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Check the car by VIN code for accidents. How to check a car for involvement in an accident? Checking a car for an accident: external inspection

The used car market is constantly expanding. Buying used vehicles is often quite profitable. However, there is a high probability of falling for the tricks of scammers. Behind last years the number of transactions involving fraudulent activities has increased significantly. How can you protect yourself by making a truly worthwhile purchase?

One of the most reliable methods is considered checking a car by VIN code. For free, without even leaving the apartment, you can find out everything about the past of a particular car.

What does a car check give?VIN

A unique identifier - VIN code, consists of seventeen characters. The alphanumeric sequence provides comprehensive information about the vehicle. What can VIN tell you?

  • Date of issue,
  • Manufacturer country,
  • Technical specifications,
  • Information about the car manufacturer, as well as the plant that produced the car.
Decoding the wine helps to find out all this..

To avoid buying a car with a “dark” past, you need to more than just know the production date, as well as the name of the manufacturer. It is important to familiarize yourself in detail with the operating history of your future acquisition. Here to the rescue again car check will comeVIN-code for free, without registering. It will help you find out the following facts:

  • whether the vehicle has been stolen, whether there have been any registered cases of theft,
  • the presence of accidents, their participation, their number, schematic analysis of major damage,
  • number of technical inspections passed,
  • in which country was the car used, was it imported from abroad, are there any problems with customs control,
  • the presence of restrictions, prohibitions, arrests, debts, collateral obligations,
  • number of owners, duration of ownership.
Concluding a purchase and sale agreement without this data is extremely dangerous, and may even lead to problems with the State Traffic Inspectorate.

Free checkVIN- numbers

There are two ways how check car by VIN code: free or for a fee. Accordingly, two types of reports are compiled: basic (free) and detailed.

Various Internet services help check a car by VIN code for free, no SMS, no registration.. The official Internet resource of the traffic police also helps to obtain data.

On the appropriate page you need to enter seventeen characters of the code by starting the search. If for some reason the VIN could not be found, a search is possible using the chassis or body number. Next, the system will generate a free basic report. A universal search algorithm will provide the following data:

The underlying report may contain errors. This is especially true for vehicles manufactured before the 2000s. The errors are minor, most often they relate to information about the engine, such as fuel type, power wires. They arise due to the work of the search algorithm, since it is impossible to apply a single scheme to each car.

The general report is only part of a more detailed report that is performed for a fee. It is compiled based on data from registration databases government agencies. IN in this case, errors are almost completely eliminated. Errors can only occur due to human factors.

Opportunity check the car byVIN-code for free accessible to any user with Internet access. Thus, you can find out the history of any car ever produced in one of the countries of the world.

Checking a car for an accident using the VIN code is necessary if you decide to buy a used car from a random seller online or in the car market. It is not uncommon for unscrupulous sellers to “plant” damaged cars on buyers, the repair of which in the future may cost their owners a pretty penny. ? Read the article.

Vehicle check:

Check vehicle data availability for FREE

Checking the vehicle's ownership and operation history Russian Federation

A used car must be checked for accidents before purchasing it, since after that it will be too late. You can do this in three ways:

  • In the process of searching;

If you are looking for a car through some online resources, for example, on Avito, then it would be a good idea to pay attention to the date when the application for the sale of the car was posted on the site. If the application is already several months old, then this may indicate either that the car is offered at a price that does not correspond to its true value, or that during a personal inspection the buyer discovers some serious defects in the car (dents, chips or other defects, which are not mentioned in the statement).

  • During personal inspection;

You made an appointment with the seller of a used car and decided to thoroughly study your future purchase. If the car has been in an accident, then upon inspection it will be immediately visible. Carefully inspect all elements of the machine. This should be done exclusively in a well-lit area (on the street during the day or in a brightly lit room). The car itself must be cleaned so that the buyer can see if there are any chips, scratches or parts that differ in color on the body. It is the differences in color that most clearly indicate that the car was involved in a traffic accident. And if the driver himself is silent about this, you should refuse to buy such a car.

  • Through the traffic police website;

This verification method is possible if you know the VIN code vehicle.

In the next section we will look in detail at how to check a car for an accident using the VIN code.

Accident check by VIN code

Before we move on to the description of checking a car for an accident using the VIN code, let’s figure out what a VIN code is and how to find it out.

VIN code is an individual vehicle number consisting of seventeen characters, each of which carries specific information about the car (brand, manufacturer, technical specifications). The vehicle is identified by this number.

How to find out what VIN code a car has? Each car may have it in different parts. So, you can try to find it:

  • By opening the hood of the car and finding seventeen signs in the left corner;
  • Looking under the driver's seat;
  • Having examined the door pillar on the driver's side;
  • Having examined the windshield on the driver's side;
  • Having examined the trunk of the car;
  • Looking under the front tires;

The owner himself can find out the VIN code by looking at it in technical passport car. The numbers stamped on one of the vehicle elements must match the numbers indicated in the technical equipment passport.

