GAZ-53 GAZ-3307 GAZ-66

Car recycling program: procedure, conditions, terms. State car recycling program. Program conditions. How to return a car? List of cars Dates of the car recycling program per year

For six years in a row, the majority of automakers have supported the government program for vehicle recycling and exchange. This is a very good alternative to updating the vehicle fleet for many Russian enterprises, since manufacturers offer quite favorable conditions for purchasing new models.

The car owner recycles his old vehicle, due to which he receives a discount on the purchase of a new model. The main condition of the program is that the funds from turning in your old one can only be spent on buying a new car. The automaker independently determines which modifications of all model range take part in the Trade-in recycling and exchange program.

The main provisions of the procedure for recycling and exchanging cars in 2017

The rules of the government's vehicle recycling and exchange program remain unchanged. To participate in the program, the car owner must enter into an agreement with the dealer who will carry out the exchange, and then deregister his vehicle with the traffic police. In this case, the dealer must independently deliver the car to the disposal site, since after deregistration, the owner of the car no longer has the right to drive it independently. The car is delivered by the dealer on a tow truck.

The entire procedure for concluding a contract and accompanying documentation falls on the shoulders of the dealer. The dealer carries out all the work in accordance with the terms of the state program: concluding an agreement, preparing documents, providing a discount on the purchase of a new car. Moreover, the size of the discount is negotiated before the transaction is concluded and cannot be changed until all clauses of the contract are fulfilled.

Recycling program requirements and conditions

A program participant who decides to recycle or exchange his old car for a new model must have owned the car for the last 6 months. Both individuals and legal entities can participate in the state program, subject to a number of requirements:

  • the person who scraps the car must have Russian citizenship (residents of other countries or visitors with a residence permit cannot take advantage of this offer);
  • cannot be admitted to the program new car(the car must be in operation for at least 6 years);
  • You can recycle your car only through a dealership (the cost of this procedure falls on the shoulders of the car owner);
  • For the funds received, the car owner receives a discount on the purchase of a new car.

List of documents for participation in the recycling program

To participate in the Trade-in recycling and exchange program, the car owner must provide:

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or a copy thereof.
  2. Certificate of withdrawal vehicle from the traffic police.
  3. Agreement on handing over the vehicle for recycling (the agreement specifies the discount provided by the state).

What discount can a car owner expect?

To clarify the amount of the discount under the recycling program, the car owner must contact the dealership directly. Depending on the dealer’s conditions, the discount can range from 50 to 350 thousand rubles. The size of the discount depends on the type of car:

  • a car;
  • freight car;
  • SUV;
  • light commercial vehicle (LCV);
  • bus;
  • medium and heavy duty truck.

In 2016, according to Government information, over 150 thousand new cars were sold. This is a good indicator, although the authorities were counting on more impressive figures. But it should be taken into account that at the end of 2014, automakers were generally at a loss (sales decreased by 20% in 2014).

What attracts car owners to the recycling and exchange program?

Thanks to the funds allocated by the state, the Trade-in recycling and exchange program has gained great popularity among car enthusiasts in a couple of years. Russian car owners note that state support is extremely simple and transparent for them: the driver knows in advance what discount he can get, and is also freed from a number of problems associated with paperwork.

Due to the not very stable situation in the country and the declining car market, leading experts are confident that the old car recycling program will be extended until the end of 2017. New cars are more adapted to Russian roads, which further reinforces consumer interest in programs of this type.

In the Russian Federation, a system for recycling used vehicles has been in force for more than six years. Any car owner of an old car will be able to scrap it and receive a bonus for the purchase of a new vehicle. This year, more than ten billion rubles have been allocated for the implementation of the program, but the conditions for car recycling in 2019 have changed slightly.

The essence of the program

Only car owners with a passport and Russian citizenship, or a legal entity, will be able to participate in the system. persons with vehicles that were registered in Russia.

