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Truck waybill sample to fill out. How to correctly fill out a waybill for a passenger car: basic rules and details Application of a waybill

In order to use cars owned or disposed of by the company, its driver must have a vehicle waybill with him during the trip. It is not only part of the mandatory forms that are requested by road inspectors during inspection, but is the primary form for recording the vehicle’s operation and the basis for calculating the driver’s salary and writing off fuel.

Waybill passenger car filled in by the dispatcher or, in his absence, by the accountant. This document must be completed daily, especially in motor transport enterprises. If a working day in a company consists of several shifts, then it is advisable to fill out waybills for each driver (shift).

In small enterprises where the company has only official transport at its disposal (for example, the manager’s car), it is allowed to issue this form for several days. Also, one document can be issued for a long period if the car is used on a business trip.

Currently, the form of the waybill can be developed by the enterprise independently, taking into account the specifics of its activities. However, it must contain the mandatory details provided for accounting forms. Basically, the standard intersectoral form No. 3, approved by the State Statistics Committee, is used.

The issued document is entered into the waybill registration journal, according to which it is assigned the next number. After this, it is handed over to the driver.

When leaving the garage, the waybill must be signed by a mechanic who checks the serviceability of the car, the speedometer readings and the remaining fuel in the tank.

While performing his official duties, the driver on the second side of the waybill reflects the places he visits, recording information about the time and kilometers traveled.

When entering the garage, a technical specialist inspects the car, checks its serviceability, records the speedometer readings and the displacement in the tank in the appropriate columns, and then endorses the waybill.

The employee submits this document to the control room, where a specialist calculates it and reflects it in the registration log.

Sample of filling out a waybill for a passenger car

Let's take a closer look at how to fill out a waybill.

Filling out the front side

The company stamp is affixed at the top, the number (if necessary, series) and the date of the document are affixed below.

In the next column you must indicate the name of the company, its address and telephone number. The company's registration code with the statistics authorities is also reflected here ().

After this, the dispatcher fills in the make of the car, its state number, inventory garage identifier.

Full name is written in the corresponding line. driver, personnel number, driver's license details, if any - class.

The next section of the waybill is filled out if the enterprise is specialized, for example, a taxi. For such companies, license cards are required; their details must be entered here.

The dispatcher determines the task for the driver and indicates the exact delivery address of the vehicle. After this, the specialist endorses the document and hands it to the driver.

There is a special section in the document for the mechanic, where he notes the serviceability of the car and the speedometer readings, the balance in the tank, and endorses it with his full name. The driver also signs below for receipt of the car with a transcript of his personal data.

During refueling, the employee reflects the amount of fuel filled and its brand. A station employee can sign next to the displacement as confirmation.

The dispatcher indicates the actual date and time of return to the garage, if necessary, making a note of downtime, delays, etc.

When returning, the driver hands the car over to a mechanic, who checks its condition, notes the remaining balance in the tank at the end of the working day and the odometer. Confirming receipt of the car, the technician puts his signature, and the driver handing it over puts his own.

Filling the reverse side

On the reverse side of the document, the driver personally fills out information about the process of fulfilling his official assignment, indicating the departure and destination places with a decoding of the time period and kilometers traveled. When working with third parties, they can sign for the driver to complete the task against his notes.

At the bottom of the document, the dispatcher calculates the total number of hours worked per day and the mileage using the speedometer. Depending on the remuneration system used, it determines the employee’s salary and transmits the waybill after recording it in the registration journal to the accounting department. The accountant confirms the correctness of the calculations with his signature.

A sample of the waybill can be viewed below.


The correct execution of this document is very important for including fuel costs as expenses for tax purposes. This is the main document that inspectors request during an inspection.

For many enterprises, a mark on the passage of pre-trip and post-trip medical examinations is required on the waybill.

Sample of filling out a waybill for a passenger car (form 3)

Sample of filling out a waybill for a passenger car (form 3)

Document title: Sample waybill for a passenger car (form 3)
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A waybill is necessary for maintaining records of the work of the driver and his car. A completed waybill for a passenger car is the main document from which the number of working hours is calculated. The form has No. 3 and is the primary state form.

Each transport company must maintain this documentation and store it for at least 5 years in the archives of the enterprise. Its form is approved government agency and is used in all transport companies who carry out transportation. On our website you can study a sample of filling out a waybill for a passenger car.

What is the document for?

The form has a special form and is approved by the state. This form is drawn up according to special rules and in case of violations may be declared invalid. The forms have their own structure and required fields depending on the vehicle and its tasks.

If your company is engaged in transportation, then you will have to keep records of waybills, which are issued daily or for several days, but not more than 1 calendar month. Papers must be registered in a journal, which has form No. 8. The dispatcher is responsible for filling them out and monitoring them. He enters the necessary data into the accounting journal. Important information is: date of issue, as well as document number. View a sample waybill truck available for free on our website.

