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Deadlines for admission to graduate school. They will not escape protection. What entrance exams are taken on a budget?

The academic year at universities is ending. Graduates are planning a career, someone has already found workplace, some want to take some time off first, but there are also those who want to continue their studies. Students who do not want to leave their native walls are interested in the question: how to enter graduate school and do science? Most universities in the country and abroad provide this opportunity to almost everyone.

What is graduate school?

The higher education system is structured in such a way that it provides predominantly practical knowledge. During their studies, students study a number of applied and several theoretical disciplines, which should prepare them for work in production. Graduates who want to engage in theoretical research are interested in the question of how to enter graduate school and is this necessary for scientific work?

Postgraduate studies are aimed at theoretical training of future scientists and teachers. The main activity is training new personnel for research centers, laboratories and institutes. Answering the question “Is it possible to go to graduate school and then go into science, or should I first work in production?” - there is no clear answer. Each graduate decides for himself.

New rules for admission and study in graduate school

Due to changes in legislation, some nuances of post-graduate training have also changed. Modern graduates may get confused by the question: “How can I apply to graduate school?” Since the beginning of entry into the Bologna system, innovations have affected all areas of higher education.

Since 2014, changes in the field of postgraduate education have come into force. Now postgraduate study is recognized as the third stage of higher education. It is necessary for the training of scientific and teaching personnel. Upon completion, graduates are awarded a diploma with the title “teacher-researcher” and are given the right to corresponding activities.

The features of admission have also changed. From now on, the university itself determines the number and content entrance examinations. The abstract or articles on the chosen specialty and the oral exam on it remain unchanged.

Now graduate students have a grade book, just like undergraduates. A special training program and intermediate tests and exams are provided for them. The main goal of postgraduate study remained unchanged - the defense of a candidate's dissertation with the subsequent awarding of the title of Candidate of Sciences.

How to become a graduate student?

If a student is wondering how to enroll in graduate school, then first of all he should find out the features of admission to a particular university. For those who studied according to the Bologna system, in order to qualify for the third level, they must complete the first two: bachelor's and master's degrees. Only after this will documents be accepted for graduate school. For those who have studied in a specialty, such education is sufficient.

Typically, master's degree graduates are already offered further studies in graduate school. You can continue the topic of research or engage in completely new developments. But in any case, you should enlist the support of the scientific advisor and the graduating department.

Documentary support for admission to graduate school

Having found out the answer to the question of how to enroll in graduate school, you should make a decision and start collecting documents. They will be very different from those required for undergraduate admission.

List of documents for admission to graduate school:

  • a copy of the master's or specialty diploma with an insert;
  • if there was a change of surname, supporting documents are required;
  • characteristics from the place of work or from the graduating department;
  • the topic and justification of the scientific work, approved by the supervisor;
  • autobiography;
  • medical certificate;
  • a certificate of no criminal record, since all graduate students undergo teaching practice;
  • an abstract on the research topic, or a list of published scientific articles.

Some universities may require additional documents related to study, work or health. This may be due to the peculiarities of scientific activity.

Forms of postgraduate study

Most universities provide three main forms of postgraduate study:

  1. Daytime – similar to student work. Postgraduate students attend classes almost every day, meet with their supervisor very often, and actively participate in the public life of the university.
  2. Correspondence – with this form of study, graduate students attend classes in session, most often once or twice a month, but also participate in social life. They often engage in teaching activities at the same time as studying.
  3. Competitive work is the most free form of postgraduate study. It is chosen by those who have completed their studies a long time ago and for some reason decided to get a scientific degree. Most often it is organized on a contractual basis.

There are different payment options for most forms. But if you are wondering how to enroll in graduate school on a budget, then choose full-time study. It is for him that the largest number of free places is allocated.

Where to go to graduate school - is it worth choosing a prestigious university?

Master's degree graduates are often faced with the question of which university's graduate program to choose? It is clear that educational and scientific institutions are not equivalent and their influence and prestige in the scientific world is different. However, should you rely only on these characteristics when choosing?

The final resolution of the issue depends on future plans. If you have a burning desire to engage in theoretical research work, then you should choose a graduate school with an appropriate base. Applied institutes are ideal for this purpose. If the goal is managerial or political career, then the educational institution is not as important as a successfully defended dissertation. And for teaching work, the easiest way is to choose your home university.

Modern graduate school – is it worth enrolling?

