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The most harmless alcohol. The harmful effects of alcohol on the liver: a list of least to most harmful drinks. The importance of flavoring additives

The harm of ethyl alcohol and any of its derivatives is obvious and undeniable. But even realizing this, people still continue to drink, putting themselves and their health at constant risk. The range of drinks containing alcohol is huge today. To understand how to avoid serious consequences from drinking, it is important to find out which alcoholic drink is the most harmful and try to avoid drinking it.

Types of alcoholic drinks

The classification of alcohol-containing drinks based on their strength is as follows:

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Strong alcohol

This includes ethyl alcohol itself, as well as vodka, cognac, whiskey, rum, brandy, tequila, sambuca, and absinthe.

Medium strength alcoholic drinks

This includes white and red wine, cider, liqueurs, punches, grog, vermouth, including the beloved Martini, which is often classified as practically harmless drinks.

Low alcohol carbonated drinks

Champagne, sparkling wines, beer, ale.

Often the dangers of alcohol are judged precisely by its strength, and in light of this, beer and champagne seem to be practically harmless soft drinks that have nothing to do with alcoholism and its negative consequences. In reality, this is not the case at all: recent studies by Canadian scientists have proven that in recent years More and more people are suffering from things other than cognac, whiskey and even low-quality vodka. The most dangerous alcoholic drinks in the world have a low percentage of ethyl alcohol, but at the same time they are quickly addictive and are drunk in large quantities.

Rating of the most harmful alcoholic drinks

Energy cocktails with added alcohol

Research was conducted at the Canadian University of Victoria, the results of which were published in mid-April 2017. According to data collected by scientists, greatest harm your heart, brain and internal organs applied by those who prefer to mix alcohol with energy drinks or buy ready-made cocktails in cans. In addition to the obvious and proven harm to health, such people are more likely than other alcoholics to experience attacks of aggression and suicidal attacks. They are also characterized by increased injury rates: among fans of alcoholic energy drinks, there are several times more people involved in accidents while intoxicated than among those who prefer less risky drinks.

Canadian scientists explain this by saying that the stimulating effect of caffeine, which is necessarily included in such products, suppresses the relaxing, sedative effect of ethyl alcohol. As a result, a person not only does not realize the fact that he is drunk, but also does not understand the danger of his actions, considering them absolutely normal. Frequent consumption of alcoholic energy drinks is accompanied by memory loss and loss of consciousness.

Alcoholic cocktails

Few people can be convinced that such familiar drinks that they regularly drink in clubs and cafes are dangerous. Light and tasty, Daiquiris, Margaritas, Cosmopolitans and other mixed liquor options seem no more dangerous than regular soda. They are not perceived as harmful, considering drinks of this kind to be simply pleasant and relaxing.

But doctors warn: often there is real poison in beautiful glasses. Typically a cocktail includes: strong alcohol, carbonated drink, alcohol, sweet water or juice, syrup. All together, this forms an explosive mixture that is easily absorbed into the blood, causes severe intoxication, increases sugar levels, forcing all internal organs to work in emergency mode.

The pancreas begins to absorb sugar, the liver neutralizes the breakdown products of ethyl alcohol and at the same time absorbs glucose, the kidneys remove toxins from the blood and lymph, the heart works faster to ensure blood flow to all organs. And this effect is caused by just a glass of light cocktail. And the more a person drinks such drinks, the worse he feels the next morning, because such a mode of operation turns out to be unbearable for the body, and then it takes a lot of energy to recover.

Less harmful, according to scientific research, are strong alcoholic drinks. This is due to the fact that the number of additives in them is minimal and the body does not need to fight several aggressive substances at once. Cognac in small doses will not have a pronounced negative effect; moreover, it effectively lowers blood pressure and makes some viruses less active. But all this corresponds to reality only if we're talking about about a dose not exceeding 50 grams.


They are less harmful than other low-alcohol drinks, since they do not contain carbon dioxide and are traditionally consumed in small doses. Their only significant drawback is too much sugar. For this reason, they are contraindicated for patients with diabetes, as well as for people prone to obesity.

In reasonable doses, both white and red wine are considered medicinal drinks. But only if we are talking about real wines obtained by fermenting grapes. Doctors recommend that women choose red wines, as they contain a very powerful antioxidant that helps fight age-related changes in the body. But red wine is more likely to cause allergies than white varieties.


The safest alcohol is considered to be the strong drink beloved by Russians, which is also popular abroad today. This statement is true only if we talk about reasonable doses and high quality of the product. The safety of vodka is explained by a number of circumstances:

  • Minimum calorie content.
  • No carbohydrates in the composition.
  • A simple composition (alcohol and water).

High-quality vodka almost never results in a severe hangover, but doctors warn that good snack When drinking this strong alcoholic drink, it is mandatory.

