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Receipt of goods in 1c retail. Entering initial balances in “1C: Retail”: posting of goods. Transfer of goods from wholesale to retail warehouse

It is produced by a document of the same name (in the latest versions of the program it is called “Receipts (acts, invoices)”. In this step-by-step instructions, I will give consistent instructions for recording the purchase of services and goods, and will also consider the postings that the document makes.

In the interface of the 1C 8.3 program, this document is located on the “Purchases” tab, item “Receipts (acts, invoices)”:

After this we get to the list of documents that have ever been entered. To create a new receipt, you must click on the “Receipt” button, where a menu for selecting the desired type of operation will appear:

  • Goods (invoice) - a document is created only for goods with an accounting account - 41.01;
  • Services (act) - reflects only services;
  • Goods, services, commission - a universal type of operation that allows the receipt of returnable packaging;
  • - a special type of operation for accounting for the tolling scheme; in the postings, such receipts will be reflected in off-balance sheet accounts;
  • — to reflect the receipt of fixed assets on accounts 08.03 and 08.04;
  • Leasing services - generates postings to account 76.

Let us consider in detail the receipt of goods and services.

Receipt of goods in 1C Accounting 8.3

To complete the purchase of a product in the 1C program, you need to enter a document with the “Products” type. In the header of the document, you must indicate the recipient organization of the item, the warehouse for acceptance, the counterparty-seller and his agreement:

Below, in the tabular section, information about positions is entered:

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What goods were purchased, in what quantity, at what price and at what VAT rate (if your company is a VAT payer). Accounting accounts may or may not be present in the tabular section. It depends on the program settings. In postings, the goods are usually credited to account 41.01.

This completes filling out the document.

If the supplier has provided you with an invoice, it must be reflected in the program. This is done by filling out the “number” and “date” fields at the bottom of the document:

After clicking on the “Register” button, 1C itself will create new document"Invoice received." This document makes entries for VAT (for example, 68.02 - 19.03) and creates an entry in the purchase book.

Let's look at the postings of the created 1C using the document “Receipt of goods and services”. This can be done by clicking the Debit-Credit button:

As you can see, the document generated two postings:

  • Debit 41.01 Credit 60.01 - receipt of goods and accrual of debt to the supplier;
  • Debit 19.03 Credit 60.01 - reflection of the incoming document.

In this case, the goods are sold on credit, that is, on a post-payment basis. If we had paid for the goods first, the program would have generated an entry to offset the advance payment (Dt 60.01 - Kt 60.02) for the amount of the prepayment.

Watch our video on how to purchase a product:

Receipt of services in 1C 8.3

Purchasing services in the program is not much different from purchasing goods. Filling out the header is absolutely the same, except for indicating the warehouse. The primary document for reflecting such a transaction is usually the “Service Rendering Certificate”.

The only difference is the indications in the tabular part of the nomenclature with the “service” type. For example, I will arrange to receive delivery services:

For the receipt of goods or services in 1C 8.3, it is necessary to create a corresponding document. In this step-by-step instruction we will look at the detailed step by step instructions, how to do this and what data to fill out. Let’s also look at the example of transactions created by the 1C program.

In the “Purchases” menu, select “Receipts (acts, invoices)”. A list form for this document will open in front of you.

From the list form that appears, you can create several various types documents. Let's look at them briefly.

  • Goods (invoice). You will only have access to the tabular part for adding products.
  • Services (act). Similar to the previous one, but only for services.
  • Fixed assets. This document generates incoming and outgoing transactions that do not require installation. There is no additional need to take into account.
  • Goods, services, commission. Combination of goods, services and commission trading.
  • Materials for recycling. Here the name speaks for itself.
  • Equipment.– equipment. Acceptance for accounting is formed separately.
  • Construction objects. Receipt of fixed assets - construction objects.
  • Leasing services. To calculate the next lease payment when accounting for property on the lessee’s balance sheet.

Let's consider the first two types of operations, because they are the most popular.

How to deliver goods on arrival

When creating a new document, select the type of operation “Goods (invoice)”.

In the header, indicate the counterparty, contract and department where the goods will be received. You can also additionally configure VAT (included in the price and calculation method), consignee, consignor, etc.

Account in in this case 41.01 – goods in warehouses. It can also be changed. Next, adjust the VAT rate if necessary.

