GAZ-53 GAZ-3307 GAZ-66

Founding of cities and forts on the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. My hometown Media

Early 19th century Kansk saw a new category of immigrants. They were not driven by convoy, but driven by need and landlessness, they themselves went to Siberia. The Kan old-timers called them “self-propelled guns.” From early spring to late autumn, huge camps, up to a hundred carts, began to appear near Kansk. These “self-propelled vehicles” settled down for the night. Exhausted by the journey of several thousand kilometers, ragged, hungry and often sick, they made a difficult impression. Some of them managed to settle down in a settled place, while others moved on in search of happiness.

Construction of houses continued in the city. May 13, 1867 The Gadalovs purchased a plot of estate land on the corner of Moskovskaya and Cathedral Square.


For postal service to the population of Siberia, Siberian, or Moscow tract. There was a postal station in Kansk, where there were 11 pairs of horses to transport mail and travelers. . In 1870 Two wooden houses were built specifically for the communications service at 41 Moskovskaya Street (which have survived to this day): in the corner there are administrative services, in the adjacent one there is a post office and a telegraph station. In 1871 The Petersburg-Vladivostok telegraph line, passing through Kansk, began to operate. A district post office was established in the city.

The population of the city was treated mainly with home remedies. At his service were healers, midwives, etc. In the “Memorable Book of the Yenisei Province for 1863” there is an indication that there is a hospital and a doctor in Kansk. And in the book " Economic condition urban settlements of Siberia" it is noted that the hospital in Kansk, built with funds from the order of public charity, was maintained by the city for several years, but from half 1873 the city does not provide her with any benefits for depleting, as stated in the information provided, her reserve funds. It took a lot of effort to find these funds.

In 1875 merchant of the 1st guild G.P. Gadalov donated a bell worth 335 poods to the Spassky Cathedral. Archpriest John Serebrennikov reported this event to Archbishop Anthony.

On June 16, 1870, Alexander II proclaimed urban reform, which led to the creation local government. In Kansk, a new “City Regulation” was introduced in 1875. The city council elections were held. There were 174 people eligible to vote (out of a population of 2816); 55 inhabitants took part in the elections. 30 councilors were elected to the city duma. They created an executive body - a board of 6 people.

For the first two years of the work of local government in Kansk, neither councilors nor members of the council received salaries . In 1876 The Kansk City Duma began paying salaries of 1000 rubles to the mayor and 500 rubles each to two members of the council.

June 10, 1876 G.P. Gadalov died, at the age of 72 - the founder of one of the largest merchant trading companies in Siberia. He was buried in the fence of the Spassky Cathedral of the city. In Kansk, Ivan Gerasimovich continued his father’s work.

Summer 1877 Minusinsk district land surveyor Pavel Vedernikov, by order of the provincial authorities, made changes to the existing plan of Kansk. They are reflected in the following descriptions:

  • Opposite the forge row, another row for the forges was appointed at 40 sazhens;
  • existing between Gostinodvorskaya and Sennaya streets, Jordanskaya Street (proposed for development) was left in the same form as it currently exists;
  • public places and a post office are proposed in the places where, according to the Highest approved plan, barracks were supposed (which were built on Etapnaya Square), since the place proposed for public places is partially built up;
  • the wine cellars and salt shops proposed to be built on Podmagazinnaya Square were destroyed, since they do not exist and, due to the lack of salt and wine sales from the treasury, there will be no need for such;
  • the city limits on the north-western side were added..., and on the occasion of the change in the city limits, the blocks closest to the city limits were straightened out with correct figures, as far as possible, and a place was proposed for the construction of a new hospital.”

In December 1878 governing Senate awarded Ivan Gerasimovich Gadalov the title of “Hereditary Honorary Citizen” for charity.

Official of special assignments of the Yenisei general provincial administration P. Okulov at the end of 1889 sent to Yenisei to the governor a report in which it was reported that “while in the city” he examined it from a sanitary point of view and reported: “The streets and squares of the city of Kansk are like a vast barnyard and a dog farm, ... as a result of which all the streets and squares are covered with manure ... In general, going around the city, I I found that there was little space in it free from impurities. Without knowing the mortality statistics in the city, we can say that such close proximity to manure brings Kansk closer to those cities where mortality from all kinds of infectious diseases has reached its maximum.”

In 1889-1890 built a two-story stone Gadalov building, coming out facade on Gogolevsky Prospekt(now Lenin St.).


By 1890 in Kansk there were 8 stone and 423 wooden buildings, the number of inhabitants was 5979 people.

In the first half of the 1890s In the cities of the Yenisei province - Krasnoyarsk, Yeniseisk, Achinsk, Minusinsk and Kansk, work was carried out to build new hospitals. The construction of the Kansk City Hospital was supervised by the architect A.A. Folbaum, who also developed its project.

According to this project, it was planned to build a complex of wooden buildings that would unite women’s and men’s “hospital barracks,” an administrative building, and economic services.

Contractor to perform construction work Krasnoyarsk tradesman Andrei Doroshenko was appointed. Until recently, the buildings he erected served as a medical institution, which was located on Komsomolskaya Street - to the south railway.