Participants must meet certain conditions regarding the type of vehicle, year of production and purchase. All these factors influence the ability to recycle the product and the amount of the discount.


Only vehicles that have been in use for more than six years can participate. That is, cars that were produced after 2010 take part.

Auto must be Russian production, foreign cars cannot be scrapped; as an exception, those funds that were collected at Russian enterprises with official permission are used.

Only owners of the car who purchased it no earlier than six months ago will be able to participate.

Car type and discount

Under the terms of the 2017 car recycling program, the list of cars that are subject to recycling has been expanded. It is allowed to change a passenger car, large, medium and small transport, jeep and bus. The amount of the allowable bonus for the purchase of another car varies from fifty to three hundred and fifty rubles, and it depends on the car being delivered.

There are some conditions regarding the brand of transport. With a discount you can purchase all variants of GAZ, VAZ, certain models from Volkswagen, Skoda, Ford and so on.

The amount of the discount depends on the transport option purchased with it. For example, the least profitable are considered Renault Logan and Sander - approximately twenty-five thousand rubles. The biggest discount is given for GAZ trucks - up to three hundred and fifty rubles.

Technical condition of the car

Transport should run without problems. If the car doesn't drive, you won't be able to return it.

Also, the car must be fully equipped, the body must be intact and undamaged. Technical compounds and gasoline cannot be drained.


To purchase a car at a discount under the state program, the owner needs to find a car dealer. Then you need to provide the following documents:

  1. Russian Federation passport.
  2. Vehicle documentation.
  3. Papers that confirm that the car belonged to this owner for six months.

The owner only has a certificate of scrap and documentation, which confirms.

Is it possible not to buy a new car?

According to the terms of the program, funds received from scrap cars should only be used to purchase new vehicles. You can use the discount only once. Other cars that are recycled will not be able to participate in the system, but will be considered as scrap.


The trade-in program is considered quite popular. Its conditions are very different from the system described above. The owner can sell the car to a dealer, and in exchange take a new car with an additional payment. In order for transport to be accepted, it must meet the following requirements:

  1. It must be in good working order; defects and breakdowns affect the price.
  2. The vehicle was not involved in the accident.
  3. The age of the vehicle is not that important, but older cars are harder to sell.
  4. The tenure period is at least six months.
  5. Any car brand.
  6. All papers are available.

Also taken into account appearance, so it’s worth using washing and cleaning. The car dealer must provide the original documentation - PTS and state registration certificate. registration.


It becomes clear that newer cars can actually be sold for trade-in, but for older ones cars will do scrap In practice, the amount for a car from the system for scrap is slightly higher than for trade-in.

It is worth noting that a certain amount is invested in the budget for this program, so it is important to be in time before the program ends. If you want to take part, you should apply in advance.

In 2017, the worries of Russians will not decrease. In addition to the “feverish” economy, current sanctions and unstable oil prices, people are constantly faced with various innovations from the government. Some of them are for the benefit of the country, and some are contrary to the interests of citizens. One thing is good, the state program “ Car recycling 2017” will continue to exist, because it has proven its usefulness both for the residents of Russia and for the country as a whole.

Today, not all car owners can boast of the perfect condition of their cars, especially if they domestic production. As a rule, such a vehicle requires excessive operating costs, often breaks down and “eats” liters of fuel, which nowadays is not so cheap.

Origins of the program

Against the backdrop of a developing economy, State Duma deputies decided to resume the once popular program for recycling old and used cars. The first time we heard about this program was in 2010. What is its essence? The most important advantage of this state program was that the owner of the car received a good monetary reward if he decided to scrap it. For example, the owner of a vehicle more than 10 years old could count on a cash reward of 50 thousand rubles for the purchase of a new car.

Let us note that this amount captivated car enthusiasts, because it was good starting capital for purchasing a faster and more modern “iron horse.” That is why holders of old Soviet models were in a hurry to get rid of them as quickly as possible.

