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Why is the gasoline engine troit? Troit engine - encyclopedia of Japanese cars Troit injection machine

When various malfunctions begin to appear in the operation of the engine, accompanied by uncharacteristic sounds, it is not immediately clear where the strange noise came from and what it means. The engine is troit - this is exactly the diagnosis that specialists from a car repair shop can make. To successfully get rid of triplet sounds, you need to follow the instructions.

general information

The internal combustion engine is a complex system that requires regular maintenance and repair. In the absence of such procedures the risk of malfunctions and malfunctions in the operation of the unit increases:

There are many reasons for such malfunctions, but one of the most common is triplet. The defect occurs on almost all types of power plants (diesel, gasoline), with any mileage, condition and other working properties of the internal combustion engine.

And if the engine troit, but the driver does not take appropriate measures, this leads to irreversible consequences in the form of failure of the unit. To avoid this, it is important to eliminate the source of the problem in a timely manner.

In order for the engine to operate normally and the combustion of the fuel-air mixture occurs correctly, it is important to observe its tightness... With the appearance of leaks and damage to the CPG and timing, the gas distribution mechanism will begin to malfunction, which will increase the risk of complete depressurization. Loss of tightness occurs when the piston rings, pistons, cylinders and other important components of the system are stuck or deformed. It also leads to the appearance of cracks or burnout of the timing valves.

To determine the malfunction, it is important to measure the compression in the cylinders. If the level has dropped in only one cylinder, then it is enough to fill it with a little engine oil using a syringe. After performing such a manipulation, you need to re-measure.

Main reasons

To fix the malfunction, you need to figure out why the engine is troit. The reasons are often associated with a violation of the combustion process of the fuel-air mixture in the cylinders, which causes strong vibration. But the occurrence of vibrations is not always associated with triplet, because there may be other factors that contribute to such symptoms. The reasons due to which the engine begins to triple include:

  1. Lack or excess of the fuel mixture that is supplied to the cylinder.
  2. Lack or excess of air.
  3. Failures causing early or late ignition.
  4. Damage, wear and other engine breakdowns, accompanied by loss of compression.

In most cases, tripping occurs when using the wrong fuel composition, untimely ignition or the inability to produce ignition. This is also facilitated by improper combustion conditions due to mechanical damage or other malfunctions in the operation of the internal combustion engine.

Given these data, it is possible to significantly narrow the range of search and the number of devices for diagnostics. It is imperative to check the fuel system and injector, after which the intake air supply is assessed. In some cases, engine tripping occurs when one of the ECM sensors is damaged.

One of the common problems causing triple action is late or early ignition. Also, the motor can triple with a weak spark of a candle, which is easy to fix on your own. First of all, you need to unscrew the candles and inspect them in detail. If there is damage to the insulator or other visual defects, you will have to replace the spark plug.

If the insulator is damaged, it will be visible to the naked eye, because the place of failure will be covered with a black coating. In addition, it is necessary to assess the condition of the central electrode and carefully inspect the clearance of the side element.

The next step is to check the spark plug wires. If you notice occasional tripping when driving in rain or high humidity, this unit may stop working normally. The power plant will need to be warmed up and brought into normal operation.

You need to start work with a visual inspection of the candle cap and wire with maximum voltage. Such components are covered with an insulating layer, which dries up over time and begins to crack. As a result, this leads to a leakage current.

High voltage wires are susceptible to malfunctions with frequent repair or service activities under the hood. It is almost impossible to determine the defect visually, so you will have to contact a specialist for help.

If the spark plugs and wires are completely intact, the ignition coil may become the cause of tripping. And if there are separately placed units in the engine, the phenomenon will spread to each spark plug. To check the coil, it is enough to unscrew the candle, apply it to the mass and start the motor. It is important to make sure that the thread of the candle is firmly attached to the mass and that the cap is securely attached to the candle. If you do not follow the rules, the coil may burn out and the switch may fail.

When a good spark appears with a bang, you will have to look for another reason for triplet. If there is no spark, the coil needs to be replaced. The electronic ignition distributor or switch is very rarely damaged, so there is practically no need to replace it.

