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Series and vehicle number where to look. Decryption of STS for a car. Amendments to the certificate of registration

In accordance with traffic rules, every car owner, when driving a vehicle, is required to have with him necessary list documents, which must include a vehicle registration certificate. But not all novice motorists know what an STS for a car is, and quite often confuse it with a PTS.

What kind of document is this?

The vehicle registration certificate (or briefly - STS) is a form that contains information about the characteristics vehicle(VIN number, type, make, model of car, engine power, etc.) and its current owner (last name, first name, patronymic, registration address, special features). Whenever there is a change in the owner of the car, this document must be replaced. Often, not knowing what an STS for a car is, it is confused with a vehicle passport. However, this is completely various documents, which are a must-have for any car owner. Due to the fact that the vehicle registration certificate is an “accountable” document, even if it is replaced, the current version is stored for 24 months in the traffic police department. This certificate must always be kept up to date and carried with you when driving a vehicle.

What are the consequences of the absence of STS?

Registration certificate vehicle- this is one of the main documents for a car, which gives the car owner the right to drive it. This document should always be carried with you, since, according to traffic rules, its absence is fraught not only with penalties, but also with the vehicle being impounded.

What information is contained in the certificate?

STS forms contain the following information:

Side 1:

  • Series and document number (indicated on both sides of the document).
  • Register sign.
  • Vehicle make and model.
  • Year of car manufacture.
  • Identification number (better known as VIN number).
  • Engine number.
  • Chassis or frame number.
  • Body or sidecar number.
  • Engine power.
  • Engine displacement (in cubic centimeters).
  • Data (series and document number).
  • Maximum permissible weight (in kilograms).
  • Weight of the vehicle without load (in kilograms).

Side 2:

  • Series and document number.
  • Last name, first name and patronymic of the owner of the vehicle.
  • Address details of the car owner (registration address).
  • Special marks (individual, distinctive characteristics owner).

How to obtain/replace a certificate?

Any driver should know not only what an STS for a car is, but also where and how to get it. All operations with a vehicle registration certificate are carried out at the traffic police department. Including:

  • initial issue;
  • replacement due to a change in the registration data of the car or its owner;
  • replacement due to a change of car owner (based on an agreement confirming the purchase, a gift agreement, etc.);
  • issuance of a duplicate due to loss or theft of a document.

Registration with the traffic police makes it possible to obtain an STS. In the future, if certain circumstances arise, which will be discussed below, the replacement of this document is also carried out at the traffic police upon presentation of the necessary documents and certificates, which are the basis for issuing a new document. The procedures for obtaining STS for a new vehicle (purchased at a dealership) or a used car are slightly different. As a rule, the difference is in what documents are needed for the car when registering.

Registration of a new vehicle

If the car is new and purchased at a dealership, then to register it you should have with you: an agreement confirming the right of ownership of the vehicle, a set of keys (2 pieces), a compulsory car insurance policy, a vehicle passport, a certificate containing information about the full cost of the vehicle , and an identity document. The owner receives all of the above documents for a new car directly at the dealership where the purchase was made. It is necessary to check the availability of a complete set of documentation for the vehicle and a set of keys.

After purchasing a car, there is no need to register it at the same time. According to current legislation, immediate registration with the traffic police is not required. You can use a vehicle without registering it for 10 days. During this period, it is enough to have with you only the purchase and sale agreement and a certificate with the full cost of the car. These documents must be presented to the guard service staff upon their request. After this period, you need to go to the traffic police department, taking the previously mentioned documents for the car, received when purchasing the vehicle, and write an application to register the vehicle. After verification by the responsible employees of the registration department of the provided data, state signs and a vehicle registration certificate will be issued. This procedure will take the car owner a little time - only one and a half or two hours.

