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Parallel second higher education. About parallel training

Russian laws on education do not prohibit the parallel development of educational programs. This can be either different areas of training at the same university, or training at two universities that are in no way connected with each other. In addition, if there is a desire to receive secondary specialized education in parallel with the “tower”, by entering college, the student also has every right to do this.

You can enroll in two universities either in one year or with a shift. Often students who understand that they want to expand their educational trajectory apply for a second higher education in their 3rd or 4th year. In this case, it is somewhat easier to obtain another education - many general education subjects (for example, history, concepts of modern natural science, computer science, etc.) can be re-credited at “university No. 2”.

What forms of training can be combined

There are no legal restrictions on the form of education during parallel studies at two universities. However, in practice, it is almost impossible to simultaneously receive two full-time educations - classes take place at the same time, attendance is controlled, and the workload is designed so that students devote most of their time to studying.

Therefore, the combination “face-to-face + face-to-face” is quite rare, usually in one of the following cases:

  • we are talking about studying in two areas of training at one university and the programs partially overlap;

  • a student enters a second higher education course in his final years, when the schedule already allocates quite a lot of time for independent work and preparing a diploma, and at the new university it is possible to transfer some subjects.

As a rule, when studying at two universities one combines:

  • full-time study in one place with correspondence or evening study in another,

  • evening (full-time-correspondence) form with correspondence,

  • two correspondence courses.

Studying at two universities at the same time can be difficult if their session dates coincide. The load that falls on a part-time student during the session is very high, tests and exams can take place almost every day and “maneuvering” between two educational institutions can be difficult.

Distance learning, which implies a flexible schedule for mastering the program, can usually “adjust” to the pace set by the student himself, and therefore can be combined with study of any form.

Is it possible to study at two universities on a budget?

In accordance with Russian laws on education, a person can receive an unlimited number of higher educations, but on a budgetary basis this can only be done once.

Therefore, it is impossible to obtain two higher educations at public expense. Regardless of whether you study at the same time or enter a second university after graduating from the first, you will receive a second education at your own expense.

In this case, only a technical school can be free (having a university diploma does not cancel the right to free secondary vocational education).

What to do with documents when studying simultaneously at two universities

When accepting documents to a university, you can submit to the admissions committee both the original certificate of secondary education and its copy. However, in order to be accepted as a student, you usually need to submit your original certificate to the university.

There are two ways to solve this problem. One can be called “unofficial”: in some universities, when applying for commercial studies (usually evening), they may be content with a notarized copy of the certificate. Whether this is possible is best to find out from the admissions office of the educational institution.

If we adhere to the “letter of the law”, then in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Higher and Postgraduate Education”, with parallel studies at two universities (or in two specialties at the same university), a person studies in one of the programs “on a general basis”, and according to the second - in the status not of a student, but of a “listener”. To enroll, students provide the university with a certified copy of their certificate, accompanied by a certificate stating that they are studying at another university - and sign an agreement with the educational institution to pay for tuition.

The university cannot refuse admission under these conditions - the right to receive a second higher education simultaneously with the first and the status of a student are secured by Article 18 of the Law “On Higher and Postgraduate Education”. And all accredited higher education institutions are required to adhere to it.

What is the difference between a listener and a student?

The differences in status between a student and a trainee are more of a legal nature; this does not affect educational issues. Students master the same course, undergo practical training, defend coursework and dissertations, and receive a diploma on a “general basis” (by the way, there will also be no indication of a “special” status).

In this case, the student has the right to independently choose in which of the two universities he will be registered as a student, and in which as a student with tuition fees.

Status may change during the course of your studies. For example, if a person has already “passed” a budget competition at another university while studying at a commercial university, he has the right to write at his first place of study an application for transfer to the status of a student and become a budget student. And if he has completed his studies at the university where the original certificate is located, but continues to master the program in another, “university No. 2” becomes his only place of study, and nothing prevents him from being transferred to the status of a student studying on a contract basis.

Thus, you can study at two universities at the same time completely legally, having the status of a student in one of them, and a student in the other.

A second higher education provides an opportunity to become a specialist in another field, but unlike the first higher education, this can only be done on a commercial basis. The choice of the direction of training depends on the goals set by the applicant: either to obtain a specialty related to the first, or complementary to it.

