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All-wheel drive on a Duster: how to use it. Duster all wheel drive. How Renault Duster all-wheel drive works

Currently, the most popular class of car is the crossover. This car combines the charms of a passenger car and an SUV, and therefore is very practical and versatile. Renault Duster four-wheel drive is one of the most popular crossovers not only in the Russian but also in the world market. The car managed to gain huge demand due to its unpretentiousness and favorable price.

In addition, the Duster all-wheel drive is distinguished by excellent cross-country ability, which has always been more than relevant for Russian motorists, because our problems with the roads are known to everyone. The Duster did not immediately become an all-wheel drive car, and the design of the car is very specific. Let’s try to figure it out with you, and at the same time it will become clear why the car is so popular and practical.

In answer to the question what kind of drive does Renault Duster have in its modern version, we can safely say that it is variable. After all, the Renault Duster all-wheel drive scheme is not entirely standard. So, the car has an optional drive: either all-wheel drive or only front-wheel drive. As a rule, when driving on not the best roads, it is recommended to use the first option, and if you want to save fuel, or simply do not need to use the 4x4 mode, you can disable the rear drive and calmly drive, for example, on a city road.

Therefore, the answer to the question of what kind of all-wheel drive Renault Duster has: permanent or plug-in, you can safely choose the second option. This solution cannot be called new, because some other compact crossovers use the same principle. But Renault all-wheel drive differs, first of all, in price, because the car is significantly cheaper than competitors with similar capabilities.

Secret 4x4

To understand how all-wheel drive works on the Duster, let’s talk about the design of the car. So, the front-wheel drive receives torque in the standard way: through CV joints. But with rear diagram more complex. Torque is transmitted to it transfer case, which is equipped with a CVT. It can either enable or disable the clutch responsible for the rear pair of wheels.

When the clutch is turned off, the Renault Duster gets all-wheel drive, and if it is turned on, the car will become front-wheel drive. Everything is simple and convenient! The whole secret lies in the transmission and electromagnetic clutch of the Renault Duster 4x4, the device of which has such a variable system. So you can easily turn your car into a four-wheel drive, this can also happen automatically using the ECU.

Clutch control

Thanks to such a system, the Renault Duster all-wheel drive has several modes at once, which are responsible for the operation of the clutch-switch and, accordingly, for the supply of torque to the rear wheels of the car:

Lock mode. This option allows you to turn on the all-wheel drive mode of the car, because it blocks the camshaft clutch. This involves forcing torque distribution across all axles so that the car is in 4x4 mode. It is worth considering that when Lock is activated, you should not drive faster than 80 km/h, which can lead to failure of the clutch. The fact is that if it breaks, you will have to replace the entire assembly, and that won’t be cheap!

Auto mode. When activated, the ECU is responsible for turning on and off all-wheel drive on Renault Duster. If the surface on which the car is driving is bumpy, then the car switches to 4x4 mode, but when driving on a good road, the all-wheel drive option is enough. As a rule, motorists use the Auto mode constantly, because only a few control the distribution clutch manually;

2WD mode. This function is used in cases where they want to convert the Renault Duster to a front-wheel drive format, which is optimal for driving on normal roads. It activates the clutch, and therefore torque is no longer supplied to the rear wheels.

As you can see, controlling the drives on Renault Duster is more than simple, especially if you use automatic mode. Otherwise, the car is no different from non-variable crossovers, so there are no special specifics when driving this crossover. The Renault Duster all-wheel drive suspension is independent, which significantly improves cross-country ability and comfort in the cabin when driving over bumps.

So, with a Renault Duster car you will always have the opportunity to control the drives, turning your car either into an SUV or into an analogue of a passenger car. This is easy to do using a washer with the listed modes that are responsible for the operation of the distributor coupling. To drive off-road, you use the 4x4 version of the Duster, but on the highway it is much better to turn it into a 4x2 version, as this will significantly save fuel, and the risk of breakdown is significantly reduced.

With proper control of the Duster, the car will be able to travel perfectly on any road, and operation will not cause any problems. This variable crossover from Renault is the best option in its price range and is undoubtedly worthy of the attention of Russian motorists.