Registration of a used car

If it is necessary to obtain a new STS for a used car, the new owner should also visit the traffic police department, taking with him documents such as a vehicle passport (or its duplicate, if available), a sales contract or another document that confirms ownership movable property, STS, receipts for payment of necessary state. duties and identification document of the car owner (passport). Some car owners, for their peace of mind, prefer not to draw up a sales contract, but to contact the potential buyer at the traffic police department and carry out the procedures for deregistration and registration of the car on the spot. In this case, the same documents and passports of two owners will be required: the current and the future. After the traffic police officers check the information provided, the new owner of the vehicle will be issued signs (if necessary) and all documents for the car will be returned.

Replacement of vehicle certificate

The reason for changing the STS may also be a change in data about the car or its owner in the current document. Such changes mean:

Information about the owner of the vehicle: change of full name (most often for this reason, women change the certificate after marriage or divorce), change of registration address or registration;

Data about the car: changing state signs, changing the color of the vehicle, making modifications to the design of the car and other facts specified in the traffic regulations.

In such cases, in order to update the data in the registration certificate, it is necessary to provide to the traffic police department, in addition to all available documents for the car, which were discussed earlier, documents or certificates that confirm the fact of changing the registration data (such confirmation can serve, for example, a certificate of marriage, if we're talking about about changing the surname).

How to restore a certificate on a vehicle?

As in previous cases, to obtain STS car, namely its duplicate, you should contact the traffic police department.

The procedure for restoring a vehicle registration certificate may be necessary in the following cases: the document has been lost, damaged or stolen.

In this case, you need not only to take with you all the documents in hand for the car (vehicle passport, OSAGO) and the owner’s passport, but also to come to this department for this car. Restoring a lost STS document is possible by writing the appropriate application and paying the required state fee. After it is accepted, along with other documents for the car, traffic police officers will carry out the necessary check (for the presence of unpaid fines, whether the car has been stolen, etc.), after successful completion of which a duplicate STS will be issued.


Every motorist should know about the car. A vehicle registration certificate is one of the main documents that every car owner needs to have with them. At the request of the traffic police officers, the STS must be presented immediately, since its absence may lead to a number of unnecessary questions. If your car's vehicle is damaged, lost or stolen, you should urgently visit the relevant department to have it restored.

In addition to driving a motor vehicle, a registration certificate (CTC) is required.

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The document is issued after the vehicle is registered with the relevant institution (State Traffic Safety Inspectorate or Gostekhnadzor).

The document fully reflects information about the car and its owner and has unique details, series and number. Where to find the STS details, and why they are needed, read on.

What they look like and where to find them

The registration certificate is the main document for the car after it is registered with the traffic police.

To receive a document for the first time or restore it, you must:

  1. Apply for registration. Submitting an application is possible by visiting a traffic police department in person or online through the government services portal (after prior user registration). The application contains all information about the car and its owner.
  2. Submit the following documents along with your application:
    • passport of the car owner or passport of the car owner’s representative. In the latter case, a written power of attorney issued by the owner to carry out registration actions is additionally provided;
    • issued at the time of manufacture road transport or its import into the Russian Federation;
    • MTPL policy (in accordance with current legislation, the document is required for all types of registration actions);
    • receipt for . The amount of state duty is established and depends on the list of services provided. government agency services. For example, when registering a new car and obtaining state license plates and a registration certificate, you will have to pay 2,850 rubles, and for replacing STS in case of loss (theft, unsuitability) - 500 rubles

    • Pass a vehicle inspection, during which the numbers of all units and VIN numbers are verified
    • Receive ready documents.
    • The registration certificate reflects all information about the car (make, body color, type, environmental class, power, year of manufacture, weight with and without load, number, etc.), allowing you to uniquely identify the vehicle and information about the owner of certain characteristics of the movable property (full name and residential address).

      The registration document is drawn up on the form, the form of which is established in the Appendix to.

      In turn, each form is a document of strict accountability and has its own unique details - series and number, which are located at the top and bottom on the front side of the document and at the bottom on the back side.