According to the observations of specialists in the field of employment, in recent years there has been a tendency for a sharp increase in the number of applicants with two higher educations. This is primarily explained by the fact that often a higher education is not enough to get a prestigious job in a large company, since a modern employer is looking for a “unique” multidisciplinary specialist and is even willing to pay the holder of two diplomas twice as much. That is why, having more than one diploma of higher professional education in your personal portfolio, when looking for a job it is easier to compete with other applicants and take the desired position.

The reasons why you have to get a second higher education diploma are not only to find a job. Quite often, a second degree is necessary to advance your career, deepen or expand knowledge in your field of profession, and sometimes for personal purposes. Such a need can arise at any time, so some people enter a second higher education immediately after receiving their first diploma, and others a few years later.
Based on the definition, a second higher education is available only if the applicant already has a diploma of higher professional education. Although quite often universities offer 3-5 year students to receive a second higher education in parallel with the first. This training option is possible, but the key feature is that students are enrolled on a contract basis as listeners and study part-time.

Do not confuse a second higher professional education with postgraduate programs, additional education, professional retraining, advanced training, or an MBA (Master of Business Administration) diploma.

In contrast to the above types, the training program at the faculty of the second higher education (by analogy with the first higher education) includes general professional disciplines, specialty and specialization disciplines, in accordance with the state educational standard, and is a “basic” education in the specialty. The levels of the second higher education fully correspond to the levels of the first. This means that in the chosen specialty you can receive a bachelor's degree, a master's degree, and in some cases a specialist's diploma. Upon completion of training, graduates are issued a diploma of higher professional education. Therefore, when choosing a second university, it is important to remember that only that university can guarantee the issuance of a state diploma that has a license for educational activities and state accreditation for the relevant specialty.

“Second higher education” in absentia will be convenient for those who are ready to complete the curriculum independently at home and only take a break from work twice a year in order to pass the exam at the university. Correspondence education can also help students who are studying in 3-5 years of university (with incomplete higher education) to obtain a second higher education in parallel with the first.

A weekend group is an ideal option for those who cannot tear themselves away from work, but do not want to master the entire training course on their own. This form of education involves classes at the university on weekends, most often on Sundays. This allows you to combine work and study.

The main advantage of obtaining a second higher education remotely is that education becomes available to you regardless of your location. You plan the entire educational process yourself, set a training schedule to your taste and do not attend the university. Using a computer, Internet access and a webcam, you communicate with university teachers, negotiate with them about consultations, tests and exams. This option for obtaining a second higher education will appeal to those who are constantly on business trips or young mothers.

Recently, at faculties of second higher education, the popularity of an individual form of education (externship) has been growing significantly. This form of obtaining a second higher education involves independent study of disciplines according to the curriculum and passing the current and final certification. The external study form allows you to receive a second higher education in a shorter period of time (approximately 2 years), while studying according to a convenient schedule, drawn up together with representatives of the university individually for each student.

Second higher education in parallel with the first

Features of training

  • Form of study:

    Duration of training:
    Bachelor's degree - from 2.5 to 3 years

    The parallel form of education allows students to study simultaneously in two faculties and, upon graduation, receive two state diplomas of higher education at once.

  • Students who wish to obtain a second specialty in parallel with the first are enrolled in the department of second higher education on the basis of a contract as students (the status of a student is equal to the status of a student in the corresponding form of study).
  • In parallel with the first, students of both first and subsequent years can receive a second higher education. But it is recommended to start studying in the second specialty no earlier than completing the third year in the first (this way you won’t have to take exams twice in disciplines common to both programs).
  • Admission of students to the faculty of second higher education for parallel studies is carried out on the basis of certification tests, namely, written testing of a profile focus.
  • In addition to the standard package of documents, to enroll in a parallel form of study, you must provide an academic certificate from your main place of study.
Who can get it?
In parallel with the first, all university students can receive a second higher education.

Some advice for those who are going to get a second higher education

Decide on your own motives.
Analyze why you need a second higher education. Try to formulate for yourself the goals and objectives of obtaining a second diploma. Is it worth taking entrance tests at a university, listening to lectures, preparing for sessions and writing coursework? Perhaps, to satisfy your desires, it will be enough to educate yourself using special literature or the Internet? Or maybe it will be enough for you to take advanced training courses or professional retraining?

Decide on a specialty
Think about which direction of second higher education is better to choose if you have finally decided to get a second diploma. How to use your first higher education in combination with your second future with the greatest benefit for yourself? Should you choose a profession that has nothing to do with your first one? After all, no one guarantees that after a certain time you won’t get bored with it and stop inspiring. Study how the specialty you have chosen is paid in your city or region. A second higher education is always paid for, so it would be nice to compensate in the future for the costs of obtaining a second diploma with a decent salary.

