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Why does the abs light on the instrument panel light up and what to do in such a situation. Why does the ABS light on the panel light up, what should I do? ABC sign lit up

The automotive industry has long been equipping its "brainchildren" with ABS sensors (ABS), which actuate an additional brake force distribution system. This equipment starts its work with a sharp braking of the car, accompanied by the blocking of one or a pair of wheels. The ABS unlocks these mechanisms, allowing them to continue spinning and slowly decelerate the vehicle. The undoubted advantage of cars with "anti-blocking" is a significant increase in the level of comfort and safety of their drivers and passengers.

The only drawback of the system is that it has fine settings, so it can fail quite often. This is especially true for cars in the budget segment, where the manufacturer always saves on quality, or cars with high mileage. The occurrence of interruptions in the operation of the ABS can be easily established by the warning lamp on the instrument panel that lights up - this will be the first signal of a malfunction. Let's take a closer look at why the ABS sensor is on and what can be done in this case.

Anti-lock wheel device

To better understand the causes of the main malfunctions of the ABS system, you need to consider all its constituent elements:

The ABS indicator lamp must necessarily light up when the ignition is switched on, informing the driver that the equipment is ready for operation. After starting the engine, the light should go out immediately, indicating that there is no problem.

Attention! If the ABS warning light stays on or flashes intermittently while driving, this indicates a serious problem with the vehicle's braking system.

Why is the ABS sensor on fire?

The question of why the ABS sensor on the dashboard caught fire is increasingly worrying our motorists, because the vast majority of modern cars already have this equipment. So, there can be several reasons for the appearance of a malfunction:

  • failure of fuses;
  • poor contact at the junction of electrical wiring and system elements;
  • failure of the ABS sensor (one or several at once);
  • wheel bearing failure
  • failure of the electronic control unit;
  • loss of communication with the sensor.

It should be added that the correct readings of the controller lamp can also be affected by interruptions in the operation of the generator or other elements of the vehicle's electrical circuit.

Of course, such a variety of reasons can lead the owner of the car into a stupor and force him to immediately seek help from specialists. However, experience shows that you should not immediately rush to a car service, first you need to try to fix the problem yourself.

What can be done if the ABS sensor is on

If your car is equipped with an on-board computer, you can try to read and decipher the error code. This will help to find out about the malfunction in more detail - the Internet is full of forums where motorists share similar experiences. Naturally, self-diagnosis of the anti-lock system does not guarantee a complete solution to the problem, since the driver does not always have special equipment at his disposal. However, certain activities can be performed without it.

Checking the fuses

The uninterrupted operation of the ABS system is ensured by several fuses, which are usually located in the mounting block under the hood of the car. A more detailed location of these elements can be found in the operating instructions for the car. If defective fuses are found, they must be replaced.

Checking the connector of the electronic control unit

The system control unit is located in the engine compartment, it is easily recognizable by the six brake pipes and a bundle of wires suitable for it. It is necessary to disconnect the connector with these wires from the control unit and inspect it for mechanical damage or moisture. A damaged part needs to be replaced, a part that is flooded with water needs to be dried.

Wheel bearing check

The reason why the ABS sensor caught fire may be a wheel bearing malfunction. The check is carried out as follows - if at a speed of 80 km / h a strong rumble is heard in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe front or rear wheels, the part is out of order. It is necessary to urgently replace the bearing if it is found to be defective.

Inspection of sensors

ABS sensors are installed in all wheel hubs of the vehicle. They should be reviewed as follows:

In the event that the sensor malfunction is confirmed by the on-board computer diagnostic error code, the part can be replaced by yourself. Step-by-step instructions for completing this event are presented in one of our reviews. Note that it also happens that the owner changed the ABS sensor, and the light is still on. In this case, you will need to check everything again, and if the cause is not found, you will have to go to a car service.

Some nuances

If the ABS sensor is lit intermittently, and turns off and on right while the car is moving, this usually indicates a violation of the contacts or connections of the system. In this case, you can try to accelerate the car on a flat surface to 60-70 km / h and brake sharply. After performing this maneuver two or three times, you need to pay attention to the indicator light again. If it is still on, you can remove the terminals from the battery by "rebooting" the electronic control unit.

Oddly enough, a regular car wash can also solve the problem with a burning light bulb. The fact is that ABS sensors are located on the most polluted mechanisms of the car - its wheels - and they themselves are often spattered with dirt. It is necessary to direct a jet of water under pressure to the wheel hubs, cleaning their surface. The contact terminals must then be thoroughly dried.

