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Complain about a change in bus route. Procedure for filing a complaint about public transport. Administration of the municipality

Conflicts in the process of transport activities may arise due to disputes between participants traffic. The reason is the order and quality of service provision. Most carriers are not committed to peaceful resolution of conflicts, forcing passengers to contact regulatory authorities. Complaints about transportation are no exception.

Grounds for complaint

A person who has suffered from poor-quality transport services has the right to file a complaint on the following grounds:

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  1. Movement ground transport does not meet the established schedule.
  2. Neglect of traffic rules.
  3. Violation of requirements for boarding and disembarking people on public transport.
  4. The behavior of the bus (employees of the transport enterprise) is characterized by disdain for the passengers, rude (boorish) attitude, and the use of obscene language when communicating.
  5. The driver does not fulfill the obligations stipulated job description, the rules of conduct in the car do not correspond to the norm (smoking while driving, drinking alcohol and drugs, telephone conversations).
  6. Failure to comply with sanitation provisions.
  7. Violation of the rights of citizens who have benefits (denial of free services established at the legislative level).

Claims that do not have clear arguments risk being left unturned. The accused person has the right to appeal the actions of the applicant and file a complaint.

How to write a complaint against a bus driver

The method of writing the document does not matter; handwritten and printed versions are allowed. The form is not regulated by law, but compliance with some requirements is mandatory:

  • use of formal business style;
  • compliance with business rules;
  • literacy;
  • inadmissibility of using phrases with profanity with signs of rudeness, disrespectful attitude;
  • brevity;
  • objectivity;
  • legal framework;
  • lack of emotional exaggeration;
  • accuracy of presentation, indicating details relevant to the conflict;
  • indication of eyewitnesses of the incident;
  • chronological sequence.

The above rules also apply when writing a complaint against the conductor.


In the event of a dispute in public transport, you must adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

1. Study the information posted in the route vehicle about the service contractor and contact means of communication.
2. Make personal notes, indicating registration number cars and information about the best man.
3. Note the time and place of the illegal actions.
4. Enlist the support of other passengers (witnesses), write down contacts. Consider writing.
5. Correctly and competently draw up an application and submit it to the authority authorized to consider this category of cases.

A response to a complaint is provided within a month, despite the method of submission (personal reception, online reception).

Sample 2020

The structure of the document does not imply a clear plan of presentation. The text must contain essential information on the case:

  1. Name of the competent authority (full name, position):
    • legal address;
    • means of communication.
  2. Personal information about the applicant:
    • place of registration;
    • contact phone number, email.
  3. Name: “Complaint” (claim).
  4. Information about the violator (route driver).
  5. Misconduct, signs and qualifications (normative justification).
  6. Circumstances of the commission of the act.
  7. Availability of witnesses.
  8. Requirement (suggestion).
  9. Applications.
  10. Date of compilation.
  11. Personal signature (with transcript).

3. Personal reception at the Department (Sadovo - Samotechnaya Street, building No. 1, office No. 715. Working hours with the population: two days a month.

3. Application via email [email protected].

4. Give it to the office with your own hand.

To the municipal administration

The victim has the right to file a complaint about the bus with the local authorities. You can do this in several ways:

  • use the municipality's email account;
  • personal visit to the institution;
  • official website of the city (mayor): usually there is a questionnaire form to fill out.

In the structure of the administration there is a department for working with citizens' appeals, where appeals are received. Further issues are resolved in consultation with specialists in the transport sector.
Having studied, an objective “dry” report is drawn up and provided to the applicant after a month in the manner specified in the claim.

On the Dobrodel website

This site is designed for Muscovites. Login to the Internet portal is carried out after authorizing your personal account by entering the following content:

  • personal information (full name);
  • active email address;
  • invention of the password.
  • selection of category and topic;
  • description of the situation on its merits;
  • indication of the exact location of the commission of the unlawful act;
  • contact means of communication;
  • confirming the transaction and sending a complaint.