      The registration certificate series consists of:

      • two digits;
      • two letters (in some cases letters can be replaced by numbers).
        The certificate number consists of 6 digits.

      What language are the letters in?

      In accordance with Article 16 of Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 1001, all registration paperwork, registration of PTS and registration certificates, as well as other registration documents are carried out in Russian.

      According to the requirements of the International Convention on Road Traffic, which Russia joined in 1974, the details of the registration certificate, the title of the document, the full name of the vehicle owner and some other information must be duplicated in Latin letters.

      Decoding the series and PTS number of the car

      Like the registration certificate, the vehicle passport also has its own details - series, number and date of issue, which are displayed at the top of the front side of the document.

      The PTS series also consists of two letters and two numbers, and the document number consists of 6 numbers.

      However, in the case of PTS, the document details contain encoded information:

      • The numbers indicated in the series of the car passport must correspond to the region designation of the region of issue of the document. For example, when issuing PTS by customs authorities located in the city of Nakhodka, the document series will begin with the numbers 25;

      • The passport series must begin with the letter T (passports issued before 2008) or U (passports issued after 2008). The exception is PTS issued for foreign cars assembled within Russian Federation. All other letters indicate that the document is fake.
      • The series and number of PTS and STS are the same or not

        Do the details of the registration certificate match? There is no clear answer to this question:

        • if documents are issued by different institutions, for example, the customs office in Nakhodka issues a PTS, and the car registration and, accordingly, the registration certificate are issued by the traffic police located in Moscow (this situation occurs most often), then the details do not match;
        • if documents are issued by one government agency, for example, in case of loss (theft) of a car passport and registration certificate at the same time, then the document details are the same.

        The issuance of documents with the same details greatly simplifies the functions assigned to the State Traffic Inspectorate, namely monitoring traffic, since in this situation, only one document can provide maximum information about the vehicle itself and its owner.

        How to find out the vehicle registration certificate number by VIN

        To find out directly the details of the registration certificate by vehicle number or individual VIN number assigned by the manufacturer, you must personally contact the traffic police department and submit an application explaining the reasons for obtaining the necessary information.

        Such data is issued only in emergency cases, for example, to investigate the causes of a road accident and only to a certain circle of people (law enforcement officials, victims, and so on).

        And using the details of the registration certificate you can get a lot of other very useful information.

        The series and number are used to carry out the following actions:

        • self-check fines online. In accordance with current legislation, 60 days are allotted for the payment of administrative fines, and in the first 20 days, payment of fines for some types of offenses can be made in the amount of 50%. Timely verification of fines allows not only to reduce the amount of punishment, but also to avoid negative consequences for non-payment (collection of penalties, increase in the amount of debt, restriction of travel outside the Russian Federation, and so on);
        • determination of unpaid taxes on movable property;
        • checking the participation of the car in and determining the nature of the damage received in order to identify possible technical issues before purchasing a used vehicle;
        • researching the history of the car (carrying out registration actions, determining the number of owners, and so on);
        • obtaining information about the presence/absence of any restrictions imposed by bailiffs on movable property.

        Restrictions may be imposed in connection with the division of property between spouses during divorce proceedings, non-payment of debts, non-payment of loan obligations, and so on.

        The presence of restrictions is an obstacle to the sale, donation or other form of alienation of a car.

        Any check can be carried out on the official website of the State Traffic Inspectorate in the “Services” section.

        To verify, you must enter data in the appropriate form. For example, identifying unpaid fines occurs as follows:

        • fill out a form indicating the state license plate of the vehicle and details of the registration certificate;
        • The “Request Verification” icon appears.

        As a result of the inspection, unpaid fines may be discovered.