Thus, the most harmful alcohol A hot drink is a weak carbonated cocktail with added caffeine and other stimulants. You should categorically refuse to use it. Today, the issue of production and distribution of alcoholic energy drinks has been taken under state control, and in the near future Russia will join those 14 states in which such drinks are prohibited from being sold through the retail network.

For those who cannot completely abstain from alcohol, doctors recommend choosing high-quality strong alcohol for feasts and not creating cocktails based on it. In this case, it will be possible to minimize the risk and reduce the harm caused to the body.

There is no clear opinion which alcoholic drink is the most harmful. However, most agree that the stronger the alcohol, the more negatively its use can affect the functioning of the entire body, and, in particular, the liver, kidneys and cardiovascular system.

There are several groups of alcoholic beverages. This classification is based on the strength level. All alcohol is divided as follows:

  1. Strong. Represented by vodka, cognac, whiskey, rum, brandy, tequila. This group also includes sambuca and absinthe.
  2. Medium strength. This category belongs various types wine, punch, martini, liqueur, vermouth.
  3. Carbonated drinks with low level ethyl alcohol. Represented by champagne, sparkling wines, and beer.

Despite the strength, every alcoholic drink poses a serious threat to humans. All of them contain ethyl alcohol, which, if consumed excessively, can lead to gastritis, pancreatic diseases and other pathologies of various body systems.

TOP most harmful alcoholic drinks

Any type of alcohol is dangerous for the body in different ways. Below are the top drinks by degree of harmfulness. We also present data on the severity of the hangover syndrome on a 10-point scale according to the British Medical Association.

10th place - vodka

The list starts, oddly enough, with vodka. It is in last, 8th place, in terms of the degree of harmful effects on the body. In this case, the quality and dosage of alcohol is decisive.

  • no carbohydrates;
  • simple composition.


Minimum calorie content - there are no sugars in vodka, so its calorie content is minimal and is provided only by the alcohol itself, equal to 7 Kcal per 100 grams. Thus, vodka is one of the most dietary alcoholic drinks. However, this does not mean that it can be abused. It is also not recommended to drink vodka in cocktails.

No harmful additives such as dyes, flavors. In addition, the alcohol undergoes thorough purification.


  • Most often causes poisoning.
  • It is easy to drink, easily diluted with various juices, and therefore it is most often abused.
  • Since this is one of the cheapest and easiest drinks to prepare, it is most often counterfeited. There is a high risk of running into a surrogate.

Hangover syndrome: 3 points out of 10.

9th place - wine

Both white and red wine are classified as medicinal drinks. However, they are such only if they are created naturally, i.e. during the fermentation process of grapes.


  • If you drink in reasonable quantities, it prevents the occurrence of blood clots and various inflammations.
  • Reduces cholesterol in the blood;
  • Contains a natural antioxidant - reservatrol, which is almost absent in white wine. Therefore, the drink is believed to fight aging.
  • Contains not only ethanol, but also methanol. Since the latter is processed after ethyl alcohol, it lingers in our body the longest, which causes an unpleasant hangover if abused.

Hangover severity: 7 points out of 10.



  • Reduces cholesterol levels due to the content of special chemical compounds.


  • White wine contains sulfites that form over time, and sometimes producers add them themselves. It is these substances that cause a rather severe hangover when drinking more than 3 glasses of wine. They also often become the culprits of various symptoms of allergies, asthma and migraines, thin the enamel on the teeth and cause caries.

Degree of hangover syndrome: 6 points out of 10.

As a result of distillation of alcohol from red wine, brandy is obtained - a famous imported drink. British scientists have found that the longer the exposure, the higher the amount of toxic substances.

8th place - liquor

This alcohol comes in both very strong and medium strength. It has a high sugar content, so it is most often drunk as part of various cocktails. Traditionally, the following types are distinguished:

  1. Strong - from 35 to 45% ethanol and from 30 to 50% sugar.
  2. Dessert - 25-30% alcohol, 25-30% sugar;
  3. Creams - from 15 to 23% alcohol and from 50 to 60% sugar.


  • Taste qualities;
  • Ingredients (often contain beneficial components such as herbs, plant roots, flowers).


  • Often causes allergies and heaviness in the stomach;
  • High calorie content (300-350 Kcal per 100 grams);
  • High sugar content in all types.

7th place - cognac

The alcoholic drink contains a minimal amount of additives. When consumed in moderation, cognac is considered beneficial, as it lowers blood pressure and promotes the death of certain viruses. The total amount of drink taken should not be more than 50 grams per day.

Strong alcohol, a type of brandy (about 40% alcohol). It is valued for its noble taste, which greatly depends on the aging period.