With the entry into the domestic car market, Renault Duster gained very wide popularity. This is due to the fact that for relatively low money the consumer receives a high-quality crossover with all-wheel drive. For many car enthusiasts, the 4x4 function is a necessity, since they have to drive off-road quite often. This is especially true for farm and forest lands. But what is the operating principle of all-wheel drive on a Renault Duster?

How Renault Duster all-wheel drive works is described in the video:

First let's look at technical side question, but a functional one. Since modern automotive trends tend to reduce fuel consumption, switches from all-wheel drive to regular drive are often installed on cars. Renault Duster has not lost this useful functionality. Thus, a switch washer is placed in the car interior, which allows you to turn on different modes. Let's look at the question in more detail:

Thus, it is clear that both the control unit and the driver himself can choose which mode to drive.

The principle of operation of all-wheel drive on Renault Duster

If we talk about the principle of operation of rear-wheel drive, it is necessary to understand some technical and design features Renault Duster. In the case of front-wheel drive, all torque goes through the CV joints to the front wheels. How does the rear one work?

In this case, the car is equipped with a transfer case, which redirects torque to the rear wheels. The system was invented quite a long time ago, back in the 50s, but the principle has remained to this day, although these devices are being improved all the time.

Classic all-wheel drive scheme

A clutch is installed in the rear gearbox of the Renault Duster, and if it is blocked, the rear drive does not work.

It can be turned on either forcibly by the driver or using the ECU. Let's look at everything more simply and clearly: the engine supplies torque to the gearbox, and from it it goes to the distribution box.

Detailed diagram of all-wheel drive on Duster

Through the cardan shaft it reaches rear gearbox, in which there is a clutch-regulator for engaging rear-wheel drive. If it is on, then all-wheel drive works, if off, then only front-wheel drive. IN .

Let us remind you once again that you should not forcefully use the clutch-switch for a long period of time, since it can fail under power load. Therefore, AUTO mode is considered the most optimal to use.

Where necessary, it is worth turning on briefly manual mode, and when it becomes unnecessary, switch back to AUTO mode.


The all-wheel drive system turned out to be simple and understandable. Of course, if the clutch fails, you will have to replace the entire assembly, which is expensive, so you should follow the rules for using the 4x4 mode.

Crossovers are a relatively new class that recent years 10 has become incredibly popular in many countries. This success did not bypass Russia either - according to statistics, crossovers have become more popular here than C-class sedans, although 5 years ago it was difficult to even imagine this. Actually, the success is natural: for relatively little money you can buy a comfortable and functional car with high clearance, which is convenient to move both around the city (“I sit high, I can look far away”) and outside the city, especially if you have a dacha or a country house.

The first crossovers mostly had all-wheel drive. And only Americans were offered crossovers with single-axle drive. In our country, at first, such cars were almost never offered - why would our people need a “jeep” without all-wheel drive? Today, everything has changed and the vast majority of SUVs are sold with only one axle drive, since it is cheaper, and all-wheel drive is rarely required for city driving.

Renault Duster We offer it with two types of drive: only on the front axle and on all four wheels. Whether it's worth buying the all-wheel drive version is up to you to decide. But if you have housing outside the city where there are no asphalt roads, then most likely you should choose the all-wheel drive version.

How does all-wheel drive work?

The Renault Duster uses an all-wheel drive transmission similar to that found on cars such as Nissan X-trail and Qashqai (both companies are part of the same concern).

To control transmission modes, a special switch is used, which can be found on the front panel. There are three modes in total:

2WD mode means driving only front wheel drive, while the driveshaft, which should transmit torque to the rear gearbox, rotates idle. This is the most optimal mode for road driving.

In AUTO mode, the front wheels are still driven, but in this case the electronics decide when the rear axle can be engaged. For example, an electromagnetic clutch can be activated if the drive wheels begin to slip. Torque can be distributed from a ratio of 100:0 to 50:50 from the front to the rear axle. This mode is often used, for example, on snowy country roads.