As it turned out, 50 thousand rubles is not the limit! According to the rules of the state program, if the owner hands over a used SUV, he becomes the owner of 90 thousand rubles. It is noteworthy that the owner of the car received the required funds not in cash, but in a special voucher, which could be cashed only when purchasing a new vehicle. Ultimately, old SUV goes to places for recycling, and its owner becomes the proud owner of a brand new car.

Unfortunately, this program did not last as long as we wanted. The domestic car manufacturer significantly increased prices for its products and ordinary citizens could not afford such expenses. “Car recycling” was in effect for only 12 months and was officially canceled in 2011.

Car recycling today

In 2014, the Russian government decided to renew the state program “Car Recycling” until 2016. But information on this matter has been updated - the state program will continue to operate throughout 2017. The law on the extension and, in fact, the program itself can be found on the website of legislative acts of the Russian Federation. Only this time the state plans to increase production volumes of domestic cars, and about 10 billion rubles have been allocated from the budget for these purposes. Such impressive sums helped to significantly improve car production technologies and develop new interesting projects.

Main conditions of the program

Under the conditions of this government project, any participant must purchase a new car Russian brand. To do this you need:

  • the minimum age of the vehicle must be at least 6 years;
  • provide documents for the old car;
  • provide documents confirming ownership of the vehicle for the last 6 months;
  • deregister the car with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Russian Federation;
  • A fully equipped vehicle (battery, dashboard, frame, gearbox, seats, etc.);
  • provide copies of the vehicle’s passport, where a note will be made about deregistration, as well as that the car is being scrapped.

Please note that participants in this program can only be citizens of Russia (both legal entities and individuals).

If you decide to carry out such a procedure, prepare the following list of documents:

  • ID card (passport);
  • a photocopy of a document confirming that the car has been deregistered and is subject to disposal (issued at the PTS);
  • payment from the bank for payment of state duty for the recycling process;
  • agreement on the purchase of a new vehicle, taking into account the applicable discount;
  • a legal power of attorney for the car dealer stating that you have transferred the documents for the car to him, and he has the right to dispose of it;
  • certificate of disposal.

Required payment for a used car:

  1. AvtoVAZ car - the maximum monetary reward will be about 50 thousand rubles.
  2. GAZ - “passenger cars” and medium-sized ones trucks will bring the former owner from 175 to 350 thousand rubles.
  3. — the state subsidy will be about 90 thousand rubles.

Do you own an old one? Soviet car, who is long overdue for retirement? Then pay attention to the “Car Recycling in 2017” program. By handing over your car to a landfill, you won’t grieve for long, because the domestic manufacturer is able to offer truly worthwhile examples at a relatively low price. Let us note that the decision to extend this state program may be the last, so try not to miss the chance and replace your “old lady” with a modern model in time and move around the city streets with pleasure.

The validity period of the old car recycling program, which has shown excellent results over the years of its existence, has been extended to 2017. Using all the possibilities of such a recycling program allows you not only to deregister and get rid of the old car, but also helps to save money if the car owner wants to buy a new car.

Domestic automotive industry support program

The recycling program was adopted in 2010 and implied government support for car owners who agreed to deregister and dispose of their old car and buy a new Russian-made car. IN in this case the car owner received money in the amount of about 50 thousand rubles, which went toward the credit of the purchased car. Often, for many car owners whose cars were 15-20 years old, it was more profitable to deregister and hand over their old car under this program and get more money for it than the real value of their vehicle on the market.

This recycling program aroused particular interest among owners of used Russian-made cars. Now, thanks to this program, they could get rid of their old cars, and at the same time received significant discounts on purchases new car. It is not surprising that such subsidies for the purchase of a new car were popular among Russian car owners. However, soon the first difficulties appeared in the implementation of such a car recycling program.