May 31, 1890 On the way to Sakhalin, the writer A.P. visited Kansk. Chekhov. There is a postcard with a letter to family. It is dated by postmarks: Kansk Yeniseisk. May 31, 1890; Kansk Yeniseisk. June 1 1890; Sumy Kharkov. June 26 1890. Further text:

« Chekhov May 31, 1890 Kansk. ...I’m writing this from Kansk. There is also Kainsk, but that one is before Tomsk, and this one is just Kansk without the “and”. Both taken together make up one Zvenigorod. It's soon morning. Now we will eat borscht. One of the officers' companions has a toothache. The road is getting better, but still moving slowly. I will write to you from Irkutsk, which is still 8,000 miles away. Oh! How disgusting it was to go! How disgusting it becomes to look at a jacket covered in fluff, at boots covered in mud, at a coat in the wall; there is dust in the suitcase, and there seems to be dust in the mouth too. They brought borscht.

I'm alive, healthy, everything is fine. Even Kuvshinnikov’s bottle of cognac has not yet been sorted out. Well, be healthy ».

June 1st, 1890 sent a letter to the provincial construction department, in which she reported on the proposed construction of a new temple in Kansk.

The merchant of the 2nd guild, Alexey Mikhailovich Sharapov, received permission to build a stone church at his own expense at the Kansk city cemetery “in memory of the miraculous salvation of the royal family during a train crash on October 17, 1888.” The foundation stone of the temple was completed in the same year of 1890.

In the spring of 1891 in cities Yenisei province, as throughout Siberia, preparations began for the solemn event - the passage of the future Tsar Nicholas II. The first city in the province to welcome the distinguished guest was Kansk. The city authorities decided to adequately celebrate this event; a lot was done: renovation work in city buildings, the tract road was fixed and built triumphal arch "Royal Gate" at the crossing of the Caen.

On the evening of June 29, 1891 Nikolai Alexandrovich and his retinue arrived in Kansk. He drove through the triumphal arch and then headed to the church. After listening to a short prayer service, he walked on foot to the house of Ivan Gadalov, where he accepted bread and salt from mayor. In the next morning 30 June The Tsarevich went further.

The revival of the economic life of Siberia and the growth of cities caused the construction Siberian Railway. Construction of the road has begun in 1891 simultaneously from two sides - from Chelyabinsk and from Vladivostok. From 1893, construction of the railway proceeded at an unprecedented pace until completion. Only on the Central Siberian line of the road 30 thousand people were employed.

In 1892 a project was drawn up for the building of a “transit barracks in Kansk”.

In 1893 Another administrative unit appears in Kansk - the district resettlement official.

The city is home to 3,100 burghers, 251 state peasants, 427 artisans, 51 nobles, 1,024 people received trade certificates and could be called merchants. October 22, 1894 consecration took place Church in the name of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow"

. The temple was built at the expense of the merchant of the second guild, Alexei Mikhailovich Sharapov. The cost of construction and utensils amounted to 29 thousand rubles. Yenisei province Kansk was the poorest of the district towns cultural and educational institutions. The everyday life of the townspeople took place in patented entertainment: gambling, drinking. A correspondent for the Yenisei newspaper wrote that in 1895

There was not a single bookstore, library or museum in the city at that time. There was a lot of criticism of the City Duma regarding the opening of libraries. Some authors said that Kansk needed schools most of all, others argued that if there were many good libraries, literacy among the people would establish itself.

Beginning since 1895 The young, nascent intelligentsia of Kansk is increasingly raising the question of opening a public library-reading room to the governor.

At all times, it was important for the city to have a crossing over the Kan River, the condition of which was regularly monitored by the provincial authorities. Some idea of ​​the structure and means of crossing is given by the acts of “inspection of existing means of transport in the city of Kansk”, compiled by the junior architect at the Yenisei Provincial Council Shatilov July 8, 1895.

The architect examined the wooden bridge across the Caen channel, noting that it required “some correction and repair,” as well as the pontoon, through which the connection was made between the banks of the river itself. The design of the latter consisted of “two boats connected by gears, beams and flooring, amounting to 36 square meters. fathoms,” and the landing of a boat with a load of 500 poods reached three inches.

Its flooring was surrounded by strong wooden railings. In mid-September 1895

From the office of the Irkutsk Governor-General, documents on the construction of the railway were sent to the Yenisei Governor. In 1895

engineer S. Khudzinsky drew up a new plan for the prayer house in order to obtain permission from the construction department to “place a stone foundation under this house.” Today this building, converted into a residential building, is located at the beginning of Lenin Street. By May 15, 1886

More than a thousand rubles were collected in the city for the needs of the reading library. In 1896 a station building was built in Kansk, February 15, 1897

Kansky Station received the first passengers arriving from Krasnoyarsk. In the same year, the construction of a railway bridge across the Caen was completed.February 4, 1897 Yenisei Spiritual Consistory

sent to the construction department of the Yenisei provincial administration for consideration a project “for the construction of a stone church in the village of Kansko-Perevozinskaya, drawn up by the provincial architect Folbaum.” He also chose a site for the construction of a temple in the central part of the village, on the large Moscow highway. Kansk experienced a particular shortage in educational institutions. There were only two schools in the city: a two-year city school for men and a parish school for women. Each of them had 100 students.