Improper intake air supply also leads to intensive tripping of the engine. In this case, the risk of depressurization increases, due to which the power plant will suck in excess air, reducing the overall power and stability of operation.

To check the air system, you need to close the inlet pipe near the air filter and start pumping air to provide the desired pressure (as a rule, it is 0.5 atmospheres). Then you should start looking for the leak. If there is no pressure drop, then the system is fully operational. If there are hissing sounds anywhere, it is likely that the unit will need to be repaired.

With regard to the lack of supply air, then it is often caused by a dirty filter due to which it lost its bandwidth. The problem is solved very simply: first of all, you need to remove the filter, and then check how the engine works without it. In addition, the problem appears when the throttle valve is clogged. Such an element needs careful diagnostics and testing, so they must be performed at every scheduled technical inspection, together with the replacement of oil, filters and other working elements.

Often, a damaged DPDZ, DMRV or another sensor that gives an incorrect signal to the electronic control unit leads to a triplet engine. As a result, the last node cannot determine how open the damper is and how much air mass has entered the motor. As a result, the rest of the components of the power plant are not able to correctly calculate the composition of the fuel-air mixture, which entails additional problems.

To make sure that the sensors are faulty, it is necessary to check the operating mode of the scanner installed in the diagnostic connector, and then compare the received data with the nominal ones. Any deviations from the norm lead to the beginning of the engine tripping.

Damage to the power system

If the engine began to triple, it is possible that this was caused by damage to the power system. Checking it for faults, it is important to familiarize yourself with the working properties:

  • fuel pressure;
  • the intensity of the suction.

The first indicator is related to the functionality of the electric fuel pump, which is installed in the fuel tank of most modern cars. If the mesh filter becomes clogged with all sorts of debris, this will cause the electric motor of the fuel pump to malfunction or impair the power supply to the device.

During the check phase, it is also necessary to assess the condition of the regulator valve in the fuel rail. If the pressure is too low, tripping is inevitable.

After checking the previous components, you need to assess the condition of the injection nozzles. As the vehicle is used, they become clogged, which reduces throughput and leads to other disruptions. In addition, the injectors can be completely damaged. To clean and check them, it is necessary to use a flushing stand that pumps a special cleaning compound and also supplies power. The system simulates the operation of a working injector and evaluates the performance.

If the nozzle is not damaged, then it should not leak when closed. In addition, the injection system must open on time when the electrical impulse is applied.

If there are no problems with fuel pressure and injector operation, it remains to assess the condition of the ECU. And although such an element fails in rare cases, it is possible. The reason for the trouble is the replacement of the factory firmware or software chip tuning.

If the fuel card is incorrectly flashed, this will lead to such a nuisance that the electronic control unit will begin to overflow fuel. Problems in the form of flooding spark plugs are also inevitable.

If the engine's compression ratios have dropped significantly, it may be due to engine wear. Often, one or a pair of cylinders fails, as a result of which the compression of the fuel-air mixture does not occur correctly. Because of this, normal fuel combustion does not happen, and compression drops due to burnout of pistons and valves, wear of piston rings and other problems.

To fix the problem, you need to assess the compression in the motor, and then disassemble the unit for detailed diagnostics and repair. In any case, the motorist must understand that it is strictly forbidden to start the engine with a faulty cylinder. If you ignore this rule, additional failures and problems are simply inevitable. The final repair of the system will require large financial costs and efforts.

The list of reasons for engine triple formation is very extensive. But in order to understand why the car troit and how to deal with it, it is important to separately consider the type of power plant (injection or carburetor), the specifics of the timing, the general condition of the engine, and others. If we are talking about problems with the carburetor engine, then it is possible that the problem can be eliminated by ordinary cleaning and adjusting the carburetor.

For injection-type models, additional diagnostics, sensor restoration, nozzle cleaning and other service activities will be required. If problems with the internal combustion engine itself led to the tripping of the engine, you will have to prepare for the mandatory disassembly of the engine for thorough diagnostics and repair.

In any case, if the engine starts to triple, this is a serious signal about the need for diagnostics. In this case, it is important to quickly determine the presence of the problem, as well as find an effective way to fix it.

