GAZ-53 GAZ-3307 GAZ-66

Reasons. Jerking when driving or accelerating. Causes The car moves jerkily

3.5. The car moves jerkily

In relation to a car, a jerk is a short-term spontaneous change in rotation speed crankshaft engine, regardless of the position of the gas pedal. IN daily use, as a rule, a series of jerks take place. The extreme case of a jerk is a failure, a noticeable delay in the engine's response to pressing the accelerator pedal.

Conventionally, three types of jerks can be distinguished:

- at the moment of starting movement;

– during acceleration;

– with steady motion, i.e. with the accelerator pedal in constant position.

To determine the causes of jerking when the vehicle moves with injection engine special diagnostic equipment is required, so in this case we recommend contacting a car service center that specializes in repairing fuel injection systems. However, as practice shows, in most cases jerking is caused by insufficient fuel pressure in the engine fuel line (“rail”) or a malfunction of the position sensor throttle valve.

If you have some skills, you can identify the cause of jerking yourself.

Jerking when starting to move

At the moment the movement begins, the limiting case of a jerk often occurs - failure. The most unpleasant sensations are associated precisely with the delay in the engine’s response to pressing the gas pedal. Sometimes the engine even stalls. A jerk occurs at the moment the throttle valve begins to open, when, based on a signal from the throttle position sensor, the ECU determines the moment of transition from idle mode to load mode and must increase the amount of fuel supplied through the injectors. If the pressure in the fuel line is insufficient, even with increasing injection duration, there is not enough fuel for a smooth start.

The reasons for the decrease in pressure may be:

Jerks during acceleration

The cause of jerking during acceleration may be, just as in the previous case (see “Jerking at the moment of starting movement”), insufficient fuel pressure in the fuel line. The ECU, having received a signal from the throttle position sensor about the intensive opening of the throttle at a large angle, strives to maximize the fuel supply, but due to the reduced fuel pressure it is not able to do this. For the reasons for this phenomenon and how to check, see “Jerk at the moment of movement starts.”

Jerks during steady motion

Such jerking is most often caused by a malfunction of the ignition system. Diagnostics and repair are necessary (see section 9 “Electrical equipment”). On the way, you can try to do it yourself:

– carefully inspect the engine compartment. Turn off the ignition and check the secure fastening and seating of all wires and connectors at the ignition module and high-voltage wires. Start the engine and listen to its operation - a crackling sound during breakdown high voltage“to ground” is weak but distinct. In complete darkness, the spark during breakdown is clearly visible;

Daewoo Nexia: Does not pull when accelerating


Daewoo Nexia: “Doesn’t pull when accelerating”

...and not only does it not pull when accelerating. When this car came to our pit,then he stopped by for about five minutes. The client presses the gas, but the car “stalls”, does not pull andcan’t even cross a small hill... but then the client was lucky, he helped I accelerate with my foot and... the car is in the pit.

Car recommended by friends. Not profile. This case was interestingthe fact that the client has already visited “a certain number of car services”, spent “a certainamount of money,” but the result was zero. Then he decided to repair himself (the Internet is big...).

I changed the spark plugs - it didn't help. I cleaned the injectors - nothing changed.
He had to go to the car service center again to pay his respects. Found one. They agreed to take on the repairs.

But they set the following condition:
- Find a car the same as yours, we will put it next to it and take turns filming somethingfrom there and install it on your car...the method is very good! One hundred percent guarantee!

For some reason, the client decided not to contact this car service. I found another one. There he immediately stated:

We know the cause of the malfunction - we are repairing it...
- So what's the reason?
- Catalyst! Right now we’ll knock it out for you and...

The client turned out to be “picky”. Well, he didn’t like it either there or here. Somehow the sixth feeling,” he realized that he had to make the only right decision: “Go for a diagnosisto the “correct” car service.” I decided to make a decision, but I was afraid: “How much money will they lose there?...”.
Looking ahead, I’ll say: “They screwed up a little.” And they didn’t “fool” at all. Just carried out the “correct”
auto diagnostics and when the client was told the price for the work done, he was very surprised:
- That's all?

Well, let's start telling and showing...

I connected the vacuum gauge. It showed low vacuum in the intake manifold.What does this mean? That “something is wrong with the gas distribution system in the engine.”Here either the timing belt has jumped, or there are questions about the gear,it could simply be “broken.”

Similar situation was described in the article at:
and this motor in operation resembled the work of that motor on Mitsubishi Lancer.

Next, we take Postalovsky’s oscilloscope. Instead of a spark plug, we screw in the pressure sensor, start the engine, look... and make sure of the initial diagnosis: the oscillogram shows many deviations from correct operation. It turns out that the “phases are shifted.”

I would like to draw attention to one parameter: the ignition timing is very late, that is, the correct “minus” value has gone “plus” and on the shown oscillogram it appears as “25 degrees after top dead center,” although we know that the “correct” ignition should be BEFORE the dead center under given operating conditions when taking the oscillogram.

