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Pros and cons of a zero resistance filter. Installing a zero resistance filter. Details about zero resistance filters Why a zero resistance filter

When tuning an engine, a large amount of incoming air is required and a zero filter is required. Let's tell you what it is and what it offers compared to a filter element.

What is it for?

The main function of a standard air filter is to clean the air and protect against dust getting into the engine. But while we gain effective filtration, we lose power. Paper elements offer a lot of resistance to air flow because the material is dense. The greater the resistance, the greater the power loss. It is especially noticeable when the filter gets clogged.

Zero resistance filter - a replacement for the standard one, which allows you to reduce the inlet resistance without reducing the filtering capacity and increase engine power. This is due to a special material that has less air resistance. Accordingly, more air enters the engine, and the power is higher. This way you can add “several horses”.

In most cases, the “nulevik” gives a power increase of about 3-5%. A person physically cannot feel a difference in power of less than 5 hp, and the dynamic characteristics are almost imperceptible. So, numbers on paper can amuse your vanity more than reality.

Is there any point?

It is a misconception that if you remove the air filter and its housing, the power will increase significantly. This is wrong. The fact is that engineers calculate the operation of the motor taking into account filter losses. From a practical point of view, an engine that gets caught in dust will not last long. A barrier in the form of an air filter is necessary. Flow resistance can be reduced by increasing the passage holes, that is, slightly deteriorating the quality of filtration.

Remember: if the car does not have a sports engine, it is not advisable to spend several thousand rubles on a “zero car”. Installation on a stock engine is just a beautiful thing under the hood.

It’s another matter if you comprehensively modify the engine with the installation of sports camshafts and boring of the cylinders. Then a zero filter is appropriate. Also, together with it, an enlarged throttle valve is installed, which will give the greatest effect in increasing the efficiency intake system cars.


Firstly, increasing power without reducing air purity. The filter has a complex configuration that provides low resistance, but at the same time effective filtration, protecting the intake system from clogging and the engine from wear.

Secondly, eliminate the need to replace the filter every 10,000 km. It is easy to clean, washed with a special composition and restores its original properties.

Thirdly, after installation, a little more unique noise and a few additional “horses” will appear, and torque will also increase at medium and low speeds.

To obtain a real increase in power and torque, it is necessary to dismantle the standard housing assembly with the filter insert element. Next put it on the sensor mass flow air or on its pipe a cone filter of zero resistance, which is selected according to the diameter of the seat.

How to follow?

With the purchase of a zero filter the car enthusiast is obliged to regularly wash and impregnate it with a special solution. Moreover, it must be processed using a certain technology, which is difficult to compare with the simplicity of the “remove and install” operation. You cannot forget about periodic maintenance, otherwise the machine will become “dumb” and “gluttonous”.

Remove the filter and clean it from large particles of dirt using a soft bristle brush. Then washed with water. There is no need to dry it, but you need to shake it several times to remove any remaining water. Then a cleaning agent is applied to the filter element on both sides and the “zero” is installed in place.

Personal experience

You need to be careful with the zero filter. The increase in power is small, but it is due to better cross-country ability, which means dust particles can get into the engine, especially if you forget to soak it. Another thing is to install the zero in a standard place. A huge plus is that the standard air intake system will be preserved. If the nulevik “takes” air under the hood, this will not lead to anything good. The air there is hot, it is imperative to move the air intake system away from the hot engine.

It has been proven experimentally that the lower the inlet air temperature, the greater the power. During the day, in the heat, the nulevik only causes harm, but in the evening you can feel the difference. It is advisable to install with an increased throttle valve and a cold air system. It is installed for the summer, but in winter it is useless, if not harmful.

Buy a good zero, for example from K&N. He's different good quality, but it's not cheap. The damage to the motor will be minimal. But I would be wary of buying Chinese analogues. It is not known how they filter the incoming air and whether they will cause harm.

Almost every car enthusiast has heard about the existence of an alternative to standard air filters, which provides increased engine power without any modifications. It's about about the zero resistance filter. Adding a couple of horses while replacing only one element is a tempting prospect. However, as is known, some difficulties may arise in practice. Therefore, the average driver often cannot answer the question of whether such a part is worth installing on a car; there are too many controversial issues.

In order to dispel all the myths about the so-called “nuleviks” and give a definite answer, we will consider the design, principle of operation, varieties, maintenance requirements, advantages and disadvantages of such products, and then summarize.

