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How many tasks are there in the Unified State Exam in biology? Unified State Exam. Biology. Solving tasks of increased and high levels of complexity. How to get the maximum score. Kalinova G.S. What does the new structure of KIM in biology look like?

Future pharmacists, doctors and agronomists are preparing for the Unified State Exam 2017 in biology. The subject is quite popular, as it is required for admission to many humanitarian universities. Therefore, the closer March 2017 approaches, the greater the excitement around state testing in biology. In the review we will analyze the main structure of CMMs, currently known innovations and educational materials that will help you prepare for the state exam. All this will help the children adequately meet the realities of the biology exam.

the date of the

The early round traditionally starts in March, and the main one will take place in June.

  • Early stage – March 22.
  • The main period is June 15.
  • Reserve windows are April 5, June 21 and June 30.

Main changes in the Unified State Examination in Biology 2017

While for the most part there are no innovations or plans in other subjects, biology has undergone quite serious changes. Here is their list:

  • The duration of the exam has increased - 210 minutes instead of the previous 180;
  • the number of questions was reduced from 40 to 28;
  • tasks with one answer option have practically disappeared;
  • The maximum primary score has been reduced – it is now 59, not 61;
  • a new type of questions has appeared that requires working with illustrations, diagrams and graphs.

What does the new structure of KIM in biology look like?

To understand the structure of the testing and measuring material, let’s turn to the demo version of the Unified State Examination in Biology 2017.

The first block of the KIM includes 21 tasks, each of which requires a short answer in the form of several numbers or one or more words. The questions are quite simple. To cope with them, you need to know the basics of biology. For example, task No. 3 will require you to name the number of fish sperm, and two columns in question No. 5 will require you to establish a correspondence between the processes and stages of energy metabolism. Interestingly, questions 3, 4, 9, 12, 20, 21 have two options. Therefore, the subject will be able to choose the version of the task that seems easiest to him. For those who strive to get maximum points on the Unified State Exam in biology, FIPI has prepared a complex block of tasks consisting of 7 questions. They will require not only an answer, but also a detailed explanation for them. In other words, the examinee must state on paper his train of thought and provide detailed arguments in favor of his decision. Only the most prepared high school students and applicants will be able to cope with such questions.

Evaluation criteria for the Unified State Examination in Biology 2017

There are no exact criteria yet. It is only known that the maximum primary score cannot be higher than 59, and the number of minimum points that the test taker must score to successfully pass test work, equals 36.

Points are earned by successfully solving test tasks. Here's what the maximum "reward" for asking questions looks like:

  • 1 point: 1, 3, 6;
  • 2 points: 2, 4, 5, 7 – 22;
  • 3 points: 23 – 28.

For errors or incomplete answers in questions 2, 4, 5, 7 – 28, points may be reduced.


This is what a brief excursion into the realities of the unified biology exam looks like. The number of tasks has decreased significantly, testing has become much more interesting, and the time to work has increased by half an hour. Possession of this information will help future high school graduates and applicants adequately prepare for the Unified State Exam!

dateUnified State Exam
Early period
March 20 (Fri)geography, literature
March 23 (Mon)Russian language
March 27 (Fri)mathematics B, P
March 30 (Wed)foreign languages(except for the “Speaking” section), biology, physics
April 1 (Wed)
April 3 (Fri)social studies, computer science and ICT
April 6 (Mon)history, chemistry
April 8 (Wed)reserve: geography, chemistry, computer science and ICT, foreign languages ​​(section “Speaking”), history
April 10 (Fri)reserve: foreign languages ​​(except for the “Speaking” section), literature, physics, social studies, biology
April 13 (Mon)reserve: Russian language, mathematics B, P
Main stage
May 25 (Mon)geography, literature, computer science and ICT
May 28 (Thu)Russian language
June 1 (Mon)mathematics B, P
June 4 (Thu)history, physics
June 8 (Mon)social studies, chemistry
June 11 (Thu)foreign languages ​​(except for the “Speaking” section), biology
June 15 (Mon)foreign languages ​​(section “Speaking”)
June 16 (Tue)foreign languages ​​(section “Speaking”)
June 18 (Tue)reserve: history, physics
June 19 (Fri)reserve: geography, literature, computer science and ICT, foreign languages ​​(section “Speaking”)
June 20 (Sat)reserve: foreign language (except for the “Speaking” section), biology
June 22 (Mon)reserve: Russian language
June 23 (Tue)reserve: social studies, chemistry
June 24 (Wed)reserve: history, physics
June 25 (Thu)reserve: mathematics B, P
June 29 (Mon)reserve: for all academic subjects

In 2018, more than 133 thousand people took part in the Unified State Examination in Biology, which is slightly more than the number of exam participants in 2017 (111,748), 2016 (126,006) and 2015 (122,936). The biology exam is traditionally in demand and is one of the five most popular final elective exams. It is chosen by biology-motivated graduates entering medical, veterinary, agricultural universities, psychological and biological faculties of universities, academies and institutes physical culture and sports and a number of other universities.