In addition, the VIN number can be obtained from the buyer of the used car. If he has nothing to hide, he will give you the VIN number without any problems. However, if the owner of the car refuses to provide the number, it is better to refuse to purchase this vehicle.

Unscrupulous sellers may deliberately name the VIN code of another car so that when checking, for example, through the traffic police website, you will not be able to find out that the car was involved in a traffic accident. Therefore, it is better to write down the VIN code yourself when inspecting the vehicle.

How to check a car by VIN code? Today, car enthusiasts know two methods:

  • Self-check. To eliminate the possibility that the car you are selling was previously stolen, you should personally check the VIN numbers. For the “native” VIN code, the code signs will be clearly printed, of the same size and color. After visually inspecting the signs, ask the seller to show the car's registration certificate. The numbers indicated in it must match those inspected;
  • Check your vehicle for an accident through the official website of the traffic police.

Checking a car for an accident through the traffic police

If you know the VIN code of the car you want to purchase, but you can check the car for an accident by going to the official website of the traffic police.

On the traffic police website you can check:

  • Has the car ever been stolen?
  • Are there registration restrictions imposed on it;
  • Is the vehicle under arrest by the fiscal service;
  • Vehicle registration history;
  • Number of vehicle accidents;

To check a car for an accident on the traffic police website, you need to take the following steps:

  • Follow the link ;
  • In the pop-up list, select the section “Check for participation in traffic accidents”;
  • In the “VIN/body/chassis” window, enter seventeen characters of the vehicle VIN code that you want to check;
  • Click on the “Request Verification” button
  • If the car was involved in traffic accidents, the test results will show information about this in the form of a list;

The inspection results can only show those accidents in which the vehicle has been involved since the beginning of 2015. Accidents in which the vehicle was involved before 2015 will not be displayed.

Today there are several online services for free check car by VIN code or state number. As a rule, this service is used by people purchasing used cars. To obtain information you need to know:

  • VIN code or state code number;
  • chassis or body number;
  • have access to the Internet
Each vehicle has its own unique VIN code. It determines the history of the vehicle, the number of owners, and other important information.
Most online resources provide reports on cars for a fee, but there are also those that do not require any cash outlay. The most authoritative and error-free resource is the traffic police website. There is a special form where you enter the VIN (or state number), then the verification code, after which the presence of restrictions is checked. If the VIN code is missing or unknown, enter the body or chassis number.
Once the request is processed, the applicant will receive information about:
  • the car may be wanted;
  • carrying out a case against the car by law enforcement agencies, social protection, customs
For most motorists, all of the above is enough to decide whether to purchase a vehicle.

Services for free verification

You can find out about the restrictions imposed on a car completely free of charge through several online resources. There you can not only check the car for free, but also make sure the seller’s information is accurate. The most reliable and popular of these services is the traffic police website, which operates in all cities and regions of the Russian Federation. The service databases contain information about the following issues:
  • car search;
  • restrictions on its registration
To search for it on the resource page you need to specify the VIN code of the car. The results of checking any vehicle registered in Russia will appear in 2 minutes.
The traffic police does not provide information about whether the car is collateral. The website of the Federal Notary Chamber will help you find out about this.
There are also alternative resources where you can check your car for free, for example, the Autocode website. Through it you can get acquainted with the history of the car in more detail, learning about:
  • traffic accidents;
  • prohibitions related to car registration;
  • all car owners;
  • passed technical inspection
But this site makes higher demands. There you need to enter not only the VIN, but also the details of the vehicle certificate and register. The Autocode project is under state control.

Which verification method should I choose?

The best option for the future owner of the car is to contact the traffic police, preferably in conjunction with the seller, that is, the current owner.
When choosing other resources, it is better to consider official ones, where data is constantly updated.
Employees of the Doroga portal still advise, if possible, to use paid reports, which contain more complete information, for example, about the presence of a vehicle in the theft database and previous checks.

Online check in 5 minutes by license plate, VIN or body for 349 rubles!

Check the car on the traffic police website

To check your car, use a special service on the official website of the Russian State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. To check you will need the VIN number.

Services you can use:

Check vehicle registration in the traffic police

Obtaining basic information about the vehicle and the periods of its registration with the traffic police for various owners. When checking, matches only by VIN number are taken into account.

Check the car for involvement in an accident

Obtain information about road accidents involving a car with the specified VIN code that occurred since the beginning of 2015. The audit takes into account only road accidents that have been registered since the beginning of 2015 with the participation of police officers and registered with the appropriate federal register in the Automated Information System of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate.

Check the car for search in the traffic police database

Obtaining information about the federal search for a vehicle by law enforcement agencies. When checking, matches with the VIN code, body number or chassis number are taken into account.

Checking the car for restrictions

Obtaining information about the presence of restrictions on registration actions to the traffic police with the vehicle. The check takes into account matches with the vehicle identification number (VIN), body number or chassis number.