GAZ-53 GAZ-3307 GAZ-66

Tomatoes in their own juice in half-liter jars. Recipe: tomatoes in their own juice. Pickling tomatoes in their own juice: reviews. Ingredients and proportions

When choosing vegetables for harvesting, you should give preference to dense fruits. The Slivka variety and others like it would be ideal. The tomatoes should be small, approximately the same shape, with firm but not too thick skin.

Be sure to carefully inspect the fruits before canning. There should be no stains, dents, or even damage on them.

The mistake that most housewives make is using “substandard” tomatoes to cook. Such a preparation, even if it is well stored, will not have a good taste. So don’t try to save money, buy only high-quality canning products.

Jars and lids must be sterilized! Don't be afraid of this. It is enough to wash the cans of soda (you can even after use detergent), and then put it in the sun for several hours. Residents of high-rise buildings can place jars for sterilization directly on the windowsill. Through the glass, the sun will also “fry” them well. This is the simplest “village” option. Well, clean jars need to be held over steam.

Whole tomatoes in their own juice for the winter

Very tasty tomatoes are obtained using this recipe. And most importantly, when you open the jar you will immediately feel the real smell of summer.

For a 3-liter jar you need to take:

  • 2 kilos of small tomatoes and larger fruits;
  • dill seeds or one inflorescence;
  • horseradish leaf;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • a few black peas and shower. pepper;
  • clove bud;
  • a sprig of parsley and tarragon;
  • vinegar - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt (3 tbsp) and sugar (5 tbsp).

Place small tomatoes along with herbs and seasonings in a jar. Remove the skin from large ones and cut them into pieces, boil for 30 minutes. You can pre-grind until smooth.

Pour boiling water over the tomatoes in two batches for 15 minutes. Then add vinegar, sugar and salt to the jar, carefully add the boiling tomato mass and roll up.

Take note!

If the jar is filled not with tomato, but with juice prepared using a squeezer, then quite a lot of pulp will remain. No need to throw it away. You can add a little garlic or hot pepper and your favorite spices, you will get a wonderful adjika.

Sliced ​​tomatoes for the winter in their own juice

This recipe is suitable for large tomatoes. The Malinovka variety is considered ideal, but any other variety will do, as long as the fruits are dense and hold their shape well.

They need to be cut into 2-4 parts and placed in a jar. Peel the softer ones and crush them in a deep bowl with your hands or a mashed potato masher.

Pass through a sieve to remove the seeds, although if any remain, that's okay.

Cook the juice for about an hour, stirring regularly. Add salt (1 tbsp to a 2-liter jar), sugar (4 tbsp to a 2-liter jar) and an aspirin tablet. Pour over the tomato and roll up.

If you are not sure about the quality of the fruit, use boiling water for the first time before filling the jars with tomato. 15 minutes is enough to carry out additional processing.

Cherry tomatoes in their own juice

A very simple recipe, but the taste of the preparation is such that even gourmets will appreciate it. Be sure to prepare several servings. In winter, you will not only surprise your guests, but you yourself will be able to enjoy the amazing taste of tomatoes.

For a half liter jar you will need:

  • about 400 g cherry tomatoes;
  • approximately 500-600 g of tomatoes per juice;
  • teaspoon salt;
  • 2 tsp Sahara;
  • basil (it is advisable to take a fresh sprig, but you can also use seasoning, then a pinch is enough).

Place the cherry tomatoes in a jar and pour boiling water over them. Grind large fruits into tomatoes, boil for 15 minutes, add salt, sugar and basil, boil for another quarter of an hour. Drain the water from the jar, pour in the tomato and sterilize for about 15 minutes, roll up.

To prevent the tomatoes from bursting, you need to make 2-3 neat pricks on each one with a needle.

Here's how to prepare cherry tomatoes and cucumbers for the winter.

Tomatoes with peppers in their own juice

The workpiece can be called “2 in one”. Vegetables can be served separately, and the gravy can be used as a side dish. It turns out very tasty, especially with pasta. You will feel like real Italians!

For two kilos of small tomatoes you will need:

  • 1-1.3 liters of prepared tomato;
  • 1-2 pcs. Bulgarian pepper;
  • salt (1 tbsp) and sugar (3 tbsp);
  • garlic and fresh herbs to taste.