Well. In principle, everything is clear, we need to do it... I turned around and looked... unfortunately, all our locksmith posts were occupied. Looked at the client:

Do you know a locksmith? Who could do what I tell you?
- Well, basically... there is... I'll find it!
- Then listen to what needs to be done...

In a few minutes I told the client in detail what and how to do. And finally he asked:
- just don’t throw anything away, bring it to me, okay?

...the client - the client “burst” into our box literally the next day:

- Thank you! No, you have no idea how much you helped me! I couldn’t get the right solution to my problem anywhere or from anyone!

And the problem was this, see photo:

If you look “offhand and from the outside,” then everything is fine here?

Let's take a closer look:

Yes, this is the so-called “banal veneer groove”. Broken.

There is no way to determine from the outside that the veneer groove is broken.

Moreover, structurally it is made integral with the entire part. So to speak, “one-piece part”. And if you look at the gear “simply and from the outside,” it is difficult to determine the malfunction. And you can watch for a long time...
That car service was very surprised when they followed all our recommendations and, indeed, the gear turned out to be broken! They were very surprised...

Just don’t think that now you’ve praised yourself, like, look how smart you are. No, there’s nothing “smart” or brilliant here. It’s just “this kind of work” when you have to keep a lot of information in your head and use it on time.

Kudryavtsev M.E.
© Legion-Avtodata

Kudryavtsev Mikhail Evgenievich
Auto service "VTS"
Suzdalskaya st. 9
You can call during business hours:

In this article you will learn about the causes of jerking while driving. The main causes of jerking while driving a Nexia are faulty high-voltage wires, spark plugs or throttle position sensor. It is also possible that the fuel and oil filters. Next, we will analyze each of the options in detail.

Why jerks can occur, you must first understand what a jerk is. A jerk in cars, often in Nexia, is a short-term spontaneous change in the engine crankshaft speed, regardless of the position of the gas pedal. In ordinary life, a series of jerks most often occur. The extreme case of a jerk - a dip is a noticeable delay in the engine's response to pressing the accelerator pedal. Conventionally, three types of jerks can be distinguished:
at the moment of movement;
– during acceleration;
– with steady motion, i.e. with the gas pedal constantly pressed.

To determine the causes of jerks when driving a car with an injection engine, you can perform computer diagnostics, so I recommend contacting a service that specializes in repairing fuel injection systems. However, as practice shows, in most cases jerking is caused by insufficient fuel pressure in the fuel rail or a malfunction of the throttle position sensor. If you have some skills, you can determine the cause of jerking yourself.
JERK AT THE MOMENT OF STARTING MOVEMENT ON NEXIA. Usually you have just started moving and trouble happens - failure or failure after failure. The most unpleasant sensations are associated precisely with the delay in the engine’s response to pressing the gas pedal. Sometimes the engine even stalls. A jerk occurs when the throttle valve begins to open when the gas pedal is pressed, when, based on a signal from the throttle position sensor, the ECU determines the moment of transition from idle mode to load mode and must increase the amount of fuel supplied through the injectors. If the pressure in the fuel rail is insufficient, even with increasing injection duration, there is not enough fuel for a smooth start.
JERKING WHEN ACCELERATING ON NEXIA. The cause of jerks during acceleration may be, as in the previous case, insufficient fuel pressure in the fuel rail. The electronic engine control unit, having received a signal from the throttle position sensor about the intensive opening of the throttle at a large angle, strives to maximize the fuel supply, but due to the reduced fuel pressure it is not able to do this. In addition, a specific cause of jerking during acceleration Daewoo car Nexia, there may be a failure of the absolute pressure sensor (vacuum in the intake pipe) or clogging (pinching) of its hose.
JERKING WHEN MOVEMENT. Such jerking is most often caused by a malfunction of the ignition system. Diagnosis and repair are required. If you are on the go, you can try the following on your own:
– carefully inspect the engine compartment. Turn off the ignition and check the secure fastening and seating of all wires and connectors at the distributor sensor and ignition coil on a car with a G15MF engine, and the ignition module connectors and high-voltage wires on cars with other engines. Let me in
engine and listen to its operation.

– the crackling sound during a breakdown of high voltage “to ground” is weak, but distinct. In complete darkness, the spark during breakdown is clearly visible;

– replace spark plugs regardless of their condition and mileage. Pay attention to the condition of the spark plugs: if deviations from the norm are found, the engine or its systems may have to be repaired. A specific cause of jerking during steady motion of a car with an injection engine may be a failure of the throttle position sensor.

Additional symptoms confirming the malfunction of this sensor are as follows:
– uneven engine operation idling;
– reduction in maximum engine power.
The sensor is non-separable and therefore cannot be repaired. If a sensor malfunction is detected, it is replaced as an assembly.