GAZ-53 GAZ-3307 GAZ-66

He is a Leo, she is a Capricorn, love. Compatibility of Capricorn and Leo in various areas of relationships. Sexual relationships between the wards of Saturn and the Sun

This is not an easy relationship. Friends of this couple never cease to be surprised that Leo and Capricorn are together: they are too different, dissimilar people. However, the feelings in this couple are strong and for the Capricorn man they can become fatal.

Leo-Capricorn compatibility: how to seduce a Capricorn man?

A man born under this zodiac sign will be seduced only if he wants it. Fleeting romances are not for him: Capricorn will spend time and energy only on that woman who can become a worthy life partner for him. According to Capricorn, the ideal woman should be faithful, thrifty and respectable: such that one would not have to be ashamed of her in any society. And, of course, the ideal woman must understand all the shades of Capricorn’s expressionless face and be able to consider the feelings hidden under the stone mask. Capricorn is secretly attracted to the regalness of the Lioness, her relaxed communication and sense of style. The Leo woman, in turn, is fascinated by the fact that Capricorn is not like her flighty admirers, who are accustomed to wasting money to satisfy her whims. She feels the solidity and reliability of Capricorn, and thinks that perhaps this man will become her reliable rear and support (Lioness cannot even imagine that someone other than her could be at the helm). In intimate relationships, passions rarely rage here: Capricorn is quite conservative and reserved. Despite this, the Lioness feels a very warm and reverent attitude towards her, feels loved and the only one, which is much more important to her in the long run.

What does an ideal couple look like: Leo woman – Capricorn man?

It's difficult to talk about an ideal relationship here. A stable couple “Lioness-Capricorn” is an alliance that provides, first of all, support and protection for the Lioness and warm feelings for Capricorn. The Lioness will never command the parade in this pair: all important decisions will be made by Capricorn in a typically imperceptible but forceful manner. However, this is not bad: finally there will be that man who will sometimes allow her to take a break from shining in society, collect her thoughts, gain strength and will definitely not leave her in difficult times. The partner will secretly be proud of the radiance and splendor of his chosen one: Capricorns love status people and things no less than Leo. Often this is a very successful couple in life. Both of them (or at least one of them) have a good career, they have a rich home and more than one family business. This couple is easy to meet at the most expensive and prestigious resorts in the world.

What are the difficulties in a union between a Leo woman and a Capricorn man?

As mentioned above, a relationship with a Lioness can become fatal for Capricorn. This man does not understand his woman, suffers painfully when she moves away from him or goes out into the world, communicates with many people: Capricorn is jealous and would prefer to lock his diamond at home, not showing it to anyone. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the Lioness easily spends money, while the Capricorn man himself is a little tight-fisted. He cannot break off this relationship and get out of the influence of the Lioness, because he loves and admires her, no matter what, but at the same time he suffers and suffers. The Lioness may not even notice Capricorn’s mental tossing and does not understand his isolation. Sooner or later, he will seem boring and selfish to her, which she, without hesitation, will accuse her man of, not noticing how much these words hurt him.

This is a very difficult union, so both spouses must learn patience and understanding, and also strive to see only the good in each other. Capricorn will have to suffer and suffer in silence when she once again goes to a social reception, and Lioness will have to hide her annoyance when he once again refuses to go with her. The Lioness should watch her speech, restrain herself and not try to play on Capricorn’s pride - this can end very badly. It is worth developing the abilities of a psychologist and not judging by superficial features - much is hidden behind Capricorn’s impenetrability, and Lioness will only benefit when she learns to understand him. A separate budget will help reduce the number of quarrels and disputes on financial issues, but even here you will have to withstand Capricorn’s dissatisfaction with the fact that he is considered unable to provide for his companion.

Compatibility of Leo woman and Capricorn man at work

It is difficult to predict how their relationship will develop: for example, in the craft industry they can cooperate fruitfully, but in the field of journalism, for example, Leo and Capricorn easily become irreconcilable enemies or competitors.

Compatibility of a Leo woman and a Capricorn man - colleagues or partners

It would be a good combination if Leo learns not to demonstrate his ambitions and successes so openly to Capricorn: this can easily arouse the envy of the latter, who secretly dreams of influencing the team as easily as Leo does.

When a Leo woman is a boss and a Capricorn man is a subordinate

A very good combination for Leo, but for a Capricorn man, working under a woman of this solar sign of the Zodiac can become disastrous, exhausting and destructive. Capricorn will simply strain himself, trying to please his superiors. The Lioness should pay more attention to the Capricorn employee and not skimp on praise.

When a Leo woman is a subordinate and a Capricorn man is a boss

Badly. Capricorn is a strict but fair boss, Leo is an enterprising good worker, but the relationship between them rarely works out well. Capricorn secretly envies Leo and torments him with nagging, infuriating him and undermining his self-confidence: formally, Capricorn is right, and there is nothing to object to.

Compatibility of Leo woman and Capricorn man in friendship

Strong friendships rarely arise here: mostly these are strong friendships. Capricorn is waiting for someone to take the first step and want to get to know him better, while Leo simply does not need this. Respect often arises between representatives of these signs, which they show to each other at a respectful distance, slowly getting closer. The “halves” of these people need not be afraid of betrayal: Lioness and Capricorn have little personal interest in each other. A love union between them will develop only by calculation.

> Compatibility of Leo and Capricorn

If you do not delve into the relationship of the couple, it seems as if a comfortable or even tolerable existence between them is impossible, because they are so different. Leo, as a fiery person, is used to perceiving the world through feelings, and calm Capricorn is too reserved and closed. He does not like to attract unnecessary attention to his person, while his partner cannot live without the public. However, in this case, opposites get along well together. In contact they get what their characters lack. For example, it is noticed that Leo dampens his impulsiveness and gains balance. And Capricorn becomes internally stronger and more confident.

Compatibility of Leo and Capricorn in love relationships

In love, a certain tension is established between them, caused by misunderstanding. But, if they find themselves in the same bed, then all differences immediately disappear. Of course, harmony will not immediately knock on their door, but when this happy moment comes, they are surprised to realize that they are discovering something new. Leo will be most surprised, since Capricorn does not show all his cards on the first date. But despite this, Leo may find his partner too demanding. If Capricorn puts pressure, the second will lose its bright individuality.