A malfunction of a car's power unit always raises questions from the car owner. Of course, repairing the "heart" of a vehicle always costs a pretty penny, so the sooner you recognize a malfunction, the easier it will be to deal with it. One of the most common breakdowns is the "triplet" of the engine, which an experienced motorist will not confuse with anything.

1. Symptoms of "triple" engine

The "troenie" of the power unit is called a malfunction of the motor, which is caused by a complete or partial failure in the operation of one or more cylinders. Simply put, if the air-fuel mixture begins to burn badly or does not burn at all, then this will be triplet. The most typical companion of this process is strong vibration of the motor and its working failure. Also, certain pops in the muffler are often found, which are flashes of the fuel mixture (it ignites, but does it too late). The structure of a vehicle motor can manifest itself both regularly and periodically.

If you understand in detail the main symptoms of a malfunction, then establishing the fact of triplet will not be too difficult for you. The most characteristic signs of this trouble include:

1. Operating malfunctions of the power unit, vibration at idle, as well as strong shocks that are transmitted to the passenger compartment of the car to the driver and passengers. This behavior of the motor is difficult to confuse with anything, so we can safely say that there is a malfunction in one of the cylinders. The bad news is that these symptoms appear late enough, and usually it is no longer possible to save the "culprit" of such a situation.

2. Blackening of the electrodes on one of the candles. Having noticed a smoked candle, most car owners seek to replace it immediately, without thinking about the reasons for its condition. Of course, this is a very ill-considered decision, because such a phenomenon can be an important indicator of more serious motor problems that require immediate elimination.

3. Change in exhaust sound. It must be said that an experienced driver immediately determines the presence of a triple engine only by one sound of the exhaust system, literally shaking the car. It is simply impossible not to notice such a fact, which means that you will immediately understand that there are certain problems with the vehicle.

4. Increased fuel consumption. Considering that there are many reasons for this phenomenon, it is best to carry out a complete diagnosis of the motor.

5. Deterioration of vehicle dynamics, which is especially noticeable when picking up speed at low revs. However, such a problem can indicate a number of other malfunctions, which means that a comprehensive check will not hurt in this case.

6. The emergence of "floating" revolutions. This is especially noticeable on the tachometer needle, and the fluctuations are not constant and can be both very significant (900-1500 rpm), and very insignificant.

7. The appearance of jerks, most often when picking up speed, although normal driving does not exclude such a feature.

Each of the symptoms can be either an independent phenomenon or be grouped with other signs of triple formation of your vehicle's engine.

2. Possible causes and remedies

So, suppose you really have a triple engine, what should you do next? Naturally, it is impossible to leave everything as it is, because, on the one hand, it is very expensive (a vehicle can consume a large amount of gasoline), and on the other hand, driving a constantly "twitching" car is unlikely to bring you pleasure, not to mention the increased risk breakdown of other units. With this in mind, you need to be clear about why the engine is troit and how to deal with it. The reasons for the appearance of triplet are often:

- plaque on spark plugs;

Long-term operation of the power unit at idle;

Reduced compression in the cylinder;

Violation or displacement of gas distribution phases;

Incorrect operation of the injector or oxygen sensor.

2.1 Checking the spark plugs

As you can see, there are a lot of reasons for tripleting the power unit, but it is best to start diagnostics with spark plugs. To do this, unscrew the part and carefully assess its general condition. Normally, if the motor is working properly, you will see that the side electrode and insulator are light or slightly brown in color, that is, such a plug should work without problems. If black carbon is present on the surface of the element, then this can be considered a possible reason for the tripping of the automobile engine (the candles are simply thrown with oil or re-enriched fuel). The presence of carbon deposits has an extremely negative effect on the stable operation of spark plugs, because plaque interferes with normal sparking.

Also inspect the candle body. It should be white and clean, without dark vertical stripes and dots, otherwise, it will be a good indicator that the candle is "pierced" and it is not able to work normally.

If the external condition of the candles is completely satisfactory, then you can proceed to the next stage and check the spark by scrolling. To do this, insert a candle into the tip of the high-voltage wire, place it on the motor ground and, while cranking the engine with the starter, watch for a spark between the electrodes. If a blue spark forms between the mass and the candle, then the problem should be looked for elsewhere. In the event that the spark that appears is almost invisible, there is a serious reason to believe that you have managed to find the cause of the triple motor.