At the bottom of the form, indicate the invoice number and date, then click on the “Register” button. The document will immediately be created automatically and a link to it will be displayed.

As we can see, the document made two entries: for the receipt itself and for VAT (account 10.03).

Watch also the video on posting goods in 1C Accounting:

Receipt of services

This time, when creating a document, select the type of operation “Services (act)”. We will not consider filling out this document in detail due to the fact that everything here is similar to the previous method. Only here item items with the “Service” type are added.

We attributed our lawn mowing service to account 26 and indicated the cost item “Other costs.”

In the case when you need to immediately reflect the receipt of both goods and services, use the “Goods, services, commission” transaction type.

A user working in the 1C: Accounting program must display the receipt of goods from the supplier (as well as services, if any) by creating a new document by going to “Purchases/Receipts (acts, invoices)” and then to the journal of receipt documents.

On the command panel of the list of documents there is a button “Receipt”. To initiate a new document, the user, by clicking on it, activates a drop-down list through which he selects the type of operation that needs to be completed in the system.

Figure 1. Types of goods/services receipt transactions available for registration in the system

Despite such a wide range of operations, as a result of selecting any of them in the system, a “Receipts of goods and services” document will be created, whose appearance– the title, composition of fields, and even the set of accounting accounts available for use in the document depend on the type of transaction being reflected in this drop-down list.

Let's look at the procedure for registering a receipt using the example of goods being received into a warehouse from a supplier. Let's assume that this product was previously paid for (an advance payment was made to the supplier), and now the supplier has handed over the goods to us.

From the available list of transactions, the user selects “Products/services/commission”.

Here, fields indicating our organization are required to be filled in (if the system keeps records of one organization, it will be automatically selected in the document) and the details of the counterparty from whom we purchased the goods.

Figure 2. Implementation of a new document for receipt of goods/services

When creating a new document, the “Warehouse” field becomes available if the “Use multiple warehouses” checkbox is checked in the accounting settings. The system does not yet know that we plan to register the receipt of goods, and the operation we have chosen implies that we can buy not only goods and materials, but also register the receipt of services. In the second case, specifying the warehouse is not required.

As soon as we filled out the “Products” tabular part, the “Warehouse” field immediately became mandatory.

Let’s complete the document preparation by filling out the minimum fields required to reflect the operation in the system.

Figure 3. Filling out the document for receipt of goods/services

After posting the document, it immediately generates transactions upon receipt of goods at the warehouse, thereby being reflected in the system in the accounting accounts.

Figure 4. Example of transactions upon receipt of goods at the warehouse

Please note the posting of the advance offset: Dt 60.01, Kt 60.02. The fact is that this supplier was previously paid in advance. It was this advance that was offset by the receipt document.

You can set up the procedure for offsetting the advance payment (or even specify offset documents manually), clarify the settlement and advance accounts, and also change the method of including VAT in the price by clicking on the corresponding links in the “Calculations” block of the goods receipt document.

Figure 5. Setting up the calculation of the Receipts of goods and services document

At this point, the process of reflecting the receipt transaction in the system can be considered complete. Don’t forget to display the incoming and posted invoice in the system later (this can be done either directly from the document or from a separate journal). Without an invoice, the receipt will not be reflected in the purchase book.

Registration of receipt of services in other ways

In addition to the document of receipt of goods/services, the system contains a number of documents to reflect specific receipt transactions:

  1. Receipt of additional expenses
  2. Entrepreneur's expenses
  3. Reports to committents
  4. Customs declaration for import

Document “Receipt of additional expenses” is necessary to document the receipt of expenses from an external counterparty, which are included in the cost of incoming inventory items. It is important to emphasize that such costs include only commodity procurement costs. Selling expenses cannot be included in the cost of inventory items.

Figure 6. Registration of a document for receipt of additional expenses

Here, not only does the price of the incoming goods increase (in the tabular section you can distribute the amount of expenses among the received goods), but also a debt is formed to the counterparty for the amount of services received. That is, this document completely replaces the document “Receipts of goods and services” for the purpose of reflecting transactions of receipt of services included in the cost of goods.

If the system keeps records of activities individual entrepreneurs, becomes available in the interface document "Entrepreneur's Expenses". It has a minimal number of settings and is designed to reflect the entrepreneur’s personal expenses, and immediately corresponds to the loan with account 84.

