GAZ-53 GAZ-3307 GAZ-66

Heating the car from 220. Pre-starting electric engine heater - which option is better? WEBASTO Thermo Top Evo Comfort Plus – keeps everything warm

Engine preheater allows you to heat power unit in order to not only ensure easier starting, but also to reduce the load on the battery, starter, and also rubbing vapors inside the engine itself. Currently, there are two main types of engine preheaters. The first is an autonomous liquid one that runs on fuel. The second type is electric, operating from a household electrical network with a voltage of 220 V or a standard 12 V on-board network.

Both autonomous and stationary heaters have their own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, before answering the question of which engine pre-heater to install, you need to additionally familiarize yourself with their descriptions and features. Below is a list of popular pre-heaters that will help car enthusiasts choose the most suitable model for them. And based on the capabilities, establish by comparing the performance of each.

Engine liquid heater

The liquid autonomous device is, according to statistics, the most popular type of engine pre-heater. Essentially, it represents additional stove, running directly on gasoline or diesel fuel (the same fuel as the engine itself). The device is an electric heater based on a ceramic pin, which, in turn, is connected to a standard battery. Due to its physical properties, ceramics do not require high current to achieve high filament temperatures.

Another unit of the system - additional pump, which pumps fuel from the tank into the combustion chamber, where it is ignited by contact with the said hot pin. The resulting heat is transferred to the heat exchanger. On the other side, antifreeze is pumped through the car’s engine using a pump, thus heating it up. Positive feature Such a liquid engine heater is that warm antifreeze is naturally pumped to the radiator of the standard stove. This allows you to warm up not only the engine, but also the internal volume of the car. Moreover, the cabin fan does not turn on immediately, but only when the antifreeze temperature reaches approximately +30°C (the exact temperature varies for specific models).

When the antifreeze temperature reaches approximately +70°C (again, depends on the specific model), the 12 Volt engine preheater, as car enthusiasts sometimes call it, goes into the so-called half mode, that is, it reduces power, and then completely goes into standby mode. If the antifreeze temperature has dropped by approximately 20°C from the optimal temperature, then the heater turns on again and a new cycle starts.

Experts recommend using a liquid engine heater from the moment the ambient temperature drops to +5°C. This is due to the fact that the gaps of a cold engine are larger than those of a warm engine, which means that the wear between its rubbing pairs will be higher. Accordingly, the lower the engine start temperature, the higher the wear of its parts will be. The gaps are completely leveled at a temperature of approximately +90°C. Accordingly, the use of an engine heater can significantly reduce engine wear, especially in the cold season.

The fuel consumption of an autonomous liquid engine heater is about 600...700 ml per hour.

Its additional advantage is the autonomy of control (using a timer in the cabin, remote control or GPS module). Please note that installing a liquid heater for a fuel-burning engine is quite complex and responsible. In particular, air must not be allowed to leak into the system, which can lead to system failure and even fire. Therefore, it is advisable to exclude self-installation of this system, and entrust the corresponding work to specialists in a car service center. This is all the more relevant since When insuring a car, insurance agents always take into account the presence of a heater in the design of the car, and the relevant documents for their installation (who, when and where installed). And in case of an attack insured event this can create additional troubles for the car owner.

It is necessary to take into account that the operation of a liquid heater involves the use of electrical energy from battery. From this the following conclusions should be drawn:

  1. The battery should be, if not new, then at least in good condition technical condition, that is, it is normal to hold charge/discharge.
  2. The battery must first be well charged, since even just a few minutes of operation of the heater can significantly discharge the battery, making it impossible to start even a warm engine.
  3. The battery must have a good reserve capacity, that is, operating time without recharging from a car generator.

When choosing good car battery there are many factors to consider. In particular, its type, capacitance value, cold cranking current, brand, price. The best batteries in 2019 are

If the warm-up took place as usual and you managed to start the engine, then you should not move immediately. Remember that the oil in the gearbox and various systems (for example, CV joints, bearings) is cold and thick. Therefore, it is necessary to stand still for some time in order to allow these process fluids to become more fluid. Well, it is advisable to drive the first kilometers of the journey in frosty conditions at a leisurely pace and at low engine speeds.

To summarize the information, it should be noted that autonomous liquid engine heaters have the following advantages:

Separate units of autonomous and electric heaters

  1. Autonomy, that is, they do not depend on any external power sources, they can be used in any parking lot.
  2. High operating efficiency, while cyclic operation is allowed to maintain the antifreeze temperature in a given range.
  3. Ease of use, availability of several control modes (depending on the configuration of the specific model).

However, these units also have disadvantages:

  1. The operation of the heater requires the presence of a good, charged battery. If it is old and does not hold a charge, then you either need to stop using the device or replace the battery.
  2. Difficult to install. In this case, it is necessary to comply not only with safety regulations, but also with correct installation. It is advisable to carry out installation in a special car service center.
  3. High cost of equipment.

Please note that according to the European Agreement on International Transport, self-contained engine pre-heaters cannot be installed on vehicles intended for the transport of dangerous goods.

Electric engine preheater

IN in this case The design of the electric heater means that it will simply be embedded in the cooling system, and, heating up, will heat the coolant. Moreover, the device operates from a household network with a voltage of 220 Volts. The heater plug is usually hidden in a special niche in the bumper area of ​​the car. Accordingly, for its operation you need access to a household outlet. This is the first inconvenience. The second drawback is that in this case only the engine itself warms up, while the interior remains cold.

However, there are sets of preheaters for 220 V engines, which include additional “goodies”. In particular, many manufacturers additionally offer a thermal heating module with a fan for heating the interior. Usually it works before the standard car heater starts working. Another useful element is battery recharging. The charging process occurs from an external source, and this only contributes to the subsequent easy start of the engine, and this will not harm any battery. The most sophisticated versions include a remote control remote control with timer. However, in this case, you need to understand that the remote control will not connect the wires to the outlet on its own, so you need to connect them first yourself, and only the system is controlled remotely.