After a thorough diagnosis of the spark plugs, it may turn out that they are completely serviceable and cannot be the cause of engine malfunctions. In this case, you should also carefully inspect each high-voltage wire, starting with their lugs inserted into the candles. As well as the "sparking devices" themselves, they must be uniform in color, without deposits on the inside or points on the outer surface.

In both the first and second cases, such features will indicate the forced operation of the high-voltage wire on the verge of its capabilities, which is often the result of a malfunction of the spark plug or its increased gap. If you have not been able to timely detect a color change inside the tip, then it is likely that the wire itself will soon break through.

To accurately determine the state of the "high voltage", you should measure the resistance using a digital multimeter. On different engines, the indicators of the device may be different, but, in any case, they should not exceed 20 kOhm. If the resistance value of one of the wires is much less than that of the rest, this will mean that it is he who is the cause of the engine interruptions.

There are times when the high-voltage wires are reversed. Despite the fact that there are certain digital values ​​on the ignition coils (they indicate the number of the cylinder on which a particular coil works), due to dirt deposits it is very difficult to recognize them. Cylinder numbers can be found on the ignition distributor - you just need to clean the cover well from dirt and you will immediately see them.

If both the spark plugs and the wires themselves are in perfect order, and the engine still triples "cold", then you should look for the cause in the ignition module. Start the engine and, in turn, remove the wires from the spark plugs (it is necessary to perform all actions very carefully, not taking the wires too far from the spark plugs). The sound that you hear will indicate a breakdown of the air gap between the candles and the tip of the wire. If the sound of a spark is not heard in all cylinders, then it can be assumed that the ignition module is faulty.

Note! This is a rather dangerous diagnostic method, because if you take the tip too far from the spark plug, then you will either be electrocuted, or the engine control unit or the module itself may burn out. The reason for this is that in the absence of a load, the ignition module or control transistors that are located in the control unit burn out.

2.4 Nozzle (injector)

Another common cause of engine triplet formation can be injectors, but only if certain conditions are met, expressed in:

1. Inoperability of elements.

2. Use of low quality fuel or improper use of special fuel system cleaners. In the latter case, the injector is simply clogged with foreign impurities, which do not allow gasoline to enter the cylinders. Therefore, the selection of such fluids should be approached very responsibly.

3. Short circuit and open circuit of power supply or control on injectors.

Replacing the injector, choosing only high-quality fuel for refueling the car and disassembling the nozzle in order to detect damage in the power circuits and then eliminate this problem will help to solve these problems.

I must say that this is not the most common basis for tripleting a car engine, but if you are unlucky, and in the case of your car, the reason lies precisely in this, then “it’s not possible to get by with a little blood”. Low or zero compression occurs when a piston, valve is burned out or the piston wheels are completely worn out. As for tripleting, the first two reasons most often lead to it.

The only effective way to find reasons for a drop in compression is a complete disassembly of the power unit and its subsequent troubleshooting. In most cases, such problems cause the need for a major overhaul of the motor. Surely motorists know what an expensive pleasure it is, so even a small problem requires an immediate solution.

Almost every resident of the country has his own car. It not only allows you to enjoy driving, but also makes everyday life easier. But soon all sorts of problems and breakdowns may arise that cannot be avoided. If you have a troit engine, then this is the worst thing. Many newbies are very wary of this negative consequence. Let's see what the powertrain triplets mean.

Breakdown description

The concept itself arose several decades ago. It was mainly applied to four-cylinder engines when one of the cylinders fails. During such a misfortune, one could hear a characteristic sound and feel a slight vibration of the details.

To put it very simply, when a cylinder breaks down, the process of ignition of the fuel-air mixture ceases to occur in it. All unburned mixture will accumulate on the walls and in the crankcase of the engine, which will lead to rapid wear of parts and deterioration of the properties of engine oil.

In addition, the compression itself decreases, which is very bad. It is worth noting that not only gasoline, but also diesel engines are prone to tripleting.

If the problem is not detected in time, then you will have to make major repairs or buy a new power unit. Both will require a huge amount of money and time.

