 for winter and 10W-40 for summer). Car - Chrysler Voyager 1992, 3.3 l, mileage -350,000 km, car - on gas. The oil is excellent. Engine sound - satisfied rumbling. Gidriki stopped knocking. Starts up without problems in winter. I change it after 10,000 run, the oil is of course darkening seriously, but in principle it still looks very good (I looked at the clearance). No burning smell, etc.
I also doubted at first, was it the original? I read personal studies of car owners on different oil manufacturers (there is such a site. I don't know if I can mention it here, so I don't write) and chose PC. I relied on the decency of the store.
In general, I was pleased with the oil and the store. Buying is convenient. Arrived quickly. Works good. PC Supreme 10w-40

What do faulty hydraulic lifters lead to? Just to reduce the service life, and they also have a slow and destructive effect on the cylinder head. We will not upset you in advance with information about the cost of repairing these units.

Video on how to check hydraulic lifters:

With regards to the repair of hydraulic expansion joints itself. It is up to you to try or contact qualified specialists. In principle, you can diagnose the wizard and establish the cause of the malfunction. And if, for example, you just need to flush the expansion joints, then you can do it yourself. In the event that more complex repairs are required, we advise you to use the services of professionals. Because an illiterate intervention can result in high repair costs for you in the future. It is often much easier and more profitable to immediately contact a good service, where knowledgeable people will do all the work.

P.S. Write to us in the comments, have you ever encountered knocking hydraulic expansion joints? And if so, what was the reason and how did you manage to eliminate it.

Why do hydraulic lifters knock, the reasons for the appearance of knocking on a cold and hot engine, we will tell about all this in this article, as well as about the principle of operation of hydraulic lifters. The emergence of hydraulic lifters was a breakthrough in engine building, because it made it possible to create motors that do not require maintenance every 10 thousand kilometers. After all, now the gaps between the camshaft (camshaft) cams and the valve tappets were automatically adjusted, taking into account the engine temperature.

How do hydraulic lifters work?

The engine oil system supplies oil to the hydraulic lifters, so that the latter increase in height until they reach the camshaft. Regardless of valve wear, oil effectively pushes the top of the valve against the cam.

This is due to the presence of a hydraulic chamber and a plunger with a valve and a spring in the hydraulic compensator. Entering the hydraulic lifter through a small hole, oil fills the chamber, so that the upper part rises relative to the lower one until it touches the engine camshaft. Then the cam presses on the hydraulic compensator and the oil pushes the lower part, opening the corresponding valve.

When the cam stops pressing on the top of the hydraulic compensator, the valve in its composition opens, pouring oil into the oil intake channel, and the engine valve closes. Then the fluid entering the oil system fills the cavity again and presses the upper part of the hydraulic lifter against the camshaft. All this makes it possible to compensate for the influence of thermal expansion, which is the main reason for the knocking of conventional valves "on cold".

Why is the engine hydraulic lifter knocking?

The hydraulic lifter begins to knock due to the fact that a gap appears between its cover and the camshaft cam. When the cam, lowering, touches the surface of the hydraulic compensator, this does not happen smoothly, but sharply, with a blow, which becomes the source of knocking. The reasons for this phenomenon are different. Here is a list of the most common causes:

  • heavy contamination of the oil filter;
  • unsuitable (too viscous or, conversely, too liquid) oil;
  • oil produced or spoiled by combustion and friction products;
  • clogging of the oil channel of the cylinder head;
  • clogged plungers or valve with dirt from the oil; stuck valve ball.

When the oil filter is very dirty, the pressure in the oil system drops. This leads to insufficient filling of the hydraulic compensator with oil and the appearance of a gap between its cover and the camshaft. After all, the speed of filling the hydraulic compensator with oil directly depends on the speed of rotation of the crankshaft. The higher the engine speed, the higher the oil pressure and the faster the filling of the hydraulic compensator chamber. The appearance of a knock at certain speeds may indicate an engine oil mismatch. If it is too viscous, then it will not have time to fill the hydraulic compensator chamber before the cam approaches, but if the viscosity is not enough, then the oil pressure will be less than necessary and the chamber will not have time to fill again.