There are various models of heaters that work in different conditions. Therefore, the heating time of the coolant will be different for them. On average, in half an hour, a heating device is able to heat a cold liquid to a temperature of +50°C...+90°C.

From a safety point of view, an electric heater is much safer than a self-contained one. However, the warnings listed above apply to it as well. It is desirable that the system have a control timer and temperature feedback (turns off the heating element when the maximum set temperature level is reached, and turns it on again when the minimum set temperature is reached). If there are no monitoring devices, then it is necessary to periodically monitor the heating procedure, since there is always a risk of engine overheating and even fire as a result!

Just as in the previous case, after starting the engine, the movement should be moderate so that the technological fluids in various vehicle systems become more fluid and do not wear out the corresponding actuators.

The advantages of a 220 V engine preheater include:

  1. The standard car battery does not discharge.
  2. Fuel from the tank is not consumed.
  3. Low price compared to an autonomous heater, basic equipment is available for almost any car owner.
  4. An easy installation that you can do yourself.

Among the disadvantages of an electric heater, the only thing worth noting is the requirement to have a household electrical outlet in close proximity to the car (usually through an extension cord, but this still “ties” the car to a specific place). It is this drawback that leaves its mark on the features of using an electric preheater car engine. It is most often used in garage conditions. You can, of course, unwind the carrier in a parking lot or from an apartment window, but this causes obvious inconvenience.

The best autonomous engine heaters

The editors of our site made a review of engine pre-heaters, which are the most popular among domestic car enthusiasts. It included both autonomous and electric heaters. The rating is not of a commercial nature and does not advertise any device presented in it. The purpose of this list is to help car owners answer the question - which is the best engine preheater. Let's start the review with autonomous heaters, as the most common.

WEBASTO Thermo TOP E / Thermo TOP C

Heaters from the German company WEBASTO are leaders in this market segment. Among its products are heaters in various configurations with different software. Some of the most popular models are Thermo TOP E and Thermo TOP C. Looking ahead, it is worth noting that these options differ only in power output. For TOP E it is 4.2 kW, and for TOP C it is 5.2 kW. Accordingly, TOP E is recommended to be installed on small and medium class cars (engine size), and TOP C can be installed on big motors, for example, for SUVs.


The Webasto preheater operates according to the classic scheme described above. The coolant pump forcibly pumps heated antifreeze through the system. The electronic part of the heater is characterized by a high degree of automation. In particular, it automatically turns on the interior heater fan when the coolant temperature reaches a sufficient level. Besides this, software configured in such a way that it ensures maximum security of the system. In particular, it diagnoses the general condition of the system and does not start in the event of broken wires, hoses, pump failure, and so on. That is, in terms of security, this is one of the best systems.

The standard equipment includes a heater, a circulation pump, a mini-timer and a remote control. The power consumption of the TOP E system is 22 W, and the TOP C system is 32 W, which they take from the car battery. This is comparable to the operation of one low beam lamp. The volumetric flow of the circulation pump is 500 liters per hour (backpressure value is 0.14 bar). Can be used for gasoline and diesel engines (when purchasing, pay attention to the design). Fuel consumption in full load mode is: for gasoline - 0.57/0.67 liters per hour (TOP E/TOP C), for diesel fuel- 0.47/0.59 liters per hour. Heater weight - 3.2 kg. The established time frame for work is 10…60 minutes. IN basic configuration the heater starts automatically, based on information received from the existing timer.

Please note that there is an additional option (winter/summer switch) that allows you to use it in the warm season to reduce the temperature in the cabin (instead of air conditioning). This can be done by turning on the fan and ventilating the interior. In more “advanced” versions, the heater is equipped with a remote control that operates at a distance of up to 500...600 meters. One of the modifications of the remote control is Telestart, which tells the car owner whether the signal has reached the executive bodies or not.

Webasto heaters meet European safety requirements, but it is better to entrust their installation to car service workers. And they need to be used either outdoors or indoors with good forced ventilation. The product warranty is two years from the date of installation on the vehicle. The only drawback of this device is the high price.

Currently, a more modern version of the heater from the Webasto company is more often found on sale - WEBASTO THERMO TOP EVO START. They are available for gasoline and diesel engines. The article number of the heater for a gasoline engine is 1325916A. The article number of the heater for a diesel engine is 1325915A. The average price of a gasoline heater as of the beginning of 2019 is about 40 thousand rubles, and a diesel one - about 35 thousand rubles.


The Eberspächer group of companies produces various heating equipment for cars of different sizes and capacities, including engine heaters. In particular for passenger cars There is a Hydronic S3 series. It includes four heaters - B4E and B5E for gasoline engines, and D4E and D5E for diesel engines. All of them operate on a 12 Volt battery. Output power regulation is stepless. Their weight is the same and is 2 kilograms. Dimensions also the same - 215 mm × 91 mm × 124 mm. Their liquid pump capacity is 600 liters per hour.

Other technical specifications by model:


  • B4E. Heating capacity - 1.8…4.3 kW. Electrical power consumption without a pump is 24 W, with a pump 42 W. Fuel consumption - 0.57 liters per hour.
  • B5E. Heating capacity - 1.8…5.0 kW. Electrical power consumption without a pump is 32 W, with a pump 50 W. Fuel consumption - 0.67 liters per hour.
  • D4E. Heating capacity - 1.3…4.3 kW. Electrical power consumption without a pump is 24 W, with a pump 42 W. Fuel consumption - 0.53 liters per hour.
  • D5E. Heating capacity - 1.3…5.0 kW. Electrical power consumption without a pump is 32 W, with a pump 50 W. Fuel consumption - 0.59 liters per hour.