This is a rather ambiguous connection. Outsiders get the impression that this is some kind of financial, rather than love, union. Doubts are not surprising, because here a balanced and slightly aloof girl and a strong guy, seething with energy, came together. Perhaps this would have remained a farce if it were not for the passion that arises between them, hidden from prying eyes. In their small world, they play subtle psychological games, from which they receive unprecedented pleasure. Unfortunately, their existence is not complete without high-profile scandals.

She is not so easy to conquer. You will have to try hard to reach your heart and win. During the period of courtship, the companion understands that in front of him is an interesting, intelligent and confident lady who is capable of becoming his only one. Of course, he is a little worried about her mystery and the barriers she puts around herself. But he still feels that he will feel good next to her.

It is a mistake to believe that shyness or complexes lie behind her restraint. He will respond to an attempt at re-education with fierce resistance. This will prove that she is incredibly strong. Although her habit of speaking directly and lack of intrigue will not meet with his understanding, he will feel safe with her, since she does not act behind her back.

Having tried, he can get some concessions from her, but you shouldn’t count on serious changes. She will resist especially strongly if you act aggressively and put pressure on her. It is interesting that the companion is ready to focus all her energy on improving her husband. So, if she realizes that she lives with a sloth or a poor person, she will help “correct” him.

The relationship suffers when the partner decides to enter into a struggle for leadership. Sometimes it even comes to separation. He should be attentive, but never condescending. Because she is capable of achieving even greater success than him, but with her own methods. He will be the head of the family, but it is foolish to believe that she will obey 100%.

The path to happiness is not strewn with stars. The problem is that their views are directed in completely opposite directions. He rather lives in the past, digests previous experiences, and she strives for the present and the future, trying to get as many impressions as possible.

The gentleman often initiates the relationship, as he falls in love at first sight. He admires her assertiveness and beauty. She will become his guide, adviser, and he will become a greedy and attentive student. And he has a lot to learn. If Capricorn moves slowly and does not deviate one step from the strategy, then she manages to take risks and do everything faster.

Compatibility will not be the reason why they are ready to give up freedom and make significant changes. But they have a desire for leadership, so it is important to set boundaries in advance and define a clear hierarchy, otherwise they will not be able to reach an agreement.

He will be disappointed by her lack of punctuality and inability to keep promises. She respects her husband's wisdom and balance. But main source fueling their attitude is material security and thirst the best level life. If he seems boring, weak-willed and unpromising to her, then the girl will easily leave for someone else. He will do the same if he lacks understanding.

The horoscope believes that if they lose their commercialism and stop finding fault, they will provide excellent support for each other. Their love will contribute to joint development positive traits character. They stay together and live happily as long as there is interest.

Articles dedicated to Leo

  • Peculiarities ;
  • Peculiarities ;
  • How ;
  • Who is Leo most compatible with? ;
  • What to expect from

Articles dedicated to Capricorn

  • Peculiarities ;
  • Peculiarities ;
  • How ;
  • Who is Capricorn most compatible with? ;

Leos are patronized by the Sun, who endows his charming pets with extraordinary willpower and the desire to win. It is not surprising that Leos are always in the spotlight, because they want to be like their patron and shine and sparkle like the Sun. Modest Capricorns were born under the auspices of Saturn, the planet is named after the Roman deity, it controls the ambitions of its cute pets and helps Capricorns organize their lives. Leos are fiery guys, their flame always burns evenly and unwaveringly. The element of Capricorn is earth, it stands motionless, and there is nothing that can destroy its calm. The compatibility of fiery-earth guys, according to most astrologers, is a big question - the land of Capricorns can at any moment cover up the flame of Leo, and the flame of the Sun’s pets can easily burn the land of Saturn’s wards. Thoughtful and slow-moving Capricorns can be burdened by the frivolity of Leo, and fiery guys will quickly become bored in the company of reliable and honest earth signs. But there are glitches in the universe, and even from a union of such dissimilar guys something interesting can come out. After all, discovering new traits in each other and being surprised every day is very exciting and fun, and, perhaps, Capricorns and Leos will be able to get along well if they wish.

Leo woman and Capricorn man

The Lady of Fire can be a fluffy, affectionate cat, or an energetic, passionate panther, depending on her mood. The Lioness is always good, she takes care of herself from birth - even in the maternity hospital, all the little girls around her were jealous of her diapers, and the boys who were born, as soon as they saw the Lioness, began to declare their love to her with gestures and facial expressions. The fiery lady has been followed all her life by suitors and admirers of her beauty, and for the smile of the Sun's pet, men are ready to sacrifice everything. The guy whom the Lioness chooses as her husband must remember that the fiery wife loves to have fun, and periodically arrange scenes of jealousy. But in all other respects, the Lioness is simply perfect.

The Capricorn guy is silent and modest, strange and mysterious. Few people manage to penetrate the thoughts of Saturn's pet - only rare friends know about Capricorn's dreams and desires. Capricorn is unusually patient - as a baby, the earthly boy did not even ask for food, and only lay silently in his crib and looked condescendingly at his lisping parents. Under the mask of a calm and courageous warrior hides a kind and sweet boy. Women are drawn to a cool-headed, handsome man - Capricorn is reliable, like a rock and will never give up his principles. The future wife will initially suffer from Capricorn's inattention, but then the wife will understand that the earthly hubby simply does not like to express his feelings.


The Lioness considers herself the center of the universe and is always looking for a beautiful society. The Lady of Fire will be deeply unhappy if she spends one minute without fans. The Sun's pet can always be found at a fun party, at a concert of a famous group, or at a reception with the king.
The Capricorn guy does not like change; he tries to relax at the same resort, and in the usual company of friends. Saturn's pet can rarely be lured to a social event; he will agree to attend a party if he is promised that no one will interfere with stupid conversations.
At one of these parties, the earthly-fiery guys will meet. The lioness, as usual, will be in the center of the hall, dancing with some magnificent handsome man, or singing a song, shouting down the musicians.

The Capricorn man will sit modestly in the corner, reading a book, and occasionally looking up at the pretty young ladies. The earth guy has strong energy, and the sensitive Lioness will certainly notice him. The Lady of Fire has no complexes - she will immediately sit down with Capricorn and start having small talk (exactly what Capricorn was so afraid of). The earthly silent man will try to make it clear to the Lioness with his eyes that he is not inclined to listen to nonsense, even from such a stunning lady, but the Sun’s pet doesn’t care at all - the more complex, the more interesting. It will end with Capricorn not being able to resist the charm of the coquette and taking her home.