If the oil was not changed on time, and taking into account the actual state of the engine, and not the regulations from the service book, then the content of soot, metal dust and shavings increases in it. All these substances, getting inside the hydraulic compensator chamber, impair the operation of the plunger and valve, due to which the chamber either does not fill up or loses oil through a leaky valve. Another reason leading to the appearance of a knock of hydraulic lifters is a clogged oil channel. This is especially true for worn-out engines, because they have several times less mileage before oil change than new engines. This is caused both by the large volume of gases escaping from the combustion chamber into the crankcase, and by scuffing on rubbing surfaces that fill the oil with metal dust and shavings.

How to establish the cause of the knock

It is quite difficult to independently establish the cause of the knock.

  • First, it is necessary to determine which of the hydraulic lifters knocks;
  • Secondly, check its work on a special stand.

If the stand shows that the problem is not in it, then it will be necessary to look for the cause in the engine. In addition, for many modern cars, the knock of hydraulic lifters on a cold one is normal. After all, cold oil has a huge viscosity and does not have time to fill the hydraulic compensator chamber, but after 30-50 seconds, when the oil warms up even a little, the knocking disappears. If the knock does not disappear after a minute, then it is necessary to look for its cause. For most cars, knocking on cold for 5-15 seconds is in the order of things. After all, the oil from the chambers of the hydraulic compensators has flowed out, and the new cold oil hardly passes through the channels and jets.

If it is not possible to contact the workshop, and it is necessary to establish the cause of the knock of the hydraulic lifters, then first of all check the color and smell of the oil. If it is very dark or black, with bubbles, white foam or smells like burning, it is necessary not only to change it, but also flush the engine 2-3 times with a special flushing oil. If the oil contains white foam, check the engine for coolant leaks. After all, white foam (emulsion) is formed by water, antifreeze and antifreeze trapped in the oil. Remember that during flushing it is impossible not only to load the engine, but even to increase the speed. After flushing and installing a new oil filter, fill with the oil specified in the instructions for the car and start the engine. Even if the oil is of a normal color and does not smell like burning, find the canister from it and compare the data indicated on the sticker with those described in the machine's service manual.

If the knocking disappears, then the problem was the oil or a dirty oil system. If the knocking persists, remove all hydraulic lifters and put them in order so as not to be confused during the installation process. Disassemble and flush each expansion joint, check the operation of the jets and valves, then install on the engine. If this does not help, then measure the oil pressure on a cold and hot engine and compare with the recommended values ​​for your engine. If you do not have data on the correct oil pressure, you do not know where to get it, or how to measure the oil pressure, then do not aggravate the situation with inept intervention and go to a car service.

Experienced car owners, who closely monitor the condition of their car, constantly listen to various noises that sometimes arise during the operation of the car. Hearing the noise, they immediately try to find the cause and eliminate it. Many have a cold one. Let's try to figure it out and find out how to eliminate such a knock.

How the hydraulic lifter works

The design is a body and a movable one, which consists of a sleeve, a spring, and a valve with a ball. There are several versions of these units. Hydraulic lifters knock on cold also regardless of the type.

At the moment when the camshaft cams become their non-working side to the pusher, a gap is formed between the plunger and the shaft. So that the grease can get into the plunger, it is equipped with a special valve. Thanks to the spring, it can be lifted, thereby compensating for the gap. At the same time, oil gets into the compensator housing. When the camshaft turns and presses on, the ball closes. Oil is squeezed into the plug and bushing clearance. This further changes the volume. This is how the compensator performs its functions.

Hydraulic lifters knock: we establish the reasons

So. Motorists with extensive experience claim that nothing will knock on a fully functional car. And if extraneous noises appear, then something is wrong. Why can these knots knock?

Among the main reasons are mechanical wear or wear, which forms on the surface of the plunger pair. Also, extraneous sounds can occur due to the unstable operation of the valve, which is responsible for the oil supply.

Possibly commonplace contamination of the compensator. Often motorists are faced with the fact that the wrong oil or poor quality oil is poured into the car. In addition to all this, it is noted that hydraulic lifters knock on a cold one because of the air that has appeared in the lubrication system. Thus, air bubbles affect the compressibility of the oil. It is also worth checking the oil filter, it may be clogged.