Many motorists try to completely turn off the equipment if the ABS sensor lights up, as they are afraid of an abnormal operation of the system. The fact is that the inclusion of anti-lock at the time of light braking at low speed can lead to a breakdown of the undercarriage of the machine or an emergency. Note that the complete shutdown of the system is fraught with even greater consequences, since it significantly reduces the level of safety of all road users.


ABS malfunctions are a rather serious and very unpleasant moment that can occur when servicing any car equipped with this equipment. If all measures for self-diagnosis of the system have been completed, and the ABS sensor is still on, you should immediately contact the specialists, because not only personal safety, but also life depends on the correct operation of the system. To learn more about the causes of the malfunction and how to fix it, this video review will help:

All modern cars are equipped with ABS sensors that include an auxiliary brake force control system. This is one of the thin systems that often fails on budget machines. In Europe, for several years now, manufacturers have been obliged to equip any production cars with this security system, and manufacturers of cheap cars clearly save on high-quality ABS by installing systems that are not very durable and practical. The sensors of this system are installed on all four wheels, they are activated when there is a sharp braking with a wheel lock. In this case, the system unlocks the wheel, allows it to turn and gradually slows down.

In fact, it turns out that cheap ABS not only does not help to brake more efficiently, but also lengthens the braking distance. There is another serious problem - after several years of operation, when the car is out of warranty, on many cars the ABS light comes on for no reason. Firstly, it is inconvenient to drive with a light on the dashboard constantly burning, and secondly, if there is a clear impression that something is wrong in the car. Interestingly, the ABS light does not always mean a problem with the anti-lock braking system. There may be other problems as well.

Why does the ABS light come on at all?

In a normally running car, this indicator shows you that the wheels have been unlocked. In this case, everything works fine, the sensors caught the need to turn on the security system, initiated its operation and demonstrated to the driver that some braking assistance was provided. When you see the ABS light on while braking, it's best to release the brake pedal a little and take control of the car. If you have an expensive high-tech car, you can trust the thoughtful systems and let ABS+EBD do the job. In other cases, the light bulb may burn for the following reasons:

  • the sensors are clogged, the on-board computer shows that a diagnostic error code should be read;
  • dirt or rust got on the sensors, which caused the anti-lock braking system to be switched on by mistake;
  • there is a problem in the on-board electrical system, which is demonstrated by the ignition of arbitrary bulbs;
  • the wheel bearing has failed, which forces the sensors to mistakenly turn on the anti-lock braking system;
  • the fuses in the block responsible for the ABS system are out of order and pass the signal directly;
  • An error has occurred in the computer that caused the ABS light to come on.

Also, sometimes there are troubles with the generator and other elements of the electrical circuit of the machine, which can result in the ignition of the diagnostic system bulb or warning lights of any type. For example, on a Volkswagen car manufactured in the 2000s, the anti-lock braking system light is on even if there is an error in completely different nodes. Therefore, self-diagnosis is only a partially acceptable method of solving the problem, because often the driver does not have special tools at hand for a good study.

What can you check yourself when the ABS light comes on?

The first thing you can do on your own in such a situation is to go to the car wash and ask for a quality wash of the rims. Often, with the help of such an intensive washing under pressure, it is possible to clean the ABS sensors located near the brake discs. On the way to the car wash, you can perform another simple test. Accelerate to a speed of 80-90 kilometers per hour, close the windows and turn off the music. If in this mode of travel you hear a slight or annoying rumble in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wheels (front or rear), the probable cause of the burning bulb is the failure of the wheel bearing. You can also do a few other things:

  • inspect the fuse box and replace the module that is responsible for the operation of the anti-lock braking system;
  • if possible, read the diagnostic error code and read about it on the forums;
  • ask a specialist a question, describing your situation, and then try to correct the error yourself;
  • independently get to the ABS sensors by jacking up the car and removing the wheels, check their cleanliness;
  • inspect the electronic control unit under the hood, check for the absence of liquid in it and on it;
  • the best solution is to go to the service station and pay for the diagnosis of the anti-lock and electrical systems of the car.

The last step will definitely be the most correct, as you will receive a clear answer to your questions, you will be able to determine the repair budget and the presence of serious problems. This is the only way to completely get rid of problems with a burning bulb in the diagnostic system and other unusual ways of car behavior. It is enough just to connect computer diagnostics with an advanced program and test the machine for possible errors. Within a few minutes you will receive the information you need and will be able to deal with the problem yourself or professionally.