  • Virtually no foreign additives.
  • Stimulates appetite.
  • Dilates blood vessels and normalizes blood pressure.
  • Eliminates stomach cramps.
  • Relieves headaches.

Important! All these benefits are valid with moderate use. Those. for women this is no more than 30 grams per day, for men - no more than 50.


  • It has quite a few contraindications, namely: urinary and cholelithiasis, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and a tendency to alcohol addiction.
  • If consumed excessively, it may have an ambiguous effect on blood pressure and may also lead to hyper- and hypotonic crises.
  • It has a high calorie content (about 240 Kcal per 100 grams of product).

Hangover severity: 8 points out of 10.

6th place - beer

The drink is prepared from barley with the addition of hops and yeast.


  • Low alcohol content - 3-8%.
  • With moderate drinking, it reduces the risk of developing coronary heart disease and diabetes.
  • Beer contains silicon, which helps restore bone mass.
  • Thanks to the drink, aluminum salts, carcinogenic substances, and various toxins are removed from the body.
  • Growth of hair and, interestingly, female breasts due to the content of hops.
  • 500 ml of beer contains ¼ ​​of the daily value of vitamin B.
  • Low calorie content (43 Kcal per 100 ml).


  • The purines contained in the drink increase the level of lactate (uric acid), and this, in turn, leads to the deposition of salts in the joints and the development of gout.
  • It is easily digestible, and therefore can inhibit digestion.
  • The cobalt contained in the drink can cause inflammation of the esophagus and stomach.
  • Flushes out of the body, including a lot useful substances- proteins, fats, carbohydrates and microelements.
  • In men, when abused, it suppresses the production of the main hormone - testosterone, this leads to an increase in the amount of estrogen and gynecomastia (breast growth).
  • In women, on the contrary, their voice becomes rougher and a “beer mustache” may appear.
  • Since beer is easy to drink, it is consumed in large quantities and a standard serving contains many more calories than whiskey or wine.
  • Since the drink is often consumed excessively, there is a high risk of obesity, problems with the heart and blood vessels, and intestines.

  1. Experts believe that the normal daily dosage of the drink for both men and women is no more than 200 grams.
  2. 500 ml of beer is equivalent to 50 grams of vodka.
  3. Among the Scandinavians, beer is an officially approved antidepressant.
  4. Beer alcoholism develops approximately 4 times faster than vodka alcoholism.

Severity of hangover syndrome: 4 points out of 10.

5th place - champagne and sparkling wine

The production process is similar to wine; yeast is added to create a large number of bubbles.


  • Contains antioxidants (tyrosol and caffeic acid), which prevent the resolution of nerve fibers, preventing diseases such as Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's.
  • It has a bactericidal and restorative effect on the body.
  • Due to the carbon dioxide content, it has a positive effect on blood circulation and the respiratory system.
  • Reduces cholesterol levels, i.e. prevents the development of atherosclerosis.
  • Works as an antidepressant.
  • During research, British scientists found that champagne contains polyphenol. This herbal chemical helps dilate blood vessels and thereby reduces heart tension.

Negative points

  • Intoxication and absorption of alcohol into the blood occurs much faster due to the presence of bubbles.
  • Champagne does not improve your mood, contrary to popular belief. British scientists have found that the influence of alcohol is only suppressive. Yes, alcohol releases emotions, makes us more talkative, but it suppresses the active functioning of the brain, dulls common sense and does not make us happier.
  • Excessive consumption leads to liver and pancreas diseases. Therefore, it is not recommended for use by people with gastrointestinal pathologies.
  • If abused, it has a negative effect on the central nervous system, increasing the pain threshold.
  • After entering the intestines, champagne provokes rotting of those products that have not been completely digested. The consequence of this is the development of acute poisoning.

Hangover syndrome: 7 points out of 10.

4th place - whiskey

Produced by fermenting barley and wheat. It is first purified and kept in wooden barrels for several years.


Single malt whiskeys contain beneficial ellagic acid, which slows down the growth of malignant tumors. British chemists came to this conclusion in the course of various studies.


Excessive use may result in outbursts of rage, mental disorders, even delirium tremens (delirium tremens).

Since the drink, according to tradition, is drunk undiluted and without a bite, it makes you drunk quite quickly, and the drinker can behave in an unpredictable way.

Since whiskey is stored for a long time, during this time various impurities appear in it, which cause a severe hangover.

Hangover syndrome: 8 points out of 10.

3rd place - brandy

Produced by distilling alcohol from red wine. Expensive varieties of the drink, like whiskey, are aged in wooden barrels for up to several years.


  • Brandy contains a large amount of antioxidants.
  • According to research by scientists from Australia, 35 ml of this drink contains the daily requirement of ascorbic acid.