In 2018, the average test score was 51.4. Its slight decrease compared to last year is primarily due to a decrease in the proportion of participants in the test score range of 61–80 (by 2.26%) and an increase in the proportion of participants in the range of 41–60 (by 3.26%). At the same time, there is a persistent downward trend in the number of participants with results in the range of 81–100. The reduction in the proportion of high-scoring students can be explained by a set of measures to improve the quality of verification of detailed answers by experts of regional subject commissions, as well as the inclusion in Part 2 of the KIM of new topics of a specific, contextual, practice-oriented nature, which required clear argumentation, and not the reproduction of general or specific knowledge on the subject. This made it possible to better differentiate participants with high test scores.

The minimum test score in 2018, as in previous years, was 36 points, and the primary score was 16 points. The share of USE participants in biology who did not score the minimum number of points in 2018 was 17.4%. Compared to 2017, the share of participants who scored test scores in the range of 41–60 was 40.6% (in 2017 – 37.3%), and in the range of 61–80 was 25.6% (in 2017 – 27.9%).

In 2018, 48 graduates completed all exam tasks and scored 100 points, which amounted to 0.04% of the total number of Unified State Exam participants. The data obtained indicates, on the one hand, a fairly high level of complexity of the 2018 Unified State Exam KIM model and, on the other hand, the accessibility of the tasks, which is confirmed by the distribution of the primary and test scores of the participants.

More detailed analytical and methodological Unified State Exam materials 2018 are available at the link.

Our website presents about 5,500 tasks for preparing for the Unified State Exam in biology in 2018. The general outline of the examination work is presented below.


Designation of the level of difficulty of the task: B - basic, P - advanced, V - high.

Content elements and activities tested

Task difficulty level

Maximum score for completing the task

Exercise 1. Biological terms and concepts. Schema addition
Task 2. Biology as a science. Methods of scientific knowledge. Levels of organization of living things. Working with a table
Task 3. Genetic information in a cell. Chromosome set, somatic and germ cells. Solution of a biological problem
Task 4. Cell as a biological system. Life cycle cells. Multiple choice (with and without figure)
Task 5. Cell as a biological system. Cell structure, metabolism. Life cycle of a cell. Establishing correspondence (with and without figure)
Task 6. Mono- and dihybrid, analyzing crosses. Solution of a biological problem
Task 7. Organism as a biological system. Selection. Biotechnology. Multiple choice (without figure and with figure)
Task 8. Organism as a biological system. Selection. Biotechnology. Establishing correspondence (with and without figure)
Task 9. Diversity of organisms. Bacteria, Fungi, Plants, Animals, Viruses. Multiple choice (with and without figure)
Task 10. Diversity of organisms. Bacteria, Fungi, Plants, Animals, Viruses. Establishing correspondence (with and without figure)
Task 11. Diversity of organisms. Basic systematic categories, their subordination. Sequencing
Task 12. Human organism. Human hygiene. Multiple choice (with and without figure)
Task 13. Human organism. Establishing correspondence (with and without figure)
Task 14. Human organism. Sequencing
Task 15. Evolution of living nature. Multiple choice (working with text)
Task 16. Evolution of living nature. Human Origins. Establishing compliance (not shown)
Task 17. Ecosystems and their inherent patterns. Biosphere. Multiple choice (not shown)
Task 18. Ecosystems and their inherent patterns. Biosphere. Establishing compliance (not shown)
Task 19. General biological patterns. Sequencing
Task 20. General biological patterns. Man and his health. Working with a table (with and without figures)
Task 21. Biological systems and their patterns. Data analysis, in tabular or graphical form
Task 22 (C1). Application of biological knowledge in practical situations (practice-oriented task)
Task 23 (C2). Task with the image of a biological object
Task 24 (C3). Biological information analysis task
Task 25 (C4). Generalization and application of knowledge about humans and the diversity of organisms.
Task 26 (C5). Generalization and application of knowledge in a new situation about evolution organic world and environmental patterns in the new situation
Task 27 (C6). Solving cytology problems to apply knowledge in a new situation.
Task 28 (C7). Solving problems in genetics to apply knowledge in a new situation

Correspondence between minimum raw scores and 2019 minimum test scores. Order on amendments to Appendix No. 1 to the order of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science.