ABS turns on randomly, the light blinks or lights up intermittently

One of the most difficult forms of breakdowns is the constant blinking of the ABS light. This means that the anti-lock braking system sensors send incorrect signals to the computer, which, in turn, gives other incorrect commands to the vehicle's systems and modules. Many people prefer to simply turn off the anti-lock system in such cases, since unpleasant incidents can occur. For example, turning on ABS at a speed of 90 kilometers per hour with light braking can damage the undercarriage of the car and contribute to a complete loss of control over control. It's better to do this:

  • bring the car for diagnostics to the service, find out the cause of the chaotic operation of the equipment;
  • for domestic cars equipped with a primitive anti-blocking tool, it is better to immediately turn off the system;
  • complex structures and on-board electronic systems of foreign cars will have to be reflashed for repair;
  • on some machines it will be easier to find the problem and fix it than to disable anti-lock;
  • you need to keep in mind that this system is not always the reason for the ABS light to come on, the problems can be different;
  • during the diagnostic process, it is better to check the entire on-board electrical system and equipment.

Having laid out a certain amount for the inspection of the car, you can get the right answers to important questions. Sometimes a light bulb on the panel can turn into a full-fledged repair of important units and components of the car, so you will have to spend a lot. But in most cases, this problem is not so expensive to solve. The cost of repair work depends, of course, on the make and model of the car, on the price of spare parts. If an ABS sensor for a domestic car costs from 600 rubles, then a Japanese SUV will drag out more than 10,000 rubles to replace one such sensor. We offer you to watch a video about solving a similar problem using computer diagnostics:

Summing up

ABS problems are in any case not very pleasant incidents. It is better to stay away from various problems, try to operate the car according to the requirements and advice of the manufacturer. But sometimes this turns out to be impossible, so you need to have a good service in mind that can help in different situations. By contacting an official service center with this problem, you can become a victim of an overly scrupulous approach to diagnosis and receive huge repair costs.

However, sometimes the problem with the ABS sensor and the burning light of this system can be solved independently. Use the tips described earlier in the post to understand all the features of a particular troubleshooting method. We warn you that disabling ABS is completely impossible to do on your own. The on-board computer will either simply not let you start the car, or it will start behaving inappropriately, each time issuing new error codes of the diagnostic system. Have you experienced malfunctioning ABS sensors and a constantly on light?

- the first and widespread system of active safety of the car. In Europe, the mandatory ABS equipment of manufactured models is completely legally established, so it is not surprising that even cars belonging to the budget category are equipped with it. But in such cars it is almost the only one, in the versions of the middle and premium categories, the number of such systems is voluminous, and many of the additional systems are built on ABC.

The anti-lock braking system eliminates the complete blocking of the wheels when braking, which increases the effectiveness of the brakes and maintains the controllability of the machine by preventing skidding. ABS is useful, but at the same time, it is another component of the car, which includes a number of structural elements and assemblies. And the more complex the machine and the more additional parts it contains, the less reliable it is.

System features

ABS consists of two parts - electronic and mechanical. The "weak" link in it is electronics. It is sensitive, so even the slightest negative impacts lead to interruptions in work.

In a car that is equipped with ABS, there is a warning mechanism that signals the cessation of work. And he does this by way of a warning light on the dashboard.

When the ignition is turned on, this lamp lights up as a self-diagnosis is taking place. The system checks its performance, and if no violations are noticed, the lamp goes out, indicating that the ABS is in working order.

But drivers are faced with the fact that the ABS warning light lights up while driving, and this can only happen under certain conditions. For some, the signal may not go out at all, for others, the lamp lights up only when a certain speed is reached. A lit warning light confuses the owners, and the reason for this is simple - ABS works with the brakes and they perceive a system malfunction as a problem with the brake system, which is erroneous.

ABS is an addition to the braking system of a car, which increases its efficiency. Therefore, even with a malfunction of the ABS, the car retains the ability to brake, but you need to get used to the operation of the brakes.

The anti-lock braking system is built in such a way that when a malfunction is detected, it immediately completely turns off so as not to have any effect on the operation of the brakes.

Motorists solve the ABS problem that has arisen: they remove the fuse responsible for the operation of the system and postpone the troubleshooting until the right moment. But this will not work if a number of security systems are installed on the car and some of them are built on ABS. In this case, it will not be possible to continue moving, because the electronics will block the operation of a number of components and systems due to a malfunction. It is better not to delay the elimination of the cause of the malfunction of the anti-lock braking system.

Why did the ABC light come on?

Video: The ABS light is on on the instrument panel The brake lights do not go out

As already noted, breakdowns occur in the electronic component, which includes sensors installed on the wheel hubs and the control unit. The mechanical component does not cause problems.

The "culprits" of the ABS warning light coming on:

  • fuse;
  • wheel speed sensors;
  • setting elements of sensors;
  • wiring;
  • Control block.