The main signs of breakdown

Knowing the main symptoms of the problem makes it much easier to understand why the engine is troit.

There are several of them:

  1. There is a malfunction in the operation of the power unit, the idle speed rises, and you can also feel vibration throughout the vehicle interior. This kind of manifestation clearly indicates the failure of one of the cylinders. The main problem is that such symptoms appear rather late, when one of the "culprits" has already failed;
  2. The electrode is covered with a lot of carbon and turned black. In this case, inexperienced drivers simply change the candle and that's it. They don't even think about the possible causes of the problem. If your electrode turns black, then this indicates a very serious malfunction of the power unit. Up to the fact that the engine is troit;
  3. The exhaust sound has changed a lot. As a result, the vehicle may shake slightly. An experienced driver will immediately understand what is happening;
  4. Fuel consumption increases several times. This phenomenon can arise from numerous problems. In this case, you should contact a car service and make a full diagnosis;
  5. Vehicle dynamics deteriorate slightly. This is usually noticeable during acceleration and at low revs. This symptom indicates not only that the engine is troit, but also about other malfunctions. In this case, you need to go through a full diagnosis;
  6. The engine speed starts to float, which is very noticeable on the tachometer. In some cases, fluctuations can vary between 900 and 1500 rpm. These are very serious values;
  7. During the movement, all kinds of jerks occur. This is noticeable when picking up speed and in a work gear.

Breakdown reasons

So we come to the most interesting part. Now we will find out why the engine is troit and what needs to be done. If you are faced with such a problem, then you cannot hesitate and do nothing. This attitude will only aggravate the overall condition of the engine.

The consequences are manifested not only in unpleasant sensations from the trip, but also in excessive wear of parts. The second problem is more significant and daunting. After all, if an important unit fails, then that's it, you will have to make major repairs and change the engine.

Experts identify several main reasons:

  1. The ignition is incorrectly set;
  2. Problems in the vacuum booster;
  3. Spark plug problems;
  4. Problems in the wires;
  5. Problems in the piston rings;
  6. The distributor is faulty;
  7. Incorrect valve adjustment and burnout;
  8. Air filter problems.

Elimination of breakdowns


The first step is to look at the candles. As a rule, it is they who become the main cause of the power unit malfunction. Unscrew the plug and check for carbon deposits and soot.

Defects can cause leakage current on the insulator. It is also necessary to check the insulator itself. There should be no light stripes or other marks on it. Last but not least, you can look at the gap between the electrodes.

Replacing candles is not very difficult. To do this, you need to do the following operations:

  1. Clean the engine compartment from debris and other unnecessary things;
  2. Remove engine parts to gain good access to spark plug. If you cannot remove the elements, then you can use a simple extension cord and adapter. Experts do not recommend removing the spark plugs after the engine has warmed up. That is, you need to leave the car alone and let it cool down to room temperature;
  3. Twisting should be done one by one, gradually disconnecting the wires. For your own safety, remove the battery from the vehicle. The fact is that even at idle speed of the engine, a small charge of electricity can be supplied. This must always be remembered when it comes to car repairs. Experts point out that you need to use your strength very carefully. After all, if the candle does not feed, then the threads can be ripped off. This fact can be attributed to one of the reasons for investing additional funds;
  4. All openings should be covered with a rag so that debris and other objects do not enter;
  5. You need to screw in the candles very carefully, at the initial stage with the help of your hands. This approach will allow you not to knock off the threads and apply the correct force. After screwing in, you can connect high-voltage wires;
  6. and check its performance.

If, after replacing the spark plug, the engine still runs unstable, then move on to other reasons.


This is followed by high-voltage wires, which play an important role. They must be inspected for breakdown and other defects.

If black dots or streaks are found, this indicates a spark breakdown. Simply put, the power of the spark does not reach the electrode of the spark plug, as a result of which the engine trips to the cold one.

