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UFOs - time machines from the future? UFO attack on the Knowles family Artificial “little green men”

"Knowledge of some principles easily compensates for ignorance of some factors."

Philosopher Claude Adrian HELVETIUS.

When Arnold Kenneth observed the flight of nine strange objects over the Cascade Mountains on June 24, 1947 and told everything to journalists, almost nothing was known for certain about these mysterious strangers. There was not even the term Unidentified Flying Object - UFO (or in English Unidentified Flying Objects - UFO; in French OBjects Volatile Non Identifee - OVNI). There was no word “flying saucer”; Kenneth himself described the objects as “frying pans” (although the words “plate in the sky” can be found more than once even in descriptions of the history of Ancient Rome). Almost half a century later, humanity has accumulated a colossal amount of information about UFOs (or, as they are also called, about Anomalous Phenomena - AY; AstroLevitating Objects - ALO; Extraterrestrial Spacecraft - VKK; there are even too many terms now).

According to the Americans, about 5% of earthlings observed alien flights, i.e. more than 100 million people; in the archives of Professor Hynek there are more than 100 thousand descriptions of UFO sightings; At the trial in Washington, American ufologists found out that the CIA alone had at least 10 thousand pages of documents on this problem. So, does this mean that people can take it upon themselves to say that they know enough to unravel all the secrets of the structure of man-made types of UFOs?

In fact, if somewhere in government institutions they found out even some insignificant detail of this secret of our time, then it became known only to the narrowest circle of people. Ordinary people were fed the fairy tale that “this cannot be.” However, in many countries there are already public organizations for studying the UFO problem (there are 25 of them in the USA, 2 main ones and more than a hundred separate groups in Russia, more than 500 in the world), a large number of UFO magazines are published (16 in the USA, about 5 in Russia, more than 50 in the world). Mainly thanks to them, and also to the countless army of inquisitive and honest ufologists, we have a large amount of verified and open information.

Let us try to summarize the collected data on the tactical and technical characteristics of alien man-made vehicles.

The first thing that catches your eye when reading the descriptions of eyewitnesses is the ability for a UFO to develop colossal speeds (the maximum officially recorded is 200,000 km/h or 56 km/s!). The same aircraft are able to fly at very low speeds, hover over one place, accelerate or decelerate with monstrously high accelerations (up to thousands of G!, for comparison, trained astronauts endure 3 - 9 G). Eyewitnesses have often observed UFOs appearing “out of nowhere,” disappearing into empty air, moving in jumps, or even simply becoming invisible. Many were extremely surprised by the picture of polymorphism, when silvery devices, seemingly even coated with metal, suddenly change their external form and color, fall apart, are restored from fragments...

Even this far from complete list of UFO superpowers is amazing. It is enough to take any of the eyewitness descriptions at random for scientists to confidently declare: “This cannot be!” Indeed, from the point of view modern science creating an aircraft with such characteristics is simply impossible. Since we, humans, could not do this, it means that it was prohibited to all other extraterrestrial civilizations. As if laughing at our self-confidence, unidentified objects are not too eager to remain unidentified all the time: they have left a legacy on our sinful Earth without any measure.

One of the indisputable proofs of the existence of mysterious aliens is the so-called “UFO fragments”, most often collected at the sites of explosions of these objects. The most famous examples: “Vashki find” - a fragment of some thick spherical shell with a diameter of 1.2 m; "Tula sample" - a 38-gram piece of conductor; collected balls from height 611 near Dalnegorsk; “Angel hair” - precipitation melting in the air, ejected from flying objects in the Krasnodar Territory and Volgograd Region; "Glass Pyramid" found on the Moon by Apollo 16 crew commander John Young; The “current conductor” was discovered in 1997 during excavations on the Medveditskaya ridge by our Kosmopoisk expedition...

The only thing that unites these completely different things is that all of them, according to experts, are clearly artificial products produced by anyone other than representatives of the human race. Getting acquainted with the results of chemical analyzes of some of these and other samples, technologists only shrug their shoulders dejectedly: “To reproduce this thing, we need to create temperature values, magnetic fields, and vacuum inside the melting furnaces that are tens, or even hundreds of times higher than those of just reached it on Earth!"