Figure 7. Reflection of personal expenses of an entrepreneur in the system

The document can reflect both payment for the service provided and the purchase of goods.

"Report to the Committent" used to display operations in the system:

  • Sales of goods received on commission;
  • Services provided on behalf of the principal;
  • The cost of the agent's remuneration for services rendered.

Figure 8. Registration of a report to the committent in the system

Of course, if an organization does not provide agent services or does not take goods for sale, this document is not used in the system.


Displaying transactions of receipt of goods/services in the 1C:Accounting program implies the ability not only to add goods to 1C or record the receipt of goods in 1C, but also to keep a full record of the receipt of services, make entries upon receipt of goods at the warehouse, and much more. Additionally, documents have been implemented to reflect a number of specific operations.

Let's look at how the 1C Trade Management program version 11.2 reflects the operation of goods arriving at a regular wholesale warehouse, which does not maintain an order scheme.

We have already created 11.2 in the 1C system Trade Management (UT 11) order to supplier, and him current state expected to arrive. In order to issue an invoice, we can in the section "Purchases" go on command "Admission documents".

The document log of goods receipt at the warehouse opens. At the top of it there is a quick selection field for the responsible manager, and two tabs are available to us. First tab "Receipts of goods and services"- this, in fact, is a journal with our documents of receipt of goods. Second tab - "Orders for registration". If we go to this tab, we will see here our order to the supplier, which is in the status of goods receipt.

To quickly process the receipt of goods, you can use the registration of receipt documents based on orders. To do this, it is enough to allocate our order to the supplier, and on command “Apply for admission” 1C Trade Management program version 11.2 automatically creates a document for the receipt of goods at the warehouse “Receipt of goods and services” based on our order to the supplier.

We can make sure that in this document we have the flag set "Receipt by order" and our order to the supplier is selected. We also already have the fields filled in "Supplier", "Counterparty" And "Agreement".

The “Agreement” field is optional, but the “Supplier” and “Counterparty” fields are required.

The “Organization” fields are also filled in (ours, which purchases the goods), the warehouse is selected Basic, the payment currency is indicated. The 1C Trade Management program (UT 11) 11.2 also automatically filled in the payment parameters. As we see, 50% of our order has already been paid.

On the tab "Goods" The products we purchase are listed. Based on the information from the order, the supplier also fills in the discounts provided to us, quantities, prices.

On the "Advanced" tab it is indicated manager And subdivision, carrying out the purchase; alleged payment date, payment method(any form of payment - you can choose cash or non-cash), settlement procedure by order. Our bank details.

If necessary, you can fill in the shipper and other details. Also important mandatory details are that price includes VAT, currency of mutual settlements"rubles", taxation “The purchase is subject to VAT”, and, strictly speaking, the operation "Purchase from a supplier".

If we accepted goods on commission, then the operation would be "Acceptance of goods for commission".

Flag set “Register supplier prices automatically”.

Two additional fields “Number and date of incoming document”(you can specify these numbers), and such a document can be posted.

By clicking on this hyperlink, a document creation window opens. "Invoice received", where we can also indicate the invoice number, its date, transaction type code and fill in other details in accordance with the rules for registering invoice data.

Let's go through this document. Now we have received the goods into the warehouse. Now we have a debt to our supplier that needs to be repaid and paid. But before that we will set prices.

Setting item prices based on the receipt of goods in the 1C Trade Management program (UT 11) 11.2

It is sometimes convenient to do the price setting operation automatically when goods arrive immediately. Based on data on the receipt of goods, calculate our prices.

To do this, you can create a document based on our receipt of goods “Setting item prices”. The 1C Trade Management program (UT 11) automatically filled out our nomenclature and automatically calculated our three prices. We set up the purchase price in such a way that it is calculated based on receipt documents. Wholesale and retail prices are calculated based on the purchase price. Such a document can be posted and closed. Thus, we have established new prices in our 1C Trade Management (UT 11) 11.2 system for the newly purchased items.

Creating an application for spending funds in the 1C Trade Management program (UT 11) 11.2

Now let’s create a request for cash expenditure. Also, based on the receipt documents, we select - create “Application for spending funds”.