The increased demands of the time for the quality of education determined the need to build in Kansk not only new educational institutions, but also the creation of a special type of school - a gymnasium.

In May 1897 In the city, a subscription was opened to collect donations for the construction of a building for a pro-gymnasium - a women's school, "which would correspond according to the curriculum of the sciences... of the city 3-grade men's school."

The signature sheet contains the names of hereditary honorary citizen V.G. Polyakov, who pledged to donate a thousand rubles, Kan merchant of the second guild V.P. Melnikov, who subscribed for three hundred rubles, and military doctor Kozlov. These were the first donations for the construction of the gymnasium.

“The best of the more prosperous residents” responded to the “good deed,” donating “34,000 rubles for the construction of the building itself.”
May 22, 1897 year, the Yenisei governor allowed the opening of a library-reading room in the city.

At the end of the nineteenth century - in the first decade of the twentieth century, the tradesman Nikolai Semenovich Lyubinetsky carried out active construction activities. May 24, 1897 he petitioned the city authorities to allocate a plot of land. The site “in the city pasture...for the construction of a sawmill and flour mill, driven by steam and water.”

Below are some more of his projects. The Kan district existed until the end of the 19th century, and in 1897

was transformed into a county. Kansk became a district town. “It has about 7 thousand inhabitants, 530 houses. There are two stone churches in the city – the cathedral and the cemetery. The main item of trade is bread, with which Kansk supplies Irkutsk and the mines of the Yenisei taiga. The city has: 16 small factories (mainly brick, leather and soap factories), and about 40 shops and stores, among which the best are considered to be the manufacturing and grocery stores of Gadalov and Chevelev.” Already in the first 1897 operation of the Kansk railway station, a need arose for a new street from the city Cathedral-Spasskaya Square

to the station. This new street [Gogolevsky Prospekt] united the two main city squares (Cathedral and Privokzalnaya) into a single center, which has retained its functional significance to the present day. Due to various troubles, the opening of a library-reading room in Kansk took place only. A Board of Trustees consisting of 36 people was created at the library, whose responsibilities included monitoring new publications in newspapers, book trade catalogues, and bibliographic reference books. These same persons compiled desiderates, or, more precisely, lists of those books that were necessary for readers.

In 1898 traffic was opened on the Krasnoyarsk-Irkutsk line. In 1898 227 thousand poods of grain cargo were sent from Kansk station to the east.

The railroad accelerated the growth of our city, and trade developed significantly. The bread produced in the district gained access to the east. The influx of immigrants from the European part of the country has increased. Near the station, a resettlement center for 150 families was set up to temporarily accommodate those arriving.

There were government and public institutions in the city:

  • district police department headed by a district police officer,
  • district Court,
  • prison committee department
  • district treasury,
  • hospital council,
  • <городская дума ,
  • small fire brigade with 3 pipes.

The construction department approved the “Project for the construction of N. Lyubinetsky’s soap factory in Kuznechny Ryad in Kansk,” the drawings of which were completed by Strombsky in January 1899.

In September 1899 Bishop of Yenisei and Krasnoyarsk asks Governor“to make an order to send the architect Folbaum to the village of Kansko-Perevozinskaya (now part of the right bank of Kansk) to inspect the strength of the roughly built stone temple in that village.” Unfortunately, the church on the right bank of the Caen has not survived.

V.A. Dolgorukov in his “Guide”, published in 1899, reports the following information about Kansk:

“The area on which Kansk lies is so low-lying that in the spring the city is heavily flooded by the overflowing Kan. Currently, there are 8,236 residents of both sexes (men - 5,052, women - 3,184). There are about 530 houses. There are two stone churches in the city - the cathedral and the cemetery church. The main item of trade is bread, with which Kansk supplies Irkutsk and the mine (emphasis on the last syllable) of the northern Yenisei taiga.

It has 16 small factories, mainly brick, leather and soap factories, and about 40 shops and stores, among which the best are considered to be the manufacturing and grocery stores of Gadalov, Timofeev and Kuznetsov.

The city has two schools - men's and women's, a postal and telegraph office, a public city bank with an annual turnover of up to 150,000 thousand rubles, a hospital and various government agencies. But there is no library, no club, no garden in Kansk. The streets of the city are not paved and are not illuminated with lanterns, with the most insignificant exception. In general, Kansk resembles more of a large trading village than a city. There is one hotel in Kansk and several guest houses, poorly furnished, in which the traveler cannot always satisfy even the most modest requirements for food.”

In the last quarterXIXcentury Winter Nikolsky fairs were held in Kansk. Initially they had only local significance, and then acquired almost a provincial level. The fair opened on the feast of St. Nicholas of Myra on December 6 (December 19, new style) and attracted trade people from all over the area, as well as merchants from Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk and even Orenburg.

The entertainment program of the fair consisted of entertainment games, performances of clowns, dancers, magicians, and strongmen. Particularly popular were skits based on scenes from city life performed by local clowns. The presented images in the plots were recognizable and caused laughter among numerous spectators on Torgovaya (Market) Square.

In 1722, the first Orthodox Spassky Church appeared in the settlement.