Usually men fall with pleasure at the feet of a Lioness, but in the case of Capricorn there will be a different scenario. The lioness goes this way and that way, but Capricorn still can’t figure out that it’s time to ask the lady out on a date. In fact, the earthly boy is embarrassed to take the first step. But in a week, modest Capricorn will decide to meet the fiery lady. The earthly guy is old-fashioned, but the Lioness will like it when they bring her a bouquet of roses with a note from Capricorn asking if the lady would agree to spend the evening with him.

Capricorn will clean the apartment, personally prepare a festive romantic dinner (by the way, Saturn’s pet is an excellent cook), and dress up in a new suit. When the Lioness in a chic dress crosses the threshold of the apartment, Capricorn will forget all the prepared compliments. But it is important for the girl of fire that they listen to her, so there will be no awkward silent pause. The lioness will appreciate Capricorn's efforts, and when she takes a bite of a piece of cake that the earthly boy has soaked in amazing cream, the fiery lady's delight will know no bounds. By the way, Cupid was nearby, and, the tomboy, he managed to add love tincture to the cream. The gallant Capricorn is unlikely to kiss a lady on the first date, unless he presses his lips to the tender hand of the Lioness when he takes her home in a taxi.


Astrologers have already begun to celebrate the victory and underline with a red felt-tip pen the lines in their books that talk about the incompatibility of fire and earth. But did Cupid try in vain: on the fifth or sixth date of the earthly-fiery guys, Love will still come to visit them. Capricorn will be able to liberate himself, because he needed to get used to a new passion, and the Lioness will gladly throw herself into the arms of the earthly guy.
Capricorn will give the Lioness unforgettable pleasure in bed, and the lady of fire herself will completely drive the modest earthly guy crazy. For a couple of weeks, the feelings of fiery-earth lovers will be colored with tenderness and passion, but then difficulties will begin. An honest Capricorn, after intimacy, will naturally invite the Lioness to live together.

The energetic and active Lioness will suffer from the equanimity of Capricorn - after all, the earthly boy is silent even when the fiery coquette comes home after midnight. But when Capricorn stays fishing for a couple of days, things won’t go well for him - the enraged Lioness will smash all the dishes out of jealousy, smash household appliances, and even break the windows (in anger, the fiery lady can’t control herself at all).
Capricorn will be able to restrain himself, he will simply slam the door and go to spend the night with friends, and also turn off the phone.


The lioness will be furious - no one has ever left her, and she must definitely return her mysterious lover. But Capricorn did not even think about leaving his jealous girlfriend - he gave her time to calm down and think about her behavior. The stars advise the practical Capricorn to take the Lioness to relax in some village - fresh air and a cozy atmosphere will do their job, and the relationship will become more or less stable. The Capricorn guy will amaze the Lioness with his thriftiness - he will chop firewood and catch fish. And when the earthly guy weaves and hangs a hammock in the garden, the Lioness will be completely delighted. The fiery lady will find adventures even in the wilderness - she will rock out at discos in a local club, make friends with all the old ladies in the area (the grandfathers will be unhappy when their grannies come home in the morning and tipsy). Friends and relatives of the earthly-fiery couple have already put Capricorn and Lioness on the international wanted list - the pet of Saturn did not consider it necessary to inform his friends about his plans, and there was no connection in this remote village.

During the next attack of jealousy, the Lioness will knock on the hut, and an alarmed local police officer will look in the door, followed by relatives of the earthly-fiery guys. And then Capricorn will understand: either now or never! The earthly gentleman will fall on one knee, swear to the Lioness eternal fidelity and asks for her hand.


Relatives of the pets of the Sun and Saturn will understand that they need to act quickly so that Capricorn and Lioness do not change their minds - in general, the wedding will be played in the same village. So what: nature, button accordion, balalaika, and to complete the picture - cows and horses with white bows.
Local young ladies will cry with tenderness and envy, looking at the happy bride Lioness - even on the covers of magazines in the local library, no one has seen such a chic and lovely girl.

The lioness will never want to stay in the village, and will persuade her newly-made husband Capricorn to go to the city - to a free, fun and exciting life. But the storks have already tried, and as we know, children benefit from fresh air - the lioness will have to learn how to light the stove and cook fragrant bread.

Capricorn is an excellent family man and father, an earthly guy honors traditions, his house is always full, and his children are well-mannered and disciplined. The offspring respect their earthly father, but as soon as they run to complain to their mother Lioness - she pampers her children and allows them a lot.
In general, if the Lioness wife can withstand the tests of everyday life and stops being jealous of Capricorn’s husband for milkmaids and local herbalists, then in 30-40 years the fiery-earthly marriage will become ideal.


Friendly relations between earthly and fiery guys are quite possible - astrologers agree on this. The dissimilarity of habits and characters in friendly relationships gives only advantages. An energetic, fiery girl strives for leadership; in any company she is the leader and leader. A calm earthly boy does not like noise, he would rather sit in a corner with a book or look out the window. Capricorn believes that there is no point in children's fun. But the Lioness will not tolerate such a sweet and charming boy sitting alone - she will be able to stir up the earthly guy and will become a faithful and reliable girlfriend for him.

Honest and peace-loving Capricorn is adored by all adults, and when the earthly guy takes responsibility for the antics of the Lioness, educators and teachers will breathe a sigh of relief - at least someone has begun to control the restless fiery girl. The Lioness knows how to be grateful - until the end of her life she will remember Capricorn’s act when he took the blame for the pogrom in the director’s office. The lioness will even find a wife for her earthly comrade, although Capricorn will not immediately be delighted; he hoped that he would marry Sunny’s beloved pet.
In old age, little will change in the relationship between earthly and fiery guys. The old Lioness will continue to shock those around her with her antics, because the faithful old Capricorn is always ready and will protect his granny from the wrath of disgruntled neighbors.


The Leo woman is creative in any task, new ideas are constantly brewing in her head, the fiery lady loves to communicate with people and looks for new partners every day. The Capricorn man stubbornly moves towards the goal, and under no circumstances deviates from the path, however, the earthly guy is a conservative and cannot tolerate any innovations. In principle, earthly-fire guys can create a good team - Lioness, naturally, will be at the head of the enterprise, but Capricorn is not against such a situation.

The earthly businessman inspires respect and fear in all employees (except for the Lioness, of course), both technicians and accountants listen to him, and even business partners sign the necessary papers without any questions asked. The fiery business lady has one drawback - the Lioness is a spender, which ones to look for. But a serious and prudent Capricorn will take control of his finances - he will quickly accumulate a substantial amount, and the Lioness will be only glad that one day she decided to cooperate with such an honest and reliable partner.

