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Deregistration of a car after sale under a purchase and sale agreement. How to deregister a car - detailed instructions What documents are needed to deregister a car

Reading time: 2 minutes

There are many situations when withdrawal vehicle(TS) registration with the traffic police is the only correct solution. But what if for some reason you don’t have the paperwork for your car? How to deregister a car without documents in 2020? Is this possible and in what cases?

What will you need to deregister?

In each individual situation, the exact list of documents will be different. But generally speaking, you will need the following package:

  • Application for deregistration (it can be obtained from the State Traffic Inspectorate or downloaded from us).
  • Documents for the vehicle (registration certificate and technical passport).
  • Identification document of the owner of the car.
  • Other papers relevant to the case. For example, or.
  • to a third party, if the car owner deals with this issue not personally, but through his representative. It must be certified by a notary office.perk

The operation of removing a car from registration control at the traffic police is free of charge. However, you will still have to pay for certain actions. We will tell you exactly how much in the material "".

Is it possible to perform an operation without documents?

Almost all types of operations with a vehicle that involve the participation of representatives of the traffic police require a full package of relevant papers. However, there is an exception to this rule that can help in a situation where it is necessary without providing either a vehicle passport or a registration certificate for it.

How to deregister without papers

The only one possible option- is to send an iron horse. In this case, the car owner will only need an identification card, an application and a disposal certificate. Plus, State Traffic Inspectorate employees will need to be notified that the papers on the car were lost under certain circumstances.

Often people are interested in how to deregister a car without documents if it is sold or, for example, transferred by power of attorney or deed of gift. In this case, the law will not be on your side, since for all operations, legal official papers for the vehicle are required. Therefore, if your passport and certificate were lost or even stolen, you will have to first obtain them and then cancel your registration.

How to deregister without a car

The paperwork seems to have been sorted out. But the next logical question arises: is it possible to deregister a car without a car and documents?

We answer: This can be done if you are going to give the car for complete recycling. We emphasize - to the fullest. But if you do not scrap the entire car, but only a certain part of it, that is, you keep several units for yourself, you will need to present them to a traffic police representative for inspection and verification of numbers. Based on the results, you will be given an official expert opinion. If you cannot deliver the car or the units that you plan to leave to your destination, you can always call a specialist to your place. For an additional fee, of course.

The “personal presence” of a vehicle is also not necessary (and sometimes even impossible) in a situation where you deregister it due to theft. A package of documents will be enough.

How to deregister a car with the traffic police: Video

Previously, registration rules provided for a two-step procedure for registering a car to a new owner:

  1. The old owner of the car removes it from the registration register.
  2. The new one registers the car in his name and receives a new STS and license plate number.

However, in 2013, changes were made to the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 1001, regulating the procedure for registering a vehicle, and subsequently it was completely replaced by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated June 26, 2018 N 399.

Now preliminary deregistration of the car is no longer required. It is enough for the parties to the transaction to conclude a purchase and sale agreement and after that the buyer can go to the MREO of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate and register the car in his own name. He has a period of 10 calendar days to do this.

The current procedure has become much simpler. However, in the end, it led to the fact that after the car has already been sold, it may still remain registered with the seller and the former owner will need to additionally find out whether the registration in respect of him has been terminated.

When can re-registration be carried out?

The situation when a sold car continues to be registered in the name of the seller can in some cases create inconvenience. In particular, it is fraught with the following:

  • All fines imposed based on the evidence of automatic security cameras will not go to the buyer, but to the seller - and he will not be able to avoid paying them.
  • The seller will still be charged transport tax at the current rate.

To avoid these and other negative consequences, Order No. 399 provides for the seller the opportunity to deregister the car. To do this, he needs to take the following steps:

  1. Wait until the legally established 10-day period expires, during which the buyer is required to register the purchased car.
  2. Check whether registration actions have been completed. For those who are interested in how to do this, we will answer that the service is available in the online service on the official website of the traffic police.
  3. Submit an application to the traffic police MREO where the car was registered to deregister it.
  4. Wait until the end registration actions.

After that former owner will have nothing to do with the car. And new registration will become a headache for the buyer.

To submit it for recycling, you need to go through the appropriate procedure at the traffic police, after which the license plate and all documents are canceled. You will learn how to deregister a car, as well as, from our materials.

The procedure for deregistering a car in connection with its transfer to a new owner

To deregister a vehicle that has been sold, the former owner must take a number of steps.

Where to contact?

For that In order to deregister a sold vehicle, the former owner must contact the traffic police MREO, where it was previously registered. You can do this in the following ways:

  • By personally attending an appointment during the work of this organization.
  • By submitting an application through the State Services portal (provided that the seller has confirmed registration there).

