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Sputnik 1985 I'm worse than you meaning. Wasted youth: Interview with the founder of the Sputnik1985 brand

Recently, on the streets you can see quite a large number of teenagers wearing T-shirts with the inscription “You can’t skip our school.” Looking at them, it is not immediately possible to understand what the owners of this thing want to say. Many even ask the question: “What does this strange inscription mean?” In fact, these teenagers are among the many who prefer clothing from the famous street brand."

The creator of this brand, Sergey Pakhotin, came from Belarus to Moscow to fulfill his cherished punk dream. At first, Pakhotin got a job at a book warehouse, then he quit and spent most of his time as unemployed. Sergei lived with friends and became seriously interested in reading books. Later, he wanted to discover something new, learn something, and he was attracted to silk-screen printing. Pakhotin printed the very first T-shirts at home, depicting portraits on them famous writers. Over time, Sergei reached an agreement with the management of the clothing factory, which, of course, changed the fate of the Sputnik 1985 brand for the better. According to the creator himself, all T-shirts are produced in limited editions, but pre-order is also possible. Later, anoraks, sweatshirts, caps and socks from this brand began to appear. The founder of the brand believes that his things are universal. The main thing is that you can both go to the theater and climb over the fence.

Sergei Pakhotin has his own workshop where you can try on and purchase.

Citizens are often curious: why Sputnik 1985? They get a very simple answer: Sergei Pakhotin was born in 1985, and “Sputnik” is one of the most popular words in the whole world. The founder of the brand was able to skillfully combine practicality, unusualness and some kind of gloomy triumph in his things. In addition, according to buyers, the items are not very expensive, everyone can afford them. The brand’s latest collection is already on display under the title “It’s not customary to cry in this country.” If you are a true fashionista, like to stand out from the rest and are a big fan of punk, then Sputnik 1985 brand clothing is just for you!

Clarify information

Idea: aesthetics of the 1990s as a time of opportunities, used or missed. If you think about it, the whole life of the founder of Sputnik Seryozha Pakhotin is as if he were living in the 1990s. In a good way - in the sense of opportunities used. Street art and DIY culture play a big role in the brand's identity.

Embodiment:“The main thing is that you can climb over the fence and go to the theater in your clothes,” this is how Seryozha describes the Sputnik 1985 clothes and what clothes should be like in principle. In fact, compared to other stripe brands, “Sputnik” is quite conceptual and minimalistic - the prints are not clumsy, like those of “Sword”, the fonts are laconic. In general, the brand is much closer to Rubchinsky and VFiles than to its direct competitors. The spirit of the nineties is really felt - in the collections there are references to post-Internet art, you can find such a thing as a borset, for example. But the level of stylization, of course, is not as high as Gosha’s.

Key things: basically everything is the same as everyone else’s - caps, T-shirts, windbreakers and sweatshirts.
Colors: black, white, gray, pink.

About the creator: Seryozha Pakhotin moved from Belarus to Moscow and for the first time in the capital he worked in a book warehouse. Having quit, he was left without work and without savings for a long time: “I left the house when I finished reading a book to steal a new one, at the same time I stole food, returned home and read again. Then I decided that if I felt sad and bored, I needed to learn something, I needed to master, for example, the craft of silk-screen printing. The first thing I made were T-shirts with portraits of these writers - Celine, Bukowski, Erofeev" (from an interview with FurFur).

Having accidentally met the owner of a fabric printing workshop, Seryozha got a job there and began producing the first editions. Now “Sputik 1985” is a fairly well-known brand on the local market, but Serezha does not plan to work with it all his life: “I don’t believe in the existence of some kind of “life’s work” in principle. You need to make sure that the lesson doesn’t turn into a sack of potatoes that you drag around and don’t remember why.”

"Wasted Youth" T-shirts are sure to touch the soul of anyone who grew up in the 1990s. Their creator, who calls himself Comrade Heart, from the moment the first batch was printed, acquired his own corner in the workshop and started working at full capacity. Among the latest achievements is collaboration Sputnik 1985 with artist Alexander Hair, a member of the team of the American brand Death Traitors. We went into Comrade Heart's workshop and talked to him about the aesthetics of the 1990s and why it is important to never lose heart.

Comrade Heart

founder of the Sputnik1985 brand

I grew up on a farm in Belarus and lived there until I was 20 years old. He studied to be a welder and worked at a factory.

Why did you decide to move to Moscow?