The stars believe that the union of the pets of Saturn and the Sun has a great future - it is only important to decide on goals and move in one direction. And there, a rich and carefree life is just a stone’s throw away - the Lioness can already decorate the building of the new office, which the enterprising Capricorn recently bought.

Leo man and Capricorn woman

The Leo boy is good-natured and cheerful, cheerful and cheerful. The fiery guy was born, smiling widely and nodding affectionately to the midwives. The lion cub instantly turned on his charm and charmed mommy and all the nurses. With age, the attractiveness of the pet Sunny intensifies - all the ladies dream of walking down the aisle with Lyova, and they arrange real fights because of the fiery womanizer. Deep down, the Sun's pet is unusually sensitive and vulnerable - Leo has to constantly increase his self-esteem, maybe that's why he indulges in all kinds of bad things and starts many unnecessary romances. However, Leo is wonderful as a husband - for his wife he will become a reverent and affectionate lover, and for Lev’s children he will be the most wonderful father.

The Capricorn girl is strict and unapproachable, but at the same time passionate and temperamental. The lady of the earth is independent and independent - from infancy she keeps order in her room, and touches her parents by asking them to eat strictly according to the schedule. Saturn's pet is shy and modest, but she has a dime a dozen suitors - the guys dream of unraveling the secrets of the earthly sorceress. Capricorn will not be confused by flattery and external charm - the lady of the earth is looking for influential and practical admirers. With age, Capricorn's charm intensifies - after 40, the lady of the earth is liked by others even more than in her youth. Capricorn is called the Snow Queen behind his back, but happiness is for the man who manages to win the heart of an earthly beauty - the wife from Saturn’s pet will turn out to be excellent.


Leo is a regular at restaurants and bars; he cannot live a day without the company of friends and fans. It’s hard to catch a fiery guy alone - there are always cheerful guys hovering around him and beautiful women. Lady Capricorn is a homebody, she will come up with thousands of reasons not to go to a birthday party, or to a party with friends; it would be better for a girl of the earth to lie around with a book, or paint the walls in her apartment (she is an unusually creative person).

But Saturn’s pet sometimes relaxes - at these moments even the stars come down lower to gawk at the shows that the earthly dreamer puts on. It will be ideal if on one of these days a Leo meets a Capricorn lady on her way - the earthly lady will show the fiery guy how to have fun. When the Capricorn lady is on a roll, the surrounding beauties gnaw their elbows with envy - an earthly lady can be unusually witty and eloquent (if, of course, she is in the mood to joke and smile).

And the men fall in piles, but the Capricorn girl only arrogantly steps over them and runs on, without even looking back. It’s the same with the Leo guy - the poor fellow will only come up to give a compliment to the charming earthly lady, she will already rush off with a group of friends to the next party. But is there anything in the universe that can stop a carried away Leo? Of course not. The fiery guy will jump into a taxi and rush to catch up with the stranger.


Naturally, the meeting will end with a score of 1:0 in favor of Leo - he will take any fortress. The Capricorn girl will show her practicality here too - she will involve all her friends and find out the ins and outs of Leo (just in case he turns out to be useful). While Leo is looking for a reason for a new meeting, the girl of the earth is already preparing for a date - exercise equipment, masks, shopping, in general, everything is in full. Finally, Lyova decided to call: the Capricorn lady, of course, will break down a little, but will still agree to meet.

The Capricorn girl, despite her coldness, always strives for true love. In the case of Leo, this will happen - your heart skips a beat and you want to flutter with happiness. On a date, the earthly sorceress will appear in all her splendor - even the eloquent Leo will not find compliments.
The fiery womanizer will think through everything to the smallest detail - well-trained waiters, unobtrusive music and the absence of noisy companies in the restaurant will do their job: the lady of the earth will be delighted.

Saturn's pet is afraid of disappointments, and therefore will not open up right away - Leo will have to try to get Capricorn to open up. But difficulties will only excite the fiery guy - he is already ready to get married, if only Capricorn would go to him for a cup of coffee.


Cupid struggled for a long time before he agreed to visit the earthly-fiery couple - the case was too difficult. But finally, the guy with the arrows decided to visit Leo and Capricorn and throw a couple of arrows at them, maybe it would work. And it worked!

A Leo in love is something! He is capable of feats; for the sake of his beloved, the fiery boy will even jump from a bridge, even rob a bank. But with the Capricorn lady, such sacrifices are not necessary - even during the euphoria of love, she will keep her emotions under control and will not allow Leo to commit rash acts.

If Leo manages to melt the ice in the heart of an earthly beauty, then he can consider himself the happiest of men - intimacy with Capricorn can drive anyone crazy. Saturn's pet will also be happy - a sensitive and affectionate Leo will give her a lot of pleasure.
But the differences in the elements will not go away - the languid and slow lady of the earth will be irritated by the activity and energy of the fiery guy. For example, a Capricorn girl wants to soak in bed until lunch, and Leo already at six in the morning brings her coffee and invites her to a social event. And there’s also the jealousy of the Sun’s pet - Leo, of course, guessed that in the past Capricorn was not an angel with wings, but still became furious when he climbed onto her contact page and found unambiguous correspondence with suitors. It is almost impossible to piss off a Capricorn lady, but Leo can do it, and an earth girl in a rage is a terrible thing (besides, Saturn’s ward knows how to politely and subtly insult any person).


Leo and the Capricorn lady would have quarreled if Cupid had not intervened again. He sent mutual friends in time, they instantly assessed the situation and pulled the fiery-earth guys out to the dacha. The Capricorn girl is a hostess, what kind to look for, Leo melted as soon as he saw his beloved enthusiastically cutting onions and shredding tomatoes for salad. And how seductive the earthly lady looks in an apron and a flirty scarf! All the guys stood with their mouths open and dreamed of only one thing: how to take this sweet beauty away from Leo. Lyova realized everything, grabbed Capricorn in his arms and took him to his apartment, revealing that from now on and forever they would live together.

The Capricorn lady can endure Leo’s adventures for years, she can also turn a blind eye to his gatherings, but when Leo relaxed and dragged a group of friends to his home at three in the morning and demanded a snack, the earth lady became furious. Fortunately, Lev remembered what the threat was and quickly pushed his friends out the door.