Externally different, they still allow you to get an idea of ​​the structure of the UFO. In particular, there is a lot to suggest that alien devices use powerful electromagnetic fields for some of their own purposes (perhaps to create thrust?). This is indicated, among other things, by the following circumstances: the presence of obvious electrical parts (Medveditsky “current conductor”); residual strong magnetization; the presence in some samples (for example, in the “melted balls” from height 611 near Dalnegorsk) of thin spiral wires (electromagnets?) embedded in a dielectric material (in the Dalnegorsk fragments these are golden hairs); and also that the magnetic properties of some finds differ in direction (which in itself is incomprehensible!) by 15 times (as in the find from the bank of the Vashka River) or more!

American electronic reconnaissance aircraft have more than once recorded radiation coming from flying UFOs (most often it is reported that such radiation has a frequency of 3000 MHz with a repetition rate of 600 pulses/s). Since the power of this radiation directly depends on the flight mode of the object, we can conclude that it either directly moves the UFO, or is a by-product of the work of the UFO propulsion.

It remains to be recalled that if you believe the stories of earthlings who voluntarily or forcibly visited flying saucers, then man-made UFOs are empty inside, except for the control panel and seats. There is simply no room left for any bulky engine on these ships! Unless the engine and propulsion are hidden inside the shell of flying saucers!…

This is where we come to the most important thing. The electromagnetic working surface (EDS, used in our experiments), the shell that creates powerful electromagnetic fields, is a distinctive feature of the MV apparatus! Experiments, let me remind you, showed that the external manifestations of simplified models of CF were almost completely similar to what we observe in cases with UFOs. Comparing them and putting them on the same level may be too disrespectful towards the latter, since the capabilities of technogenic alien devices are many orders of magnitude greater than ours. However, the MV, like a drop reflecting the ocean, IN ADDITION TO ANYONE'S WILL, completely copied the structure of the shell, the appearance, the emitted frequencies, and even the remaining energy traces from the UFO (after the landing of the UFO or after the experiment with the MV). The culprit for such coincidences, of course, is not plagiarism (the priority of other Civilizations in resolving this issue is indisputable), but common design tasks and physical principles (including for the same reason, for example, the twin brothers "Shuttle" and " Buran", "Boeings" and "Ilyushins").

It has already been mentioned that an open-loop ERP circuit (a simplified MV shell) is capable of creating thrust, and the magnitude of this thrust in real devices should theoretically be very significant. Only modern technological capabilities can limit the upper power value of such an engine. For example, one of the relatively simple projects of an aircraft with a similar propulsion device, the I-7, has such design parameters that modern space technology designers can only dream of: dimensions - 46x40x9 m, "dry" weight - 245 tons, power of 2 power plants of the Thermal Emission Reactor-Converter - 18.5 MW, payload mass launched into orbit - up to 300 tons (currently the maximum possible mass of the payload is about 100 tons), flight time to Mars - 3-9 days (now - 9-18 months) , to Alpha Centauri – 7-8 years (now – thousands of centuries)…

By the way, the more detailed the design of such aircraft (in design language, making the maximum number of approximations), the more clearly the familiar features of “flying saucers” appear on the technological drawings. Unified design tasks again?

As for the practical result of such a design, so far it is more than modest (that’s why I don’t urge you to “fly the saucers of the Cosmoflot ahead of time”). However, there are benefits (?) from this today - it can most likely be explained design features UFO.

The smooth, rounded outlines of the object are explained by the fact that any sharp corners prevent the creation of a field of altered Time around the ship. Portholes on ellipsoids are most often not “windows for viewing”; they are the main mover of the object. The same as the “balls” on the bottoms of UFOs. The whole difference between them is in quantity (most often there are 3 balls, less often - 4, 6 or 9) and power. The larger the “windows”, the more powerful they are, and the less of them are required to create thrust in the aircraft. But even large “portholes” (in fact, with large sizes they are already called “balls” in ufologists’ calculations) there cannot be less than three, and this is the minimum number of them that is necessary for stabilization in flight. In order to insure against an accident after the possible failure of one ball engine, there are usually about two spare “balls” inside the UFO, which, by the way, can also make independent flights as an automatic reconnaissance aircraft (?). The number of “portholes” (in 1, 2, 3 or less often 4 rows) is usually several dozen, but if you miniaturize them, then the entire shell of the UFO turns into a continuous layer of mini-engines, or, more precisely, the entire body of the device becomes one ball engine (these are , for example, UFOs in the form of flying balls or ellipsoids).