In this article we will consider a topic that can be briefly called “Mosgortrans - complaint hotline.” We will look at where you can file a complaint, how to write a complaint against a Mosgortrans driver, and after what time you should send it again. In addition, in the article we will also indicate the Moscow City Transport telephone number for complaints, so that you can call yourself and present your complaints. In general, we will try to fully cover our topic - Moscow City Transport - complaint, so that you do not have any questions or misunderstandings.

Mosgortrans - complaint

It just so happens that we live in Russia and in our country the tacit consent of clients to disorder in the organization is considered the norm. In essence, Mosgortrans passengers are, in a way, clients, and drivers are employees of the service company. How many times do we encounter problems and inconveniences when traveling on Mosgortrans, but it’s unlikely that any of us have even written a complaint to Mosgortrans about the driver.

Mosgortrans can have many “shoals” and they are all different from each other: rudeness of drivers, delays of regular buses, non-working air conditioners, incorrect actions of conductors, and so on. Unfortunately, this list can be continued for a long time, because the level of Russian transport service leaves much to be desired.

But we are interested in making it more convenient for us to travel, so that we arrive on time and enjoy the trip, and not discomfort and negative thoughts. What needs to be done for this? A lot, of course. But we, ordinary passengers, can only help our long-suffering public transport in one way - point out the “sore” areas of the organization. And there is only one way to indicate this: write a complaint to Moscow City Transport. It seems like a simple but effective action.

Unfortunately, stereotypes still nest in the minds of the Russian people, which “whisper” that all complaints against Mosgortrans bus drivers will be useless, that nothing will change anyway, and the perpetrators will not be punished. This is not true. Let's move away from such national self-awareness of our own insignificance and fight for our rights. Mosgortrans does not receive hundreds of complaints, so management does not take action. If we constantly talk about what we don’t like, sooner or later we will be heard. One complaint written to Moscow City Transport, naturally, will not solve anything, but if there are a thousand of them, then management will not be able to do anything other than take real steps to eliminate the problems.

Why is the level of public transport service many times higher in Europe and the United States of America? First of all, due to the fact that there the level of civic consciousness among people is an order of magnitude higher. There, the driver cannot afford to drive drunk and be late for his route, as a result of which hundreds of people will be late for their jobs and receive reprimands, and some may even get fired. Agree, the price for driver incompetence is high. Therefore, complaints need to be written to Moscow City Transport. Send a complaint against the driver to Moscow City Transport if he is really at fault and behaves incorrectly. Don't let injustice reign in our daily lives.

Mosgortrans - hotline, complaints

So, let’s narrow our topic a little and look at the section that we tentatively called “Mosgortrans - hotline, complaints.”

In general, to begin with, we recommend that you read all the rules and laws related to public transport so that you can understand when your rights have been violated. Let's say that the driver was rude to you or the bus was very late when it arrived at your stop. What to do? The algorithm of actions is, in general, simple.

First you need to identify the vehicle on which the violations were committed. Remember, or better yet, write it down, state number transport and flight number. If possible, write down the park number vehicle. It is located on the sides or on the driver's cab.

After this, you need to call Mosgortrans - hotline, complaints.

Toll free number 8495 950 42 04 or 8495 953 00 61

We can say that this is the main telephone number of Mosgortrans for complaints. Tell the operator what happened and explain what your complaints are. By the way, do not forget to leave your contact information, because anonymous complaints have no influence or power.

Mosgortrans - write a complaint

If for some reason you cannot submit a complaint to Moscow City Transport over the phone, then use the old method - by mail. Yes, you can freely write a complaint to Moscow City Transport and drop the letter in the mailbox. In this case, by the way, you are entitled to an official response from transport company. You write your complaints on a piece of paper and leave your contact information so they can answer you. You need to send a complaint to Mosgortrans to the address: Moscow, Raushskaya embankment, 22, Mosgortrans.