It is possible that the lubrication channels are clogged.

Compensators do not knock all at once. Sounds can appear due to wear or failure of even one part.

The oil is to blame ...

If that makes sense to sin on oil.

More precisely, it is the viscosity. If the lubricant in the engine has not been changed for a long time, now is the time to replace it. If you decide to diagnose your car, be sure to consider the most optimal oil temperature. Maybe it's just the temperature.

Compensator valve

It happens that this very valve does not hold oil. Then, when the motor is cold, it can flow out due to loose connections. This is how air enters the system. When warmed up, it disappears ten minutes after starting.

To diagnose this, you need to start the engine. Run the engine for at least three minutes. The revs must be kept at 2500. Then reduce to idle, and then - add revs again. This is enough for the air to escape completely, and the compensator stops knocking. But with each start, the hydraulic lifters knock on the cold again and again.


It happens that this hole can be clogged, and in fact it is intended for the flow of lubricant. How does the compensator work further as the engine warms up? The lubricating fluid heats up, then the gap widens. The debris that was covering the holes disappears, and the oil begins to flow in an amount close to the norm. However, various viscous particles will clog the hole again as it cools, resulting in poor lubricant access. That is why hydraulic lifters knock on a cold one.

To fix the problem, you can try

The required lubricant must have a lower viscosity. It is recommended to flush the engine before replacing it. Also, motorists will be saved by the installation of a new unit.

Oil filter

If it is clogged, then this is one of the reasons why hydraulic lifters knock on a cold one. Extraneous sounds stop as the engine warms up. Then some of the lubricant passes through the filter. Most of the time, however, miracles do not happen. The driver will hear a knocking sound even when the engine is hot.

To get rid of this problem, you just need to replace the filter.

You can also change the grease itself if enough time has passed since the last change.

More experienced motorists constantly keep a "logbook", where they write the mileage when changing the oil, as well as the operation time. This helps a lot to complete it on time.

Why do hydraulic lifters knock on a cold one: "Priora"

This is a common problem on these models, as well as on many others from AvtoVAZ. Let's try to figure out where the knock comes from and how to deal with the problem.

Here are some typical causes of knocking. So, if there is a knocking on the snack, and then the noise disappears, then this cannot be considered a problem. If extraneous sounds appear both on a cold and on a sufficiently warmed-up unit at the time of an increase in speed, then, most likely, the unit will have to be replaced. Contamination is possible - here you can do with a banal cleaning.

Hydraulic lifters and "Accent"

The reasons for knocking are standard here. The owners write that the problem can be solved by changing the oil. More experienced owners believe that if the hydraulic lifters knock on a cold one ("Accent" is no exception) - this is nothing more than a feature of the engines.

But in general, most drivers change oil with a viscosity of up to 5W30, and this allows you to completely get rid of the knock of these mechanisms in the engine.

The oil pump should be checked. It may not be delivering the correct pressure. Also, many people recommend lubricants from the manufacturer Valvoline.

How to check hydraulic lifters with your own hands

You can check the state of the spring.

You can also measure the gap between the guide bush and the valve stem. If the gap is large, it must be eliminated.

Then you should turn the crankshaft so that the knocking valve begins to open. Then you can turn the spring. The valve will turn with it. After the knock should completely disappear. If the hydraulic lifters are still knocking on a cold one, the Priora needs to repeat the above operations. And it is best to replace the damaged unit with a new one.

How to find out which of the hydraulic lifters is out of order

Acoustic diagnostics are usually sufficient. If this method does not help, then press on the knot with a screwdriver. A normally working structure will squeeze if sufficient force is applied. If it binds easily, then it is faulty and should be replaced as soon as possible.

In the second method, the cams of the camshaft mechanism should be installed in turn with their protrusions up. Here you need to make sure that there is a certain gap between the cam and the follower. While pushing the expansion joint down, try to compare it with parts that are known to be good. If there is a gap or the lowering speed is high, then you need to clean or replace the element.

How to eliminate knocking

Naturally, optimal is a replacement. You can also try to repair it. However, there are other ways as well. So, you can try flushing these nodes. It is worth saying that this process requires certain skills and a resource of time.