The design of a zero-resistance air filter and its operating principle

As is known, for normal engine operation internal combustion, be it diesel, gas or gasoline, it is necessary that the fuel-air mixture enters the cylinders through the intake valves in required proportion. To do this, the engine takes air from the atmosphere. But the atmospheric air is not clean; along with it, grains of sand, dust particles and other foreign objects can get into the combustion chambers, which can cause significant harm, reducing the engine life by several times. To prevent this from happening, the intake air is first passed through an air filter. Standard factory filters create an insurmountable barrier to dust, but at the same time have significant inlet resistance, since the air is passed through dense cellulose layers. In addition, over time, the micropores of the standard element become clogged with dust and the filling of the cylinders with air deteriorates even more. Such resistance has an extremely negative effect on the operation of the engine, reducing its power.

A zero-resistance air filter does not have such a drawback, since it practically does not interfere with the flow of air, ensuring the maximum possible air flow in the channel, thereby allowing the engine to operate at the required mode without interruption. The work of the “nulevik” is especially noticeable at high speeds, when it is necessary to supply significant volumes of air, while standard filter elements, due to the features described above, cannot cope with such a task.

The design of low-resistance filters is quite complex, since they must not only not impede the movement of air, but also manage to fulfill their main task of cleaning it. Most often, such elements are made either from cotton fabric or synthetic materials. Moreover, they try to keep the number of layers to a minimum in order to achieve the lowest possible input resistance.

Installing a zero resistance filter

You can install a “zero filter” on any car, since currently not only “zero” filters are produced that are mounted in standard places on specific car models, but also universal products that can be installed using a special adapter, which is often included in the kit. on different types engines, regardless of the design of the standard mount.

You can carry out the installation yourself, without involving service station workers. The procedure is extremely simple and takes just a few minutes. All you need to do is remove the standard filter element and install a new one. In the case when installing universal filter, it is additionally necessary to dismantle the factory housing, which also will not create any problems.

It should be noted that during installation it is very important to ensure the tightness of the pipes in order to completely eliminate the possibility of dirty air entering the engine path. Also special attention attention should be paid to the location of the filter. If a conical sports filter with a flexible pipe is installed, then it must be secured as far as possible from the radiator so as not to spoil the parameters of the inlet air.

Pros and cons of “nuleviks”

Summarizing the above, we emphasize the main pros and cons air filters zero resistance.

The advantages of such tuning parts include:

  • low input resistance, allowing to increase the power of the internal combustion engine;
  • simple installation and dismantling;
  • compactness, the “nulevik” takes up much less space in the engine compartment;
  • significantly longer service life compared to standard products;

However, in addition to the advantages, there are also some disadvantages:

  • the need for regular maintenance of the “nulevik”, as well as the need to purchase additional impregnations;
  • higher price of the product;

Types of zero resistance filters

Before we dwell in more detail on the maintenance of low-resistance air filters, it should be noted that all “zeros” can be divided into two groups:

  • “dry”, those that do not require additional impregnation with special substances;
  • “wet” filters that must be regularly treated with an adhesive substance that traps even the smallest pollen;

“Wet” filters have a higher filtering capacity, but they are more expensive and require more attention than their “colleagues”. They are recommended to be installed on engines that have film mass air flow sensors that do not tolerate contamination.

Zero resistance filter care

In order to guarantee an increase in power throughout the entire service life of the “zero”, it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the filter. Namely, every five thousand kilometers, and if necessary, more often, the surface should be cleaned of dust and dirt using a special technology.

Maintenance of dry "nuleviks"

Such products must first be cleaned of adhering particles of dirt, dust, and insect remains, using a soft-bristled brush for these purposes. You need to act very carefully so as not to damage the delicate filter material. After mechanical cleaning, you should spray the working surfaces with a special detergent, wait 10-15 minutes, and then rinse the filter under a weak stream of clean water. In order to remove moisture, the filter must be gently shaken. Drying with a hairdryer or household heaters is strictly not recommended. After the above-described manipulations, the zero-resistance air filter can be put back in place and safely used.

Cleaning wet filters

The procedure for cleaning “nuleviks” impregnated with a special composition is almost similar to that described above, with one exception - after all the manipulations, you need to additionally treat the surface with an adhesive substance recommended by the manufacturers.

Is a zero resistance filter necessary?

To summarize, we will answer the question that worries many car enthusiasts about whether it is worth installing a low-resistance air filter. Definitely worth it if the motor often runs at high speed and every horse counts. The benefits of such tuning are especially noticeable if the internal combustion engine has been boosted; modifications to the intake and exhaust will allow for a ten percent increase in power. Installing a reduced filter is useful not only for a sports car, but also for a civilian car, since, albeit slightly, it will still improve the engine. Moreover, you won’t have to sacrifice practically anything, and the procedure for replacing the filter core of a standard filter is quite simple.