        In this case, a sign will appear on the screen indicating:

        • dates of commission of the offense;
        • articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses, in accordance with which penalties were imposed;
        • the name of the traffic police department that imposed the fine;
        • number of the resolution on the administrative offense;


Speaking about where to look for the series and number of the PTS document, it is worth considering that they act as the main details of the act in question. The car, according to the rules defined by the legislator, must have the specified documents. Similar provisions apply to those vehicles that have a specified engine capacity. Technical means are also equipped with PTS when trailers are added to them. Only competent authorities can issue the act in question. These include the State Traffic Inspectorate, customs control authorities, and the company that manufactured the vehicle. A deed for a car will be needed if various types of transactions are made with it. In particular, this is the conclusion of agreements on leasing, sale or rental of cars. Paper is also provided in insurance company for the purpose of signing an agreement in the form of compulsory motor liability insurance.

When considering the question of where to look for the PTS series, it should be noted that this act is printed in printing houses. A special form has been developed for it. He has blue color scheme, format is set to A4. The sample document implies that four degrees of protection must be found. This act falls into the unique category.

Its main details include:

  • PTS series;
  • his number;
  • the date on which the issuance was made.

It is established that the first value consists of two numbers and the same number of letters. To write the number you will need to enter a six-digit number. The series and PTS number are displayed on title page, you need to pay attention to its upper part. Various details will be determined even at the moment when the form is being prepared on which the document in question will subsequently be placed.

Each body that has the authority to issue the certificate in question makes a preliminary order, indicating how many forms it will need. After the batch is fully prepared, the sheets are sent to a certain department authorized to issue them.


Vehicle passport series number, as an example, you should know in what language the act is printed.

Alternatively there could be:

  1. Cyrillic.
  2. Latin
  3. Russian letters can be used. Also in some situations English signs are used.

Legislative provisions stipulate that in the situation under consideration Russian designations will be used. The serial number for a PTS car cannot be written in other languages. This rule should not be violated.

Decoding PTS/PSM may indicate certain provisions. You can find the region code in the numbers reflected in the series. This applies to the subject where the issuance of the act is carried out. Car registration is also carried out at the specified location. If a person receives a passport in the capital, then the act will have the number 77. You can see if the document in front of you is original by comparing the series of the act and line number 23. It reflects the organization that issued the paper. In the photo, these data are located on the front side.

You need to define it like this:

  • when the number in the series matches the code of the organization that is located in the region where the act was issued, it is valid;
  • if the number in the series differs from the code of the region where the company is located, the person is faced with a fake.

In addition to the serial number, it is worth paying due attention to the letter designation. In this way, the authenticity of the act is verified. It is worth remembering that until 2008, T was used as the first letter. An exception is vehicles for which documentation was issued by organizations abroad, while the vehicles were assembled within Russia.

After the specified year, it was replaced by U, which is due to the exhaustion of the limit of possible combinations with the previously used letter. If an electronic or paper document has a different letter in the number, the person has a fake form in front of him. It is quite difficult to check the document in question online. The easiest way to implement this is in observation mode. Currently, experts have identified forgeries of the acts in question. They use a series starting with T. The second letter in sequence may vary. This provision is not intended to be fundamental. The body and license plate number are not reflected in in this case. PTS numbers do not include certain information. This is treated as a normal sequence number. To repeat, it is registered at the initial stage in the printing house.

Transportation and other actions with cars without insurance should be carried out on legal grounds It will rarely work. To be able to take into account the basic parameters of the car and find out information about its owner, it is enough to use the act in question.

It states:

  1. VIN number designation. This number is unique. It is prescribed by the company that released the car from the assembly line.
  2. You also need to enter information about the model and make of the car. Information is entered regarding the production date and the company that manufactured the machine.
  3. Information about the type, volume and license plate of the motor is important. Data is also indicated for other units.
  4. Mass is reflected.
  5. Data of the person who is vested with the powers of the owner.
  6. The address where the owner lives.
  7. Data regarding the purchase of a car, its registration and deregistration.
  8. If there are restrictions, they are also reflected.
  9. When carrying out re-equipment, the information must be reflected in the act.