Such engines constantly emit electromagnetic waves during operation, and their frequency directly depends on the operating mode of the engines. When working in the ultraviolet range they are invisible, in the infrared they are “seen” by cameras, but UFOs are better known to us by their glow in the visible range. But some changes are noticeable in it - it’s enough for the object to slow down or accelerate a little, and its color changes sharply (at high speeds and significant loads, the ball motors look bright blue or white, at low loads - red or orange).

During the flight, the UFO uses three flight modes: only in Time, only in Space (the engine radiation frequency is on the order of thousands of MHz), simultaneously in Time and Space (we will keep silent about other possible modes for now).

Each method has its own purposes and areas of application, in particular, the third method is most often used when flying over the Earth. Spatial movements in this case are obvious, but even if flight in Time does not occur, nevertheless, saucers most often fly with the MF turned on. Cause? When dealing with an evil armed civilization, it is always better to keep the MV on, the field of which protects the UFO from missiles and shells. The only way to combine both modes of engine operation is to switch operating modes at high frequency (up to several hundred times per second; do you recognize the fixed parameters of 3000 MHz and 600 pulses/s?!). From what has been described it follows that one by one appearance one can make assumptions about the ship’s launch site and the degree technical development the Civilization that sent him:

– Dishes with sharp corners, with “balls” and “portholes” fly to us from a short distance (from an orbital mother ship? from the Moon? from Mars or Venus?). Only a not very powerful Civilization can use such a ship for interstellar flights due to lack of the best technology(flight time – months and years).

– Smooth ellipsoids, balls (less commonly, “cigars”) are capable of excellent flight in both Time and Space between the stars (flight time is calculated in minutes). Civilizations with highly developed molecular (even subatomic) technology are capable of producing such devices. The “sender’s address” can only be found out after prolonged observation of the guest; in fact, both aliens and other times can send it to us. Moreover, the more ephemeral (transparent, vague) the alien ship looks, the greater the chances that you are seeing representatives of another Time...

Many of the “miracles” of UFOs may become clearer:

A WIDE SPEED RANGE FROM ZERO TO GIANT is ensured by the high thrust value of the field-type propulsion system in combination with a relatively small mass (i.e., high thrust-to-weight ratio).

ABSENCE OF VISIBLE AIR RESISTANCE - air molecules fall near the UFO in the field of accelerated (extended) Time, so their own speed relative to the body of the device will be low (subsonic), while to an outside observer this speed seems supersonic or even hypersonic. In some cases, we can say that UFOs use to completely destroy air resistance by creating a plasma cocoon around themselves, however, it is most convenient to create a cloud of cold plasma around the body, again with the help of electromagnetic fields.

SHARP MANEUVERS, JUMPS - acceleration (stretching) of time inside the device allows you to reduce the value of overloads to a value acceptable for the structure and crew.

INVISIBILITY TO THE EYES - light rays reflected from the body, passing through the boundary of the field of altered and ordinary Time, change their frequency towards a decrease or increase, depending on the operating mode of the MV. In this case, we do not have the opportunity to visually record a UFO, unless... non-light waves are reflected from its body, which, after passing the boundary of Time, change their frequency to the frequency of visible light.

INVISIBILITY TO RADAR - a radio wave, entering the field of another Time, changes its frequency, which is why it may not be reflected, but absorbed even by an ordinary metal case. But even if the wave is reflected, leaves the field, regaining its own frequency, and returns to the radar receiving device, most modern radar systems will still not detect the signal. For, having been in another Time, this signal returned significantly later than the expected impulse (!). In both cases, the mark does not appear on the screen, or it does not appear where expected ( different systems radars sometimes provide dramatically different data on the distance to the same UFO, as the author of these lines personally observed in the spring of 1995).