An application is generated, which is automatically filled out, and the 1C Trade Management (UT 11) 11.2 configuration has already calculated the remaining amount of the debt. On the tab "Decryption of payment" All basic details have been filled in, namely the settlement object - “order to supplier”.

On the tab "Distribution by accounts" We will indicate that we will have non-cash payment from our bank account; Let's set today's date and move our application to status "to be paid". Let's review and close this document.

Write-off of non-cash funds as payment to the supplier

Now you can go to the section "Treasury", to the group “Requests for spending funds”, and based on our application create a document “Write-off of non-cash funds”.

We indicate the bank payment number, indicate the flag "Conducted by the Bank". We check whether the counterparty, the recipient's account, the account from which funds will be debited, and the payment amount are filled out correctly.

On the tab "Decryption of payment" We check that we have completed the application for spending funds and the object of settlement (our order to the supplier). Such a document can be posted and closed.

Now our debt to the supplier is fully repaid. The supplier also fully fulfilled its obligations under our order. You can close this order. To do this we go to the section "Purchases", "Orders to suppliers", select our order and change its status to status “Close (for fully processed orders)”.

Second state "Closed" marked with a red circle - corresponds to a closed order in the state "Canceled". We close the “Order (for fully processed orders)”.

Program 1C Trade Management (UT 11) 11.2 transferred it to the “Closed” state.

Thus, in the 1C Trade Management program version 11.2, goods are received according to an order from a supplier to a warehouse where an order accounting system is not maintained.

Program 1C: Enterprise 8 Retail edition 2.2 allows you to keep track of goods between warehouses and retail outlets of one company according to two schemes, which can be recorded in accounting policy– single-phase and order. The single-phase scheme allows you to reduce or increase the balance of goods in the warehouse by issuing a document for its sale or receipt, respectively. And the order accounting scheme involves additional execution of warehouse orders. It is on the basis of this document that the goods will be written off from the warehouse or accounted for. And warehouse orders are drawn up either on the basis of a receipt document or on the basis of a sale, both after each fact of sale of goods, and in total for the day. The advantages of using the order scheme, as provided for by the 1C Retail program in version 2.2, are the ability to automatically distribute goods to warehouses and move them to retail stores. The choice of scheme is made at the time of creating a company card, and this setting will apply to all its warehouses and retail outlets.

Accounting for receipt of goods from an external supplier

The 1C Retail 2.0 (2.2) program provides for the most complete automation of all accounting processes, therefore, when drawing up an external goods receipt document, all information about the supplier from his card will be transferred to it. After concluding an agreement, his data should be recorded in the “Counterparties” directory, where they are systematized and grouped in any order convenient for the user.

To generate a purchase document, the Retail configuration involves filling out the “Order to Supplier” document. Upon first receipt, it is generated manually, based on the specification attached to the contract. And during further work it is created by copying. This document takes part in the creation of the “Sales analysis and order generation” report. Moreover, it can be presented in the form of processing, which can be found in the “Purchases” section, this allows you to place an order to the supplier directly based on his data, which is very convenient for eliminating the risk of warehouse oversaturation.

But still, the main purpose of this document remains to take into account the assortment agreed with the supplier of the order, the price of each item and the stages of payment. Its closure is carried out upon completion of the transaction upon fulfillment of all contractual obligations. 1C Retail version 2.2 involves either closing it manually or using a routine task designed to analyze unclosed orders in order to identify the fact that they are overdue. When using it, overdue documents are automatically marked with the “Closed” flag.

Accounting for the movement of goods in a single-phase scheme

This scheme for recording the movement of goods, as provided for by the 1C Retail 2.2 program, registers the fact of the arrival of goods based on filling out the document of its receipt from the supplier. It can be created based on the Order or by selection when registering it from the Document Journal. In the first case, all document data is entered automatically, and in the second case, the product is selected manually, its price and payment terms are filled in.

This process can also be automated, provided that this is not the first time that this product has arrived at the company’s warehouse. For example, its price can be filled in using the “Fill in prices based on prices of previous delivery” service or its characteristics can be entered using the “Distribute by characteristics” service.

The capabilities of the 1C: Enterprise Retail 2.2 program are quite wide. In addition, it contains a lot of reports, by generating which you can obtain complete information about the movement of goods, starting from the moment it is received at the warehouse and ending with its write-off after sale to the end consumer.

If you have any questions, you can use any means of communication convenient for you.

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