Hydronic engine preheaters have a high coefficient useful action and ease of operation. The device works according to the classic method described above. With its help you can warm up the coolant, as well as the interior of the car. Including. When starting, the heater takes 135 W of power from the battery.

The heater is controlled via an electronic unit. In addition to direct control, it is designed to monitor emergency situations and turn off the device. Thus, the permissible operating voltage range from the battery is 10.5…16 Volts; when the voltage goes beyond the specified limits, the heater turns off. Similarly with pressure, if the pressure exceeds 2.5 bar, the device turns off in emergency mode. The permissible ambient temperature for the heater to be turned on must be in the range from –40°C to +60°C for gasoline heaters and from –40°C to +80°C for heaters intended for installation on diesel engines.

Please note that Hydronic preheaters are sensitive to the quality of the fuel used. In particular, E85 ethanol cannot be used in gasoline heaters. As for diesel heaters, when the ambient temperature drops to –20°C and below, it is imperative to use so-called winter diesel fuel. Also, biodiesel cannot be used with diesel heaters.

Pre-heaters "Gidronik" are simple and easy to control. In addition to the remote control itself, you can also use the optional EasyStart Text+ telephone remote control system. With its help, the heater can be controlled using tone dialing, SMS messages or using a special mobile application. However, the telephone control system is not included in the basic package and must be purchased separately.

Each of the listed heaters has its own article number. In particular, B4E -201963050000, B5E - 201952050000, D4E - 252694050000, D5E - 252652050000. An additional installation kit is also available for sale, which can be purchased by article number - 252652800000. The average gasoline heater in the basic configuration is 18 thousand rubles lei, and diesel - about 28 thousand rubles as of the beginning of 2019.

Teplostar 14TS

Domestic pre-heaters "Teplostar" are produced in the city of Samara, and are competitors to similar foreign models. Several similar devices are currently produced. The first - Teplostar 04TS - is intended for installation on gasoline engines. The second is Teplostar 14TS-Mini-GP (which is a more modern, improved and smaller version of the popular heater Teplostar 14TS-10). It is intended for installation and operation with diesel engines.

The Teplostar 04TS gasoline heater works according to the classic principle described above. That is, with its help you can warm up the engine coolant and the air in the car. The maximum heating power of the device is 4 kW. Power consumption is about 65 W from the battery. The operating voltage of the heater is 16 V / 12 V / 10 V (maximum/nominal/minimum modes). Please note that when operating in maximum mode, the device requires high voltage. Therefore, to ensure its normal operation, it is necessary to install a high-quality battery in the car and constantly maintain it in a fully charged state. Or operate the heater only in nominal or minimum mode (nominal will be quite enough). Electric pump capacity is 680 liters per hour. Gasoline consumption - 600 ml per hour. The weight of the heater with all components is about 8 kilograms.

The heater starts in manual or automatic mode; the electronics imply the use of one of three programmable start modes. The operating time of one cycle is 40 minutes. Operating temperature range - from -45°С to +80°С. In the warm season, it can be used to ventilate the interior. And for preventive purposes, at hot temperatures, it is recommended to turn on the device for 10 minutes every month.

The pump and other “rough” elements of the heater are mounted in the engine compartment. And the control panel can be mounted either on dashboard(“tabletop” version), or in the interior roof trim in the area of ​​the windshield (“ceiling” version). The device can be controlled either from a stationary control panel or from a remote control (optional). The remote control operates at a distance of up to 150 meters, and has no feedback (that is, it is not known whether the signal reached the heater and whether it turned on).

The design provides four permissible operating positions when installing the heater. However, the manufacturer directly recommends delegating the installation of the device to car service workers. The heater operates under the control of an electronic unit with a display. It displays information about the settings, as well as information about possible breakdowns. They are displayed on the screen in the form of certain codes, information about which can be found in the attached documentation. Also, the electronic unit monitors the safe operation of the heater and stops its operation (or does not allow it) in emergency situations.

The Teplostar 14TS-Mini-GP heater is a diesel analogue of the device described above. It provides heating for the diesel engine and heating the vehicle interior. Using the electronic unit, you can set not only the start time of the heater, but also the duration of its operation in the range from 40 minutes to 2 hours. Control is carried out either using a stationary or remote control unit. It is also possible to control the heater using mobile phone, however, for this you need to additionally buy a special modem.

There are heaters with an operating voltage of 12 V and 24 V. We present the technical characteristics of a 12-volt device, as the most common. Output power: maximum/nominal/minimum - 14/9/4 kW. Fuel consumption: maximum/nominal/minimum - 1.3/1.1/0.2 liters per hour. Heater power consumption: maximum/nominal/minimum - 110/95/74 W. Installation weight - 16 kilograms.

The price of a gasoline and diesel engine heater is approximately the same, and as of the beginning of 2019 it is about 25 thousand rubles. The diesel heater can be purchased in any online store using the article number - SB2630.

Autonomous engine heater "Binar-5S"

The autonomous engine heater “Binar-5S” is produced by the same domestic company “Teplostar” from Samara. Can be used on gasoline and diesel engines with a displacement of up to 5 liters. Minimum operating temperature - -45°C. When the coolant temperature reaches +85°C, the heater switches to low power mode. After 20...60 minutes of operation (depending on the temperature of the coolant in the engine) or upon receiving a forced command from the car owner, the heater turns off.