However, we note once again that during installation it is very important to take into account the following nuances:

  • firstly, you can only install a certified product that is not inferior in filtration quality to its factory “colleagues”, otherwise the air flow sensors will very quickly fail, and the service life of the motor itself will be significantly reduced;
  • secondly, if the filter is not regularly maintained, then instead of a positive effect, you can get the opposite effect.

The car gives rise to in many drivers an insatiable desire for experimentation and modernization. Every car enthusiast begins to imagine himself as at least Kulibin capable of changing the dynamic and driving characteristics vehicle.

Often, the desire to increase the power and dynamics of a car by any means leads to completely the opposite result. The car begins to literally become “dull” and other indicators deteriorate significantly.

In any matter, and especially in such a delicate matter as the modernization of individual car systems, a balance must be maintained. There is no need to blindly follow harmful recommendations, performing work at your own peril and risk.

There are quite reliable ways to increase the speed and dynamic characteristics of a vehicle by replacing standard elements. The use of a zero resistance filter deserves special attention. Today we can highlight the pros and cons of a zero-resistance filter.

What is a zero resistance filter?

Standard provides clean air to the engine for the formation fuel-air mixture. It traps dust particles and other substances contained in the surrounding air.

Due to the high density of the filter element, the incoming air experiences significant resistance and due to this, it enters the motor in a limited volume. All this has a negative impact on the power of the power unit.

In order to reduce air resistance to a minimum during engine operation, zero-resistance filters are used. Its design ensures unhindered air flow into the vehicle engine with the required level of purification.

Zero resistance filters were originally used on racing cars. Replacing the standard filter element made it possible to increase engine power to 5 horsepower.

To produce a zero-resistance filter, lightweight cotton fabric is used. The material is treated with a special chemical solution. It is this that allows air masses to freely penetrate into the engine.

Rules for caring for a zero-resistance air filter

Like a traditional air filter, the zerovik requires careful care and respect. The safety margin of the product is much greater than that of a traditional filter element.

The following rules for caring for a zero-resistance filter are distinguished:

  1. Removal of the filter is carried out carefully and carefully to prevent damage;
  2. Dust must be cleaned using a soft brush;
  3. After removing contaminants, treat the filter with a special impregnation;
  4. The filter should be dried only naturally without heating devices;
  5. There should be no white spaces on the surface of the filter, otherwise the impregnation treatment is repeated.

In principle, there is nothing complicated, the most important thing is not to start cleaning and perform regular maintenance. If you do not follow the rules, it may need to be replaced very quickly.

To date, there is no clear opinion regarding the use of a zero-resistance filter. Very often, fierce debates on this topic flare up on automobile forums.

The use of a filter element of this type made it possible to highlight the following pros and cons:

Pros of a zero resistance filter:

  • increase in engine power;
  • reduction of engine noise;
  • possibility of self-production;

Disadvantages of a zero resistance filter:

  • requires constant maintenance;
  • low safety margin;
  • high cost;
  • low quality of air purification.


There is no clear opinion on the use of a zero-resistance filter, even among specialists. Many of them believe that it is advisable to use it only on racing cars, where every horsepower of the engine counts.

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Every car enthusiast sooner or later thinks about modifying the engine. The first thing you can do to strengthen the engine is a zero-resistance air filter. Unfortunately, due to the factory assembly, standard filters significantly “eat up” the engine’s power. However, to correct this problem and return horsepower to the car, it is enough to install a zero resistance filter.

Zero resistance air filter – why is it needed?

The average car consumes 12–15 m 3 of air for every 100 km driven. To prevent dust and debris from entering the engine, an air filter is placed under the hood.

In addition to mechanical cleaning, the filter gasoline engines becomes a temperature regulator of the combustible mixture and provides sound insulation of the intake tract. Standard filters are made of thick paper folded in several layers. The dense material has strong resistance to incoming air and reduces engine power by about 5–10%.

However, if you remove the unit from the engine compartment, abrasive particles that get inside can accelerate the wear of parts of the cylinder-piston group. In factory filters, all debris particles are retained on the paper, which in the future can lead to excessive enrichment of the mixture and incomplete combustion.

To protect yourself from such problems, it is enough to install a zero resistance filter. Thanks to its well-thought-out design, the nulevik reduces the level of resistance at the air flow inlet without losing its throughput potential.

On modern sports cars, a zero-resistance filter is installed immediately during assembly. However, in addition to the filter element, the exhaust gas removal system on sports cars has been improved. Such a move allows you to remove an increased amount of gases at high speeds without damaging the machine and reduce the loss of power when starting the air flow to a minimum.