The most severe hangover possible due to the presence of a large number of impurities. The same poisoning occurs due to the abuse of gin, rum, and, as mentioned above, wine.

Hangover severity: 9 points out of 10.

2nd place - alcoholic cocktails

The combination of substances such as ethyl alcohol, carbonated drink, juice or syrup creates a dangerous mixture. The latter, entering the blood, promotes rapid intoxication and an increase in the amount of sugar. An increase in glucose levels activates the pancreas. The liver begins to neutralize toxic substances that arose during the destruction of ethyl alcohol. At the same time, active absorption of glucose occurs. The urinary system also takes part in the elimination of harmful substances. To ensure the full functioning of internal organs, the heart muscle begins to contract more strongly, pumping blood and ensuring its flow to all systems.

1st place - alcoholic energy drinks

The title of “The most harmful alcoholic drink for the human body” belongs to energy drinks with added alcohol. They are considered the most dangerous. The simultaneous intake of energy drinks and strong alcohol causes significant harm to all internal organs and structures. The brain is especially affected. Aggression and suicidal tendencies increase significantly. In the process of research by scientists from Canada, it was revealed that caffeine, which has an stimulating effect, suppresses the sedative effect of alcohol. As a result, a person perceives all his actions as normal. In this case, memory lapses and loss of consciousness are possible.


When using alcohol as a regular remedy for everyday stress, it is important to remember that any drink containing alcohol can be addictive. Preventing the development of alcoholism is much easier than treating it. To do this, it is enough to know the safety rules when drinking alcohol.

It's hard for us to imagine modern life without a bottle of beer or a glass of wine with dinner. Modern manufacturers provide us with a huge selection of different types of alcoholic drinks. And often we don’t even think about the harm they cause to our health. But we can reduce the harmful effects of alcohol by learning to choose the right strong drinks that are less harmful to us. Let's try to figure out which alcohol is less harmful to the liver.

Spirits and modernity

Not everyone knows that alcohol can be distinguished not only by type, but also by the level of harm caused to our liver and the body as a whole. Many people are interested in which alcohol is less harmful to the liver. According to the last few years, the popularity of alcohol has increased by 10%, which leads to increased level diseases among the population and reduces the standard of living.

If you take the issue of celebrating and choosing the right alcohol seriously, you can significantly reduce the level of harm caused to our body. By choosing the safest alcoholic drink for ourselves and its dose, we will protect ourselves. Scientists claim that the smallest doses of any alcohol are poison for our body, which irreversibly destroys our organs.

Some statistics

Women who drink live on average 10% less than abstainers, and men who drink live by as much as 15%. Of course, not every one of us can cope with a complete abstinence from strong drinks. That's why we need to know which one is less harmful.

We have all heard the opinion that a glass of red wine every day can benefit our body in the same way that a glass of vodka before a meal helps with digestion. This theory was introduced by Hippocrates, who actively promoted red wine as a cure for many diseases for his patients.

No matter how pleasant it may be to drink drinks containing alcohol, their regular use accumulates a huge amount of harmful toxins in our body.

Strong drinks and modern society

Do people often wonder which alcoholic drink is less harmful to the liver? IN modern society started drinking alcohol frequently to relax and relieve stress. Holidays, corporate parties, birthdays and other events are no longer possible without it.

40% of Russians surveyed like to have a glass or two during lunch or a bottle of beer while watching football. But there are a number of citizens who fear for their health and rarely drink alcoholic beverages or do not drink at all. They are not interested in which alcohol is most harmful to the liver, since people generally do without it.

If you want to avoid the negative effects of alcohol on your health, you need to know which drink and in what doses is less dangerous for it. So, let's try to figure out which alcohol is less harmful to the liver?

How does alcohol affect, and which organs are affected first?

We all know that the liver and alcohol are inextricably linked, but many have no idea which parts of our body are also greatly affected by alcoholic drinks:

  1. The nervous system takes the first blow. By drinking a glass of foam or wine, we destroy 8,000 nerve cells at once.
  2. The heart takes the hit next. Increased blood pressure from alcohol increases the load on the heart muscle and increases the heart rate.
  3. Under the influence of alcohol, red blood cells in our blood begin to stick together, forming clots, which are the cause of heart attacks and strokes in humans.
  4. The “suffering” of our liver from alcohol is difficult to overestimate. It is the filter that cleanses our body of the breakdown products of ethyl alcohol. With prolonged such attacks, alcohol causes cirrhosis.

Criteria for less harmful alcohol

Main parameters:

  1. Drink quality level.
  2. Ethanol percentage.
  3. Flavoring additives.
  4. How quickly it works.

The answer to the question of which alcohol is less harmful to the liver is clear - any. The liver is a kind of filter of the human body, designed to remove toxins and harmful substances that enter it. This is the only human organ capable of self-healing up to 10% of its mass.