Decide on the form of training
If you have already chosen a direction for your second higher education, choose a convenient form of study. For those who are attracted specifically by the educational process, there is a full-time course of study. For those who work in a busy schedule, universities may offer to attend classes without compromising work: in the evenings or on weekends. Don’t forget that universities can now also develop an individual program specifically for you or offer distance learning. Make the learning process more accessible and convenient!

Decide on a university
Be careful when choosing an educational institution where you are going to receive a second higher education. Before entering a particular university, try to collect as much information as possible about it. Find out whether he has a license for educational activities that is current at the time of your admission and whether he has state accreditation for the specialty you have chosen (UGS). Remember that a university can guarantee you a state diploma only if it has the above documents. Therefore, do not buy into dubious offers and protect yourself from unpleasant problems that may arise with unscrupulous higher education institutions.

Second higher education in absentia

Bachelor's degree

  • Form of study:
    Correspondence (registered in the diploma)

    Duration of training:
    Bachelor's degree – from 3 to 5 years
    master's degree – from 2 to 3 years

    The correspondence form of study in the undergraduate program at the Faculty of Second Higher Education assumes the predominance of independent studies.
  • Students visit the university twice a year during a session, which lasts 20 calendar days and is intended not only to pass tests and exams, but also to gain new knowledge (during the session, students are given lectures, seminars and practical classes are held).
  • After successfully completing the session, students receive a new task to independently prepare for the next session.
  • A diploma of higher education is issued after passing a state exam and defending a final qualifying thesis.

Who can get it?
A second higher education can be obtained in absentia by someone who already has a diploma of higher professional education, has work experience in their specialty, but at the same time there is a need to master a new field of activity. In addition, students with incomplete higher education (3-5 years) are accepted into the correspondence department to simultaneously obtain a second diploma on a contract basis.

Master's degree

  • Part-time Master's programs at the Department of Second Higher Education are designed for those who are able to effectively distribute their study load and properly organize their time.
    Before studying the material independently, undergraduates are given introductory lectures at the university, given educational materials for the program, given consultations on their study, and given assignments for independent review.
    Bachelor's degree – from 3 to 5 years
    master's degree - from 2 to 3 years In order to study at a university remotely, a student must have a home computer, constant access to the Internet and a webcam.
  • Everyone who enters the faculty of second higher education via distance learning receives from the university a personal Internet page with a curriculum, schedule, grade book and access to educational materials (video lectures, electronic manuals, electronic textbooks, etc.).
  • Education is based on constant communication between the student and university teachers via the Internet, Skype, video conferencing, etc. During the semester, the student watches lectures, participates in seminars and webinars, consults with teachers, creates and defends projects, solves tests, and performs practical work.
  • The student must set the schedule for completing the curriculum independently; if necessary, a personal curator appointed by the university can help in this matter.
  • Knowledge control in the form of exams and tests is also carried out via the Internet in electronic testing or video conference mode.

Who can get it?
Anyone with completed higher education can receive a second higher education remotely. The distance learning form will be convenient for those who cannot study full-time for health reasons, “young mothers”, and people living in remote regions of Russia. In addition, distance learning at a university is of great interest to those who wish to obtain a second higher education or improve their qualifications, but are constantly on long business trips.

Master's degree

  • Master's programs in distance learning at the department of second higher education are designed for those who are able to independently organize the educational process via the Internet.
  • Master's students study the material through a personal Internet page provided by the university. This page allows you to watch video lectures, communicate with the teacher, participate in webinars, Internet conferences, scientific work, and use the university’s electronic library.
  • Knowledge control, similar to the bachelor's degree program in distance learning, is carried out in the form of exams and tests and is carried out via the Internet in electronic testing or video conference mode.
  • To receive a diploma of higher education via distance learning, a student must pass a state certification exam and defend a final qualifying thesis.

Who can get it?

Any certified specialist whose goal is to improve their skills or master a new field of activity, but who does not have the opportunity to study full-time or periodically attend an educational institution, can obtain a master’s degree remotely.

Good afternoon, Yulia.

If you graduate from a “paid university” faster than from a “free” university, then studying in your final years at a free university will mean that you already have a higher education.

For example, you received a bachelor's degree at a paid university, and at a free university you are still in your 3rd year. It turns out that you already have a higher education, and you have no right to study at a free university.