After a couple of months, the fiery guy decides to make changes in his life and runs to the registry office to investigate. When Leo sees the cheerful newlyweds, he will be horrified and promise himself never to marry. But as soon as the fiery boy returns home, looks at the sleeping earthly beauty, he changes his mind and rushes to the jewelry salon. Leva would have been running back and forth, but his relatives got down to business, they shook their fingers at the fiery guy and said that if he misses such a wonderful match, he can leave out of sight.


Leo is an enviable groom, and when local beauties find out about his wedding to the Capricorn lady, they rush to the monastery in a crowd of frustration. The former suitors of the earth girl will also not be delighted that their beloved Capricorn lady decided to marry the frivolous Leo.
But, the decision was made, the Sun and Saturn gave the go-ahead, and the rest of the planets lined up in the right order: let there be a wedding! A lot of people will gather at the celebration, there will also be strange old men in caps decorated with stars - these are astronomers and astrologers who came to make sure of the marriage of incompatible earthly-fiery guys.

The imperturbable bride Capricorn and the cheerful groom Leo will look perfect - the couple will say out loud, everyone present will say out loud and joyfully shout: Bitter! Even Cupid himself will dance at the wedding, and Cupids will begin to dance around the table out of happiness. But here comes family life, with its charms and pitfalls. Capricorn's wife will not be embarrassed by household chores - she is ready to cook borscht and fry pies for days, while scrubbing the floors and buying new curtains. The frivolous Leva had already begun to prepare an insidious plan of retreat when storks timidly knocked on the door.

Capricorn is an ideal mother; the earthly lady has everything according to the rules and a clear schedule. The carefree Leo will also do an excellent job in the role of dad - the kids will adore their groovy father, because the fiery man is always inventing something and is ready to play pranks with his children. Over the years of family life, Capricorn and Leo will have spent a lot of nerves, but by the golden anniversary, the earthly-fiery couple will learn to give in to each other, and sometimes the guys will even confuse who was born under the auspices of the Sun and who is the pet of Saturn.


The hardworking and independent Capricorn girl is the dream of any teacher. The girl of the earth always knows how to behave correctly, and the queen will envy her manners. The same cannot be said about the naughty Leo - even in infancy he is capable of driving anyone to white heat.

The Capricorn girl is often sad for no reason - then she hides in a secluded corner and cries sadly, without knowing what. It is then that the kind Lion Cub notices her - the fiery boy will begin to ask the earthly girl who offended her, and will offer her his eternal friendship and protection.
Saturn's pet will adore her new friend - the Sun's ward will instantly bring Capricorn out of any depression, if necessary, Leo will walk on his head, make faces, and even dance in the middle of the street.

The fiery boy's relatives will be happy that the restless Lion Cub has such a good and correct friend - the Capricorn girl will always be a welcome guest for them. But the relatives of the earthly girl will, to put it mildly, not be delighted with the relationship between their well-mannered girl and this frivolous fidget.

Can you really convince Capricorn and Leo? The friends have already made an oath to each other, and no one and nothing will separate them. The stars are even embarrassed to talk about the retirement of their fiery-earthly friends - it’s better to read about everything in the local newspapers; pensioners Capricorn and Leo put on a grand show, and everyone still shudders from the memories.


Lady Capricorn is an ambitious and hard-working creature. The earthly lady always achieves her goals - the pet of Saturn stubbornly and persistently overcomes any obstacles. The lady of the earth thinks through everything to the smallest detail - she develops a clear plan and does not allow anyone to lead her astray.

The powerful Leo man does not imagine himself in the role of a subordinate - he is always a king and a god rolled into one. Leo is impulsive, but does not lose his head - competitors try to push the fiery guy, but usually fail. Something interesting can come out of a union of fiery-earthly guys, the stars have no doubt about it. Leo and Capricorn are reliable partners; they will stand by each other to the last, and together they will definitely achieve success.

The Capricorn girl is strong and smart, she will never allow her partner to make mistakes, and will always keep the frivolous Leo from rash actions. Lev is often promiscuous in his relationships, when he is having fun, he loses his head, and is able to spend every penny, but then an earthly lady will rush in and give Leo a real beating. Leo will quickly understand that such an honest and faithful companion no longer exists in the world - the fiery businessman will do everything to make the earth lady feel comfortable. Separate office? - A company car please? - Yes, Leo will personally take Capricorn to the ends of the earth. In general, local Rockefellers can vacate their comfortable offices - the pets of the Sun and Saturn will soon settle down there.

There are zodiac signs that are literally made for each other, and those that cannot, even after many years of living together, find anything in common.

Capricorn and Leo - the compatibility of these two signs will be described below. The article provides a complete description of their development in love, marriage, friendships and sexual relationships, as well as in business.

Compatibility of Leo and Capricorn If we consider Leo and Capricorn separately, it will seem that there is nothing similar between them.

Leos live and are often guided by feelings, they can be impulsive, love attention and are often in the center of events. They do not so much want as they need power. For them, respect and veneration from others is the best gift.

They love to give advice, but they have difficulty building their personal life. It is difficult for them to understand the true nature of others due to their inherent selfishness. Cheerfulness and optimism often help them emerge victorious from any situation.

Capricorns, on the contrary, strive for secrecy and restraint. And although they do not attract attention in themselves, the authorities are loved and respected. They are characterized by a certain obsession with position and therefore throughout their lives they strive to overcome difficulties and always reach their goal, ahead of their rivals. Their intentions are not always visible and understandable; perhaps this is precisely their main strength.

Relationships between such people can become a real disaster if neither of them has the proper patience. Otherwise, they can become a happy couple. Disadvantages will be covered by the partner’s advantages. Thanks to different views on things, they will gain new experience

and find a middle ground. In other words, such people perfectly complement each other.

If he is a Leo and she is a Capricorn

A Leo man and a Capricorn woman can become an ideal couple if they learn to ignore everyday differences.

  • She is calm and balanced, and he is impulsive. At the same time, both will strive for dominance and superiority in the relationship. They are guaranteed loud quarrels and breaking dishes. But they will not strive to separate. After all, their relationship contains a lot of passion and hidden, tender desires:
  • Love. Everything is a little more complicated here. She will rarely make concessions, and there can be no talk of re-education at all. A strong and self-confident Capricorn woman is more likely to want to raise her man if he turns out to be less talented and strong in family life than he positioned himself before such a serious relationship. It is this exactingness that can cause the breakdown of a marriage. Therefore, before such a serious decision, they need to live for some time together with common plans, desires, kitchen, bed and bathroom.