It is surprising that it is in the liver that a high concentration of toxins remains, without causing much harm to humans. Scientists have found that during diseases it tends to expand, which is a kind of signal about the problem. A person feels pressure in abdominal cavity and discomfort, there may also be bitterness in the mouth and heartburn.

What’s also interesting is that no pain receptors have been found in the human liver, which makes early diagnosis of diseases difficult, since often a person is unaware of his illnesses, even to the point of serious disorders in the body. The liver and alcohol are the worst enemies, as alcohol toxins destroy liver cells.

Differences between expensive and cheap alcohol

Almost all of us think that price does not play a big role and alcohol has the same detrimental effect on the body. This is where we are wrong. Of course, both options are harmful, but their level of harm is different. The lower the price of the bottle, the cheaper the raw materials used in the production of alcohol. Do not look for a gentle option among cheap types of alcoholic drinks; low-quality vodka or cognac are equally harmful to the body.

Ethanol and its quantity

The most harmful component among the entire composition of alcohol is undoubtedly ethanol. Hot drinks that enter the body are converted to acetaldehyde, which, in turn, causes severe intoxication. Poisoning occurs in any case, be it regular use or one-time use. The higher the degree of alcohol in the drink, the stronger its harmful effect on the body. It is important to understand that the amount you drink also directly affects the harmfulness.

Flavoring additives

In addition to ethanol, alcohol often contains various additives, such as:

  • Flavors.
  • Sugar.
  • Food coloring.
  • Essences.

All these components give alcoholic drinks certain aromas and colors. If you want to reduce harm to your health, choose drinks with natural ingredients, never synthetic ones. The most popular component in alcohol is sugar. Its high content is noted in champagne, sparkling wines, cocktails and energy drinks. Such a high dose is very dangerous for the liver and pancreas.

Non-alcoholic beer

People often think that non-alcoholic beer does not harm our health because it does not contain alcohol. This opinion cannot be considered correct, since even a soft drink contains alcohol - 0.5%. When preparing non-alcoholic beer, manufacturers use special yeast that prevents fermentation. To remove alcohol from a drink, two methods are used - thermal and membrane.

Harmfulness rating of alcoholic beverages

Let's try to answer the question of which alcohol is less harmful to the liver, and which is the most harmful. If you make a rating of the harmfulness of alcoholic and alcoholic beverages, it will look something like this:

  1. Energy alcoholic drinks. Very popular among the younger generation and people leading a nocturnal lifestyle. In 2017, studies were conducted in Canada that showed that it is alcohol and various types of energy drinks from stores that pose the greatest danger to the body. The use of this alcohol leads to an increased risk of injury, a high likelihood of suicide, as well as severe attacks of causeless aggression. The culprit for all this, according to scientists, is caffeine. It is through this substance included in drinks that they have such a detrimental effect on the body and mental health. Alcoholic erengetic relaxes and has a sedative effect on the nervous system. A person gets drunk without noticing it, as a result of which he is not aware of his actions, which seem correct and adequate to him. Systematic use of energy drinks leads to memory problems, frequent dizziness and fainting. That is why they take first place in the ranking of the most dangerous alcoholic drinks.
  2. The second place of honor is occupied by many favorite cocktails in bars and nightclubs. We all know these beautiful, colorful, delicious-smelling drinks, but not everyone knows the harm they cause to the body. There is a whole army of delicious cocktails. Every day in discos and bars people drink a huge number of such cocktails. But why can fragrant, colorful Daiquiris or Margaritas be so harmful? The biggest danger comes from the composition of such drinks. After all, many different ingredients included in them, such as liqueurs, juices and sodas, together create an explosive mixture for our liver. This composition is very quickly absorbed into the blood, sharply increasing blood sugar levels and causing severe intoxication. The liver takes the full blow and begins to work to the limit of its capabilities, removing ethanol.
  3. The third place is occupied by champagne and sparkling wines, so adored by many ladies. And we are not talking about one glass of good quality champagne. This dose will not harm our body, but rather will simply relax the nervous system. These drinks are dangerous due to the sugar they contain, which is present in large quantities. Once in the gastrointestinal tract, champagne begins to actively release carbon dioxide in large quantities. For this reason, a lot of this alcoholic drink is strictly contraindicated, as it can cause severe poisoning.
  4. Beer is perhaps an incredibly popular drink, loved by many men and women. But behind this popularity lies a high probability of addiction and even alcoholism. The majority of drunkards began their journey precisely from an addiction to beer. A large dose of phytoestrogens poses a danger in beer. They are the main source of female hormones, which is why beer drinkers often develop bellies and breasts and their overall weight increases sharply. According to narcologists, beer alcoholism has been the most popular diagnosis in the last few years, and women are most often at risk. There is an opinion that the harm of beer depends on the brand of the manufacturer or its price. Experts say a resounding no. There is no significant difference in the price and who produced the beer, the harm from it is the same and the consequences are the same.
  5. This drink is preferred by people in good financial condition. Cognac is the king of drinks and, according to experts, is less harmful in its pure form without additives. The liver can cope with it faster and easier, without going into emergency mode. To this we can add that high-quality cognac is even useful in some way. It stops pathogenic viruses and restores high blood pressure. Scientists have determined a safe and harmless dose of cognac - 50 grams for 24 hours.
  6. Liqueurs. This alcohol is the safest and harmless to the liver. They do not contain carbon dioxide, and they are drunk in small dosages. The only major drawback of this alcohol is its high sugar content. That is why they are contraindicated for diabetics and people with high body weight.
  7. Guilt. If you drink wine wisely, it can be called medicine. But this applies only to high-quality and natural varieties. The natural fermentation of grapes creates a perfect compound that is good for our blood.
  8. All experts, including narcologists, unanimously insist that vodka is the safest alcohol for humans. But there can be no talk of benefit or good influence. Minimal consumption of high-quality vodka is the golden mean, according to experts.