By switching the washer-switch to LOCK mode, the driver completely closes the clutch and now all-wheel drive is always connected. True, it only works at speeds up to 40 km per hour, after which it automatically switches to AUTO mode. This was done for a reason, but to ensure that the transmission does not overheat, since overheating can lead to its breakdown. The mode is usually used for driving on sand, mud or snow at low speed.

In principle, nothing complicated - a system similar in operation is available on many four-wheel drive vehicles. Renault Duster AWD (4x4) is offered with both automatic transmission transmissions and manual, with the latter exclusively six-speed (a 5-speed gearbox is also offered for the 4x2 version).

And one more thing. When using all-wheel drive it increases. Besides,


How does Renault Duster all-wheel drive work?

General information

In general, the drive system of this car model is quite simple and is not difficult to understand even for a non-professional. The distribution of torque between the wheels is carried out from the gearbox. CV joints are installed at the outer ends of the shafts, which receive equal angular speed, and tripods are located at the inner ends. This operating mechanism does not represent anything new in terms of development; the scheme is borrowed from the famous Nissan Quashkai.

Operating modes

The most basic mode is called 2WD, which includes the operation of only the front wheels and is recommended for driving on high-quality and dry road surfaces. This mode provides fuel-efficient driving and comfortable travel speed.

The automatic operating mode determines the best grip on the surface. It is mainly used on highways and city roads. In unfavorable weather conditions, for example during rain, the clutch independently determines at what point it is necessary to engage the rear wheel drive.

In a mode called LOCK, the clutch is locked and torque is supplied to the rear wheels, so the car becomes all-wheel drive and ready to overcome off-road conditions. But this function is recommended for working at reduced speeds up to 80 kilometers per hour.

Bottom line

Owners Renault car Duster must independently, depending on the situation, choose the optimal drive operating mode and remember that the most economical driving is obtained in 2WD mode, and it is advisable not to remain in LOCK mode for too long a time, so as not to overheat the clutch, which can lead to failure of the mechanism, especially since Repairs at the current price of Renault Duster 2014 can be very expensive!

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Renault Duster 4x4 immediately after its appearance on the market aroused great interest on Russian market. Enough interesting characteristics The crossover was immediately appreciated by thousands of Russians. Today we will analyze in detail the Renault Duster all-wheel drive device and transmission operating modes.

The operating principle of the Renault Duster 4x4 is not new; something similar is used on other small crossovers. For example, the all-wheel drive transmission of the Nissan Qashqai and Juka works exactly the same. The photo at the beginning of the article shows the operation diagram of the Renault Duster all-wheel drive.

The Duster 4x4 gearbox is made in a single housing with an additional transfer gearbox. When the front wheels rotate, the shank of the transfer unit, to which the driveshaft is attached, constantly rotates. And the driveshaft transfers the torque to the rear gearbox. But in front of the rear gearbox there is an electromagnetic clutch, the task of which is either to transmit torque further, or to allow the cardan to rotate idle. It is this clutch that is the main element of the connected rear drive, without which the 4x4 transmission on the Duster would not exist at all. What does this transmission element look like from behind, under the bottom of the crossover? See the photo below.

The operation of the entire all-wheel drive can be done from inside the crossover using a small washer, which just blocks or unlocks the electromagnetic clutch. Thereby turning a single-drive compact crossover V all-wheel drive SUV. There are three operating modes in total.

First operating mode 2WD– the front wheels and cardan rotate, but the electromagnetic clutch does not transmit torque to the rear gearbox.

All-wheel drive mode “Lock”– the electromagnetic clutch is blocked and the torque goes to the rear gearbox, then to the rear wheels.

Automatic mode “Auto”– In this mode, when the front wheels slip, for example on ice or other slippery surfaces, the electromagnetic clutch turns on itself and causes the rear wheels to also rotate.

It is worth noting that you cannot constantly drive in “Lock” mode, as this will lead to overheating of the electromagnetic clutch and its breakdown. Naturally, in all-wheel drive mode, fuel consumption on a Duster 4x4 increases, especially off-road.