Because of what the ABS fails, it is not difficult to identify by checking the listed components if the car is equipped with an on-board computer with a display that displays error codes. This will significantly narrow the circle of searches, since you can find out by the code which sensor is junk.

In a car without an on-board computer display to determine the malfunction and connect it to the diagnostic connector to determine what caused the failure.

Note that the definition of the error code will make it easier to search, since the diagnostics will not give accurate information, it will indicate where to look for the malfunction. Therefore, you can do without even scanning.

We are looking for a reason

Start troubleshooting with the fuse. If this element burns out, ABS does not work. Note that it is not always necessary to climb into the fuse box, since the behavior of the system itself can give a “hint” regarding the health of the fuse. For example, if the ABS light on the instrument panel lights up only under certain conditions, but after turning off the power at the ignition switch and restarting the engine, the problem disappears, then the fault is clearly not in the fuse. It should only be checked if the warning light is on continuously.

The sensors are located in a place that cannot be called well protected. Therefore, dirt sticking to it will easily cause a malfunction, due to which the system will turn off.

Sensors can simply break down during the repair and maintenance of the chassis. Inaccurate work, the use of impact tools during disassembly often cause internal damage to sensors. Since they are not repairable, the damaged element will have to be replaced in order to restore the functionality of the ABS.

The system can also shut down in an emergency due to the driving elements of the sensors. They are mounted on the hub, and during operation they can also become covered with dirt, which will disrupt the functioning of the sensors. Inaccurate maintenance of the chassis can also lead to damage and destruction of the driving elements, which will affect the performance of the ABS.

More often than not, the problem is caused by wiring. Oxidation of contacts, chafing or interruption of the wires coming from the sensors - this leads to a malfunction of the system and the operation of a signal lamp. Sometimes during the maintenance of the chassis, the wiring is disconnected from the sensors, and then they forget to connect it back. Therefore, when looking for a cause, inspect the wires for damage, their terminals, and only then pay attention to the sensors.

Malfunctions due to all of the above elements of the system are considered easy, since they are easy to fix and inexpensive. Worse, if the problem is due to the control unit. In this case, either a flashing of this element is needed, or a replacement.

The anti-lock braking system fails due to damage to the components and assemblies near which the sensors are located. ABS is disabled if the wheel bearing is badly worn. Because of this, the hub has a lot of play, which leads to a malfunction of the ABS sensors, and this is the cause of an emergency shutdown.

Video: ABS light on! How to read the error?Mitsubishi self-diagnosis

If you saw that on the dashboard ABS light on, this can happen for two reasons:

  1. It turns on every time you start the engine - so the system shows that it is in working order. Normally, after a short time, the light will go out. If the ABS light does not come on when starting the engine, then the indicator is most likely out of order;
  2. If the light does not go out after a while, this indicates some problems in the ABS system. The on-board computer, detecting a failure, generates a fault code, stores it in its memory and turns on the signal indicator.

Usually this indicator is displayed on the panel as an icon with the letters ABS, highlighted in yellow, but in some cars there are green, red or orange lights.

There may be several reasons:

  • problem with the ABS control unit;
  • there is no connection with the sensor on the wheel, that is, a problem with the wires;
  • the sensor itself is broken;
  • problems with the crown on the hub.

All the described malfunctions can occur both when starting the car, and directly while driving.

If the ABS indicator blinks:

Most likely, the anti-lock braking system sensors fail, and send the wrong signals to the computer. This means that the computer will give the wrong commands to the car. Of course, in order to avoid trouble, you can simply turn off the ABS, but it is better to go to a car service - it is possible that the complex on-board electronic system of your car will have to be “reflashed”.

Why did this happen:

  • the wires could break or fly off the mounts and fray against the wheel due to uneven roads and simply due to the long-term operation of the car;
  • moisture could also get on the contacts, or they might have rusted;
  • sensors can be clogged with sand and dirt, and therefore are not able to transmit the received information to the ABS unit;

  • remember, you did not stop by the service station to repair the wheels? Sometimes the ABS sensors are turned off there, and they forget to turn them back on. Another option is the wheel is not installed correctly.
  • problems with the ABS system control unit are more complex and can only be diagnosed in a car service.

What threatens the malfunction of the ABS system

If it's a burnt out light bulb of the indicator itself, then nothing. Replace it and move on.

If a ABS light comes on while driving, do not panic and do not stop abruptly - in most cases it is safe to drive on. But you need to be aware - you can not count on the anti-lock system, as well as on automatic traction control and the adequate operation of the stability control system, because all these components and systems are interconnected. That is why it is important to take a close look at how the car behaves and whether the brakes work normally, and then make an informed decision whether to go to a car service yourself or call a tow truck.