So, we looked at which alcohol is least harmful to the liver, then how quickly it affects the body and mind.

Speed ​​of action of alcoholic drinks

If we consider what kind of alcohol and how it affects the body over time, we can make something like this:

  1. Absinthe, cognac and vodka.
  2. Wine and liqueurs.
  3. Beer and cocktails.

The higher the level of alcohol in the drink, the faster it will act on the body and intoxication will occur. After drinking a few glasses of vodka, a person will become drunk much faster than from wine or champagne. Therefore, doctors recommend giving preference to strong alcohol, then less of it is consumed, which allows the drinker to control himself.


You can draw conclusions about the level of harmfulness of strong drinks for the body and decide for yourself which alcohol is more harmful to the liver. Cocktails with an impressive list of ingredients in their composition were also named the most dangerous. It is these drinks that you should categorically refuse.

This year they are preparing a law banning the release energy drinks. Upon its adoption, Russia will join the union of countries in which their production is prohibited. Doctors recommend always choosing the highest quality alcohol for your holidays, giving preference to clean drinks with a low sugar content.

It is also worth taking care of a good snack to accompany it, which will protect the body and liver. What to choose, wine, vodka or cognac, is an individual preference for each of us. The most important thing is that the dose of the drink should be the smallest, only in this case it cannot harm your body.

So, the article examined which alcohol is less harmful to the liver, and then everyone draws the appropriate conclusions for themselves.

The harm of alcoholic beverages is obvious and has long been proven. But, even understanding how harmful and destructive the effect of ethyl alcohol is on the body, people do not give up alcohol. The range of modern alcohol-containing products today is huge. Is there the most harmless alcohol? Although this expression sounds rather inappropriate for poisonous products, it is possible to compare the types of alcohol to determine the most dangerous one.

By the way, scientists have been working in this direction for a long time, trying to systematize existing knowledge and create a classification of which alcohol is less harmful to the body. Some experts argue that alcohol can even bring some benefits to a person if consumed in minimal quantities and very rarely. Let's look at this interesting and pressing topic.

Any drink that contains ethanol cannot be considered safe

To find out which alcoholic drink is the most harmless, you should learn about the types of alcohol. The most common gradation is the classification of alcohol by strength:

Many people talk about alcohol harm, based on the degree of its degree. And they believe that the weaker the alcohol, the safer it is. Based on this reasoning, we can say that the most harmless alcohol is beer or champagne. This is a big mistake.

The harmfulness of alcohol does not depend on its degree. Even weak alcoholic drinks can provoke the development of alcoholism in a person.

Several years ago, Canadian scientists conducted a series of experiments that showed that most people do not suffer from strong alcohol. In the vast majority of cases, addiction to alcohol was caused by light alcohol, which was drunk in large quantities and constantly. This caused rapid addiction and subsequent health problems.

Alcohol is destructive to all internal systems and organs

Rating of alcohol by harmfulness

So what is it, the safest alcohol, where to look for alcohol that you can drink calmly, without regard to upcoming health problems? We can say right away: there is no absolutely safe alcohol; any drink that contains ethyl alcohol is a priori classified as dangerous and destructive. But there is a list compiled by scientists that lists alcoholic drinks in order of the harm they cause. Check out this rating.