The fact is that the corresponding monetary reward for an old car was issued exclusively when purchasing a new Russian-made car. As a result, many domestic dealers simply raised prices for AvtoVAZ products they sold. Therefore, it has become economically unprofitable for many owners of old cars to hand over their cars for recycling and purchase expensive Ladas.

Among other things, the program dates extended exclusively to 2010. Only in 2014 did the government again resume state support for the recycling program. It was originally planned that such a bill would cover the period 2014-2016. However, it was subsequently decided to prolong the validity of such a program and expand it to 2017. Among other things, the government Russian Federation plans to increase funding for the recycling of old cars, allocating about 10 billion rubles from the budget for this work.

Among the advantages of such a recycling program in 2017, we note the fact that the subsidy is actually paid by the car dealership, so the potential buyer is spared any difficulties with the preparation of financial documents. The car owner will not have to knock on the doorsteps of banks or obtain numerous certificates from various traffic police, departments and departments. The package of documents required to participate in such a scrap program is not complicated, and it can be collected in just a few days.

Terms and conditions of the current recycling program

In accordance with current legislation, such a recycling program for 2017 implies the following conditions:

    The vehicle being scrapped must be at least six years old.

    An old car being scrapped must have all the documents from the traffic police.

    The car owner himself provides the traffic police with documents that confirm ownership of the vehicle.

    Before scrapping a car, it must be deregistered by the traffic police.

    The car is scrapped with fully equipped.

    A copy of the passport of the deregistered vehicle is provided.

It is necessary to remember that you can take part in such a recycling program in 2017 only if you want to buy a Russian-made car. At the same time, participants in the recycling program and buy a new car can be individuals and legal entities.

The following documents must be provided to the relevant supervisory authorities:

  1. A payment confirming payment of the state duty for the disposal of the car.

    A photocopy of the document confirming the deregistration of the vehicle with the traffic police.

    Agreement for the purchase of a new vehicle.

    Certificate of recycling.

    Documents from a dealer who has the right to dispose of vehicles.

In accordance with the new legislation in 2017, the amount of payment for car disposal is:

    For models 50,000 rubles.

    Freight and cars are estimated at up to 350 thousand rubles.

    When disposing of an SUV, the subsidy is 90,000 rubles.

There is also the possibility of deregistration and recycling of various foreign cars older than 6 years. However, depending on the type of specific vehicle, the cash subsidy in 2017 when purchasing a new car will range from 50 to 90 thousand rubles. We recommend checking the list, conditions and prices for each of the salvage vehicles. Note that scrapping foreign cars or trucks is not as profitable as inexpensive cars VAZs that are actually accepted at the market selling price.

If you are planning to purchase a new one in 2017 domestic car and would like to deregister and get rid of your old vehicle that you no longer need, then such a recycling program and its conditions for paying money will be for you best choice. By taking advantage of this offer, you will be spared the need to deal with the sale yourself. old car. Moreover, the discount when buying a new car can be quite significant, and in some cases even greater than the market value of your old car.

Program action in 2018

To date, it is unknown whether the duration of this recycling program will be extended for 2018 and subsequent years. Therefore, we can recommend that you hurry up with such a replacement and upgrade of your car. It is quite possible that next year such financing for vehicle fleet renewal and financing of the recycling campaign will be curtailed, since the government may not have extra funds in a crisis.

Note that if previously subsidies for the purchase of a new car were offered exclusively for products of AvtoVAZ and other Russian manufacturers, then now in 2017 the restrictions have been lifted and with a discount on the promotion you can buy any cars that are assembled in Russia. For example, subsidies are offered for certain models and a number of other manufacturers. You can easily check the list of available cars on the Internet. Therefore, potential buyers are limited not only to AvtoVAZ products, but can also buy modern, reliable multifunctional cars. All this significantly increases the effectiveness of such a recycling program. It is planned that in 2017 the number of people wishing to change cars through the recycling company of their old cars will exceed the same indicators a year earlier.