Data that must be indicated:

  • The exact title of the document;
  • Registration number;
  • Information about the owner of the car;
  • Driver information;
  • Filling in the details occurs only if the owner and driver are different people;
  • Detailed information about the vehicle: technical condition, last repairs, fuel remaining and consumption, mileage information;
  • Accurate information about the route and its mileage.

It is filled out by the dispatcher in a single copy. The document is signed and given to the driver. After the end of the working day, the driver returns the form to the dispatcher. You can find a sample waybill on our portal.

Is it possible not to fill out a waybill?

In the law art. Clause 6, paragraph 2 states that carrying out passenger transportation or transporting goods without paperwork is prohibited. This is a mandatory document that indicates not only the driver’s performance, but also the condition of the vehicle. The form must be filled out for both cars and trucks. They just have some differences in the data entry fields.

If the company is not engaged in transportation, but simply uses vehicles for transportation, then such forms are necessary to control fuel and information about the technical condition of the vehicle. If you drive a personal car for work purposes and want to receive compensation for fuel and depreciation, then you also need to fill out a document. You can download and study a sample of filling out Form 3 on our website.

Waybills for trucks are a form of primary registration that must be maintained by institutions operating trucks. We will understand the features of compiling and recording waybills for freight vehicles and tell you how to fill out the current forms.

All Russian companies and private entrepreneurs operating vehicles are required to maintain waybills. Freight transport is no exception. “Voucher” is a document confirming the expenses incurred for the operation and maintenance of the vehicle, and fuel consumption. The completed form is the basis for accrual wages to the driver.

For each type of vehicle, individual forms of a unified form have been developed and approved (Decree of the State Statistics Committee of November 28, 1997 No. 78). According to Law No. 402-FZ of December 6, 2011, it is not necessary to use the approved forms; the organization has the right to independently develop and approve the form, taking into account the special specifics of the enterprise’s activities. In practice, the vast majority of institutions and individual entrepreneurs use unified forms.

For trucks, there are two forms of vouchers approved by the State Statistics Committee: No. 4-S (OKUD 0345004) and No. 4-P (OKUD 0345005). Truck waybills (form 2019) of form No. 4-C are used by organizations in which drivers are paid on a piece-rate basis, and form 4-P is used for time-based payment. It is possible that both forms may be used in one institution. Current forms:

  • download free truck waybill form 2019 in word;
  • download free truck waybill form 2019 in excel;
  • download free sample truck waybill 2019.

We also suggest downloading a waybill form for a truck using forms 4-P and 4-C.

Form No. 4-P

Form No. 4-C

New filling rules

From 03/01/2019, changes came into force for all types of transport. The Ministry of Transport of Russia introduced innovations by Order No. 467 of December 21, 2018 into the main regulations on vouchers - Order No. 152 of September 18, 2008.

Previously, legislators established a list of mandatory details, without which a document can be considered void. In addition, the relevant orders have abolished the mandatory affixing of a company's official or round seal on a voucher, if the charter of a budgetary organization does not provide for the use of a seal.

If the document does not contain all the required details, then traffic police officers have the right to fine the owner of the car and the driver. Tax authorities will also not accept the document as confirmation of expenses; they will recalculate tax base and will issue a fine.

Information required to be filled out in the 2019 truck voucher form:

  1. Name and number of the document, date of formation (extract). The chronological order should be strictly observed when numbering vouchers.
  2. The validity period of the document, that is, the period for which it was issued, but not more than one flight or work shift.

From 03/01/2019 the validity period of the voucher has been changed. Previously, the document was issued for a period of up to 1 month inclusive. Now, issue a voucher only for one flight, regardless of how many days this flight lasts. Or for one work shift, regardless of the number of flights made during the working period.

  1. Full details of the owner of the vehicle, including OGRN (OGRNIP - for private owners).
  2. Car driver details: Full name and a valid driver's license number.
  3. Information about transport: license plate, make.
  4. Odometer data before leaving and upon returning to the garage.

As of March 1, 2019, it is no longer necessary to certify odometer readings with a seal or stamp. The signature of the responsible employee is sufficient.

  1. The exact date and time of the start of the flight and return to the garage.
  2. Signature, full name and the position of the responsible employee who took and recorded the odometer readings, date and time.
  3. Date and time of the driver's medical examination before departure and upon return.
  4. Signature and full name the medical professional who performed the examination. If available, a stamp is affixed, but it became optional as of 03/01/2019. All you need is the signature of a health worker.
  5. Information about passing a technical inspection before departure on a flight in DD/MM/YYYY format, as well as hours and minutes.

Such inspection has become optional for passenger vehicles operated for the company’s own needs. A note on pre-trip, pre-shift and post-trip control is optional. But for commercial carriers and enterprises operating buses and trucks for their own purposes, it is mandatory.

  1. Signature and full name person responsible for vehicle inspection (mechanic, inspector, foreman).

The document is always drawn up in a single copy. The completed form is certified by the manager and a round stamp is placed (if available). The completed ticket is handed over to the driver. At the end of the trip (fulfillment of the task), the driver hands over the document to the responsible person of the budget organization for signature. A new sheet should not be issued until the driver reports on the previous one.