In the 1740s, the Siberian Highway was built through the fort, thanks to which trade began to develop and postage appeared.

In 1782, the settlement was transformed into the city of Kansk. At the end of 1822, the city received the status of the center of the Kansky district of the Yenisei province.

In the mid-19th century, trade in yuft leather and gold mining flourished in Kansk. In 1861, a tannery, a soap factory and two lard-melting factories were already operating in the city.

In 1911, the first cinema for 300 spectators was opened. From 1925 to 1930, the settlement was the district center of the Kansky district of the Siberian Territory, and 4 years later the regional center of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

During the Great Patriotic War the city received a large number of evacuated textile industry enterprises. During these years, 12 hospitals were opened, a cotton mill and a hydrolysis plant were built.

In the 1960s, large-scale construction of residential buildings and social and administrative buildings began in Kansk.

Industrial enterprises of the city: distillery, building structures plant, Kanskaya Thermal Power Plant, light metal structures plant, polymer packaging materials plant, combine harvester assembly plant.

Krasnoyarsk time is in effect in the city. The difference with Moscow time is +2 hours msk+2.

The telephone code of Kansk is 39161. The postal code is 663600.

Climate and weather

Kansk has a sharply continental climate. Winters are quite long and harsh. Summers are warm and short.

The warmest month is July - average temperature is +19.1 degrees. The coldest January is the average temperature -19.4 degrees.

The average annual precipitation is 525 mm.

Total population of Kansk for 2016-2017

Population data was obtained from the State Statistics Service. Graph of changes in the number of citizens over the past 10 years.

The total number of residents in 2017 is 90 thousand people.

The data from the graph shows a significant drop in population from 100,300 people in 2007 to 90,231 people in 2017.

As of January 2016, Kansk ranked 190th out of 1,112 cities in the Russian Federation in terms of population.


1. Kansk Palm Alley - an art object was opened in Kansk in 2008. The opening of the alley is timed to coincide with one of the film festivals of “non-format” cinema.

2. Triumphal Arch "Royal Doors" - the structure was opened in 2006 on the day of the 370th anniversary of the city.

3. Cathedral of the Life-Giving Trinity - this Orthodox church was built in 1804. In 1912, work was carried out to reconstruct the cathedral.

4. Drama Theater - a cultural institution was founded in 1907. Over the years of operation of the theater, spectators have seen more than 700 plays and tens of thousands of performances.


On the territory of Kansk there are four railway stations connecting the city with Taishet, Krasnoyarsk, Zheleznogorsk, Nizhneudinsk, Achinsk, Ilansky, Nizhny Ingash.

Public transport consists of buses and minibuses.

From the city bus station there are bus routes to Krasnoyarsk, Bratsk, Ilansky, Nizhny Ingash, Nizhnyaya Poima,

City walks - 14

Meet the next episode of our walks with Igor Aleksandrovich Matveev, an honorary resident of Kansk, an expert on the city, with whom “KV” makes walking tours through the past of Kansk.

First arch

We started this walk from the city center and headed towards the right bank. First of all, we stopped near the place where the triumphal arch was once built. The same arch, a copy of which now stands on the other side of the Caen, on Bridge Square. And before it was located right here, on Getoeva Street, at the intersection with Naberezhnaya Street.

Let us recall this story: in 1891, Kansk was preparing for the arrival of Tsarevich Nicholas. The heir to the Russian throne was returning from the east after a visit to Japan. So they decided to build an arch, which according to the first design was supposed to be wooden. They say that local merchants and the city mayor decided to build a stone arch after all. But by this time the drawings of a wooden arch had arrived. And even the governor protested against the stone. But the result still turned out to be a magnificent stone arch. In May, construction was completed, and in June Nikolai Alexandrovich passed through Kansk.

The Arc de Triomphe was destroyed in the 30s of the twentieth century. And the reasons were not only ideological. The fact is that the road passed through the arch, and if horse-drawn transport could still follow under it, then automobile transport could no longer fit under the arched vault.

The arch stood on a hillock. I remember the flood of 1947, May 1st. Then the water reached this hillock and splashed everywhere.

Kansky fort

In this place, where a channel flows and an island is formed, the Kansky fort was located, the first building from which our city began. By the way, the channel was not as seedy as it is now. Mom recalled that they went swimming in this river. At first, however, there was another prison - on the other side of the Caen, the very first one. But then the Cossacks and pioneers decided to move the fort to this bank of the Kan. The prison stood among meadows and small lakes; it was convenient to keep cattle here and close to the river.

The relocation of the fort is due to the fact that the Moscow Highway began to be built. And Kansk began to develop precisely on this bank of the river.

One of the main reasons is that the city center moved to where water did not reach during floods.

Getoeva Street

There were private buildings on both sides of the street. If on the left side there are still old houses here, then on the right there is a residential neighborhood. Back in the 80s there were also huts and fences here.

Today we do not have a civilized pedestrian road from one bank to the other. Especially now, in the spring. It would be nice to have an alley and a pedestrian road here! Planting birch trees is very beautiful and wouldn’t cost a lot of money. Involve, for example, schoolchildren and enthusiasts in the work.