CLOUDY OR VISIBLE CHANGE IN SHAPE is one of the manifestations of the field of altered Time, the danger of which in relation to a person was written above.

"POLYMORPHISM" or VISIBLE CHANGE OF SHAPE - the movement of a UFO through Time (through the 4th and 5th dimensions) for us, inhabitants of the three-dimensional world, due to the limitations of our senses, will look in the most unpredictable way. About the same as how unusual our own movement looks from the point of view of the inhabitants of a hypothetical two-dimensional country of flatfishes.

EMISSIONS FROM UFOs (“angel hair”, “jelly”, “fragments”) OVER TIME THEMSELVES CHANGE THEIR CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OR EVAPORATE WITHOUT A Trace - the residual impact of Time on objects located inside the working MV. These objects continue to live in a time different from ours. Or - these are aliens (outsiders) somehow destroying material evidence.

THIN RAYS COMING FROM UFOs – in some cases, recharging one’s own batteries using the “free” energy of earthlings. For example, if a scanning laser beam is directed at a high-voltage line, then an electric current will flow through an air channel ionized by a powerful laser! (By the way, I have already proposed this method for our earthly aircraft.) If the power allows, you can recharge while being tens of kilometers from the power line. This version is also confirmed by the fact that during the observation of an emergency (as well as before and after), the voltage on the power lines often drops unpredictably. (Shall we shout: Stop the thief!?).

RAYS WITH JERKY ENDINGS are a manifestation of the same field of altered Time. Having left the field, visible rays, changing their frequency, can become invisible and vice versa. If we consider that the shape and structure of such a field can be very diverse, depending on its purpose, then it is quite possible to believe in the stories that this mysterious ray can move people and humanoids.

OBJECTS UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF THIS BEAM BECOME TRANSPARENT - indeed, if the intensity of such a field allows, the observer will see all the objects in the cocoon of the beam, illuminated by X-rays. Where does X-ray radiation come from and why does the human eye see it? Before and after the ray of Time, this terrible radiation was and again became harmless solar visible light. (And X-rays, therefore, are another danger for witnesses!?).

STOPPING CAR ENGINES NEAR a UFO - a change in Time leads to disruption of the operation of electrical appliances and units (in particular, the ignition system). The main reason is a change in the value of the electrical resistance of materials.

THE FEELING OF LIGHTNESS IN A PERSON NEAR A UFO - the acceleration of Time leads to an increase in the impulse of the strength of human muscles and an apparent decrease in the acceleration of free fall.

CONTRACTION OF MOVEMENTS, PARALYSIS IN A PERSON NEAR A UFO – slowdown of Time in a different mode of operation of the propulsion system based on MV.

PAINFUL PHENOMENA NEAR A UFO - uneven flow of vital processes in different parts of the body leads to the most unpredictable and sometimes tragic consequences.

APPEARING "OUT OF NOWHERE", INSTANTANEOUS DISAPPEARANCE - movement with an acceleration of over 20 g is absolutely elusive for an outside observer and is perceived as an instantaneous jump in Space. For MV, an acceleration of 20 g is a very insignificant value. Although it is possible that with the help of MV, the real process of teleportation is also carried out (but this should be a separate discussion)…

IN last years Many secrets have been removed from the UFO topic. But a thoughtful person is alarmed that official authorities around the world almost no longer speak publicly on this issue. So, is it exhausted?

flying saucers

The modern history of UFOs began relatively recently, on June 24, 1947, when in the USA, in the Rocky Mountains, or rather Mount Rainier (an ancient paleovolcano), military pilot Kenneth Arnold noticed a group of nine strange silver saucer-shaped aircraft.

The unprecedented squadron was led by a device resembling a boomerang with a dome in the middle, at an altitude of about ten kilometers at a fairly high speed. Kenneth estimated it at two and a half thousand kilometers per hour. For atmospheric aircraft of that time this was simply unattainable.

Soon the term “flying saucers” appeared in print, later changed to “flying saucers.”