This method of complaint has long since become obsolete, but, as a last resort, you can try it. In addition, as we have already said, you are guaranteed to receive a written response about the actions taken to resolve the problem.

Mosgortrans - official website, complaints

If you are a supporter of a more modern approach to asserting rights, we recommend that you send a complaint to Moscow City Transport by email. To do this, you register on the official website of Mosgortrans and leave your review. You should receive a response within a month. Naturally, a written response will be sent to you by email, which you indicate on the site. This method is an easier and faster solution to your problem.

Complaints about Mosgortrans bus drivers

And finally, we will tell you about another way to influence the situation and send a complaint to Moscow City Transport. It's about about contacting the Moscow Department of Transport and Communications. The telephone number of this institution is 8495 957 05 47. It is quite possible that this measure will be more effective than all of the above, since this is a complaint to the management of the Mosgortrans company. Although, it is not known where it is better to write, so try to “bomb” several targets at once, sending complaints to Moscow City Transport.

You were rude in a minibus, you are dissatisfied with the behavior of the driver or the work of public transport. The situation, alas, is still typical, although not common. Where to complain? How to submit your application - in writing, by phone, at what time? Answers to these questions, as well as detailed information about the rights of passengers regarding the inappropriate behavior of the carrier, can be obtained by studying this article.

A passenger who wants to complain can take the simplest route: leaving a message in the feedback form. For this there is a single electronic sample appeals on the website of the Department of Transport and Road Development of Moscow. The victim has grounds to contact there in the following cases:

  • the carrier's representative (driver) allows rudeness and rude treatment;
  • you stand in line for a long time for the bus, the transport does not follow the schedule;
  • other manifestations of consumer rights violations that you want to report.

Rights of drivers and passengers. What you need to know

This information is set out in the “Rules for the use of ground urban passenger transport in the city of Moscow.” These requirements are absolutely open to the public, they relate to standards of conduct on trams, trolleybuses, buses, minibus taxis, that is, they apply to almost all types of transport.

Important. Before deciding to write or file a complaint, you should study your rights and stock up on arguments confirming the carrier’s guilt.

Briefly, the rules can be reduced to several basic postulates:

  1. Information about the rights of passengers and the responsibilities of the company is required to be posted in vehicle interiors.
  2. The schedule can be found on the Mosgortrans website and in the stopping pavilions of trams, trolleybuses, and minibuses.
  3. The driver is obliged to transport passengers regardless of categories (including persons with disabilities), while observing the Traffic Rules.
  4. Public transport operates at certain intervals and clearly defined routes. In case of temporary changes, the carrier notifies passengers in any effective way.
  5. A mandatory requirement is to maintain cleanliness in the salon, adherence to sanitary standards, availability of first aid equipment and special equipment for safety (fire extinguishers).

How to properly file a complaint

In order for the request to be registered and accepted for work, you must fulfill several simple requirements. Regardless of whether it will be transmitted by hotline or by letter, by email, you must know the vehicle’s license plate number. This is the basic information. It is usually indicated in front, on the cab or windshield, as well as on the side. You will also need to inform the dispatcher (leave it on the website) the route number and specific information about the date, place and time of the incident.

Attention. Anonymous requests with someone else's (non-existent) identification data - last name, phone number and address - will most likely not be considered.

Methods of circulation

It is possible to file a complaint with Mosgortrans via a 24-hour hotline. Be sure to collect data about the fact of the violation, briefly and clearly state the essence to the dispatcher, leaving information about yourself (contact number and full name of the applicant). In addition, other methods are allowed: write a paper application and send it to the address of the main department of Mosgortrans (the address can be found on the website). Within a month, an official representative of the institution is obliged to provide a response to the complaint. You can also go to the Moscow City Hall website, in the corresponding section. If an incident occurs with a specific carrier that provides consumer feedback, call or leave a message directly with their dispatcher.

Important. In most cases, as a result of the incident, the driver will be punished: he will be deprived of his bonus or even fired. Remember this, do not allow unfounded statements and subjective assessments.