When this becomes clear, from the moment you receive a diploma from a paid university, the free university may charge you the cost of education for all years, the scholarship paid, as well as interest for the use of other people's funds at the key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Thus, if you want to enroll in a free university, you need to drop out of a paid one.


Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”

3. In the Russian Federation, universal access and freeness of preschool, primary general, basic general and secondary general education, secondary vocational education, and secondary vocational education are guaranteed in accordance with federal state educational standards, as well as free higher education on a competitive basis, if the citizen receives education at this level for the first time.

7. Document on education and qualifications, issued to persons who have successfully passed the state final certification, confirms receipt of professional education the following levels and qualifications by profession, specialty or area of ​​training related to the corresponding level of professional education:

Appeal ruling of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Karelia dated April 15, 2016 in case No. 33-1510/2016

As follows from the case materials and established by the court of first instance by order of<...>N Sh. was enrolled as a student at the Faculty of Medicine of PetrSU, specializing in general medicine, through a general competition with training financed from the federal budget. By order of<...>N Sh. was expelled for violating the duties stipulated by the PetrSU Charter, the Internal Regulations and the Rules for Living in a Dorm, and other local acts of the university, since it was discovered that Sh. had previously studied at PetrSU, had a higher professional education of this level and<...>Graduated with a diploma and qualification as a biologist.
Thus, Sh. used the educational services provided to him by PetrSU without legal grounds. The presence of bad faith on his part is confirmed by the decision of the Petrozavodsk City Court dated<...>, since the court found that Sh. upon admission to the Faculty of Medicine of PetrSU<...>reported untrue information about receiving higher professional education for the first time.

By order of the rector from<...>N determined the cost of education for applicants to PetrSU (first year of study). According to Appendix N to the order dated<...> N tuition fees for applicants to PetrSU in<...>year for the Faculty of Medicine in the specialty “General Medicine” is set at<...>rub.
During the period of Sh.’s studies, on the basis of the provisions of Part 3 of Art. 36 of Federal Law N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, as a full-time student at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budget, was State academic scholarship and social scholarship awarded. In total for the period from<...>By<...>Sh. was paid<...>rub., which is confirmed by a certificate from<...>N.
Thus, the court of first instance came to the correct conclusion that during the period of study in the 1st year of the Faculty of Medicine of PetrSU in the specialty “General Medicine” in the 2012-2013 academic year, Sh., without the grounds established by law, received and saved at the expense of PetrSU funds in the total amount of 120 RUB 367.50 (RUB 73,000 + RUB 47,367.50), since their

|Marina Emelianenko | 23020

Education is what remains after everything that was taught is forgotten.
A. Einstein.

As a rule, large organizations give preference to specialists who have not only work experience, but also two higher educations. And the salary of such workers in most cases is an order of magnitude higher than that of their colleagues.

However, getting two higher educations means spending a lot of time, money and effort. How can you bypass the time frame and speed up this process? Not everyone knows, but it is possible to study at two universities or two faculties at the same time.

Typically, the desire to obtain a second higher education arises in two cases:

You entered a university, studied there for some time and clearly understood that this study is not for you, or rather, the chosen specialty is not suitable for you. But it’s a pity to give up and lose the wasted years, and you also don’t want to miss that very “your specialty”;

You strive to expand the boundaries of your knowledge; studying at your chosen university brings you pleasure and a desire to improve your acquired knowledge and skills.

So, for both the first and second cases, the procedure for admission to higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation provides for the opportunity to study at two faculties at the same time or receive simultaneous training at two universities. However, do not confuse simultaneous education, or as it is also called parallel education, with a second higher education. The second higher education is received by those who already have a diploma of first higher education. Simultaneous study is an excellent opportunity for students to receive a second education either full-time or part-time. Students who wish to obtain two specialties at the same time, according to the law, receive the status of students in a second education, but this does not affect the type of diploma received upon graduation. At the same time, many universities offer payment in installments when receiving simultaneous studies.

What is needed for simultaneous learning?

Serious intentions. Be prepared for the workload to increase significantly. Evaluate well whether you can handle it;

Excellent study. How else? There is absolutely no point in wasting your time and money studying at two universities at the same time if you do not need the knowledge;

Time and patience;

Passing certification tests;

Simultaneous training. Advantages

Without a doubt, simultaneous study at two universities or two faculties has a considerable list of advantages:

Saving time when obtaining two specialties;

Saving money. Concurrent studies cost an order of magnitude lower than a second higher education;

Obtaining two diplomas at the same time;

Variety of education options. Simultaneous studying at two universities or studying at two faculties at the same time presents students with different forms, terms and teaching techniques;

Opportunity to climb the career ladder faster;

High competitiveness in the market;

Wider social circle.