If he is a Capricorn and she is a Leo

If a Leo woman and a Capricorn man come together, the situation becomes much more complicated. A Leo woman is able to win the heart of a Capricorn man at first sight. She is strong, smart and beautiful, cheerful and charming - what more do you need?

At the same time, Capricorn for such a powerful woman becomes interesting because of its mystery. Having seen a lot in her varied life, she will easily be captivated by its simplicity and mystery.

She will agree to solve such a riddle all her life:

  • In love, a couple must be willing to tolerate each other's shortcomings. Such a woman is inclined to be the center of attention, but not every man likes this. So it is important for him to be completely confident in himself. At the same time, Capricorn is not the best interlocutor, or just a companion. He may be too quiet or not want to go to the party. So she needs to be patient.
  • The marriage of such a couple will either become strong or fall apart before it even begins. The problem is that Leo is more likely to achieve success than Capricorn, and everything turns out easy for him. But men rarely agree to give the role of breadwinner to their significant other. In addition, an engagement ring and even children will not restrain your spouse’s impulses for adventure. And for the husband it will be much more important to sit still and build family happiness and a career. Disagreements, quarrels and even hysterics are quite possible. Building a hierarchy in the family will help to avoid them. And openness in discussions and grievances will make it possible to prevent serious disagreements. Communication and lack of secrecy are the key to their family well-being.

Negative sides of the union

Leo and Capricorn often get along in an alliance. Although here a big role is played by who owns which sign.

And yet there are certain problems that they will have to face:

  • Capricorns rarely accept the superiority of their opponent for a long time. They need to be winners, just like the lions. This will lead to problems in any general area - family, children, family budget, work, leisure.
  • A sociable Leo can become incredibly bored with a reserved Capricorn. And the excessive sociability of a Leo can lead to jealousy in the other half.
  • Capricorn has to put up with the impulsiveness of his partner, which completely does not correspond to his worldview.
  • Leo, in turn, will have to accept the simplicity of Capricorn, which may seem indifferent to him. Capricorns often have a pessimistic view of the world.
  • Leos are optimists. Different views and reactions to problems and achievements will not lead to complete satisfaction with the lives of both partners. Although lions strive for victory, they inherently receive joy from what they have achieved.

They can stop and enjoy what they get. Capricorns are in eternal struggle and pursuit. They do not have respites, perhaps because of this they look at the world more often from a negative point of view. This will inevitably lead to the fact that Capricorn will begin to urge the Leo, force him to do what he does not want, to go and rush, without stopping there. But not every person can put up with this.

Sexual compatibility A sea of ​​surprises awaits the couple in bed.

Their different views on life also differ in their intimate life. This will allow them to discover a lot of new things and enjoy this knowledge to the fullest. Moreover, Capricorns do not immediately open up, gradually introducing something new into sex. This positive quality

is common to both men and women. Leo will be interested in this no less than an exciting journey.

Compatibility in friendship For Capricorn, friendship is sacred. He is incredibly loyal to his friends, ready to fight for them if necessary. But he will never discuss the secret even with best friend

. For Leo, friendship is a way of self-expression and approval. He rarely pays attention to reliability, sincerity or loyalty.

Therefore, they can only be friends if they have known each other for a long time or if they are connected by something, for example, family, common activity, or a long-standing incident.

Business compatibility Due to different approaches to work, it is better for the signs not to be competitors in work. Leo is famous open struggle

. He makes a strong, honest and just enemy. He strives for the goal on his own, receiving sincere support from others.

Their rivalry will lead to nothing good. So, ideally, they need to choose different activities and different professions, whether they are friends or lovers. Otherwise, in the struggle for promotion, relations will deteriorate.

The only possibility of working together is a common business. If Capricorn and Leo want to open an enterprise or any other business, success will await them. Leo, through his acquaintances and love of publicity, will make an enchanting start. And Capricorn, with patience and focus, will ensure stable growth and development of any business. The only important condition is the correct distribution of responsibilities.

Compatibility percentage

Depending on which partner is under which sign, their compatibility is determined as a percentage.

For Capricorn woman and Leo man:

  • in relationships – 90%;
  • in love – 88%;
  • married – 80%.

For Leo woman and Capricorn man:

  • in relationships – 70%;
  • in love – 80%;
  • married – 60%.

You are leaders by calling. Those around you will pay tribute to what you accomplish - each alone and together. The rules of the game are determined by your general impulse, patience and wisdom. The difficult marriage of Leo and Capricorn nevertheless has every chance of becoming long-lasting.

Leo - Capricorn: is there compatibility?

Leo and Capricorn push each other to give their all. The Fire Leo strives to express his creativity. The actions of the earth sign Capricorn are determined by a clear internal discipline that does not recognize anything extraneous.

Alas! Next to the serious Capricorn, even Leo's playfulness fades (although it must be said that after many hours of work Capricorn can have a little fun). Capricorn must be encouraged to play. Leo must be encouraged to work.

When both signs meet in the middle of the stream, through joint efforts they successfully reach the desired shore. Compatibility between Leo and Capricorn is not easy.

And yet this combination of signs can become the most powerful. After all, both are determined to conquer the peaks, to move higher and higher! No step back!

They make money and acquire real estate with the same zeal with which others collect antiques and postage stamps.

But it is necessary to clearly delimit the areas of application of forces, otherwise the connection will disintegrate. Even romantic impulses should not be disorderly. We must not lose sight of the intended line of conduct.

Since the relationship between Leo and Capricorn is ambiguous, before entering into a relationship, you should conclude some kind of contract, which stipulates further relationships.

Of course, its points can be revised depending on the circumstances, but only by mutual agreement.

By entering into a relationship, Leo and Capricorn can achieve all the blessings of the world.

Both material and spiritual are available to you. Raising each other to the stars, you are generous and fruitful. You must know which roads are meant for you.

Only on them will your ambition be satisfied. Your imagination is full of power. Your accomplishments are bold and productive. If you conquer your fears, your hearts will beat in unison.

How compatible are Leo man and Capricorn woman?

The Leo man is delighted with how deftly and calmly the Capricorn woman handles her affairs. She knows no hesitation in business. He sees that a woman submissive to Saturn thinks about her every step and in love.

When considering a marriage between Leo and Capricorn, keep in mind that to the playful Leo it seems extremely serious. He intuitively understands that his manner of throwing himself into love without looking back works in his favor.