Required for admission to universities for all specialties related to the study of living beings and their interaction with the environment. It is taken only by those graduates who plan to enter higher education institutions for training programs in all medical specialties, as well as biologists, psychologists and some others.

Check out general information about the exam and start preparing. Compared to last year, the version of the KIM Unified State Exam 2019 has not changed at all.

Unified State Examination

The minimum passing score in biology in 2019 is 37; to overcome the threshold, you must correctly solve the first 18 tasks. Convert the initial scores into test scores, and then evaluate your level of knowledge of the subject using the usual five-point system.

Structure of the Unified State Exam

In 2019, the Unified State Exam test in biology consists of two parts, including 40 tasks.

  • Part 1: 33 tasks (1–33) with a short answer that is a number or a sequence of numbers.
  • Part 2: 7 tasks (34–40) with detailed answers, detailed description the entire progress of the task.

Preparation for the Unified State Exam

  • Take the Unified State Exam tests online for free without registration or SMS. The presented tests are identical in complexity and structure to real exams, carried out in the corresponding years.
  • Download demo versions of the Unified State Examination in Biology, which will allow you to better prepare for the exam and pass it easier. All proposed tests have been developed and approved for preparation for the Unified State Exam by the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI). In the same FIPI all official Unified State Exam options.
    The tasks that you will see most likely will not appear on the exam, but there will be tasks similar to the demo ones, on the same topic or simply with different numbers.

General Unified State Examination figures

Year Minimum Unified State Examination score Average score Number of participants Failed, % Qty
100 points
Exam length, min.
2009 35
2010 36 56,38 171 257 6,1 133 180
2011 36 54,29 144 045 7,8 53 180
2012 36 54 168 683 8,2 51 180
2013 36 59,5 481 990 5,1 500 180
2014 36 54,1 180
2015 36 53,2 180
2016 36 180
2017 36 180

There are a lot of professions related to biology. And if the graduate decides to devote his further life to medicine, psychology, pedagogy, food industry technology, pharmacology or agriculture, then a biology exam at the end of secondary school is mandatory for him. What will it be like Unified State Exam in Biology 2017?

The state biology exam in 2017 will be different from the exams of previous years. Not many changes have been made, but they are significant.

A new, more optimized structure of the examination paper is proposed. The number of tasks has been reduced to 28, compared to 40 in 2016. The maximum number of primary points for the entire work has been reduced, now it is 59 points, instead of 60 last year. But the amount of time to complete the examination work has been increased to 210 minutes, instead of 180.

There will no longer be multiple choice questions in the exam. In this regard, the likelihood of guessing is reduced to a minimum. After all, before it was possible to use intuition, pass the threshold and score the minimum allowed number of points. Now intuition is not our help; we need knowledge. You will have to prepare carefully and start as early as possible. But there is also good news. The difficulty of the tasks has not changed, but the time to complete them has increased by 30 minutes.

Examination Unified State Exam work in biology 2017 contains 28 tasks, consists of two parts, each of which has its own level of difficulty and format.

First part of the exam

The first part consists of 21 short answer questions. Moreover, the answers will need to be written in the form of words or phrases, numbers or sequences of numbers, without spaces or separators.

The first part includes tasks of two difficulty levels: 10 - basic level and 11 - advanced.

This format is the first innovation and a good reason for taking the demo version of the Unified State Exam in Biology 2017.

The second innovation is in the content of tasks. The graduate will need:

  • analyze information in graphical or tabular form (1 task)
  • complete the missing information in the diagram and table (2 tasks)
  • establish the sequence of systematic taxa, biological objects, phenomena, processes (3 tasks)
  • solve biological problems in cytology and genetics (2 tasks)
  • complete multiple choice tasks (7 tasks) and matching tasks (6 tasks) with or without a picture

So, 21 tasks of a new type have significant differences and allow you to more accurately assess your knowledge of the material covered, and also require serious preparation.