Place tomatoes with garlic and herbs in jars, pour boiling water over them twice, soak for 5-7 minutes. Add finely chopped pepper, salt and sugar to the tomato. Pour boiling water over the jars and roll them up.

Take note!

For extra confidence, you can add vinegar to the jars (a tablespoon in liter jar).

Tomatoes without vinegar in their own juice

For this recipe, you can use either homemade juice or store-bought juice. But store products must be of high quality.

For three liter jars you will need:

  • 2 kilos of creamed tomatoes;
  • liter of juice;
  • 1.5 l. salt;
  • 2 l. Sahara;
  • bay leaf, garlic, shower pepper.

Boil the juice, add all the seasonings and spices, simmer for about 15 minutes.

If you take store-bought juice, you may need less salt and sugar. Be sure to taste it.

Place the tomatoes in jars, pour boiling water over them and wrap them in a warm blanket until they cool completely. Drain the water, pour boiling juice over the tomatoes and roll up.

Tomatoes with onions in their juice for the winter

This recipe makes the vegetables delicious, but the gravy is even better. The taste is very similar to the famous Uncle Bens sauce, only thicker. If you don’t have time to cook, just pour it over any porridge or pasta.

Cut three kilos of tomatoes into slices and put on fire. To them send two chopped onions, a sprig of basil, thyme, and the juice of one lemon. Boil for 20 minutes, add salt to taste and turn off.

Peel 2.5 kilos of small fruits from the skin and stalks, cut in half and place in jars. Strain the sauce through a colander, pour in the tomatoes for 2-3, sterilize a liter for half an hour and roll up.

If you add a sprig of basil to each jar, the preparation will acquire an even more refined taste and aroma.

Tomatoes with tomato paste

Express version of your favorite preparation. One caveat - you can’t skimp on pasta. If you take a poor quality one, the taste will be hopelessly spoiled.

Place one or two cloves of garlic and tomatoes in a liter jar. Not tight, but almost to the top. Pour approximately 700 ml of water into a saucepan, dilute 4 tbsp in it. pasta, bring to a boil. After 5-7 minutes. Add tsp. salt and sugar, ½ tsp. ux. essences, a few peppercorns.

Pour over the tomatoes and roll up. If the workpiece will be stored in a warm room, it is better to additionally sterilize it for 5-7 minutes before seaming.

Tomatoes in their own juice with citric acid

For this recipe, unlike the previous ones, not too ideal tomatoes can be used. And you don’t need to prepare tomato juice, which is a definite advantage.

At the bottom of each liter jar we put bay leaf, 5-7 peppercorns, tsp. sugar, tbsp. l salt and a pinch of lemon. Place sliced ​​tomatoes on top. Do not add water!

Cut the tomatoes generously. Don’t put everything in jars.

Cover the jars with lids and sterilize over very low heat. The tomatoes will begin to release juice and sag. Add “spare” tomatoes to the vacant space. This must be done several times until all the tomatoes have settled in the released juice.
Approximately sterilization time takes 40-50 minutes.

Proven preparation method. Such jars can be safely stored even in an apartment.

Tomatoes can be used as an independent snack, or added to various dishes, such as borscht, stew, etc.

Tomatoes without skin in their own juice

For this recipe, you need to choose ripe, but not overripe, cream tomatoes. The fruits must be very dense to keep their shape well. You need to remove the skin from them. To do this, after washing, you should immerse them in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, then immediately transfer them to ice water. This way the skin will come off perfectly.

Place the peeled tomatoes in jars.

Tomato juice must be prepared from larger fruits. They should be peeled, cut into slices and boiled until soft. After cooling, rub through a sieve, add bay leaf, a pinch of black. pepper and salt to taste. Boil for a few minutes.

Immediately fill the jars and place the tomatoes for sterilization (0.5 l - 5 minutes, 1 l - 10 minutes).

Freshly prepared tomato juice should be used within an hour. After this time, fermentation processes begin.

Recipe for tomatoes in their own juice in liter jars

Savory snack, which will be appreciated by gourmets. The secret is to use cinnamon in addition to the usual ingredients. It is this that gives the workpiece its original notes.