This old brick building may have been a store. You can still see from the bricks that there was a large wide entrance. In general, stone buildings began to be built en masse in the 50s of the last century. On the one hand, they were built in connection with the appearance of a cotton mill in the city, and on the other, a hydrolysis plant. First, factory buildings were built, and then residential buildings.

Forge rows

A settlement began to be built around the fort. Later, blacksmith rows arose. The streets were called: First Kuznechnaya, Second Kuznechnaya. Getoeva Street was also formerly called Kuznechnaya. It was a kind of industrial area of ​​the future city. There were many forges here. Everything was made - from shovels to horse harness and horseshoes. Sleighs, carts, and so on were made here.

During wartime, my grandfather and I went here - there was a small mill.


I remember very well that there was no vegetation at all along the banks of the channel and the Kan. As boys we went to this island, formed between the Caen and the channel, fished and swam. There was no vegetation observed here, because cows and other living creatures ate everything that grew. When they stopped keeping livestock and poultry, no one plucked out the grass and shoots of young bushes anymore. And the banks began to be overgrown with trees.

In the 50s, there were “bright minds” who decided, instead of repairing the bridge across the channel, to simply fill it up. For several years there was a continuous road here. The channel bed began to become littered with debris, and the water began to rot. They realized that the decision was wrong, and the mound was excavated again. This was in the early 60s.

Kansk is 383 years old
Kansk is one of the oldest cities in Siberia size="3">
Founded in 1628 as a small Kansky fort near the Komarovsky rapids on the Kan River, 43 km below modern Kansk. In 1636 it was moved to its current location. It was built as a defensive structure against raids by the Yenisei Kyrgyz.

It appeared in 1636 as a fortress-fortress that protected the sovereign's land from nomads from the south. Later, when it was crossed by the Moscow Highway, the great Siberian road, in the mid-18th century, it remained a postal station for a long time, and its residents bore all the costs associated with the construction and operation of this road. This duty took them a lot of work and time: pit chasing, collecting fodder, repairing bridges, paving gates, clearing roads in spring and autumn. In 1717, 20 Cossack families from Krasnoyarsk were resettled to Kansk. In 1720-1724 in the Kansky fort there were 22 courtyards, in which 126 male souls lived. By 1722, the only local Spasskaya Church in the Krasnoyarsk district was built. By 1735, the area of ​​the fort was increased. New walls were built, a ditch three arshins deep and wide. There are 40 courtyards built in the fort. Peasants, artisans, and merchants begin to move into the fort. The first peasants of Kansk were Eremey Shilyaev from the Abakan prison, Filat Dmitriev from the village of Pavlovskaya, and the lonely 44-year-old exile Ivan Belykh, from the serfs of the capital district.

At this time, on the left bank of the Caen, at its intersection with the Moscow Highway, the historical center of the future city was taking shape. The first stone building of the Kansky fort, the Spasskaya Church, rose near the Moscow highway. The construction of churches in forts, cities and villages of Siberia, especially in the highway area, was encouraged by the tsarist government, as it contributed to the consolidation of settlers in new places. Residents of the Kansky fort also received permission to build a stone church. Permission was received in the form of a blessed letter on October 8, 1797 after the Kan priest Mikhail Evtyugin reported in a report to the Archbishop of Tobolsk (Varlaam) about the desire of the parishioners “to build a stone one in the declared fortress instead of the wooden designated Spassky Church.”

In the early 60s of the 18th century, the government issued a number of decrees on exile to settle in Siberia. Thousands of people were driven here. The land of Kan remembers the endless clanking of chains, parties of shackles, emaciated, gloomy faces: the faces of serfs, the faces of Decembrist nobles. Five of them, after the Nerchinsk mines, served a settlement in the villages of Kansky district. A.E. Mozalevsky remained forever in one of the many local churchyards. His body was buried in the summer of 1851 in the Spassky Cathedral. In the 1860s, Polish rebels led by V. Lewandowski and N. Serno-Solovievich prepared their performance here. Their grandiose plan for an uprising of the Poles in Siberia, centered in Kansk, remained unfulfilled. The Kan land remembers the exiled revolutionaries of the early twentieth century: from P.A. Moiseenko - member of the Northern Union of Russian Workers before F.E. Dzerzhinsky and N.I. Korosteleva. Kansk remembers the gloomy faces of people - prisoners of the Gulag. Within the city there were several zones behind barbed wire. The names of the inhabitants remained unknown.

The streets of Kansk also remember those people who, out of a sense of duty, voluntarily went to distant Siberia, connecting their lives with it. One of them is P.I. Mozharov, city doctor and uncle A.M. Gorky. In 1855, after graduating from medical university, Pavel Ivanovich was appointed as a doctor in Kansk, where he worked until 1862. All yours last years he lived in Krasnoyarsk.

In 1822 Kansk became a city. It belonged to the category of so-called agricultural towns. According to the Brockhaus and Efron dictionary, 4,456 people lived in Kansk in 1888. Of these, 239 were master craftsmen making clothing, footwear, household goods, and 160 were people of the merchant class. IN late XIX centuries, famous Kan merchants often walked and drove around the streets of Kansk: Gadalov, Chevelev, Konovalov, Lobanov, Nekrasov, Kuznetsov, Savenkov, etc. Their estates and shops appeared.