What can you do yourself if the ABS light is on

Most ABS problems require specialized knowledge and equipment, but there are a few things you can do yourself.

  • Check the fuses (there are several of them, all are located in the engine compartment mounting block), and replace the one that has blown;

  • Using a lift or jack, raise the car and inspect the integrity and contacts of the wires going to the wheel sensors;
  • Check the wheel speed sensors. If necessary, wipe them and dry;
  • Check brake fluid level;
  • Inspect the electronic control unit for fluid on it. To do this, first disconnect the battery, then disconnect the bundle of wires with connectors and inspect the unit. If moisture is found in it, dry it;

  • If you can read the diagnostic error code (for example, using a diagnostic device), "google" about it on the Internet in the forums.

Everything else you can't do. Go to the service station, order diagnostics and repairs, because the safety of you, your family and other road users depends on the operation of the brake system of the car.

If you find an error, please highlight a piece of text and click Ctrl+Enter.

It's simple: if the ABS icon lights up on the instrument panel, then the brake assist system is faulty. This does not mean the failure of the entire braking system, but we consider it necessary to understand the reasons for this and the consequences.

What is ABS

The anti-lock braking system does not allow the wheels to "stand up" during heavy braking, dosing the deceleration force. ABS usually increases the stopping distance, but leaves the driver with controllability. A modern ABS system may also include traction control, dynamic stabilization devices and an emergency brake assist system (BAS). The complex of such systems works for the benefit of the active safety of the car.

The ABS device includes several main components, including:

  • Wheel speed and acceleration sensors located directly on the hubs;
  • Hydraulic unit, including solenoid valves, pump and hydraulic accumulators (actuators);
  • An electronic control unit (ECU) that ensures the system operates in the most efficient mode. Based on the information collected from the sensors, the device sends commands to the ABS actuators.

Reasons for the anti-lock braking system light to come on

Normally, the ABS indicator on the instrument panel lights up for a few seconds and goes out every time the engine is started. If the icon is not displayed at this time, the system is inactive and needs to be checked. There can be several reasons why the ABS light came on:

  1. Breakage of wires;
  2. ABS sensors are dirty, disabled or out of order;
  3. Damaged ring gear on the wheel hub;
  4. The electronic control unit of the system does not function.

Regardless of the reason why the ABS is on, the on-board computer collects information about the malfunctions and analyzes it to generate an error code. The detection of a specific malfunction is indicated by the same signal lamp.

Why ABS failure is dangerous

If the indicator does not light up due to a burned out light bulb, it will not be difficult to solve the problem. Just replace it with a new one yourself or with the help of service employees. In the event that the anti-lock braking system indicator lights up while the car is moving, be extremely careful when braking hard. Of course, a complete loss of control will not occur, but it can bring the car. A failed system will not allow the car to move with the brake pedal depressed, all the more accurately avoid obstacles.

What can you do before going to the car service?

If violations in the ABS operation are detected, it is necessary to conduct a visual inspection of the system elements.

  1. Checking the electronic control unit for the presence of water inside the device and damage to the case is carried out after disconnecting the brake pipes and wires. The ECU is located next to the brake force distributor. If you find liquid, the device must be purged and dried. For safety reasons, it is important to disconnect the battery.
  2. The health of the fuses can also be checked on your own. Several electronic components related to the anti-lock system are located on a common panel under the hood.
  3. The wires connected to the sensors on the wheels should also be inspected. To do this, raise the car body with a jack so that the wheel hub area is clearly visible. Such a check allows you to detect wires that have flown off the fasteners or lapped.

If after the described actions the ABS light continues to burn, check the activity of the system in motion. Accelerate the car to 40 km / h and sharply press the brake pedal to the floor. With a working ABS, vibration is felt, with the anti-lock braking system turned off, there are no twitches. To conduct a thorough examination of the ABS components, the car must be delivered to a trusted car service. With the help of an autotester, the masters will conduct computer diagnostics and analyze the error code of the anti-lock braking system. Sometimes you can fix the problem by "resetting" the error by removing the battery terminal.

In the event of any malfunction of the car, contact the official service centers of FAVORIT MOTORS Group of Companies. Qualified specialists provide a full range of services for maintenance, diagnostics and repair of cars of foreign and domestic brands. Our masters undergo regular training in authorized training centers, which guarantees high quality service at affordable prices. In our work, we use only original spare parts and reliable consumables. Take care of the safety of your car, trust the professionals!