This is how the circumstances developed. There were interesting events and interesting people here. At first I worked as a loader in a book warehouse. Before the New Year, Akunin published “The Jade Rosary”; books arrived in the thousands every day, we unloaded them and cursed him. I quit and didn’t work for a long time; I had some minimal part-time jobs.

How did you get to where you are now?

My friend was selling an apartment, and I lived there and showed it to buyers. I went through more than 20 interviews for the position of courier and could not get a job. I found a record player in a trash heap and tuned in one wave - radio "Orpheus", sat at home and read books. I had no money, no job, there were only these writers, and they became very close to me. He left the house when he finished reading a book to steal a new one, at the same time stole food, returned home and read again. Then I decided that if I felt sad and bored, I needed to learn something, I needed to master, for example, the craft of silk-screen printing. The first thing I made were T-shirts with portraits of these writers - Celine, Bukowski, Erofeev.

You have chosen not the easiest craft - silk-screen printing still requires equipment.

I've always done everything at home. It’s difficult to even call these conditions home-like - I didn’t have rented apartment or premises, I lived with friends and occupied a very small corner for printing. All materials cost pennies. I didn’t steal the T-shirts, because I still sold them later. I believe that if you take what you need, it is not theft. In general, I bought them at the Decathlon sports supermarket, where I used to dress myself.

Then I met Pasha. I was working part-time at DiG, and there was a poster with a girl wearing my T-shirt. Pasha came into the store, saw the poster and invited me to work in his workshop, although I had never encountered the units they had. I didn't even understand how to use it. Before that, I just attached the frames, I didn’t have any fastenings, nothing. And he says: “We have already taken the order, tomorrow we will print the edition in two colors.” I went into the next room, there was some kind of similar apparatus, and the master showed me how it was done. Thanks to Pasha, this breakthrough happened. At the factory I met a lot of people who taught me a lot.

Now I print small editions, and if they sell out, I print on pre-orders. I don’t draw at all, my comrades do it, or I make some kind of collage myself. I feel very strange when I choose a fabric and there are only women around.


This is a different Pasha, we rarely crossed paths with him. He wanted to make an exhibition of his photographs, but he couldn’t do it, so I suggested making T-shirts with them. We printed them, called each other, agreed to meet, and in the evening he wrote to me that he could no longer meet because he was being held in a pre-trial detention center. He rode his motorcycle through a subway station and was arrested. They say that he could have knocked down or injured someone - this is nonsense, everything was normal and safe.

In general, fears about your life are stupid, you can be afraid to go out into the street, because now everyone walks around with traumatic pistols and everyone is on edge. I saw several times how a person was delayed at the turnstile, because of this a quarrel began and someone pulled out a traumatic pistol. One simply made threats, and the other started shooting right away. In general, there are many more dangers than we imagine.

I don’t know what Pasha put into it. In my opinion, this is a reaction to the fact that everyone around is boring, no one has anything to offer, everyone just consumes. People at 20 are already tired, I don’t know why this is. At 20 years old, a person must be active, he must do something. We decided to help Pasha and raise money for his lawyer from the sale of these T-shirts. Unfortunately, all this was very inactive. Pasha was released under an amnesty. In general, I try to do as many joint topics as possible; it is joint actions that push you to something and will stir up the other person.


All thanks to my ignorance. I didn't know these people. Even as a child, when I was interested in all sorts of DIY punk and hardcore, which disavows intermediaries between the band and the public, I knew nothing about bands like Amebix and Doom, and they were legendary. If I liked their music, I just wrote them a paper letter, I didn’t have an email. And they answered me, sent me cassettes, some badges.

The same thing happened with Alex Hair from Death Traitors - I knew he was a great artist, but I had no idea how famous he was. I wrote to him in the morning that I wanted to do something with him, and he answered me in the evening: “Yes, of course.” Most people are very slow, but he turned out to be not lazy, he drew several prints. We have already released a series of T-shirts, then there will be a series of sweatshirts and stripes. I like active people who strive to do something all the time, and Alex is one of those.


Yes, because this is a turning point for everyone. Especially for our parents. My father is an engineer, and my mother is a teacher. They are accustomed to a certain system. Of course, I didn’t see this, but I still had a Soviet upbringing, I watched Soviet cinema and absorbed this naivety, kindness, spontaneity. I was a sociopath and spent a lot of time in nature and had difficulty interacting with people, so I mostly interacted with my parents and sensed their confusion in the 1990s. Some were enterprising and became rich, while others disappeared. It was very interesting point, when the brave and desperate could achieve a lot. I don't romanticize this time, I just think that this period influenced our lives.