There is an opinion that modern science has discredited itself, and young people do not want to engage in it. However, annual competitions for graduate school say otherwise. But the paradox is that about half of those admitted successfully defend their dissertation. Even fewer pursue further scientific careers—approximately one in ten graduates of graduate school.

Such statistics are associated with a number of undeniable factors, among which the following stand out:

  • lack of proper motivation;
  • the desire to simply procrastinate;
  • for men - reluctance to join the army;
  • lack of support from the manager and the scientific community;
  • low income at the initial stage;
  • the need to continue studying while peers pursue successful careers.

In order to make a brilliant scientific career, you need to make a lot of effort, spend a lot of time and even personal funds. So, every master’s graduate, before answering the question of how to enter graduate school, must clearly understand why he is actually going to study at the third level.

Career of a former graduate student

Postgraduate Career Options:

  • teaching activities at the university;
  • further scientific work with the defense of a doctoral dissertation;
  • administrative career at the university;
  • political career;
  • work in leadership positions;
  • work in research centers of the country and abroad.

Whatever career you choose, remember - science is interesting!

Studying in graduate school is evidence of a university graduate’s readiness to devote his life to science, readiness for new discoveries and the introduction of new technologies into life. The decision to enroll in graduate school at such a renowned university as Moscow State University is not only a bid for the highest start for a young scientist, but also a sign that he intends to study using the most best materials and benefit from the expertise of the world's most recognized scientists.

The package of documents that must be submitted to the MSU graduate school admissions committee is similar to similar packages required at other universities. Additionally, a copy of the work record book and a reference from the HR department are required, because such serious tests as when entering and studying at Moscow State University are almost impossible to pass without having practical skills in the chosen specialty.


Admission is limited to persons no older than thirty-five years of age who have a diploma higher education and have worked for more than two years. Work experience begins to count from the time of passing the final tests. If you worked hard during your student years, you will be allowed to attempt to enroll in graduate school earlier. To do this, you need to provide recommendations from the academic council of the university where you studied. They recommend you if you have managed to prove yourself as a talented young scientist capable of learning.

You can submit documents to graduate school at Moscow State University within one and a half months - from the beginning of July to mid-August. Check their list in advance.

Tests for applicants are held in September, applicants are given only one attempt. You will be able to try again only next year. The list of entrance tests at Moscow State University is the same as at universities throughout the country.

Those entering graduate school at Moscow State University are provided with a number of social guarantees at the time of admission. The main ones are:

Providing leave to working applicants. Vacation is provided for a month and is paid:

Providing a place in the hostel to candidates who came from other localities.


Enrollment in graduate school takes place on October 1. Training on full-time takes three years, by correspondence – a year more.

You will need

  • - copies of higher education diploma vocational education with application;
  • - personal sheet for personnel records;
  • - autobiography;
  • - extract from the minutes of the meeting of the academic council;
  • - characteristics-recommendation from the place of work;
  • - a copy of the work book;
  • - medical certificate;
  • - form 2.2, for persons who have passed candidate exams;
  • - list of published scientific works (if available).


You can enroll in graduate school at Moscow State University only if your age does not exceed 35 years. You must also have completed a university degree and have at least 2 years of work experience in your specialty. Moreover, this period is considered from the moment you graduate from higher education. If you dreamed of becoming a graduate student during your studies, you can try immediately after receiving your diploma. The collected recommendations of academic councils of university faculties will help you with this. But they will give you these recommendations only if during your studies you have demonstrated your abilities and desire to study science.

If you meet all the criteria as a candidate for graduate school, then collect your documents. To apply for graduate school at Moscow State University, you will need an application for admission, a copy of the diploma, a personal letter from the personnel department, a reference from the place of work, a copy of the work record book or employment contracts, a medical certificate, a list of published scientific works (for those who enroll immediately after graduating from the university) and an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the academic council (also for those who enroll immediately after completing basic training in their specialty). When submitting documents, take your passport and original diploma with you. Submission of documents according to the internal Decree of the university is carried out from July 1 to August 15.

After you submit your documents, you will need to take entrance exams. For graduate studies at Moscow State University, they were developed specifically taking into account the scope of the university’s existing programs. The list of required exams includes: a test in a special discipline, an exam in philosophy, a foreign language. Exam deadlines are from September 6 to September 21. Please note that retaking exams is not permitted. Therefore, you only have one chance to become a graduate student during this period. You will be able to use your next attempt to enroll only after a year.

