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Identifying a car by VIN code. What is the VIN of a car, where is it located, what can you find out by the VIN number. Car VIN code - where to look for it and what it means

Today there are several online services for free check car by VIN code or state number. Typically, this service is used by people purchasing used cars. To obtain information you need to know:

  • VIN code or state code number;
  • chassis or body number;
  • have access to the Internet
Each vehicle has its own unique VIN code. It determines the history of the vehicle, the number of owners, and other important information.
Most online resources provide reports on cars for a fee, but there are also those that do not require any cash outlay. The most authoritative and error-free resource is the traffic police website. There is a special form where you enter the VIN (or state number), then the verification code, after which the presence of restrictions is checked. If the VIN code is missing or unknown, enter the body or chassis number.
Once the request is processed, the applicant will receive information about:
  • the car may be wanted;
  • carrying out a case against the car by law enforcement agencies, social protection, customs
For most motorists, all of the above is enough to decide whether to purchase vehicle.

Services for free verification

You can find out about the restrictions imposed on a car completely free of charge through several online resources. There you can not only check the car for free, but also make sure the seller’s information is accurate. The most reliable and popular of these services is the traffic police website, which operates in all cities and regions of the Russian Federation. The service databases contain information about the following issues:
  • car search;
  • restrictions on its registration
To search for it on the resource page you need to specify the VIN code of the car. The results of checking any vehicle registered in Russia will appear in 2 minutes.
The traffic police does not provide information about whether the car is collateral. The website of the Federal Notary Chamber will help you find out about this.
There are also alternative resources where you can check your car for free, for example, the Autocode website. Through it you can get acquainted with the history of the car in more detail, learning about:
  • traffic accidents;
  • prohibitions related to car registration;
  • all car owners;
  • passed technical inspection
But this site makes higher demands. There you need to enter not only the VIN, but also the details of the vehicle certificate and register. The Autocode project is under state control.

Which verification method should I choose?

The best option for the future owner of the car is to contact the traffic police, preferably in conjunction with the seller, that is, the current owner.
When choosing other resources, it is better to consider official ones, where data is constantly updated.
Employees of the Doroga portal still advise, if possible, to use paid reports, which contain more complete information, for example, about the presence of a vehicle in the theft database and previous checks.

Purchasing a car for secondary market is very popular among car enthusiasts, especially if financial resources are limited. Not only can you save a lot of money, but it can also cause a number of problems. For the buyer, checking the car is an important procedure.

It is necessary to check the car not only for legal purity and its involvement in an accident, but also for the owners of the vehicle, since their number directly depends technical condition goods. It is also important to check whether the owner is really the person who is selling the product. In this article we will look at how to find out the owner of a car by VIN.

Features of searching for data about the car owner

You can determine the owner of a vehicle by registration numbers or using the VIN code. The most common option among motorists is to find out the owner of a vehicle by license plates, however, it does not always provide complete and reliable information. The reason may be the presence of fake registration numbers or frequent changes of license plates, which greatly complicates the search.

Experts recommend that before purchasing a car on the secondary market, check its owners and legal purity solely by the VIN code. The materials received are almost always 100% true, since the VIN is an individual number and does not change throughout the life of the car. Today it is impossible to change the VIN code of a car.

Modern technologies make it possible to verify almost everything using an individual code before submitting a request. Involvement in road accidents, the presence of bans and arrests, the number of owners and periods of their ownership of the goods - this information can be easily found on official websites government agencies. However, searching for personal data of the owner of a vehicle may be accompanied by certain difficulties in connection with the law on the protection of personal data of citizens of the Russian Federation.

Options for determining the owner of a car by VIN

There are several ways that allow you to obtain information about the owners of a car using its individual code.

You can find out the owner by VIN code at the traffic police department. Official databases contain all the information about registered vehicles. The check is carried out directly by employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate, however, one must take into account the fact that compelling reasons will be required to provide personal information about the owners of the car. If there are no serious arguments for the search, then you will have to look for alternative solutions to the issue.