So, the main points of filing a complaint with Mosgortrans have been discussed. These are telephone communications, contacts on the website and written requests. You know where to complain and how to do it. And most importantly, remember: safety on the road and the environment in the cabin depend on the polite communication between passengers and the driver.

Conflict situations between passengers and drivers of public transport (buses, minibuses, etc.) are a common occurrence in Moscow almost every day. The cause of the conflict may be: shortfall in fare payment, ignoring the fare payment, the driver did not hear the request to stop, inappropriate rude attitude towards passengers, etc.

In this article we will talk about how to file a complaint against a Moscow public transport driver, where to file it and what response to expect.

Grounds for filing a complaint

A complaint about a bus driver who looks askance at his passengers is unlikely to be considered by regulatory authorities. In addition, a complaint that is found to be unfounded may result in the filing of a counterclaim, but this time from the public transport driver. To avoid this, when filing a complaint, you should make sure several times that it really has good grounds.

So, To file a complaint against Moscow public transport drivers, you must have one of the following reasons:

  • The bus does not run according to schedule, which is why passengers have to stand for a long time at public transport stops waiting for the long-awaited bus or minibus;
  • Inappropriate treatment of passengers by the driver;

The driver talks to passengers in a raised voice, is rude, rude, refuses to stop when requested, throws away change, etc.

  • The driver smokes inside the bus/minibus, thereby making passengers “passive smokers”;
  • The driver does not clean the interior of his bus/minibus, which makes traveling through it seem like a real nightmare;

Dirty dusty seats, water or mud-filled interior floor, unpleasant smell, dirty curtains, etc.

  • The driver demands payment for travel from beneficiaries(which confirm this with relevant documents);

If one of the above reasons occurs, you have the right to file a complaint against the Moscow bus/minibus driver.


If a conflict situation arises with a public transport driver, the most important thing is to remain calm and act according to a well-established scheme that is appropriate in the given situation.

The recommended action in the event of a conflict with a driver is as follows:

  • Look at the information board on the bus, which is usually located behind the driver: write down the bus number and driver details;
  • Remember and note at what time the conflict situation occurred, and at what stop (preferably the exact address) it happened;
  • If other passengers witnessed the scandal, it is recommended to find out their contact information in case of collecting witness statements;

In addition, you can invite passengers to unite and file a collective complaint against bus drivers/minibus drivers.

Collective complaints are always more effective than individual ones.

  • Make a complaint against the public transport driver and deliver it to one of the authorities authorized to resolve these issues;

A sample complaint against a public transport driver can be downloaded on the Internet or you can obtain a form to fill out at the appeal authority.

Where can I complain about public transport?

The rules of conduct for public transport drivers, as well as the rights of passengers, are described in detail in the “Rules for the use of ground urban passenger transport”.

A complaint against a Moscow minibus or bus driver can be accepted either orally or in writing. So, you can complain to one of the following authorities:

  • To the transport department (Mosgotrans);

The number of the department responsible for a specific type of transport can be found on the information stand in the transport itself. By calling the specified number, you can complain verbally about the public transport driver.

In addition, you can submit a written complaint to this authority. Once you have completed the document, you must send it by post with notification option.

It is important to include the following information in the complaint: details of the driver and his vehicle, details of the applicant, a description of the reason for filing the complaint, requirements, a convenient method of communication and the period within which you would like to receive a response to your complaint.

According to the Law, the period for consideration of a complaint against public transport drivers is up to 30 days.

  • To the Department of Transport and Communications;

You can complain to this authority in one of the following ways: by sending a complaint to the email number indicated on the official website of the Department; send a complaint by post with the possibility of notification; call the Department in person and state the complaint in this way.

Consequences for drivers

The outcome of the consideration of the complaint may be the following consequences for the offending public transport driver:

  • Bringing to administrative liability: payment of a fine, withholding of a portion wages etc.;
  • Disciplinary action: dismissal;