For 5 liter jars, in addition to medium-sized dense tomatoes, you will need:

  • 3 l. juice;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 20 g salt;
  • 5 pcs. pepper and cloves;
  • table. l. with a heap of crushed garlic;
  • a pinch of cinnamon;
  • tsp ux.essences.

Wash the tomatoes, prick them with a toothpick, and put them in jars. Boil the juice, add spices, salt and sugar, boil for about 5 minutes. Stir in essence and garlic, pour over tomatoes.

Sterilize 40 minutes after the water boils.

Tomatoes in their own juice without sterilization

Tomatoes according to this recipe retain the most natural taste. And the fruits turn out very tasty, and the juice is simply incredible.

For three kilos of cream you need to take three kilos of large fruits. Cut them, boil them and grind them through a sieve. Add salt and sugar to taste to the juice and bring to a boil.

Make pricks on the fruits, place them in a jar, pour boiling water over them for 20 minutes. Drain the water, pour in the boiling tomato and roll up.


The workpiece should only be stored in a cool place. Otherwise, you need to pour 25 ml of 9% vinegar into each liter jar before sealing.

A simple recipe for tomatoes in their own juice with sterilization

It's actually an incredibly simple preparation method. Grind the tomatoes in a meat grinder and strain, or immediately use a juicer and make juice. For two 750 ml jars, 1.5 kg of tomatoes per tomato is enough.

Place your favorite spices into jars. This could be peppercorns, bay leaves, cloves, etc. Place tomatoes on top.

Add salt and sugar to taste to the boiling juice, pour it into the jars. Sterilize for about 15 minutes. Roll up immediately.

Homemade tomato juice is very tasty. And if you close the tomatoes together with it for the winter own juice, it will turn out twice as delicious! Such tomatoes in their own juice remain almost the same as fresh ones. The recipe is very simple, without tedious sterilization. And for such preservation we don’t need vinegar, which is why children love these tomatoes.

As you can see, this homemade There are so many benefits for the winter that you should definitely prepare these tomatoes in your own juice!

Ingredients and proportions

Yield: 3 liters

  • 2 kg of tomatoes;
  • 1 liter of tomato juice;
  • 1.5 tablespoons salt;
  • 2 tablespoons sugar;
  • 2 peas of allspice;
  • 2 bay leaves (medium size).

How to close tomatoes

For this recipe we use both large ripe tomatoes (for juice) and small (preferably plum-shaped) tomatoes – in jars. Wash and sort the tomatoes thoroughly. Set plum tomatoes (or small ones) aside for now.

We cut large tomatoes in half, cut out the places where the stalks attach, cut into small pieces and pass through a meat grinder. Pour the juice into a saucepan, place on low heat and bring to a boil. Boil for 5 minutes.

Add salt, sugar, allspice and Bay leaf. Bring to a boil, skim off the foam. Boil the juice over low heat for 12 - 15 minutes (until foam stops appearing).

This tomato juice turns out very tasty and thick, but there is still one nuance - this juice contains seeds. If you, like me, prefer seedless juice, you will need to grind it through a sieve (it will be faster if you first grind it through a coarse colander, and then through a sieve). If you don’t want or don’t have time to bother with grinding, leave everything as is. Pour the juice into the pan, place it on the fire again, and bring to a boil.

At the same time, boil water in another saucepan. And put plum tomatoes in sterilized jars.

Pour boiling water over the tomatoes in the jars.

We cover (do not roll up!) the jars with lids and wrap them in a blanket (we make a “fur coat”). Leave the tomatoes like this for 7-10 minutes.

Then drain the water from the jars (it’s convenient to do this using a special lid with holes). Immediately fill the jars to the top with boiling tomato juice.

We roll up the cans and immediately wrap them in the “fur coat” again. Tomatoes in their own juice will need to sit for at least 24 hours. During this time, the jars will cool down, and they can be taken to the cellar, basement, or left for storage at room temperature.

Canning food greatly simplifies the process of daily cooking for every housewife. This is no secret to anyone. Vegetables and fruits prepared for future use allow you to always have the right ingredient on hand to make a particular dish. There is no need to run around the shops and waste time on processing and preparing the original products. It is much easier to get the right jar from the shelf and solve the problem without additional effort.