Will he conquer this earthly woman at once? He likes her hard work. She can walk around him in circles according to her plan, regardless of time.

He believes that there should be time for work and time for pleasure. To his surprise, she doesn’t think so and strives to combine work and pleasure.

Her feelings are deep, although they are not visible, because she does not give free rein to her emotions. He's funny. He is accustomed to the fact that the women he meets in life are no more sensual than himself.

He is willing to bet that a woman submissive to Saturn will be faithful to him. He wants to prove to her that he is solid as a rock. He is exactly the one she has been looking for for so long.

When a Capricorn woman looks at a Leo man, she experiences mixed feelings. Can he really be relied upon or is he just pretending to be strong?

She likes that he is ambitious and thirsty for pleasure. She was not at all looking for an overly serious person. She just needs a partner who would stand on her own two feet and would not prevent her from achieving her goals.

He seems to exude self-confidence and resembles an old-fashioned hero. She finds his traditional values ​​funny. She doesn't need a hero. The partner must allow her to remain herself. She herself strives to shine.

He ignited passion in her. It seems that he has learned the secret of how to give vent to her feelings. She responds to his gentle but firm calls. The demand for love that is read in his eyes attracts her to him.

However, when he gets too pushy, she instinctively backs away. A woman submissive to Saturn analyzes his determination, but she herself constantly asks herself the question: “How do I know if I’m ready?”

The Capricorn woman seems to be standing on the edge of a cliff. The Leo man begs her to throw herself down into his arms.

How compatible is a Leo woman and a Capricorn man?

The Leo woman quickly binds the Capricorn man to her. He has serious intentions, but he doesn't show them. “He has a watchful soul,” she thinks. The Leo woman is brave and does not lose her head in love.

She will not be carefree with a man unless he first convinces her of his sincerity. If she sees that he is upset, she softens. His intentions are serious.

She has no doubt that the man submissive to Saturn has a heavy burden on his shoulders, but she is not at all going to let him off the hook. The Leo woman is capable of giving her partner great love.

He may not be able to answer her a hundredfold, but he will try with all his might.

She is offended when he talks about matters of the heart in an overly business-like tone and loves to talk about his own merits. But she is glad: after all, he understands that one must be able to both take and give.

The Capricorn man is aware that a relationship with a Leo woman is fraught with risk. Such a woman is ready to instantly obey his orders. Although she is belligerent, she can soften his spirit with her playfulness.

He both loves and fears her, in awe of her amazing power. Her presence in his life seems magical and even fateful.

He would like to meet someone else who is ready to change someone else's life to the same extent. She is demanding, but in the end no more than he is. Like the Capricorn man, she is full of laughter and joy.

Her amusement teases him. He likes her because she understands his passions and feelings. Her presence alone keeps his spirit alive. He instantly goes from indecision to self-confidence. This is a real miracle!

The marriage of Leo and Capricorn is a union of lovers who have realized what they want. You are able to give your partner the impulse to conquer the highest peaks. Lean on each other's shoulders during difficult times.

There is nothing higher than the feelings you have for each other! If you give each other joy, you can reach true heights together.

You are the greatest of lovers, both when you are allies in joint labors and when you are patient listeners in moments of rest.

Astrologers - about the compatibility of Leo with Capricorn

From Olshevskaya N.’s book “Astrology for Women”:

You are Leo, he is Capricorn: you both respect power and authority; sometimes it comes to the point of worship.

But Leo has a more regal demeanor, while Capricorn suffers from chronic self-doubt and works hard to compensate for this deficiency.

With a Capricorn, you can feel at your best (regardless of actual achievements or failures) as long as he puts effort into his work.

He works hard and does not waste money, so that a woman can sit at home and enjoy luxury. At his core, he is very conservative, although he consoles himself with the hope that his wife will work with him.

In a Leo-Capricorn relationship, emotional problems may arise due to the contradiction between Leo's need for demonstrative expression of feelings and Capricorn's emphasized coldness.

This combination is more favorable for a business union in which Leo is driving force, and Capricorn deals with organizational and financial problems.

You are Capricorn, he is Leo: if you can inspire each other to do new things after a long day of work, you have a better chance than if you begin to assert yourself at the expense of your partner.

Capricorn believes that logic, system and economy should come first, while Leo can defend a man's divine right to be king in his castle. (Don't forget that Leos suffer from delusions of grandeur.)

From Wolinsky S.'s book "Astrolove":

While the calculating Capricorn works and saves money, the impulsive spender Leo declares his rights, and now you have a disagreement that can lead to a break.

Not only do they live and love on different energies, but they are also extremely selfish and stubborn, although each in their own way. And it may be difficult for them to come to any decisions about their future together.

However, happiness is quite possible if Leo pacifies at least part of his pride and gives Capricorn the opportunity to lead (at least sometimes!), and also does not demand ostentatious worship from the cautious Capricorn with his sober mind.

And remember - this is love, not a battlefield!

Love and compatibility in a Leo-Capricorn couple

From the book by G. Novoselova “Your Love Signs”:

Hello, hi, hi, how are you doing here? Why do you look so embarrassed? Ah, you Leo and Capricorn! Well, then it's not surprising. It's like winter and summer at the same time.

Leo - he is so good at making an impression (in other words, he behaves normally!) - and will make profitable deals, while the cunning Capricorn will keep a low profile, keep accounts and make sure that everything is as it should be.

Here they will get along so well that they will bypass the strongest competitor at the turn. But when it comes to love, there will be a lot of problems, unless they manage to transfer their business skills to the family arena.

Emotionally they are completely different cut. The Capricorn woman is capable of true romantic love, but will hide her feelings until the most opportune moment presents itself.

Leo is extravagant and full of feelings, and if he adores someone, he directly declares it. Anywhere and in the presence of anyone.

So, when Leo swears undying love and says that he is dying of desire, somewhere in the bar of a large store in front of all the public and in front of his own wife, the Capricorn woman will die of shame.

"Oh well! They're looking at us!" - she will mutter when the shining Leo squeezes her in his arms.

If they both want their union to be lasting, the gentle Capricorn Woman must learn to trust her partner, be bolder and more relaxed.

And Leo must understand that his Capricorn Woman is very vulnerable and does not trust demonstrative manifestations of passionate love, and he should take this into account.

And then, having chosen the right path leading to happiness, they can amuse themselves by turning off the highway for a while.