First of all, don’t get lost yourself. Don't be bored, don't be sad. I recently rented a room for the first time, having never lived anywhere before: in a warehouse, in a warehouse, in a minivan on Pokrovsky Lane. That is, I don’t need a lot of money, I haven’t worked for two years now. And it's all thanks to the people who help me. There are small shops that offer to sell my things, but they all exist according to the same principle as I do, all with their own money, with their own hands. An uncle once came to me and offered to “help” me. He constantly uttered the words “buy” and “sell” and said that you could earn a lot. He was so cynical that it was even good: I immediately understood what he needed and refused.


I don’t believe in the existence of any “business of life” in principle. You need to make sure that the lesson does not turn into a sack of potatoes that you drag around and no longer remember why. At some point you need to quit it so that it doesn't turn into a trap. When I get tired of it, I can learn something else, the learning process is endless. For now, I’m interested because I don’t work alone, I communicate with many people and together we do things that are interesting to us.

Interesting facts about young domestic designers

Perhaps last summer you noticed boys and girls on the streets of the city wearing T-shirts with a photo of the White House and the words “Wasted Youth.” Looking at them, one could assume anything. In fact, the guys turned out to be one of the few, at that time, fans of the Sputnik 1985 streetwear brand, which we will talk about today.

The brand was founded by Sergei Pakhotin, who came from Belarus in search of his punk dream. At first in Moscow he worked in a book warehouse, then he quit and was unemployed for a long period. I lived with friends and read a lot of books. Then Sergey decided to learn something new, and his choice fell on silk-screen printing. He began printing his first T-shirts at home, adding frames to regular T-shirts purchased from Decathlon. The T-shirts had portraits of writers: Selina, Bukowski, Evrofeeva.

Later, Sergei reached an agreement with a clothing factory, which, of course, changed the production of T-shirts. As he himself said in an interview, he now prints T-shirts for Sputnik 1985 in small editions, and if they all sell, he carries out pre-order work. In addition, the Sputnik 1985 assortment includes sweatshirts, windbreakers and belt bags. Most recently, the guys released a series of collaboration sweaters together with another Russian brand Anteater Clothing.

It cannot be said that there is a single line in the prints on Sputnik 1985 T-shirts and sweatshirts: among all the creativity you can find graphics with old prison tattoos, a view of the shot-up White House, and a graphically depicted skateboard with inscriptions. The founder of the brand believes that the main thing in his things is that you can both climb over the fence and go to the theater in them.

Enough time has passed since Sergei began printing his first T-shirts at his friends’ house and now he has opened his own workshop. There you can see, try on and even buy all the things. The workshop is located near the Paveletskaya metro station in Moscow.

0 Relatively recently appeared in the fashion world new brand, which left many people indifferent. In general, fashionistas try to stand out from the crowd and purchase for their wardrobe things that are in trend, for example, Vetiments, Convers, jeans with pin rolls, Barn Owl, etc. In big cities you can find guys and girls wearing T-shirts with a print." Vain Youth", and those who have seen them immediately have a question, what is this all about? And everything is very simple, these T-shirts belong to the streetwear brand “Sputnik 1985”. What does Sputnik 1985 mean?? This brand was created by a man who arrived in Moscow from Belarus, Sergey Pakhotin. He wanted to radically change his life, earn money and achieve fame. His first job was as a loader at a book warehouse, he quickly got tired of it and quit. Some citizens are interested in why Sputnik 1985? The answer is simple, the fact is that Sergei was born in 1985, and the word " Satellite" is one of the most famous and popular in the world. Add our educational resource site to your bookmarks so that you always have access to the correct and necessary information.

Sputnik 1985 is a Russian streetwear company

He had an idea in his head for a long time about printing designs on clothes, and when he had free time, he implemented it.
At first he bought a T-shirt at the store" Decathlon"and made prints of writers Erofeev, Bukowski, Selina on them.

Unexpectedly for him, his products began to be in demand, and he went to a clothing factory to order a batch of T-shirts without intermediaries. At the moment he is on his own prints drawings, so the circulation is small, and if all the goods are sold out, then he accepts pre-orders. No single line can be traced in his work; he comes up with drawings that, in his opinion, will be in demand and popular at the moment.