As for reorganization issues, you are entitled to additional leave from work while taking exams. Its duration is 30 days. At the same time, you must keep wages. If you are not a Muscovite and you have nowhere to live, then know that during the entrance examinations, MSU provides dormitories for nonresident candidates for graduate students.

The question of how to enroll in graduate school is usually relevant for university graduates who have received a higher education diploma (with an average score of at least 4.5) and a specialist or master’s qualification. Those who enter graduate school are mainly those who aspire to scientific work and teaching in higher education. Full-time education is designed for three years, part-time for four.

Conditions for admission to graduate school

Anyone with a higher education diploma has the right to enroll in graduate school. Studying will be easiest for those who have experience in student research and defending a diploma project. When approbating a diploma (writing articles on a research topic, giving scientific reports at conferences), the necessary skills are acquired for future postgraduate research activities.

The path of a graduate student is not easy! The most persistent and hardworking people are able to defend their PhD thesis immediately after graduating from graduate school.

For many, admission to graduate school does not end with a successful defense after the required three years of study, but stretches out for almost five years. According to statistics, only one out of five graduate students defends their defense within the deadlines established by the plan. Therefore, along with the pressing question of how to enter graduate school, it is necessary to ask the question of how to defend a dissertation on time.

Responsibilities of a Graduate Student

Attention!Defending a dissertation is not the only task a graduate student must complete.

The responsibilities of a graduate student include:

  • attending classes every day;
  • writing a certain number of scientific articles on the topic of your research;
  • presentations at scientific conferences and seminars;
  • consultations with a scientific supervisor.

In the third year of study, a practical internship is provided, within the framework of which a third-year graduate student must conduct classes in student classrooms. At the end of each semester, at a meeting of the major department, in the presence of all members of the department and the supervisor, the graduate student is certified and his report on the work done is accepted.

With all this, we must not forget about the main goal - writing dissertation work, because it is precisely this that is the result of three years of study.

After successful defense, the dissertation candidate is awarded the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences. If you haven’t changed your mind about enrolling, then you can prepare a package of documents.

Documents for admission to graduate school

So, before us is an applicant with good basic training, confident in his abilities and aimed at a scientific career.

It is important to know!What documents need to be prepared for admission to graduate school.

The list of documents is as follows:

  • application for admission to graduate school;
  • autobiography;
  • a certified copy of a higher education diploma;
  • a certified copy of the diploma insert;
  • a certified copy of the work record book (if any);
  • characteristics from the place of work (for workers);
  • photograph 3x4 (3 pcs.);
  • medical certificate of the established form;
  • justification of the relevance of the dissertation work;
  • abstract within the specialty;
  • list of scientific works signed by the scientific supervisor;

Entrance exams to graduate school

After receiving the documents, the applicant must pass three exams: in the specialty, philosophy and foreign language. Good possession English language will help future graduate students independently compile annotations for their scientific publications and allow them to read new literature in the original language.

You should worry about questions for exams in advance in order to have enough time for quality preparation.

You can take the examination program yourself from the methodologist of the graduate school department or download it from the website of the university where you are applying. The examination committee usually consists of three teachers and a secretary, and there are two questions on the ticket. After passing the entrance exams, you will only have to wait patiently for the results. Admission is subject to the condition that the applicant has completed everything required for admission to graduate school. Don’t be upset if the competition fails: you can try again in a year or sign a contract. Take advantage of every opportunity.

How to enroll in graduate school on a budget

Admission to the budget form of education is carried out on a competitive basis, according to the submitted documents and the ranking of points scored in the entrance exams. The higher the rating, the greater the chance of passing the budget.

Masters who have just graduated from a university and teachers with at least two to three years of experience in their specialty can apply for a budget-funded form of education.

We are talking about full-time education with a break from the place of work. Correspondence education most often involves a contract form of training without leaving the place of service.

Is it possible to enroll in graduate school after bachelor's degree?

You shouldn’t wonder how to enroll in graduate school after your bachelor’s degree and join the ranks of graduate students. According to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, paragraph 4, article 69, a bachelor today does not have such an opportunity.

After your bachelor's degree, you first need to go back to university and complete your master's degree.

The master's program acquires basic skills research work, which in the future will be a good help for writing a candidate’s research.

How to get into graduate school without exams

There are no exams to apply for a job. The application period is for three years. For the applicant, work on the dissertation proceeds in the mode of self-education and self-preparation, with periodic consultations with the supervisor. But you will need to register separately for delivery candidate exams as an external student.