You can find out information about the owners of the car yourself on the Internet. To do this, you need to go to the official website and check the car’s VIN code. On the website, you need to select the “Vehicle Check” service in the menu and search for information. The service will provide verified information about the number of car owners, periods of their ownership, however, personal data of the owners will not be provided, in accordance with the law on the protection of personal data of citizens Russian Federation. Alternatively, you can try to purchase on the black market a disk with the official traffic police database, which contains information about the owners, including a vehicle registration card, which contains all the information necessary for the consumer. However, the search option using pirated discs is not always an unreliable source, since the materials provided may be out of date.

A more reliable source of obtaining information about the seller using the individual car code is the Autocode portal. On the Autocode website you can find out about registration bans, inspection history and names of owners by VIN code or vehicle certificate number. The disadvantage of the site is that the information in the database is available only for cars that are registered in Moscow and the region, and to search for materials the user must register. Data on the site is constantly updated government agencies, therefore the information received is always true.

You can also use paid sites to obtain individual data. The cost of services is most often not very high, however, experts recommend checking cars using only trusted sources of information, which are government agencies.

Let's sum it up

Before purchasing it, this is a mandatory procedure for the buyer. To carry out verification, the most reliable way is to use government sources of information and check the data using the vehicle’s VIN code, which is a kind of identifier of the vehicle.

If it is the owner of the product who is suspicious, then it is necessary to check it using services that allow you to determine the owner of the car using the VIN. In order to protect yourself as much as possible from fraud on the part of the seller, it would be best to contact him directly to the traffic police department and check the vehicle, its owner on the spot, and also conclude a deal.

Almost every vehicle is equipped with a unique seventeen-digit code. How to find out this car VIN code? Today you can find this number on almost all vehicles. And if there is a need to check the car before purchasing, you can find out the VIN by the state number.

What is a VIN code

What is this number and why does it consist of seventeen numbers and Latin letters? This combination of symbols contains precise information about the car, and each group of symbols has its own exact meaning. The number is absolutely unique and does not appear twice even on identical machines. Using it, you can check whether your car was involved in accidents, whether encumbrances were imposed on it, .

Once you know where the code is, you can check it in a special system, for example. Owners of used cars, rather than new ones, need to be especially vigilant.

Where to look for the VIN code

How to find out the VIN code of your car and where to look for it? Firstly, you can look at it in documents such as:

  • PTS car;
  • insurance policy;
  • registration certificate for transport.

The VIN numbers in official documents and on the car itself must match.

In addition, this number must be located on the car itself. The code can be located not in one specific place, but in several at once. You can find the VIN in the following places:

  • under the hood, usually right on the body;
  • in the trunk, often under the carpet;
  • in the cabin, near the steering control;
  • under the trim on the floor, near the driver's seat;
  • on the windshield;
  • under the wing.

You should start your search under the windshield, since it is most often applied to this area of ​​the body. You need to look from the driver's seat. No less popular among manufacturers is the location of the combination on the dashboard.

If there is no code in these parts of the car, you need to look under the hood. Here the searches are more extensive. Sometimes it can be located on the engine, and sometimes on a special plate on the body partition that separates the interior. An equally common case is the presence of a VIN number on the threshold or even on the door on the driver’s side.

It will be more difficult to search on used cars. On those brands that are no longer produced, it can be found in completely different places. One such unexpected location is the steering wheel or even the radiator.

If the search is unsuccessful, then you need to study the instructions for your unit, of course, if it has been preserved, or other documents on the vehicle.

Remember that this VIN code is recorded not in one place, but in several at once, so it’s worth looking through the entire car. Its main difference is that the number is written in hard to reach places. They are inconvenient to read, which significantly complicates access to the VIN, which means that it is much more difficult for fraudsters to interrupt it.

Find out VIN by state number

You have found an advertisement for the sale of the car of your dreams, but the buyer does not want to tell everyone who writes the VIN. Of course, you can come to inspect the vehicle and request it right on the spot, and then check all the necessary data. However, the car may be located in another region altogether, and in this case, coming in person just to look at it is too expensive.

Good afternoon. In this article, I will show you a simple and free way to find out the VIN code of a car by state number, if the car has undergone an official technical inspection at least once since 2014.