They tried to refute the phenomenon this way and that. They wrote that even the most exotic types of UFOs - in the form of giant barrels or cigars - are secret aircraft of two superpowers, the USSR/Russia and the USA. Hence, there are quite tangible traces at the places of their landing: crushed, withered grass; soil pressed through by landing supports; traces of technical fluids (lubricant, hydraulic system fillers, coolants, etc.). As well as numerous observations of demonstrative repairs of UFOs by their crews during clearly deliberate landings in places where people are present (near farms, highways, etc.).

Are they among us?

There are still versions that UFOs are just secret tests of the latest rocket technology or simply a manifestation of rare atmospheric phenomena. How else can we explain their unexpected appearances and disappearances, sudden changes in shape and color, long-lasting bright residual glow in the upper layers of the atmosphere after a UFO passes at dusk or at night.

Romantics adhere to the version that extraterrestrial ships exist and fly to us on Earth from other star systems milky way, and perhaps even from neighboring ones.

The most interesting version of this version is: UFOs are devices of others, parallel worlds, existing here on Earth, only in other spaces and in other energy structures. Hence their ability to instantly appear, “piercing” the barrier between our realities, and just as quickly disappear, returning back.

History at your fingertips

Finally, there is another truly exciting version: all these UFOs are nothing more than time machines of our distant (or maybe not so distant) descendants. They help fill in the gaps in historical documents about certain events of the past. After all, our present for them is most likely already a long past.

And thus they study and clarify world history planet Earth in general and its individual countries in particular.

This theory plausibly explains the appearance of UFOs over the troops of Alexander the Great, as well as Napoleon at Waterloo; over the fields of the largest battles of the First and Second World Wars.

In addition to historical events, the attention of these time machines is also attracted by major disasters, both natural and man-made, often of an industrial nature. Isn’t it surprising that single UFOs and entire squadrons of them suddenly hang up during major volcanic eruptions, accidents at Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear power plants, in the area of ​​height 911 near Dalnegorsk (the world’s first officially recognized fact of a UFO crash, most likely of an unmanned type).

After all, live observation of ongoing events cannot be replaced by any archives or video photographs (which, in particular, can be falsified or distorted to suit the past current moment).

This latest version logically explains the regularity of UFO appearances at certain hours, days and months in certain places on the globe. As a rule, these are places where tectonic plates break, directions along power lines magnetic field of the planet, nodes of the “Hartmann grid” (it hypothetically entangles the Earth’s surface, and the intersections of the network form geopathogenic zones unfavorable for health. – Red.)

It is probably at these points that it is energetically easier for time machines to carry out the main chronal leap into the past (our present) and into their present (our future).

But it is also known from science fiction works of various authors and from scientific works that chronal travel is an extremely energy-consuming thing. Therefore, the issue of energy efficiency (if you want, efficiency) of chronic UFOs is by no means idle.

So it turns out that the planned UFO visits have a rather prosaic basis: energy efficiency and expediency. Otherwise, with too significant energy expenditures on one-time chronal travel, they would be too expensive and dangerous, which is unacceptable for routine historical research.

And so we are still seeing and, I hope, we will continue to see visits from these guests from the future in the skies of our planet. And, who knows, maybe someday these chronal flights will become a completely everyday reality for us.

Irina Filimonova


Some modern scientists adhere to the hypothesis that most of the UFOs we observe are “time machines”, and their pilots are time travelers visiting our planet from the future. For example, this is exactly the hypothesis that V. Chernobrov, candidate of technical sciences, adhered to. And he’s not the only one.

Here, for example, is what astrophysicist Illobrand von Ludwiger says about this: “The corresponding theory, put forward by scientists such as Kip Thorne, David Deutch, Stephen Hawking, explains the behavior of the crews of these ships - they do not reveal their incognito precisely because they are guests from our own future. They can predetermine not only our future, but also own.

They come to us from the future, which means that sooner or later humanity will be able to invent a time machine and then people will be able not only to move in space, but also to cruise around the multidimensional world. And we, theorists, are trying to comprehend this possibility."