On the corner of the street. Along Moskovsky and Gogolevsky Prospekts, the estate of the merchant of the 1st guild Gerasim Gadalov, the founder of the subsequently numerous family of Gadalov merchants, grew up. His sons Nikolai and Ivan opened trading houses: the first in Krasnoyarsk, the second in Kansk, his five grandchildren continued the business started by their grandfather. One of them, Nikolai Nikolaevich Gadalov, a gold miner and shipowner, was known throughout Russia. His grandfather Gerasim Petrovich, who, due to lack of literacy, trusted his sons to write petitions to the Duma, was elected by the city society to the post of church warden of the Spassky Cathedral in 1874 and held this position until his death on June 10, 1876. In 1873, he owned two estates in Kansk. One of them, the most expensive in the city, was valued at 8 thousand rubles. There was the only two-story stone house in Kansk. This house was the nest from which the entire numerous Gadalov dynasty emerged.

The second stone building in Kansk was located on one of the farmsteads of the merchant of the first guild, Ignatius Nikitich Nekrasov. The merchant of the 2nd guild Timofey Savenkov had five households in the city. Three of them are adapted for drinking establishments. This was the father of the later famous Krasnoyarsk scientist-archaeologist Ivan Timofeevich Savenkov, who discovered Afontov Mountain to the scientific world - a Paleolithic monument known today to the whole world.

At the very beginning of the twentieth century. around Cathedral Square, adjacent to the Moscow highway (now Korostelev Square), a number of shops and shopping arcades were lined up. First of all, these were the shops of the merchants Gadalovs (needs restoration after the fire), the shops of the merchant Konovalov (now a library, bookstore, printing house), the shops of the merchant Chevelev (after the fire - a new building of a tobacco factory), the shop of the merchant Lobanov (youth library) .

In 1903, shopping arcades consisting of seven rooms were built on the Cathedral Square on rented estate land. They were built by city merchants I.S. Grishenkov, P.P. Shepshelovich, S.G. Asyamova (not preserved). In the center of the architectural ring made up of the listed buildings, the Market Square was noisy. And it is natural that it was in this place that the first cultural institutions of our city appeared: cinemas, which were located in the house of E.T. Konovalov (GK Komsomol, today - a confectionery factory store) and in the already mentioned house of the merchant Lobanov. In 1911, opposite this house, the cinema of merchant A.P. opened its doors to visitors. Yakovleva with 300 seats is the first cultural institution in Kansk, built to show films and known to us for many years as the Kaytym cinema (now being restored as a local history museum).

For many years, this cinema remained the cultural center of the city, being at the center of all major events and incidents. Its walls remember the rallies of 1917, the passionate speeches of N.I. Korosteleva, Kh. Getoeva, R.P. Eideman - representatives of the new government; remember the roaring 20s, when V.Ya.’s bright speech sounded under the roof of the building. Zazubrin, author of the novel "Two Worlds" and the story "Sliver". V.A. performed repeatedly in the same building. Itin, author of the science fiction story "The Land of Gonguri". In 1922, this story was published in Kansk on thick wrapping paper for sugar loaves. Now this publication is a bibliographic rarity. These were the first literary works in the country that reflected the surrounding reality of the time that went down in history as the Soviet period. The walls of this cinema remember the faces of the leaders of the legendary Taseev Republic V.G. Yakovenko and N.M. Buda.

Near the historical center of the city, at the beginning of the century, two more stone buildings rose: Tsitovich's pharmacy and a new educational institution - a women's gymnasium (now destroyed). The streets of the city, the buildings that are now preserved from old Kansk, remember the names and faces of people who visited Kansk land in passing. This is A.N. Radishchev, wives of the Decembrists, famous writers I.A. Goncharov and A.P. Chekhov, heir to the throne and future Tsar Nikolai Alexandrovich.

  • Decembrist A.E. Mozalevsky died in Kansk. He was buried in the summer of 1851 in the Spassky Cathedral. The Decembrists visited the city several times: V. N. Solovyov, D. A. Shchepin-Rostovsky, K. G. Ingelstrom, P. N. Falenberg;
  • Participants of the Polish uprising [ambiguous link] N. N. Oswald, N. A. Benevolensky, V. Levandovsky and others;
  • Companions of N. G. Chernyshevsky: N. Serno-Solovyevich, Y. Shlenker, Y. Roytynsky and others;
  • Member of the “Northern Union of Russian Workers” P. A. Moiseenko (1880-1883);
  • Member of the Blagoev group N. A. Gerasimov (1889-1892);
  • Marxists: V. P. Artsybushev (1891-1894), M. A. Silvin, F. V. Lengnik (1900-1902), F. E. Dzerzhinsky (1909), E. D. Stasova, S. S. Spandaryan (1913), N. N. and E. A. Panin (1903-1904), G. A. Usievich (1911-1914), I. I. Schwartz (since 1914 );
  • Participants in the revolution of 1905-1907. I. B. Prisyagin, N. I. Korostelev (from 1913 to 1918)
In 1912, there were 55 exiles in Kansk.
After Stalin's repressions, many repressed people lived in the city who had a very high intellectual, educational and professional level. For example, the brother of the People's Artist of the USSR Saryan, N.P. Sariev, taught at a children's music school at a time when it was headed by the Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR L.P. Kryuchkova. It was her merit that the school was recognized as an exemplary school in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

History of Kansk in people:

(O) (I)



Transport and defense


Mobile operators

Mass media

TV channels

Local print media

Radio stations


Entertainment and relaxation


Kansk- a city (since 1782) in Russia, the administrative center of the Kansky district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Population - 100.4 thousand people (2010). It is the fourth most populous city in the Krasnoyarsk Territory - after Krasnoyarsk, Norilsk and Achinsk. Unofficially, it is the center of the eastern zone of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

The head of the city administration is Andrei Sidelnikov (elected on March 2, 2008, with 59 percent of the votes).