There are various versions, in particular for operation with voltages of 12 V and 24 V. In the first case, the fuel consumption is 0.7 liters per hour, in the second - 0.62 liters per hour. In this case, the outgoing productive power is 5±0.5 kW. And consumed from car battery power - 42 W. The weight of the entire equipped set is 4.8 kg. The package includes all fasteners and other items necessary for easy and quick installation on its seat in the engine. The heater can be installed on any domestic and imported cars with the appropriate engine size; it has all the permits and licenses for this.

The advantage of using the Binar engine heater is its ease of control. So, it can be controlled using:

Heater "Binar"

  • remote timer (traditionally included in the package);
  • central locking/alarm remote control (if there is a corresponding free channel);
  • voice calls through mobile devices and corresponding applications installed on the iOS and Android operating systems;
  • SMS messages from a mobile phone;
  • A GSM modem (must be purchased separately), in this case the heater can theoretically be controlled from anywhere on the planet where there is appropriate coverage.

The electronic control unit has a large list of additional commands and interlocks that ensure safe operation of the device. In particular, it periodically conducts self-diagnosis and monitors the condition of the electrical and liquid systems to which it is connected. In an emergency, it turns off and reports the accident to the car owner. The factory warranty for the heater is 18 months.

Popular electric heaters

The DEFA Warm Up preheater is popular not only in the territory Russian Federation, but also beyond. Produced in Norway by the company DEFA of the same name. The company specializes in the production of such devices, and its product catalog includes hundreds of heaters for specific machines. To choose a heater for your car, go to the official website of the company or its representative in your country.

Pre-heater DEFA Warm Up

Despite the differences in size, their design is the same. The design is based on cylindrical and tubular heating elements. The former are built into the engine block in place of the technological plugs, and the latter are mounted in the rubber pipes of the small circuit of the cooling system. However, cylindrical models are still more popular. They allow you to raise the coolant temperature by 40...50°C. An additional advantage of Defa heaters is the ability to purchase a battery charger in the kit. That is, during the heating process, not only the engine warms up, but the battery is also recharged. This is especially convenient if your car has a “weak” battery. Moreover, the charger turns on immediately after connecting the device to the electrical network, regardless of whether the engine heater is turned on or not.

The DEFA Warm UP engine heater can be controlled in one of three ways. The first is direct or manual. In this case, it is imperative to control the heating process, in particular, the temperature of the coolant. The second is programmable, with feedback. In particular, the heating system is activated when the ambient temperature reaches a set value (one of five provided values). In this case, the engine is heated and the air in the cabin is heated. The third is remote, using the appropriate remote control.

Installing a heater in the basic configuration will not cause problems even for a novice car enthusiast. The only problem that may arise is when installing additional equipment in the form charger for battery. In this case, it is advisable to seek help from a car service center. The warranty on the heater is 12 months.

The instructions for the device indicate that the design of the heater implies the use of its own protective equipment, in particular, interlocks and fuses. Therefore, you can leave the system turned on for as long as you like without the engine overheating and this does not threaten unpleasant consequences. However, following prudence, you should not leave the heating device unattended for a long time and not use it for a very long time and for “prevention”.

Based on reviews found on the Internet, we can conclude that the DEFA Warm UP heater is an excellent solution for preheating the engine in garage conditions. The only drawback of the system is its high price compared to domestic analogues. But the ease of use, quality of workmanship and reliability are excellent. As an example, let's take a popular heater for the VAZ 2110. Its article number is 411365. And the price as of the above period is about 3,500 rubles.

Pre-heater "Severs"

The most popular model of the Severs-M heater has the number 103.3741. The device is manufactured by the Leader company on the territory of the Russian Federation, in the city of Tyumen. In addition to the heater itself, the delivery set includes a connecting cord, as well as an installation kit (depending on the car model). The heater power is 1.5 kW and is intended for installation in an engine with a working volume of up to 3 liters. The length of the connecting cord is 2.2 m, the time for heating the coolant to a temperature of +60°C is 1.5…2 hours (depending on the ambient temperature), the temperature regulator switch-off temperature is +85°С, the thermostat switch-on temperature is +50° C, the mass of the heater included is 0.8 kilograms. Antifreeze circulation is controlled by a built-in valve. In the model line of such heaters there are also models with other powers, in particular, 1 and 2 kW.

When choosing, it is convenient that the manufacturer directly indicates for which machines this or that heater is used. To do this, the catalog indicates the kit number for a specific machine (or group of machines). Therefore, before purchasing, be sure to read the relevant information on the manufacturer’s website or in the online store. The catalog list also includes a universal mounting kit for imported cars not included in the catalog.

Operating mode - manual and automatic. Automatic mode performed on the basis of an electronic programmable unit. You can set the time it turns on, as well as the duration of operation - from half an hour to four hours. At the same time, the unit provides control over the internal parameters of the heater’s operation, so you don’t have to monitor the device; in an emergency, it will turn off automatically. However, the instructions clearly indicate that before installing the heater and during its operation, it is imperative to monitor not only the normal level of antifreeze in the cooling system, but also check the integrity of the clamps and connections in order to prevent coolant leakage.

An additional advantage of the Severs engine preheater is its ease of installation. The instructions provide a step-by-step algorithm, following which even a novice car enthusiast can handle the installation. The factory warranty for the device is 2 years. Judging by the reviews of domestic car enthusiasts, this heater is a simple, reliable and inexpensive device, so it is definitely recommended for purchase.

The price of the Severs-M heater for the above period is about 3,000 rubles.

Electric heater "Besprizornik"

Another stationary electric heater, produced by the same domestic company “Leader” from Tyumen. This device is intended exclusively for domestic VAZ engines. In particular, the model PEZH-MV-220-051 (voltage - 220 V, power - 0.5 kW) is intended for installation on VAZ-2108-09 cars with carburetor engine, as well as on the VAZ 2110/12 with a 16-valve injection or carburetor engine.