To determine the condition of the wires, the following operations should be done:

  1. Remove the tip that attaches to the spark plug;
  2. Check the structure of the high voltage wire. It consists of a central core and a tip that connects to the spark plug. It is worth noting that the look of the handpiece may differ slightly from the make and model of the vehicle. Its main purpose is to transmit current to the candle;
  3. The core must not extend from the tip. As a result of aging, the surface can oxidize and poorly conduct current. As a result, the resistance of the wire increases and the engine triplets occur. Oxidation can be checked very easily. To do this, take the probe of the multimeter and touch the central core. If the device showed nothing, then the surface is oxidized;
  4. Also, the vein can burn out along its entire length. To identify the damaged area, you need to use a special multimeter tip, which is like a thin needle. It is necessary to pierce the wire every 5-10 millimeters until the damaged area is revealed. When a high-quality area is found, the device will show the required resistance indicator. As soon as a burnt-out area is found, you need to take a knife and cut off part of the wire. This method allows you to restore the stable operation of the power unit. If the wire is not very long, then you just need to change it.

The ignition module deserves special attention. It should be checked if the candles and wires are in good order.

Experts recommend taking turns removing the wires on a running engine and listening carefully. As a result, you can hear the unpleasant sound of breaking the air gap between the plug itself and the tip. If the sound is accompanied from all cylinders, then the module will have to be changed.

It should be noted that this verification method is very dangerous. If you have no experience, then you should give it up. You will either get electrocuted or simply kill the entire engine block. But this method of verification is the most accurate, it allows you to very quickly determine why the engine is troit.


Also, the reason may be a poor-quality fuel mixture. Candles are flooded and they refuse to work. Experts say this is not a very difficult problem. To fix it, it is enough to change the fuel.


A rather simple reason is the failure of the tags of the gas distribution mechanism. In this case, the power unit does not work correctly and begins to triple. In this case, you need to contact a car service.


A more complex problem is a malfunctioning crankshaft position sensor. In this case, the power unit behaves unstable.

Experts note that such a reason can cause tripping even at 2000 rpm and above. In addition to the spark, the fuel injection is also disrupted. As a result, the wear of the parts increases. In this case, you also need to contact a car service.


This reason greatly affects the overall performance of the engine. The fact is that the opening and closing of the valves depends on the correct adjustment. If you do not pay attention to them, then the engine will triple. Re-adjusting the valve train can be used to solve the problem.


This reason can lead to the occurrence of unstable operation of the power unit, that is, the tripping of its motor begins. This happens due to improper assembly and the use of poor quality gaskets. To fix this problem, you need to replace the gaskets and check the build quality.


If the injector is damaged, the engine trips to a cold one. If the candles are in good order and the spark is supplied without problems, then the nozzles themselves should be checked. To do this, you need to take them off the connector one by one and look at the defects. Injector problems can occur due to poor quality fuel and clogging. To eliminate the causes, you should contact a car service. There they will do not only the diagnosis itself, but also clean the nozzles of dirt and other unpleasant things.


An important reason is the compression of the power unit. Many drivers may have a question, what is it?

The performance of the cylinders depends on the amount of compression. If its indicator is very low, then the engine will start to triple and work unstable.

This is mainly caused by a sticking o-ring or a burnt valve. It is worth noting that if the valves on your car can be adjusted, then the reason will be in the wrong clearances.

Many drivers are faced with such a problem as lighting up a light bulb "than engin". If it lights up, then the problem is in the power unit. In this case, the engine runs cold. To avoid problems, the on-board computer warns you about the situation. To fix the problem, you need to go to a workshop or buy a special paste. With it, you can increase the compression of the engine.


If you have a vacuum booster, then it can cause unstable engine operation. The thing is that tightness is lost in the hose and diaphragm. Air forms inside the system, which depletes the fuel mixture. To correct the cause, check the brake system, if necessary replace the hoses and diaphragm.


If the engine troit on a cold one, then the air filter is clogged. In this case, you just need to replace it with a new one and keep driving.

Engine triplet is nothing more than a malfunction. It means a malfunction that one / several cylinders of the power unit are not functioning. As a result, the combustion process of fuel assemblies is disrupted, which affects the unstable operation of the motor under load and in transient modes.

Reasons for triplet

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Strong vibration of the motor is the first symptom of triplet. At the same time, misfires, exhaust problems and other symptoms can occur. The troika can be permanent or appear occasionally, it can appear during heavy engine loads or during various temperature conditions.