Below you will find finished sample filling out the waybill for a truck 2019.

Features of accounting and storage of documentation

Vouchers should be taken into account in. The form form can be developed independently and approved by accounting policy. Or use unified documentation in Form No. 8 (OKUD 0345008), approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of November 28, 1997 No. 78.

The procedure for filling out the travel voucher log is based on the chronological registration of all issued forms in the organization. In a separate order, assign someone responsible for compiling the journal. If a budget organization uses its own journal form, then the procedure for filling it out should also be approved. The responsible person should be familiarized with this procedure and signed.

Keep vouchers and registration logs for at least 5 years - such requirements are specified in Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated September 18, 2008 No. 152. For the lack of documentation, tax authorities can fine you 200 rubles for each document.

A waybill is an accounting document for official transport. If the owner of the car is an organization, this document confirms the right to drive. If the car is private but used for work purposes, it helps to calculate costs. Many services check vouchers: the Federal Tax Service, the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, and the labor inspectorate. Where can I get the correct forms, how to fill them out correctly and avoid possible penalties for errors, taking into account the latest changes in legislation?

The so-called “vouchers” are primary accounting documents that must be maintained by all organizations and individual entrepreneurs operating vehicles. At the same time legal entities and individual entrepreneurs providing services for the transportation of goods or people are required to use standardized forms of these documents.

Depending on the type of vehicle and their area of ​​application, you need to use different types waybills. Separate forms have been developed for owners and tenants:

  • passenger cars;
  • trucks;
  • special transport;
  • passenger taxi;
  • cargo taxi;
  • public and non-public buses.

The forms necessary for entrepreneurs were approved twenty years ago by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of November 28, 1997 No. 78. They are still relevant, although over the years various changes have been made to the forms many times. In accordance with Order of the Ministry of Transport dated November 7, 2017 No. 476, from December 15, 2017, additional information about the owner of the vehicle must be indicated on the waybill. Individual entrepreneurs were required to indicate their OGRI, and organizations - OGRN.

Unified forms are not suitable for all organizations, and they are not required for everyone. Therefore, a legal entity (or individual entrepreneur) has the right to develop its own version, which must take into account all the mandatory details and necessary indicators. The use of your own modified form must be indicated in the organization’s accounting policies, as defined in paragraph 4 of PBU 1/2008. Do not forget that the rules regulated by Article 9 of the Federal Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ on accounting also apply to primary documents of strict reporting.

New form of waybill from 2019

A vehicle waybill is required when any vehicle leaves for work purposes, regardless of whether it is the organization’s own car or a rented one. Strict requirements for filling out this primary document are established only for motor transport companies, however, for all others it is a document of strict accountability, therefore it must contain mandatory details.

In 2018, there was more such information - officials added the obligation to indicate in the waybill information about the driver passing pre-trip control technical condition car. In addition, the mandatory round stamp on the issued form was abolished.

Waybills: rules for filling out in 2019

The procedure for issuing waybills is established by Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated September 18, 2008 No. 152, which is in effect as amended on December 21, 2018, which entered into force on March 1, 2019. Waybills are taken into account in a special journal. Let's take a closer look at what changes took place in waybills in 2019 and how to draw up this document so that inspectors from tax authorities and the traffic police, who most often view this document.

In motor transport organizations, dispatchers are responsible for filling out this form, while in other companies it may simply be an employee authorized to release vehicles for travel. Such responsibilities must be delegated by order of the head of the organization, since it is the one who fills out the document who is responsible for the errors made in it. Sometimes the drivers themselves do the paperwork. However, according to general rule, drivers must fill out only their part of the document - record data on the car’s mileage in accordance with the indicators of the instruments in the car.

You can issue a voucher for one flight, one working day or shift. In addition, the unified form provides the opportunity to extend the validity of this document, since various situations can happen to a car during a trip, and driving without a waybill is a violation.

The waybill, the form of which is unified, is divided into several different forms, depending on the type of vehicle. These forms differ in content and requirements for completion. We have collected them in a table so that each organization can navigate and choose the one they need.

Unified waybill form

Who fills it out and how?

We talked about the form of waybill for truck No. 4-p in. In this material we provide a form for a waybill for a 4-c truck.

Waybill for truck 4-c

Waybill 4-c contains the main sections that allow you to keep track of the operating time of the vehicle, the driver, as well as the movement of fuel. This information is grouped in the following main blocks of the route sheet:

  • work as a car driver;
  • fuel movement;
  • task to the driver;
  • sequence of task execution;
  • performance results of the vehicle and trailers.

Waybill according to form 4-c: download form

It must be borne in mind that the sample waybill for a 4-c truck approved by the State Statistics Committee does not contain all the required details (clause 3 of the Order of the Ministry of Transport dated September 18, 2008 No. 152, Letter of the Ministry of Finance dated August 25, 2009 No. 03-03-06/2/161 ). For example, it does not provide for filling in the date and time of the driver’s pre-trip and post-trip medical examination. These details must be supplemented with the form of the truck waybill used by the organization.