You can familiarize yourself in detail with the structure and properties of the filter before purchasing or installing it in the video:

How does a zero-resistance filter differ from a regular filter?

Standard filters are made from compressed paper fibers, and air masses penetrate through micro-holes in the structure of the material. Once the abrasive particles clog the penetrating holes, a “surface loading” phenomenon occurs. The air flow “looks” for another way to get inside, since the surface of the filter element has high resistance. In this case, engine power will decrease and fuel consumption will increase exorbitantly.

According to minimum cleaning standards, the material for standard filters must be rigid and the fibers must be compressed as much as possible, which is why paper filters have a higher resistance by default.

The zero resistance filter design uses cotton fabric that is sandwiched between an aluminum screen. Fabric fibers are impregnated with special oil. As a result, dust particles are retained on the fibers and become part of the filter unit, which activates new scheme cleaning. This system allows you to increase the working area of ​​the element approximately five times and allow additional air flow to pass through.

Pros and cons of zero

Having familiarized yourself with the design and differences between the factory paper filter and the zero filter, you can confidently name the advantages of the second:

  • Thanks to complex design, nulevik provides low resistance without reducing the quality of cleaning, protecting the intake system from debris and the engine from wear.
  • The fabric configuration allows you not to change the filter every 10 thousand km. It is enough to simply renew the impregnation and rinse the element.
  • After replacing the unit, the motorist will receive several additional horsepower. More likely, there will be an increase in torque at mid and low speeds.

However, like any upgrade, tuning the power unit using a modern filter also has its drawbacks:

  • To obtain an actual increase in torque, you will have to perform several additional operations: remove the standard element along with the liner and install a cone zero on the mass flow sensor or on its pipe.
  • It makes no sense to install a filter on an engine with a volume of up to 1.8–2 liters. The increase in power will be no more than 5 horsepower, and physically even the most experienced driver will not be able to feel it.

The engine displacement indicator can be neglected if a comprehensive modification is carried out: installing sports camshafts and boring the cylinders. To increase the efficiency of the intake system, together with the zero valve, an enlarged throttle valve is purchased.

Types of zero resistance filters

Today, the automotive industry offers only two types of zero-resistance air filters:

  1. With impregnation. The most common and effective option. Adds up to 7% power, cleans the air flow well. Among the disadvantages are the frequent need for maintenance and replacement of the oil composition.
  2. Dry. Visually similar to a standard paper filter, but gives up to a 5% increase in power thanks to the cotton filling. It does not require constant fluid replacement, but, as practice shows, it is actually less effective.

Many manufacturers supplement the configuration of cleaning elements with their own developments and improvements. Determine for yourself the best manufacturer it is necessary to rely not on the contents of the instructions and good advertising, but on the capabilities and needs of the car.

Installing an air filter in a car

There are two ways to install the element under the hood. If the first is very simple and standard, then the second way was invented by avid motorists in pursuit of beauty and power.

  • In a regular place. To install, simply remove the factory filter and install a new filter. Manufacturers claim that with such an installation you can only get up to 5% additional power. However, the factory air intake system is located near the wings or below the engine, where the air temperature is obviously lower. If the zero is installed in a standard place, then the air will be captured from below - cold, thus increasing the power by an additional couple of percent.
  • Separate. Manufacturers believe that installing a filter bypassing the standard location is best option. Looks most impressive under the hood, gives an increase in power up to 7–10%. However, most often motorists install such a zero gear near the engine. A heated engine increases the air temperature to 50–60°C. The density of hot air is significantly lower than that of cold air, and when such a flow is captured, the filter loses up to 10% of the promised power.

The air density at 20°C is 1.204 kg/cm 3 , and at 50°C it is approximately 1.109 kg/cm 3 . A difference of 10% can do more harm to your car than good.

Filter maintenance and safety - cleaning features

Since the zero-resistance filter is reusable, it needs to be washed every 10–15 thousand kilometers. The filter is designed for 20 washes, after which it should be replaced with a new one.

The filter surface is cleaned of debris and dirt, possibly using a brush. This must be done in warm water using a soap solution or shampoo. To remove outdated oil composition, use a special substance, which can be purchased at any car dealership. The reagent is left on the filter for 10–15 minutes and then washed off under running water.

Car enthusiasts who want to get the most out of their car have an ambiguous attitude towards tuning the air system. This is due to the installation of such an element as a zero-resistance air filter (VFNS). Unlike professional athletes, who are unequivocal about this detail, amateurs have not come to a consensus.