It is difficult to imagine first or second courses that do not use tomatoes in one form or another. This unique vegetable is used not only for addition and decoration. It is included in various sauces and fries, without which many dishes lose not only appearance, but also their unique taste and aroma. The ideal option for preparing tomatoes is undoubtedly canning in natural filling. To do this you need to know how to do it. There is nothing complicated here. You just need to carry out the necessary steps step by step. And the result will be guaranteed.

As you know, how many people - so many opinions. Therefore, every housewife has her own recipe for making tomatoes in their own juice. But they are all united by a clear sequence that must be followed during the preparation process. The process itself takes very little time. It will take no more than two hours for jars of delicious tomatoes floating in a fragrant filling to appear on the table.

So, how to do it First you need to prepare the necessary starting products. For canning, it is better to take small vegetables. They are easier to put in jars. And to prepare a liquid medium, you can use several large tomatoes.

Products you may need: 2 kilograms of small tomatoes, 3 kilograms of large tomatoes, 2 regular tablespoons of sugar and salt.

The process itself consists of several main stages:

  1. Rinse the vegetables thoroughly.
  2. Carefully place small tomatoes in jars to the top. First, the peel must be pierced with a needle in several places.
  3. Chop large tomatoes randomly, place in a saucepan and bring slowly to a boil under the lid.
  4. Then rub the mixture through a sieve. The result will be natural
  5. Add the required amount of salt and sugar for every 1.5 liters of hot mass, stir carefully.
  6. Pour the mixture into jars, cover them with a lid and place to pasteurize in a wide container with boiling water for 8-10 minutes.
  7. Seal the jars and turn them upside down. Leave in this position until completely cooled. You can store them anywhere.

This is the simplest, but not the only way to do it at home. There are others too.

In cooking it is usually done in two ways. It all depends on the type of main source product. Unpeeled or peeled tomatoes can be used for preservation. Here the cooking technology is slightly different. The process will look like this:

  1. Wash small tomatoes.
  2. Cut the peel of each tomato in several places.
  3. Place the vegetables in a saucepan with boiling water, cover tightly with a lid and leave in this state for 15-20 minutes.
  4. After the time has passed, remove the tomatoes from the water, peel them and carefully place them in pre-sterilized jars.
  5. Grind the remaining tomatoes in a meat grinder, boil the resulting mixture over low heat for 15 minutes.
  6. Then add sugar and salt.
  7. Pour the resulting hot mixture into the contents of the jars and close tightly with metal lids. Sterilize in in this case no need.

These tomatoes can not only be eaten as an independent dish. They are perfect for preparing various flavorful sauces.

Very delicious tomatoes You can cook it in your own juice without using any additives. This is done extremely simply:

  1. Remove the stems from well-washed vegetables.
  2. Chop the tomatoes randomly. The pieces should be large enough.
  3. Place the products in a saucepan and place on low heat. After boiling, cook the mixture for 20 minutes.
  4. Place the finished mixture in prepared jars and roll up.

How pleasing to the eye are the orderly rows of jars of various preserves lined up on the shelves of the pantry! The main part of pickles, in addition to cucumbers, comes from tomatoes. Each housewife has a number of recipes that are used and passed down in the family “by inheritance”.

Most often these are salted or pickled fruits, but tomatoes in their own juice are less often closed for the winter without sterilization, perhaps for fear of the complexity of their preparation. Look below for simple and delicious recipes, learn the nuances of canning such tomatoes.

It is better to choose fleshy and juicy tomatoes for preparing the filling. For fruits that will be used whole, it is better to remove the skin, but then simple recipe you can't name it anymore. Adjust the amount of garlic according to your taste preferences.

Will be required:

  • 2 kg of tomatoes;
  • 3 bay leaves;
  • 5 black peppercorns;
  • 3 peas of allspice;
  • 3 buds of cloves;
  • tbsp 9% vinegar;
  • 3 tbsp. Sahara;
  • tbsp coarse salt;
  • head of garlic.