The owner will need the act in question not only when selling transport, but also when insuring liability. You need to check the data before the contract is signed. If a vase is insured, the specified data is not used. Each insurance policy contains information about the number and series of PTS. Such information is reflected in the column affecting the description of the car for which the policy is valid.

You can be at home when you sign up for a policy, as it is now possible to insure your car online. If the OSAGO form is filled out correctly, then it reflects the type of documentation that was used for liability insurance. The name of the act must be reflected. Abbreviations are allowed. The series of this paper and its number are also written down.

If the PSM is registered on a car that has previously been in use, then according to legislative provisions it is allowed to reflect information about the STS. In such a situation, the PTS does not appear in the documents.

After the owner has registered his car with the authorized body, he is issued an appropriate certificate. This act has certain details, as well as the document in question. The documentation form is approved at the federal level. With its help, rules regarding transport accounting are regulated.

The details include data located:

  • at the bottom of the act;
  • up.

This certificate fully replicates all the data reflected in the car’s passport. The legislator stipulates that this act, among other things, must specify the details of the passport for the car. In practice, various situations arise regarding the details of these acts.

In particular, they can be different. This case is common, which is associated with the issuance of an act by the customs authority or the manufacturing company. The second act was issued by the traffic police. The basis for issuing such an act is the first one, so the data often differs.

They can also converge. This provision applies to the situation when the act is issued by the same company. As an example, we can consider a situation where a person will receive a duplicate PTS. This happens in situations of loss, theft and other similar actions. They can be committed either by the owner himself or by third parties. The reason for this will also be the unsuitability of the specified document.

If there is a coincidence of details, then this is not accidental, since similar examples are found in practice and they are used for a clear purpose. Experts point out that it is much easier to act when the license plates of the PTS and STS are similar. The activities of traffic police departments are simplified. These provisions affect actions aimed at the safety and supervision of vehicle movement. Using the same data, it is possible to obtain information regarding the presence of fines enshrined in administrative legislation. Information is provided only about unpaid payments. If the car is stolen or pawned, this can also be found out based on the data provided. Passing inspections at stations and other actions can also be found out.


If you use the basic data of the paper in question, you will not be able to find out information about the day of issue of the PTS on the Internet. The specified data can be obtained when a personal appeal is made to the traffic police department. To do this, the specialist will need to provide a list of documentation. These acts are aimed at confirming that a person has the rights to own a car. You also need to confirm his identity. The reflected information is used to check the originality of the document, which is important during implementation.

For this check we use:

  1. VIN of the car. In this case, you only need to indicate the first three digits.
  2. The company that issued the act.
  3. PTS details.
  4. The region where it was issued.

The specified data is entered into a specially designed form. During the inspection, it will be possible to verify the coincidence of the information reflected in the document, as well as the use by the owner of the original form or its counterfeit. Complete data about the car is provided based on the VIN. In this case, the check is carried out using the official website of the traffic police.

Through research, you will be able to find out the data of the document in question, basic information about the car, and in addition, the history of operations with the car will be revealed. You can find out all the persons who previously had ownership rights to the car. You also need to take into account the possibility of finding out information about the car being in a state of liens and other similar data.

We can say that the details of the document in question have unique properties, since it is not possible to duplicate them in another similar act. The system can use such designations at the moment when registration actions regarding the vehicle. By using the reflected details, it is possible to find out information about the vehicle. Such provisions are important for buyers of used vehicles.

Elizarov Artem

lawyer, specialist in automobile law

Articles and answers written

PTS can be deciphered as “Vehicle Passport”. It is the main document issued for any car.

A PTS certifies your prerogative to own a vehicle.

If you have a passport with a car, you can carry out operations such as purchase, sale, re-registration to another owner, mortgaging, etc.

You do not have to carry this vehicle document with you every time you use the car.

STS can be deciphered as “Vehicle Registration Certificate”. It is considered one of the main documents for a car, which citizens often cannot distinguish from a title.