Second part of the exam (increased difficulty)

Second part of the Unified State Exam in Biology 2017 is aimed at graduates with a high level of knowledge in the subject, or rather at identifying them. There will be no changes here. As in 2016, there will be 7 tasks, formed by types of educational activities and in accordance with the topics of the subject. Graduates write answers to them independently in detailed form. There are also no changes in difficulty level: 1 advanced task and 6 high level.

In the second part, the graduate must independently explain and justify biological phenomena and processes, be able to analyze, systematize and integrate knowledge, and confirm theory with practice. And all this should be correctly formulated in a detailed answer.

How is it assessed?

The initial maximum number of points for the state exam in 2017 has changed, but not significantly.

For completing 10 tasks of a basic level of complexity, 17 points are given, for 12 tasks higher level- 24 points, for 6 high-level tasks - 18. In total - 59 points. for passing the biology exam will be 36 points.

What you need to know

The exam involves testing knowledge of the subject in full. And if something is missed, even for a good reason, this fact is not taken into account during the exam. Therefore, it is advisable for the future graduate to begin preparing for it as early as September in order to have time to fill in all the gaps.

Knowledge testing in biology will be carried out in the following sections:

  • Biology as a science. Methods of scientific knowledge
  • Cell as a biological system
  • Organism as a biological system
  • System and diversity of the biological world
  • The human body and its health
  • Evolution of living nature
  • Ecosystems and their inherent patterns

Use this list to test yourself and catch up on missed topics.

What you need to know

At the Unified State Examination in biology, it is also important to show your skills and abilities to use the acquired knowledge. The graduate must correctly use terminology and identify biological objects not only by description, but also by drawing. When explaining biological processes Those who use not only words, but also tables, graphs, and diagrams will have a significant advantage. Solve problems, draw conclusions and apply theoretical knowledge in practice, in everyday life.

Every year FIPI releases an updated demo version of the Unified State Exam in Biology. The graduate has the opportunity to calmly understand the instructions, assignments, rules of conduct, assessment criteria, and practically go through all stages of the exam. Of course, the demo version is not an exact copy of the Unified State Exam, but, nevertheless, it allows the student to feel calmer and more confident when everything happens for real.

In preparing for the Unified State Exam in biology, each graduate needs to take into account his or her personal, individual characteristics. Everyone knows their weaknesses and strengths, memory capabilities, performance. Those who have not yet figured this out can turn to their parents and teachers for help. It’s worth talking to those who have already taken the Unified State Exam and get Additional information first-hand. In a word, all methods are good for preparation, the main thing is not to leave everything for May, not to hope that “maybe it will blow over,” but to start systematically studying now.

Biology is one of the subjects that a graduate chooses on his own at the Unified State Examination. And if he makes a choice in favor of biology, then he likes this science. Therefore, all worries and worries should be left at the door so as not to interfere. And take with you composure, confidence, remember everything and get the highest score.

Video news, demo versions

The biology exam is selective and only those who are confident in their knowledge will take it. The Unified State Exam in biology is considered a difficult subject, since it tests the knowledge accumulated over all years of study.

Unified State Exam assignments in biology, different types have been selected; to solve them, confident knowledge of the main topics of the school biology course is required. Based demo versions teachers developed over 10 test tasks for each topic.

Topics that need to be studied when completing assignments, see from FIPI. Each task has its own algorithm of actions that will help in solving problems.

There are no changes to the KIM Unified State Examination 2020 in biology.

Structure of Unified State Examination tasks in biology:

  • Part 1– these are tasks from 1 to 21 with a short answer; approximately 5 minutes are allotted for completion.

Advice: Read the wording of the questions carefully.

  • Part 2– these are tasks from 22 to 28 with a detailed answer; approximately 10-20 minutes are allotted for completion.

Advice: express your thoughts in a literary manner, answer the question in detail and comprehensively, define biological terms, even if this is not required in the assignments. The answer should have a plan, not write in continuous text, but highlight points.

What is required of the student in the exam?

  • Ability to work with graphic information (diagrams, graphs, tables) - its analysis and use;
  • Multiple choice;
  • Establishing compliance;
  • Sequencing.

Points for each USE biology task

In order to get the highest grade in biology, you need to score 58 primary points, which will be converted to one hundred on the scale.

  • 1 point - for tasks 1, 2, 3, 6.
  • 2 points - 4, 5, 7-22.
  • 3 points - 23-28.

How to Prepare for Biology Tests

  1. Repetition of the theory.
  2. Proper allocation of time for each task.
  3. Solving practical problems several times.
  4. Check your knowledge level by solving tests online.

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