Heater "Besprizornik"

Installed instead of the cylinder block plug, which has landing diameter 35.8 mm. Installation involves the use of a spacer bar, the legs of which rest against the inside of the block. The round O-ring provides a seal between the heater heating element flange and the walls of the cylinder block. This allows the heater to be installed on engines made of cast iron or aluminum.

The plug has a third grounding wire, so to operate the heater it is advisable to use a so-called “Euro socket” with three contacts. The advantage of the Besprizornik engine pre-heater is that it directly heats the engine jacket of the cooled block, which increases its operating efficiency.

Real tests have shown that the Besprizornik heater shows average efficiency, which is largely due to its low power. However, it can be used in slight frosts (for example, down to -10°C) or at low positive temperatures. This will allow warm air to be released into the cabin from the stove more quickly, which will increase the comfort of the driver and passengers in the cabin.

There is one subtlety in installing this heater. The fact is that when installed on VAZ engines Most car enthusiasts have a problem with removing the plug. And the saddest thing is when she falls inside. And here you cannot do without special devices for its extraction. Therefore, it makes sense to install the heater yourself only if you are confident in your strengths and skills. Still, many car enthusiasts take their cars to a car service center for these purposes.

The price of the Besprizornik electric heater as of the beginning of 2019 is about 1,500 rubles. The article number by which it can be purchased is peg-mb-220-051.

Electric heater "Longfei"

Longfey heaters are manufactured in China (in English the manufacturer's name is written as LONGFEI). The line of heaters includes devices of various powers - 1.5 kW, 1.8 kW, 2 kW, 3 kW. However greatest distribution Among car enthusiasts I found exactly a 3-kilowatt heater, which has its own name “Prince”. Moreover, the choice must be made based on information about the working volume of a particular engine. The device can be used in passenger cars and trucks. There is official certification that allows domestic car enthusiasts to use the heater legally.

The advantage of the Longfey Prince preheater is that heating occurs under the control of an electronic unit. In particular, it includes relay-based protection elements rather than fuses(same as earlier versions). In addition, the control unit includes a timer and a thermal relay, with the help of which you can, firstly, set the time when the device turns on and begins to heat the coolant in the engine, and secondly, you can programmatically set the temperature regime and limit temperatures, to which the device will heat the antifreeze. The kit also includes an electric pump, which ensures uniform pumping of coolant throughout the system, thereby ensuring its uniform heating. Pump capacity is 8 liters per minute. Thus, the average time required to warm up the engine is 30...60 minutes.

The Longfey electric heater can be installed on the engine yourself, without turning to a car service center for help. The delivery set includes all the necessary equipment and fasteners for this, in particular, the clamps with which it is secured. The cross-section of the installation pipes is 1.7 cm. The minimum declared operating life of the heater is 2 thousand heating hours. Weight - 780 grams, dimensions - 80 mm × 77 mm × 118 mm. The factory warranty for the product is 12 months. Thus, the Longfei heater is definitely recommended for use by car owners whose cars are stored in garages, or in places where there is access to connect the device to a household voltage of 220 V/50 Hz.

The “Lunfey” pre-heater with a power of 3 kilowatts can be purchased in any online store under the article number 53000W. Its average price as of the beginning of 2019 is about 2,800 rubles. Similarly, a 1.5 kW heater can be purchased under article number 91500W. Its price is 2500 rubles. Heater with a power of 1.8 kW - 91800W. Its average price is similarly 2,500 rubles. As for the 2 kW heater, it can be purchased under article number 72000W. Its price is 2800 rubles.

Please note that when purchasing a particular engine heater (regardless of whether it is autonomous or electric), you should always inquire about the availability of a certificate for it. The fact is that from time to time homemade devices are sold at car markets, positioned as know-how. It is better to refrain from such crafts, since they are not only ineffective, but also simply dangerous, since they can lead to large-scale negative consequences, such as failure of individual vehicle systems, short circuit and even fire. Therefore, buy only tested and certified products. If you have had experience using any engine heaters, please share information about it in the comments. This will help you choose the best engine preheater according to our readers.


The use of an autonomous or electric heater allows not only to ensure easy engine starting in the cold season, but also to significantly reduce its wear. And this has a beneficial effect on the service life of individual engine parts, including engine oil, which together leads to monetary savings. In addition, an autonomous heater (and an electric one if additional equipment is available) increase comfort, since they pre-heat the car interior before the driver and passengers enter.

There is no specific answer to the question of which engine preheater to choose. This depends on the storage conditions of the car and the financial capabilities of its owner. An electric heater is more suitable if the car is stored in a garage. In all other cases, it is better to buy an autonomous engine heater.

Preheating the engine in winter can be done simply and easily by installing a heater. If you are not yet aware of this possibility, let's take a closer look at this information.

Such heating can be carried out using electric heaters operating both from the car's network and from an outlet.

Let's start with the fact that electric heating of a 220V engine is carried out by installing a pre-heating system.

Such devices operate by connecting to a household network.

The engine coolant increases its temperature due to the fact that it is heated by a thermocouple. The circulation of the coolant begins through the small cooling circle system. As soon as the desired temperature is reached, a thermal relay is activated to disconnect the heater from the network.

Thus, heating the engine electrically prevents the coolant from overheating. The temperature system is automatically regulated, so you can leave this device on all night without worrying about overheating.

In general, everything is very simple. However, in order to understand the general essence of the work, let’s take a closer look at what such a system consists of.

On sale you can find several types for heating the engine using 220 volts. Which boilers to choose?!

DEFA WarmUp heating system

This Norwegian device, although simple, is very reliable.

Heating elements are developed for many engine models and are installed in engine plugs.