Studying at two universities or two faculties. Flaws

At the same time, of course, there are some disadvantages of simultaneous training:

Incredible stress. You will have to do a lot of running before you collect all the necessary documents, pass the academic difference if necessary and pass the certification tests;

Possible competition. Typically, up to five places are allocated for simultaneous education annually. Moreover, if there are more applicants, then a competition arises for admission;

Double the number of sessions. If your classmates take two sessions a year, then you will have to go through four;

Physical fatigue and lack of time. Sometimes students do not have enough time to obtain one education, and studying at two faculties at the same time or obtaining education at two universities is doubly difficult.

You should know that if you enroll in a major related to the first, you may be enrolled immediately in the second or third year. At the same time, when enrolling in parallel education, as a freshman in the first higher education, you may have to take exams in general disciplines twice. That is why it is recommended to enroll in concurrent studies, being a student of at least the second or third year of the main faculty or university. When applying for concurrent studies, you will also need to provide the admissions committee with an academic certificate from your main place of study.

Simultaneous studying at two universities or studying at two faculties at the same time is a kind of guarantee of future success, profitable employment and career growth.

Obtaining a second higher education has become very popular in Russia in recent years. The main reason for this lies not only in the natural desire of a person to expand the boundaries of his knowledge, but also in significant changes in the structure of the economy of our country, the growing need for specialists with a diverse set of professional competencies, as well as labor market mobility.

According to statistics, large companies give preference to those applicants who have not only work experience, but also two higher educations. And the salaries of such specialists are higher than those of their colleagues with only a higher education.

Today, the procedure for admission to state higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation provides for the possibility of obtaining parallel second higher education. Parallel education is training simultaneously in two specialties in one or different universities, as a result of which the graduate receives two diplomas of higher education. By simultaneously obtaining two specialties, the main resource – time – is saved, and this is the main advantage of parallel training.

Parallel education provides a large number of opportunities, because upon graduation you receive two diplomas at once. The parallel education program offers students a variety of forms, terms and learning technologies. This education can be obtained full-time or part-time. Some higher education institutions offer tuition payment in installments.

With parallel training, students who have work experience in various fields, having received a second higher education, can expand the range of their capabilities and powers, climb the career ladder, and even if they change their field of activity, have good competitiveness in the labor market.

Students who wish to obtain two specialties at the same time are enrolled in the department of second higher education on a contract basis. In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 18 of the Federal Law “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education”, persons simultaneously receiving a second higher professional education have the status of “students”, which, in terms of receiving educational services, is equal to the status of a student of a higher educational institution of the corresponding form of study. Thus, a student who successfully graduates from the university as a student will receive a diploma identical to the student’s diploma.

Senior students entering a direction related to the first direction of study can enter directly into the second or third year. Due to this, the actual training period is reduced. First-year students can also receive parallel education, however, it is recommended to wait until they enter at least the third year before starting to master the second higher education program. This way, the student will not have to take exams twice in disciplines common to both programs.

Students are admitted to the faculty of second higher education for parallel training on the basis of certification tests (written testing of a profile focus).

Before deciding to receive parallel education, you need to understand that simultaneous training in two areas of training is a large physical and mental load. But still, many students choose parallel education for the following reasons:

1. Saving time when obtaining two specialties.

2. Financial savings (when receiving a second higher education after the first, you will have to pay much more).

3. Acquiring a useful skill to properly manage your time.

4. Acquiring a double baggage of knowledge, and knowledge acquired at one faculty will most likely be useful at another.

5. Obtaining two diplomas at the same time.

Thus, a student receiving a parallel second higher education is in a more advantageous position compared to students of single-disciplinary higher education institutions.

Having weighed all the pros and cons and having decided to receive parallel education, you must contact the admissions committee and, instead of the original education document, provide a certified photocopy of a state-issued document and an academic certificate from the department or faculty of which you are a student. The student also needs an application, 3*4 cm photographs and a copy of the receipt or payment order.

Obtaining a parallel second higher education is the key to successful employment, mobility in the labor market, and career advancement. Also, obtaining two specialties simultaneously, rather than sequentially, will save you time and money.