An engine failure during tripping is distinguished primarily by the fact that the combustion process of fuel assemblies in the cylinders is disrupted. Accordingly, this is accompanied by strong vibrations. However, it is fundamentally incorrect to consider the appearance of intensified vibrations as the only sign of triple formation, since there are a number of reasons when the same thing happens.

The main problems that contribute to triplet are the following.

  1. Excessive air in the system.
  2. Rich TVS.
  3. Problems in the ignition system.
  4. Wear of engine elements, which is accompanied by a drop in compression.

Thus, the power unit begins to triple as a result of either a mismatch in the composition of the fuel assemblies, or the inopportune ignition of the mixture, or the inability to ignite the fuel. Violations of a different kind are also possible.

To determine the specific reason for triplet, you need to narrow the search circle, thereby leaving the only true reason.

  1. They usually start with the fuel system. Then the air intake is analyzed. In some cases, this is caused by a failure of certain sensors.
  2. Ignition failure is an equally common reason for tripleting a power unit. Added to this is the still weak spark from the spark plugs. It is recommended to check the latter as soon as triplet or other ignition problems occur. The candles are simply unscrewed and examined at the time of defects, their color is analyzed, etc. For example, if the insulator of the candle is damaged, then a burn is clearly visible in this place.
  3. Testing of armor. If the engine triplets occasionally in wet weather, this is mainly an additional sign showing triplet due to wires. It removes signs as if by hand, as soon as the engine warms up and reaches its operating temperature. It is recommended to pay special attention to rubber insulators, which tend to dry out and crack over time.

Attention. Rubber caps of armored wiring often deteriorate after repair work. It can be difficult to visually determine the breakdown until the cap is removed.


The ignition module is a component that falls into question after all the checks have been carried out. It is the bobbin that can be the culprit for tripleting the power unit at idle or in other modes. To check the coil, you need to do this:

  • Unscrew the spark plug, then attach it to the mass (any part of the body).

If the spark is good, its color is of high quality, a characteristic crackling is heard, then the serviceability of the bobbin is not questioned. On the contrary, if there is no spark, or if it is of poor quality, the module must be replaced, and thus it will be possible to "cure" the triplet.

The switch doesn't get damaged very often, but it does happen. Check it and it is imperative, if anything, replace it.

Air supply

Excess air or lack of air is the cause of the engine triplet. It occurs due to the loss of tightness by the system. The power unit begins to suck in air, the electronics do not take into account such a process, as a result, the functioning is disrupted.

Everyone will be able to check the air system, since there is nothing difficult in the procedure.

  1. The inlet hose near the air filter is blocked.
  2. System pressure builds up.
  3. The place of leakage is checked for pressure reduction.

It is clear that if the pressure does not drop, then the system is completely sealed. Conversely, if the air comes out with a hiss, then this will not only make sure of the leak, but also determine the specific place of the leak.

As for the lack of air, this is due to a dirty air filter. The latter loses its bandwidth. What should be done. Dismantle the filter, evaluate the operation of the power unit without it. If there is no difference, then the air filter does not cope with its duties at all, and it needs to be replaced.

An insufficient amount of air can also be associated with a malfunction of the throttle. It is also important to clean and check it in a timely manner. It is advisable to carry out the procedure during each scheduled maintenance, simultaneously with the replacement of filters, oil, etc.

As mentioned above, sensors can be the cause of the engine tripping on the injector. They send impulses to the electronic unit. If the signal is erroneous, then the electronics are not able to correct it. For example, if information comes in that the engine is cold, and it has been running for an hour already, the electronics will send an order to the injectors to inject the enriched fuel assembly. As a result, there will be triple formation and a lot of other troubles, including the cold one.

Check it out like this. First, test the info from the sensors, read the errors. Compare readings with standard values. If there are large deviations, then there will be a reason for the triplet.

Reduced compression

The fall of this parameter may indicate malfunctions with the internal combustion engine, wear and tear of its elements. Over time, valves and pistons burn out, as a result of which compression occurs.