The city is located on the Kan River (a tributary of the Yenisei), 247 km east of Krasnoyarsk.


Founded in 1628 as the Kansky small fort near the Komarovsky rapids on the Kan River, 43 km below modern Kansk. In 1636 it was moved to its current location. It was built as a defensive structure against raids by the Yenisei Kyrgyz.

In 1717, 20 Cossack families from Krasnoyarsk were resettled to Kansk. In 1720-1724 in the Kansky fort there were 22 courtyards, in which 126 male souls lived. By 1722, the only local Spasskaya Church in the Krasnoyarsk district was built.

By 1735, the area of ​​the fort was increased. New walls and a ditch three arshins deep and wide were built. 40 courtyards were built in the fort. Peasants, artisans, and merchants begin to move into the fort. The first peasants of Kansk were Eremey Shilyaev from the Abakan prison, Filat Dmitriev from the village of Pavlovskaya, and the lonely 44-year-old exile Ivan Belykh, from the serfs of the Moscow district.

In the 40s of the 18th century, the Siberian Highway passed through Kansk. A postal station appeared in Kansk. The resettlement of exiled peasants begins in Kansk.

In 1782, the population of Kansk consisted of: 41 revision souls of merchants and townspeople, 264 revision souls of state peasants and 8 settlers.

In December 1822, Kansk received the status of a district city, becoming the center of the Kansk district (from 1879 - Kansk district) of the Yenisei province. Officials begin to appear in the city - in 1823 there were 17 people. Kansk at this time consisted of two blocks, three streets and three alleys, a stone parish church, three state and two public wooden buildings. As well as 161 houses, three taverns, four shops, a hospital, an almshouse and a district school. 123 people are engaged in crafts, 2 people are engaged in trade. The population of Kansk in 1823 was 1112 people. After 1831, a post office was opened in Kansk in accordance with the decree of the Senate.

In 1847-1849 Chinese merchants purchased 133,933 yuft skins in Kyakhta. Of these, 6463 pieces (about 4.8%) were of Kan origin. In 1850, eight out of ten merchants of the highest guilds were engaged in gold mining.

By 1861 Kansk became a full-fledged city. Factories appeared in the city: a soap factory, a tannery, and two lard-heating factories. 43 nobles, 9 merchants of the 1st and 2nd guilds live in the city. The city's population is 2,486 people.

Famous merchants began their activities in Kansk: Gerasim Gadalov - founder of the Gadalov dynasty, merchant of the 2nd guild Timofey Savenkov - father of the archaeologist I. T. Savenkov, etc.

In 1897, the Society for the Assistance of Primary Education was opened. A public reading room has been opened.

By the beginning of the 20th century, there were 6 handicraft tanneries, 2 candle factories, and 1 soap factory in Kansk. The population in 1897 was 7,537. There are 534 houses, of which only 2 are stone, 2 are stone churches, a Jewish chapel. Three schools. City bank with a capital of 80,000 rubles.

In 1911, the cinema of the merchant A.P. Yakovleva began operating with 300 seats, “Forum” - the first cultural institution of Kansk.

During civil war Kansk was one of the centers of the partisan movement. In May 1920, the famous satirist writer Yaroslav Hasek, who lived for a short time in the city, married the daughter of a merchant Lvov.

From December 9, 1925 to July 30, 1930, Kansk was the regional center of the Kansk District of the Siberian Territory. Then it became part of the East Siberian Territory. Since 1934 - the regional center of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

During the Great Patriotic War, a number of textile industry enterprises were evacuated to the city from the European part of the country. During the war, a cotton mill and a hydrolysis plant were built in Kansk. 12 hospitals with 5,000 beds were deployed.

City coat of arms

The shield is divided into two equal parts, in the upper one the Yenisei coat of arms is depicted, and in the lower one, on a green field, a golden rye sheaf. The shield is decorated with a golden city crown.