Package of documents

To deregister a car, the seller will need:

  • Statement of the established form. The form can be obtained from the traffic police (you can usually find the rules for filling it out at the stand), or you can download it on the Internet, print it out and fill it out at home.
  • Passport.
  • Purchase and sale agreement signed by the parties.
  • Certificate of acceptance and transfer of the car. This document will confirm the fact that the contract has been fulfilled and the car has been transferred to the buyer. If the conditions for the transfer are in the contract itself (for example, it states that the vehicle is transferred at the time of signing), you can do without this document.
  • Copies of documents for the car. This is not a mandatory condition, but with them it will be easier for traffic police officers to check the car and register it.
  • Receipt of payment of state duty (if required).
  • If the application is submitted not by the seller himself, but by his representative, a power of attorney is required, which indicates the relevant authorities.

Important. Unlike registration, when deregistering a car, you do not need to present it for inspection.

How should I write an application?

In the application form, the former owner must provide the following information:

  • The name of the traffic police department to which the document is being submitted.
  • Applicant details: full name, place of residence, passport details, Taxpayer Identification Number (if available), telephone number and address email(if there is one).
  • Data related to the car: make, model, year of manufacture, color, VIN, etc. Must be filled out in strict accordance with the information specified in the PTS and STS.
  • If the application is submitted by a representative of the seller, you must also fill out the corresponding section of the form.
  • . It is necessary to underline the line “In connection with the sale (transfer) to another person.”

There is no need to indicate anything else in the application. All remaining empty lines of the form are intended to be filled out by traffic police officers.

State duty for termination or suspension of vehicle registration

Payment for registration actions in itself, in the event that the car is only deregistered but not registered again, is not provided for by law. However, if the former owner does not simply deregister the car, but wants to additionally punish the buyer, he can submit an application for deregistration not in connection with the transfer, but for the disposal of the vehicle.

In this case, you will have to pay a state fee of 200 rubles. There is no need to present the car for inspection for disposal, Moreover, the registration can be restored until it is sent for remelting. However, this procedure will be much more difficult for the buyer.

No further payment of state duty is required. All future payments will be borne by the new owner of the car. He will need to not only pay the fee, but also pay an administrative fine for violating the registration deadlines.

Through the portal "State Services"

If the Gosuslugi portal is used to terminate the registration of a vehicle in connection with its sale, the seller must do the following:

  1. Register on State Services and confirm your identity. Confirmation can be made in special organizations (for example, in the MFC when applying there for some other service).
  2. Log in to the portal by entering your username and password.
  3. Select the “Services” section.
  4. In the “Service Categories” section, select “Transport”.
  5. Having moved to the new section, you must click on the link “Vehicle registration”.
  6. Select the item “Termination of registration by the previous owner.”
  7. Fill in electronic form, selecting the traffic police department where the application will be submitted.
  8. Submit an application.

Unfortunately, As of 2018, there is no fully electronic provision of services yet. After the application has been submitted, you will still need to appear in person and submit documents for verification. However, when applying through Gosuslugi, the applicant will not need to stand in line: he himself chooses when exactly to appear.

An application submitted electronically is registered within 5 minutes. After this, the waiting time in line will be no more than 15 minutes. In this case, resolving the issue itself will take no more than an hour.

Is it possible to complete the procedure without a car purchase and sale agreement?

All of the above applied to cases where the seller had a contract in hand. However in life such a situation may well arise: the owner sold the car to the buyer - handed over all the documents and received money for it - and, relying on the honesty and responsibility of the new owner, forgot about the car.

In this case, it may well turn out that he will remember about the completed sale many months later, when he receives a receipt for payment of transport tax. The purchase and sale agreement may well have been lost by this time. What to do in this case? Is it possible to terminate the registration of a car without a car purchase and sale agreement and how to do it?

If the seller no longer has the contract in hand, he will not be able to remove the car from the sales register. However, he can submit a statement to the traffic police that the car has been lost (read about how to terminate registration due to the loss of a vehicle). To do this, he will only need an application and a passport. In this case, in the operational databases of the traffic police, the car will be listed as under suspicion of theft.

Besides, if the seller is offended by the buyer, he can also apply for. In this case, in order to register, the buyer will need to not only present his copy of the purchase and sale agreement (and pay the fine prescribed by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) - but also prove that the car can be used. This procedure will require additional time and expense.

Deregistration of a sold car according to current regulations is no longer a mandatory procedure. But sometimes this is the only way for the seller to protect his interests. Deregistration itself is free and requires a single visit to the traffic police MREO where the car was previously registered.