  • Wipe the washed tomatoes and peel the garlic. Place pepper, bay leaf, clove buds, and about half the tomatoes on the bottom of a thoroughly washed and sterilized jar with baking soda.
  • Carefully pour boiling water from the kettle into the center of the jar, cover with a lid, and let stand for 15-20 minutes. Drain off the cooled water and add boiling water again.
  • Use a meat grinder or chop the remaining tomatoes and garlic in a blender.
  • Pour the resulting tomato mixture into a saucepan, wait until it boils, add salt, add sugar, pour in vinegar (after boiling), and simmer for a couple of minutes.
  • Carefully pour boiling tomatoes over the tomatoes in the jar, roll up or screw on the lid, boiled in water. Turn the jar over, place the lid down, let it cool completely, cover it with something warm, and put it away for storage.

Recipe with green tomatoes (slices)

A very relevant recipe for the country, as Mikhail Zhvanetsky caustically noted, “forever green tomatoes.” You need to take large ones for cutting into slices, so that the workpiece turns out better; the fruits can be soaked before canning for 5-6 hours in water with salt, changing it every 2 hours.

Read also: Beetroot salad for the winter - 11 delicious and simple recipes

Will be required:

  • 1.5 kg of green tomatoes;
  • 0.7 g carrots;
  • 0.5 kg of onion;
  • 0.5 kg of sweet pepper;
  • 0.5 l of spicy tomato sauce;
  • 2 tsp Sahara;
  • 250 ml oil;
  • tsp ground black pepper;
  • salt to taste;
  • 2 tbsp. 9% vinegar.


  • Wash and dry the tomatoes, cut into slices. Peel the peppers from seeds, cut into large squares, chop the onion into half rings, chop the carrots on a medium grater.
  • Pour the oil into a saucepan with a thick bottom, lay out the vegetables in layers: tomatoes, peppers, onions, carrots. Pour tomato sauce on top.
  • Cover, bring the vegetable mixture to a boil, simmer for half an hour, stir, turn the heat to minimum, cook for another hour.
  • Add pepper, sugar, salt to the pan, mix well, cook for another 10 minutes.
  • Pour in the vinegar, stir thoroughly, boil for a couple of minutes, fill the jars with “bubbling” vegetables, and screw on the boiled lids. Turn the jars over, cover with a blanket, let cool completely, and store.

Cooking with tomato paste and pepper

Simplified version of the workpiece: use tomato paste will eliminate the need for squeezing and boiling juice from tomatoes. It gives the preparation a rich taste, and the addition of bell pepper turns it almost into lecho. For canning, you need to select small and strong tomatoes, their quantity depends on the size.

In addition to these, you will need:

  • 2 bell peppers;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • 2-3 sprigs of dill.

For a liter of filling you need to take:

  • 4 tbsp. l. tomato paste;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 1 tsp. salt;
  • 4 allspice peas;
  • 1 tsp. Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp. 9% vinegar.


  • Prepare the selected fruits, wash, dry, prick in several places with a toothpick so that the skin remains intact after pouring.
  • Cut the pepper into strips, garlic - in half.
  • In jars thoroughly washed with soda and sterilized over steam (boil the lid too), add peppers and tomatoes, dill with garlic and allspice peas, pour boiling water over them, and let stand for about a third of an hour. To avoid damaging the jar, pour water in the center. Since preservation is without sterilization, to be safe, you need to repeat the filling again.
  • To prepare tomato sauce, dissolve the paste in water, add sugar, add salt, add bay leaves and allspice, let it boil, pour in vinegar, stir.
  • Empty the jar of water, then fill it with hot “tomato”, roll up the lid, turn it over, cover it with something warm for longer cooling.

Cherry in its own juice with vinegar (without sterilization)

A delicious preparation of small tomatoes will decorate any holiday feast in winter. It is better to seal the cherry tomatoes in small jars with a small amount of vinegar so that they are well stored. To prepare the filling, take large and juicy salad tomatoes.

Read also: Garlic arrows for the winter - 8 best recipes

Will be required:

  • 2 kg cherry tomatoes;
  • 1 kg of tomatoes for sauce;
  • 2 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 1.5 tbsp. salt;
  • 2 tbsp. 9% vinegar.