You should always take this document with you while driving. If you do not have this paper with you, you may be fined 500 rubles, and if the situation repeats, you may be deprived of your driver's license.

What data is entered into the passport and what data is entered into the vehicle registration certificate?

The PTS indicates specifications, car color, model, dates of registration and deregistration at the MREO department, information about the owners of the car in a situation where the car was purchased on the market without intermediaries.

The passport is issued by the vehicle manufacturer in a situation where the car was manufactured in the state in which you live. When the car is released abroad, the PTS is issued by customs.

The STS indicates the technical characteristics of the car and information about the owner, which is entered into the certificate on the basis of the owner’s passport.

As for information about the owner, the PTS contains information about all the owners that the car has ever had.

For this purpose, the passport has 6 sections, i.e. You can enter information about six owners into the document. If the number of owners exceeds this value, then you need to purchase new form at any traffic police department.

Unlike the PTS, the STS indicates the specific owner of the car who is the current owner. When the owner changes, the STS must also be changed.

Information included in the certificate and passport:


Registration state number

Year of issue

Vehicle type

Chassis number (if available)

Engine displacement

Car brand and model

Productivity measured in kW and in horsepower

Body number plate (when it differs from the engine number)

Car color

Engine number

Maximum permissible vehicle weight

Transport weight

Series and number of the car owner's passport

State of origin

Ecological class of the car

State of export of the vehicle

License plate and customs declaration series

Place, address and date of submission of the document

Owner's passport information

Owner's place of residence

Customs restrictions

Relationship in car documents

Forgery of these documents may result in criminal liability.

In our country, there are often cases of forgery of certificates and passports. Before purchasing a car, you must carefully study the vehicle's passport. Needed with special attention check the authenticity of the vehicle passport. If you have even the slightest doubt, it is advisable to refuse this purchase.

If you decide to buy a used car from an advertisement or from friends, you need to make sure that everything Required documents are in stock.

If any of the documents presented are missing, refrain from purchasing.

This is what a vehicle passport (PTS) looks like:

Below is a sample vehicle registration certificate (VRC):

General characteristics

Both PTS and STS indicate technical characteristics of this car, in them you can find basic information about the owner of the vehicle. Copying information about the owner into PTS and STS helps in creating a database of owners. This allows special services track vehicle sales cases.

As in the transport passport, so in the certificate, the number is indicated, put state seal, take measures to protect the document.

The following data is entered into each document:

  1. The VIN is a one-of-a-kind identification code that is issued for each vehicle. This code must consist of 17 characters and includes both numbers and Latin letters.
  2. Contains brief information about technical characteristics, car manufacturer and year of manufacture.

  3. Maximum permissible weight.
  4. Trademark, model and type of vehicle. This information affects the category of rights.
  5. Engine operating volume.
  6. Minimum weight without additional load, i.e. the so-called “pure” mass.
  7. Power in horsepower and kW.
  8. Engine license plate.
  9. Year of issue.
  10. Chassis number (if there is a chassis).
  11. Full name and other data from the car owner’s passport, entered into the police database.


So, the article analyzed all the characteristics and information contained in such important documents for drivers as PTS and STS. The difference between the cited documents was considered, as well as their common features.

Where can I see the number of the vehicle registration certificate (CTC)? This information is extremely important: it is by the number and series of this document that the traffic police check the data on the car. Let's see what the STS is, what details it should have, and how this data is used.

STS as a document for a car

What is STS? A vehicle registration certificate is issued to its owner in the traffic police department where he registers his vehicle. This document is one of those that the driver must always have with him when driving the car. If there is no STS, the culprit will face a fine under Art. 12.3 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Externally, the certificate looks like a small card laminated with transparent plastic. It contains the following information:

  1. Register sign. It consists of a three-letter series and number numbers with a region code.
  2. Identification number (VIN). Using this combination of 17 characters, you can find out where and by whom the car was manufactured, what are its main technical characteristics, etc.
  3. The full name of the brand, as well as the machine model installed by the manufacturer.
  4. Vehicle category, according to the current classification.
  5. Year of manufacture of the car.
  6. Model, type, number and power of the motor.
  7. Codes of other numbered vehicle units.
  8. The color in which the body is painted. The STS uses the color classification adopted by the traffic police to search for stolen cars, and not the one established by the manufacturer. Therefore, the data in the “Color” column of STS and PTS may differ slightly.
  9. Weight of the vehicle in a fully equipped state (cargo plus passengers and driver). These data are set by the manufacturer and must not be exceeded.