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“How to deregister a car with the traffic police, and in what cases is this required?” – a question that interests many car owners. Road legislation is regularly updated, and owners do not have time to keep up with all the changes in regulations and features of the procedure. To ensure that deregistration of a car with the traffic police goes smoothly and requires a minimum of time and effort, it is better to contact specialists. This eliminates the need to understand the procedure, go through its stages independently, waste time standing in lines and communicating with State Traffic Inspectorate employees. If you want to be guaranteed to deregister your car in Moscow at the Maryino State Traffic Safety Inspectorate (St. Pererva 21) at minimal cost and in a short time, call the company’s contact numbers.

Service cost

* Attention: state duty is not included in this price!

When is it necessary to deregister a car with the Moscow traffic police?

IN recent years the legislation was simplified: owners were removed from the obligation to contact the traffic police when selling a vehicle. It is required to deregister a car with the traffic police if:

  • vehicle recycling according to the state program;
  • car theft;
  • exporting equipment abroad.

Also, the owner has the right to remove the car from registration if it new owner violated the terms of re-registration (10 days from the date of signing the purchase and sale agreement).
The procedure is the same for all regions of the country, but we will consider it using Moscow as an example. Deregistration of a car takes place in several stages. The first is collecting the necessary documents:

  • Russian passport of the owner (a copy may be needed);
  • registration certificate;
  • vehicle passport;
  • an application filled out in the prescribed form and signed personally by the applicant.

It is allowed to apply not from the owner himself, but from his authorized representative - in this case, the package of documents is supplemented by a notarized power of attorney. Before preparing papers, it is recommended to consult with a specialist: in most cases, additional information is required.
The second stage of deregistering a car is contacting the nearest traffic police department. It doesn’t matter at what address you registered: the traffic police works using a single electronic database that combines information throughout Russia. Many owners are faced with the need to inspect their vehicle at the road inspection site. This makes the procedure difficult and delays it: it sometimes takes weeks to deregister a car with the traffic police. To avoid red tape and guarantee a positive result, it is better to seek help from our company. We undertake:

  • preparing documents and checking their correctness;
  • submission of the assembled package to the inspection;
  • communication with traffic police officers to resolve emerging issues;
  • obtaining a certificate of deregistration of the car and handing it over to the client.

While we are busy deregistering the vehicle, you mind your own business!
You can find out more details and order the service by calling contact numbers or leaving a request on the website. The manager will also tell you how much it costs to deregister the car, and in what time frame you will receive a new set of documents.

When selling a car under a purchase and sale agreement without deregistering the vehicle, we may encounter an unpleasant situation when the new car owner’s fines and other encumbrances on the vehicle come to your name. To avoid this, you need to deregister the vehicle after selling the car. This can be done both directly when registering the sale and purchase, and subsequently after the actual sale of the car on the basis of an existing contract. We will tell you in more detail how, according to the new rules of 2017, to deregister a car when selling it and talk about how much it costs to deregister a car.

General concepts

The emergence of new rules for registering and selling cars has made life significantly easier for all car owners. Now it is possible to both sell a car with deregistration, and with the preservation of registration plates by drawing up a purchase and sale agreement. However, regardless of how you sell your car, it still needs to be deregistered with the traffic police, which will save you from having to pay fines for the car you sold. Deregistration is possible in the following situations:

    Selling a car without re-registration to a new owner.

    When the vehicle leaves the country.

    When a car is stolen.

    When disposing of a vehicle.

A package of documents for deregistration of a car

This work can be done at the territorial traffic police department where this car was previously registered. We recommend that you prepare your documents first. The success of this work depends on how well the documents are prepared. You should first prepare the following documents:

    Application written according to the approved template.

    Vehicle passport and registration certificate.

    Passport of the owner of the car, in whose name it is registered with the traffic police.

    Purchase and sale agreement.

    Receipt for payment of state duty.

    Power of attorney, if this work is carried out not by the owner of the vehicle, but by his authorized representative.

You can check the general package of documents via the Internet on the corresponding traffic police website.

How to correctly write an application for deregistration

In each specific case, depending on the reason for deregistration of the vehicle, a statement is written that has its own characteristic features. Before submitting documents for deregistration, you need to know all the specifics of writing such an application. If you are selling a car under a sales contract according to the new rules of 2017, you need to write a corresponding statement with a note preserving the documents and license plates of the specific car.

Based on the documents provided, the traffic police inspector deregisters the vehicle, which will subsequently be registered with the new owner. The new owner of the vehicle only needs to correctly register his new car. If the sale was carried out without deregistration on the basis of a purchase and sale agreement, then subsequently the new owner of the vehicle no longer needs to register the car.

Such deregistration according to the new rules of 2017 when selling a car under a sales contract does not take much time. You just need to contact the territorial traffic police department, whose employees, based on the documents provided, will re-register the vehicle to the new owner. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to present for inspection a car that is already in use by the new owner or the car is not running.