The name itself speaks about the functions of the product. In fact, according to the manufacturers, it minimizes the resistance of the air entering the engine to form the air-fuel mixture. Due to its design, the amount of air increases, and with it the mass of incoming oxygen increases. The purpose of installing this unit is to increase the power of the vehicle.

Installed filter

It is believed that the nulevik gives an increase of about 5-7% in power. In terms of an average car, it will be about 5 hp.

It is unlikely that such a parameter can be called significant. Not all experienced drivers will be able to feel this increase. Therefore, the main buyers of the new product are representatives of the younger generation of car owners. Most often, the device is equipped with cars from domestic manufacturers.

Installation of VFNS is usually carried out during tuning power plant. Because a filter without preparing the motor will not bring the desired effect. It is recommended to install a direct-flow exhaust, and only then install the zero exhaust. Additionally changes throttle valve to a more powerful one. The “brains” are also being re-flashed for the updated design.

As a result of the work done, it is hoped that an additional five horses will be added to the power.

Variety of filter shapes

After performing such manipulations, the sound produced by the engine will change slightly. A solid motor bass can amuse the pride of young drivers, and will begin to highlight the car’s “voice” in the traffic flow.

Pros and cons of installing zero filters

Every business has positive and negative consequences. Let's try to evaluate the pros and cons of a zero-resistance filter installed in a car.


  • increase in vehicle power when carrying out additional work with exhaust system;
  • new, more “solid” sound from the engine compartment;
  • updated look of the engine compartment, stylized as a sports car.


  • Regular maintenance of the installed filter is required;
  • cheap non-branded filters provide poor quality air purification, which negatively affects operation motor oil; it becomes dirty, and this leads to disastrous consequences for the engine as a whole.

Difference between regular and null filters

The performance of air purification with a nulevik directly depends on its design features. Standard air filters are made from obviously dense materials. Thanks to this, they efficiently clean the air supplied to the system from various polluting particles of dust and debris. But this results in significant air resistance due to the high density of the filter layers.

Difference between filters

Zero filters are based on cotton fabric. An additional deterrent for debris is a special fabric impregnation. Thanks to this design, small particles of dust and dirt do not penetrate inside the motor, but remain outside the filter.

In fact, cleaning occurs due to the adhesion of debris, while nothing else interferes with the air.

This design does not create 100% cleaning. Also, if you do not clean the filter on time, there will be more negative than positive from this installation.

Maintenance of zero resistance filters

After installing the zero, you need to take care of it. It is required to wash and impregnate the filter at a certain fixed frequency per mileage. Used for impregnation special liquid, which is purchased separately.

Washing the zero gauge

You should not skip maintenance, otherwise the car will deteriorate its power characteristics and fuel consumption will noticeably increase.

The service order is as follows:

  • the filter must be removed from the car, then a brush with soft bristles or a brush with soft bristles is used to remove visible particles of dust and debris from the surface;
  • a layer of impregnation from a branded bottle is applied to the dry, cleaned filter and left for 10-15 minutes to completely saturate the fabric;
  • now the nulevik is lowered into a container of water at room temperature and rinsed in it;
  • removed from the container and placed under a weak running stream of water to rinse off;
  • excess water should be shaken off and the device should be left to dry for a short time;
  • After this, the filter can be installed in place.

You need to know that drying with a hairdryer or similar intensive devices is not allowed.

Cleaning under running water

The average mileage between services is 8-10 thousand kilometers. If the operating conditions of the car involve traveling on dusty roads, then the mileage is reduced to 4-5 thousand kilometers.

About two dozen washing cycles are provided for VFNS. Next, it is recommended to replace the zero-resistance filter with a new one.

Making your own filter

The approximate price of the product in stores ranges from 500 to 3,500 rubles, excluding the cost of impregnation. Not all car owners are willing to pay a hefty price for such an additional device. Therefore, craftsmen make a zero-resistance filter with their own hands in a garage. Most often, the experimental car is a VAZ classic or a model of an old Moskvich.

Step 1. Cut the filter cover to the diameter Step 2. Adjust the filter cover to size Step 3. Sand the edges using sandpaper. Step 3. Measure and adjust sizes Step 4. Prepare the filter Step 5. Cut off the unnecessary intake pipe Step 5. Clean the edges Step 6. Mount to the engine

Standard filters and housing parts are used as improvised materials. air systems cars. The alteration is carried out with the help of a grinder, emery, file and hard work. The operating conditions apply approximately the same as for branded products. But installation of such a part on a car is carried out at your own peril and risk. In this case, no irreversible changes are made to the design, so if desired, everything can be returned to its original position with “original” filters without damage.