  • Wash, wipe large tomatoes, cut into 2-4 parts, cut out the upper hard parts from the stalks, chop with a blender. Salt the mixture, add sugar, heat to a boil.
  • During this time, fill the jars with washed cherry tomatoes, pour in boiling water, let stand for 10 minutes, drain the water.
  • Pour vinegar into the boiling sauce, stir, pour into jars. Roll up the canned food, put it on the lid, cover it with a blanket, let it cool well and put it in the pantry.

Tomatoes with onions and aspirin

A couple of aspirin tablets and you won’t have a headache (about the safety of the preservation)! Some housewives add acetylsalicylic acid to the twists, replacing vinegar with it. For this preservation, it is better to take small onions.

Will be required:

  • 2 kg of tomatoes;
  • 1.5 liters of tomato juice;
  • 2 aspirin tablets;
  • 1.5 tbsp. salt;
  • 2 small onions;
  • 3 tbsp. Sahara;
  • dill umbrella;
  • 4 cloves;
  • 3 blackcurrant leaves;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 1/2 hot pepper;
  • 4-5 peas of allspice and black pepper;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 4-5 cloves of garlic.


  • Place herbs with spices, onion quarters, pepper and garlic in a sterilized jar. Next, fill it with tomatoes and carefully pour boiling water from the kettle (pour in the center of the jar), leave for a quarter of an hour.
  • Bring tomato juice to a boil with added sugar and salt.
  • Drain the cooled water from the jar and fill it with hot juice, adding a couple of aspirin tablets to the “three-liter bottle.”
  • Roll up the jar, wrap it warmly, let it cool completely and put it in the cellar or pantry for storage.

Sweet Tomato Recipe

A very tasty and healthy option for preparing tomatoes for lecho fans. You can store them in your room, they will last well all winter. But you may not have time to check this: chopped tomatoes with sweet peppers are “destroyed” by household members much earlier! If someone doesn’t like sweet tomatoes, then you can use less sugar. Another positive point is that more halves and quarters are placed in jars than whole fruits.

Will be required:

  • 3.5 kg of tomatoes;
  • 9-10 peppercorns;
  • 5 pieces. bell pepper;
  • 1 tsp 9% vinegar;
  • 2 tbsp. salt;
  • 8-9 clove buds;
  • 5 tbsp. Sahara.


  • Sort the tomatoes by size. Leave small ones whole so that you can fill 4 jars, and cut large ones into 2 or 4 pieces (depending on size).
  • Choose a pan of suitable volume and preferably with a thick bottom, pour in half a glass of water so that the “filling” does not burn during cooking, and it will be even safer to place the pan on a flame spreader and do not leave it unattended or stirring for a long time. When the contents are hot enough and begin to boil, boil it for another 45 minutes and blend with a blender until large pieces disappear. Pour back into the pan, add salt and sugar, cook for about 40 minutes. During this time, fill the jars with prepared tomatoes, peppers and seasonings. When the tomato filling is ready, turn the heat to minimum.
  • Cut the peeled pepper into 4 slices, cut the tomatoes, the smaller ones crosswise, place in “steep” boiling water, remove and peel off the peeling skin, cut into a couple of pieces.
  • Place two or three cloves and black peppercorns in well-washed jars. Fill as tightly as possible with pieces of tomatoes without skins and sweet peppers. Boil water and pour into a jar, let stand covered for 20-30 minutes.

  • Let the tomato sauce boil, pour in all the vinegar, and heat for about 3 minutes. Empty the jars from boiling water, fill them with tomato, roll them up, turn them over, wrap them in something warm, and let them cool to room temperature. Store cold preserves in a dark and fairly cool place.

Tomatoes are a very favorite vegetable. Moreover, harvesting tomatoes for the winter is also popular.

To prepare such pickling, you need to choose the most fleshy and ripe fruits. They produce a large amount of juice and are perfect for pickling in their own juice. If you use non-juicy pulp in this recipe, then there will be little juice and the mixture will not be entirely correct, it will just be salted tomatoes.

Required ingredients:

  • Fleshy tomatoes – 3 kilograms;
  • Overripe tomatoes – 2 kilograms;
  • Salt – 80-100 grams;
  • Sugar – 50 grams.