Deregistration of a vehicle upon sale

In the event that a car with state registration is being sold, the seller and the buyer must go to the traffic police department, where the procedure for deregistration will be carried out. simultaneous staging vehicle for registration. Package of documents in in this case standard. This is a technical equipment passport, a sales contract and receipts confirming the necessary payment of the state duty.

In this case, a corresponding check of the vehicle is carried out to verify the body numbers and existing registration data. The car is inspected by an appraiser, after which the specialist signs the corresponding inspection report. Upon completion of this procedure, the new owner will receive a technical passport for his car, new registration documents, and the seller will be deregistered from the previously registered sold vehicle.

Deregistration of a vehicle upon disposal

The current rules of 2017 require the procedure for deregistration of a vehicle when disposing of a vehicle. Moreover, it is necessary to perform such work even before sending the car for scrap. You will need the following documents:

    Car owner's passport, vehicle technical passport.

    Certificate of registration.

    License plates from the vehicle.

    Certificate of payment of state duty.

    Application for disposal.

The corresponding package of documents must be provided to the traffic police inspector, after which the specialist will issue you the appropriate certificate. Subsequently, with this certificate, it will be necessary to take the vehicle to the site where the appropriate disposal of the vehicle is carried out.

Deregistration of a car if it is stolen

The current legislation of 2017 implies the deregistration of a stolen vehicle, for which the owner needs to prepare the relevant documents and contact the police upon the theft of the vehicle. Moreover, the deregistration procedure can only be carried out if the criminal case regarding the theft of a vehicle is suspended or terminated. Only after this the car owner of the stolen car can contact the traffic police to deregister the car.

The following documents will need to be presented to the traffic police:

    Application for deregistration.

    A letter from the investigative authorities regarding the termination or suspension of the vehicle theft case.

    Vehicle registration certificate.

    Car owner's passport.

Based on the documents provided, a decision is made to deregister the vehicle if it is stolen.


New rules for deregistering a car in 2017 allow you to perform this procedure both when presenting the car for inspection, and in the event of selling the vehicle by drawing up a sales contract. In the latter case, the former car owner must provide the traffic police with the relevant documents and an application for deregistration, after which changes will be made to the relevant registration documents, and the sold car will be registered with the new owner.

Our reader Andrey asked for help: for more than 25 years, a VAZ car, which he inherited from his father, has been “hanging” on him. And everything would be fine, but the last time our hero saw his beloved “Ladushka” was in the late nineties...

He sold it by proxy to a neighbor, and after he died, the car was inherited by his relatives. In other words, the car “sank into oblivion,” but the transport tax did not. Previously, the neighbor paid it, but his heirs, apparently, decided not to do this. And then Andrei received a “letter of happiness” from the tax office, which urgently requires him to fulfill his civic duty. The man asks: what should he do? The car is still registered with him, but he does not have any documents for it.

As we know, there are no hopeless situations. And this one, to be honest, is not worth worrying too much about. First option: pay tax. Moreover, they don’t ask for much for an old car. “No, this is not a solution!” declares Andrey. Okay, we have another option for him.

The first and main thing to do is to deregister the car. But how to do this if there are no documents, including a purchase and sale agreement, indicating that it has been sold? It is possible to deregister a vehicle due to its loss.

By the way, a car can be temporarily deregistered if, for example, it is broken down or has been sitting in a garage without movement for many years. Actually, no one is stopping you from deregistering your car at any time. You simply won’t be able to drive it, but you won’t pay tax either. After some time, you will be able to register it again (with payment of the state duty, of course). But, as you understand, this is not our case.

To terminate the registration of a car due to its loss, you must contact the registration department of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate with the following documents:

1. Application for termination of registration. A sample application can be found (and printed) online. In it, you should check the item “Cease registration due to loss”;

2. Passport

3. Power of attorney (if your interests in MREO are represented by a trusted person);

4. STS (vehicle registration certificate);

6. License plates.

If the documents according to paragraphs. 4-5, and there are no license plates; an application and a passport will suffice. Important: you do not need to pay a state fee to deregister a car - this service is free.

Within ten days after contacting the traffic police, information about the termination of vehicle registration is transferred to the tax office, after which the former owner of the car is automatically exempt from paying transport tax.

And one last thing. It would not be amiss to recommend that Andrey obtain a certificate from the traffic police confirming that the car is not registered in his name. If the tax office again “gets on his nerves,” he will only have to go to the Federal Tax Service and confirm his right not to pay transport tax.

And more! Andrey will have to pay taxes for previous years, when the car was still registered with him. With the exception of those years (until 2015) for which it was announced.