On the back of the document there is information about:

  • the owner of the car;
  • the traffic police department where the registration document was issued;
  • the date when the STS was issued;
  • special marks affixed by the traffic police in the established regulations cases.

Nowadays, a car registration certificate can be found in two versions: the old one, issued before 2016, and the new one, which is increasingly being issued now. It should be noted that it is still possible to obtain old STS in some traffic police departments: the required number of forms has not yet been printed, and issuance continues until the old stocks are exhausted. The main difference between the forms is the new degrees of document protection.

In addition, STS issued after January 2016 may lack a signature and seal. Instead of them, the individual digital code of the unit is now written there. The innovation is due to the fact that vehicle registration data is still checked through computer databases - and for them, a combination of numbers is as reliable as a handwritten signature along with a “blue” seal.

STS series and number

If the question is where the owner can see the vehicle registration certificate number, then the answer is simple: on the front side of the card. The vehicle registration certificate number is indicated:

  • at the very bottom of the front side;
  • at the top and bottom of the reverse.

You need to remember: the series and number of the vehicle registration certificate must match the same data on the registration certificate (PTS) down to the last character. This is necessary so that the traffic police can quickly check the data on the car.

Since the number of the registration certificate and the PTS are completely identical, the Rules do not require that the driver always have the PTS with him and present it to the inspector. If desired, you can leave your passport at home - although many drivers still keep the entire set of documents together. Moreover, having a PTS, you can relatively easily restore a lost STS - to do this, you just need to contact your traffic police department and present the car itself and its passport. It is necessary to present the vehicle because it may be necessary to verify the VIN and other individual vehicle numbers.

Where a certificate number may be required

It remains to be seen why traffic police officers and car owners sometimes need to find STS details. The fact is that from these data, after state registration, you can find out a lot of important information about the car. Here are just some of them:

  • Technical characteristics of the car. They are entered into the database, and the discrepancy between the information from there and the real picture is a reason, at a minimum, to suspect the owner of illegally changing the device of the car.
  • Search for all former owners and track vehicle history. Using the STS details, all former owners can be found by the traffic police in a couple of clicks.
  • Checking the period during which issued documents are valid.
  • Report on unpaid fines and car taxes.
  • Checking the car for participation in an accident.
  • Is a particular car stolen?
  • Are there any administrative offenses associated with a specific car or its owner (data about which is in the STS and, accordingly, in the traffic police databases).
  • Restrictions, seizures and encumbrances that were imposed on a specific car.

Most of this information is available for verification through the official website of the State Traffic Inspectorate. If you enter the STS or PTS details into the search form, you can “punch” the car. For serious buyers or entrepreneurs involved in the repurchase, repair and sale of used cars, such a document check is a mandatory part of the activity.

Confidentiality of STS number and series

Can an outsider, without having the documents for the car in hand, find out the details of the documents for it? In fact, it's almost impossible. Both the number and series of documents are personal information. It is impossible to recognize them simply by their state number.

On the Internet you can find various sites where it is offered (for a fee or even free) to check a car only by its state numbers. However, you need to remember two important things:

  1. These actions are illegal. Information of this kind is never made publicly available.
  2. The reliability and relevance of information always remains on the conscience of the owners of such sites. At best, there will be data that is long outdated. At worst, it will be an outright fake.

That is why any online check must be carried out only with the consent of the car owner, and with real and valid documents in hand.