How to cook tomatoes in their own juice:

  1. First, you should prepare the tomatoes themselves, wash them, and prick the stem attachment points in several places with a fork or toothpick;
  2. Then small tomatoes (of which 2 kilograms are measured) should be placed in pre-sterilized jars; they should be placed tightly, but not reaching the neck; space should be left for the juice that subsequently forms;
  3. The other part of the fruit needs to be cut into fairly large pieces, transferred to a large enamel saucepan, put on fire, and wait until it boils;
  4. After the mixture boils, it must be removed from the heat, ground through a sieve, punched with a blender or twisted through a meat grinder so that the mixture is homogeneous, now add table salt and sugar to the mixture, mix the mass thoroughly;
  5. The resulting mixture must be poured into jars with fruits; the liquid should be 2 centimeters below the neck;
  6. Now you can close the workpiece with iron lids.

Tomatoes in their own juice without vinegar

This recipe involves storing fruits for the winter in their own juice. This preparation has a delicate tomato taste and juicy, not too salty fruits. You can prepare all kinds of tomato-type sauces based on this preparation, and the fruits can also be cut into sauce. Wonderful tomatoes in their own juice - a recipe for centuries!

Required ingredients:

  • Ripe tomatoes – 2-2.5 kg;
  • Fresh garlic – 2-3 large cloves;
  • Green currant leaf – 1-2 pcs.;
  • Horseradish – root 7-8 centimeters;
  • Dill – 2 umbrellas;
  • Hot pepper – pod 3-4 centimeters;
  • Mustard powder – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Onion – 0.5 pieces;
  • Table salt – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Clean water – 1.5 liters.

How to make tomatoes in your own juice:

  1. Small tomatoes should be washed well and pierced in some places with a fork; if the fruits are already damaged, then it is not necessary to prick them;
  2. Wash the leaves;
  3. Peel the horseradish root, cut into pieces 3-4 centimeters;
  4. The garlic must be peeled, large cloves must be cut into several parts;
  5. Wash the dill well too;
  6. Remove the seeds from the hot pepper, cut into pieces no longer than 4 centimeters; if you don’t like it very spicy, you can add a smaller amount of pepper;
  7. Peel the onion and cut into rings;
  8. We prepare the jars in advance; they should be thoroughly washed, sterilized in any convenient way and dried; the lids are also prepared;
  9. First you need to put leaves, hot pepper, garlic, dill and horseradish root into the jar;
  10. It is necessary to fill no more than 2/3 of the jar with the prepared pulp; the fruits must lie tightly; in order for them to compact well, you need to shake the container with tomatoes vigorously;
  11. In the meantime, we are preparing a saline solution that will salt our fruits. To prepare it, you need to take water, add salt and mix thoroughly until the salt crystals dissolve, then strain the mixture through cheesecloth, or better yet, through a cloth, so that all the sediment remained on the fabric;
  12. Now you need to fill the container with the resulting solution;
  13. Place onion rings and mustard powder on top, then add a little solution to the container;
  14. Cover the blanks with simple plastic lids and keep them in the room for 2-3 days; when the solution in the jars becomes cloudy, it can be placed in a cool place, the pulp will be salted in about a month.

Tomatoes are delicious in their own juice

In such a recipe, it is better to use plum-shaped tomatoes; they have a fairly good shape and strong skin so that the fruits do not become sour. Overripe fruits are used for tomato mass. And the spices used in this recipe will perfectly complement the tomato taste and add aroma to the mixture. The spicy mixture will appeal to all juice lovers. In addition, such a preparation does not need to be boiled and therefore you can prepare tomatoes right at your summer cottage. Cook tomatoes in their own juice with garlic for lovers of aromatic preparations.

Required ingredients:

  • Plum tomatoes – 5 kilograms;
  • Overripe tomatoes – 5 kilograms;
  • Horseradish root – 1 piece;
  • Horseradish leaves – 5 pieces;
  • Currant leaves – 1 bunch;
  • Hot pepper – 3 pods;
  • Garlic – 1 head;
  • Dill – 1 bunch;
  • Salt – 1 glass.