The sex they will have is phenomenal, and physically they will attract each other like magnets. And it’s not surprising, considering that the Cat is a passionate animal, and Capricorn is very sexy.

If a Capricorn man is more interested in his career than love, then his Lioness will be disappointed and feel abandoned.

But for this couple, it is important what they think of them, and they will demonstrate their affection by hiding the bitter truth about their relationship. Both love children, but they have different views on raising them.

He will want to play the role of a strict patriarch, and she will lavish tenderness and affection on her cubs, allowing them to develop naturally.

A Capricorn woman can be so smart that she will give her Leo ten points ahead in her amazing ability to assess the situation and incredible wisdom.

But she is perhaps too reserved for him. This is not to say that she is completely indifferent, but he will have to do his best to fan the flame of her love in order to build such a big fire as he needs.

Sexual compatibility of a Leo - Capricorn couple

From the book “Love Compatibility” by Rowan D.:

You should stop neglecting your partner's point of view. You both are great lovers when you do each other justice. Indifference kills the Leo spirit. Capricorn has a hard time dealing with unfair criticism of his ideas.

Even a silent hint can be destructive. Will you be truly close if you don’t want to hear each other’s advice, and don’t even need it?

By not allowing your partner to make serious decisions, you are causing him emotional pain. The consequences will quickly make themselves felt in your spiritual and physical communication.

If you truly want the best for your partner, you must give each other freedom. In a Leo-Capricorn relationship, you are two pilots on the cargo jet of your fantasy.

If only one engine is running, the flight will not be smooth. You both need to be in shape. Creative forces should not be concentrated in just one of you.

True creativity is possible only when you both work with great enthusiasm.

How to avoid problems in a Leo-Capricorn couple?

  • By acting consistently, you will achieve tremendous success in business and love. You will achieve even more exciting feelings if you encourage your partner to be more involved in decision making.
  • Leos and Capricorns should seek a compromise.
  • Leo and Capricorn do not want to serve as targets for the bullets of others. You are happy when you win.
  • Prolonged absence from business leads to loss of time. It’s not worth even saying that your fighting qualities may disappear altogether.
  • Always make yourself known.
  • Don't be too flexible.
  • Don't be silent, even if it hurts you. Don't even be afraid to moan. Any quiet sound can ward off annoying attacks from you.
  • Leo chooses a harsh and noisy method of action. Capricorn does not want to remain in the role of a girl who is unable to acquire a gentleman. Capricorn is full of strength and ready to release the frenzied passions of his soul.
  • Waiting for the right moment, Capricorn restrains himself. He does not give in to the provocations of others. He needs to make sure that there is solid ground under his feet, after which Capricorn activates his complex internal system.
  • When you try to control your partner, you seem to block the paths of your love and creative forces. The slightest step to the left or right of the line of fire opens an outlet for your emotions.
  • Don't interfere with them! Because otherwise it will not be possible to avoid problems in the Leo-Capricorn couple. Problems are born in the head, pave the way to the heart, and beyond. Take a closer look at this process.
  • If you turn away from your partner, you risk loneliness and poverty. If you seek mutual understanding from him, your relationship will become more cordial and happier.

The game begins when you treat your partner with disdain. You are starting a riot. Meeting stubborn resistance, Leo and Capricorn seem to bounce away from each other.

However, remember: resistance means that your partner is still full of life and is interested in you. It is much worse not to meet resistance, which indicates your deep anxiety.

Harness your partner's daring energy. After all, you can still talk to him. You are even stronger than you think. The fear of playing openly is soul-weary. You can't live in fear forever.

Frank conversation may hurt, but it will relieve your worries. If you don't receive as much love as you expected, you become cold and unavailable. The ice will melt from the warmth of your relationship.

Psychological games for compatibility in a couple Leo and Capricorn

Compatibility game “Creator of Everything”

The games of Leo and Capricorn are determined by the ambiguity of the motives for the application of forces and the absence of emotions.

The game "Creator of All" begins when you are limited solely by your own understanding of good and evil.

Your signs recognize only white and black. But there is also gray, that is, compromise. Both signs strive to lead and control each other's actions.

If one of you assumes leadership, problems will soon arise. By leaving the last word, you risk breaking the connection. Once you get carried away with the game, you stop listening to your partner.

If you believe that your plan of action is better than the one your lover has come up with, you push him away from you. You both have great ideas.

But instead of wisely distributing your forces, you grab each other by the throat. Playing according to this scenario, you move further and further away from your partner. Neither of you will tolerate dominance by the other.

Afraid of losing control over your partner, you become painfully authoritarian. By not recognizing his right to make his own decisions, you are leading the situation to a dead end.

Compatibility game "Pat"

Compatibility in a pair of Leo and Capricorn is questionable. If Leo and Capricorn come into conflict with each other, they risk starting a game of "Stalemate". You are like two great chess players in a tournament that neither of them can win.

It soon becomes clear that there is no winner and there never will be, but you stubbornly disagree with this. You're both in bad positions. Losing makes you anxious.

Unwilling to compromise, you prevent your partner from expressing his point of view. You are forcing an unacceptable agreement. Neither of you even wants to hear the magic word “compromise.”

By showing unnecessary firmness, you kill love. Eventually you get tired. You want to end everything. Everyone begins to act independently.

Leo dictates his terms. Capricorn focuses his attention on extraneous things. You could do a lot of useful things together for each other, but it seems you don’t want to!

Compatibility game “Heart Fragility”

Lack of flexibility is the main cause of the Fragility of the Heart game. When your hearts harden, you become cold as ice. Passion dies.

You focus on work and leave no time or space for romance. Leo becomes insensitive if his partner does not shower him with love. Capricorn feels uncomfortable when their partner is indifferent.

If you are indifferent to each other, life becomes unbearable. It seems that each of you lives on your own iceberg.

Where is the hot sun of romance? The relationship between Leo and Capricorn is noticeably deteriorating. Most often this game causes anger. Leo and Capricorn each have their own way of avoiding anger.

Leo is angry at everything in the world, but does not show any feelings towards his lover. Capricorn becomes gloomily calm, but acts as if nothing happened. Bluff on both sides!

You don't get much joy from it. Compatibility between Leo and Capricorn fades away.

Is it love when you make enormous efforts to appear dry and indifferent around your partner? Even peanut shells seem more brittle compared to your hearts.

When love comes, you both find yourself too weak, but you don’t want others to know about it. So admit it to yourself at least!