Place of exile

  • Decembrist A.E. Mozalevsky died in Kansk. He was buried in the summer of 1851 in the Spassky Cathedral. The Decembrists visited the city several times: V. N. Solovyov, D. A. Shchepin-Rostovsky, K. G. Ingelstrom, P. N. Falenberg;
  • participants in the Polish uprising N. N. Oswald, N. A. Benevolensky, V. Levandovsky and others;
  • associates of N. G. Chernyshevsky: N. Serno-Solovyevich, Y. Shlenker, Y. Roytynsky and others;
  • member of the “Northern Union of Russian Workers” P. A. Moiseenko (1880-1883);
  • member of the Blagoev group N. A. Gerasimov (1889-1892);
  • Marxists: V. P. Artsybushev (1891-1894), M. A. Silvin, F. V. Lengnik (1900-1902), F. E. Dzerzhinsky (1909), E. D. Stasova, S. S. Spandaryan (1913), N. N. and E. A. Panin (1903-1904), G. A. Usievich (1911-1914), I. I. Schwartz (since 1914 );
  • participants in the revolution of 1905-1907. I. B. Prisyagin, N. I. Korostelev (from 1913 to 1918)

In 1912, there were 55 exiles in Kansk.

After Stalin's repressions, many repressed people lived in the city who had a very high intellectual, educational and professional level. For example, the brother of the People's Artist of the USSR Saryan, N.P. Sariev, taught at a children's music school at a time when it was headed by the Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR L.P. Kryuchkova. It was her merit that the school was recognized as an exemplary school in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.



  • Average annual air temperature - 0.2 °C
  • Relative air humidity - 70.3%
  • Average wind speed - 3.0 m/s
  • Average annual temperature: +1.2 C°
  • Absolute minimum air temperature: −52.9 °C (1931)
  • Absolute maximum air temperature: +43.8 °C (1923)
  • Average annual wind speed: 2.3 m/s
  • Average annual humidity: 68%


Large enterprises:

  • Kansky Distillery (owned by BaikalPharm)
  • Kansky LDK (since summer 2009 Kansky LHK)
  • Construction Materials Plant
  • CHPP (JSC "Yenisei TGC (TGK-13)")
  • Plant of Light Metal Structures LLC KZLMK "MAYAK"
  • ZBDO "BUMMASH" (now "Segment")

As well as a plant for the production of polymer packaging materials (from about July-August 2010) and a plant for assembling combines.

Transport and defense

Kansk is an important railway junction on the Trans-Siberian Railway, Kansk-Yeniseisky station.

The M53 motorway passes through the city.

There are three airfields in the city, two of them - civilian ones - are abandoned. The third is the Russian Air Force air base near Checheul - Kansk (Dalniy).

The Russian Navy arsenal is located in Kansk; the Missile Division was disbanded in 2007.


Currently working in Kansk:

  • 17 schools, 2 gymnasiums and 2 lyceums,
  • art school,
  • 2 music schools.

Three vocational schools, as well as:

  • Kansky Medical College,
  • Library College,
  • Pedagogical College,
  • Polytechnic College,
  • Kansk College of Technology.

Mobile operators

  • Beeline
  • Megaphone
  • Since 2009, the city has been operating a third generation network of the IMT-MC 450 and EV-DO standard ( trademark Wellcom)
  • Since 2010, a 3G network has been launched in the city (Beeline operator)

Mass media

The city broadcasts 16 TV channels in analogue format, the first digital multiplex on 23 TVCs is being launched, and 10 radio stations are broadcasting.

TV channels

  • First channel
  • Russia 1 / GTRK Krasnoyarsk
  • TV Center
  • Channel 5
  • REN TV
  • TNT / Channel 5
  • Zvezda / Yenisei-Region
  • Russia 2
  • Home
  • Russia K / Euronews
  • Muz TV

Local print media

"Today's Newspaper - Kansk" (11,500 copies), "Kanskie Vedomosti" (10,200 copies), "Eastern Region" (7,000 copies), "ReKa" (5,000 copies), "Kanskaya Blik-newspaper" (6,000 copies .), “Channel 5” (2500 copies)

Radio stations

  • 91.0 FM - Autoradio
  • 100.9 FM - Radio Russia
  • 101.6 FM - Radio Chanson
  • 102.2 FM - Radio 5
  • 103.1 FM - Europe Plus
  • 103.7 FM - Road Radio
  • 104.3 FM - Radio Romantika
  • 104.8 FM - Love Radio
  • 105.3 FM - Radio 7
  • 107.3 FM - Humor FM


Since 2002, the city has hosted the International Cannes Video Festival. The Kansky Drama Theater operates, there is also the City House of Culture, the Voskhod Cultural Center, and the Stroitel Cultural Center.


The Kansk Museum of Local Lore was opened in 1922. Until 1990, it was located in the building of the Holy Intercession Cathedral. Currently it is located in the restored building of the first cinema in Kansk, Forum.

Entertainment and relaxation

In Kansk there are: the Cosmos Cinema, the Voskhod Youth Center, the Pogruzhenie restaurant, the Siberia Hotel, the Atlantic Hotel, the South Hotel, the Port Arthur shopping center, etc.


  • Askarov, Yuri - Russian showman, TV presenter.
  • Ermolaev, Vladimir Petrovich - Russian ethnographer, researcher of Tuva.
  • Taymazov, Vladimir Aleksandrovich - rector of St. Petersburg state university physical culture named after P.F. Lesgaft.
  • Permyakov, Vladimir Sergeevich (born December 2, 1952) - Russian actor, became famous with the help of his character Lenya Golubkov from an MMM advertisement.
  • Slovtsov Petr Ivanovich is an outstanding Russian tenor, born in the village of Ustyanskoye, Kansk district.