Tomatoes in their own juice simple recipe:

  1. Wash the tomatoes, prepare all the greens;
  2. Place half of all the spices and herbs into the prepared containers, then place the whole fruits in the container, and then place all the other seasonings;
  3. Damaged and overripe fruits must be twisted several times through a meat grinder, or use a blender, or grind the mixture through a fine sieve;
  4. Add rock salt to the resulting mass and mix well until completely dissolved;
  5. Tomato mass can be poured into prepared containers with spices and other tomatoes;
  6. Such a workpiece can be covered with lids and left to salt for 3 days in the room, then the twists can be removed to a permanent storage location.

Tomatoes without skin in their own juice

If the tomatoes have already been collected and need to be prepared, but there are no additional ingredients, then you can use this recipe. It contains nothing but fruits, salt and sugar, so the taste is exactly tomato and is not interrupted by strong spices and herbs. To prepare dishes with this preparation, you do not need to use a lot of salt, the mixture is already salty. Canning tomatoes in their own juice does not require much effort, it is easy to prepare and enjoy the summer fruits in winter.

Required ingredients:

  • Tomatoes – 2 kilograms;
  • Small tomatoes – 3 kg;
  • Table salt – 80 grams;
  • Sugar – 50 gr.

Peeled tomatoes in their own juice, instructions:

  1. Wash all the fruits, pierce small tomatoes well, since small fruits usually have a thick skin, and in order to release their own juice, they need to be damaged, you can also initially remove the peel from the fruits, to do this easily, you need to hold the fruits for 1-2 minutes in boiling water, then quickly immerse in ice water, after this procedure the peel comes off very easily;
  2. Containers for workpieces must be washed with baking soda, properly sterilized over steam and allowed to dry;
  3. Whole fruits must be placed in prepared jars;
  4. Large tomatoes need to be cut into pieces, boiled, and then rub the mixture through a sieve; you can use another method, but the main thing is that the mixture is very homogeneous;
  5. Now add salt and measured sugar to the resulting mixture, mix the mixture until the salt and sugar dissolve;
  6. The prepared juice must be filled into containers;
  7. Now you need to cover the jars with lids and additionally sterilize them, to do this they need to be placed in a large saucepan with boiling water, you don’t need to sterilize the workpieces for a long time, for liter jars 10 minutes will be enough;
  8. Then the jars are rolled up with sterilized lids, turned over, waited for them to cool and placed in a cool storage room, although such a preparation can also be stored at room temperature.

Tomatoes with Tabasco sauce

Tabasco sauce gives the mixture a very good taste, unique aroma and, of course, spiciness. All lovers of spicy tomatoes are simply recommended to try this recipe. Tabasco has not only spiciness, but also other shades of taste, so the mixture will be complemented by a variety of tastes.

Required ingredients:

  • Tomatoes – 1 kilogram;
  • Pepper – 6 peas;
  • Fresh parsley – 5 sprigs;
  • Dill greens – 5 stalks;
  • Tabasco sauce – 2-4 drops;
  • Celery – 1 small piece;
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Rock salt - Art. spoon.

Step-by-step cooking instructions:

  1. Ripe tomatoes are washed, dipped in hot water and left for 1 minute, then remove the fruits from the water, let cool a little, now you need to remove the peel from them so that this process occurs easily, you can immediately after the hot water dip the vegetables in cold water, thanks to the sharp drop temperatures, vegetable peels are removed very easily;
  2. When the fruits are peeled, you should measure out 700 grams of them and place them in sterilized jars;
  3. The remaining fruits must be finely chopped, all seeds removed, transferred to a suitable container and brought to a boil; it is important to stir the mixture, otherwise the thick mass will quickly burn to the bottom of the pan and the mixture will be spoiled;
  4. Now you should add well-washed herbs, sauce, pepper, salt and sugar to the mass; the resulting mass should be simmered over low heat for about 10 minutes;
  5. Then the mixture should be carefully poured into a separate container and passed through a fine sieve;
  6. After rubbing, the homogeneous mixture is returned back to the stove and brought to a boil again;
  7. You must immediately pour the hot mixture into the containers with the pulp, cover them with lids and place them in boiling water for sterilization for 10 minutes.

Tomatoes in their own juice are quite spicy, so this preparation is recommended to be used to complement soups, main courses, salads and even tomato drinks. Moreover, the fruits themselves can be used separately from tomato juice.