The work process is simple: “boiler” - heats the coolant, and with it the oil heats up. This device can operate even without a control module.

Those who prefer comfort can take advantage fully equipped heating Defa and install:

  • There is a heating module in the salon, which quickly;
  • a battery charger that will ensure the battery is fully charged throughout the winter;
  • module for controlling the entire system;
  • SmartStart control panel, works from a distance of up to 1200 meters;
  • special cable for 220V network.

The price of a 220V engine heating system from Defa depends on the configuration and make of the vehicle.

Look interesting video about Defa preheaters:

There are similar analogues and domestic production, but the quality is lame!

Other electric heaters

On the market you can buy boilers for heating the engine of other well-known brands, for example:

  • Start-M;
  • Severs-M.

How do these electric boilers work?

When the device is connected to a 220V outlet, the coolant is heated in its body and, with the help of a valve, due to the pressure difference, directed circulation (antifreeze) is obtained through the heating and cooling system of the vehicle.

And the thermostat is designed to prevent overheating of the device itself and the cooling liquid.

How to install heating with your own hands?

The purchased kit includes an installation manual that will help you install the pre-start electric boiler yourself.

All instructions are different depending on the device model, but the installation principle is usually as follows:

  1. drain the coolant;
  2. attach the electrical device to the cylinder block;
  3. instead of a temperature sensor, install a tee fitting and screw the temperature sensor into it, and install an outlet for the hose through which the heated liquid will flow;
  4. instead of a drain plug (faucet) on the cylinder block, install an outlet for a hose for cold liquid, which will go into the heating;
  5. tighten the clamps on the hoses;
  6. fill (antifreeze).

Useful video, heating the 220V engine, operating principle and installation on a VAZ 2110:

Methods for heating a diesel engine in winter and what type of heater to choose?

There are good equipment on the market for heating a diesel engine in winter. Mainly produced are types of electric heaters that operate from the car's network to heat the fuel system of a diesel engine.

What types are there?:

  • filter heaters fine cleaning, installed inside the filter;
  • flow heaters, mounted in the fuel line;
  • bandage heaters, put on the filter housing;
  • posistor-type heaters are installed in the fuel intake in the fuel tank;
  • Autonomous engine heaters (liquid), mounted in any car.

Watch the video, heated filter separator:

Video review of Nomakon diesel fuel heaters:

When choosing a heater, I recommend paying attention to the engine design and parking conditions. Autonomous heaters require a supply of fuel in the tank and excellent condition of the battery. Storage heaters are beneficial for frequent use.

Please note electric heaters from a 220V network. The electric option is advantageous for a diesel engine. They are different inexpensive price. They are especially relevant in cases where the car is located in a garage or at home.

Can be purchased to save model budget Severs, Electrostart or Defa.

Engine heating efficiency using the Webasto system

Those who are not short on money can use engine heating, as it allows you to get rid of a number of unpleasant moments in the winter. This system is produced by German manufacturers in two varieties.

In general, the device is a small combustion chamber. It is mounted in the engine compartment and connected to the cooling system. When antifreeze is heated, the engine heats up. Through the cooling system, the liquid moves through the heater radiator due to the operation of an autonomous pump.

Liquid pre-heater - device and principle of operation

Know! The system helps maintain optimal air temperature in the cabin, no matter how many degrees it is outside. True, with such a system, fuel consumption becomes slightly higher.

However, if you try to compare the possibility of a long warm-up of the engine in the absence of a heating system, then this expense will be compensated. At the same time, the driver receives maximum comfort and convenience, since he will have to forget about such problems as a cold steering wheel and seats.

Drivers in most of our country are interested in knowing how and with what to warm up the engine in winter before starting it with their own hands. The problem of starting an engine in winter is familiar to all motorists. Even a fully functional car may not start in temperatures as low as -30°C. Due to this, many people are trying to solve this problem. Sometimes preheating is included as standard. Now almost all expensive versions of cars are equipped with such devices.

This especially applies to diesel engines. They almost always are. This is due to more high temperature required for their work. Other car owners have to independently come up with ways to start the engine at low temperatures. Fortunately, there are now many options for this.

Types of heating

How and with what to warm up the engine in winter before starting it yourself? To answer this question, it is advisable to decide what you need from this device. All types of heating are divided into the following groups:

  • Fuel heating;
  • Engine heating.
The first method is most often used on diesel units. As you know, diesel fuel can turn into a gel-like state in the cold. Therefore, fuel heating is often done. IN gasoline engines this is not necessary. Heating the block itself is more efficient. This reduces the risk of damage to the piston group elements. After all, when starting the engine in the cold, the pistons heat up much faster than the block.

As a result, due to the expansion of the pistons, cylinder scuffing may occur, and the engine may seize. There are several options for heating the engine. Below we will look at how to make your own heating device.

Manual heating

First, let's consider the option when you do not have a standard device for heating the engine. And after a sharp frost, your iron friend refused to start. Most often this happens for two reasons:

  • On diesel engines, the fuel freezes (it does the same thing), then you have a direct road to warm box. This is the most reliable way;
  • The oil has thickened. This can often be found on gasoline engines when using oil that is not of very high quality or does not meet the climatic conditions.
If there are few ways to heat the fuel. You can deal with frozen oil quite easily. To do this you will need a blowtorch and a sheet of tin or iron. We place this sheet under the engine and direct the lamp torch at it. As a result, it will become warm enough under the car for the oil to warm up to the required conditions.

Fuel heating

To make it, you will need a rifle casing; a 12 mm caliber option is suitable. You will also need the following things:

  • Copper wire;
  • Relay;
A hole is made in the sleeve and a thread is cut into it. A candle is screwed into the hole made. The resulting device is connected to the on-board network via a relay and lowered into the tank. It can only be used with the ignition off.