But this exercise by no means guarantees that the sounds will be eliminated. For many, the knock of the hydrics on the cold one disappeared only after replacing them with new ones. Even the new oil didn't help.

Consequences of knocking

If you hear these sounds on a regular basis, don't wait. Contact the service immediately. On some cars, knocking is considered normal. This applies to domestically produced cars during warming up (then the noise of the parts disappears). But in most cases, this significantly reduces the resource of the drive of the gas distribution mechanism. You need to drive more carefully.

Knocks after replacement

Usually new parts do not knock.

If you still hear sounds, then this is a manufacturing defect or a problem with the valves. In order to carry out an accurate diagnosis and make sure that the valves have nothing to do with it, it is necessary to check their fastenings. There is an option that the parts did not shrink as needed. We just tighten them up and thereby remove the knock of the hydraulic lifter.


From all this it is clear that knocking on a cold one can be for a variety of reasons. If the expansion joints are noisy and this does not stop in any way, then you need a replacement. But you can use modern additives, which, according to manufacturers, reduce noise levels. You can also count on changing the oil to help. Now you know why the hydraulic lifters knock - you can easily find and eliminate the cause yourself.

A modern engine runs quite quietly, and extraneous noise is heard almost immediately. By sounds, you can diagnose a variety of malfunctions - from extremely dangerous to simple ones that you can still travel with. It often happens that hydraulic lifters knock in the engine. To understand the causes of the problem, you need to study their structure.

Gas distribution mechanism

The fuel mixture enters the cylinders through special holes in the cylinder head. They are opened and closed by poppet valves, which are driven by pushers.

The latter, in turn, are driven by cams (protrusions) of the camshaft, which rotates at a certain speed. The cams are located in a sequence of cylinders. The pushers get hot during operation. This is due to the fact that the cams act on them with considerable force, and on the reverse side they are supported by a return spring. Heating causes thermal expansion. As a result, the cams push harder on the pushers, and the gap between them completely disappears.

What is a hydraulic lifter

These devices automatically adjust the thermal gap, allowing the operation of the gas distribution mechanism without shock loads. Such elements appeared on multi-valve motors, since it is rather tedious to regularly check and correct thermal clearances. Outwardly, these devices resemble metal cylinders, consisting of a spring-loaded plunger pair. Oil is fed into it under pressure. But due to the fact that these parts work under constant load, as a result of various factors, hydraulic lifters knock when starting on a cold one.

Main manufacturers

Of course, original parts and consumables, those that were installed at the factory, are of better quality and more reliable. Therefore, we must strive to preserve their performance. Nevertheless, sometimes analogs are superior to the original.

Hydraulic lifters are manufactured by a wide variety of companies. But most of all the Germans have succeeded in this. Hydraulic lifters from INA, SWAG, FEBI have proven themselves well in reliable and long-term operation of a wide variety of engines. Also, these parts are produced by AE and AJUSA - they are also European, but, according to reviews, have a low workmanship. Elements can start knocking after several thousand kilometers. The main problem for all such parts is the danger of scrap or poor quality raw material. As a result, rubbing surfaces are quickly developed - the hydraulic compensator knocks on cold and hot. Driving with such a malfunction is highly discouraged.

Causes of knocking

As already mentioned, hydraulic lifters reduce thermal clearances and automatically adjust them during engine operation.

There are three main reasons for knocking:

  • Mechanical wear of hydraulic lifters or their defects during production.
  • Malfunctions in the engine lubrication system.
  • Features of engine oil.

All three reasons can be analyzed in more detail and find out why the hydraulic lifters knock (on a cold engine as well).

During operation, various defects and natural wear and tear appear on the working surface of these elements. In addition, the parts themselves and the oil supply valve can become seized due to insufficient lubrication.

Another reason for the knock of hydraulic lifters is contamination of the lubrication system. Naturally, resinous deposits can in no way contribute to the good processing of rubbing parts. Dirt and deposits not only impede the proper functioning of the machine, but also significantly accelerate wear.