Some scientists believe that it is on such devices that our descendants visit not only our time, but also more ancient times. And it is with this that they associate the appearance of many artifacts that were clearly ahead of their time, as well as the appearance among ancient peoples of myths about “gods who came down from heaven.” Here is what the researcher of ancient cultures Hartwig Hausdorff says about this:

“In the culture of any of the peoples on our planet, there are myths that are associated with mysterious finds. For example, in Ancient China there were descriptions of technical devices that clearly belonged to the sons of heaven - the gods who descended from heaven. In Tibet there are rare objects that are called “dorje ". These are oblong objects to which bells are attached. They say that the gods brought them with them to earth and that they are capable of performing miracles of technology. Any technical devices, which ancient people could not explain, were attributed to the gods.

I wrote a whole book about this - about artifacts that do not fit into the picture of our history. But they were found, and they contradict what we were taught in school. Let me give you a couple of examples: in my private collection there is an ancient Indian ritual dagger, also known as a kila. Its age is 10 - 11 thousand years. It is made of alloy metal, which, strictly speaking, should not exist on our planet.

An examination carried out at the University of Wismar showed that the oxygen content in the metal is characteristic of modern alloys. In addition, aluminum was found in the dagger, which humanity actually learned to produce about 130 years ago through electrolysis. The question is: who could have made these amazing things at that time when our ancestors ran around the earth covered with wool?

But it is possible that highly developed civilizations still existed in our past, although their existence is hushed up by official science and does not fit into the official version of history. Among the same ancient peoples one can find legends and myths about the ancient continents and the “golden age” of humanity, when there were civilizations even more advanced both technically and spiritually than we are. And it is possible that most of the ancient artifacts are connected precisely with them.

I have been studying the UFO phenomenon for a long time and, analyzing the accumulated information, I came to a very interesting hypothesis regarding what kind of mysterious aircraft they are, which have incredible flight characteristics, showing the presence of fantastic technologies that have been plowing the skies of our planet for centuries, but are always ghostly elusive, even today, when everyone has a phone with a good camera in their pocket, no one has yet managed to photograph or videotape these aircraft so that all the details were visible, everything was clear and clear.

What is the reason and who controls them, where do they come from and where do they disappear?

I myself have observed UFOs many times and several times even quite close, but during these close encounters one thing happened interesting feature- My memory was completely lost, but selectively. I stood and looked at the amazing aircraft, but I completely forgot that I had a video camera and a smartphone with me, and only a few days later I hit myself on the forehead and wondered why I didn’t film what I saw on camera, but simply because that I forgot about her.

The logical conclusion follows from this - those who control UFOs know how to influence our brain and control it at will, turning off the functions they need and erasing memories of their choice.

If the UFO pilots are representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization, then why do they need such difficulties. They didn’t appear yesterday, but since the birth of humanity, people have always seen UFOs. Even in the most ancient cave paintings you can see strange flying machines drawn by ancient people, and this is when nothing at all flew in the earth’s sky except birds.
Why should representatives of a highly developed extraterrestrial civilization make so much effort to hide their presence on a planet inhabited by wild and technically undeveloped humanoids, that is, us. Thousands of years pass, and UFOs are still camouflaged and hiding in the clouds, draining camera batteries, erasing memories, and all so that no one will photograph them. For what?

Imagine that we are a developed civilization that roams the vastness of the Universe and finds a planet inhabited by humanoids. Are we really going to hide from its representatives for thousands of years just watching the development of this civilization from the sidelines? This just doesn't make any sense...

What is the point then, you ask, I will answer - time travel. Yes. yes - those same time machines known to us from many literary works and films can be quite real.

If we take as a basis the assumption that UFOs are nothing more than time machines controlled by our descendants from the distant future, then everything falls into place. It is impossible to interfere with the events of the past and change them. This would lead to unpredictable and catastrophic consequences for the very future of those who are mixed into the past.

For example, I flew into the past, got out of the time machine and accidentally crushed some kind of butterfly. It would seem a trifle, but this butterfly flew to lay offspring and was the last of its kind. I crushed it, the species became extinct, and this species of butterfly was an important link in the food chain of a number of birds, which as a result began to eat not butterflies, but switched to bees. As a result, bees, which were the main link in plant pollination, became extinct, which led to the extinction of a number of grain crops important for the food security of mankind and, as a result, one crushed butterfly led to the extinction of all humanity and the death of all life on planet Earth.