Engine heating

There are several layout options here. The choice of what exactly to collect depends on your skills, as well as the availability of tools.

Most often, antifreeze is heated. This method is best for quickly warming up the engine. It can also be used if it is necessary to maintain a high operating temperature of the motor. To do this you will need 2 flanges (one plastic), a heating element (a small piece of copper wire), a seal, an 80A relay and a switch.

You also need 2 meters of wire for connection and a 50 A fuse. All this is assembled and tested for functionality. Then it crashes into the engine heating system, preferably in a small circle. The most optimal place is in front of the stove radiator.

To make another fixture, you will need a plumbing tee. You also need to buy a heating element. A device for heating running water is suitable, but it must be equipped with a thermostat. A 10 cm long pipe is screwed onto one end of the tee. Plugs should be put on the remaining outlets with the possibility of connecting hoses to them. A heating element is placed in the pipe. After which the heater is connected to the engine, it is best to place it near the stove. The terminals of the heating element are connected to the battery via a relay and a switch.

Conclusion. In our country climatic conditions quite complex. Therefore, most drivers are wondering how and with what to warm up the engine in winter before starting it with their own hands? After all, engine operation at extremely low temperatures can lead to the need for major repairs.

The climatic conditions of most of the territory of our country are characterized by a very wide range of temperatures: from heat in summer to freezing cold in winter. In the summer, operating the car is quite simple, although it has its own specific features. And in the cold season, the car engine requires considerable time after starting for its temperature to reach operating values. And to facilitate cold starts and save time when you warm up the car, there is an electric engine heater, which in a fairly short period of time is able to bring its temperature to acceptable values.

Features of starting the engine in the cold season

Engine internal combustion due to the peculiarities of its design, it is capable of developing its maximum power and torque in a rather narrow temperature range. This is why cold starts, especially in winter time years, so harmful to engines. Previously, before the advent of pre-heaters, the only way was considered to be starting and warming up at idle or high speed. Now, with the advent of various means and methods of heating, this method can be neglected. Moreover, modern engines distribute heat from the combustion chambers very efficiently and warm up quickly, so you can start driving almost immediately after starting. But this can be done in normal winter conditions, but what if at night the temperature reaches 40-45 degrees below zero? Here, additional engine heating in winter is simply necessary.

What is an engine heater

In general, engine preheating is carried out by artificially increasing the temperature of the coolant so that it heats the engine parts (cylinder block and head, as well as the heater radiator). This allows you to significantly reduce the negative impact of increased friction during startup and local (uneven) heating of its parts.

Types of engine heaters

Actually, there are only two types of heaters - autonomous and electric. Autonomous heating, as the name suggests, does not depend on external conditions and is part of the automotive power plant: It uses fuel from the tank to operate. The most famous example is the Webasto autonomous engine heater. Special boilers use fuel combustion to heat the coolant, which circulates through the system - all without starting the engine.

An electric auto-heater is also built into the engine cooling system and, using a special heating element, like a boiler, heats the coolant.

Electric heater as an alternative to autonomous devices

Installing a 220V engine heater is much simpler (since it essentially has only one element and wires for connection) and much cheaper, and it does not use gasoline as a heat source, making do with electricity.

Types of electric heaters


The simplest type of heaters, which are installed in the cylinder block instead of a plug on the side. They consist of an electric heating element in a housing and a connector. Such models do not have a large power consumption (500-700W), however, due to the fact that they are located directly in the engine, they warm it up almost in the center. More complex systems engine heating can be equipped with interior fan heaters, a start timer and a remote control. The only problem with installation may be the engine breather (crankcase ventilation hose), since it is often installed in such a way that it blocks the plug in the block.

Branch pipes

Such devices are installed in the section of the main pipes of the cooling system. The heater itself is equipped with a special adapter housing, which is installed directly on the hoses. The disadvantage is that most of these devices are designed for standard hose diameters. Such devices may have higher power (up to 2-3 kW), functionality and equipment are approximately the same as the previous group.


This is a special group of devices that are also built into the cooling system, but are more complex in their design and installation. Such models are more similar to Webasto heaters, only they run on electricity rather than gasoline. Such models most effectively warm up the coolant and cylinder block. The remote heater also provides forced circulation of coolant, which better promotes uniform heating of the cylinder block and minimizes the harmful effects of cold starts. The cost of such units varies by more than an order of magnitude (from 1.5 thousand rubles for ordinary Chinese models to 23 thousand rubles for a really good American HotStart). The power of the heating element also varies greatly and depends on the displacement.

Advantages of heating a 220V engine:

  • Low cost installation kit and the installation itself (from 1 thousand rubles).
  • Wide model range , compatibility with almost all motors, simple design and high efficiency.

Disadvantages of an electric heater:

  • A 220V household outlet should be located within close proximity.
  • Open hood during heating operation. On modern models this is not so important, since they are equipped with a special connector embedded in the front bumper.
  • Reliability of some models, which over time begin to leak coolant at the junction with the engine.

How to install engine heating

Installing an engine heater yourself is a relatively simple task. It does not require special tools or special knowledge. All you need is a general understanding of the principles of operation of car engines and an idea of ​​the location of components and assemblies under the hood.

To understand how to install engine heating, just look at the installation instructions included with the kit. The general installation sequence is as follows.

  1. Since the heater is installed in the cooling system, it is necessary to drain some of the antifreeze (at least 2 liters to lower its level and prevent leakage during depressurization)
  2. If a block heater is installed, remove the plug from the cylinder block and the heating element is installed. For the remote or pipe version, the hoses leading to the heater radiator are removed. It is better to use the hoses included in the installation kit so as not to cut the factory ones. When installing new pipes, all connections are fixed with clamps, and it is advisable to coat the fittings with sealant to avoid leaks.
  3. The device body is secured using a bracket, included in the kit.
  4. All necessary connections are made, the rest of the assembly is carried out in reverse order.
  5. Antifreeze is filled back to the required level. When filling, it is advisable to avoid the appearance air jams(pour antifreeze into expansion tank carefully, in a thin stream!).

