In general, the following situation happened to me. I decided to buy myself a car. There wasn’t much money - 70 rubles in total, so I chose, so to speak, from the bucket list. Many will say that if you don’t have money, walk, but I categorically disagree with them. Everyone has their own income, but everyone needs to travel. I wanted to take something old, but one that would drive and break as little as possible. After a long study of reviews on the drome and other sites, the choice fell on the Audi 100. Great, there are a lot of domestic spare parts suitable and, as they wrote, indestructible. The choice has been made. The search for a suitable car began. I looked at 4 cars - all turned out to be usable except to get to the landfill. There was no money to restore the car, so I wanted to get the car at minimal cost. And then I came across an advertisement - the machine is not running, but there are all the spare parts to restore it. I drove up and looked... The body is smooth, well-maintained, the engine runs quite smoothly. Moreover, it was sold normally and my budget should have been enough for repairs. But, as they say, trust but verify. I decided to check the car at a service station just in case. Complete diagnostics. Since the car was not running, it was decided to drag it to the nearest service station. There was a long line at one service station and we were dragged to another. The seller did not know about it - 100%. They dragged us to the service station, the guys seemed smart. Well, after climbing around the car, they named those shoals that the seller said + small things (silent blocks and other rubber bands). The price tag announced for the repair was fine. It's decided - I'll buy it. We gave the spare parts to the service station workers. Everything is decorated - beautiful! And, as they say, away we go...
They call from the service station and ask if your revs are fluctuating a little, we suggest cleaning the carburetor. Clean? Without any ulterior motive (I don’t know much about cars myself, I thought they were professionals, they knew better) I agree. As the salesman said, the vacuum on the clutch was broken. Even at the time of purchase, the STO dealers said that it was not a vacuum, but a clutch slave cylinder (which was ultimately purchased at the expense of the sale). And then they call me and say - the slave cylinder is normal - the MASTER cylinder has failed. I went on the trail. the day I bought it - it turned out to be exactly it, and they replaced it for me. TOTAL: at the service station they did the following work for me - they changed the lever assembly, changed the clutch master cylinder, washed the carb, changed the oil and spark plugs. About 6 thousand were paid for everything. They worked for 2 days, and after 2 days I became the happy (hasty conclusion) owner of an Audi) When I pick up the car, a crunching sound on the right is alarming. STOshniki say that the grenade crunches. I - why the hell didn’t they tell about her right away. They replied that you couldn’t tell whether a grenade on a lift was crunchy or not. Well, okay, the grenade is a trifle, it will be tolerated. And it was quite a long drive - from Svoboda Street to Berdsk. I ask - will it definitely arrive? The answer is - anyone! I drove home without any second thought. I had just reached the hipodrome when the car stalled! It stalled and gasoline started pouring out of the carburetor like a fountain! Thank God the engine was still cold! I call this service station and explain the situation. They send a repairman (and it was already in the evening, the repairman had already left for home). I waited for him for about an hour. Then the repairman fiddled around for another hour, but didn’t do anything. As a result, that day I took the car back to their service station. On the trail. day they call me and say that it’s not their problem, they say they didn’t do anything to the carburetor - they just cleaned it, but my carburetor was damaged and that they are ready to fix it for 1000 re. I emphasize that at that time my knowledge of car repair was minimal, and again I agreed. The next day I took the car from them and drove home. But again I didn’t get there - it stalled again, again there was a river of gasoline + the hall sensor flew. But this time I was already far from the service station - and it was decided to drag the car to Berdsk. I didn’t want to give the car back to these unfortunate repairmen, and decided to make the car myself. With the help of the Internet and some mother, for the next 2 months I repaired it myself + drove the car to other service stations (in particular the carburetor). I called the manager of this service station - he said, let’s get it repaired and we’ll decide there, they say, we don’t give up on our mistakes. The fact that the carburetor began to deteriorate is their fault; when they cleaned it, they did not set the floats correctly. Moreover, I noticed a stain in the interior under the clutch pedal. When I looked there I was absolutely amazed! The cylinder they installed leaked. So they also installed it in an eerie collective-farm way, replacing the original hoses with something incomprehensible. In the end, I fixed the machine, I called that manager. I explain the situation with the carburetor and clutch cylinder (and I spent 4 thousand on them at their service station). In response I hear: “Of course I understand, but that service station is no longer there, and I won’t give money from my pocket.” People, tell me what can be done in such a situation?! They did not give receipts; the only contacts I have are the phone number of the manager and the repairman of this service station. Is there any way I can get mine back?! Moreover, in addition to these jambs that they called me during the diagnosis, others also came out, knowing about which I would not have bought it at all!
The service station was located on Svoboda Street (I don’t remember the exact house number) not far from the Planetnaya stop. A few houses from the intersection of the street. Svobody and st. Planetary in the barn.
I understand that I screwed up myself, but still...