1st place: alcoholic energy drinks

In the spring of 2017, the world became acquainted with the data of a long-term study organized and conducted by Canadian scientists. According to their research, the greatest danger to people is a mixture of ethanol with various energy drinks or ready-made alcoholic canned energy cocktails. These drinks, in addition to the well-known harm from alcohol, bring their fans the following:

  1. Attacks of aggressive behavior.
  2. Suicide attempts, most of which are successful.
  3. Increased injury rate. Fans of alcoholic energy cocktails were more likely to be involved in traffic accidents compared to fans of “purer” alcohol.

Alcoholic energy drinks are considered the most dangerous drinks for health.

Scientists have found an explanation for this. Caffeine, which is necessarily included in the composition of such alcohol, has a relaxing effect on the body and suppresses the sedative effect of ethanol. As a result, an intoxicated person not only does not understand the fact of intoxication itself, but also does not give an account of his own actions, considering them to be completely adequate.

Constant consumption of alcoholic energy drinks is accompanied by dizziness, weakness, loss of consciousness and memory problems. Sometimes a person who has committed a crime due to intoxication with this product, having sobered up, is not able to remember what he did and where he was. Alcoholic energy drinks rightfully occupy an honorable first place in the ranking of the most dangerous alcoholic products.

2nd place: alcoholic cocktails

There is a huge army of fans of various delicious cocktails that are prepared using alcohol. They drink them regularly at parties, cafes, and clubs. It is very difficult to convince them of the dangers of such a hobby. Can light and so fragrant Daiquiris, Cosmopolitans, and Margaritas be harmful? But in fact, they occupy second position in the ranking of the most dangerous alcohol.

The harm of alcoholic cocktails lies in their composition

The point is in their composition. Indeed, in addition to alcohol, the ingredients include carbonated drinks, sweetened water, liqueurs, syrups, and juices. These components, when mixed with each other, create a dangerous mixture that:

  • instantly absorbed into the blood;
  • provokes severe intoxication;
  • increase the concentration of sugar in the body;
  • leads to a severe hangover;
  • significantly increase the load on almost all internal organs.

All body systems begin to work in emergency mode: the liver neutralizes ethanol, while actively absorbing glucose. The kidneys try to quickly remove toxic toxins from the body, and the work of the pancreas is activated. And the heart increases its rhythm, trying to ensure normal blood flow to actively working organs.

Even one small glass of alcoholic cocktail brings triple the load on the body. The more such drinks a person drinks, the stronger his hangover syndrome will manifest itself.

3rd place: champagne and sparkling wines

Produced with careful adherence to the technological process, high-quality champagne will not cause much harm to the body if you drink it in the volume of a glass. But passion for this drink will turn it into a terrible monster. The explanation is as follows:

  1. Fine champagne contains a large amount of sugar. It has an extremely negative effect on the functioning and condition of the liver and pancreas.
  2. Once in the gastrointestinal tract, this drink leads to the development of rapid processes of decay, involving the remains of undigested food. Champagne owes such processes to the carbon dioxide it contains.

Good champagne will do no harm if you drink no more than one glass.

Large volumes of this pleasant and light alcohol can cause severe poisoning in a person. Sparkling wines work in the same way. A mixture of ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide can knock down even a strong and large man in a short time.

4th place: beer

An extremely popular drink, enjoyed by both men and women in equal quantities. But meanwhile, this fragrant foam is very dangerous due to rapid addiction and the development of beer alcoholism. Dangerously foamy and with a large dose of phytoestrogens, which hop cones are rich in.

Phytoestrogens contained in beer are plant analogues of female sex hormones. These compounds are extremely dangerous for both sexes. They contribute to serious disruption of the hormonal system.

Unfortunately, narcologists now diagnose beer alcoholism much more often than addiction caused by strong drinks. Unfortunately, unaware of the dangers of beer, people begin to get involved in it from adolescence, ruining their own health. It is much more difficult to get rid of beer alcoholism than from other types of addiction.

Regular consumption of beer leads to the rapid development of beer alcoholism

Long-term and constant addiction to intoxicating drinks leads to the following disorders:

  • “live” beer, considered the “cleanest”, has a high calorie content and quickly causes obesity;
  • inhibits the production of natural sex hormones, which has a negative impact on the functioning of the reproductive system;
  • provokes global changes in the thickness and structure of the myocardium (heart muscle), this provokes the development of numerous cardiac pathologies.

Moreover, the detrimental effect does not depend on the brand or brand of beer. This drink is dangerous in any case, regardless of the variety and manufacturing process. There is no safe beer in nature.

5th place: cognac

According to scientists, the most harmless is the purest alcoholic drink, that is, without unnecessary additives. It is easier for the body to cope with such alcohol, which lacks other components, because less effort is spent on neutralizing the aggressive components. Cognac is the least harmful alcohol. Plus, it can also bring some benefits:

  • Stabilizes high blood pressure;
  • Stops the pathogenic activity of viruses.