Installing engine heating is a task that is quite feasible for almost everyone. Which type to choose depends on the specific operating conditions and design features car.

“Frost and sun – a wonderful day” - it is immediately clear that these lines were not written by a motorist. After all, even a novice driver knows about the problems that can be expected from the frost when there is a need to start the engine of a frozen car. This is especially true when a person is late for something.

And then the question of how to warm up the car faster in winter literally arises. In our article we will provide recommendations aimed at helping those drivers who often have to deal with this problem.

Why do you need to warm up the engine?

There is no clear opinion on whether there is an urgent need to preheat the car engine before it reaches operating temperature or not, does not exist in nature. However, we are inclined to be of the opinion that this procedure is necessary. And to substantiate our opinion, we present the following arguments.

  1. Anyone motor oil It tends to thicken at subzero temperatures, and this negatively affects its lubricating characteristics, which can lead to premature wear of engine components and parts. This statement is doubly true when the car immediately starts operating in increased speed. Once heated to the optimal temperature, the oil again becomes optimally viscous and efficiently lubricates all components and parts.
  2. In a frozen engine, the gaps between individual parts do not meet the standards. And this again leads to their accelerated wear. The gaps are normalized only after reaching the recommended temperature level.
  3. The operating mode of an unheated engine is not stable. And this is noticeable on almost all brands of cars, regardless of whether they are equipped with carburetors or have the most modern fuel injection systems installed. As a result, the engine begins to “sneeze” and there is a decrease in dynamics and throttle response.
  4. While driving with an insufficiently warmed up engine, increased consumption fuel, which is due to the insufficiently high temperature of the air-fuel mixture.

Your car needs to be warmed up properly in winter.

When the engine warms up, it should operate in mode idle speed, that is, without applying loads to it that are created during the driving process. In order to start a car in winter, you need to set the gear shift lever to the neutral position and depress the clutch pedal, which is slowly released after the car engine starts running.

After this, you need to wait a certain time for the engine to reach operating temperature. In order to speed up this process, you can connect the maximum number of energy-intensive consumers, such as, for example, high beam headlights and interior heating. This increases the load on the generator, which also speeds up the heating process.

This time can be used to clear snow from the surface of the car, its windows and headlights. But even after waiting for the engine temperature to reach the operating temperature, you should not move abruptly, but should do it smoothly. The need for this is explained by the fact that the oil in the gearbox is also in a cooled state and it will be better if it gradually reaches operating temperature.

How to warm up your car faster in winter

To ensure effective and quick warm-up car in winter, it is recommended to use the following devices:

  1. heating element;
  2. electric heating preheater;
  3. thermal accumulator;
  4. fuel line heater;
  5. pre-start liquid heater;

Heating elements

Finding an element for heating the oil in the oil pan is quite difficult, since it is already a rarity. They were the first to install it on military vehicles, and it worked from the on-board battery. With its help, before starting the engine, the oil located in the oil pan was heated. True, it must be said that in this case a rather serious discharge of the battery occurred, which is already quite weakened by exposure to negative temperatures

Pre-start electric heaters

The use of a pre-start electric heater, which is connected to the power supply through an ordinary household outlet, will allow the engine coolant to be heated to the required temperature level. True, for this he will need at least three hours, during which it is not recommended to leave the device unattended.

Thermal accumulators

Installing a thermal accumulator on a car will save time on warming up the car engine for those who have to use the car constantly. During engine operation, antifreeze accumulates at operating temperature in a special device called a thermos. At the moment of startup, this antifreeze is pumped into the cooling system, due to which the overall temperature of the liquid located there rises by fifteen degrees. And this, naturally, ensures easier engine starting and faster warm-up.

Automated fuel line heaters

Due to automated fuel line heaters, fuel fluidity is improved, the flammability of the air-fuel mixture, as well as its volatility, increases. It removes frost formed in fuel system in the process with gasoline, especially if it is not of very high quality. Very good result This can be achieved if this device is used in conjunction with a thermal accumulator.

Pre-start liquid heaters

The use of a pre-start liquid heater makes it possible to heat up the antifreeze due to the combustion of the air-fuel mixture in its chamber. The heated liquid enters the system using a pump, which allows you to warm up the car within sixty minutes, or even faster, in winter. It is possible to program the start time of the system, as well as control it remotely.

After reaching a temperature of about 85 o C, the system begins to operate in standby mode. As soon as the temperature drops below the set parameter, heating is turned on again. Some people consider the negative characteristics of this system to have additional fuel consumption. But they do not take into account the fact that the system will need no more than one liter per hour to operate, while in order to start and subsequently warm up a cold engine, about two liters will be needed.

How long is it advisable to warm up the engine?

Ambient temperature indicator

(degrees Celsius)

Vehicle warm-up time


At this temperature, the car windows are not yet coated, so there is no need for prolonged warming up.

This time is quite enough for the engine to reach operating temperature in such cold weather.

from -10 to -20

Such frost covers the car windows with ice, which must thaw for safe movement.

Normal warming up of a car in such frost occurs depending on the technical condition of the car.

In conclusion, we can say that the most optimal option for operating a car at subzero temperatures is one in which the driver warms up the engine for three to five minutes. After which, smooth movement begins, eliminating sudden accelerations and engine spin-up above 2000 rpm. And you should move in this mode until the temperature level reaches 80-90 degrees.