Engine compression is directly related to triple action. The cylinder or cylinders stop working. It is noteworthy that you need to proceed to the compression check at the very last moment, when all other possible reasons have already been checked. The fact is that you have to intervene in the installed engine system, open the engine, and only a qualified mechanic does this. Any wrong action can damage the power unit.

Internal elements of the engine can break, for example, if there is an open timing chain. True, this does not happen often, but the problem should not be ruled out. Compression measurement will help determine the condition of the pistons and rings. For example, if the readings are low when measuring, you need to pour a little oil into the cylinder, and then check again. If the compression ratio increases, there is definitely a malfunction in the piston group.

Video: why troit VAZ 2109 on a cold

And finally, let's say that spark-generating elements, that is, candles, become the most common cause of triplet. It is recommended to change them in a timely manner to avoid more complex problems.

If the engine is unstable, then this phenomenon is called "missing" abroad. For our ear, the word is overseas and not understandable for everyone. Experienced minders know what it is. Missing - misfiring of a combustible mixture in one of the cylinders. More often, drivers in this case say that the engine is troit. In this article, we will find out what are the causes of the occurrence and what ways of eliminating the defect are possible.

The engine trotting is accompanied by "coiling". The sound is quite distinguishable and recognizable. It is he who signals the inoperative cylinder. The engine temperature rises rapidly. ... The power unit is subject to rapid wear. Therefore, it is important to determine why the engine is troit and eliminate the malfunction as soon as possible.

Spark plug

They are the most common reason. Even if the candles were changed not so long ago, still unscrew and inspect.

A properly functioning plug does not have black deposits on the electrodes and insulator. The body of the candle is white, without black stripes and dots. The presence of defects indicates that the spark plug is pierced by the discharge and it will no longer work correctly. Carbon deposits interfere with the normal formation of a spark and the engine is triple.

Carbon deposits on spark plug electrodes are the main cause of the triple formation of an internal combustion engine.

The second reason is incorrectly selected candles. Buy the ones recommended by the car manufacturer. Too large or small clearance will result in failure of one or more cylinders.

High voltage wires

Checking high-voltage wires is mandatory when diagnosing an engine when it is troit. There should be no traces of breakdown on them. The spark plug tips must be clean and free of carbon deposits.

After visually inspecting the spark plugs, check the high voltage wires. There should be no traces of breakdown on them: black dots and stripes. Due to the breakdown, the current does not reach the candles. This defect is the next reason for the triple formation of an internal combustion engine.

Self-checking the wires will not cause difficulties. They are tested with an ordinary multimeter. It is necessary to measure the resistance of each wire.

VV-wire check video

Check the wires with a multimeter. Measure the resistance of each wire. It differs on different car brands, but does not exceed 20 kOhm. Serviceable wires have the same resistance. If one of them shows much less or more, then it is faulty and because of it the power unit is troit.

Ignition module

The ignition module is often the third reason for triplet powertrain. You can check it, but with special equipment and with experience. Do not test the module yourself.

Ignition module check video

The engine triples only on cold

There are times when the engine runs cold. If you are convinced that the plugs and wires are in order, then check the ignition module. Without skills and sufficient experience, such diagnostics should not be carried out with your own hands.

You can get an electric shock or burn the module, engine control unit.

If you suspect that the engine triplet occurs due to a malfunction of the ignition module, then contact the help of specialists.

Faulty injector or nozzles

The injection engine troit in such cases:

  1. The injector is faulty, but this is very rare.
  2. Poor gasoline or fuel system cleaner used incorrectly.
  3. Clogged nozzles.
  4. The injector power supply circuit is open or shorted.

An engine diagnostics and a competent minder will help to eliminate such malfunctions. For self-checking the injector and injectors you need experience and special equipment.

Low compression

Troit the engine due to insufficient compression in the engine cylinders. Reduction occurs: when the rings are on the pistons, the valves are burnt out. Some car models allow valve adjustment. Incorrectly set clearances are the cause of the triple structure of the injection engine.


If you have a triple engine, one or more cylinders do not work, do not rush to go to computer diagnostics. Checking with a scanner will fix a misfire, but will not indicate the cause of the occurrence. The cylinder does not work - this is so obvious. Check the spark plugs and wires before going to the service center. They are most often to blame for the engine troit.