Cognac has the ability to stabilize blood pressure, but only with moderate and rare consumption

But a good cognac can be distinguished by such talents, provided that it is consumed minimally and infrequently. It is believed that the safe dose of this strong alcohol does not exceed 50 g.

6th place: liqueurs

This alcohol is much safer than a number of low-alcohol alcohol. Liqueurs do not contain carbon dioxide, and they are traditionally consumed in small doses. Their only and significant drawback is the high sugar content.. It is for this reason that aromatic and tasty liqueurs should not be consumed by people suffering from diabetes and prone to rapid weight gain.

The disadvantages of liqueurs include a large amount of sugar in the composition.

7th place: wines

With moderate, competent consumption of red and rose wines, they can even be considered medicinal. But such a statement is valid only in relation to natural wine alcohol made by fermenting grapes. True, in some people predisposed to allergic manifestations, red wine can provoke allergy attacks.

Wine can only be beneficial if consumed wisely

By the way, when considering the question of which alcohol is less harmful to the liver, doctors opt for good, natural wine. Grape juice is completely fermented. When the seeds and remains of the peel remain in it, the result is red wine, which becomes the basis for the production of wines that are considered the highest quality:

  • Noir;
  • Merlot;
  • Cabernet;
  • Saperavi.

These wines have the least destructive power for the liver. They are also the most beneficial for the body, since all the most valuable substances from the skin and fruit seeds are transferred into the wine composition.

8th place: vodka

According to the unanimous opinion of doctors, vodka, our legendary drink, which is already considered a national treasure, is the safest. But also insidious, because we can only talk about benefits if the quality of alcohol is high and its consumption is minimal.

Vodka is considered the safest of all types of alcohol, but its regular consumption leads to the development of alcoholism

Doctors, speaking about the safety of vodka, explain their words the following qualities this strong alcohol:

  • minimum amount of calories;
  • complete absence of carbohydrates;
  • purity of ingredients, vodka consists of a mixture of water and alcohol.

By the way, high-quality vodka almost never leads to a severe hangover. But this does not mean that you can drink it without a snack. Good and fatty food is a must-have addition to this alcohol.

Let's summarize

So, discussing the degree of harm of alcohol, we can conclude that the most dangerous for health are energy alcoholic cocktails with the inclusion of various stimulants. They should be abandoned completely and categorically. By the way, a law is being developed that will limit the production and sale of alcoholic energy drinks.

In the near future, Russia will join the list of 14 countries where the sale of this alcohol is strictly prohibited. As for the consumption of other alcohol, doctors recommend choosing only high-quality alcohol, strong and pure, for holidays and feasts. And don’t waste it on creating various cocktails, but take care of choosing a good and satisfying snack.

What exactly to drink: vodka, cognac, wine or champagne is everyone’s personal choice. The only rule is to consume alcohol in moderation and only on major holidays, not forgetting about tasty and healthy snacks. Only in this case can you minimize possible risks and protect your body from the destructive effects of ethanol.

We all know that alcohol is harmful to our body, but not everyone is ready to give it up for this reason. If you are one of those who periodically consume alcoholic beverages and especially strong types, then we advise you to drink only alcohol that is less harmful. This post will tell us which alcohol is less harmful and which is more harmful.

Our native vodka has already brought more than one thousand people to delirium tremens. However, in fact, vodka is almost the safest strong alcohol for the body. No dyes, no flavorings - pure distillate, like baby tears. You shouldn’t overuse it; the liver doesn’t like both pure distillate and dirty distillate.

Fifteen people and a bottle of rum are practically a company that has gathered simply to heal their health. Cuban rum is considered especially useful (if you forget that it is still alcohol): here you can find large amounts of potassium, phosphorus and zinc. Almost a multivitamin complex!

For a serious all-night feast, it would be better to take tequila. Agave, from which enterprising Mexicans distill this national moonshine, contains fructan polysaccharides - they help regulate stomach acidity. If you drink tequila according to the rules with salt (and not in Russian, from a bottle), then in the morning the hangover will be easier - the salt will retain water in the body.

About ten years ago, doctors were surprised to discover that whiskey is an excellent source of the wonderful ellagic acid, which can kill cancer cells. Useful thing! However, the bourgeois drink should not be used as a medicine. The concentration of ethanol in whiskey is very high - that's why you get drunk from it quickly.

The most surprising thing is that noble cognac is more harmful than all of the above. It's all about shelf life: the older the cognac, the better it is, right? No, it's not true. Years of storage saturate the drink with a bunch of alcohol fractions and harmful substances. Actually, drinking cognac in large quantities is not only stupid, but also harmful - you might as well inhale mercury vapor. 50 milliliters of cognac per day is the maximum that will not be harmful to the body.