Or I flew back in time and shot the head of the Third Reich, and in his place stood an even crazier ruler who immediately invested all his resources in developing a nuclear bomb and destroyed the whole world.

This is where the need arises when visiting the past - to observe but not to interfere.

It’s even more interesting if you analyze those places over which UFOs most often appear. You will be surprised, but for the most part these places or attractions or large technological objects - nuclear power plants, dams, electric and hydroelectric power stations, majestic architectural monuments, major events - parades, concerts, football or baseball matches, funerals of some celebrities, military bases and zones of military conflicts and much more, nature reserves, volcanoes and much more - everything that a tourist from the future would like to see.

There is another interesting relationship. If UFOs often appear over a country, region, cultural heritage site or architectural monument, then very soon a natural or man-made disaster will occur there, after which this object will never be the same again. It is logical that a tourist from the future would want to see something before it disappears.

If we accept the hypothesis that... that UFOs are time machines arriving in our historical period through the time continuum from the distant future, then it becomes clear why these devices have technologies unattainable for modern civilization, why they are elusive, why they never allow themselves to be recorded in photos or videos and never enter into contact - clearly and personally.

They are just tourists, they fly in to look at some important events or objects from the distant past, which in the distant future simply no longer exist...

Recently, most scientists interested in the UFO problem are inclined to believe that unidentified objects do not appear from deep space, but are time machines. With the help of which our distant descendants explore the history of their planet and, perhaps, make tourist trips.

Those who do not believe in the existence of unidentified flying objects are becoming fewer and fewer every year. Too many facts have accumulated - video materials, photographs and eyewitness testimony confirming their existence. But there is still no answer to the question - who are UFOnauts?
In 1915, Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity was published. It stated that space and time, previously considered immutable, can change their dimension. Later, Professor Van Waterschot hypothesized that UFOs appearing in the skies of our planet are time machines visiting us from the distant future.
The author of the book “Far Journeys,” Robert Monroe, claiming that he has visited the astral world, writes that the physical laws of the earthly world do not apply there. Those who are there can move at speeds many times the speed of light. And it is from these higher dimensions that UFOs fly to us. Only for this they have to materialize.
In the book “Secrets of the Masters of Time,” French researcher Jacques Bergier describes an interesting find. In the African village of Boskol (Transvaal), a skeleton and skull were found that cannot belong to any of the modern human races. The brain volume of the found skull corresponds to 1600 cubic centimeters. No one in the entire world had such a huge brain. It is quite possible to assume that a person of the future will have such a brain volume. And one of them, traveling through time, died in Africa. Naturally, when traveling through time, our descendants had to leave their traces. No matter how hard they try to avoid it. In the Moscow metro, at the Kyiv-Koltsevaya station, on one of the panels “The Fight for Soviet power in Ukraine" depicts a partisan. What he holds in his hand is very reminiscent of a mobile phone. Many consider it a handset for a portable radio station, or a field telephone, not taking into account the fact that the first field telephones appeared only in the mid-twenties of the last century.
We already wrote about a photo of a young guy in modern clothes and with a modern camera around his neck, taken in 1941 in Canada in one of the articles. This image has been examined by experts several times. No traces of editing or alteration using Photoshop could be found. In 2000, a certain John Titor appeared on the Internet. On a forum for time travel theorists, he described March 2001 in detail. Before leaving the forum, John said that in 2000 he got "passing through" Exclusively to see my relatives on the way to my home year 2036. While present at the forum, John Titor explained that he is an American soldier and is participating in a military project to travel through time. And they sent him to 1975 for an IBM 5100 computer, which was needed to decipher the computer codes of the past. And what he wrote about the IBM 5100 computer became known only in 2007. The hypothesis that UFOs are time machines can be partially supported by the fact that their pilots almost never interfere in earthly affairs. Perhaps while being aware that changes made in the past may have unpredictable consequences in the future. Or they intervene only in cases where this can affect the future favorably. This hypothesis also contains an explanation for the fact that