What is a VIN code?

VIN code ( Vehicle identification number ) is a unique seventeen-character vehicle identification number that contains information about the year of manufacture, country of production, specific manufacturing plant, and configuration. This information is encoded in the first seven digits. The remaining 10 (in most cases) are the serial number of the car. Using the manufacturer's internal databases (most companies have them open), you can find out the color and additional equipment.

In most cases, the VIN code is applied in several places and duplicated on a panel under glass.

It looks like this:

Why is it sometimes necessary to find out the VIN code by number?

In the 21st century, the Internet allows you to instantly obtain information about a car. For example, on the traffic police website you can use the VIN code to find out the registration history of a car (i.e. who owned a particular car and for how long), check the car for participation in an accident (from January 1, 2015), and most importantly, check the car for prohibition registration actions and search. Agree - it’s unpleasant to buy a car and find out that it is permanently registered. And it doesn’t matter whether you’re looking for a car for yourself or you’re just ordinary

How to find out the VIN code of a car by state number (option 1)?

For simplicity, let's look at an example, there is this declaration:

The number is not visible, so I opened a larger photo:

We go to the website for checking technical inspection using the EAISTO database ( and enter the numbers into the verification form:

We press the check technical inspection button, and we get the result (which will indicate the VIN code).

How can I find out the VIN code and generally all the data about the car, but for a fee?

Unfortunately, due to heavy workload, the service given above does not always work, and even after using it you will still have to go to the traffic police website and look at liens, restrictions and accidents (and only since 2015), but there is an option to use a paid one a service that will provide all the data in one report – autocode Very convenient and understandable, enter the number and get a full report on the car. Road accidents, registration history, customs, restrictions.

We found out all the VIN codes by number... What to do with it next?

Let's go to vehicle verification page on the traffic police website and by specifying the VIN code, we get the result:

This car has a ban on registration actions, due to the debt on the work sheet, click on the link with the number of the enforcement proceedings and go to the bailiffs website, where we see a debt of 13 thousand rubles:

In principle, you can buy this car and it will be registered, provided that you pay the owner’s debt and take a certificate about it... Or if the owner pays the debt with you and gives you a document to lift the restrictions.

That's all for me today. I hope that the question of how to find out the VIN code of a car by state number is fully covered in the article. If you have any questions, or if you know an easier method, write a comment.

VIN number (VIN code) is a 17-digit combination of numbers and letters, which is unique in each individual case. Using it, you can identify the car, its manufacturer, age and owner.

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The need to verify the car owner using the car’s unique VIN code arises when you need to buy a vehicle (hereinafter referred to as the vehicle).

But in other cases, there is a possibility that the owner’s authenticity will be checked. The identifier code is located in the PTS (some also call this document a registration certificate).

In what cases is it necessary

In some cases, it is not necessary to accurately find out or verify the last name or first name of the owner of the vehicle. Or, for these purposes, you can use other input data, and not just the VIN number of the car.

But there are situations when such checks are simply necessary, and more information is provided if you connect a search by the car’s VIN code.

Basically, this feature of the check concerns cases of using the State Traffic Inspectorate database. This is not the only proven way to effectively check a car - there are other portals. But the traffic police website is the main, direct source of disclosure of information from the database.

On the website page of this service, it is enough to enter the code data to display a full report on the car owner, the presence of fines issued to him, and other information.

Get the information you need here completely free of charge:

You should check the owner of a vehicle by VIN code in the following cases: Explanations
Before This is usually required for verification - they find out the last and first name of the car owner and compare it with the personal data of the person who acts as the owner in the transaction.
Identification of the vehicle seizure factor If the car is parked, then most likely such storage is paid. The buyer runs the risk of purchasing a car with debts (payment for storage on the site).
Did the car get into
Are there any fines from the traffic police? All fines and other penalties apply exclusively to car owners and not vehicle users.
See how many owners there were per car. The more owners a car has, the more often such equipment will require repairs.
Frequent changes of owners indicate some kind of defect in the equipment itself.
Detection of vehicle encumbrance The following factors may serve as burdens:

— collateral in a bank;
— co-ownership (several people have proprietary rights to the car at the same time);
— rent, sublease;
— donation (the car is included in the deed of gift);
— inheritance (the car is included in the will), etc.