Another cause of knocking is problems with the oil filter, which may be a poor-quality bypass valve. Because of this, the lubricant is poorly cleaned. Oil selected out of season and with unsuitable characteristics can also cause the hydraulic compensator to knock on a cold, as well as on a hot engine. The mass may be too viscous, but on a hot engine - on the contrary, liquid, and not provide the fullness of the lubricating properties.

A serious reason that the hydraulic compensator knocks on a cold one can be the consequences of engine overheating. It is also the ingress of antifreeze or fuel into the engine lubrication system, excess crankcase gases due to faulty or clogged ventilation. Thus, foreign matter gets into the engine oil. As a result, its physical properties change, hydraulic lifters begin to tap. This sound can appear at different periods of engine operation - at the beginning of work, on a warm or cold engine, under load or without it. Most often, the hydraulic compensator knocks on a cold one, and this happens immediately after changing the engine oil. Here it is necessary to dwell on the factors causing this malfunction.

What to do if hydraulic lifters knock on a cold

The reason for the sound may be simple - not fully heated oil simply did not have time to reach the plunger pair. Metal parts knock against each other in the absence of lubrication. Over time, the liquid disperses through all elements and the ringing disappears. It often happens that hydraulic lifters knock on the cold on the Prior. The reasons may be the same, because the timing design is typical for such motors. Malfunction or wear of the hydraulic compensator itself, clogging of the lubrication system, poor-quality oil or its inappropriateness to the season and type recommended for this engine, causes similar problems.

You can also list a list of reasons that help answer the question of why hydraulic lifters knock on a cold one:

  • Malfunction of the hydraulic compensator itself, its development. It should be noted that in this case it will knock even when the engine is hot. Therefore, this version can be considered only after checking all the others. Here, the only option is a complete replacement.
  • The engine oil is too thick due to an inappropriate season and type of application. There is only one way out - to change the lubricant.
  • The outflow of oil from the unit itself when the engine is not running, as a result of which air enters the hydraulic compensator. It interferes with the normal operation of the mechanism. This is due to the leakage of the hydraulic compensator valve, which should be replaced, and the unit itself should be flushed and pumped.
  • Clogged oil inlet in the hydraulic lifter housing. When the engine is running, fluid heats up and seeps in, and deposits and dirt can prevent this.

How to identify a faulty item

It is quite simple to identify a failed hydraulic compensator.

With the valve cover removed, press down firmly. A serviceable element will hold the load, and a worn one will fail even under slight pressure. In the same way, it will fail and not compensate for the clearance when the engine is running. Extraneous sounds are inevitable here.

Why do new hydraulic lifters knock on a cold one?

New mechanisms must be worked in. Therefore, a slight knock at the beginning of work is considered the norm. But if the sound continues after a long work, then it’s not about them. Of course, the possibility of a manufacturing defect is not excluded, for which it is advisable to issue a guarantee when buying.

Nevertheless, the knock of new hydraulic lifters may be associated with their incorrect installation. As a result, they are not filled with oil properly.

Consequences of a hydraulic compensator malfunction

Naturally, many are interested in the question of whether it is possible to operate a motor with knocking valve clearance compensators. It is possible, but undesirable, because the car will not meet the declared parameters, namely:

  • The engine power will decrease and the fuel consumption will increase.
  • The elasticity and throttle response of the engine will decrease (it will be worse to gain momentum).
  • Increased vibration and noise, as well as a decrease in the total resource of the gas distribution mechanism.

Therefore, knocking hydraulic lifters are equated with engine malfunction and require prompt repair or elimination of the cause of the problem.

Preventive actions

To ensure the smooth and long-term operation of hydraulic lifters, it is necessary to follow fairly simple operating rules.

We will list them below:

  • First, change the engine oil in a timely manner. Moreover, be guided by the recommendations of the manufacturer and seasonal characteristics: in winter, fill in more liquid, in summer - thicker, so that at the operating temperature of the engine, the characteristics of the lubricant are the same.
  • Secondly, when a knock occurs, it is necessary to identify its cause as soon as possible so that this malfunction does not lead to the emergence of others. After all, knocking compensators are a sign of a malfunction not only of the latter, but also of many other systems and assemblies of an automobile engine associated with them.

So, we found out why the hydraulic lifter knocks on a cold one, what to do with it and how to solve the problem.