Technical base of the vehicle Comparison provided by the car owner technical information on the machine with its valid data.

First, fines are issued by traffic police officers - road police officers or other representatives of the inspectorate who have identified a violation. All penalties and other penalties are imposed by the court in the name of the car owner.

It is he who will be obliged to timely deposit monetary penalties into the account of the state budgetary organization - the State Traffic Inspectorate at the place of residence of the owner of the vehicle.

Using the VIN code, you can first make sure that a person is the owner of the car, and at the same time see what fines there are issued in his name.

What sites are used

Guaranteed receipt of information of reliable content is only possible if you use proven and authoritative services on the Internet.

These include the portals of government agencies, as well as those sites of companies that cooperate with the traffic police - the main holder Unified database data and a source of truthful information.

You can search for a fee or for free. In the first case, this is possible by ordering a full report on the car and its owner.

In the second case, use of government and other platforms where information is provided free of charge:

Website address Peculiarities Report price,
rub. The main website of the state road service and registration agency is the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate.
Many possibilities for various checks, including the car owner by VIN number.
There are links to other sites (affiliate ones).
The portals are intended mainly for motorists in the capital of Russia and its region - Moscow and Moscow Region.
Here the number of owners of the car and other parameters are checked.
The service is provided free of charge Intermediary site with access to the traffic police database.
They will provide both a short and full background report.
I-VIN Input options:
— VIN code;
— registration state number auto.
Based on these data, information also appears on the owner’s last name.
180-200 You can check using the following input data:
— VIN code;
- state vehicle number.
The ability to check by body or chassis numbers is provided exclusively for Japanese foreign cars.
300-400 Here it is checked only for the presence or absence of collateral encumbrances on movable property (in in this case car). For free Rather, it serves as an additional place where you can check whether the car seller has debts to the state, which were determined by a court decision and transferred to the bailiffs. Many additional information except the main one.
For example, those new to driving can find out how the VIN number of their car is correctly deciphered. It is proposed to disclose information on machines that have already been checked on this portal (for example). Otherwise, the principles of the verification algorithm are classical.

The procedure for obtaining information about the owner of a car by vin number

The paid service offers to receive a full report, where information will be disclosed not only on the car owner (several car owners), but also on the equipment itself.

For example, it would be useful to check not only the seller of the car, but also information about whether the car is wanted or under a bank lien.

When using a paid portal, you should be prepared to transfer remuneration for the information provided.

Approximately prices vary between 150 and 450 rubles, depending on what brand of car, what year of manufacture and what type of report you want to receive - full or short.

The finished result comes to the address email, specified by the user when making a payment.

The step-by-step check on a paid site is as follows:

  1. Enter on home page the VIN code combination itself.

  2. The reports are not fully disclosed. They are presented by information categories that are hidden. They are revealed after payment for the report is credited to the service account.

  3. But you can see an example of this or that report block.

  4. Then the payment parameters are selected and the payment is made according to the instructions of the service.

    Instructions on how to check the seller or find the true owner of the car using the VIN code on the portal civil service Traffic police:

    1. On the main page you need to select “Services” from the Menu. Then – “Car check”. If you select “Driver Check”, then it is not suggested to search by VIN code, but by completely different criteria.

    2. After clicking “Driver Verification”, two interactive lines will appear asking you to enter the series, number, and date of issue of the vehicle registration certificate.

    3. If you click “Check traffic police fines”, you will need to enter the state registration number (state number) and SRTS number (vehicle registration certificate).

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    4. The required button is “Vehicle check”. This is where you are prompted to enter the VIN code.

    5. After the reports have been generated and provided for study, you will need to first select a category in which information on ownership rights to the car can be disclosed. Typically this is a reporting data block that provides information about car registration. To open the report, click the active “Request Review” link.

    6. The first block is usually information about the car. Therefore, you can skip it. Below you can find a category about car registration.